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Since the one child policy carried on, many families had only one kid. As the children growing up, they felt lonely, because they did not have anyone to accompany. They felt so envious when they saw others have siblings. There is no doubt that the one child policy has controlled the population to increase so fast and helped people to improve their life lever. Recently, the government tends to open the second child policy slowly. People hold the different opinion. Some people think that it is good to let the child have siblings, so they will not lonely and can learn the meaning of sharing. Other people don’t want to have one more child because they don’t have enough money. They want to give the best education to the child, so they think one child is enough. Anyway, the second child policy gives people more choice.




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平民百姓,只有到了清明节,才有时间、凭借人生经验和阅历,回味祖祖辈辈口口相传的尘封家族故事。才会想起祖先如蚁蝼般生存,如牛马般苦力,宁为太平犬,不为乱世人?才有了今天—子子孙孙跪满遍地,香火不断。虽说祖先没有给子子孙孙留下金满箱银满箱,更未使子孙后世做强梁,但却让子子孙孙的血管里始终流淌着愚公子孙一样的鲜血:每天挖山不止,为生计,为稻梁,被说不尽的苦和累煎熬着,为一粒芝麻大小的幸福而满足高兴着。 就这样,一个个生命悄然来到人世上;一代代人,相继变为一坯黄土的忠实守望着。总是在祭祖的日子里,凭主观想象揣测祖先的模样,终究自己的血液里流淌着祖先的基因,虽然并非“王侯将相宁有种乎”般野心勃勃,但终究知道自身从那儿来要到那儿去。 因为太平常又众多,平民祖先寿终寝所便称做坟墓。

记忆里,遍地都是坟墓,坟墓里埋葬着爷爷、爷爷的爷爷甚至更老的爷爷,还有奶奶、奶奶的婆婆的婆婆、甚至更远的奶奶婆婆。忽然有一天,平坟轰轰烈烈开始了,那么多坟墓竟被夷为平地。历史如同一道被化简的方程式,老祖先大不过是一个小小的有理数。有理数被化简,土堆也就消失了。只是到了清明节这天,长辈们才会告诉子孙:去,那儿有个老坟,挂个纸扎!表示子孙们还记着那地下长眠的老人。虽说当年平坟时,也曾诅咒过激进派的行为,现在回想,何尝不是一件大好事!老百姓本来就是草根,如同黄土一般平常。人吃了黄土一辈子,最后慷慨大方的让黄土一口吃掉,岂不乐哉!这一口黄土,也就成了永久的纪念与追忆。草根生命,本就来自于阴阳五行之中,又回到五行中去,岂不是大自然绰绰恩赐! 若按等级分类,名人的坟墓就叫做林,比如孔林,关林;漫游在历史长河中的土堆,称得上林者能有几多?追溯到皇帝坟墓,叫做陵,比如乾陵、茂陵,十三陵,秦始皇陵。活着就为自己大修陵墓,乃大多帝王的热衷追求,他们活着出尽风头,即使到了阴间,还想继续称王称霸,不可一世,要不怎么霸称自己为始皇帝?还有一世二世三世……?他们贪婪设想,即使到了天国,仍然会继续愚弄自己的臣民。甚荒唐,到头来却免不了为他人作嫁衣裳。

历史大变革的台风,虽不是每一场皆为十二级,但却不无戏谑,将一厢情的愿肉食者黄粱美梦一次次打破。 这一块故土,刘邦来过,梦河汉界的故事源远流长,让后人多少好事者,将眼睛天天盯在棋盘上,在楚河汉界上杀杀打打,好不热闹!可惜即使至死,他们中绝大多数,仍然在楚河汉界的厮杀中磨蹭,却不见立得一星半点儿拜将封侯军功,最后还是被埋葬在一个土堆里;滚滚红尘里,有朱元璋身经百战的影子,但明朝的那些事儿,让后人瞧得起看得见津津乐道者,也不过永乐盛世、青花瓷云云。非常有趣的是,这两个典型的农民,却曾经弄得中国历史地覆天翻,几近分崩离析:一个为刘姓子孙们封土列侯,王国遍中华;另一个如意算盘,却被称作明成祖的儿子给搅乱,以桃代李。历史似乎并不记得过多有关他们的故事,大多是八王之乱的销烟弥漫,傻子白痴子孙皇帝荒诞不羁的讥讽笑话。 这故事,感动过历代几多文人墨客,令他们摩拳擦掌,杜牧意味深长咏出“旧时王谢堂前燕,飞入寻常百姓家”的不尽感慨。 回到自己的故事里。点一沓火纸,燃一柱香,放一挂鞭炮,想那长眠地下的老祖先也该满意的笑了?那些崭新的钞票,他们在另一个世界可能也是如同活着一般,非常算计地花着?他们知道,一分钱也来之不易,知道安居乐业的重要;他们活着时,就将人的无穷欲望降低到最低温饱水平线上;他们知足常乐,没有顶天立地般理想,也许他们朴素地理解道:所谓远大理想,一但膨胀了,大多就会变成野心!野心一旦实现,就会青史垂名,成为一代风云人物,就会称作雄心壮志、雄才大略;野心一旦败北,就成了乱臣贼子,杀无舍,株九族或者流放荒蛮之地,永远不得翻身!一旦新王登基,为了剪除异己,以绝后患,会及时将野心早败露者来个株连九族,满门抄斩!下场可悲,空前绝后。那儿还会留得一子半孙为他们去上坟扫墓! 阿Q太伟大了,看来还是做平民百姓好。

平民百姓死了,不论怎样,却将草根的种子留在这个世界上,世界上也就更多出了些叫做芸芸众生的劳作者。他们或挖山不止,或填海矢志不渝,只有这些劳作者,才让这个世界充满神奇,充满诱惑,也鼓舞起更多追梦者。 纸钱纷纷,天空中飘浮着的总是平民百姓对自己祖先的年年追忆、世代缅怀。



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When we were children, we often say that I want to grow up, or I want to be

an adult. As children, we cannot do many things, while after we grow up, we can.

However, we often complain that I don’t want to grow up when we become adults


Firstly, growing up means more responsibilities. We should make a living by

ourselves or we should support our parents when they can’t earn enough money to

make a living.

Econdly, after graduation, we need to work instead of accomplishing

nothing. We should have a target and work for it, so we have pressure on


Every coin has two sides. Grow up can also broaden our horizon, offer us an

opportunity to know more about our world, love and protect the important person

in our life. Don’t be afraid of growing up, just be a better person and enjoy

our life.



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ncreased stress results in increased productivity--up to a point. However,

this level differs for each of us. Its very much like the stress on a violin

string. Not enough produces a dull. harsh sound. Too much makes sharp, annoying

noir, or causes the string to snap. However, just the right degree can create

magnificent tones. Similarly, we all need to find the proper level of stress

that promotes optimal performance, and enables us to make harmonious music. Good

health is more than just the absence of illness. Rather, it is a very robust

state of physical and emotional well being that acknowledges the importance and

inseparability of mind/body relationships. In the next program. I hope you will

join me in the pursuit of learning how to exploit stress, so that it can work

for you. and make you more productive, rather than self-destructive.



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Now many students of Grade 9 are under too much pressure. They always feel

too tired to listen to the teachers carefully in class.

It’s important for students to relax. Only in this way can they study well

and be healthy. Here are some different ways to relax themselves. For example,

they can try to have enough sleep,or they can listen to their favourite music

after class. They can also read some books or do some sports. For me, I often

hang out with my friends.

While you are studying, don’t forget to relax. You will study better after

a good rest.



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I love traveling. Traveling not only broadens my horizons but also opens my

eyes to the world. Whats more, it refreshes me. You can go to Disneyland and

experience what its like to be “a child again!” You can visit one of the “seven

wonders of the world,” such as the Grand Canyon and feel the magnificence of

nature! You can taste the “magicial” ice water on a glacier, which can help you

become more beautiful and make you live longer. Just forget all trifles and

burdens that you have in your mind. Experience is a type of living knowledge.

Youll be sure to experience many new things when traveling. You dont even need a

tour guide if you long for more freedom. Just dont forget to bring your




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Do your teachers still use traditional techniques to teach you nowadays? A

revol- ution in teaching techniques is required now. In the past, we just took

it for granted that a teacher s aim was to teach the students all that he knew

and solve all the problems for them. Therefore, students could mot judge things

on their own under this circumstance. Thus students gradually lost the ability

to learn by themselves. In addition, they were only equipped with the knowledge

that were taught in class and made the same judgement upon every problem which

might crop up. Of course, they would find their knowledge not enough to solve

practical problems.

So it is time to change the teaching method. A teacher s goal is to help

the students develop not only the ability to learn by themselves but the skills

to make judgements on every aspect on their own. It s not necessary for the

students to turn to teachers for help while meeting with difficulties. The first

thing is to develop the students abilities to make sound judgements upon any

problem and overcome difficulties.

All in all, the aim of teaching is to liberate, but mot to fetter the

students innate powers of making sound judgements.



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Computer is increasingly popular in people’s daily life. The number of

computer in every family is more than TV set. Some people think it is so great

that they all regard it as a gift from the heaven. However, some people consider

it brings more disadvantages than advantages. In my opinion, both opinions are

correct, but if we can use computer in a proper way, its advantages are superior

to disadvantages. I have several reasons.

On the one hand, computer makes human beings’ life become easier. People

can do many things that they can’t do before. They can read newspaper without

buying it, only sitting in front of their computer, clicking mouse to open

website. Shopping online, watching movies, listening music and play computer

games are the common things that people often do by computer. But without

computer, they can’t do all these easily. In addition, computer is also very

helpful for study and work. People can have classes and work on it.

On the other hand, computer has so many attractive things that some people

will be addicted to it. Some of them may busy finding funs on it, and then

ignore their real duty, such as, study and work. As a result, it will have great

bad effect on their future.

To sum, computer has advantages and disadvantages. But if people can

control themselves to use computer properly, it is useful for their whole




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Its almost the end of April. Summer has come to us in my city. In south,

summer always comes earlier than north. It has been hot for about half a month.

The highest temperature reached 37 degree. Now, there are much less people in

the street. People are not likely to go out during the summer. Its so hot

outside. Swimming is the most favorite activity in my city. The pools are always

full filled with people. Parents often take their children to swimming pool at

night. Personally, I do not like summer, because its too hot and the sunshine

is strong. I sweat a lot and that makes me very uncomfortable. Therefore, summer

is tough time for me and I always expect winter to come.



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Mobile phone is really necessary and important in modern society as it

brings a lot of convenient to our lives and provides a new way for us to contact

with the world.

In the first place, mobile phone closes the relationship between people

because people can use mobile phone contact with each other at any time. In

particularly, for those people who are far away from each other, mobile phone is

definitely the best tool for them to keep and strengthen their


Second, mobile phone makes our work or study more efficient. People can use

mobile phones to search data, to delivery files and so on. For students, they

can use mobile phone to do some readings at any time and any places without

carrying a book.

In addition, mobile phone makes our lives be more wonderful in that it has

been added more and more functions, such as watching movies, listening to music

and writing blog, etc.

Finally, we can use mobile phone to get acquaintance with the matters that

are happening all over the world. With the help of mobile phone, we can get the

latest news even that we stay indoors.

In a word, mobile phone provides great convenient for our lives, makes our

lives more wonderful and brings us an easier way to contact with the world.



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Today is the Ching Ming Festival. The ancients said: Qingming season rain have. This is heavy overcast weather, we have a go Ta-Qing Chihu.

On the way we are going to see that a strong grass and indomitable perseverance, with its staged to greet the spring, not to be outdone, it put on the new green clothes, green flowers in the movie, there is red, there is green, yellow has the ... ... we go for a road, came to a field, the eyes are a feast for the eyes everywhere in gold, stood the rape in high spirits, and for many pearl-like dew-like in the golden slip slide small rolling on ... ... chee lake, willow willow braid a section on green leaves and shoots have decoration, is the first girl more than any jewelry would also like to look good.

After Chihu cemetery, we can not help but go inside. Looking at the graves of martyrs and watched a wreath of small white flowers looked pure, my mind is not fluctuating. I think many, many: of us happy today, a better life for us by the revolutionary martyrs created, but also with their paid for in blood. So, my mind had an idea: the succession of martyrs want behest, studying strenuously strive to become the pillars of the national construction.

Next, we went to the yellow folder Ao, the mountains are packed, everyones face is filled with nostalgic, looking at this picture, my mind, there has been some regret. I hope all my elders a long life and good health.

The Qingming Festival Ta-Qing to my feelings more, and once again I know the nature of the mellow side, my great harvest ah well!



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My mother is sixty-three years old, and for the last forty year she has

been the village doctor. She has a small clinic that she prepares medicine and

treats small injuries, and also sells canned powder milk. Our house has people

in and out at all hours of the day and night. The villagers always like to come

to her clinic to see the doctor and to meet their neighbors, too. Almost all the

villagers come to my mother when their baby is due. My mother is very good at

predicting the day the baby will come. Sometimes my mother will not get enough

sleep if the babies come late at night or early in the morning. There are

special rooms for the mother and baby, and usually they stay at the doctors

house about twenty-four hours. We always like to see the new babies get their

first bath because they look so red and small. All the village people know and

trust my mother because she is such a quiet, kind, and experienced friend of




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The human race has entered a completely new stage in its history,along with

the advance of the society and the increaceingly rapid economic globalization

and urbanization, which resulted in the phenomenon that we are accustomed to

living a very fast rhythm lifestyle,ignoring the Chinese traditional


It is universally acknowledged that Chinese culture has a history of more

than two thousand years, which once had great influence on the world, such as

Japan, South Korea and other Asian and European countries. As one of the four

ancient civilizations,China creates many splendid cultures,such as the four

ancient Chinese inventions,which benefited human society in the history.

Although China risks copying the Western lifestyle’s worst aspects,

especially of unhealthy eating and drinking,Which once gave rise to many

problems.Fortunately,Chinese begin to realize the importance of Chinese

traditional culture.Such examples might be given easily,Chinese traditional

culture was added into our CET4 and CET6 ,which help us get hold of it




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Many animals are in danger of dying out. As is shown in the chart, we can

see the number of animal species decreases faster and faster and this trend will

continue. From 1980 to 2010, at least 1 million animal species have disappeared.

Worse still, more and more wild animals are in great danger. It is not a piece

of sensational news; it is a fact, a harsh reality. Unfortunately, we may not

see these animals in the near future.

From the second picture, we can find some reasons. Why is the number of

animal species declining year by year? Apparently animals have become victims of

fashion industry. Animal skin has been used to make fashionable clothes and

these clothes sell at a high price. So some greedy people begin to kill animals

in a large quantity. This irresponsible behavior not only breaks the balance of

nature but also endangers the living environment of human beings.

As far as I am concerned, something must be done to stop this illegal

action. We believe "no buying, no killing". First, we must make concerning laws

to protect these animals in danger. Second, we must take some measures to

protect animals effectively. Animals are our friends and part of our

environment. Third, we should raise peoples awareness to protect animals and

our environment. In this way, we can build a harmonious society and ensure a

sustainable development.



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In the past, I didnt know about the three festivals, let alone the Qingming

Festival. I didnt even know about the 61 Festival. But after I saw >I knew all the festivals very well, especially the Qingming

Festival. I knew the Qingming Festival very well.


As far as I know, before the Han and Wei dynasties, Qingming mainly

referred to solar terms. It was only a general Festival closely related to

farming. So how could it become a festival that people attach great importance

to? The reason is that the dates of .Qingming and Shangji, and cold food

festivals are quite close, and the customs of the three festivals are related to

each other and have the conditions of integration. Qingming Festival is now

between April 4 and 6


At this time, people will go to the tomb sweeping, and some schools will

organize spring outings. On that day, we will eat the Qingming troupe and

dedicate the small white flowers made by ourselves to the revolutionaries and so

on. From ancient times to now, on the Qingming Festival, we can fly kites and

hold kite flying competitions.


I came home to think, eh, if we always use the ancient customs, there is no

creativity at all. So, I thought, finally, came up with a very good idea: we can

make Qingming dumplings into all kinds of good-looking, novel shapes, so that

people look comfortable and eat sweet!


This book is so good that I have a deep understanding of the customs and

origins of Qingming Festival.



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Mid-autumn Day is a Chinese festival。 It usually es in September or October 。On that day we usually eat a big dinner and mooncakes。 It is said "Hou Yi" missed his wife,so he made mooncakes。 It looks like the moon。

There are many kinds of mooncakes。 They are small round cakes with meat, nuts or something sweet inside 。 eating mooncakes has been our custom。 Families stay outside in the open air eat a big dinner and mooncakes。 The most important thing is looking at the moon, On that day, the moon kooks brighter and rounder。 We call this moon the full moon。

On that day, families get together, so we call this day getting together。 This is Mid-autumn Day。 I love it very much。 Because on that day I can eat mooncakes。 And my brother es back home。 He works outside all year。 Only that day and the Spring Festival。 He es back。 So that day I am especially happy。 On that day my family gets together。






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In contrast to the sadness of the tomb sweepers, people also enjoy hope of

Spring on this day. The Qingming Festival is a time when the sun shines

brightly, the trees and grass become green and nature is again lively. Since

ancient times, people have followed the custom of Spring outings. At this time

tourists are everywhere.

People love to fly kites during the Qingming Festival. Kite flying is

actually not limited to the Qingming Festival. Its uniqueness lies in that

people fly kites not during the day, but also at night. A string of little

lanterns tied onto the kite or the thread look like shining stars, and

therefore, are called "gods lanterns."

The Qingming Festival is also a time to plant trees, for the survival rate

of saplings is high and trees grow fast later. In the past, the Qingming

Festival was called "Arbor Day". But since 1979, "Arbor Day" was settled as

March 12 according to the Gregorian calendar.



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Depending on personal experience, personality type and emotional concern,

we find that some people hold the idea of living in the country, while others

prefer living in the city. In my opinion, I prefer the city life, though it has

advantages and disadvantages.

First of all, city life is very colorful. City is the center of the

surrounding area. So, it is also the most booming place having the best things.

There are many great things and wonderful activities in the city, while there

isn’t in the country. For example, there are KFC, wonderful shopping mall,

delicious food from various places, dancing club, different kinds of activities

and so on. We can also learn the culture from all the countries. Despite city

life is so wonderful, it still has many disadvantages. Nowadays, with the

improvement of people’s living standard, people have more cars and more people

come to city, and then the city becomes more and more crowd. As a result,

traffic jam emerges, which makes great inconvenience for people to go out.

What’s worse, the air pollution becomes serious day by day, which is bad for

people’s health.

To sum up, every coin has two sides. Living in the city also has good side

and bad aspect. Whether like living in city or not depends on individual

thinking. As myself, I like living in city though I know the disadvantage of

living in city.



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