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Today is fathers day, when I went to school, I heard my classmates were

discussing about what to buy for their fathers. Some suggested to buy food,

others wanted to do something special by themselves. At last, an idea occurred

to my mind, I could cook a dinner for my father. So I rushed home after class.

My mother was preparing dinner. I told her my idea and she supported me. I did

as what my mother told me. I washed the food and then cut the meat and

vegetable. I learned it was not easy to cook a meal. I finished two dishes

finally. My father was very happy to taste them. It was such a special





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All over the world,no one can love us more than our we come across bad things,they will never hesitate to offer us we fail our exam,father always tends to punish us while mother tells us to work harder next es no doubt that they show love in different they indeed love is the place that we can find comfort no matter what come back to see them as often as you are always ready to support you and it is time that you cared for them.



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Jane eyre is a long time ago I see the book.Recently watched it again, to say the book makes me feel most is Jane sensitivity when the poor, the tenacity of her when she was young.

When I saw her in her aunt treat her vicious words as well as her aunt three childrens behavior, see Jane bullied by a few of them, my eyes was a acid, heart some pain.After ask again: "if I were Jane I can insist on? I can grow up you dont like Jane to cynical?"I dont believe me.Because I have such a good environment since childhood.Since the childhood is in mom and dad grandpas grandmother grew up under the baby.From had no bitter and tired.Later, with the help of a good maid, she went to that school.In the condition of hard school, Jane assiduous study, she also learn very quickly.No complaining, just feel a little relief, is because in the pain of her aunts house is the life of the day made her feel good instead.

I saw Jane twice in the day of school, always put down the book quietly thinking: Jane she really very fierce!After the unfair life, in such a difficult environment, she can still maintain the state of mind.Like before all misfortune is the test of god for her, after the exam, she to grow, her mind more beautiful, not become distorted.Perhaps this is Janes strong reflect ~ if her fragile then she will become unproductive, pessimistic people.

After to her silently away.She resolutely left Edward rochester.But Jane is at the time of Edward the distress went back to his side, take care of her, to accompany him.Here, Janes love for Edward let I was moved.







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It is known to all that Guangxi province is famous for its various culture,

because there are many minorities. Recent years, the local government carry out

a policy of taking a break on March 3rd, which makes it the special day for

Guangxi Province. People can enjoy some shows which are full of local features,

such as singing local songs, having dragon-lion dance and so on. This policy not

only lets people take relax from routine work, but also makes people remember

their culture. I am part of the local people and I am so proud of the variety.

The different culture makes our country full of charm.



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Everyone may have his own dream. Someone may want to be rich, someone may want to be beautiful, and someone may want to have power. But I’m different from them. My dream is special. I want to have a pair of wings. Because I want to fly in the sky,I like the feeling of freedom.


If I have a pair of wings,I’m sure it will be very wonderful. I can fly below the blue sky with the birds. I can enjoy the music of birds’. I can fly across the cloud and the small wind will blow past my face. The feeling must be the same as that my mother caresses me.


I can fly over the sea, below the rainbow, through the forest I can see all the wonderful view. But I know that it will never be uteri have another instead. I want to have a fly of my own. The plane must be very small and light. It has to carry only one person. It can fly by wind or sunshine. It can fly for a very long time. And the important thing is that it must be very save.


I’m sure I can have this plane some day. And I can have fly to everywhere I want.




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Chinese new year is a chinese traditional festival. We also call it the spring festival. It is on lunar january 1st.

On new years eve, all the people sit around the desk and have a big family dinner. There are some vegetables, some fish, some meat, some fruits and some drink like juice, coke, pepsi and some nice wine. Overall, this is a good and delicious dinner. After dinner, we always watch TV new year progammes. We have a wonderful evening on new year’s eve.


Chinese New Year is the longest and most important celebration in the Chinese calendar. Chinese months are reckoned by the lunar calendar, with each month beginning on the darkest day. New Year festivities traditionally start on the first day of the month and continue until the fifteenth, when the moon is brightest. In China, people may take weeks of holiday from work to prepare for and celebrate the New Year.


I like Chinese New Year very much.I can meet many many friends in my family.I like them very much.We sit together to have dinner,I like the food,its very nice.

Do you know what is lucky money?It is the money children get from aunt and uncles,grandpa grandma.Ive got a lot this year!

I love Chinese New Year.I hope you will like it too.




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1) 如果,您是一颗沧桑的老树,那么,我愿是那会唱歌的百灵,日夜栖在您的枝头鸣叫,换回您的年轻,让您永远青翠。爸爸,我爱您!

2) 愚人节的主角是愚人;儿童节的主角是可爱;母亲节的主角是母爱;但父亲节的主角是父爱,导演是I!祝父亲节快乐!

3) 陆月,是辛勤的季节,是厚重的温度,是汗水的天气,田垠下的影子,好像我的老父亲;那风,也像是父亲老茧的大手,沉实宽厚。陆拾个祝福,是陆月里,我们献给父亲的爱。

4) 平常的时候,我总让您操心,惹您生气,但在今天--在父亲节之际,让我对您说:爸爸,其实我很爱您!祝快乐开心永远!

5) 您的付出您的祈盼,只为我们的成长。谢谢您,爸爸,父亲节快乐!

6) 把无数的思念化做心中无限的祝福,默默地为你祈祷,祝你健康快乐!

7) 每当想起您我就无比的自豪,是您时刻在激励我不断奋进。在这个特殊的节日里我祝福您,父亲节快乐!

8) 欢乐就是健康。如果我的祝福能为您带来健康的源泉,我愿日夜为您祈祷。

9) 为了儿女苦奔波,辛酸泪水内心淌。历经磨难不言苦,只因父亲责任重!在父亲节即将到来之际真心的祝愿您身体健康,快乐每一天!——我的老父亲!

10) 永远我都会记得,在我肩上的双手,风起的时候,有多么温热;永远我都会记得,伴我成长的背影,用你的岁月换成我无忧的快乐!祝福爸爸节日快乐!

11) 轻轻一声问安,将我心中的祝福化作阳光般的温暖,永恒地留在您眼中您心中。

12) 父亲时时都有许多方法逗我开心,父亲总是最关心我的一个,父亲我爱你!祝父亲快乐!

13) 您的付出您的祈盼,只为我们的成长。谢谢您,爸爸。

14) 只一句“父亲节快乐”当然算不了什么,但是在喜庆吉日里对您格外亲切的祝福,包含多少温馨的情义都出自我的内心深处。

15) 千里之外,每当我步履沉重时,我总能想起您目光的力量,而前行。爸爸,父亲节快乐!

16) 吸烟有害健康,为了身体,您就少吸两支吧!爸爸,祝您父亲节快乐!

17) 多少座山的崔嵬也不能勾勒出您的伟岸;多少个超凡的岁月也不能刻画出您面容的风霜,爸爸,谢谢您为我做的一切。父亲节快乐!

18) 女儿对父亲的感激是无法言语的,谢谢你,爸爸!

19) 如果,您是一颗沧桑的老树,那么,我愿是那会唱歌的百灵,日夜栖在您的枝头鸣叫,换回您的年轻,让您永远青翠。爸爸,我爱您!

20) 咬定青山不放松,父亲,坚定若您,勇敢若您,我深深地爱您。

21) 岁月的流逝能使皮肤逐日布满道道皱纹,我心目中的您,是永远年轻的父亲。

22) 您常在给我理解的注视,您常说快乐是孩子的礼物。所以今天,我送上一个笑,温暖您的心。爸爸,祝父亲节快乐!

23) 您是一棵大树,春天倚着您幻想,夏天倚着你繁茂,秋天倚着您成熟,冬天倚着您沉思。

24) 不论何时爸爸都是我的拐杖,给我支持,给我方向,让我走好今后每一段路。也许你会慢慢老去,但在我心里,那份浓浓的父爱仍然会温暖我直到永远!

25) 永远都会记得,在我肩上的双手,风起的时候,有多雪纺衫货源么温暖;永远我都会记得,伴我成长的背影,父亲的岁月换成了我无忧的快乐!祝福父亲,节日快乐!

26) 父爱,伟岸如青山;圣洁如冰雪;温暖如骄阳;宽广如江海!我在父亲的爱中成长,如今父亲节来临,愿所有的父亲节日快乐!

27) 年少的青春,无尽的旅程,是父亲带着我们勇敢地看人生;无悔的关怀,无怨的真爱,而我们又能还给父亲几分。祝父亲永远开心,父亲节快乐。

28) 掌心留存父亲的温暖,血管流淌父亲的激情,脸庞再现父亲的青春,眼神继承父亲的刚毅,父亲节到了,祝所有的父亲身体健康,节日快乐。

29) 昨天遇到天使在淋雨,我便把伞借给了她,她问我是要荣华还是要富贵,我说什么都不要,只要爸爸身体健康,晚年生活幸福,祝大家父亲节快乐!

30) 爸爸的教诲像一盏灯,为我照亮前程;爸爸的关怀像一把伞,为我遮蔽风雨。爸爸,献上我的谢意,为了这么多年来您对我付出的耐心和爱心。父亲节快乐!

31) 我的脉博流淌着您的血;我的性格烙着您的印记;我的思想继承着您的智慧……我的钱包,可不可以多几张您的钞票?老爸,父亲节快乐!

32) 烈日炎炎奔走忙,汗流浃背饿断肠;想吃碗面细思量,不如省下给儿郎!你是我应该感恩的人,在父亲节到来之际,真诚的对您说一声:爸,你辛我要找爆款苦了!

33) 在这特殊的日子里,愿所有的祝福都带着我们的爱,挤在父亲的酒杯里,红红的深深的,直到心底。祝父亲身体健康,父亲节快乐!

34) 不论何时爸爸都是我的拐杖,给我支持,给我方向,让我走好今后每一段路。也许你会慢慢老去,但在我心里,那份浓浓的父爱仍然会温暖我直到永远!

35) 永远都会记得,在我肩上的双手,风起的时候,有多么温暖;永远我都会记得,伴我成长的背影,父亲的岁月换成了我无忧的快乐!祝福父亲,节日快乐!

36) 父爱,伟岸如青山;圣洁如冰雪;温暖如骄阳;宽广如江海!我在父亲的爱中成长,如今父亲节来临,愿所有的父亲节日快乐!

37) 年少的青春,无尽的旅程,是父亲带着我们勇敢地看人生;无悔的关怀,无怨的真爱,而我们又能还给父亲几分。祝父亲永远开心,父亲节快乐。

38) 掌心留存父亲的温暖,血管流淌父亲的激情,脸庞再现父亲的青春,眼神继承父亲的刚毅,父亲节到了,祝所有的父亲身体健康,节日快乐。

39) 昨天遇到天使在淋雨,我便把伞借给了她,她问我是要荣华还是要富贵,我说什么都不要,只要爸爸身体健康,晚年生活幸福,祝大家父亲节快乐!

40) 爸爸的教诲像一盏灯,为我照亮前程;爸爸的关怀像一把伞,为我遮蔽风雨。爸爸,献上我的谢意,为了这么多年来您对我付出的耐心和爱心。父亲节快乐!

41) 烈日炎炎奔走忙,汗流浃背饿断肠;想吃碗面细思量,不如省下给儿郎!你是我应该感恩的人,在父亲节到来之际,真诚的对您说一声:爸,你辛苦了!

42) 找一湖碧水,钓几尾闲鱼,回忆人生得失,心游凡尘。喝一壶老酒,交一群朋友,笑谈人间得失,虽说人在江湖身不由己,但千万别累着自己,父亲节快乐!

43) 你是我成长的温床,你是我学习的榜样,你指明我前进的方向,你带给我成功的希望,你用你宽阔的手掌,把我抚养。父亲节,祝您安康!

44) 有一个人,文言称家尊,口语喊爸爸,英文是father,港台叫爹地。他就是我们的父亲,喊法不同,爱却一样,父亲节到了,祝父亲们节日快乐!



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篇8:高一年级英语作文:Beautiful winter night

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I seem to recall best a journey we made by tram one winter night.

We were going to visit my Granny at Westoe, and I was very excited, because an evening excursion was something quite unheard of for me. It had been raining; the gas lamps lit the gleaming pavements and cobbles with a doubled radiance. The shaking tram wires were sending down showers of white raindrops. Everything in the ram seemed fresh and glittering. The breezy windows sparkled with long zigzags of rain and the passing street lamp flared gorgeously through the panels of blue and yellow and ruby glass. Outside, it was cold and windy, and we could feel the gale buffeting against the side of the tram, making it sway and lurch ore than usual, and throwing the passengers of song, and the fresh, clean, cold sea-wind was blowing right through the upper deck. Above, a high half-moon seemed to be skidding along on its back through piles of black, white-lined rags. It was a wild night, with a sense of magic in the offing. The people in the tram did not like ordinary mortals; a kind of exhilaratinggaietyhadseizedthem,anditseseememed to lighten their bodies and illuminate their faces. At times I was sure we were really flying.



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With the growing awareness of healthy eating, more and more people now are

paying more attention to the importance of healthy diet and an active life。 But

at the same time, a growing unrest over food safety in the China has caught

everyone’s concern。

When it es to the food safety incidents, especially 2008 Chinese milk

scandal, every consumer has much anger to pour upon them。 In September 2008, a

fresh outbreak of kidney disease occurred, due to baby formula contaminated by

melamine.Three babies died and over 6,000 were made sick by the tainted formula。

The supplier of the milk, Sanlu Group, is a name brand and is a major player in

the industry in China。 The pany is said to have known of the problem for months,

but claims the contaminant came from milk suppliers.

Who should be main responsible for these serious incidents like milk

scandal? On one hand, plex China’s food regulations should shoulder part

duties.We should realized its monitoring system can be unresponsive, and the

government departments that oversee and enforce policies have overlapping and

often ambiguous duties。 On the other, food producers and suppliers lack deserved

responsibility for consumers! What they cares is only their own interest and

profit maximization.

In my opinion ,everyone involved in it should set up a high responsibility

for others, law related should be passed and carried out.Only in this way can we

e by a healthy eating and a harmonious world.



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A pair of brothers received a letter which gave him a million pounds.

It turned out that the brothers made a bet, bet if a poor, honest man fall from the sky received one million pounds, he will have what results?

Brother that he would starve to death because he could not prove the money was his own, someone else will be suspected, even banks will not allow him to save money.

Brother believes that he will very well, so they brothers will check for one million pounds lent the poor, and abroad spent thirty days.

I did not expect at this time, people who suddenly rich riches rare, hard to actually draw him from the free food, buy clothes, to free accommodation, one by one like a beggar, like to please him, and continue to improve his social position, until the outdoor addition to the king on top of Duke!

Not only that, he got a good wife and thirty thousand pounds of bank interest.Since then lived very, very happy life.

See here, I am so envious of the "lucky" the hero, but I want to: The reason why people please him, not because it was too much focus on money yet?

Worship of money is shameful, something for nothing we should not!

Money is not everything in the world there are many more important things than money.

Article on the "money is everything" "Money is omnipotent," the idea for a satire and expose the ugly face of capitalist society and the rule of darkness.














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this tuesday all the students and teachers in our school went to panyu, guangzhou for a trip. we spent a whole day in chime-long international circus. we enjoyed ourselves very much.

it was fine that day. in the morning, all the girls in our school got up very early because we couldn’t wait to get on the bus. when we got there, we had our pictures taken in front of the park. then i went to ride the roller coaster with some of my friends. it was so exciting that i shouted all the time. we played and laughed the whole morning.

at noon, we had lunch at the circus. the meal was not very good, i thought. so i didn’t eat much. in the afternoon, we went to play with water. i was so nervous that i forgot to wear my raincoat carefully. as a result, i got wet all over. luckily, the stores in the park sell different kinds of clothes. after i had changed my clothes, we went to see a show. it was very funny and made everyone laugh and laugh.

time flew. it was time for us to go back to school now. even though we were tired, we still felt happy. we really had a wonderful day and i will never forget it.




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Because mother said that the day can go to sleep in the morning, because

even fell asleep will also be new firecrackers wake.

On New Years eve, in addition to being able to eat a lot of delicious

things, can also receive a lot of red envelopes, you can also watch TV for a

long long time, really is so happy.

A red envelope is New Years money, since ancient times, elders will send

children lucky money on New Years eve, seems to be a meaning of exorcism

disaster, mother said to put "lucky money" in under the pillow, pillow to sleep

on it. I really do as this way, because it is very new.

I also looked at the Spring Festival gala, the deepest memory is the

"hello, I am leave." "Why? Why is this?" Whenever I say this, mom and dad

laughed, because I copy too like said.



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I have a great time during the winter holiday, because I enjoy myself as well as focus on my study. As its known to all, the Spring Festival is the most important in winter holiday that would occupy much time to celebrate it. Therefore, I finished my homework first, so that it won’t bother my enjoyment during the festival. I finished my home work in one week. And I went shopping with my parents. We bought a lot of things, especially snacks and fruits. Then, it was the Spring Festival. We had a big dinner on the New Year’s Eve. My parents prepared the big dinner and I could only act as assistant. The dinner was so delicious that I ate so full. In the next several days, my parents and I visited our relatives and friends or they visited us. Sometimes, we went out for fun together. We children were always the most excited. Now, holiday is coming to the end and I will go to school soon. I am so happy that I have a wonderful winter holiday.



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Today was the first day of my new life. I looked at my new books and

checked everything for the new school year. I was excited as well as


Entering new school, I was curious about everything, new classrooms, new

teachers, new classmates etc. It would be a new start for each student. And what

I was worried about is that I had no friends here. I wondered if no liked to

play with me. Were the teachers strict with students?

I fell relaxed when the teacher asked me, What else could I help you,

freshman?". I found that the teachers were kind and polite, and the classmates

around me were friendly. While I was thinking about how to get on well with my

classmates, my desk mate showed me his favorite Ipad4s. He wanted to play with

me, but I didnt know how to play, so he taught me patiently, and we played


Worries have gone, and happiness is coming.



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Homonym for the day, the weather is sunny, cloudless, I and the daddy, mother, littles side go boating in the park. In the park, so many people! Even row should be arranged in long lines, dad went to buy the ticket, where we wait in line for over an hour, very not easy to wait for an empty vessel, we quickly got into the boat.

Smalls side and I sat in the front of the ship, mom and dad sat on the back. Littles side wheels and I grasp the steering wheel, mom and dad in the back on the boat. We wandered around in the water, play extremely happy. Is happy, suddenly see our ship straight to on hand directly in front of a row, the row of uncle aunt frighten hurriedly turn, the both of us laughing stomach ache. Mother said that I didnt grasp the direction and make smalls side master direction, I want to denial, and then said: "havent to the time!" Smalls side seems to know I was cheated him, he said: "elder brother, time is up." My dad said: "time is up, HaoYue let you smalls side to grasp the direction." I reluctantly to him. Also dont know today is whats the matter, theres always a ship collided with us, so we just hit the somebody elses ship, and YouRenGu boat to us now, our ship strength big, turn it into a corner, and the smalls side and I started laughing. Have a steamboat come towards us, dad told us to turn quickly, we turn to hide in the past.

We see someone in dancing then put the boat ashore in the past, see of is from France, some people say that its time for our ship ashore, told us to stop the ship is in port, we put the boat soon in the past, on shore and went home.

That day I play with smalls side too happy! Both rowed a boat and know how to grasp the direction of the ship, this is my winter vacation in one of the most interesting thing.







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Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The authors of the American Declaration proclaimed happiness to be one of the essential rights that make life worth living. William James, the first American psychologist, echoed this emphasis on happiness: If we were to ask the question: What is human life s chief concern? One of the answers we should receive would be: It is happiness. Every philosophical and religious system has offered its pathway to happiness for the individual and the group. Happiness has been related to pleasure, refuge from pain, intellectual contemplation, union with God, friendship, children, wealth, honor, successful activity, and even state burial with statues! Today, scientists have joined the dialogue to seek answers about what contributes to happiness or, as they call it, subjective well-being . From joozone.com.

If happiness is activity in accordance with excellence, it is reasonable that it should be in accordance with the highest excellence. Aristotle The concept of happiness--while difficult to define-- is obviously here to stay. But the desire for happiness can set up expectations that are often hard to fulfill. The right to pursue happiness was conceived of as an inalienable right; the entitlement that everyone be happy was never promised. As captured by Eric Hoffer, a misguided search we hope to provide a framework that will guide you in your personal pursuit of happiness.




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People always believe that when there is pressure, there is motivation, it seems that pressure equals motivation.

We need pressure, it makes us keep move on, with pressure, we know what to do and how to fulfill our targets. Without pressure, we are just like a child, never grow up, having no idea of responsibility. It is pressure that makes us become mature, we should have pressure, it indeed equals motivation at the certain level. While having too much pressure is bad for our mind, it is just like a burden that presses our mind, making people hard to take a breath.

Nowadays the case of people commit suicide is increasing, the reason is that people can’t take a breath from much pressure, they feel there is no hope in life, no matter what they do, life just frustrates them. We should have the right attitude towards pressure.






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Welcome to our school! Our school is the key middle school in this city.

Now we are in the front gate. Entry in this school, you can see there is a big

football playground on the left and a big resturant on the right. If you’re

hungry, you can have something good in there. The grand teaching building is

right behind the football playground. We spend most time in the classrooms.

Behind the teaching building, there is a little lake with many fish in it. Oh,

there is also a nice library next to the lake. After the class, we can entry the

library freely to read the books we like. This is our school. Don’t you think

it’s great?


篇19:高一年级英语作文:My family

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Everyone has a family. We live in it and feel very warm. There are three persons in my family, my mother, father and I. We live together very happily and there are many interesting stories about my family.

My father is a hard-working man. He works as a doctor. He always tries his best to help every, patient and make patients comfortable. But sonetimes he works so hard that he can’t remember the date.

My mother is a woman with a bad memory. She always does a lot of housework, but sometimes she makes mistakes out of carelessness. For example, one day, she washed clothes in the washer, after the washer finished the work, she found she hadn’t filled the washer with water.

Now let me tell you a funny thing: one day, father wanted to get up early as usual, buthe wasn’t able to do that, because he hadn’t set the alarm clock the night before, so when he got up, he did everything in a hurry. After father left, mother said to me mysteriously, "He will come back soon." "Why?" I was greatly surprised. "Because today is Sunday, his holiday!" Just as mother said, father came back home soon, and went to bed again--he was too tired.

You see, what an interesting family have! I hope that you will have one like mine, too.



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