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1、Its everyones duty to love and protect the environment.


2、But some people dont care about it.


3、The most important question in the world today is pollution.


4、The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less.


5、Even worse, they pour dirty water in to rivers.


6、They waste a lot of water in their daily life.


7、Something must be done to stop the pollution.


8、They throw rubbish into rivers , too.


9、Do not throw rubbish onto the ground. Do not waste water. Use both sides of paper when you write. Stop using plastic bags for shopping. Make classrooms less noisy.


10、Planting trees Trees are very helpful and important for us.


11、No one can live without water or air.


12、we cant live without water.


13、We should take many measures to stop pollution.


14、Without the shade from trees, Earth would get too hot to live on.


15、Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted.


16、As we know , water is very important to man.


17、We need to protect Earth because it is our home.


18、Its our duty to save water.


19、We should plant more and more trees in order to live better and more healthy in the future.


20、We dont need to do big things—we can start out small.


21、Lets do our best to make it more beautiful.


22、We should stop factories from producing harmful gases.


23、If we dont save water, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us.


24、We are using up our natural resources and at the same time polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, life on earth cannot survive.


25、Protecting the environment is every mans responsibility.


26、if everyone could make a big contribution to environmental protection, our home will become much more beautiful.


27、Protecting the environment,everyone,s duty.


28、The short life of the flowers away, leaving behind the beauty is forever.


29、Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air, forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution.


30、The protection of trees, that is, to protect themselves。


31、In addition to the photos, nothing taken away; In addition to the footprints, nothing left.


32、Have green trees, have the pulse of the earth.


33、Earth is our home, you rely on green.


34、We are using up our natural resources and at the same time polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, life on earth cannot survive.


35、Protecting the environment is every mans responsibility.


36、if everyone could make a big contribution to environmental protection, our home will become much more beautiful.


37、Protecting the environment,everyone,s duty.


38、The short life of the flowers away, leaving behind the beauty is forever.


39、Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air, forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution.


40、The protection of trees, that is, to protect themselves。


41、In addition to the photos, nothing taken away; In addition to the footprints, nothing left.


42、Have green trees, have the pulse of the earth.


43、Earth is our home, you rely on green.




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Analysis on the Accounting Information System under the

Network Environment of Internal Control

Abstract: In recent years, the information technology revolution led to the integration of the business enterprise of the financial aspects of the related transformation. But the internal and external environment of accounting changes, makes the traditional manual accounting internal control system has been difficult to meet the requirement of information technology; to the existing accounting information system has brought an unprecedented risks and challenges. Therefore, this paper adopts literature research and comparison analysis and other methods, combining the accounting information system and the internal control of some of the basic theory, trying to take some effective measures to reduce the network of environmental accounting internal control risks.

Key words: Network environment; Accounting information system; Internal control; Risks; Method




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看着滚滚浓烟,我仿佛看到了许多年以后的情景: 早晨刚开门,一阵黑烟直扑进来,人们不得不戴上厚厚的口罩。回家一进门就要赶紧把门窗关紧,否则全家人就得不停在咳嗽。尽管室内空气混沌,人们却不能打开窗户透透气,也不敢出门游玩。从窗户望出去,浓烟滚滚,空气再也不清新了。花草树木有的熏死了,活着的也一个个耷拉着脑袋。公园里最漂亮的景点也折腾的不成样子了,儿童乐园、麦香村等商店有时一个人也没来,最后只好倒闭。人们在家里没事做,快闷死了,小孩更是哭着闹着,大人也无可奈何地唉声叹气。我想着想着,不禁大叫:“人们,不要再污染环境了,这样下去我们怎么受得了啊!”一旁的农民说:“你说的倒好,草杆不焚烧怎么行?”我愤愤不平道:“谁能发明一个自动焚烧器多好呀,焚烧的又好又不污染环境,照这样下去,世界真变得不知成啥样子了!”农民嘲讽道:“你来发明呀,你发明出来,我把全部家当送给你!”“我一定能发明的出来!”“你试试呀!”我大声叫道:“我长大了一定要发明一个!”




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1. Why is the school environment important?

2. What should we do to protect our school environment?

3. How will our school be like if we all protect it?

4.起始句:Taking care of our school and

Taking care of our school and protecting our school environment! A clean and pleasant environment is very important, because it can make us healthy and happy. It’s our duty to protect our school environment. We should clean the school every day. And we shouldn’t drop trash here and there. We should pick it up when we see trash on the ground. We shouldn’t draw on the wall. If we all like our school the same as we like our homes, our school will be more beautiful. We will enjoy our study better. Let’s protect our school environment from now on, shall we? (102 words)




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1. Human beings are dependent on the Earth’s diversity of species. Wild species play a vital role in the maintenance of the planet’s ecological functions, yet every day on the planet 40-100 species become extinct.

2. Human life cannot exist in the absence of complicated interactions of millions of species in biological systems.

3. 50,000 plant an animal species disappear each year due to tropical deforestation, expanding agriculture and human settlement.

4. Human activities impact the environment, including clearing agriculture land; air, land and water pollution; urban and suburban development; and the introduction of invasion or non-native wildlife species. If land and wildlife are poorly managed, human being will risk fragmenting habitat.

5. We are living in the midst of a great chemical experiment, and some serious consequences are becoming apparent to scientist. More than two billion pounds of chemicals are spewed into the air each year. These chemicals are brewing a disastrous stew, resulting in an atmosphere crisis. The greatest consequences of the atmosphere crisis may be global warming and the ozone depletion. If human kind wants to survive well into the next millennium, we must stop this horrible destruction of our own environment.

6. The earth appears to be warming due to the greenhouse effect. Scientists estimate that the average temperature could climb about 2 degrees Celsius in 20 years. This change in the global climate would have disastrous results, including drought, coastal flooding and increased species extinction. And, scientists have discovered a hole in the ozone layer. The ozone layer is the only protection for life on Earth against deadly ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. Once the ozone layer is completely destroyed, all life on Earth will cease to exist, killed by the deadly radiation. The planet will become a barren rock devoid of all life.

7. It allows for an unbelievably large amount of downloads and uploads of information, music,videos and all sorts of other things, as it is the engine of the information superhighway of our Information Era, in witch we live.



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With the rapid development of science and technology, human demand for resources is increasing, causing the Antarctic arctic ice melting speed, rising sea levels, the Antarctic ozone hole, increasing dust storms in Beijing, haze weather, the Japanese earthquake nuclear pollution...

When we enjoy the good life at the same time, the thought of the importance of protecting the environment?

So, please keep an eye on our campus, look! The playground, school gate, stair aisle flying confetti, food bag, bottles; Look, those teeth bared on the white wall graffiti... These are not harmonious scene and our campus civilization!

The classmates, if we all take action, to be the master of environmental protection, do not throw confetti, peel, graffito of the scribble not, casually picked up confetti trash on the ground, take good care of the environment, our campus is dressed up beautifully and. When we walk on the tree-lined campus path, will feel relaxed and happy; When we study in bright classroom, will concentrate; When we study in the clean and elegant environment, will feel better.

Beautiful environment, let us know how to cherish, learn to cherish; Beautiful environment, let us knowledgeable and more civilized; Beautiful environment, let us learn to obey, learn to be a person; Beautiful environment, let our moral, make our learning more progress!








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Last Sunday my father and I went fishing along a river. We found the water so dirty that we could hardly catch fish in it.

A lot of factories along the river always poured their waste water and rubbish straight into the river which made the river water polluted. In this way most of the fish in the river were killed.

If the river water all over the country is polluted like this, no living things will exist in the water. As we all know, environmental pollution does great harm to living things and human beings. Now more and more people have come to realize how serious this problem is. Our government is doing her best to take measures to fight against pollution. We expect that the water in every river will be made cleaner and cleaner before long.






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Speaking of environmental changes, we Qimen "Mother River" change is very large.

A child, listen to my grandmother said Changjiang River was a river, wide river, the river crystal clear, and sometimes see the small fish shrimp free to swim. In the morning, people are here to wash clothes, in the evening, people holding a banana fan here in the cool, chat.

Grow up, listen to Mom and Dad said: people living on both sides of the river to protect the environment awareness is weak. Some people put the garbage, dirty water on the river row, so that the original clean river into a dirty and dirty drainage, people smell the nausea. The river to the plastic bag, rotten leaves everywhere visible. Small fish shrimp died and escaped. Changjiang River this beautiful and lovely girl in the human behavior "curse" into a wrinkled old lady. Ugh! Why can not we see a water reflection of the mountains, mountains around the water scene? Why can not we have a sense of protecting the environment?

Now, the county government on the river, river, etc. were dealt with earth-shaking. There are also many young volunteers who have joined in. Row of garbage, the hospital and some residents to do a series of education and so on. After this treatment, our "Mother River" has restored the beauty of the past. Although the depth of water as before, but I believe that as long as we all protect the environment, all the environmental problems can be a perfect solution.

Let us join hands to protect the environment and create our beautiful home



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What kind of environment should be? Ought to be beautiful, but also should

be to let people feast for the eyes, but now all of you take a look at the

environment, beautiful? Let people feast for the eyes? The answer is no.

So what should we do? Today, Ill give you some advice to protect the

environment, the content is as follows:

We live earth is deteriorating rapidly, did we have to pay attention to

their own living environment cause harm to nature, you must not throw sundry,

especially those serious pollution of garbage, waste batteries, for example,

because the section waste batteries contain heavy metals, if flow to clean the

water, it is very much pollution, then try to save trees made items such as

paper, pencils, because waste these things is the destruction of the forest.

Also try to use less disposable lunch box, chopsticks and plastic bags and other

items, so as to avoid unnecessary waste and reduce waste.

There are some tips: walking to closing the master switch, in order to

avoid electrical appliances overheating explosion, a waste of money and waste of

electricity, save water, to shut the tap when brushing your teeth, wash dish

water to rice, rice water to water the flowers, wash water can sweep the floor,

so we can reduce some waste. 12 dont hunt wild animals, animal protection is

absolutely cant kill, but dont kill the common animals such as frogs, because

frogs eat 15000 bugs for us, and most are pests. Some people often dont think

that is, the stubborn still, so we should try to eat less wild animals, lead to

wild animals, the drop in sales no longer killing of wild animals.

Our forest is called oxygen plant, so to take good care of flowers and

plants, not to destroy the city greening, and actively participate in. But also

to cut down trees less, dont waste wood items, because waste these things is to

destroy the forest, so be used sparingly, to protect the forests of less and


Use energy saving lamps to replace the ordinary light bulb, although some

expensive but can use less electricity. I appeal to you: in our daily actions to

protect earths environment, let our children and grandchildren live in a

beautiful environment!



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My hometown is a beautiful small village, my father said that the original home of hanging about the village, is full of trees behind the house, lush and green all the year round, there is a small river east village, the water crystal clear, fish, the sky was crystal clear.

The few families lived in the village, the life is comfortable, but I dont know since when, the environment began to deteriorate. Say we river first, she was now the sewage river, there is a paper mill in the waste water into the river, the river with a layer of white foam, stinking, former aquatic plants and the fish disappeared, flowers reflection of the river was gone. Dad said the river but he was a child often play place, now people here to hurry past, wu hold its mouth. The river when you are sad all the day.

The earth is our home, a good environment is the premise of our happy life. In order to our survival homeland to sweet and comfortable, I put forward three Suggestions:

The industrial wastewater emissions dont, best can recycle after unified handling.

Second life garbage recycling, in order to reuse. Called on people to care for the environment, and in some poor hygiene area eye-catching warning label.

Three to supervision and control of air pollution, especially for those emissions exceed the chimney rectification within a time limit.

Around us there are many people environmental protection consciousness, I hope more people join the ranks of environmental protection, let the home environment is becoming more and more good.










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I love the earth, love for our homeland. Love her beautiful country scene, love her green to the sky......

在四野飘香的花丛中,我和蝶儿一起嬉戏、欢笑;在郁郁葱葱的森林里,我与小鸟一起追逐、歌唱;清晨,我迈着轻盈的步履去原野上踏青,雾霭缭绕着、白纱般的柔柔地漂浮在空中。吮吸着花草的芳香, 欣享着阳光的沐浴,我被陶醉在这如痴如醉的梦幻里;夜晚,我坐在稻谷飘香的农家小院里,仰望着璀璨的星空,聆听着蝉鸣嘹响,蛙声如潮,仿佛置身于一个童话般的王国。

In the fields the fragrance of flowers, butterflies, and I play together in laughter; a wild profusion of vegetation in the forest, I chase, with birds singing; early in the morning, I walked with light steps to the fields on the outing, mist shrouded with white veil, gently floating in the air. At the scent of flowers and plants, we enjoy the sun bath, I was intoxicated in the dream of the night, delude one to folly; I sat in the fragrance of rice farmers in a small courtyard, looking up at the bright sky, listening to the sound of cicadas Liao ring, frog sound waves, like being in a fairy tale kingdom.


Very good environment! That would allow the destroyed?


The high-tech, high emissions, the endless exploitation...... The dinosaur extinction due to the environment, human have to destroy ourselves?


The historical responsibility Protect environment and maintaining ecological balance to fall on our cross century generation shoulder. Let us all come to love nature, love the earth, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart to set up a green dam, defend, defend, defend the earth resources and environment, protect our beautiful homeland!



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We have only one earth.

Its cle[object Object]ar how important it is to take care of our earth.

However,nowadays the environment is being polluted badly,so we must take actions.

For example,we should pick up the rubbish and throw it into dusbin.

We should collect waste batteries.

And we should use plastic bags as less as possible.

In addition,we mustnt spit in public places.

Protecting the environment is our duty.

As a student,I will try my best and advise others to protect the environment together.

I believe the earth will become more and more beautiful if everyone can make their effort.



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The protection of the environment is everyones responsibility!(标题)

Taking good care of our environment is very important.Wherever you live,You can do something around your neighbourhood.

its our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy.You might ask yourself,"have I picked some rubbish and thrown it into a dustbin?Have I ever collected waste paper or bottles for recycling?Have I ever planted any trees or flowers in or near my neighbourhood?"

If everyone makes a contribution to protectingthe environment,the world will become much more beautiful!



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In the garden, the forest environment, there are many changes, such as: the grass is green, the flowers red, the trees become more, the water clear, grass less gas, more......


Im going to visit your aunt, aunt said: "before the small garden in front of our house, spend much more special, but in recent years, many flowers withered, and some have been picked up, but some people are planting trees, flowers, green garden."


I went to visit my dad, dad said: "there is a river in front of the aunt of the West Bridge, where before the water is clear, like a mirror. Because littering, indiscriminate discharge of sewage, washing...... Therefore, the river becomes very muddy, very black, very smelly, river shrimp and small fish cannot survive."


We should do Protect environment, greening the environment, everyone can care about, to make our environment more beautiful, more beautiful nature.



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I study in the No.1 Primary School. Its one of the best primary schools in my city. There are four buildings in campus.Two of them are teaching buildings. The other two are library and gym. The teaching buildings are huge and the classroom is large and bright. There are plenty of books in the library. I like reading books in the library. After class, students like playing in the gym. It’s a popular place after class. Besides, our teachers are great. They care much about students. I am happy to study in my school.




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Environmental protection is not a new problem for us, our government has already made clear the goal of governance. As every ordinary people in real life, although not directly involved in environmental protection work, but we can start from the minor matter, begin from me.


When you see the Restroom faucet in water, Shi Bushi can raise close? When the battery is exhausted can classified processing rather than throw it away? When shopping can consciously do not use thin plastic bags? A trivial thing though is very humble, but we have the number of environmental consciousness.


Recycling 1 tons of waste paper can be recycled 800 kilograms of paper, can save 17 trees. Recovery of the 20 waste boxes can create a beautiful pen. Recycling one glass bottle to save energy, can make the light bulb for 4 hours. Recovery of the 1 aluminum cans is equal to saving half an aluminum cans of oil. So we should put garbage classification, by the relevant departments after the recovery of reproduction!


As long as we start from ourselves, from the little things, we work together, will be able to persevere, to society, but also for myself a blue sky, I hope everyone can consciously Protect environment, to make our living environment more beautiful.



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There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years。 One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil。 the polluted air does great harm to people’s health。 The polluted water causes diseases and death。 What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities。

To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot。 Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution。 Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today。

In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures。 First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education。 Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution。 Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished。 We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves。







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Environmental protection is not a new question for us, our government has put forward clear governance objectives. As every ordinary people in real life, although not may be directly engaged in environmental protection work, but we can starts from the minor matter, starts from me.

When see the bathroom faucet is dripping, close is able to raise your hand? When the battery after use can be classified collection processing and not carelessly throw away? Whether consciously or the use of ultra-thin plastic bags when shopping? Them are very small, but it reflects how much we have environmental protection consciousness.

Recycling one ton of waste paper can regenerate 800 kg of paper, can save 17 big tree. Recycling waste 20 boxes can create a beautiful pen container. Recycling one glass bottle to save energy, can make the bulb light for four hours. Recycling one aluminum can is to save the half oil cans. So we should place the garbage classification, reproduction by the relevant department after recycling reuse!

As long as we start from oneself, starts from the minor matter, everybody joint efforts, perseverance, we will be for the society, also a piece of clear water, blue sky for yourself, I hope everybody can voluntarily protect the environment, to make our environment more beautiful life.







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