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Directions: Write a composition entitled On Online Chatting. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:

1. 网上聊天越来越流行; 有人反对它,有人赞同; 我的看法。

范文一: Online Chatting

With the development of IT, online chatting is becoming increasingly popular with many people.

However, people’s opinions about it vary from person to person. Some think that it has more problems than benefits. First, it is a waste of time, energy and money as it doesn’t produce any useful information and products. Second, it is misleading to its users because cyberspace is actually an imaginary space where things are unreal or fictional.

But the advocates of online chatting support it because it is another way of recreation which is both exciting and relaxing. Besides, it helps them release their emotions and worries freely and safely. To them, it is very useful and wonderful.

As far as I am concerned, whether online chatting is good or bad depends on the person who does it.

Control we can use it cientifically and properlyandcurbjits bad effect to the greatest extent. (159 words)

范文二: Online Chatting

With the development of computers, the Internet has made its way into our daily life, Online chatting as a new communicative way has become more and more popular, especially with youngsters. However, like everything else, online chatting has both advantages and disadvantages.

On one hand, people can make friends and air their views freely on line. When they feel frustrated they may talk with a stranger on line rather than with their parents or friends. For they think its easier to talk

with a stranger on line. They can also chat with people from different areas all over the world. When the chat is over, they feel contented and refreshed.

On the one hand, some young people become too addicted to online chatting. They will sit in front of the computer day and night. It is not only a waste of time but also harmful to their health.

In my opinion, online chatting does bring a lot benefits to our life, but we should try to reduce the negative effects to the minimum and make online chatting our valuable assistant.




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Help others you also can be joyful, is a trivial things will also make yourself feel happy.

Remember when my third grade, a language examination it if I know "helping others, happy yourself" meaning.

This day I hurried from the drawer take out three ball-pens, just got in the classroom. Come to the classroom soon bell rang "000" class, the teacher also follow here, in this moment students stopped discourse, from the bag out books to sit quietly on the desks and chairs, books. Disguise

"Start the test" the teachers words sound just fell, well put the desk retrieval empty, they left a pen, a cushion the cardboard.

In the exam, everyone was doing at, then my leader patting my shoulder, side whispered, "xiao fine you have a few pen? Can you lend me one?" Borrowed, "Im not happy about it, but I think of helping others, happy yourself, helpful, my hands and flat, not to hear my words, automatically put pen handed it to my leader.

After the test, when I heard leader said to me, thank you when I feel alacrity.

The day I understand the "helping others, happy" meaning. As long as you help others, in your most helpless time they will help you.

China, a country with an ancient civilization, self-help is the traditional virtue, as the most beautiful songs rap "a star willing to help others heart, the most happy is a help others..."



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There is no doubt that we should never go out there to see what happens; instead, we should take actions to make things happen. A telling example is Youyou Tu. She and her colleagues made 380 extracts from 2,00 herbs before they finally succeeded in discovering the pure substance qinghaosu, which can be used to treat malaria. As we all know, there were numerous scientists who wanted to find this substance, but it was her firm actions that made her the first Chinese Nobel laureate in medicine.

Why?Reasons are quite simple and can be listed as follows. To begin with, only by taking actions can we find the best way to solve those problems we are facing, but as a bystander, we can learn nothing meaningful. In addition, in an age full of ruthless and relentless competitions, without taking actions to make things happen, we are bound to lose those valuable opportunities. For instance, if Apple had just gone out there to see what happens in mobile phones, it could not have presented the amazing product, iPhone, to us.

Accordingly, we college students should not just be a watcher but a doer. In my humble opinion, we can start from applying what we have learned into practice.

毫无疑问,我们永远不应该走出去看看发生了什么;相反,我们应该采取行动让事情发生。一个生动的例子就是由你。她和她的同事做了380提取物2 00草药才终于发现了纯物质青蒿素,可用于治疗疟疾。我们都知道,有很多的科学家们想找到这种物质,但这是她公司的行为,让她第一个中国医学诺贝尔奖得主。





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My new college life is going to start, so I cannot help feeling excited. How many times I have dreamed my beautiful and meaningful university life!

When my new life begins, I think the first thing I should do is to focus on my study. I will try my best to learn as many subjects as possible. Besides, I think I will take part in some school activities to improve my comprehensive ability, such as communication ability and so on. At the same time, I am supposed to join some student unions or clubs to make my life colorful.

I know there are many differences between high schools and universities, so I will change my study habits. In high schools, it is the times of teachers forcing students to study, but in universities, we should arrange all the things by ourselves, so I will study by myself. I will make study plans such as time schedule or something like that by myself.

Of course, I will practice myself to be more independent. Independence is a rather curtail ability for future development, so if there are any problems, I will do my best to solve it personally, and wont ask someone at first as before.

This is what I arrange for my new life, and hope it will start soon. I am ready for it!



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With time goes by, it becomes a bit hard for me to remember everything about myself at the first day of my college life。 However, there was one thing for sure that I did feel quite excited and curious about my university。 There is no doubt that students like me have struggled for a long time so that can be permitted to enter the university。




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I am a student in a college, and Im very happy becouse of my good life in my college.

In the morning, I always go to my college by bike and watch the sights on my way to there. Then, Ill have lessons, this isnt a boring thing, becouse the teachers in my college are all friendly and funny, thier lessons are all interesting and relaxing, of course. So, I like to have lessons. After a happy morning, a happy afternoon will come. I dont have to have lessons in the afternoon. So, I often spent time with my friends to make our friendship much and much. Some time we go to parks, and others time we go shopping, I hardly ever have a happyness afternoon. In the evening, I dont have to have lessons, either. But, I usually get to my classroom on time and start studing. Beacouse, the aim of going to college is learning knowledges after all.

Although my college life is very happy and very good, now. I belive a words forever------It will be much better in tomorrow.



虽然我的大学生活很快乐,很好,现在。我永远相信一句话- - - - - -这将是更好的明天。



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1.爱屋及乌 Love me, love my dog.

2.百闻不如一见 Seeing is believing.

3.比上不足比下有余 worse off than some, better off than many; to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst.

4.笨鸟先飞 A slow sparrow make an early start.

5.不眠之夜 whe night

6.不以物喜不以己悲 not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personnal losses

7.不遗余力 spare no effort; go all out; do ones best

8.不打不成交 No discord, no concord.

9.拆东墙补西墙 rob Peter to pay Paul

10.辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old and usher in the new; ring out the old year and ring in the new

11.大事化小小事化了 try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all

12.大开眼界 open ones eyes; broaden ones horizon; be an eye-opener

13.国泰民安 The country flourishes and people live in peace

14.过犹不及 going too far is as bad as not going far enough; beyond is as wrong as falling short; too much is as bad as too little

15.功夫不负有心人 Everything comes to him who waits.

16.好了伤疤忘了疼 once on shore, one prays no more

17.好事不出门恶事传千里 Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news spread far and wide.

18.和气生财 Harmony brings wealth.

19.活到老学到老 One is never too old to learn.

20.既往不咎 let bygones be bygones

21.金无足赤人无完人 Gold cant be pure and man cant be perfect.

22.金玉满堂 Treasures fill the home.

23.脚踏实地 be down-to-earth

24.脚踩两只船 sit on the fence

25.君子之交淡如水 the friendship between gentlemen is as pure as crystal; a hedge between keeps friendship green

26.老生常谈陈词滥调 cut and dried, cliché

27.礼尚往来 Courtesy calls for reciprocity.

28.留得青山在不怕没柴烧 Where there is life, there is hope.

29.马到成功 achieve immediate victory; win instant success

30.名利双收 gain in both fame and wealth

31.茅塞顿开 be suddenly enlightened

32.没有规矩不成方圆 Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards. 33.每逢佳节倍思亲 On festive occasions more than ever one thinks of ones dear ones far away.It is on the festival occasions when one misses his dear most.

34.谋事在人成事在天 The planning lies with man, the outcome with Heaven. Man proposes, God disposes.

35.弄巧成拙 be too smart by half; Cunning outwits itself



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There is a famous saying goes like that “Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.” This saying shows the relationship between knowledge and practice vividly.

As far as we know, if we don’t have corresponding knowledge of some fields, we cannot do well in the fields. There are innumerable examples to illustrate this point. For instance, a singer can sing well only if he or she possesses musical knowledge; a dancer can dance well only if he or she knows how to dance; a worker can get the job well-done only if he or she is familiar with the basic principles of the job, and so on. But in turn, if we do not apply what we have known to practice, knowledge cannot play its role. For example, if we have learned different methods of cooking vegetables, but we do not cook, then the different methods of cooking vegetables do not produce value for us.

Therefore, if we do not have knowledge, we have nothing to practice, but if we have knowledge without putting it into practice, knowledge is of no avail. So we should acquire as much knowledge and put it into practice.



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Since the financial crisis swept the world, the global economy has sunk into a severe recession. It’s hard to get through a day without hearing or reading news about the devastating effects of the crisis: A world of companies go bankrupt, millions of employees are laid off, high-return investment bubbles burst, and huge sums of loans can never be retrieved. Its impact on our daily life can be felt in all walks of life。

College students inevitably fall victim to this pervasive slump as well. On top of that, internships and job vacancies are reduced to the minimum as companies keep shrinking. New graduates find themselves hard to get a job, not to speak of a satisfactory one. What comes next? Poor students will be hard-pressed if they find student loans unavailable any more. As a result, some even cannot afford to continue their studies. Lastly, more students are probably out there anxiously looking for part-time jobs now that they have to help cover their expenses in this gloomy economy. Their innocence and eagerness might be taken advantage of by some malicious businesspeople, or even criminal gang。

In response to these threats, we students must act promptly and wisely. Since we definitely will be facing a competitive job market, it’s crucial that we submit high quality resumes. Therefore, we must commit more to our professional studies. Even do better, master more relevant job skills as a double security. Furthermore, apply for scholarships and grants, as these are still available and we don’t have to pay them back. As for the safety issues, trust our instinct – there’s no free lunch in this world. Anything that promises quick returns without much work is a sure trap. Stay alert and protect ourselves。



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College is always considered as a turning point in our educational career and life. I would use adaptationas the key word when describing my first year at college.

As we enter a new school, we first have to adapt a new environment and meet new people.As we leave home and move into the school dormitory, we need to learn to live and get along with other people who have different living habit. And as we start a higher level education, we need to adopt a new way of study. Teachers are no more like the ones in high school that will push us to learn.

Instead, we have more options and spare time to do what we want.

I am glad that I have overcome the difficulties and adapted the new life of college. I have achieved a lot more than I expected at my first year of college. First of all, I have made new friends who share the same hobbies and met new teachers who inspire me in all way. Secondly, I have become more independent. I have got used to a new way of study and often study different things by myself. I can take care of myselfwithout parents being by my side all the time. Last but not least, I have learnt to make full use of my time. I believe time management is a very essential skill in college life as we have more freedom than ever before. It has helped me not to waste time and turned me into a well-organized person.

My first year at college is excellent and I really appreciate all that I have learnt this year.



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On the Losing of Traditional Culture

1. 现在许多传统文化正慢慢消失

2. 传统文化消失的原?因

3. 我的看法

On the Losing of Traditional Culture

It is widely noted that lots of traditional culture is disappearing along with the development of technology. Many ancient architectures and traditional ways of living have been deserted. It seems that the traditional culture and craftsmanship will be replaced in this modern era.

The following reasons can account for the above phenomenon. Firstly, traditional technologies are always considered ineffective while the new sciences are always highly efficient. Secondly, it is costly to protect the traditional culture. If the fund used to protect the ancient culture was instead delivered to the poor, it will be helpful to the improvement of their living standard. Thirdly, modern science and technology facilitate both our daily and academic life a lot. For instance, college students always collect their thesis materials by surfing the Internet instead of borrowing books from the library.

In my opinion, although traditional culture is an ancient heritage, it couldn’t keep pace with the development of society. It is the tide of history that the traditional culture and technology will no doubt be eliminated in the end.



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Everyone has dreams. Some want to be doctors. Some want to be scientists. Some want to be engineers. I want to be a teacher when I grow up. Because I’m good at talking to people. And I like the job. I would be nice to all my students. I would encourage them to be creative. I wouldn’t give them too much homework on weekends.Maybe I will be a manager. I would run a business and lead a team. I would work hard and make the company bigger and stronger. My teacher often says to us . “No matter what you will be ,you must work hard today”. The main thing is to know yourself and to choose the right path for you. Rich or poor, it doesn’t matter. Our biggest goal is to be happy. I think if we work hard ,our dreans will come true. We will have a good future.



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As we know, many people favor the idea that the college life is free and

comfortable, but I’d like to say it’s not true. As a matter of fact, my life in

university is so busy that I wonder if my energy is enough. As to my college

life, I divide it into four parts, including study, student activities, library

and the others.

Firstly, I want to talk about the study. In my opinion, study is the

priority in college. When I received the letter of admission in summer, I knew

clearly that what I should do. So I make up my mind to study hard and pursue

learning as much as possible. I’m greatly convinced that knowledge can change my

life. Therefore, I often go to the quiet study room where many people study

there. By working so hard, I get good grades in the exams.

Secondly, student activities play an important role in our college life. To

be honest, the student Union is a good place where one can develop social

skills, get his abilities trained. I take part in many student activities. For

example, I’ m a volunteer, teaching the kids to learn to dance and write. I

think it’s meaningful for everyone to give a hand to others. I can also do some

jobs in the Student Union, including receiving and sending fast mail, selling

papers and magazines. I think they’re unforgettable and worthwhile experiences

for me.

Thirdly, I also visit the library constantly. It’s said that “shelves of

books, oceans of knowledge”, so I read books that I’m interested in. In this

way, I can share stories with my new friends and it also changes my horizons

.When I’m sad, lost or in trouble, staying the library makes me quiet and

comfortable. After all, every life has bad moments as well as good ones, and the

library for me is a support in bad moments. So it’s wise choice for me to stay

in the library.

Finally, I often do other things in my spare time. In order to alleviate

parents’ burden, I often do some part-time jobs and write some articles to earn

money. It helps me to be independent and improve my social skills.

In short, my life in university is busy but valuable. You can see that

study brings me knowledge, student activities improve myself, library changes my

horizons, the others things make me independent. They get all my abilities

trained. And I see that the chance will come only if you have a prepared mind,

so I’m sure that I can achieve my dreams in college life.



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Academic Plagiarism

Nowadays, the problem of academic plagiarism becomes more and more serious. In orderto earn academic titles, some teachers plagiarize others academic papers; in order tograduate smoothly, some college students plagiarize others graduation papers. Everything hasits reasons; academic plagiarism is no exception.

First, college authorities put too much emphasis on papers while conferring academic titlesand graduating students. Second, modern technology makes it unprecedentedly easy to getinformation and materials. Some plagiarists who are morally corrupt cant resist thetemptation and decide to take risks. Third, the system of censorship and penalty are farfrom being strict, encouraging plagiarism to some extent.

Plagiarism causes many bad results. On the one hand, plagiarism infringes original writersright and it is unfair for teachers and students who dont plagiarize. On the other hand,plagiarism may spread negative thoughts which in the end will ruin colleges fame. Therefore,I suggest college authorities should not regard papers as the only criterion for evaluating teachers and students. Besides, much stricter system of censorship and penalty should beapplied.



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1、It is well-known to us that……我们都知道……

As far as my knowledge is concerned, …就我所知…

2、Recently the problem of…… has been brought into focus

Nowadays there is a growing concern over ……最近……问题引起了关注

3、Nowadays(overpopulation)has become a problem we have to face


4、Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.


5、With the rapid development of science and technology,more and more people believe that……


6、It is a common belief that……

==It is commonly believed that……人们一般认为……


1、People‘s views on……vary from person to person。 Some hold that……However, o thers believe that……人们对……的观点因人而异,有些人认为……然而其他人却认为……

2、People may have different opinions on……


3、Attitudes towards (drugs)vary from person to person。

==Different people hold different attitudes towards(failure)。人们对待吸毒的态度因人而异。

4、There are different opinions among people as to……



1、In short, it can be said that……


2、From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that……


3、Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally/reasonably come to the conclusion that……


4、Hence/Therefore, we‘d better come to the conclusion that……


5、There is no doubt that (job-hopping)has its drawbacks as well as merits.


6、All in all, we cannot live without……,but at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.



1、It is high time that we put an end to the (trend).


2、There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of……




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Thanksgiving which falls on the fourth Thursday of November, is one of the

biggest American holidays. This holiday started in the early 1600s after

settlers arrived in America. These people who came from Europe didnt know how

to survive in the wild new country. Luckily, they met some friendly American

Indians, who showed them how to hunt turkeys and grow corn. In the fall, after

the harvest, the settlers had a great feast. They invited the Indians to thank

them for their help. Today the tradition continues. On Thanksgiving Day,

Americans invite their friends over for a turkey dinner and give thanks for what

they have.



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Colorful college life Being in the college can be regarded as the best time of the life for the young. The campus life is enjoyable, precious, and alsocolorful. This is a time for a student to his or her ideas about life in general. Attending classes provide him or her precious knowledge, adding to his or her knowledge base.

Library is also a good place for students to study in where you can receive more information. Studying in college is a brand new start of our life. One can continue to study hard for the better scores.

In your spare time, you could play basketball, football and so on. Doing sports is very interesting and good for your health. If you want to show your talents and skills you can join in all kinds of activities.

In fact, you can do anything which you are interested in. Therefore, a student in college should fully use the time in college,making his or her life much more colorful.First of all, owing to the lack of connection with the society,wed better have some activities to get into touch with the different society.

In a word, college life is enjoyable, precious and alsocolorful.



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I was graduated from xx xx college graduates, I have a bright and cheerful disposition, treat people sincerely, treat serious and responsible work, good at communication, coordination has the strong organization ability and team spirit; Lively and cheerful, optimistic and aspirant, has the compassion and good at teaching parallel; Self-motivated, diligently study can improve their ability and comprehensive quality. In future work, I will be with abundant energy, studies assiduously the spirit to work hard, steadily improve their ability to work, and the company synchronous development.

Strong self-learning ability, self-study at school a lot of computer knowledge, can skilled assembling computer, know the computer maintenance, familiar with Windows, office software, familiar with the interne resources. Auto cad ps/" target = "_blank" software such as photoshop; Will be written in c language program in general.

Solid professional knowledge, have positive work attitude, ability to work independently, and vastly team spirit, has the good cultural quality at the same time; Endowed with initiative, good people management and communication and coordination ability.

I am strong adaptability, a strong sense of responsibility, hard-working unremittingly, and have good team spirit. After engaged in service industry, the assistant job, accumulated the rich service industry and management experience and excellent verbal and written communication skills. Able to skillfully operate word office software and equipment, in order to fit for the demand of the modern office, please give me a chance, I will also you to dazzling brilliance.

Treat serious and responsible work, good at communication, coordination has the strong organization ability and team spirit; Lively and cheerful, optimistic and aspirant, has the compassion and good at teaching parallel; Self-motivated, diligently study can improve their ability and comprehensive quality. In future work, I will be with abundant energy, studies assiduously the spirit to work hard, steadily improve their ability to work. In the four years of work, in order to prudent working style, positive work attitude seriously, carefully to complete the job. I work steadfast, hard work, if lucky enough to be hired I will try my best to create benefits for your organization, to reflect their own ability and value.


自学能力很强,在校自学了很多计算机知识,能熟练组装计算机,懂得计算机的维护,熟练操作windows、office办公软件,熟悉interne资源。会auto cad ps/ target=_blankphotoshop等软件;会用c语言编写一般程序。



对待工作认真负责,善于沟通、协调有较强的组织能力与团队精神;活泼开朗、乐观上进、有爱心并善于施教并行;上进心强、勤于学习能不断提高自身的能力与综合素质。在未来的工作中,我将以充沛的精力,刻苦钻研的精神来努力工作,稳定地提高自己的工作能力。 在4年的工作中,以谨慎的工作作风,认真积极的工作态度,细心完成本职工作。本人工作踏实,刻苦耐劳,如有幸被录用我将会竭尽全力为贵单位创造效益,以尽情体现自身能力和价值。




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I remember 9 months ago, I was in a hurry to prepare for the college exam. I was afraid I couldnt get to my favorite school at the time. But at last I realized my dream. Now I study Chinese in my favorite university, Hanoi University.

After going to college, my life didnt change too much. Because I live and study in Hanoi, so I dont have to leave the family or rent a house. My home is not far from school, just 15 minutes by bike. But, to be honest, I prefer to live away from home, because I can live on my own, and I can feel the feeling of homesickness.

After the study, everything here is very new to me. I study in a new environment, know a lot of new friends, learn a lot of new knowledge, and so on. At first I felt a little nervous. But now Im getting used to it. The classmates of our class are all very united, often help each other to learn, there is a collective activity, we all join. When I came to school, I felt that I was not very nervous, but more and more knowledge was needed to learn. People know that Chinese characters are very complicated and difficult to remember, so every day I work hard and I will ask the teacher where I dont understand. I think college learning is not the same as high school, because high school, we students often passive learning, but in the University, we mainly study. There is no teacher to remind you of your study. You will lag behind if you dont study.

When I went to college, I was impressed by the library. The library of my school is big and beautiful. There are all kinds of books and quiet. So every day after class, I go there to study and read. There is a big stadium in my school. Every afternoon, I will go there with my friends. For example, playing basketball, dispersing and so on, it feels very easy.

During college, I had only half a days class time, so I spent the rest of the time working to earn money to increase my experience. During the University, we can also participate in community activities except for study. It is very helpful to help others, because we are all hot blooded young people.

Learning not only studies knowledge at the University, but I can learn experience. I hope to study at college in four years can make me grow up.









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I have the same routine from Monday to Friday. I usually get up at five fifty. Then I have breakfast. At six thirty, I go to school. I don’t ride a bike. I go to school on foot. I have five lessons in the morning. I do morning exercises with my classmates after the second lesson. At eleven thirty, I go home for lunch. In the afternoon, I have three lessons. After class, we often have sports in the playground. At five, I go home. After supper, I do my homework. At about ten, I go to bed. I am happy every day.
