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吃过年夜饭,我突然听见“砰”地一声响,赶紧奔了出去。只见爸爸又用打火机点燃鞭炮,把它扔在地上,又不紧不慢地把小铁盆盖上去,然后,捂着耳朵往后退了几步,等待着鞭炮爆炸。说时迟 ,那时快,我又听见“砰”地一声,是鞭炮炸开了,铁盆跳了起来,足足有三尺来高呢!看着爸爸的滑稽相,妈妈在旁捂着肚子笑,佩嫒小妹妹“咯咯咯”地笑,我也捧腹大笑,奶奶抿着嘴,还不停地 说:“这个大活宝!”



在奶奶家门前有条小溪,我想试试鞭炮能不能在水中爆炸。于是,我点燃一个鞭炮,它头上冒出了一缕缕烟丝,我就赶紧把它扔进小溪,只见鞭炮冒出白色的小泡泡,多像一条小鱼在吹泡泡呀!忽 然,“咚”地一下,水面溅起一朵朵水花。在一旁的小妹妹拍手高喊:“哥哥,真好看,真好看!”


在外婆家旁边有一堆沙子,我和哥哥经常在那儿玩耍。哥哥趁我不注意时,在沙堆里埋了一个点燃的鞭炮,还一个劲儿地叫:“快过来!”我应声刚走到,“砰”,鞭炮爆炸了。一片片纸片和一粒 粒沙子腾空而起,把我吓个半死。




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Today is our holiday on the fourth day, my mother let me thoroughly play for four days, I feel great. After thorough played, starting today I should study hard. Today my mother and I sat on the sofa to discuss for my summer vacation plan, plan is as follows:

At nine o clock every morning to start learning, learning contents are: read gradethree of the thirty minutes of the day to recite, learn ten English words, write an hour.than play games practice copybook (a), study primary school grade threeaoshu 15 minutes, watching English cartoon episode.

At four o clock in the afternoon began to learn, learning content: in the Cambridgechildrens English learning with my mother half an hour, half an hour reading classics, a diary, summer vacation homework Chinese, maths every two pages (after the summer vacation homework about on August 1, preview new lesson threegrade).

Back to the square to play, in the evening, my mother read a story, I repeat thestory.

Other free time to arrange, can draw, playing electronic organ, doing scientific experiments, play computer, watch TV, play with children, and so on.

I will consciously execution plan, such as not according to plan, all the free time of the summer vacation will be mother voluntary deprived.



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The New Year opened the door for us, and the winter holidays crept to our side. Like last year, I made a "winter vacation plan" early. I dont want to waste this good time.

The first thing is to combine. During this time, I kept reading and writing more. Now I have read six good books and wrote more than ten compositions. I also borrowed the book of the fifth grade from my relatives, and when I had time, I would turn over to look at it, learn the skills, and memorize the formulas.

When youre tired, take a break, watch TV, play computer games, or play games with your neighbors. Of course, you cant spend more time playing than studying! Otherwise its not good. In our stage, the most important thing is to learn, so, can not be too fond of play.

The second point is to help my parents to work. Our parents come back from work and have to do housework. They are very tired when they are busy. When we are sons and daughters, we should help them to do what we can to help them relieve some of the burden. In this way, not only can we exercise our practical ability, strengthen our constitution, and be able to be praised by our parents, not an arrow three?

Third, last point. I want to get into the habit of going to bed early and get up early. In this way, you can kill two birds with one stone, which can enhance the health and fuel economy. Wouldnt that be great?

In winter vacation, I must strictly follow the plan book, happily in the big year, over winter vacation!



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I didnt live at home this Spring Festival, but I spent it in my grandmothers house, so this years dinner is also eaten with grandparents, uncle and brother.

My grandmother lived in the beautiful Fuchun River, far from our home! When a family of three of us arrived from home in the early and thirty-one days, it was already evening. Along the way, every family saw the red paste, paste Fuwa, hang up red lanterns, a bursting with happiness.

As soon as she entered the grandmothers house, grandma and Grandpa were happy to call up, "ah! Ah In the end, you are looking forward to it. Wash your face first, and then you can eat a years dinner. " When I looked in the kitchen, I saw seven bowls, eight dishes, colorful dishes on the table, and my saliva came out. I picked up chopsticks and tried to taste a few mouths. Grandma hastened to pull my hand, "do not remember to eat, but not to the ancestor." The ancestor must be sacrificed and the heaven and earth can be eaten. "

"Oh! Thats the way it is. "

After a few dozens of minutes, Grandpa began to eat a reunion meal. So a large group of children sat around the big round table. They had very rich dishes, including chicken, duck, fish and meat, and red, green, yellow and white vegetables. Its really full of color and fragrance. There are many kinds of staple food, such as rice cake, zongzi, steamed bread and rice. Grandma also said, "eating New Year cake can go higher and higher every year, that is to go forward." Theres a lot of it. Its all a few lucky words. Its fun!

I first come to drink a cup of grandma and grandpa, I wish they will always respect the family health and longevity; then a cup of joy, the whole family zhikua I.

Then the whole family you respect me, I respect you. The room was full of jokes and laughter all over the room, and it was very lively. Looking at one family loves each other, happy look, and smiled.

Unwittingly, a few hours passed, and the dinner was also eaten. But a lot of us are still chatting around the table. I think they dont want to let this reunion dinner end.



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A tense semester of study is finally coming to an end, and in a few days we will have our favorite winter vacation. In order to make my winter vacation wonderful, I specially made a winter vacation plan.

As soon as I have a holiday, I will first have a good sleep and add up the energy I spent during the big review. Then, before the Spring Festival, I will go to Beijing with my parents to visit the Forbidden City. Experience the architectural style of Ming and qing dynasties; Visit the Palace Museum full of treasures. When the Spring Festival came, I was going to visit the temple fair we were holding, and we could talk and talk while we were there. The best time for the Spring Festival is snow, and I and my friends can make a snowman and snowball fights.

Of course, as a student, you cant forget to study! I am still more organized about the study arrangement.

Im going to finish all my winter homework in the first few days of my winter vacation, except for the diary, because "diary diary, one day a day". By the way, I have to spare an hour every day to read the four masterpieces from the library, the sports and the waves, and the biography of the famous. By writing in the evening, I can remember the feeling of the post and the most meaningful things of the day.

The most important thing is for my cousin to give me a refresher. My cousin is a junior high school student who is one of the top students in the class. Not like me, the Chinese foundation is poor, every time the big test is not 95 points. During this holiday, I must try to follow my cousin to learn Chinese and try to make the achievements in Chinese. Also, I have to follow my cousin in English. Because learning English is late in the country, it is not good for students. I must learn the English knowledge and the English knowledge that I have not learned in this holiday. When I get to school, I must make my classmates look up to me.

In addition to learning these things, I have to report a painting class. Because besides study, my favorite is drawing, but my painting level is not good, so I want to take a painting class, raise my level, edify my sentiment.

At the end of the day, I decided to borrow a full set of books from older brothers and sisters in the sixth grade, preview the new knowledge, and prevent the teacher from following the teachers footsteps.

My winter vacation plan is not perfect! I am sure that with this plan, my winter vacation will be wonderful.



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第二天早晨,我们就与导游陈叔叔一同去香港有名的101大厦吃日本料理!在路上陈叔叔自豪的向我们引见:“这101大楼是香港新建的,只要101层开放,而下面就是全香港最正中的日本料理。并且下面 可以仰望维多利亚港湾的夜景!”上了101层,透过玻璃墙,我不由惊叹一声:“好美啊!”只见上面纸醉金迷,灯火辉煌!高楼犹如平地一样绵亘不绝;灯火就如有数颗珍珠一样将香港点亮;还早晨停 泊着一些游轮,仿佛晶莹剔透的贝壳!陈叔叔骄傲的说道:“假如是星期五维多利亚港湾还会举行焰火晚会,那是别提有多美丽了!”“真的吗?”我似乎看见了那时的美景,我有些兴奋也有些遗憾。

合理我们如痴如醉是,效劳员上菜了,看蟹子寿司顺滑鲜嫩,金枪鱼寿司美味可口,鳗鱼寿司酸酸甜甜,芥末令我耐人寻味。其中的重头戏还属龙虾刺身,夹起一片,闻一闻,丝毫没有海鲜的腥味,反 而有股苦涩扑鼻而来,龙虾刺身晶莹剔透,划一的铺在通红的虾壳下面,真是美丽。悄悄咬一口,鲜香可口,入口即化,真是色香味俱全啊!最妙的是龙虾头被雕琢成了宫门,它的身躯被雕琢成华美的 宫殿,每一个细节,每一次雕琢,都是非常精致!在香港的四天里,我还旅游了杜莎夫人的蜡像馆,外面活灵活现的蜡像令我惊叹;玩耍了陆地公园,憨态可掬的熊猫令我哈哈大笑;收索了迪士尼乐园 ,巴斯光年乐园令我恋恋不舍。香港你真不愧是我国的西方之珠啊!香港我何时能重回你的怀抱?



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In the blink of an eye, the winter vacation is coming to an end. To recall the happy winter vacation life is like a bubble paradise. Every bubble carries a beautiful and happy little story. Look, these naughty bubble spirits are flying over!

Speaking of the thirty day of the year, I got up early and went straight to my grandmothers house, because I was going to stick to the Spring Festival couplets. How could this "big thing" be less than me?

I got home, grandma is modulation paste. Is ready, I will be the suddenness of a thunderbolt, out of the chicken, picked up the antithetical couplet, take a piece, with a brush dipped in the sticky paste, ran to the front door, the door on a stick, and then put on another piece. Look at their own "masterpiece", I can not help but laugh: "Im a genius! Ha ha ha! " "The fool!" Suddenly a skull difficuh relentlessly knock on my head. It is my sister, she pointed to this pair of antithetical couplet said: "the paste wipe is not uniform, you see some places are squeezed out, and the upper and lower back!" "The opposite? How can the upper and lower points?" I have a face in doubt. The elder sister assumed an old gentlemans appearance and said, "well, Ill tell you." The ancients to pay attention to flat and on Ze, ping is the first sound now and second sound, "Ze" is the third tones and fourth tones, the last word is generally on the Ze sound, the last word is "flat" sound couplet." Oh, the original "state laws and family rules, the Spring Festival couplets also have rules! I had a fumen auspicious thousand wealth "and" home Shun couplet everything "the geerlia mistaken position, has become a" left right "! Well, Im so disgraced that Ive lost my home!

Next, under the guidance of my sister, I once again created a "resplendence"! I carefully picked up sticky brush from top to bottom, neither fast nor slow evenly coated antithetical couplet opposite, because the action is not skilled, hands are covered with white paste, a cat claw, then I will clumsy-handed on "green Liushu eyebrow lexically old" on the right side, gently smooth, squeeze the paste wipe. Hey, on the be accomplished! According to this method, it will lower the "heart opening new year" settle down. Wow! Looking at the results of my work, I have a sense of achievement.

"Oh! I lit it! Light it! " I was cheering with joy. Whats the matter? The original year thirty this night, always timid I, watching the sisters fireworks, the heart itching, but can not put it. My sister seems to have a piercing eye, see through my mind, smiled and handed me a: "do not be afraid, put ah!" I took a fireworks stick, I still could not stop the fear, a craning arm, with the thumb and forefinger pinch. "Small tail smoke". Although the fireworks stick head already far away from my body, but I think that sparks the scene with a fireworks rod hand or cant help trembling slightly. To see my sister encouraged me to look as timid as a mouse, said: "dont be afraid, dont burn, try it!" I ventured, lighter, suzhuobozi, put the lighter slowly near the fireworks bar. Near, near, fire heart touched fireworks stick head, I will let go immediately, lest the sparks into my hand. Alas, failure! The second time, I got the courage to get the lighter next to the firework stick again. "-" - "smoke and fire! I quickly withdrew his hand, small Mars like a riotous with colour The heavenly maids scatter blossoms. splash. At this time, the joy completely defeated the fear of the heart, I put my hands and fireworks in the air to draw a beautiful arc in the air. I was hopping happily and shouting. The sister extended his thumb and said, "Verygood!"

In the dim night, we are waving colorful fireworks. The wonderful fireworks seem to show people all their charm and become a beautiful landscape in the night.



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A winter vacation passed, but I was still looking back on a cold holiday - a firecracker. Setting off firecrackers is the custom of the new year. For our children, it is the most interesting thing to do in the new year. Right, we spent this years new year in the "sound of firecrackers" in my grandmothers house.

We in the new years Eve that night, came to my grandmothers home, sitting in the living room, my uncle was in the town, received several letters, the uncle of the child will be clamoring to set off firecrackers. Just as we bought some cannons, too. Mom said to me, "you go up with them and watch them." I was excited to say, "good!" In fact, Im happier than they are.

We quickly went on the rooftop, wait ripped the plastic bags pack firecrackers, but I see many kinds of firecrackers also true: rockets, mouse, parachute, bomber. There are also the most common firewood cannons and sand cannons, and there are many fireworks.

I give them a few sticks of incense come free, when the lighter with burn it. When everything is ready, we can start to put it. "What would you do first?" Im thinking. All of a sudden, my sister said to me, "parachute first." I havent seen it yet! " The other children also expressed their approval. "Good!" I put on a pair of "child king".

Then I put the parachute on the floor, lit the fuse, and went to the side. I saw "parachute" and "go" flew into the sky, that is, "popping" burst, the most interesting thing is: a toy little man came down from the sky with a parachute. It is Japanese to invade China fighter explosion, we see this situation all happy clap hands.

Follow the "ground mouse". I pass the fragrance to my sister and let her put it. She put the gun in the air and lit it carefully, and walked far away. "Mouse" immediately began to disperse, scurrying around, still shining with different colors of light, but for a while he went out. I cant help feeling that its "life" is very short, but it also makes a contribution to people and brings happiness to people!

While I was thinking, my mother came up and said happily, "lets put the fireworks together!" "Good!" It is obvious that they cant resist. In this way, in the dark, they take their own fireworks and are walking and jumping happily. I cant help laughing!

Because I seem to see the hope of the motherland flickering in this night. This years set of firecrackers on the new years Eve, it was really full. Next year, Ill come.



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