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I had a puppy, with a black hair, as if she had wiped the oil. Small and exquisite faces with a pair of emerald-like eyes, triangular ears usually low, and sometimes also turn it! Tail long, always upturned into a circle. This is my dog.

Some people say that my dog is a silly dog, in fact, a stranger, it is barking a non-stop, like a warning to the owner.

The most lovely to eat it. It lips the soup with his tongue to the mouth to send; eat hard things, it first with the forepaw hold, and then eating teeth, and sometimes eating down, anxious barking. I took a piece of pig bone to feed it, it was resting, saw, and then came to me to run, bones, quickly ran to the corner, with relish Eat up.

My dog is really cute.



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Puppy is my birthday, my grandmother gave me. Called pomelo grapefruit, why she called pomelo? Because at that time ah, I really like to eat pomelo, so I called it grapefruit.

Pomelo is very cute, it has light brown hair, a pair of sparkling brown eyes, there is a plump body, four calves are very sensitive. Nothing when I often tell it the truth, it seems to be able to understand like "bark" called a few times, amused me laughed.

Once, I took the pomelo go to the park, met a big dog, the dog looks very sturdy, taller than grapefruit much better! I was afraid of the heart, did not think this time, grapefruit Pomelo is like my loyal guards, like the big dog rushed past. Finally, after the pomelo "bark" barking, that dog has been grapefruit frightened "fled"!

After this, I had to admit that grapefruit was very brave and I gave it a little bones. It is pleased to barking a few times, as in the said to me; "thank you little master"! Also rushed my head straight! Look at it to eat bones simple and honest expression, I can not help but laugh.

I like my little dog!



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My dogs name is a lot, I can like it. It has a small monkeys face, black nose, round yo eyes, four short and fat legs, body hair a lot, feels warm and soft, a big mouth, red tongue, White teeth, there are four little feet, each little feet are long with five half-white half-white toes ... ...

Puppy both naughty and fun: puppies like bite wool, the wool is done everywhere. Like to eat bread, rice, like to drink milk, boiled water, like licking my hand. Every time I will lick my hands cleanly. It also likes to pull the toilet. Every time, when it is urine, mother picked up the stick to play it, it quickly hid under the table, a long time refused to come out ... ...

Whenever I go home from school, it always shakes his head at the door to meet me, as if to welcome me home. So I walked into the house, it will keep licking my big feet, bite my pants, let me play with it for a while. I ran at home and ran it with me. When I eat something, always give it half to eat. Puppy to eat when the time is also very interesting, in front of two legs on both sides of the bowl, behind the legs stretched the old long, the mouth into the rice, Come on, click, has been the bowl lick clean only to give up.

In the morning, it always came to knock on my door, as if to say to me: little master, get up, or the class will be late. I opened the door, it gently rushed to me, licking my nose Face, eyes. Sometimes it will be my socks Diao far away, it is really too cute.

This is my familys puppy, you met will certainly like.



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我家有只小宠物。它是去年姑姑送给我的生日礼物,我非常喜欢它。 小狗长得胖乎乎的,一身黑白相间的皮毛,好像披着一块黑白相间的花纹毛衣。毛茸茸的耳朵高高的翘着,又长又大,走起路来一甩一甩的。绿莹莹的眼睛里镶嵌着两颗像宝石一样的眼珠。一对三角形的鼻子又红有小,它的嗅觉可灵敏了。一只大大的嘴巴长在鼻子下方,我可喜欢它了。

因为它身上黑色的毛居多,所以我给它起名为“小黑”。 “小黑”很贪吃。有一次妈妈买了一些肉,准备烧汤。一回到家,“小黑”好像闻到了气味,在妈妈脚下蹭来蹭去,不时还“汪汪汪汪”地叫喊着。好像在说:“主人,主人,给我一些骨头吃吧,好吗?”妈妈看它可怜巴巴的样子,就挑了一些小肉和骨头扔给它。“小黑”猛地扑向肉和骨头,津津有味地吃着。 “小黑”很贪玩。有一次奶奶到我家来玩。它见奶奶进了我的房间,欢快的叫着,一边叫一边围着我一圈一圈的跑,好像在说:“小主人,小主人,你奶奶来了,你奶奶来了!”奶奶回到客厅,拿出了毛线,想给我织一条围巾。奶奶拿起毛线球,就开始织了,刚织了一会,妈妈又叫奶奶一起去买菜,奶奶就把毛线球放在了沙发上,就跟妈妈买菜去了。“小黑”看见了沙发上的毛线球,觉得好奇,就想去瞧瞧。它刚到沙发,不料毛线球滚了下来,朝它这边滚来,“小黑”见状不停的往后退,边退边叫着,它好像在说:“这是什么怪物啊!”

过了一会儿,毛线球不动了,“小黑”就慢慢地向前移动,然后用爪子碰碰毛线球,觉得没有危险,便开始玩起来了。它抱着毛线球跑来跑去,当它回到房间时,发现自己的脚被毛线球缠住了,就“汪汪”地叫了起来,好像是在向我求救,我只好放下作业给它解开了。它欢喜地用舌头舔我的手。 “小黑”虽然贪吃,贪玩,可它却非常可爱,给我的生活带来了快乐。我爱我的小宠物狗——“小黑”。



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I have two puppies in my house. One is white, one is gray. White called Pippi, it is very naughty so called Pippi. Gray called obediently, it is well behaved so it is called obediently. But I liked Pippi.

Pippi it loves to sleep and eat asleep. But it heard someones footsteps, but also how diligent, it will be barking, tell us that someone came. But when I came, it not only shouted, but also came out to meet me. It is very obedient, we call it out to play, it goes out to play, as long as we called Pippi at the door, it will soon run back.

Pippi its appetite ok, give it anything to eat, as long as not bad things can be. Pippi it is a big variety, and our geese like.

Whenever I am very sad when it will run over to coax me, accompany me to play. Every time I am happy when it will be happy. Its unhappy when ill take it out to play. It was happy when I was happy.

This is my dog my favorite puppy skin. Okay, yes, forget what Phi Phi sleeps like. It sleeps like people, most of them are legs straight to the right lying, it is like a sleep will be snoring.



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My family has a pug, its golden hair, looks like a golden dandelion. Its eyes are especially God, always stare round, like to see through my heart the same. Feet with a little white look very good. I gave it a nice name - babe.

Whenever I go home from school, it is always around me, the tail shaking like a brush. As if to say: "the owner you come back." Once, babe almost put my mosquito nets to scratch, the mother cursed it meal, it curled up in the corner, head down motionless After a while, head down at me and wagged my tail, as if to say: "Master, I no longer dare, forgive me." Whenever I was sad when it is always in my side, silently And when he was happy, it kept in front of me Sahuan, as if to say: "see you happy, I am also very happy."

You do not look at it looks like a small door, but unambiguous, whenever there is little movement he ran out quickly, barking called non-stop. Once, my friend came to my house to play, just called me soon, babe ran quickly out until I came out to let it go back, it went to the side to go.

One winter, morning, I got up and went to see babe, saw it cool all the body, I hastened it to the stove, but not yet warm it up. I am ashamed. I hope you have a good life in heaven!

Babe, i love you!



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My family has two soil dogs, one called Arnold, the other called black, they have their own characteristics, Arno is a veteran of the old dog, once, a wild dog ran to my house, The bright eyes looked at the wild dogs, the gallows of the wild dogs even fly like a fleeing, lively black but just the opposite, he is a fake tiger, timid dog, but they have a common Point, is very loyal, always in the owner needs it, timely help.

I remember not long ago put three days with fake, my mother took me back to the grandmother, the little uncle had to take me and Arnold, black to the mountains to clean up the weeds and garbage, but my mother worried no experience I lost in the mountains, , So only to Arnold, little black with the little uncle to go, I am so sad! Because I and Arnold love hand in hand, after an hour, I found Arnolds foot hurt, and I anxiously asked why Arnold I will know that Arnold is to protect the little uncle, rushed to fight with the wild animals and injured, it is loyal to the spirit of the guardian of my heart sadness.

Usually Arnold to a subtle grass as weak, but in danger, but like a heroic warrior to protect me and my family, it is not only a good dog, is the patron saint of our family.



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I have a puppy, and its name is black, it has a black shiny hair, very nice. Its eyes like a large pepper seeds, tilted a curved tail, shake to shake, very fun.

One day, I went out shopping, the little black to the neighbors little sister strolling play, my father at home, if the little sister play tired, you can Give the little black to my father. In the afternoon, I came back, opened the door to see, suddenly stunned! TV open, black lying on the bed in the above sleep, the house a messy, the table on the book scattered, open the page is small Black ink treasure, fruit plate fruit has been bitten, the walls are blue dog paw prints. No! I shouted, toward the study. The door of the study cover, I pushed the door into, really did not I expected, my bottle of hero brand of expensive blue ink sprinkled a table, I saved money to buy 20 yuan copper sets of pen Fell to the ground, the pen tip has been bent. I feel very distressed, and quickly go up and clean up the mess. At this time, the living room came a little black screams, I look out, it was mother locked into the cage, and then with the help of the eyes looked at me, I white it: deserve it!

Black is very naughty. Grandmother 81-year-old birthday that day, our family with a small black to her home to play, to her home, met the sheep and the cow, the lair can be tempted, and it for a while to scratch the hoof, , Full garden everywhere run. We spent a great effort to clean the yard, so my mother and closed it for two months confined. I posted a note on the cage. Do not close the dog!

Black and we have been together for many years, has become an indispensable part of our family. Although he was naughty, but I still like it.



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它不但外形好玩,还有很多有趣的事呢!它刚刚来到我家时,东瞅瞅,西望望,最后看中了冰箱,跳上去爬着,没一会儿就下来了,为啥?因为冰箱该太热了。待它熟悉环境后 ,就大胆了,有一次晚上,我听到"吱呀吱呀咣当! "的声音,心里很害怕,赶忙起床看看,没想到是璐璐在掀食品柜,我心里松了一口气,并在食品柜前拉了警戒线_石头。在以后一段时间内再没有"盗窃"事件。



[学生作文 我家的狗



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I have a naughty puppy. The puppy was with a white hair, and the puppy ran like a snowball on a roll. A pair of round yo and clever eyes hidden in the long hair, a pair of ears vigilant listening to all the suspicious sound around. The puppy is also long with a pair of sharp claws, the tail erected tall, it is very arrogant. Puppy is very fierce, as long as a little to hear what or see what, will issue a warning, ready to fight.

My dog is not only naughty, but also very rich sense of music. One day, I am free to do nothing, they put the music. Who knows, the dog heard, the bones do not bite, and immediately came to the tape recorder, I guess the dog may be found that the music came from the tape recorder! Puppy in the recorder next to the squat, while listening to music, The side of the music with the rhythm of the tail to shake over, really like a small musician in the command of the band!

Puppy special love to eat biscuits, I take this opportunity to the dog when the fish, I first took out a slender bamboo, and then with a line in the other end of the bamboo, and then a piece of milk Come past the past, confused the puppy dazzled, I suddenly stopped shaking, the biscuits hanging in front of the puppy, the dog immediately over God, to the biscuit, I moved the biscuit behind the dog, let it rush Empty It lasted for several minutes. Puppy pretend to retreat, I immediately relaxed vigilance, who knows the dog quickly turned to bite biscuits, thanks to my reaction fast, puppy biting line. I want to pull back the line, then hard pull, but I am more energetic, puppy pull tight. I thought: it seems unable to storm, can only get, I stopped the attack, the dog thought I surrendered, they are prepared to enjoy the biscuits, I take advantage of this opportunity, forced a pull, the biscuits back to my hands The

This is my home naughty puppy, do you like it?



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