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My English teacher is Mr.he has big eyes,small nose,and big mouth .he has long straight black hair My English teacher is thin .he is very kind ,but in class ,he is strict for ours.he likes reading books,and she reads English books every morning .My English teacher is healthy.Because he exercise every day.And her eating habits are pretty good,she eats vegetables and fruit every day,for breakfast ,he drink milk ,eat bread and eat eggs.he doesnt like eating junk food and drinking coffee.

This is my English teacher.



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Someone says: are you a silkworm, spit of the continuous filament and die. Someone says: you are the candle, to the best of the last drop of tears to illuminate the dark night sky; Someone said, you are the morning dew, often before dawn, moistens the land silently all things... You, is my respected teacher, non-existent.

Non-existent with tall, round face, with two arch eyebrows on his forehead, under the arch eyebrows with a pair of bright and sharp eyes, she has a plausible mouth, a smile, mouth petal meniscus as quiet.

Non-existent at ordinary times is very strict with our requirements. Each lesson learned to write the book of copying, will ask us to write the word is very good, to write bad words will never let go, until it is written. Words because some students in our class wrote too fast and some bad, non-existent will let them change to come over, we all have greatly improved.

Non-existent also care about us. Remember once, I was a bit uncomfortable, go to the clinic under temperature, amount of 37.5 degrees, non-existent just said to me: "if uncomfortable, he said to the teacher, the teacher will and parents said." Non-existent for we really care about.

Teacher, I salute you! Is that you get ignorant we into the space of knowledge, sowing love with you that like the sound of a song! Like a candle, burn yourself, you give we lit the fire of hope, with your persistent enthusiasm to guide us to open our science maze! Thank you, teacher!








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Miss Hou is my English teacher, she is 28, we all like her.

My English is really bad at first, I am afraid of having Miss Hou’s class, when she finds this, she doesn’t blame me, she tells me that the only way I can learn English well is to fall in love with English, she asks me to watch English movie, it works.

Miss Hou is my favorite teacher.



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My favourite teacher is Miss Meng.shes my new math teacher.Her class is very funny.Shes tall and thin.Shes pretty.Shes very very smart and active.Shes strict,but shes very kind.Her fevourite food are tomatoes.She often reads books on Saturdays and Sundays.

This is my fevourite teacher.I like her!




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When you are scrawled written assignments, will think of the teacher let you write your homework is to who? When you are absent-minded in class, will think of the teacher prepares a lesson of hard, tired? Driving when you hear the teacher caught a cold to cough, will think of the teacher to the class and class? When you are sick, when the teacher asked cold ask warm to you, will think of the teacher care for you? When you make a mistake, the teacher criticism, you will know that this is for your own good?

Time flies, we slowly grow up, the teacher slowly getting old. Her unusual love for us, do you have any feeling. That every little bit of love, no change for us.





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Mr Wu is my math teacher. She is not tall, plump, arch eyebrows temples scattered into the eyebrow, phoenix eye times add gentle, small nose on a pair of big eyes, phnom penh for her face a grave. I can be like her.

Mr Wus eyes, gesture has distinguishing feature very much. In math class, some children deserted, platform to a look, there are soft in the serious, let the urchins quietly put a little affectations. Some children did not fully understand, the nimble fingers waving in the air, like the command band baton, like the bees eight dance, woven into a network, and a knowledge of unconsciously let us swim in the palace of knowledge. My favorite is her smile: the children are in trouble, can see her understanding smile, after the children understand the knowledge, and to see her pleased smile. Every time after I answer this question right, always can see her smile. Her smile is like a flower blooming with a smile, let us full of the joy of understanding; Like a tall, quiet lindens, let everybody learn faith; Like in full bloom on the snow-capped mountains of snow lotus, let each other feel the pleasure of success.

Mr Wu is my favorite smile.






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Dear teacher ,

I am writing to you to express my thanks for your help in learning English and speaking English.

During these days in your class, I have learned much from you and it is very helpful to me. Firstly, you let me know what is the west thinking pattern—straight thinking pattern. And, I think, it is very important to understand the west’s thoughts. As you know, this can help me with my examination and interaction with foreigners. Secondly, I have got enough confidence in speaking in English from your class and it took me a long time to gain this confidence. Now, I always express my ideas in English as possible as I can. It’s great to do that. The last not the least, I find that learning English is not an boring thing as before and I’m interested in studying English which was just a necessary task to pass examinations. Reading, listening or speaking all become interesting and I really enjoy it.

Above all, I want to say thanks again to you. And thank you for your time.



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老师是我们班的英语老师,从三年级开始学英语,她就教我们了。她一个人教好几个班,很辛苦,但每次见到她,她的脸上总带着微笑,给人一种和蔼可亲的感觉。杨老师英语说得流利,上课气氛活跃 ,批改作业又对又快,我们都很喜欢她。

记得有一次写一号本作业,我写得很认真,又让妈妈来回帮我检查了几遍,觉得胸有成竹,没有什么错了,于是第二天满怀信心地把作业本交给了杨老师。只见杨老师拿着红笔,一行一个勾,中间几乎 没有什么停顿,我想:杨老师改作业可真快呀!这时,杨老师突然停住了笔,我想:哎呀,是不是什么地方有错了,但不会呀,我和妈妈昨天明明查了好几遍,不应该有错呀!只见杨老师在一个单词上 画了一个圈,然后把本子递给我说:”嗯,不错,只错了一个,有进步!“我拿回本子,然后对着书一看,哎呀,两个字母颠倒了,真错了,杨老师的”火眼金睛“可真厉害!

还有一次,周三下午放学后,因我的《评价手册》没写完,被杨老师叫到了办公室,我找了一个位置坐下来继续写,杨老师在一旁批改作业,办公桌上堆了满满高高的作业本,我不禁赞叹,杨老师的工 作量可真大呀!于是我更加认真地写起来,不想给她添麻烦。当我把本子交上去,还有一题不小心写错了,杨老师就耐心、仔细地给我讲解,一会儿我就全懂了。




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Teachers and workers, Party members, teachers and educators in the


happy new year!

On the occasion of spring and winter, the Party committee and

administration of Jiangan County Education Bureau extend their cordial

greetings and festival congratulations to all Party members, cadres, teaching

staff and educators who have worked hard and selflessly on the education front,

and extend the most sincere New Years wishes to the retired comrades who have

contributed their youth to the education reform, development and stability in

our county!

20__ is a fruitful year. The countys education work around the municipal

Party committees "stability and efficiency, innovation and progress" work

requirements and the county Party committee, county governments "145"

development strategy, implemented the work deployment of the Municipal Bureau of

education and sports, worked hard to implement the "12388" education work ideas,

fully completed all the objectives and tasks, won 58 awards of various types at

all levels, overcame one difficulty after another in tackling difficulties, and

achieved success in the transformation and catch-up We got one gratifying result

after another. First, the four major projects of "two bedrooms, one hall and one

road" in rural compulsory education took the lead in fulfilling the solemn

promise of "three-year task and two-year completion" made by the county Party

committee to the municipal Party committee one year ahead of schedule. Its

working practices have been communicated and promoted in the City for four times

and have been publicized and praised by the whole city; Second, the teaching

quality of each stage has been comprehensively improved and the goal and task of

"three-year action plan for quality improvement" of the county Party committee

and the county government has been successfully completed. Preschool education

has won the first prize of the city (third place), the teaching quality of

compulsory education has won the second prize (fourth place), the second prize

of recommendation and selection of top-notch innovative talents (third place),

and senior high school education has won the citys top-notch innovative talents

training contribution award and the second comprehensive teaching quality award

Jiangan vocational school has won the first prize of comprehensive evaluation

of teaching quality and the first prize of National Youth Science and technology

innovation; third, the system of education supervision responsibility area

established by innovation has been promoted in the whole province and has been

praised by the provincial and municipal education supervision committee, and has

been exchanged and promoted inside and outside the province; Fourth, the

education and peoples livelihood work goal and task assessment ranked the top

three in the city for five consecutive years. In the citys education and

peoples livelihood work goal and task assessment achieved 7 first places and 6

second places, especially the rural compulsory education "two bedrooms, one hall

and one road" project ranked first in the city; Fifthly, new breakthroughs have

been made in raising funds for educational development. The proportion of

financial education funds in the countys budget expenditure has increased to

24%, reaching 517.55 million yuan, and a total of 100 million yuan has been

obtained in the whole year

20__ is an extraordinary year. It is not only the year with the most

outstanding features and achievements, but also the most complicated year in

which the positive energy is gathered and the negative containment is actively

resolved under the new normal. However, under the strong leadership of the

county Party committee and the county government, with the care and help of the

county peoples Congress and the county CPPCC, and under the careful guidance of

the Municipal Bureau of education and sports, the party and government team of

the County Education Bureau united and led the vast number of teaching and

administrative staff in the county, took a firm stand, took the initiative, took

the courage to take responsibility and overcome the difficulties, withstood the

severe tests again and again, overcame one difficulty after another, and won

each other The understanding and support of the leaders and the society have won

a good opportunity for development. Here, I would like to express my heartfelt


The year of 20__ is a key year to promote the reform of the whole area,

administer education according to law, and adapt to the new normal. The

education work of the whole county will closely follow the development

orientation of the "three demonstration counties" of the county Party committee

and the county government and the main line of "steady speed and quality

improvement", comprehensively implement the work deployment of the Municipal

Bureau of education and sports, highlight the work theme of "promoting

righteousness, promoting harmony and strengthening development", and focus on

the implementation of the "six ones" development strategy with "three needs" and

"two behaviors" We should pay close attention to a plan, that is, the overall

plan of education reform and development of the whole county; vigorously

implement a project, that is, to implement the project of "going out and

inviting in"; build a core with solid, namely, the core of education quality;

Make a good preparation with eyes, that is to prepare for the acceptance of

balanced development of national and Provincial Compulsory Education in 20__; We

should make great efforts to promote the new development with the new normal of

"six uses" of force, heart, energy, practicality, eye and policy, and strive to

run a satisfactory education for the people, and make new contributions to

accelerating the realization of the "three major struggle goals" in the whole


In the new year, with a new starting point and a new journey, we hope that

the staff and Party members and teachers in the county will meet the new

challenges with a new attitude and create more brilliant achievements. At the

same time, I wish the teaching staff, Party members, teachers and educators in

the countys education system a happy new year, good health, happy family and

all the best!



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Mr. Cao


Today, I would like to recommend a book for you. The name of this book is

"primary school students reading aid Library - folk culture". This book is

about the origin and customs of Chinese festivals. The reason why I like this

book is that when it introduces the calendar of festivals, it always tells a

story about the situation at that time. And each article is extremely vivid,

from which we can not only learn the origin of many customs, but also understand

some unknown history and legend.

My favorite article is called "Chongyang climbing, drinking with dogwood.".

This article is about the origin of the Double Ninth Festival. It is said that

there was a pestilence devil in Zhuangnan of the Han Dynasty, which was

extremely ferocious, and would come out to harm people every September 9. There

is a man named Huanjing in Zhuangnan county. Because Huanjings parents died in

the hands of the pestilence devil, Huanjing wanted to kill the pestilence devil

to avenge his parents. On this day, Huan Jing packed up and went to practice

magic arts with the famous immortal Fei Changfang, hoping to kill the evil

devil. After a long journey, Huan Jing finally found the immortal Fei Changfang.

However, things have not been smooth. After Huan Jing explained his intention,

Fei Changfang refused Huan Jings request. So Huan Jing knelt outside Fei

Changfang for two days and two nights. At last, Fei Changfang was moved by Huan

Jings sincerity and accepted him as an apprentice and taught him various

skills. On the ninth day of September the next year, Fei Changfang reckoned that

the pestilence would enter the southern city again and harm people. He ordered

Huan Jing to give him some dogwood leaves and chrysanthemum wine and send him

back to zhuangnang city. When Huan Jing arrived in Zhuangnan, he took the people

to the mountain, and let everyone drink chrysanthemum wine, and filled the

mountain with Cornus. After that, Huan Jing stood in front of the mountain with

a knife. After a while, the pestilence came as expected. It wanted to go up the

mountain and eat people. Huan Jing stopped him, so they fought together. The

smell of Cornus and dogwood is not stable for a few rounds. He raised a knife

from the mountain. The plague devil was removed, and the people in Nancheng

finally lived a comfortable life. Since then, in order to commemorate September

9, people have designated September 9 as the Double Ninth Festival. On this day,

people will climb high with their families, fill the mountains with Cornus and

drink chrysanthemum wine to pray for themselves and their families. This is the

origin of the Double Ninth Festival on September 9.

I like this legend best, because I think Huanjings persistence and bravery

are worth learning.

Finally, I hope you can enjoy this story. When you are free, you may as

well read this book with me.


good health!

Your student: Guo Xugang



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My Chinese teacher is Miss Li, she is very nice. The first day I saw her, I like her. Miss Li is good at teaching us, she will tell us the story to catch our attention. At her class, all the students listen to her carefully, because we don’t want to miss every word. Miss Li is also patient, she will answer all the questions. Miss Li is a good teacher.


[关于老师的英语作文Miss Li



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Our new English teacher is Mr. Smith.

He wears a pair of thick glasses. He is very serious and strict to us.

I never saw him smile until the Teachers’ Day. On the Teachers’ Day, my classmates and I planned to give him a special gift——a smile. So the naughty John pretended to have passed out in the classroom.

When Mr. Smith came in, he was so scared that he held John in his arms right away. On the way to the hospital, John burst into laughter suddenly, which made the teacher confused. After we told him that it was only a joke, Mr. Smith laughed too.

We were all pleased to see him smiling at last.




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Dear Miss Zhao,


Teacher, three years ago, I stepped into the second primary school, and had the honor to become a student in your class. When I saw your first eyes, my nervous mood suddenly relaxed, because you are so kind.

I have gradually discovered that you have serious moments. I remember once I was distracted in class and didnt listen. Suddenly met your eyes to stop. Blushing, I listened carefully. I am especially grateful to you for not criticizing me in public and protecting my self-esteem. I have taken your teachings to heart. From then on, I was very careful in class.

After class, you talk and laugh with us, we all love to share their own secrets with you, you will help us solve some small troubles, and give us some small suggestions. You are not only our good teacher and helpful friend, but also our compass on the way of learning.

Remember the first grade writing is not careful, under your guidance, I insisted on practicing Chinese, and got a good result.

In the third grade, I especially like piano, you encouraged me, like to learn, but must adhere to oh! I took note of your words and stuck to it. In this years 18th National Campus art Festival in Hefei district general finals won the gold medal. They also qualified for the national finals. Ill keep going.

How time flies! Its already the fourth grade. Under your hard teaching, I from a naughty child into a sensible teenager, a good habit of learning.

In the next two years, I will cherish every minute with you and repay you with good results.


Good health, good luck in everything!

Your student: Chen Chen



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A pair of jiongjiongweishen eyes flashing the light of wisdom, jet-black hair and a ponytail, cherry small mouth, his eyebrows thin and long, warm personality, of medium height. Who is she? She is the Chinese teacher of our class: miss huang.

The rooster oh oh, miss huang has come to the classroom. When we got to the classroom, teacher huang changes already done half of the work.

The class began, the teacher and the students listened attentively, while students listen with relish, suddenly, a classmate yell: "have a nosebleed!" This attracted the attention of the students. Miss huang hurriedly walked over, pulling the nosebleeds classmate, go to the infirmary to stop the bleeding. The teacher with the check up blood students to the classroom. Back to the classroom, the teacher huang has been sweating like a pig. The teacher didnt take it seriously, to continue to our class, we see in the eye, hide in the heart. Admire pleasantly surprised, by the spirit of the teacher selfless dedication.

At the end of the class, the teacher let us self-study, she also not idle, in the classroom, if we have not understand place, can always ask her. Finally, the teacher said: "the classmates, I love you, because you are all my children".

The teacher say that finish, the classroom was silent, who also didnt think the teacher would say, come over for a long time, everyone seems to be about as if, simultaneous said: "teacher, we love you, too."

We saw the teacher smiled, although it is light.









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我的英语老师My English Teacher

Today, I go to school with aheadache. At the beginning, it is just a slightly pain. Nevertheless, it is notuntil the English lesson that my head pains heavily. So it is difficult for meto take notes. Luckily, my English teacher notices it so she takes me to theoffice. With a big smile on her face and caring words, she gives me a glass ofwater. To my surprise, she offers to help me notes. It is her love that warmsme up. At that moment, I whisper myself that I will do my utmost to help othersas kind as my English teacher.




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