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Remember that it was a Monday morning, our whole school in the rise of the flag, after the rise of the flag, the school principal announced the "civilized etiquette small star" list, which I have a, when the president read my name I was suddenly cast, and the people around me pushed me and said, "You won the prize and go to the prize!"

I jumped up and ran to the podium, the principal gave me a small red books, the school then gave me a pencil case, I hit the little books, there is a certificate, I looked very excited Because it was my first prize.

On the last lesson, I think the time is too slow, slower than the snail crawl, I looked out the window, the birds twitter, as if for my award and happy!

The bell finally rang, my first out of the classroom flew home, on the way home, I see the certificate of merit, laughing from ear to ear, so all the way to Xiaohehe.

I came home, my first thing is to give the certificate to the father and mother to see, my parents can be happy, my mother said to reward my table delicious, I am very happy.

Afternoon to the class, the students are envious of me, that I am awesome, the teacher also boasted me!

Come home at night, my mother fulfilled her promise, I looked at the certificate, my heart was beautiful.

This is my pleasure, you have it?



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i’m going to the sun on my holiday. i will go there by a spaceship. i will take a big blue spaceship。then i’ll pilot the spaceship to the sun. the sun is very hot. so i put on the super-shirt. in the morning, i will have some sun burger for my breakfast.

at eight o’clock, i will play with my friends there. they are super dog and super girl. super dog is white and black. super girl is very clever. super girl and super dog like to play with me. so i play with them for forty minutes. then i do my homework in my little red room on a small blue table. after my home work, i will have my lunch. i will eat sun salad. i will make some red toy bear to the sun babies. i will have red juice, red fish and red rice. all the things are red. then i need a lot of water on the sun because the sun is too hot. so i will walk to the spaceship. i’ll pilot the spaceship to the earth.

this is a good holiday on the sun.



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Is the beginning of the eight month, the weather suddenly cold, not for a long time, durian snow drop from the clouds. After a while, the snow is big, like someone with feather million pots from heaven.

The snowflakes are hexagonal, and the speed of falling is very fast. Soon, Linyi City snow, trees, houses, the earth seemed covered with snow, like covered with a white blanket, covered with white cotton. All of a sudden, the voice of a cloud aunt was heard from the sky, "Hey, hey! You have a little mischievous struggle, do not go down together, otherwise, it will be a disaster! Look, the cars are all skid and crawling like snail. Look at the river, the people did not go boating!"

I came to the Riverside Avenue station, enjoy the beauty of the Yihe River Trail in the woods. Snow sprint like Olympic athletes like Liu Xiang, rushed into the river, along the Yi River south to travel. Looking at it, the beauty of nature in the snow has come into my eyes, and it is in my heart. The original paved with red brick trail, has now been completely covered with thick snow, like a white carpet, step up soft, also creaked! Look at the Yellow alfalfa, has been formed by the snow "quilt" pressure to breathe out of breath. The bare trunk of the tree also fell on the snow, the wind blew and the little trees shook their bodies, and the snow babies were able to join the brothers on the ground. I raised my head and saw a lot of lovely little snowflakes in the sky rushing to meet my brother. Yes, how happy it is to have a family reunion. At this time, I thought of Taiwan. The dear motherland is a chicken mother lying in the nest. She has two babies, one is Hainan, and the other is Taiwan. Now, Taiwan slips out of the nest, and the mother and Hainan are anxious to come back to Taiwan...

I crouched down, with the hand group made a big snowball, at high altitude, it descends at full speed, open floor million lotus.

The snow has brought a lot of fun to the children.

The snow was neither fast nor slow underground, I left the snow Riverside Avenue, leaving a trail of footprints on the snow.



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My English friend name is Jim.

HE is ten years old, his family in london,he and his family member comes our china to play.He has a cosin,he name is qianyu hi is oniy four years old,but he has a lot of questions.look he is pointing at the chopsticks to ask that my this is anything.

I and jim has become the good friend .Several days later Jim said that he wanted, he said that i love China .I will forget that you zhou lei, will have free time london to look at me .Ok see you Jim.see you.



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比赛开始了,我先抢到了球,向前冲了几步就被对手拦截了,我冲上去把球截了下来,传给了中场张思文,我快速进入对方球门左侧,张思文又迅速将球传给我,我正要射门,一看位置太偏无法进球,我就来了个“借刀杀人”,朝正在迅跑的对方9 号队员朱央正踢了过去,球正好落在朱央正头上,朱央正还未转过神来,球就被“顶”进了自己队球门,这一球进的实在是太精彩刺激了,全场顿时哈哈大笑起来,接着是欢呼声一片。我们闪电队的队员激动得拥抱在一起,而对方却指责起了朱央正,说他是“叛徒”、“卖国贼”,朱央正一脸委屈地被换下了场。


休息15 分钟后,在我们以2:0 占绝对优势的前提下进入下半场比赛。

下半场进行的可不如上半场顺利,还没过10 分钟,子弹队就率先突破我队防线进入一球,我方急忙叫停,研究战术,组织反攻,比赛僵持了一段时间,眼看就要结束了,我队防线再次被突破,出现了2:2 平,比赛进入到白热化状态,我方再次叫停,认真研究对策后,比赛又开始了,场上双方拉拉队也互不相让,一个比一个更响亮……一开场,常文昊就首先冲到了对方的球门前,我在中线位置控制着球,而张思文还在我后面,我“声东击西”地大喊一声:“张思文接球!”接着,我做出了向张思文踢球的假动作,不出我所料,对方队员果然都向张思文那边跑去,而我一转身突然把球踢给了常文昊,常文昊接到球,一脚就踢进了对方的球门,我们又进了一球。






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Dear Mr. Williams,

Thank you for your letter of congratulation on my exam results. I was very pleased to hear from you. The results were a great relief. I did much better than I thought I would.

We are having a celebration party on Saturday 22 May and we shall be pleased if you can come. It is a party for me, but my parents and some of their old friends are joining in, so you will find "real people" as well as teenagers to talk to.

The party starts at half past six- drinks, and a buffet supper later. You said in your letter that youve given up driving, so my father will meet you with the car at San Mateo station. Please let me know what time your train arrives.

There is a good train back to San Palo at 10:30 and well arrange transport for you to catch that. I hope that wont be too late for you. It would be a pity if you had to leave while the party was still in full swing.

I do hope that you will be able to come.

Yours sincerely,

Lily Chen



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The spring festival is the day that the families get together.

It is usually in the February. At that day, every family will paste the lucky inscriptions, fire the cracker and eat the dumplings. The day before the new years first day is the new years eve, same as the Christmas eve, all the families get together to have the new years dinner, wish each other, talk about the wishes about the new year. I like that day very much, what about you ?



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名作家高尔基说过:书是人类进步的阶梯。我扑在书上,就像饥饿的人扑在面包上一样。 歌德说过:读一本好书,就是和许多高尚的人谈话。由此可见,书在我们生活中是多么重要!所以我们一定要多读书,读好书。



记得有一次,我正在读国际象棋书,突然有一个地方弄不明白。我想找棋盘打打谱,就问妈妈:国际象棋棋盘在哪里?妈妈说: 你都快迟到了,还找什么棋盘!最后,我找到了棋盘,打了谱,高高兴兴地上学去了。由此我明白了:当在书中发现问题,不要掩盖过去,而是要解答出来。自从发现了这个道理后,我更爱读书了。








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Autumn came! Autumn came to the mountains and plains; autumn came to the village farmland; autumn also came to the orchard. Autumn orchard fruitful, autumn orchard filled with mature and harvest, autumn orchard people intoxicated!

Autumn orchards are colorful. You look! The orchard, fruit ripe, persimmon, pomegranate, apple, pear you squeeze me touch, as if to fight people to pick it! Persimmon smile red face, like a small lanterns hanging on the branches. Pomegranate laughed his mouth, red fruit like a red agate. The apple was covered with branches and the heavy fruit bent over the branches, like a shy little girl, hiding under the leaves, and was reluctant to come out. Huang Chengcheng pears hanging crystal clear dew, facing the morning sun, reflecting the dazzling light, as if to say: "Do you want to bite me?" Autumn is the fruit show the season.

Autumn orchard is really beautiful! I love the fall of the orchard, more love autumn orchard to bring people the joy of harvest!



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英语日记:English Host I did it

Yesterday, it was really a nice day. I got the English Host in the end.

Now, allow me to tell you the gain of writing English articles.

The first, I learned a great many new words. They are very useful for me. While writing, meeting some new words are ineluctability. And when I met the new words, I would look up the dictionary immediately, and I would remember them soon. Bit by bit, the new words will be in my mind.

The second, I grasped a lot of practical verb tense and sentential form. Such as Past Tense, Future Tense, Future Continuous Tense, etc.

They are very useful for my writing.

The third, I got many praises and encourages. They made me very happy, and I made progress more and more.

Last, I got so much fun. English writing makes me happy. I study in it, and harvest in it.

Dear my friends, what you got? Show us, and let us work hard together, grow up together!











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Today I was very happily today! In the morning, it was very fine! Then I climbed the mountain with family, the air on the mountain was very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seemed extremely beautiful.

Today I was very happily today! In the morning, it was very fine! Then I climbed the mountain with family, the air on the mountain was very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seemed extremely beautiful. In the afternoon, I went to friend‘s home to play, the friend entertained me warmly, showed me a lot of books of his ,listened to his CD for me , then also asked me to eat a sumptuous dinner. Coming back home in the evening, family and I sat and watched TV together, we were returning and eating the fruit while chatting, the whole family was happy and harmonious!






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in this winter break,i have a plan to travel to reason i planned to travel to japan is because i saw many interesting facts about japan in the internet; like there are a lot of new technology there,the fuji mountain there,or japan disney land , i really like there i were to go there,i would make my agenda like this:first,go to tokyo to shop in malls,and go to disney land; then,go to osaka to go to spa,and shop in anime stores; finally,i would like to go to hokkaido to go skiing,and enjoy the i could have a good trip!



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I have a happy family. There are three people in my family, my father, mother and me. My father is a businessman. He is always busy with his work and he often goes to business trips. But when he is free, he stays with us. My mother is a worker. She works hard, too. She works hard to take care of our home. I love my parents



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Most children don’t like to go to school, and they just want to enjoy

freedom and hang out for fun all the time. But when I see some kids studying so

hard and their special skills help them to win applause, I realize that I need

to learn some skills so as to win more freedom in the future.



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Everyone always has a good Sunday. On Sundays, everybody does some things what he like.

Last Sunday, Jack had a relaxing Sunday. He got up 6 o’clock. After breakfast, Jack played basketball with his friends. They were very happy. Then he played the guitar in the room. And he sang songs very loudly. Though it’s very relaxing for him, it also make very noisy for neighbors. Maybe he should turn down the music. At noon, jack fed his pet cat henry. He is Jack’s favorite. Jack always play with him on the weekends. At night, he watched TV on the sofa. At the some time, he ate many delicious snacks. So he really had a great time.

At the of day, jack thought if I always have a relaxing Sunday like today. I will become the happiest boy all over the world.



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Its spring. Its sunny and cloudy today. There are many big trees in the park. Mr. Blacks family have a picnic in a park. They bring many food there. They bring fruit, drink and bread. Mr. Black and Mrs. Black talk with each other. They talk very happily. Ann reads a magazine. Tom likes flying a kite. The kite flies very well. They are hungry now. They want to eat their food. They are very happy.



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October 1stis the national day of our country, which is a public holiday for the whole country. It’s an important day that marks the beginning of PRC. On that day, there are plenty of celebrations holding throughout the country, from the central government to the general people. And public places, including big squares, parks are decorated in festive theme. In recent years, the national holiday means the golden week as well, which is a short holiday that all people expect to. With the improvement of living standards, people have more money and desire to travel and the golden week is a good chance for them. Besides, for those people who would not go out, it’s a good time to have a good rest as well. Therefore, the national day means a lot to the Chinese.

