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At present, the humanitys common mother - the earth, she for us, even his ill have no complaint, and we also - should take care of mother?

As long as you to the earth mothers blood - stream, the stream will find there are often animals such as in shat people littering caused the river smells like vomit. Another small fish and other animals in survival rates. The earth mothers bones, mountain is also at stake; Hair - woods also disastrous. Those who give loess to dig down, and then sell it to others with a high price. And the earth mother is brimming with his pain and fear his cry will cause floods. The birds in the trees are also being shot to death of the human race. Number is being with that sharp axe or chainsaw destroy forest.

Nowadays, people to see the earth mother in such pain also has the environmental protection consciousness. People slowly made public service ads, but also made environmental signs, but also on March 12 as Arbor Day. The villages have special sanitation workers.

And our students what to do to protect the environment? Actually very simple, we only need to bent down to pick up a pick up trash, pour a garbage, stop the mom and dad do not environmental protection, use less a chopsticks, etc.

We have only one earth, we need to protect our earth!









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Earth Day is on April 22nd every year, is a worldwide environmental movement. The first Earth Day activities is the rise in the America campus 1970s environmental movement, the event in 1990 to the world from American, festivals and environmental protection publicity, has become the worlds environmentalists, on this day the people of different nationalities in different way to promote and practice the concept of environmental protection.


The first Earth Day in spring equinox solar term, this day and night in any corner of the world are the same length, the sun can shine at the South Pole and the north pole, which represents the equity in the world, but also a symbol of human beings to put aside their disputes and differences, harmonious coexistence. Traditionally in many countries have the tradition to celebrate the vernal equinox solar term. Early United Nations World Earth Day activities held every year in the spring equinox. Earth Day


Earth day, the country there are about 100000000 people left the car at home and use, to prevent the automobile exhaust and other harmful emissions emitted into the air. In China, when Premier Li Peng in April 21st published by television address environmental problems, CCTV also played "reports, only one earth". Since then, Chinas annual "Earth Day" to commemorate the promotional activities.


At the end of 2000 2, Hays accepted the invitation of the China to come to China to participate in the "China 2000" Earth Day "action" to start the ceremony.


In twentieth Century 90 at the end of the 1970s, Gerlo Nelson and Bruce Anderson (solar architect, writer, New Hampshire "Earth Day" organizer) together for the "Earth Day" into a year, high levels of activity, founded the "America earth day". "Earth Day" Webpage opened in 1995. "America 1999 Earth Day" the organization changed its name to "the Earth Day Network", has become a worldwide each year, to promote the "International Earth Day" organization. 2000 "Earth Day", and by Gerlo Nelson and Denis Hayes leadership, the difference is that this time they in 1970 "Earth Day" basis, joined the global public sports, and make full use of the network as a new means of information, the peoples wisdom and passion together together. In Gallo - Nielsen, Denis Hayes and his comrades efforts, todays "Earth Day" has become the whole Earth Festival, reminding us to protect the earth, the earth.



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Knoll in Belgium in 1976 grams of biennial international poetry founded the world childrens songs, by children under the age of 13 every year on March 21 (24 solar terms in the fourth throttle the vernal equinox) -- the first day of spring. Theme is: care for children, make peace, the abolition of war, the construction of their homes. This activity obtained the recognition and support of the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization. On this day each year, the children organizations, education institutions in various forms to celebrate this festival.

Each year since 1999 in our country, have various forms of activities to celebrate world day nursery rhymes.





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Watching the les miserables, jean valjean tall image always emerge in front of my eyes. He is ready to help others, honest is good, good character, although due to the forced by life, had made some mistake, but this does not affect his personality, because he spent a lifetime in continuously improve their difficulties and adversity.

Jean valjean was out of work, because life poverty, he stole a loaf of bread, was caught in prison, the evil old society! After prison, he was leader of bent on revenge influence restored confidence in life and aspire to from good, he came to monte, renamed Madeleine, set up factories, became a millionaire, has helped many people, as the mayor. Integrity, however, he didnt want to let others take the rap for him and was put into prison...

What kind of jean valjean, he good for bad, ready to help others, raising a baby, you planned to. In order to make cosette happiness, have the courage to admits his true identity, this need how much courage, how much love! Although repeatedly by the peoples misunderstanding and discrimination, but jean valjean always abide by the promise of the bishop, silently to do an honest, kind person.

I moved for jean valjean, if we can face up to its own like jean valjean error, can try their best to correct, look at the world with a heart of universal love, our world will become more beautiful. Im sad for jean valjean, for his newspaper, if jean valjean had life in socialist China, so his experience might not be so rough.







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On April 22, is a festival, the world earth day may not be known. 2013 is the world earth day theme of 44: cherish the earths resources transformation of the mode of development, promoting ecological civilization and beautiful China.

The world earth day originated in the United States. In 1969, the democratic senator gaylord? Nielsen, held in the national universities campus environmental question papers. Dennis was 25 years old so at harvard law school student? Hayes will soon nelsons proposal into a across the country develop the specific large-scale community activities, and get a lot of young students widespread support. On April 22, 1970, the United States for the first time held a huge "earth day" activity. This is the first time in human history of large-scale mass environmental movement. As the beginning of modern environmental movement, earth day activities to promote the establishment of a number of national environmental laws and regulations.





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In Britain, Christmas Day is normally spent at home, with the family, and it is regarded as a celebration of the family and its continuity. Preparations start well in advance, with the sending of Christmas cards and installation of a decorated Christmas tree in a prominent place in the home. Although it is now a firmly established tradition, the Christmas tree was first popularised by Queen Victoria’s husband, Prince Albert, who introduced the custom from his native Germany in 1840.


Some houses are decorated with evergreens (plants which do not lose their leaves in winter); a wreath of holly on the front door and garlands of holly, ivy and fir indoors. Bunches of mistletoe are often hung above doorways - any couple passing underneath must exchange kisses! Traditional food is prepared: sweet mince pies, a rich Christmas cake and the Christmas pudding. Everyone has their own favourite recipe, but they’re all packed full of spices, nuts, dried fruit and brandy.

Presents are bought and wrapped, and traditionally placed under the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. Christmas is both a secular and a religious holiday, and many families like to attend a midnight service at church on Christmas Eve, or celebrate Christmas in church on Christmas morning.


The excitement begins for children on Christmas Eve, when they hang up their stockings (an old sock or, more ambitiously, pillow cases) around the fireplace or at the foot of the bed for Father Christmas to fill with presents. The English Father Christmas or Santa Claus is first recorded in his traditional red and white outfit in a woodcut of 1653, but the story of Santa arriving in his reindeer-drawn sleigh and descending down the chimney to fill children’s stockings with presents derives from the USA.

圣诞节最兴奋的要属孩子了,他们在壁炉边或者床角挂起袜子(一只旧袜子,或者贪心点,一个枕头),来装圣诞老人的礼物。英国的圣诞老人或者叫Santa Claus最先在1653年被木刻下来,穿着传统的红白服饰,但是关于圣诞老人坐驯鹿拉的雪撬来,并且下到烟囱里给孩子送礼物的故事却是来源于美国的。

Practically everyone sits down to a Christmas dinner in the early afternoon of Christmas Day, traditionally roast turkey, but some families prefer goose or roast beef. The turkey is followed by the Christmas pudding, brought to the table flaming hot. Brandy is poured over the pudding, then lit. After dinner, everyone relaxes by going for a walk, playing games, enjoying their presents or watching television.





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失落世界》,作者正是以 “福尔摩斯” 系列侦探小说而闻名于世的柯南•道尔.关于作者,恐怕已是妇孺皆知,无人不晓了.然而人们通常只暗熟于他作为一名杰出的侦探小说家,却未必注意到他同样也是一名出色的科幻作家,《失落的世界》正是他科幻作品中的代表之作,业已成为科幻经典而供后人无尽鉴赏品评.

"The lost world", the author is known to the world as the "Holmes" series of detective novels by Conan Doyle. About the author, Im afraid its been even woman and children all know, unmanned not dawn. However, people usually only dark ripe to him as a great detective novelist, but may not notice he is also a good the science fiction writer, "the lost world" is a representative of his science fiction works of science fiction, has become a classic and for future generations of endless appreciation evaluation.


Imagination is more important than knowledge, has the imagination is to obtain a precious wealth, is to have the power to transform the world, we can always keep a childlike innocence from the undying. When we feel a solemn and mysterious at the same time, we are also learning to shake off the dust on clothes, let once dark gloomy eyes glow glory, let a rigid mind again into the source of creativeness. So, we fix for, insightful, the mood will have been improved. Our understanding of the real world will become more and more profound, clear and accurate.



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Time travel, I came to the future world of the 24th century, and saw the new life of human future.

Is the future house mobile or free to live in. There are not many furniture and electric appliances, but they have complete functions. The air conditioner is gone. The room is warm in winter and cool in summer. It turns out that people store the hot air in summer for use in winter, and store the cold air in winter for use in summer. There is no lampblack machine in the kitchen, because the new cooking oil will not produce lampblack to pollute the environment. There is no lamp. Advanced lighting materials are shrunk into small particles. You can put them into environmental protection paint and paint them on the wall. When the light is dark, the wall will produce light. People can adjust the brightness manually. The TV no longer needs remote control switch. As long as you say "on", it will start to play, and can provide different programs for different people at any time. It really becomes "Green TV". Children can watch healthy programs.

In the future, the worlds cars will be very environmentally friendly. They will all become solar powered cars. The exhaust emissions will still be beneficial to human life. Cars can be changed into various forms, driving on land, sailing on the sea, flying in the sky. In this way, it is much more convenient for people to travel.

How environmentally friendly and comfortable life will be in the future!



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On May 8, 1948, the annual, the spirit of the world health organization (who) the day was concluded as "world smile day". Indeed, everyone need to be slowing down, watch around a good transaction, peaceful nature TianLai, effort let taut face soothing, open the knits forehead, let a smile on the face bloom, to dissolve frost and chill between each other.

Every year since 1948 this holiday to conclude, the May 8 will become warm rise. In the smile to others, you will see the world smile to himself.





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16.禁贩、禁钟、禁吸、禁制并举 堵源截流 严格执法 标本兼治 综合治理

17.禁绝毒品 功在当代 利在千秋

18.全民动员 禁毒防毒 创一流文明城市

19.开展创建无毒害社区活动 确保一方净土

20.远离毒品 亲近美好人生


22.深入创建无毒社区 促进精神文明建设。

23.大力消除毒品危害 保护人民身心健康。

24.认识毒品危害 提高抵御能力

25.增强拒毒防毒意识 积极投身禁毒工作。

26.大力推行综合治理 深入开展禁毒斗争。



























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As we know, World Reading Day which falls on April 23rd is drawing near. The purpose of the global festival is to promote reading and publishing. Nowadays, a lot of students prefer to spend much time in watching TV and they are crazy about Internet. So, most of them dont have enough time to read books. And still worse, they dont like reading. However, reading is necessary. I firmly think that by reading, we not only enrich our life ,and broaden our horizons but also learn to perfect our personality. Now that reading is good for us, let’s develop a good habit of reading. I strongly suggest that every one of us should read at least one or two good books every term.




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1、 为了祖国的明天,我们要重视青少年;为了青少年身心健康,禁毒动员刻不容缓;为了毒品早日禁绝,社会需要多做宣传。

2、 家庭教育很重要,父母交心引导好,毒品危害似恶魔,掌握知识身做则,勿让接触杂场所,生人礼物莫接受,教育子女慎交友。

3、 青少年学生多小心,毒品危害认识清,认识自身责任心,拒绝进入歌舞厅,远离吸毒坏人群,积极参与禁毒行。

4、 时代青年有责任,出门交友要谨慎,毒贩爱找年轻人,中了圈套易上瘾,娱乐放松多留神,一不小心落火坑,受苦受难全家人。

5、 合成毒品毁掉青少年,毁掉幸福的家庭,毁掉复兴的民族,毁掉强壮的国家。遏制合成毒品,从保护青少年开始。

6、 非常环保,非常绿色,非常清净,非常健康——如果生活在这样的环境中,相信每个人都能长寿,每天都有好心情。建议:爱护环境,爱护地球,支持禁毒,坚持戒毒就是爱护自己,给青少年一个健康的成长氛围。

7、 精神恍惚欲跳楼 旁边路人忙警报 警察来到竟不信 硬说警察要害她 警民携手终救下 到了医院明白啦 吸食毒品产幻觉 差点掉楼没命啦 毒品危害真是大 珍惜生命远离它 大家齐心共监督 早晚能够消灭它

8、 娇艳欲滴的恶之花,虽然美丽动人,但却结的是恶之果;犹如刺激过瘾的恶之毒,带给人们的只有恶之路,一失足成千古恨,遥避之才会永安康。

9、 不过一根针筒而已,生活就没有了微笑;不过一颗药丸而已,生命就走到了尽头。毒品的危害真不小,国际禁毒日,把拒绝毒品的口号传递下去。

10、 新型毒品咖啡因,本是一种生物碱,提自茶与咖啡果,或是化学来合成,长期服用人惊厥,心律失常肠溃疡,吸食丧失少年志,远离毒品走正道!

11、 青少年们是个宝,国家政策要引导,千万不要不学好,合成毒品是毒药,沾上小命就难保,流落街头去乞讨,人生自尊全没了。

12、 合成毒品危害大,损害大脑不可逆,吸食易得妄想症,危害社会后果糟。奉劝各位青少年,热爱生命拒毒品;奉劝为人父母者,关爱孩子找妙招;呼吁社会全人类:消除毒品祸害,造福子孙后代。

13、 毒隐毒隐真可怕,倾家荡产非谎话,妻离子撒没人看,我劝毒鬼注意看,戒毒所里把命换。

14、 他人都道吸毒好,只是你还不知道,终朝只想图新鲜,及到上瘾戒不了!他人都道吸毒好,只是你已戒不掉,曾经好友在何方,后悔莫及没用了!

15、 常听人们说K粉,听说吃了会很嗨;K粉本是麻醉药,白色结晶粉末状,服食会使人中毒,伴有幻觉和幻听,又可用做迷奸粉,祸害无穷是毒品

16、 人生好比一片舟,飘飘荡荡四处撞,一不留神撞毒隐,舟破人亡不荒唐。

17、 有这样一种东西,会把我们的身体搞垮;有这样一种东西;会让我们的家资散尽;有这样一种东西,会使我们的家庭破败。答案很容易得出,但大家要经得起诱惑。让我们:珍爱生命,远离毒品。

18、 一次次欲望的驱使,一次次快活的体会,到最后付出的是生命的代价。醒醒吧,远离毒品,珍爱生命。

19、 毒品是死神的说客,沾染毒品就是向死神妥协,合成毒品是组团的死神说客,它们把青少年的灵魂无情收割。珍爱生命,坚守灵魂,拒绝合成毒品。

20、 吸毒的滋味有时叫很美;吸毒的滋味有时叫陶醉;吸毒的滋味有时叫流泪,吸毒的滋味有时叫犯罪,吸毒的滋味有时叫懊悔。加油! 这个不错

21、 罂粟花的魅力是妖娆的,否则它不会让那么多家庭支离破碎。国际禁毒日,让我们杜绝罂粟花的魅力。

22、 它不是枪支,却使人间生灵涂炭;它不是匕首,却使家庭支离破碎。毒品的危害有多少,看一看生命的逝去就明了,禁毒日,让禁毒的正义正火永远燃烧。

23、 毒品如豺狼猛兽,吞噬你上进的心,喝完你生命的血,消耗宝贵的精神,是真的吃人不吐骨头,吃葡萄不吐葡萄枝,爱惜自己的生命,远离豺狼和猛兽。

24、 短暂的快感,永远的追悔与痛苦;自己的堕落,却是所有亲人朋友痛苦的根源!毒品的害处多如沙粒,健康与颓废,亲人与快感,你会选择哪个呢?如果你还有那么一点爱,那点对自己的爱,对亲人朋友的爱,那么请你坚决远离毒品。

25、 尝一口,逍遥游,千万家悠悠愁;打一针,精气神,后悔痛苦一生;少年如花,美过罂粟,青春如泉,甘冽清心。汲青春之养,塑美丽年华。

26、 6月26日国际禁毒日,请大家记住:毒品似敌人,沾上害终身,榨干你血肉,侵蚀你灵魂,一人轻沾上,全家都遭殃。为了自己,为了家人,为了社会,请热爱生命,拒绝毒品。

27、 吸食毒品的日子是这样的:茶饭不思,饮水不想,面黄饥廋,全身难受,泪眼迷茫,人生彷徨。惊醒当代青少年,远离毒品快活生活。

28、 吸毒丧失灵魂;吸毒摧毁人生;吸毒祸害社会;吸毒毁灭家庭;请远离毒品这一全人类共同面对的世界性公害。

29、 毒品知识来普及,现代毒品种类多,常见K粉摇头丸,还有病毒和大麻,咖啡因后海乐神,娱乐场所很泛滥,此类毒品非天然,都是化学合成品,凡是毒品都有毒,会对身体造伤害!

30、 毒品具有依赖性,沾上就很难脱身;毒品具有非法性,犯罪就得把牢蹲;毒品具有危害性,损坏大脑伤身心;远离毒品多运动,身体棒棒无疾病。

31、 毒品之害,害身害心害人类;毒品之害,害国害家害社会;毒品之害,害子害孙害几辈;毒品之害,祸害青年让人碎;毒品之害,坚决打击除犯罪。

32、 毒品非常贵,成本也很高,轻则脑迟钝,重则生命抛。还有感染害,更有家人恼,社会共努力,齐把毒品讨。

33、 禁毒日里说禁毒,忆起当年国耻辱,虎门销烟人心快,只为振奋我民族。如今青年不识苦,霓虹灯里去摆舞,劝君迷途要知返,努力拼搏为正路。

34、 "626国际禁毒日:罂粟花虽美,于已身体伤:瘾君子难戒,后悔一辈子;想身心健康,请远离毒品!"

35、 爱别人,从爱自己开始,毒品虽可以给予你刺激,健康价更高,它可以使你失去健康,失去亲人,失去朋友,最后连自己的那个完整的家也可能支离破碎。因此,为了你的健康,亲人,朋友,请拒绝任何毒品。

36、 罂粟花,在世界上多么猖狂;海洛因,在生命里游荡;大麻冰毒,让多少的生命灭亡。禁毒日,让毒品赶快投降。

37、 人这一生美好易逝,而毒品却剥夺了我们美好的权利,扼杀幸福的日子。国际禁毒日,为了宝贵的生命,请拒绝毒品。

38、 由好奇开始尝试,然后在尝试中沉迷,最后在沉迷中堕落,堕落以后毁灭。吸食毒品是多么可怕的过程,为了生命为健康,请远离毒品。

39、 吸毒的滋味有时叫很美;吸毒的滋味有时叫陶醉;吸毒的滋味有时叫流泪,吸毒的滋味有时叫犯罪,吸毒的滋味有时叫懊悔。

40、 "禁毒,戒毒,人人皆可参与:成人,少年,须防患于未然:不分国家,不同种族,大家一起监督,共同抵制:远离毒品,世界大同. "

41、 社会一齐拒毒害,造福子孙和后代;世界毒品在泛滥,我国形势望好转;人民战争综合管,根除毒害全动员;毒品一朝被根绝,社会和谐人人安。

42、 抵制毒品很重要,毒品并非潮流物,害人害已害身体,莫要好奇尝试毒,后果就是家破亡,远离毒品靠自己,创造和谐靠大家。

43、 掏心掏肺淘不尽他的暧昧,付脾付肝付不清他要的小费,说天说地说不尽他失重的美丽,写东写西写不出一句真心爱的语句,毒品,假情人的邀请,请不要赴约。

44、 毒品危害乃公敌,意识坚定牢树立,大家谨慎多注意,发现情况要分析,不去劝说不声张,交给警方来处理,禁毒工作责任大,扫除罪犯要彻底。

45、 社会很大,容易迷恍,毒品中间,飘飘欲仙,飘来飘去,钱财飘光,半死不死,半活不活,想要活命,所里看病。

46、 青少年们要听真,合成毒品真害人,毒害家庭和亲人,被人唾弃不翻身。

47、 人生短暂把命珍,不打吗啡不吸毒,照看父母不迷途,老婆孩子常相伴,亲戚朋友齐称赞。

48、 毒品之害如饮鸩,饮后看似很兴奋,若要长期不注意,不知不觉被套进。如今青年潮流跟,待到醒时毒已深,莫到悔时方恨晚,健康人生才是真。

49、 就算没有父母疼爱,为什么要吸毒?你有自己,有朋友。就算没有朋友关心,为什么要吸毒?你有梦想,有未来。就算没有钱财住房,为什么要吸毒?你有双手,可拼搏。

50、 毒品无情人有情,莫让父母亲伤心,一时吸毒好心情,一世上瘾难撇清。少男少女正年轻,光明未来向前进!



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My father made me a little cabin on the tree when I was five years old. I like this cabin so much, it is my little world. I put many toys in it, I decorate this cabin so well. I can do what I want in this little world, sometimes I will ask my friends to come. I have a good time in my little world.




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Books are the ladder of human progress, like a spring of a wisp of dawn, a moonlight, comfortable, warm and soft.

And I was not in the said the words, nor in talks over my head, I just use the most real, the most substantial feel describe the pleasure of reading.

I have been fond of reading. So far, whats four big classics, the book of family names, embedded, tang poetry, book of li SAO, even if back also is more than enough. In reading a endless galaxy, I won a lot of wisdom, and the stars, they running upon the wires, echoes the books I beat desire, let me again and again into books. Each time I see a wonderful plots, I continue to see the tail will involuntarily, even if the book turns bad, also wanting more. It is a kind of power to promote my aggressive!

Reading let me understand a lot of unprecedented knowledge, also let me realize a strange feeling, his open mind let me know what is and what sincere gentleman, let me understand that there is a high realm from person to person. To sum up, in a few words I can read well, above the reading of the joy.







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Earth day is every year on April 22, is a worldwide environmental movement. The first earth day activities were rising in the 1970 s in the United States campus environmental movement, this activity towards the world from the United States in the 1990 s, became a worldwide festival of environmentalists and environmental protection awareness day, on this day people of different nationality in their different way to promote and practice the concept of environmental protection.

The first earth day selection in the vernal equinox solar terms, it was a day in the world any corner of the equal length in both day and night, the sun can shine in the South Pole and North Pole at the same time, it represents the equality of the world, but also a symbol of the human to throw controversy and different between each other, harmonious coexistence. In many countries have traditionally celebrate the spring equinox solar term tradition. The United Nations has early in earth day activities every year at the vernal equinox. Earth day the day

"Earth day" one day, the United States without the country about 100 million people in the car home, in case of vehicle emission of waste gas and other harmful emissions into the air. In China, the then prime minister li peng on April 21, to address the environmental problems through the television, CCTV also played the "only one earth" special report. From now on, our country every year for the earth day "campaign.

In late February 2000, hayes to accept the invitation of the China, to come to China to participate in the "China" earth day "in 2000 Chinas action" to start the ceremony.

In the late 1990 s, the gaylord nelson and brookings Anderson (solar architect, author and New Hampshire "earth day" organizers) for the "earth day" make an annual state, high level of activity, set up "the earth". "Earth day" web site opened in 1995. "The earth" organization in 1999 changed its name to "earth day network," become a geared to the needs of the world, promoting "earth day" every year international activities of the organization. "Earth day" in 2000, is by the gallo nelson and Dennis hayes, leadership, the difference is that this time they, on the basis of "earth day" in 1970, joined the global public sports, and make full use of the network this emerging information means, the wisdom and passion of people of all countries together. In gaylord nelson, Dennis hayes and his comrades, todays "earth day" has really become a whole earth festival, reminding human to protect the earth, be gentle with the earth.








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World Health Day each year on April 7, is World Health Day, aimed at aroused the concern of the World to Health, Health work and to improve the quality of the peoples Health and knowledge, emphasize the importance of Health for the labor to create and happy life. In 1948, the first world health assembly quest to establish a "world health day" to commemorate the birth of the world health organization. Since 1950, world health day has been celebrated annually on April 7. Selected a theme for world health day each year, who focus on key areas.

In 1948, the first world health assembly quest to establish a "world health day" to commemorate the birth of the world health organization. Since 1950, world health day has been celebrated annually on April 7. Selected a theme for world health day each year, who focus on key areas.

World health day is a global opportunity, focus on the impact of the international community major public health problem. World health day start longer-term propaganda and planning, until April 7.

The world health organization (who) to the theme of world health day 2007 identified as "investment in health, to build security in the future", which calls for attention to the new and traditional diseases and major sudden public health crisis brings to the human disaster, increased investment in health care to ensure that future generations can live in security, development and prosperity of a harmonious society. The world health organization on April 2, was held in Singapore, entitled "the necessity to improve international health security" high-level debate. Countries in politics, business and media controller together, send a strong message: only immediately increased investment in health, to build a secure future for mankind.

每年的4月7日是世界生日World Health Day ,旨在引起世界对卫生、健康工作的关注,提高人们对卫生领域的素质和认识,强调健康对于劳动创造和幸福生活的重要性。1948年,第一届世界卫生大会要求建立“世界卫生日”以纪念世界卫生组织的诞生。自1950年以来,每年于4月7日庆祝世界卫生日。每年为世界卫生日选定一个主题,突出世卫组织关注的重点领域。






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The SongHua river has been polluted last week. The government has stopped the tap water, so the people in Harbin get some trouble about drinking the water. It is a difficult problem, because nobody can live well without the water. So the government tries its best to find the way to solve the problem.

At the same time, many cities give help to Harbin, hundreds of trucks transport the water to Harbin. Everybody needs others’ help when they get trouble. Like people, like city. Our country likes a big family; the city is the member of the family. Like the family, helping each other is responsibility of every member.



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Now the earth is in bad condition. For example, in some places, the air and water pollution is so serious that it causes many deaths. At the same time, many animals and plants are in danger because of the destruction of their habitats.


Luckily, we human beings have realized the problem. On April 22nd, millions of people across the world do something good for the earth. Some clean up beaches and water, some pick up rubbish, others give speeches to call on more people to take action. But can we save the earth only by one day’s work? The future of our planet depends on our efforts. What we should do is to make every day Earth Day. Only by taking good care of it every day can we hope to live in harmony with nature.




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Today, I went to the bookstore, took a bottle of mineral water to three layer directly, picked up a book to read with relish, suddenly, hand touched a book named "Sophies world", Im very interested in its name, then pick it up.

Story say is a 14-year-old girl Sophie discovered a letter when I come home in one day, the only brief three words: "who are you?" Envelope clearly written "three alfalfa road, Sophie", did not write the senders name above, also didnt stamp, this mysterious messenger Sophie fell into a meditation. In this way, in some mysterious mentor, under the guidance of Sophie began to think about, from ancient Greece to Kant, from kierkegaard to Freud, you master the fundamental problem thinking. At the same time, Sophie constantly hear from some of the unusual, the world like a mystery in her eyes. Sophie girl born savvy and nurture knowledge, attempt to unravel the mystery, however, the truth of the matter is far more weird than what she thought, more extraordinary.

"Sophies world, is not only the wisdom of the world, is also a dream world. It will awaken everyone heart to the praise of life and the ultimate meaning of life care and curiosity. World for us, it is the combination of many unknown mystery, is speculation, one end life all dont know what happened and the beginning, only free to live every day, is the life.






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The fourth Sunday of April each year for the world childrens day.

1986年,土耳其9岁的女学生丰达?卡拉戈兹莱和另一位同学给世界儿童写信说:“我们希望在社区内人人平等相待,我们希望生活在和平的世界中。我们虽然是孩子,也能够改善这个世界。”这封信被送到联合国儿童基金会,又送到联合国代表们的手中,引起强烈反响。同年4月27日被定为“世界儿童日” (World Childrens Day) ,同时,丰达?卡拉戈兹莱(funda karagozler) 亦成为该组织的名誉主席。此后,每年4月的第四个星期日,全世界的儿童代表来到纽约联合国总部,表达他们对更加美好的世界的愿望,讲述他们为自己社区所作的贡献。

In 1986, Turkey 9 year old female student Fengda? Karagozler and another student to write the children said: "we hope everyone equality in the community, we hope to live in a peaceful world. Although we are the children, but also can improve the world." The letter was sent to the United Nations Childrens fund, but also to the United Nations on behalf of their hands, has aroused strong repercussions. The same year in April 27th was designated as the "world childrens Day" (World Childrens Day), at the same time, Feng Da? Karagozler (funda karagozler) has become the honorary chairman of the organization. Since then, the fourth Sunday of April each year, the children of the world representative came to United Nations Headquarters in New York, expressing their desire for a better world, telling their own contribution for the community.
