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1、月是华夏明,家居祖国亲! The month is the Chinese Ming Dynasty, the motherland!

2、我以我心爱祖国,我以我行报祖国。 I love my motherland, I reported to my motherland.

3、旭日祥云各地竞盛,春风化雨万物峥嵘。 The auspicious clouds around the Jing Sheng lofty things, salutary influence of education.

4、改革开放魅力无限,和谐中国精彩有约。 Reform and opening up the charm of the infinite, a harmonious China wonderful about.

5、我在祖国怀里成长,祖国在我心中扎根。 I grew up in the motherland, the motherland rooted in my heart.

6、用我辛勤劳动的汗水,浇灌祖国参天大树。 With my hard work and sweat, watering the motherland towering trees.

7、雄鹰展翅,翱翔万里;和平发展,两岸一家。 The eagle wings, flying thousands of miles; both sides of a peaceful development.






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农历腊月二十四扫尘就是年终大扫除,北方称“扫房”,南方叫“掸尘”。在春节前扫尘,是我国人民素有的传统习惯。每逢春节来临,家家户户都要打扫环境,清洗各种器具,拆洗被褥窗帘。其用意是要把一切“穷运”、“晦气” 统统扫出门。





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Nowadays, in an ever tighter job market, great importance has been attached to an interview by both the employer and the applicant. The interview, so to speak, has become indispensable for getting a satisfactory job. On the one hand, the interviewer can take advantage of the occasion to learn about the candidates, such as their work experiences, education and their personalities, so as to pick out the right person for the company. On the other hand, the interviewee can make use of the

opportunity to get to know the job he is going to take up, the salary, the working conditions and many other things about the job he is interested in. Therefore, the job interview is very important to a job-hunter. But how can one succeed in it? Firstly of all, the interviewee must pay attention to his or her appearance. The first impression is always where we start. Get dressed properly and neatly. Secondly, good manners are equally important. Dont be too proud, and neither too timid. Just be courteous. Thirdly, the interviewee must demonstrate his aptitude and skills for the job and his knowledge about eh job-related areas. Be confident.

Last but not the least, the interviewee ought to be honest about his or her personal as well as academic background, for honesty is the best policy. To sum up, the job interview is indeed important, but there is no need to be nervous. As long as the interviewee has the ability for the job, with careful preparation and a fairly confident and honest performance, his or her success can be ensured.


如工作经验,教育背景和他们的个性,以挑选出该公司的合适人选。另一方面,求职者可以利用这个机会去了解他所要从事的工作,如待遇,工作条件以及其他一些他感兴趣的情况。 因此,对于求职者来说面试是非常重要的。但如何才能成功呢?首先,求职者一定要注意其外表。第一印象往往首当其冲。穿着要适当和整齐。其次,良好的举止也同样重要。不要太骄傲





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中华文化博大精深,闪烁着智慧得光芒。我们有学富五车、满腹经纶的孔子,有揭露黑暗、直面现实的屈原,有不屈不挠、顽强抗金的岳飞,有心系天下、胸怀宽广的……我们还拥有文化宝典《尚书》、《中庸》、《论语》,拥有造纸术、指南针、火药、活字印刷四大发明,拥有苏绣、湘绣、蜀绣、粤绣四大名绣,还拥有里长城,秦兵马俑、北京故宫、黄山等雄伟壮观的建筑……漫步在经典巨著的道路上,徜徉在中华文化的海洋中,我们无不为这些深刻的哲学理论和传统遗产所折服,我们会情不自禁的感叹道:“我骄傲我是华夏子孙中的一员,我为中华民族的崛起与富强而自豪!” Chinese culture is extensive and profound, flashing wisdom and light.We have Confucius, who are rich in five cars and full -bodies, and Que Yuan, who expose darkness and face reality, and Yue Fei, who is indomitable, stubbornly resisting gold, and has a broad -mindedness of the world ...", Has four major inventions of papermaking, compass, gunpowder, and living characters. It has four famous embroidery: Su Xiu, Xiangxiu, Shu embroidery, and Guangdong embroidery.On the road of classic masterpieces, in the ocean of Chinese culture, we are all convinced by these profound philosophical theory and traditional heritage.The rise of the nation and the prosperity and prosperity! "






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中国风筝已有二千多年的历史。传统的中国风筝 上到处可见吉祥寓意和吉祥图案的影子。在漫长的岁月里,我们的祖先不仅创造出优美的凝聚着中华民 族智慧的文字和绘画,还创造了许多反映人们对美好生活 向往和追求、寓意吉祥的图案。它通过图案形象,给人以喜庆、吉祥如意和祝福之意;它融合了群众的欣赏 习惯,反映人们善良健康的思想感情,渗透着我国民族传统和民间习俗,因而在民间广泛流传,为人们喜闻乐见。

有着二千多年历史的风筝 ,一直融入在中国传统文化之中,受其熏陶,在传统的中国风筝 中,随处可见这种吉祥寓意之处:“福寿双全”、“龙凤呈 祥”、“百蝶闹春”、“鲤鱼跳龙门”、“麻姑献寿”、“百鸟朝凤”、“连年有鱼”、“四季平安”等这些风筝 无一不表现着人们对美好生活 的向往和憧憬。

吉祥图案运用人物、走兽、花鸟、器物等形象和一些吉祥文字,以民间谚语、吉语及神话故事为题材,通过借喻、比拟、双关、象征及谐音等表现手法,构成“一句 吉语一图案”的美术形式,赋予求吉呈祥、消灾免难之意,寄托人们对幸福、长寿、喜庆等愿望。它因物喻义、物吉图案,将情景物融为一体,因而主题鲜明突出, 构思巧妙,趣味盎然,富有独特的格调和浓烈的民族色彩。例如一对凤鸟迎着太阳比翼飞翔的图案,称为“双凤朝阳”,它以丰富的寓意、变化多姿的图案,体现了 人们健康向上的进取精神和对美好幸福的追求。



人们对幸福有共同的追求心理。蝙蝠因与“遍福”、“遍富”谐音,尽管它形象欠美,但经过充分美化,把它作为象征“福”的吉祥图案。以蝙蝠为图案 的风筝 比比皆是,如在传统的北京沙燕风筝 中,以“福燕”为代表,在整个硬膀上,可以画满经过美化的蝙蝠。其它的取其寓意的风筝有:“福中有福”、“福在眼 前”、“五福献寿”、“五福捧寿”、“福寿双全”、“五福齐天”、“五福献寿”等,周代《洪范》篇载“五福”:一曰寿,二曰富,三曰康宁,四曰攸好德,五 曰考终命。“攸好德”谓所好者德,“考终命”谓善终,不横夭。按五福寓意,福已包含富和寿。其他的求福吉祥图案还有“鱼”和“如意”(如意原是竹木制的搔 杖,专搔手够不到的地方,因能尽如人意而得名)。与此有关的吉祥图案与风筝 有:“连年有鱼”,“喜庆有余”,“鲤鱼跳龙门”,“百事如意”,“必定如 意”,“平安如意”等。


古往今来人们都希望健康长寿。寄寓和祝颂长寿的图案很多:有万古长青的松柏,有据说能享几千年寿命的仙鹤及色彩缤纷的绶带鸟,有据传食之可以长 命百岁的“仙草”灵芝和能够使人长生不老的西王母仙桃等。追求和表达长寿的“寿”字有三百多种字形,变化极为丰富。源于佛教的“万”字纹样,寓“多至上 万”之意。在沙燕风筝 中,腰部的图案就多为回转“万”字纹样。与此有关的吉祥图案与风筝 有:“祥云鹤寿”,“八仙贺寿”等。


表达人们美好、愉快、幸福的心情。喜字有不少字形,“喜喜”是人们常见的喜庆图案。喜鹊是喜事的“征兆”,风筝 中有“喜”字风筝 ,“喜喜”风筝 碰等,与此有关的风筝 和吉祥图案有:“喜上眉梢”,“双喜登眉”,“喜庆有余”,“福禄寿喜”,“双喜福祥”。喜庆图案颇具情趣的还有百蝶、百鸟、百花、 百吉、百寿、百福、百喜等图案,如“百鸟朝凤”。寓间美满婚姻、夫妇和谐有鸳鸯图案风筝等。


龙、凤、麒麟是人们想象中的瑞禽仁兽。龟在古代是长寿的象征,后来以龟背纹代替。特别需要强调的是关于龙的话题,中国是个尚龙的国家,在我们国 家里龙是有着特别的意味,龙有着鹿的角,牛的头,蟒的身,鱼的鳞,鹰的爪的神奇生物,被视为中华古老文明的象征。以瑞禽仁兽及其它物象构成的传统吉祥图案 有:“龙凤呈祥”,“二龙戏珠”,“彩凤双飞”,“百鸟朝凤”等。中国传统风筝 -龙头蜈蚣长串风筝,尤其是大型龙类风筝 ,以其放飞场面壮观,气势磅礴而受 人喜爱。



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As we know , water is very important to man,we can’t live without water. The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less. But some people don’t care about it .They waste a lot of water in their daily life. Even worse, they pour dirty water in to rivers. They throw rubbish into rivers , too. Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted. Something must be done to stop the pollution.Only in this way can we live happily. If we don’t save water, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us.



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The difference between chinese and western culture

With the rapidly challging word, people throughout the world have found it increasingly necessary to minimize the rate of misunderstanding due to miscommunication in their contacts with another. In the oast most human beings were born, lived, and died within a limited geoographical area, never encountering people of other cultural backgrounds. It might be said that technological advances have been most effective in creating the borderless word, the global community. As our world shrinks and its inhabitants become interdependent, people from remot cultures increasingly come into contact on a daily basis. It is no longer hard to find situations in which membes of ince isolared groups of people. Now these people may live thousands of miles away or right next door to each other. So all the people are faced with the challenge of understand this world. So when the east meet west, there are many problems. Some problems are listed as follows.

First of all, the way of eating. All huaman beings have certain basic needs. Our fundamental needs for things that keep us alive. This is the physioligical need. All individuals must eat in order to survive. But what people eat, when they eat, and the manners in which they eat are all patterned by culture. No society views everything in its environment that is edible and might provide nurishment as food. Americans eat oysters but not snail. The French eat snails but not locusts. The Jews eat fish but not pork. The Hindus eat pork but not beef. The Russiand eat beef but not snake. We all have ideas about what kinds of food are good to eat. We also have ideas about what kinds of food are bad to eat. As a result, people from one culture often think the food that people from another culture eat are disgusting or nauseating. Dislike is not the only reason why some culture will not eat a certain food. In some clture, certain foods are taboo. Sometimes the food taboos may be so strong thrat just the thought of eating forbidden foods can cause an indivdual to feel ill. We can also find culture difference in way of bring up children treating the early, greeting each other, saying and spending money before other people do in everyday, but in some English-speaking countries, people do not agree with us. We chinese may enjoy something that is not usually consider as edible by the English-speaking people. Generally we perfer to have thing hot and much emphasis on the taste. We eat from one plate when we are eating with others, and we like to seat one by one, and in the shape of a round. On the opposite, some English-speaking contries, most of the people like to seat in two rows, two people face to face. They have their own plate. On the aspect of table manners, there are many differences between chinese and English-speaking people. For example, in some Englishi-speaking countries, Bread plates are to the left of the main plate, beverage glasses are to the right. Salad fork, knife and soup spoon are further from the

main plate than the main course knife, fork and spoon. When eating bread rolls, break off a piece before buttering. Use the knife only to butter the bread, not to cut it. They should not start eating before your host does or instructs to do so. At larger meals, it is considered okay to start eating once others have been served. When finished, place the knife and fork together at five o’clock with the fork on the left. It is considered rude to answer the telephone at the table. If need to take an urgent call, excuse self and go outside. Try to eat all the food you are served. But in China, the table manners are different. Chinese traditionally eat rice from a small bowl held in the left hand. The rice bowl is raised to the mouth and the rice pushed into the mouth using the chopsticks. Some Chinese find it offensive to scoop rice from the bowl using a spoon. If rice is served on a plate, as is more common in the West, it is acceptable and more practical to eat it with a fork or spoon. The thumb must always be above the edge of the bowl. The host should always make sure the guests drinks are sufficiently full. One should not pour for ones self, but should offer to pour for a neighbor. When your drink is being poured, you should say "thank you" and tap fingers on the table to show appreciation. When people wish to clink drinks together in the form of a cheer, it is important to observe that younger members should clink the edge of their drink below the edge of an elder to show respect.

Secondly, the way of communication. Form birth to death, communication plays an integral part in our life. There are some language problems, including the different styles of using language such as direct, indirect; expansive, succinct; argumentative, conciliatory; instrumental, harmonnizing; and so on. These different styles can lead to wrong interpretations of intent and evaluation of insincerity, aggreeiveness, deviousness, or arrogance, among other. The misinterpretation nonverbal signs and symbols such as gestures, postures, and other body movements. It is a definite communication barrier. But it is possible to learn the meanings of these observable message,usually in informal rather ways. It is more difficult to understand the less obvious unspoken codes of the other cultures. Language, as the carrier of culture, is created during the process of human beings’ productive labor and serves as the tool of communication to convey the message between people. However, it has been endowed with magic and power in particular language acts. As the old saying goes, troubles come out of the tongue. Superstitious people think that the language itself can bring about fortune or misfortune so that taboos to restrict the use of language are created. Anyone who violates them will get punishment, whereas those who faithfully obey the restrictions of language taboo will get protection. Furthermore, linguistic taboos change with the development of society .The paper firstly analyzes the evolution of linguistic taboo. It is indicated in the paper that linguistic taboo exists in almost every aspect of people’s life and is a universal social phenomenon in China and Britain. Both Chinese and

English cultures are in agreement about linguistic taboos such as pronunciation taboo, and vocabulary taboo. However, influenced by different cultural backgrounds, ideologies and the concepts of value, Chinese and English linguistic taboos also have differences, as is discussed in the paper from the aspects of taboo subjects, taboo numbers and names. At last, this paper puts forward two effective ways of avoiding taboo, that is, using euphemism and having a good knowledge of the taboo culture. And this discussion would help English learners improve their ability of cross-cultural communication and achieve better communicational effects. For example, During the feudal times, people were not equal to the rulers and were suppressed by their superiors. The distinction between the upper and the lower classes was also reflected in the evaluation of the language used by them respectively. The words of upper class used were considered good and elegant while those used by the lower class were regarded as vulgar and indecent and should be avoided in the speech of ladies and gentlemen. In modern society, as a result of the development of science and technology, many natural phenomena are no longer mysterious. Human beings not only constantly improve their abilities to exploit the world where they are living through their great wisdom and knowledge, but also make efforts to explore the extraterrestrial world. Science has much more say in today’s society. Thereby, the superstitious elements in linguistic taboos decrease while those reflecting spiritual civilization increase.

In short, by comparison, we can find that both Chinese and English communication reflect people’s psychology for good will, for safety and fortune and pleasantness. The Chinese and English people restrict their words and deeds through taboos, trying to keep a harmonious relationship between human and nature, or between people and society. They are a reflection of people’s pursuit of freedom and equality.

The most important, the different way of family structure, family values and family education. Family structure is the big difference between east and west, traditional chinese, amony many other Asians, repect their elders and feel a deep sense of duty toward them. Children repay their parents` sacrifices by being successful and supporting them in old age. This is accepted as a natural part of life in China. In contrast, taking care of aged parents is often viewed as a tremendous burden in the English-speaking countries, where aging and family support are not honored highly. In some English-speaking countries are still extrmely family-oriented. They are dedicated to helping their children and will sacrifice greatly for their children to get an edcuation. In turn, the children are devoted to their parents, who often live nearby. Grown children who go away and leave the country for the economic reasons typically send large parts of their salary home to their parents and the rest of the family. Or in some Asia, any decisions or actions are done from family consideration, not individual desires. Peope`s behavior is judged on whether it

brings shame or pride to the family. The children are trained to rely on their families, to honor elderly people, and to fear foreigners. And many of them think that their actions in this life will influence their status in the next life.

The way of family edcation is also the different. We all know the family education is the elementary education for children. Many serious problems have appeared in our education system in recent years. Almost everyone has realized the importance of solving these problems and many people have presented a lot of valuable suggestions. There are many types of family education in the world and each of them shows distinctive features and is closely responsive to its culture. And American family education is the most famous one among them. There are great differences in the concepts of education, methods of education and results of education between East family education and West family education. In some English-speaking countries, parents’ aims are to train their children to have the ability of adapting to environmental variety and the ability of living independently. Based on this concept, most American parents emphasize more to train their children’s ability of independence once they are born. They generally believe that children’s growth must rely on their own experiences, because they think that children should form a self-supporting will and the capacity to live independently since their childhood. And the capacity comes from the training in the early age. The so-called training contains many aspects, such as work, temper will, patience, the spirit of hard work, etc. However, the most fundamental training is the ability of adapting to hard conditions. Through the process of work, children will form the labor sense, learn some work skills and form a habit of labor. Besides, children can learn how to overcome difficulties, temper their willpower, develop their talents and skills, rich their knowledge, and form a habit of hard work and thrifty by working in hard conditions. It is just in the unconsciously process that children will obtain the independent survivability and take the responsibilities for the society. Compared with some English-speaking countries, Chinese parents have a very different concept of children’s education. Some parents in China only care about whether the children have a promising future, a good job, a good life or not. Based on these expectations, the majority of parents feel that their responsibility for their children is to create as good conditions as possible they can so that the children will not worry about anything in the future. Chinese parents would like to provide everything what they can for their children in the process of children’s growth. In short, they would like to sacrifice anything if their children can live better with their help. Therefore, in the process of children’s growth, the most important thing the parents concerning is to developing their children’s intellect, except for caring children’s daily life. In order to make their children have a good performance in study, become outstanding, or even become a famous person in the future, they would not let children do anything except studying. As for the children’s independence, civic awareness and their ability adapting to the

society in the future, they consider little or not at all. From these aspects we can find the obvious differences of family education between America and China.

When we faced with those difference between West and East, we should give some advice to solve these problems. According to the three big difference that pointed, we should find some way to deal with these problems.

We can study other languages and learn to expect in nonvwebal forms and other cultural aspects. We can train ourselves to meet intercultural encounters with more attention to situation details. We can use an investigative approach rather than stereotypes and preconceptions. We can gradually expose ourselves to differences so that they become less threatening. We can even learn to lower our tension level when needed to advoid triggering defensive reactions. The overall goal should be to achieve intercultural communication competence.

So the ideal solution to reduce the problems are to share knowledge with others in communication. This is why it is easiest to communicate with other members of the same group. This is why people so often gather together socially with others who are very much like them. Since intercultural communication is communication with members of different cultual groups, and therefore, because we do not share knowledge, assumptions, values, and forms of discourse with them, we must expect there to be problems of interpretation. We must look for these problems, anticipate where they will arise out of our differences, and then plan our aommunications to be as effective as possible.

However, we have to remember that, most of the time, the different ways that are the customs of dfferent cultures are neither right nor wrong. It is simply that different people do the same tings in different manners, even though we can not understand ,we should show the respect. I believe this is the best way to make our life become more comfortable and make the world more harmonious.



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中国传统节日有很多;春节。元宵节。中秋节。端午节。重阳节。清明节。七夕节。 我感兴趣的传统节日中最喜欢的是春节,因为它是中国民间最隆重的传统节日。在夏历正月初一,又叫阴历年,又称为“过年”和“新年”。每年过年,街上挂满了红红的灯笼,彩旗飘飘。商场是人山人海,家家户户贴对联,可热闹了。每个小朋友 都可以拿利是,小朋友还可以穿上漂亮的新衣服,大人个个喜气洋洋。爸爸 给我买了许多礼花和鞭炮,到了晚上,我就拿出礼花下楼和小朋友一起放,我们玩得非常高兴,到了晚会开始,我才恋恋不舍地回家 ,与家人一起开开心 心的吃水果看晚会,精彩的表演把我们逗得哈哈大笑,心想:要是天天都过年该多好啊!

我还喜欢过“重阳节”,农历9月9日,有一首重阳节的古诗是李白创作的。独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。遥知兄弟登高处,遍插茱萸少一人。这首诗写得非常好。又是中国的一个古老的传统佳节——重阳节。重阳节,又有称为“老人节”,重阳这一天,人们赏菊花,佩带茱萸,携酒登山,畅游欢愉。这一天,我和爸爸 妈妈准备了一份礼物 去看望爷爷奶奶 ,我心中非常开心 ,因为我明白尊老爱幼是我们中华的传统美德。

“元宵节”也让我难忘。每年农历的正月十五日,春节刚过,迎来的就是中国的传统节日元宵节,这一天我们也放了许多烟花,还吃了汤圆。一家团团圆圆,那时的我心中充满无比的幸福和欢乐 。中国的传统节日真是丰富多彩,它是中国的节日。

这些传统节日同样给我们带来了欢乐 和幸福,所以我们要记住这些美好的节日,并永远继承下去。






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中国文化博大而宽广。她无处不在――溶于书本,徜徉于江南小道,盘旋在峭壁飞檐。我们被这种浓厚的文化信息包围着,却道貌岸然地做着蟪刽子手。忘记历史就是背叛。 我们的文化遗产是历史的见证。秦始皇的兵马俑至今气宇轩昂地挺立着,隋朝大运河的波澜依旧拍打着千年的岸堤。孟江女的哭声凄婉悲恸,纤夫的号子似乎仍在耳边萦绕。沉淀了千年的沉浮、繁华、屈辱、悲愤,这些文化遗产烫帖了坎坷的心灵,将肃穆呈于世人。刀光剑影去了,长歌悲哭停止了,豪情厮杀消逝了。一切随着大江东去,只有千年松柏和着轻风耳语。








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每年八月十五日就是中秋节,一到这个节日 远方的亲人就都回来了,在家里的人早早就做准备,这个节日吃的都是圆的,月饼圆圆的,像天上的月亮,代表家人团团圆圆。







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The main content of American culture is the emphasize on individuals value, the pursue of democracy and freedom, the promotion of deploitation(开拓, 经营) and competition and the need of realistic and practicality. Its core is individualism: self first, personal need first, pursue of individual benefit and enjoyment, emphasize on achieving individual value by self-strive and self-design. This type of intentionally build up of personality and pursue customized individualism has its pros and cons, it gives incentives to people and make them exert on their potential and wisdom and as a result accelerate the development of the entire race and nation; on the other hand it is difficult to keep good relationship among people if everyone is egocentric thus make the entire society lack of unity.

American citizens emphasize on achievements and respect heroes. They have great sense in their hearts to praise succeand heroes. Personal achievements are one of those with the highest value in Americans mind. Americans have very strong senses of success. Succeis the pursuit of most Americans, it is their attractive future and the incentives for moving forward. They believe that ones personal value is equivalent to his achievements in his career. Some high achievers in their career such as entrepreneurs, scientists, artists and all kinds of super starts became modern heroes. The proceand result of how they strived have become the frame of reference of social culture value and the real life text book for parents to educate their children.

American society has great movements within itself. These movements are shown in two aspects: movements amongst locations and movements inside the society. The United States are relatively more open and have more freedom. Developed transport and the tradition of adventure and sporty makes a lot of American migrate from countryside to cities, from downtown to uptown; and from north to the southern sunny land, from one city to another. Unlike European countries, the social classes in America is not so stable. Further more, with the advocation of public education, movements upwards along the social ladder have become possible. Many people living in the states, no matter whether they are Native American or immigrants from overseas, have the same dream of changing their social claand make their lifetime dream come true through their own efforts. This is what they often called "American dream".



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