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When asked about work preference, different people will give different

answers. Some people like working with people. However, others prefer jobs which

mainly involve objects or machines.

Those people who have the first preference believe working with people

usually makes one feel interesting and efficient. In addition, they maintain

people can be inspired to bring forward new ideas by communicating or consulting

with those around them. However, still others have different preferences. In

their opinions, working with objects or machines can make one enjoy more peace

and quiet. Besides, they argue, under such peaceful conditions, one can do more

practical work, improve his skill and make technical renovations.

Weighing up these two kinds of work, I prefer working with people. For one

thing, I like to cooperate with others and work in a team. For another, although

there are competition and rivalry, we can learn something from other people.

Considering these, I think, working with people is beneficial to our career




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(1)Scholastic aptitude(方面的才能)

a. Native intellectual ability(天赋)

b. Imagination(想象力)

c. Creativity(创造力)

d. Capacity for analytical thinking(分析思考能力)

e. Intellectual curiosity; spirit of inquiry(好奇心)

f. Ability to work independently(独立工作的能力)

g. Memory(记忆力)

h. Accuracy(准确性)

i. Methodology(研究方法)

j. Capability for abstract reasoning(抽象推理的能力)

k. Potential as a researcher(研究的潜力)

1. Potential as a teacher(教学的潜力)

m. Ability to express his ideas orally and in writing(口头或文字的表达能力)

n. Capacity, desire and determination for good quality graduate work(获得学业成功的能力、愿望与决心)

o. Probable success as a graduate student(作为研究生成功的可能性)

(2)Academic performance(学业上的表现)

a. Breadth of general knowledge(知识丰富)

b. Knowledge of literature in his field(本专业领域知识)

c. Grade or achievement(成绩或成就)

d. Industry, diligence(勤勉)

e. Participation in discussion(讨论积极)

f. Academic maturity(学业上的成熟)


a. Ability to speak, understand, read and write the English language(听、说、读、写英文的能力)

b. Ability to read significant literature in other languages than English(英语以外的语言阅读能力)


a. Honesty; integrity(诚实)

b. Sincerity(诚恳)

c. Sense of responsibility(责任感)

d. Cooperation (合作)

e. Enthusiasm(热诚)

f. Conscientiousness(自觉性)

g. Ethical and moral standards(伦理与道德标准)

h. Reliability; dependability(可靠性)



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solicit articles


v. 请求,恳求,乞求;征求;拉客

She was fined for soliciting.

她因拉客而被罚款。I solicit the favor of interview.

本人恳请惠予面试机会。Both the candidates solicited my vote.

两位候选人都向我拉票。They were very solicitous and attentive to detail.

他们非常细心,十分注意细节。Our hero was very solicitous about his descendants.


n. 文章;论文;条款;物品;冠词

v. 进行控告,提出罪状;签订协议;订约将…收为学徒或见习生

carry an article

刊登一篇文章 It is a serious article.

这是一篇发人深省的文章。A Class III article if it is of the opinion that the article is obscene

如认为该物品为色情物品,可评定为第Ⅲ类物品(grammar)either of the determiners `a/an(the indefinite article)or `the(the definite article)

冠词(不定冠词a/an或定冠词the)The article is too long, it has to be cut.




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Dear Yanglang,

I’m really miss you , we can’t see about three months . Are you ok? I hope

you happy every day.

We have eight classes everyday , and only two classes are not english ,

another classes is listening , reading , speaking and writing english . Some

people think it is boring in the classes , but i think this is very enjoyable


I love my life now . Because i always feel fulfilled all day . I am so busy

that i can’t play ping-pong . I think it is my desire to enjoy life.

I want to travel to mountain hua . Three years ago i went there , but don’t

go to the top , so i must go there when i have free time.

Take care yourself!

Love young!





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When people succeed, it is because of hard work, but luck has a lot to do with it,too. Success without some luck is almost impossible. The French emperor Napoleon said of one of his generals, “I know he’s good. But is he lucky?” Napoleon knew that all the hard work and talent in the world can’t make up for bad luck. However, hard work can invite good luck.

When it comes to success, luck can mean being in the right place to meet someone, or having the right skills to get a job done. It might mean turning down an offer and then having a better offer come along. Nothing can replace hard work, but working hard also means you’re preparing yourself opportunity. Opportunity very often depends on luck.

How many of the great inventions and discoveries came about through a lucky mistake or a lucky chance? One of the biggest lucky mistakes in history is Columbus’ so-called discovery of America. He enriched his sponsors and changed history, but he was really looking for India. However, Columbus’ chance discovery wasn’t pure luck. It was backed up by years of studying and calculating. He worked hard to prove his theory that the world was round.

Success that comes from pure luck and no hard work can be a real problem. For example, consider a teenage girl who becomes a movie star.

Imagine she’s been picked from nowhere because of her looks. She is going to feel very insecure, because she knows she didn’t do anything to earn her stardom. On the other hand, think about an actress who’s spend years learning and working at her craft. When she finally has good luck and becomes a success, she will handle stardom better, she knows she earns it.

People who work hard help make their own luck by being ready opportunity knocks. When it comes to success. I think that hard work and luck so hand in hand.




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This is a beautiful park. In the afternoon , many children are playing . They are very happy.

I can see some trees. They are big and tall. I can see some flowers . They are very beautiful . There are many butterflies on the flower . I can see some birds in the sky . They are flying happily. Under the tree , two girls are playing hopscotch. Some boys are playing with a skipping rope. The other two little girls are drawing a picture.

I m playing with the toy cars in front of the tree.

It s a beautiful afternoon.



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During the summer holidays, I went to my grandmothers home. One evening after supper, I stood on the balcony to look at the sky.

The stars in the sky were twinkling. Some were crowded, and others were separate. Then I found that the stars were not the same colour. They were white, grey, light blue and orange. It was really beautiful. At that time, the sky was like blue damask decorated by millions of bright dimonds.

Looking up at the sky, I saw the moon. It was like a naughty child, sometimes it hid in the clouds and sometimes it got out of the clouds. It seemed to play “hide and seek” with us. The stars around the moon, however, were as shy as girls, and hid themselves in the clouds.

Oh, what a beautiful sky!







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小兔 “你怎么了?”


小熊 “告诉你一个谁也不知道的秘密,你千万不要告诉别人哦!”


小兔 “你放心,我绝不会告诉别人。”





小狗 “你怎么了?”


小兔 “告诉你一个谁也不知道的秘密,你千万不要告诉别人哦!”


小狗 “你放心,我绝不会告诉别人。”





花母鸡 “你怎么了?”


小狗 “告诉你一个谁也不知道的秘密,你千万不要告诉别人哦!”


花母鸡 “你放心,我绝不会告诉别人。”





狐狸 “哇!足球般大的蛋!”

小狗 “蛋里会孵出一个怪兽吗?”



小鸡 “告诉你一个谁也不知道的秘密,小白猫爱尿床,天天洗被子呢!”(加混响)



合 “对不起,我没有好好守住秘密……”


小白猫 “没关系。我再告诉大家一个秘密,从昨天开始,我已经不再尿床了!”




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Old Town of Lijiang is also called Dayan Town, Dayan, may also refer to the Lijiang Naxi Autonomous County Administrative System "has been withdrawn". Old Town of Lijiang in the Southern Song Dynasty has begun to take shape, the existing eight,nine hundred years of history. Since the Ming Dynasty, Old Town of Lijiang says"Dayan car", Lijiang dam Center for their home, surrounded on all sides of Castle Peak, green water between a hover, like a jasper big inkstone, hence the name.



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中医四大经典读后感 中医四大经典指的是中医发展史上起到重要作用,具有里程碑意义的四部经典巨著,对古代乃至现代中医都有着巨大的指导作用与研究价值。关于四大经典的具体组成存在争议。目前学术界一般将《黄帝内经》、《难经》、《伤寒杂病论》、《神农本草经》看做是中医四大经典。也有部分中医教材把《黄帝内经》、《伤寒论》、《金匮要略》、《温病条辨》当作四大经典。目前采用前者说法的较多。


《黄帝内经》是我国医学宝库中现存成书最早的一部医学典籍。是研究人的生理学、病理学、诊断学、治疗原则和药物学的医学巨著。那《黄帝内经》是什么意思呢?内经,不少人认为是讲内在人体规律的,有的人认为是讲内科的,但相关专家认为《黄帝内经》 是一部讲“内求”的书,要使生命健康长寿,不要外求,要往里求、往内求,所以叫“内经”。也就是说你要使生命健康, 比如有了病怎么治病,不一定非要去吃什么药。《黄帝内经》就告诉我们要“志闲而少欲,心安而不惧,形劳而不倦,气从以顺”,要“恬淡虚无,真气从之”,从而使人少生病或不生病。

看完《黄帝内经 》 ,对于中国人民千百年来顺应四时休养生息的生活我也有了更为深刻的理解,以前不好的生活习惯在我身上都能找到,比如说经常熬夜,暴饮暴食,而《黄帝内经 》 说道: “ 人与天地相参,与日月相应也 ”“ 四时阴阳,从之则生,逆之者亡。 ” 正常情况下,阴阳对立统一运动有度、有序、适时当位,则阴阳和谐,反之则阴阳失调,而人体疾病的本质就是阴阳失调。《黄帝内经 》 不但在健康上给我们提供了辩证的思想,在精神上也给了我们有益的指引,比如在现实社会中,工作压力大,社会关系复杂,都会给我们的情绪带来影响,而这本书告诉我们,喜怒悲忧恐等精神情志活动,也是五脏功能的表现,也就是说,五脏出现疾病同样会给人带来情绪上的疾病,反之,情绪的失常也会影响五脏的健康。大喜伤心,大悲伤肺,大怒伤肝,大恐伤肾,忧思伤脾。所以,我们在现实生活中要保持平常的心态:不以物喜,不以己悲。保持和谐的生活方式和人际关系,对我们的身体健康、生活工作都有好处。所以养生说到底就是在说饮食、起居、工作和劳动、精神这四个方面的问题。只要这四个方面都能做到,就能像岐伯和黄帝对话当中所说的这样,人人都能活过一百岁。所以说活到一百岁并不稀奇,不需要外求,只需要做好这四方面就可以了。而这四个方面贯穿了我们的日常生活,做到这四点,不是一天两天就行了,而是一辈子,每时每刻都这么做,把它变成一种生活方式,变成一种生活习惯。

良好的生活方式,生活习惯应该像《黄帝内经 》 里说的一样:



3.“恬淡虚无,真气从之,精神内守,病安从来 ”。没有非分之想,平和安宁,真气保存体内,形影不离,病不伤也。










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Some time ago, I read a persons fame Khvostov of as "Uncle Toms cabin." Integrity, good-natured, religious Uncle Tom; prudent, smart, studious Mestizo slave George; inexcusable ruthless slave traders Hailey; destroys human nature, conscience ruined the alegre; a sense of justice, but drift, such as the St. Clair lifelike characters left me a deep impression on him. What made me the most unforgettable is the smart and lively but wild full, and later transferred teach self-esteem a slave girlTOM love.

TOM blacks had the most black, a pair of round bright eyes as sparkling glass beads, like, look a bit strange face is a shrewd and crafty Kyrgyzstan wonderful binations, like a goblin-like. She loves to steal, stealing after lie, put an innocent expression; her misbehavior, all making her revenge, hoaxes; she would take advantage of the master out, crazy couple of hours to make his home mess. Her owner exhausted all ways to punish her, education, she tried to change her bad habits, but to no avail, this is only because there is no love!

Think about it! This was lovely child, born into slavery, she belonged to them all the only masters of the so-called masters of her fate. Her childhood on his masters scolding to grow up, so she formed the habit of lying, bad habit of stealing things, and that she was beautiful, tarnished the purity of heart. In this there is no dignity, experiencing being separated from being whipped all day circumstances, how can we have a noble moral character and firm in faith? Only pure, beautiful, selfless love can save her soul! When the angelic Eva to her love of her time,TOM eyes cast the tears that her heart has been ray of sunshine of love. Sure enough, after the changeTOM Well, her efforts to care for others. This is the punishment, not preaching Forever effect, full of love beyond all words! This is the power of love!

In our lives, there are many like TOM as children. Their bad behavior, there is no love, will not listen to reason, then do not hate him, to understand with love, tolerance, stripped away a layer of green shoots yellow things, with love to the hearts of probation numb. We should always remember; the power of love is enormous, and the supreme! "Uncle Toms cabin" This masterpiece has been published in 150 years, it has been able to make today is still deeply moved by readers, but also because the author in the book preached brotherhood and humanity in the disappearance of slavery today has been the eternal pursuit of mankind.



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1、Complaints and grievances dont change the reality. Positive attitudes and actions can change everything.

2、The big one is the student! Wish you in the new semester, feet steadfastly to learn, foot on the road talent!

3、It is a success to compare yourself to others, to overcome yourself and to achieve the progress you have never had.

4、Dont regret the past, dont force the future, take every moment of life seriously, "now" is the true state of life.

5、Believe that you can do it, and you can do it. Theres only one thing to do: study hard.

6、A person, want to win in the fierce competition of life, first of all must cultivate oneself of mentality, cultivate the positive psychology that is beneficial to oneself to go to success.

7、The more I feel that I cant be "incompetent", the more I feel powerless in the face of reality, and I become less confident and even abandon myself.

8、The autumn wind is clear and the weather is pleasant. Standing at a new starting point, let us be energetic and energetic, create our own sky!

9、The success of life lies not in waiting for a good card, but in how to play it well. Do a good job on your hands and stick to it.

10、Be ruthless with yourself, "control yourself" to enjoy life better. It is the habit of temperance and self-discipline to have more freedom.

11、Accept what we cant change and focus on changing what we can change. Some of the limitations in life are real, not dependent on your willpower.

12、In the eyes of children, we are adults. To adults, we are children. With childishness, with confusion, with confidence, with the ideal on the road! Enjoy college, come on!

13、It is an eagle that will spread its wings and soar into the sky. It is the hidden dragon, which will leap over the firmament. The friend, is the proud son, must strive for the youth, the university, come on!

14、Today is your first day in college and you have taken an important step forward. If you want to stop complaining about your situation after a few years, you will have to struggle from this moment.

15、The new starting point means that you will begin another phase of your life painting, which will be your sky blue time, and the next sky that will allow you to travel in the future! Spread your wings!

16、There are too many people in life who feel that time is not enough, because there is no good habit of developing management time. All successful people do the right thing at the right time.

17、New school, new school welcome new face, new face new friendship, new friendship bring a new life! May you continue to improve, surpass and succeed in the New Year.

18、Youth is full of enthusiasm, youth is full of fighting spirit, youth is full of hope, youth is happy, when the university starts, may you my youth, always bright and bright!

19、There are no people born shy and shy in the world, all of which are formed in the process of growing up, and are formed in the process of comparing and comparing with others.

20、It depends on how he sees himself, not how others perceive him. A lot of times, the "me" in others eyes is not as important as I think.

21、How can you do something if you dont believe you can do it? How can you really win if you dont imply that you are going to win? When you lose confidence, its when you really fail.

22、Most of the time, we cant choose our environment, but we can do it right away. When others are clinging to their flaws and cannot change, please be the first to make a change.

23、Life is like a marathon without mileage. Everyone is an athlete on the field. In a race, it depends not only on whether you have speed, but also whether you have stamina. Only those who can endure hardships and endure the temptations of loneliness can achieve respectable results.

24、Dont just know that you cant go back, just go forward. When stress is too high, learn to bend, to "show weakness", to protect yourself, to distract yourself, to "break" the brain, and to prepare for a faster sprint.

25、Asking for help is essential. But in the end, people should use their own power to solve problems in life, and dont expect others to solve all problems for themselves.

26、General average three over ten of ones life time is in poor condition, we expanded the problems, so, want to see good side, not to demand, change the thinking Angle to think about it. Start solving problems you can solve and forget about problems you cant solve.

27、In life, there are always gains and losses. There are two sides to everything. The key is how you look at it. Change the Angle to see the problem, the conclusion is different, the mood also is different.

28、"Why am I so unlucky? Thats because your search "Im a messenger egg" evidence. Instead of asking "why dont people like me?" Instead ask yourself, "how can I be a popular and respected person?"

29、Giving up your responsibilities means giving up your better chance of survival. Only those who have the courage to take responsibility can be given more missions to deserve greater honor.

30、Many things in the world, when you deliberately pursue, it is like a butterfly wings to fly far; When you hold the surface of your thoughts, and for the sake of the societys attention to others, the unexpected harvest is quietly greeting you.

31、All the sowing will reap the results, all the "detours" will be valuable, all the failures are to improve their good teachers, all efforts will be rewarded sooner or later... Keep a peaceful heart, step on the ground and do everything right now.

32、If youre constantly complaining that someone is making trouble for you, or complaining about the lack of opportunities, youre giving up the subjective effort to find the cause. The more you complain, the more trouble you have, and the more you complain, the more you complain. Get rid of complaining and look at everything in your life with gratitude.

33、If you find that you have been lazy this mosquito not pain not to itch to ding, dont think "no" "no big deal," procrastination is the root of all evil, is the most common cause of failure.

34、There are countless excuses for doing what you say you do. There is no more trick to accomplish a task successfully. Just remember: do the right thing, do the right thing, and do it immediately!

35、No one is born to be a winner, the success of wealth and the attainment of happiness is not the result of the so-called luck, but the long-term effort. Dont worry about how others are doing. When you get into your own hands, do your best.

36、To be a man, you must put aside your selfish mind. You cant only have one self in mind, treat everyone as well as you can, you will get help from others, and you can open your mind in it.

37、In communicating with others, dont point out the mistakes of others or argue about them. It is difficult to get recognition from others who think they have an obligation to correct mistakes for everyone. One trick to getting people to agree with you is to ask for advice.

38、A sincere compliment is the best gift you can give someone. Its an investment in good relationships that you cant see for a while. If you genuinely appreciate others, you will find yourself happy and others happy.

39、The lure of money is far less important than the conscience of a man. You cant be a good person and never do good. Adhering to the principle of being a person, taking responsibility for others unwillingness to take responsibility, will eventually achieve the success that others cannot achieve.

40、Really strong, not the beginning has a strong power, or rich and powerful, but because of things to the person responsible, in the process of responsibility dig out my potential, is becoming more and more powerful.

41、Rather than investigating who made the mistake, research how to solve the problem. If we all take the initiative to take some responsibility, the work will be much smoother. Even if it is not our fault, if we can help others, it is not others who benefit, but ourselves.

42、One of the most important things in life is to form good habits and go all out to do them. Good habits make you more educated, more knowledgeable and more efficient and more successful.

43、Most of the time, what you dont like is best for people. Doing a little bit of "drudgery" that you dont like every day will eventually give us the confidence and energy of our willpower.

44、Dont let your energy be tied to anything that doesnt matter. Learn to take the big things out of the small, and to get the most out of the big things.

45、Everyone has a desire to talk, and they want others to "listen" to their inner voice, to meet the needs of others, and to make more people like you. "Listening" is a means of communication and a personal accomplishment.

46、When you need help, dont be stingy with your words: "help me... "A word not only solves your difficulties, but also makes it possible for you to make a good friend and ask others to help you. In fact, it is also an opportunity for others to develop and improve.

47、In an era of continuous development, it is not the most important factor for how to start a major. Who has a stronger sense of learning, who is better at learning, who has mastered the key to success.

48、Without the habit of analyzing problems, we can ignore many valuable information and miss out on many good opportunities. People who like to analyze, can always think of a layer more than others, think more deeply.

49、The change of external environment, today more and more quickly than in the past, no matter what your situation, will continuously collecting the relevant information, make oneself to the trend of the development of the environmental development in the direction of the new jobs are fully understand. The more a person knows, the more able he is to strain early.

50、When it comes to things and problems, whether it is learning or life, dont be afraid. In fact, it is often not because things are difficult that we do not do, but often because we do not do, things are difficult.



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dear friend,

how have you been recently? i miss you very much. do you still remember me?

to be honest, im honored to make friends with you. i still remember the days when we were together. as far as i know, you are the kindest person in the world. once we were together, you always treated me as if i were your dear brother, so i was grateful to you in my heart. after you leaving, i always thought of you. next time we have a chance to see each other, i will say "thank you" to you. thank you for your kindness. now i have got the meaning of my life.

although we are in two different places now, we are still together, because we are always heart to heart. i believe we can see each other again. since we are always close friends as well as dear brothers. because of you, my life is always so significant. wherever i am, i will pray good luck for you.

last but not the least, i hope you can make it and have a bright future.

sincerely yours,




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When I first saw this movie I didnt appreciate it like I do now. Because I was so young that I didnt get the main idea when I first saw it. Just recently I saw the movie again. What an amazing and moving story. That movie teaches you so much about life and the meaning of it. That life isnt as bad as most people feel. Forrest Gump, the innocent man can impact so many lives with his innocence. The meaning of the movie to me is that everyone needs to have a better outlook on life. That we need to appreciate more of the little things and not let the big things hold us back. Although life may throw us trials and tribulations like a box of chocolates, we just have to bite into it and get through it even if we dont like it. I just love this movie. And anyone who hasnt seen it or who thinks that dont like it I seriously suggest seeing it or seeing it again. It truly is amazing…



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On the thirty night, we ate the dinner on New Years Eve, I cant wait to turn on the TV to see the Spring Festival evening party, and finally to eight points, the Spring Festival evening party started, there are a lot of wonderful programs inside! Have a beautiful dance, melodious songs, funny comedy and humor of crosstalk.

I love the performance of Louis Liu... Magic, magic! Because one of the magic tricks he performed was that he passed a coin straight through a piece of solid glass, and his hands were worn out of the glass.

Its amazing! I was so stunned that I could hardly believe my eyes. Unwittingly, the party was over. The wonderful show made us have an unforgettable New Years Eve.



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近日,你班在“知荣明耻” “八荣八耻大家谈”教育活动中,召开了一次关于学生荣辱观的主题班会。


Recently we have held a class meeting to discuss what is considered to be honorable behavior and what is shameful. (最近我们班开了个班会讨论什么是光荣和耻辱。)

It is really a pity to see all this in our school.(很遗憾在学校看到这些现象)Some students don’t respect their teachers or parents. (不尊敬老是和父母)Some don’t take their studies seriously and cheat in exams. (作业不认真,考试作弊)Some throw wastes everywhere and pollute the environment . (到处乱扔垃圾污染环境。)It is honorable to obey the law and rules , care much about our class and study hard.(关心班级、努力学习、遵纪守法是光荣)It is shameful to break school rules, to be selfish or to make little effort to achieve success.(违反学校纪律、自私 骄傲是可耻的)

We should respect others and think more of them than of ourselves.(我们应该尊敬别人经常关心别人)We should work hard and make much more progress to repay the society.(我们应该努力学习取得更大进步从而回报社会。)We should try our best to keep the environment clean。(我们应该想方设法保持干净的环境。)

