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家乡的春节新的一年到了,去年画上了一个圆满的句号,而新的一年又将开始了。一到腊月,每家每户都要预备年货,超市里的物品一抢而空,交费的队伍如长龙般拥挤。办好年货,就要大扫除一遍,不放过任何一个角落,要把屋里的东西打扫得一尘不染,寓意要把不好的东西扫走,企盼来年吉祥如意,事事顺心。腊月三十,男女老少都穿上了新衣服,门外已经贴上了红红的对联。这天每个人除非万不得已,一定要回家吃团圆饭。晚上,一家人坐在一起吃一大桌丰富而美味的饭菜。这象征这新的一年里不愁吃不愁穿。吃了饭,大家坐在一起边看春晚,边聊聊近年来的情况,屋里洋溢着大家的笑声。“爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏”咦?怎么没有烟花呢?“砰”绚丽的烟花飞入了漆黑的天上,霎时间天被照得通亮,“花瓣”似的洒满天空。难道除夕夜的天空不是最美丽的吗?大年初一大家都在休息,到处都很安静。直到初三那天,大人们又忙了起来,他们要去亲戚朋友家拜年。小孩们更高兴,因为可以得到很多压岁钱。一眨眼就到了二月底了,大人们该上班的上班,小孩该上学的上学,人们又向目标奋斗努力。 第2篇家乡的春节作文500字

家乡的春节二附小 二年2班 林斌杰“灯火辉煌庆佳节,欢声笑语迎新年。”我的家乡在连江的一个海边村庄。我家乡的春节锣鼓喧天,比福州还热闹呢!除夕夜的前几天,每家每户都要大扫除,如:晒被子、扫地,还有贴春联、贴窗花……到了除夕夜,我们通常要吃一顿鲜美的年夜饭。俗话说:“每逢佳节倍思亲。”一到春节,海外亲戚都要坐飞机、火车、轮船等回家。目的就是回家乡欢欢喜喜过春节,团团圆圆吃年夜饭!吃完年夜饭,大家一哄而散,干嘛呢?都是为了放焰火呢!你瞧,烟花的形状各式各样。有圆的、方的、圆柱的和圆锥的……放完焰火,大家都会争先恐后地用手机拜年,把祝福送朋友、亲戚、同事等等。拜年之后,大家要看春晚。春晚里有演小品、杂技、魔术和歌舞表演,非常精彩呢!初一,我们家乡吃素,因为医学证明吃素对身体有好处。吃完早饭,我家乡的四合院里有舞龙舞狮,舞狮张牙舞爪真威武!舞龙腾云驾雾,像一条气势磅礴的神龙啊!我家乡的人们春节过得多姿多彩。 第3篇家乡的春节作文500字

我的家乡有许多传统的节日,最有趣的就是春节。按照家乡的习俗,春节从腊月二十三就开始了。腊月二十三被家乡人称为小年,这天,人们就开始打扫卫生,把房间的里里外外都打扫得干干净净,还要杀羊杀猪用来祭灶。从这天起,人们就开始办年货了:买对联、买糖果......有些人家还要炸油果子。到了除夕就更热闹了,家家都在包饺子,到处都是酒肉的香味。男女老少都穿上了漂亮的新衣服,门上都贴上了红红的对联。这一天,出门在外的人都要赶回家团员。到了晚上,鞭炮声彻夜不绝,人们还要看春节联欢晚会,吃年夜饭。从大年初一到初十,是人们走亲访友的好日子。人们都要相互拜年,祝福亲朋好友来年快乐平安。家里来了客人,大人们都要拿出好吃的东西来接待客人,小孩子们也很开心,因为他们可以收到压岁钱。到了元宵节的时候,处处张灯结彩,整条大街灯火通明,有鱼灯、有福娃灯、有火箭灯......。人们都从四面八方来涌来,围到广场上看烟花,各种各样的烟花将夜空装扮的更加绚丽多彩。过了正月十六,春节就结束了,人们又开始了忙碌的生活。( 指导教师:鲁翠霞) 第4篇家乡的春节作文500字





这就是我们春节的风俗民情,每家每户都是红红火火地过年;都是开开心心地迎接新年黎明的到来! 第5篇家乡的春节作文500字








一眨眼,春节在正月十七这一天结束了。家乡的春节真是兴趣盎然。 第6篇家乡的春节作文500字





我怀念家乡的春节,怀念那热热闹闹、团团圆圆的日子。我做了一个梦,梦到在老家快乐的过春节! 第7篇家乡的春节作文500字








这就是我家乡春节的特色,大家一直忙活了一整天,直到十二点钟才肯去睡觉,我爱我家乡的春节。 第8篇家乡的春节作文500字






我喜欢我家乡的春节,真希望下个新年快点到来! 第9篇家乡的春节作文500字









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Autumn is the harvest season, the field, full of a farmer harvest the peaceful scene, look, the fruit over there bent the waist, the baby in the jungle happy singing, the farmer uncle In the field of food, not bustling.

This is the harvest, there is indeed desolate, leaves falling, fell on the road in the country, fell on the field, fell in every corner of the world. Deciduous leaves are not bad things, it means that the tree will give birth to new leaves, and this is a start, leaves it is so long fall, fall again, a burst of autumn wind blowing, I feel very cool, autumn , The summer heat is frozen, people also put on a coat, know is not called, as if everything has been applied magic, no vitality.

God will not be unfair to the fall, so in the fall for the earth to add a bright color - chrysanthemum. During the National Day, in the park, the streets are filled with chrysanthemums everywhere, colorful chrysanthemums in the sun against the background is graceful, for the autumn to add some vitality.

The fall as a start, the fall is wonderful.



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Autumn girl sad to go, winter girl happy to come, we are particularly like the winter girl, but I feel the winter girl "start" a bit early.

Just this morning when the flag rose, the cold bitter, cool breeze blowing, like a sharp knife in the face like a few scraped, cold and hurt. I am busy wearing a mask, because the mask is still a little face or a lot of exposed, so I hand cover his face, his face is not cold, but the wind in the hands, hands are frozen red, and I put my hand Pocket, face cold, I have no way, who let me forget to wear gloves today! Had to warm his hand cold face. My classmates saw me blush to tell me, this time to know that the wind sister to make the bad.

I think the winter girl is not intentional, she may want to do good, but become a bad thing, we often appear this situation so we can not blame her, no one can do perfect!

When we raised the flag in the playground, the hat was wearing a hat, and the mask was covered with a mask. Standing on the stage to showcase the students braved the cold weather for our wonderful poetry recitation. As well as Hulusi performance "moonlight under the bamboo tail", melodious music. They are standing straight, like a tree tall and straight trees, I can see their faces below the stage and ears were frozen like a red apple-like, flushed, they neither wear a hat nor Wearing a jacket, must be very cold, I think they are very great people!

Winter morning, although cold, but we still like the winter, hey, this "cold happiness" to the sudden, and sometimes also can not accept!



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The Spring Festival comes after New Years Day.Its usually in January or February.Its the Chinese New Years Day.The Spring Festival is the biggest festival in China.All of the Chinese like this festival.When it comes,people are busy.They usually do some cleaning,go to the stores to buy some new clothes and a lot of meat,vegetables and fruit.On the eve of the festival,everyone in the family comes back home from other places.They get together and have a big supper .They eat dumplings,New Years cake and some other delicious food in their houses.Some people like New Years cake,but more people think dumplings are the most delicious food of all.Some families have a party.They sing,dance and have a good time.I like this festival very much because I can play with my friends and I can get "red envelopes".





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On Sunday, after breakfast, I went downstairs and walked down the stairs. I saw an iron cage on the lawn. There was a big white rabbit, a small white rabbit and a small gray rabbit.

I quickly came to the cage before carefully watching the rabbit. Saw the rabbit (that is, the rabbit mother, it is white body, the body of the hair smooth and soft, two long ears erected in the head, a pair of ruby-like eyes inlaid in the face, there is a small exquisite nose Like a lipstick like the three petals. Look at the little white rabbit, it is simply the embodiment of the rabbit mother, is exactly the same. Another small gray rabbit, small than the small rabbit, the biggest difference is: Small gray rabbit eyes are gray. They are short legs, hind legs thick. Oh! I finally understand why the rabbit ran so fast, one step can jump so far, the original because of its hind legs thick, so kicking ability But if they run downhill have to turn over the bucket myself! At this time, two naughty and lovely little rabbit playing up, the tail is also a stick of a stick, it is more lovely.

I got a few slices of leaves, swaying in front of the rabbits, the rabbits immediately full of energy, like going to the front line to fight the same. They clawed on the cage and looked at me with hope. I put the leaves into the cage, the rabbit mother immediately devour to eat up. And the little bunny is slowly, slowly, like a gentleman like. After they had finished eating, looked up and looked at me with grateful eyes, as if to say to me, "Thank you, you see, we eat more!"



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Spring girl walked with light steps reluctant to leave. She turned around, the beautifulSummerquietly came to our side.

Although I like spring, I like summer better.

Summer is hot. The hot sun hung high in the air, the heat and sprinkle to the earth. I like summer, because we can wear thin clothes, can be lightly dancing with the wind.

Summer is all grown up period, every day in the growth of plant. You see the green vine beans overnight in scaffolding, can grow very high. Zhu Zilin, you listen to the voice of sorghum fields, in a bar in the sound, more than half of the night. The scenery here is so beautiful!

Summer is relaxed. A lot of people are like holding a fishing rod to go fishing. In the morning the lake quietly, without a sound, as in the school classroom, even a needle falling on the ground could be heard. At noon, the old people sitting in the shade under a tree, they take a leisurely fan fan, beside the dog vomit a bright red tongue, slightly closed eyes lazily lying on the ground. The birds and cicadas in the tree bark incessantly, as if to tell people, summer is so leisurely and comfortable.

Summer is beautiful. The green grass and colorful flowers swaying in the wind. A variety of flowers open. Lake in the beautiful lotus is beautiful! Pink and white flowers nestled in the lotus leaf side, like a shy little girl. There are a lot of dew on a lotus leaf, the sun came out, they are like the ellipsis, the lotus leaf "patter" slipped into the water.

Ah, summer is beautiful, how charming! Summer, I love you!



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My Spring Festival was great. Before the Chinese New Year, my families were all going to my grandparents’. Many of my relatives there were playing all the night. At night, we set off firecrackers. The voice was very loud, cars parked far from us were sounding. Maybe they feared the voice too.

The first day of the Chinese New Year, we all got up early. We said “Happy New Year!” or “Good luck this year!” to each other and get money from them. We visited our relatives all day. That made me feel very tired but very happy because I also can get money.

The second day of the New Year, I slept during the morning. In the afternoon, I went to the beautiful countryside, and visited the Yi River, it is very wide, about 1 kilometer.

Next day, we left my grandparents’ home for Qingdao. The expressway had been frozen. It was terrible! So we could only run by at a slow speed.

This festival was great, I love Spring Festival!



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The winter rain came, mixed with fresh air and a plume of weak wind came. Silently moisten a side of the land, to bring people infinite beautiful, so that peoples lives full of warmth and joy.

Winter rain is not fierce, not violent, do not pay lightning, it is always quietly fell to the ground, issued a "blah" to sound. This rain, like the willow on the tens of thousands of silk sash, like the feathers in the air wandering.

People like the spring rain, because it has the hope of vitality, there is a good beginning.

People like the summer rain, because it gives people a trace of a trace of cool. After the rain the city is more and more new, full of vitality; heavy rain after the scenery is more charming - seven-color rainbow rising, in the sky set up an arch bridge, looming, quite magical, wonderful feeling.

People also like the rain of autumn, because it can make melons more sweet, more good. The scouring of the rain makes this fall more poetic. So that the mountains of the leaves, the earths autumn more charming.

Winter rain is cold, because the winter is cold, the rain is colder, not only affect people travel, but also undermine the traffic safety, in the eyes of people winter rain is like a no evil big bad guy.

So winter rain is poor "poor" child. No vitality, no hope, no vitality is a nothing of the people.

But the rain in the winter is still so happy, worry-free underground, until the spring comes ... ...

Winter rain, the time is not long, so that people review the cool summer, the rain after the Yalu River, the air cleaner and cool.



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春节到了,意味着春天将要来临,万象复苏草木更新,新一轮播种跟收获季节又要开始。人们刚刚度过冰天雪地草木凋零的漫漫寒冬,早就盼望着春暖花开的日子,当新春到来之际,自然要充满喜悦载歌载舞地迎接这个节日。 The Spring Festival is coming, which means that spring is coming, Vientiane recovers grass and wood updates, a new round of seeds and harvesting season will begin again.People have just passed the long winter of the snowy and snowy plants, and they have long been looking forward to the days when spring flowers bloom. When the New Year comes, it is naturally full of joy to welcome this festival.








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I plan to go to travel alone this summer vacation. I have traveled several times, but gone with my family or friends, never did it alone. I want to do it once, so I can train myself to be stronger and more confident. I told my parents about my plan, they supported me very much, and they thought it is a good opportunity to help me grow up. They also told me many tips of traveling and prepared the package for me. I am grateful that my parents understand me and respect my decision. I won’t let them down.




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spring festival is approaching, every household in hurry to buy hui-chun, paintings and so on. on this night, i and my mom went to the fathers father held a spring festival party.

after a few minutes by car, we came to the destination. has just entered the scene, i was attracted those colorful lights, as well as colored spotlights and turn the ball it! i made him look happy because i was the first time i saw such a beautiful stage.

unconsciously, this chinese new year party in a unit, thunderous applause ended, the spring festival party really happy ah!


我的父亲和母亲发现,太空坐下。不久,主持人说:“春节联欢会了!”我想:今天的演出将是非常有趣。因此,我盯着主持人。 “第一个程序是吴解其缗的高原,我们欢迎的掌声!”听到这里,我不由自主地拍了拍手,因为阿姨闵是最友好的合作伙伴的父亲。随着音乐播放,敏感的母亲姊妹一起唱,观众欢呼声不时,终于来了,阿姨是在超敏在高端音频节目。观众闯入如雷的掌声,一些韩骑父亲的口号:“论,是的!”掌声和呐喊爆发。

节目主持人出来说:“第二个项目是下一个小姐朱小红舞蹈表演,我们欢迎的掌声!”不久,我们看到一个身穿红色服装,手持一个大姐姐,太极扇出人头地,当她到表,我突然感到中华民族的大火持续燃烧了1。 “邓小平,邓小平,邓小平。”音乐响起,并立即挥舞着大姐姐谁在太极球迷的下怀,跳跃精彩舞蹈。她shenqingruyan,动作一个接一个,完全没有经验,我们可以看到他的大姐姐排练,多么困难啊!




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Life is full of hope, I am most looking forward to the Spring Festival. As the growth of the age, the reason why I look forward to the Spring Festival is also changed.

When I was babble, looking forward to the Spring Festival because the Spring Festival in many adults to visit, they will be praised me when they saw me grow very cute, let my heart fruity.

After kindergarten, I begin to love to play. So I look forward to the Spring Festival is to play with friends. We set off firecrackers, clay, hide and seek, wreaths...

In elementary school, I know that money can buy, buy books, stationery, buy groceries, you can also save with university, this is the reason why I look forward to the Spring Festival.

Now, I enjoy the beautiful scenery. Looking forward to the Spring Festival reason again in the Spring Festival, the spring is coming. Spring is a green world, a world full of. Flowers, warbler dancing butterflies fly, grass spring peach bright, this is the characteristics of the spring. Spring breeze blowing, it was the angel of voice, with all sorts of color of paint, dye red the gills of the peach blossom, white pear flower face, stained from the winter jasmine pigtails. It also blew the cx, green branches, blue sky, blowing and a smile on the surface of the lake. Float to the spring rain, it is a thread in the hands of a voice, a glimmer, embroidered with a piece of green. Schools of thought contend, flowers, birds, the beautiful spring, snow and ice melt. The ancients said, "people in the picture", it is exactly.



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Spring Festival is a traditional Chinese festival, the Spring Festival fireworks, eat dumplings and wearing new clothes, can also receive red envelopes.

Every new year, when I was the most happy, because I can put the fireworks, I most like the fireworks is throwing gun, I threw it on the ground, it will explode, just like a hand grenade, can be fun, sometimes I will tell my friends to fight. Xiao network composition

On holidays, we should pay attention when eating, eat dumplings, we have a small small time to eat, because when we make dumplings, put a coin in one of the dumplings, if those who eat the coin, is equal to him this blessed

When Spring Festival comes, we will wear new clothes, for adults to pay New Years call said: "the red envelope, may you be happy and prosperous! " , so that we can get rich.

The Spring Festival is really fun, I really wanted to have the Spring Festival every day.



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It was the Eve of the Spring Festival.

Dusk was just falling as I slurped up the last bit of rice and laid down my chopsticks.

“Theyre starting!” cried my friend excitedly. “Quick! Quick!”

Outside, children were running everywhere. Their happy voices and faces made me warm inside, despite the cold wind that greeted me. My friend thrust a bundle of straw in my hands. “Come!” he cried. I giggled as I ran to catch up to him; the childrens excitement was a fever that spread to even the big kids like us.

I soon joined a rowdy bunch of children and teenagers who were building a bonfire in the middle of a path that ran through the wheat fields. “Here,”said my friend, handing me a long bamboo pole. “Put some of your straw in the fire. Then tie the rest onto your pole like this.” He demonstrated with his own materials, and I followed his example. Then he thrust both our torches into the fire and handed me mine. “Now run!”

And run I did----we all did. For miles and miles around, as far as I could see, there were small orange specks scattered about, and I could hear the distant screaming and laughing of other children running up and down the rice field path. For several hours into the night I helped build fires and keep an eye on the younger children. Occasionally I, too, lit a torch and ran around like a mad man, screaming and waving a flaming bamboo pole.

This festival, which occurred six days before Chinese New Year, was just one of the experiences during the visit to my friends over the Spring Festival. As it was explained to me, the purpose behind this festival was to allow the children to have fun burning up all the straw leftover after the harvest. Later, the ash is used for fertilizer.



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“ twenty-three, tanggua sticky; spring cleaning day; twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, fried tofu; cooked mutton; slaughter chickens; twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, Steamed Buns steamed flour;; thirty night stay up all night, the first day of the new year happy new year, year of peace, this song from ” sung this heritage of our hometown culture and customs.

A year into the twelfth lunar month, the hometown flavor. The old year is from early August to the beginning of eight, according to the calendar year before the end of fifteen, now is also true.

In the 8th day of the twelfth month of the Chinese lunar calendar, commonly known as Laba day. The elegant people, every morning will eat “ &rdquo, Congee with Nuts and Dried Fruits; global “ Laba garlic ” and to celebrate the harvest, I wish a bumper grain harvest next year.

Drank the delicious “ Congee with Nuts and Dried Fruits ” after the global green, “ &rdquo, Laba garlic; in the children of hope, we ushered in the twelfth lunar month twenty-three — — however, on the night of that day, families are barely put on the statue of King kitchen tanggua, hawthorn, persimmon red dates, peanuts, etc., for the kitchen god “ God made a good thing, keep safe under ” commonly known as &ldquo &rdquo, sending out the kitchen god;. After this day, the Wanderers who were away from business, working and studying, yearning for home, and began to return home, and saw their exciting scenes many times. Home of the relatives with the joy of harvest, began to buy poultry meat, drink, incense, firecrackers, called “ do ” Steamed Buns, special purchases for the Spring Festival; steamed glutinous rice cake, tofu, called “ do &rdquo, these year; year can eat until February two.

At the beginning of the evening, and the family together to eat a hearty the dinner on New Years Eve, sharing the happiness of a family union, called “ cisui ”, and then we will do the room hall external lights, all through the night, through the night, called the &ldquo &rdquo staying-up late on new years Eve;. Wait until the new years day, people wear new clothes from each other, the blessing of the new year. From the beginning of the first two, people began to count their relatives and Hou guests.

Sent to ten days, the Spring Festival is another climax of — — Lantern Festival, people have taken to the streets, point lanterns, fireworks, playing the dragon, stilts, yangko dance, bohanchuan, playing drum vent, yearning for a better life.

This is the Spring Festival in my hometown!



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My little white rabbit wearing a white coat, hairy, look clean and agile. Every time I call it, it will put up the long big ears, staring two ruby as shiny big eyes, it is very spirit. The most interesting is that three lips, eat something, three flap on the shake up, but also issued a "rustling" sound, mouth two bearded a beard Alice Alice, amused us laugh. The most lovable or its little pompon-like tail, very cute. Rabbits front legs are short and small, hind legs long and powerful, in the animal kingdom it is still a long-distance running it!

My little rabbit is particularly greedy. He loves to eat carrots and leaves. One day, my grandmother bought three carrots, on the kitchen table, let me eat a meal after dinner, so good vitamin. After dinner, I picked up the carrots to eat up, just bite and saw a small rabbit jumped in front of me, greedy even the saliva flow out, looking at her poor look, I had to give It is a little, little rabbit holding a carrot with relish to eat up, not live to thank me nodded it.

My little rabbit special snooze. It sleeps like to sleep on their own front legs to sleep, that look very cute. If you stand beside it and listen, you can hear the snoring!

I love this cute little white rabbit!



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Soon after the year, everyone is happy.

When I mentioned the new year, I was very happy. Why? Because you can put fireworks and stick to Spring Festival couplets. This is not to the Spring Festival, we come in from time to time came the sound of fireworks in the odd. I had been flying out at the center of the house. I really thought about the addiction to fireworks. The opportunity came at last. New years Eve, I hurried to eat a few meals, took dad, swiftly ran downstairs from my dads car trunk out fireworks. I let go, ignition, cover their ears, just listen to the sound of sharp hissing sound, then a loud "bang" fireworks in the night to draw a fox exploded, spell out a bunch of bright sparks, rotation, zoom, deformation, a beautiful Christmas tree miraculously appeared the. "Oh, the fireworks."

I jumped and jumped very happily. A string of fireworks into the sky, flower, bright sky as bright as day. Many children were attracted, and all were happy. Its been a long time without fireworks. Hey, it feels great to put the fireworks.
