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Once man did not have to think about the protection of his environment。

There were few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be


Today things are different。 The world has bee too crowded。 We are using up

our natural resources,and polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals。 If

we continue to do this, human life on earth will not survive。

We realize that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be

none left。 Yet,with modern fishing methods, more and more fish are caught。We

know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will disappear。 Yet, we

continue to use powerful machines to cut down more and more trees。 We see that

if rivers are polluted with waste products, we will die。 Yet, waste products


still put into rivers。

We know that if the population continues to rise at the present rate, in a

few years, there wont be enough food。What can we do to solve these


If we eat more vegetables and less meat, there will be more food available。

Land for crops feeds five times more people than land where animals are


Our natural resources will last longer if we learn to recycie them。

The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods

of birth control。

Finally, if we educate people to think about the problems we shall have a

better and cleaner planet in the future。



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Dear Jack,

Im glad to have received your e-mail but I am sorry you are having some

trouble in making friends.

In my opinion, friendship is one of the most important things in everyones

life because without friends we will suffer loneliness. If you would like to

take my advice, youll win real friendship. First, why not communicate with your

friend when possible and tell him/her what you think about friends and

friendship and let him/her know that you want to make friends with him/her.

Secondly, you should learn to share your happiness and sorrow with your friends.

Thirdly, it would be a good idea if you like to invite him/her to join in some

activities such as swimming and ball games, which can make you learn to

appreciate your friends and cherish your friendship.

I hope you will find these opinions and ideas useful. Best wishes!



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I had a happy day off last Sunday.It was sunny all day.

In the morning, I helped my mother do housework. After that,I washed the car with my father.And I babysitted my sister.

In the afternoon,we went out for lunch.We ate the BeiJing Duck ,It was very delicious. After lunch , we went to the aquarium.First,we visited the VisitorsCenter and watched a movie about sharks.Then,we went to the Outdoor Pool,we saw a bid octopus.We also saw mang kinds of fishes,but I liked the seals best.Because they were very cute.We took lots of photos there. Finally , tired but happy,we took the bus back to home.

At the end of the day,we visited my grandparents.I watched some DVDs with my grandfather,and my parents told with my grandmother.We were really happy.

I hope I will have a happy day off next week,too.







篇4:高一年级英语作文:Merry Christmas

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Christmas is one of the most important celebrations of the year for the western countries. It falls on the twenty- fifth of December and has the same importance as Chinese New Year to people with English backgrounds. The celebration is for the birth of Jesus Christ, who is the son of God in Christianity. Now days Christmas is no longer only celebrated by the Christians, but by most people from all over the world.

On the twenty- fourth of December everyone gets excited for it’s the day before Christmas which is called Christmas Eve. The children are usually sent to bed early and are warned that “Santa Claus will only come and give you a present if you be good.” The younger kids actually believe that Santa will come down the chimney on the sleigh that’s pulled by his reindeers. Food like short bread and beer are prepared for Santa when he comes, however most times parents just eat them. Some children put socks and sacks up for the holding of the presents (that their parents put in).

Rise and shine on Christmas morning! The children are always the first ones to wake up, some even do at four. Present wrappers everywhere! They look into their presents with a big smile on their face and oh dear….I hope no one’s disappointed. I feel sorry for anyone that got pink underwear. Children play while dinner is prepared by the adults. The Christmas dinner are usually eaten together by relatives. The tradition of Christmas pudding and roosters are usually eaten with deserts afterwards. The rest of the day is usually games and fun before the good days all come to an end.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!



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Mid-autumn Day is more or less like Spring Festival. It falls on the 15th

day of the 8th lunar month. Its an important day for our Chinese, because its

a family reunion day.

On that day, there will be a big family dinner. Everyone who works outside

will go back home for the union. And they also eat moon cakes, which are the

special food for this festival. There are various kinds of moon cakes. They are

so delicious that everyone enjoys them very much.

In the evening, the moon is so bright and round, so people always prepare

some fruits and moon cakes and put them under the moon so as to pray for the

health and security all the year round. It seems that everyone is so happy.



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Today, after school, my friends asked me to have dinner with them, I felt so happy and went the restaurant with them. Then I found they wanted to eat buffet, I was so happy, because I always wanted to have buffet, I could eat a lot of food.

As we paid the money more than we usually spent, so all of us wanted to eat as more as possible, even though we were full enough, we still tried to eat. I would go the wash room many times, so that I could continue to eat. I found eating the buffet should be a happy thing for me, but now it seemed to be a kind of torture, I always told myself to eat more than I could bear, my stomach hurt.

The experience to eat buffet lets me realize that I should enjoy the food instead of eat more than I could bear.



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In my opinion, the schoolwork now being assigned to high school students is

too heavy. While it is true that students need to study, they need other things

as well if they are to grow into healthy and well-rounded adults. High should be

allowed more time for play. Plying is not wasting time, as some think. It gives

them physical exercise, and also exercise their imagination. Which tends to be

stifled by too much study. Finally, the pressure put on high school students by

excessive schoolwork can cause serious stress, which is unhealthy physically and

mentally. I do not advocate the elimination of schoolwork. I do think, however,

that a reduction of the current heavy load would be beneficial to students and

to the society as a whole.



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In the past two years, my parents took me to travel to many places, including big cities, small towns, famous mountians and so on. Therefore, I like traveling and I hope I can visit to many more places. Since then, I hope I can be a tour guide in the future, so I can travel to many tourist attractions. Besides, I can meet various people and I think communicating with different people is interesting, wchich can broaden my field of vision. I hope they can share their life stories with me so that I can know the general life of a place. I know it would be a challenging job, but I believe I can do well in my job.




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As is shown in the picture, two men had a big dinner in a restaurant, but much of the food was left and some was even untouched at all. When the waitress asked them to pack the remaining food, they felt very surprised, thinking that it was unbelievable for them to do things like that with too much money in their pocket.

It is a pity that many people act like the two men in the picture. In my view, we should pack the leftovers when we have meals outside. As we all know, saving is a fine tradition for our Chinese people and therefore we shouldn’t waste a bit food. Also, there is not enough food in the world and there are many people starving. In addition, we students should form the habit of saving food and give away some to the people in need. Finally, we have the responsibility to help people around us realize the importance of saving.

Only in this way can we build up an economized society and live a happy and healthy life.






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new high school life is both exciting and challenging for me. first, im in a new environment with my new teachers and new classmates. many of them are all from top middle schools in the area. im so excited to meet them all. the new school building is designed creatively and attractively. i loved it . my new teachers are nice and them teach very weel. they are always willing to answer my questions at the end of the class. second, i have to take some new subjects and choose some subjects myself. i liked that because it gives students freedom and i can develop more in my areas of interest. third, im glad to join into some of the clubs and activities in my school. they are very interesting and i could learn more social experience through those activities. im proud to be in this new school and i wish that i can unleash my potential and achieve my best in this school.

The New Life A few months ago, I was a primary pupil. I had many good friends and teachers that I remember all the time. My new life is very exciting. I’m in Dongzhou Middle School. It’s famous in Jiangsu. It’s bigger and more beautiful than the primary school. I love it very much. I’m in Cla10, Grade 7. It’s a good class. The students are clever, nice, friendly and helpful. All my classmates study hard. They want to be on the top. I get up at 5:30. Sometimes I read English, sometimes I learn Chinese. Studying is very / interesting. I’m sure our clawill get better and better. I like my new class, the new school and the new life.


My high school life, nothing exciting - from flat to start, but also in the flat end. Can not call it exciting, but it can not be pleased to lament the difficult, but it can not be portrayed as odd. But "dull" is not possible to rub out the highlights of my life, but it will show a more bright, brilliant ... ... 我的高一生活平平淡淡——是从平淡中开始,又是在平淡中落幕。既不能称之为精彩,又不能欣然去感叹它的艰难,更不能将它描写得那样曲折离奇。但“平淡”是不可能抹杀掉我生活中的亮点的,反而会将它呈现得更加明亮,辉煌……

Long and short years, I learned the most important thing, not a textbook knowledge of those endless, but people learned how to do - to get along with everyone in the days, I learned a technique called "unity" thing, it allows us to hear the voice of 54 hearts beat together; short life in boarding school a few months, I learned to "inclusive", which is a blend of our strength; in ride out the storm with friends when I know the "concern", a pair of "It better to give than to receive." The best interpretation of ... Yes, I learned a lot of things like that, they are impossible to find in the textbook knowledge, they can not be called a capability. They are the people, heart to heart between the alternating collision, can really feel the same things, maybe you can in an instant perception of their true meaning, but maybe you really can not fathom the life out of the mystery ... ...

Perhaps this is my high school life, perhaps it will make you feel very empty, but it really is I want to sway the hearts of all, but I am very clumsy, but seemingly meaningful words can not make you feel I feel nothing at this moment ... ... 漫长而又短暂的岁月里,我学到的最为重要的东西,并不是课本上那些层出不穷的知识,而是学到了应该怎样去做人——在与大家一起相处日子里,我学会了一种叫做“团结”的东西,它能让我们听到 54颗心一起跳动的声音;在住校几个月的短暂生活里,我学会了“包容”,这是一种将我们融为一体的力量;在与好友共度的难关之时,我懂得了“关心”,一个对“ It’ better to give than to receive.”的最好诠释……是的,我学到了很多诸如此类的东西,它们都是在课本中所无从寻觅的知识,它们也不能被称作是一种能力。它们是在人与人,心与心之间,交替碰撞的时候,才能真正所感受到的东西,也许在瞬间你就可以感悟它们的真谛,但也许你真的就一辈子也无法参透出其中的玄机…… 也许这就是我的高一生活,也许它会让您觉得很空洞,但这确实是我内心深处所想要挥洒出的一切,只不过我那些看似隽永却笨拙无比的文字无法让您感受到我此时此刻的心情罢了……



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Many years ago, when the first computer came into being, many people

predicted the age of computer has come. Now only two decades passed, here comes

the new age of cellphone. Lets look at how people depend on the phone. They use

cellphone to work and to communicate with families and friends. With the

development of technology, online payment is popular and people just need a

cellphone to pay all the bills. How convenient it is. We are lucky to live in

the age of technology. But at the same time, if we dont control ourselves, we

will lose in the technology world, such as some children overuse cellphone and

learn nothing at all.



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1. 出发时间:周六早上7点;

2. 准备物品:零食、衣服、相机等;

3. 旅游活动:游泳,欣赏海水、海滩、日出和日落等美景,吃海鲜,买纪念品;

4. 你的感受。

【注意】:1. 词数100;

2. 开头已给出,但不计入总词数;

3. 可以适当增加节,以使行文连贯。

Last weekend my family and I went to Dajiaowan Gulf for a holiday.______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________








1. 星期六早上7点开车出发。


2. 准备好零食、衣服、相机等。


3. 在海滩游泳,欣赏海水日出和日落等美景。


4. 吃海鲜,买纪念品;


5. 谈感受。



not only…but also…, where, what’s more /besides / in addition, then, because…..


Last weekend my family and I went to Dajiaowan Gulf for a holiday.______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



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There are four seasons in a year.My favorite season is summer .Because when the summer is coming .I can change the beautiful skirt and I can go swimming .I like the swimming pool very much.In summer ,all things are bright.I can go to a lot of places that I like.In summer holiday,I also can spend my holiday with my parents and we can go to the Forbidden City.How interesting !

The four seasons accompany us and make our lives interesting.Summer is when everyone has fun under the warm sun,autumn is the time of harvesting,and winter’s white snowflakes decorate the bare earth and trees.But it is spring’s vitality that fascinates me the most.

I remember when I was a small child,my favorite season was winter.But one thing made me change my mind.

I loved playing in the garden and climbing trees when I was small.But I realized one autumn day that golden leaves had started to fall from my favorite tree,and by winter its branches were already bare.I thought that it had died,and would never turn green again.

When my father knew why I was crying,he told me:“The tree hasn’t left you.It’s just resting.I promise in three months,that tree will be prettier than ever.” I believed what my father said and waited for three months.

Sure enough,when the time came,the tree was greener and taller than ever.Sprouts started to stretch their heads out of the melting snow,and creeks and streams started to run again freely.

From then on,spring has become my favorite time of the year because its vitality brings me happiness.










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I was born in an ordinary family, but the love my parents gave me made me

feel that I was the happiest girl in the world. Before I went to middle school,

my parents decided to let me live in the hometown, where I spent the good time.

I was surrounded by green trees and clean water. Every day, I would play funny

games with my friends. When I went to middle school, I left hometown and moved

to the city to live with my parents. I needed to focus my attention to study.

Every night, my father would check my homework and if I had questions, he would

help me to solve them. My mother always made delicious dessert for us. When I

finished homework, we ate them together and talked happily. I had the good time

of my childhood.



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The Spring Festival is very important to Chinese people. In the past,people could not often have meat,rice or other delicious food. They could only eat these during the Spring festival. So every year they hoped that the Spring Festival would come soon. Now, although people‘s life is much better,and we can eat the delicious foods everyday. People still like the festival. Because most people can have a long holiday,and we are free to go on a trip or visit our friends or have parties with our family. In the evenings,we can have a big meal in the restaurant or stay at home with family and watch the TV programs.

I like the Spring Festival very much. How wonderful the Spring Festival is!



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Sharing bike can be seen in every corner of the street, which is very

popular by the public. The foreigners speak highly of sharing bike, because they

can ride the bikes to look around the city and the expense is very cheap. As

people enjoy the convenience of these bikes, the problem comes. We can see that

many bikes have been broken and some are even put in the main road, which brings

trouble to the public. Of course when the media reported the phenomenon,

everybody condemned the negative behavior. Sharing bikes are public property,

all the people have the responsibility to protect them, so after using them, we

should just find a right place to lock them. The small act can present a

person’s nature, so dont let yourself be the rude one.



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Learning English

How to learn English well?Maybe a mass of students cannot get rid of it.When it comes to Learning English,remembering words is one of the most important things to do.But remembering words is not a good business,it can take much time to do.And when you remember them,you may forget after several days.If you want to remember them for a long time,you should do it by imagination.As you remember a word,you can make a sentence to describe it.Then it can leave in your mind for a long time,even forever.

Spoken English is also important.It can be improved by reading aloud.If you read frequently,your Spoken English cannot be much bad.

Believe in yourself,you can learn English well.




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Everyone has their own dreams, I am the same. But my dream is not a lawyer,

not a doctor, not actors, not even an industry. Perhaps my dream big people will

find it ridiculous, but this has been my pursuit! My dream is to want to have a

folk life! I want it to become a beautiful painting, it is not only sharp

colors, but also the colors are bleak, I do not rule out the painting is part of

the black, but I will treasure these bleak colors! Not yet, how about, a

colorful painting, if not bleak, add color, how can it more prominent American?

Life is like painting, painting the bright red color represents life beautiful

happy moments. Painting a bleak color represents life difficult, unpleasant

time. You may find a flat with a beautiful road is not very good yet, but I do

not think it will. If a person lives flat then what is the point? Life is only a

short few decades, I want it to go Finally, Each memory is a solid.



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In many countries in the world, women are looked down upon. It is more

difficult for them to get some work than men. In order to get a job, they

sometimes have to tell a lie. Thats unfair. In fact, women can work no worse

than men. Theres nothing that women cant do.

Perhaps, they are better at their work than men. For example, in making

telephones and computers, many companies would rather employ women, for men

cant pick up the small pieces with their fingers. Like , they can also become

excellent engineers, doctors and teachers. So I am sure the day will come soon

when women can really get equal rights.
