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1. put down 放下

shut down 把…关上

cut down 砍掉

come down 下来、落下

slow down 减缓、放慢

sit down 坐下

write down 写下

get down 下来,降落

2. after all 毕竟.终究

after that 于是.然后

day after day 日复一日地

one after another 相继.挨次

soon after 不久以后

the day after tomorrow 后天

3. come up with 找到、提出

catch up with 赶上

wake up 弄醒、醒来

send up 发射

open up 开设、开办

grow up 长大

pick up 拾起、捡起

hands up 举手

eat up 吃光

clean up 打扫干净

give up doing sth.=stop doing sth. 放弃做某事

4. arrive at/in + n. 到达

get to +n. 到达

reach + n. 到达

arrive / get +adv. 到达

5. get…back 退还,送回去.取回

give back 归还

come back 回来

at the back of 在…的后面

on the way (back)home 在回家路上

6. at least 至少

at breakfast 早餐时

at desk 在桌前

at once立刻,马上

at school 在上学

at the same time 同时

at work 在工作

be good at=do well in 擅长

laugh at 嘲笑

not…at all 一点也不

at first 起初

at night 在晚上

at noon 中午

at the age of // when sb. was…years old 在…岁时

at last / in the end / finally 最后、终于

at the beginning of the twenty-first century 在21世纪初

at the end of 在…终点、结尾

at the moment // now现在

at the foot of 在…脚下

at Christmas 在圣诞节

at any moment 任何时候

at times(sometimes) 有时,偶尔

at the doctor’s 在医务室be bad at不擅长

7. for example 例如

for ever 永远

be good for 对…有益

be bad for 对…有害

for long=for a long time 长期

for short 简称

be short for 是…的简称

TV is short for “television”

8. come true 实现

come down 下来

come from=be from 来自,出生于

come in/into 进入,进来

come on 赶快

come over 过来

come along 走吧,过来,快点

come and go 来来去去

come up 上来

come out 出来,(花)开,(照片)冲洗出来

9. even though=even if 即使、虽然、尽管

10. be pleased with 对…感到满意

be covered with 被…覆盖

be expected to do sth. 被期望做某事

be proud of 以…自豪

speak highly of 称赞

be afraid of 害怕

hear of 听说(hear from sb.收到某人的来信)

of course=certainly 当然可以

plenty of= a lot of 许多

11. by the way 顺便说

by oneself 单独,独自

by the end of 到…为至

by the time (引起时间状语从句)到…的时候

one by one 依次

by air / plane 乘飞机

by bus / train / car 乘公共汽车/火车/轿车

catch a bus 赶公交车

get on / off the bus上/下车

take a bus to…=go to …by bus乘车去

12. do / try one’s best 尽力

do one’s homework 做家庭作业

do (the/some) shopping 购物

do the cooking 烹饪

do some cleaning 打扫

do the / some washing 洗衣服

do sport 做运动

do with sb / sth. 处理

well done 干得好

13. early in the morning 一大早

in the early spring 初春

in my early days 我幼年时期

early bus 早班车

14. make a contribution to 贡献给、捐献

make a telephone call to sb. // ring sb. up // give sb. a call //

phone sb.给某人打电话


be close to 靠近(某地)

give birth to 生(孩子)

lose to sb 输给sb .

15. either…or… 或者…或者…

on either side of the street 街道任何一边

on each side of the street 街道每一边

on both sides of the street 街道两边

16. keep doing sth. 不停地做某事(表示状态继续)

keep on doing sth. 坚持做某事(表示动作反复进行)

practise doing sth. 练习做某事

enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事

finish doing sth. 做完某事

go on doing sth. 继续做某事(同一件事)

17. go on to do sth. 接着做某事(另一事)

go straight along 沿着…一直往前走

go down 下降

go for a walk 散步

go over 复习

go shopping 买东西

go to the cinema 去看电影

go well 进展顺利

go off to 动身前往

go out 外出

go to work 去上班

go up 上升

want a go 想试一试

18. think about 考虑

think of 认为、想起、考虑、想到

think over 仔细考虑

think out 想出

talk about 谈论

worry about 担心

How / What about…?…怎么样?

19. borrow…from … 从…借…

lend…to… 把…借给…

from door to door 挨家挨户

from time to time 时时

from now on 从今以后

from then on 从那以后

be different from 与…不同

learn…from… 向…学习

20. get dressed 穿衣

get into 进入

get / be lost 丢失

get off / on下/ 上车

get on well with sb. 与某人相处得好

get out of 从…出来

get ready for +n. 为…做准备

get ready to do sth. 准备做某事

get / go to sleep (fall asleep) 入睡

be asleep 睡着

get warm 变暧

get well 康复

get a chance 有机会、得到机会

21. look for 寻找

wait for 等候

look after=take care of 照看

look like 看起来像

look over 检查,复习

look out 小心,从里向外看

look the same 看起来一样

look up 向上看,查单词

look around 环视

look forward to 期望

look through 温习,检查

22. set off 出发、动身

put off 推迟

keep off 避开、不靠近…

drop off 放下(某物)

turn off 关

jump off 跳离

take off 脱(衣),(飞机)起飞

23. half a kilo 半千克

half an hour 半小时

in half 分成两半

half of the day 半天

24. do eye exercises 做眼保健操

do morning exercises 做早操 take (more) exercise (多)参加体育锻炼

an exercise book 练习本

25. take part in 参加

hand in 上交

in hospital 住院

in surprise 吃惊地

in the sun 在阳光下

in trouble 处于困境

in a minute / moment马上

26. leave for… 动身去某地

27. feed on 以…为主食

live on 继续活着

base on 以…为根据

carry on 坚持、继续下去

and so on 等等

on the other hand 另一方面

on foot 步行

28. be famous for 以..著名

be excited about +n./V-ing 对…感到兴奋

be interested in 对…感兴趣

be born 出生

be busy with sth.=be busy doing sth. 忙于…

be amazed at 对..感到惊讶

29. move away 移开

move to (搬)移到

30. search the Internet 上网

31. make sure 确信

make a dialogue 编对话

make a mistake 犯错误

by mistake 由于疏忽

make a noise 吵闹

make faces 做鬼脸

make friends (with) 和..交朋友

make room for 给..让地方

make tea 沏茶

make money 赚钱

make a decision 作出决定

32. used to do sth 过去常常做某事

be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事

33. leave sth+介词短语 “把……忘记在某处”

34. forget to do sth. 忘记做某事

encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事

decide to do sth. 决定做某事

allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事

35. hear sb. to do (doing)sth. 听见某人做某事

36. help sb. (to) do sth .//help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事

with one’s help 在某人的帮助下

with pleasure 乐意

37. the summer holiday(s) 暑假

the winter holiday(s) 寒假

38. step into 走进

pour into 倒入…

39. in the first 第一

for the first time 第一次

at first 起初

a firs t language 母语

first of all 首先

40. leave a message for sb. 给某人留条

give / take sb. a message 给某人捎口信

41. take photos / pictures 照像

take away 拿走

take out 取出

work out 算出

take care 当心

take medicine 服药

take one’s temperature 量体温

take one’s time 别着急

take a walk 散步

take place 发生

42. learn by oneself / teach oneself 自学

learn by heart 背熟

43. a year and a half (one and a half years ) 一年半

44. have a try 尝试,努力

try out 尝试、试验

find out / about 找出,查明

have a good / wonderful / great / time 玩得开心

have a (bad) cold (重)感冒

have a meeting / walk / watch 开会/散步/比赛

have sports 进行体育活动

have nothing / sth. to do with 与..无(有)关

have no idea 不知道

have (one’s) medicine 服药

45. offer sb sth. 给某人提供某物

46. win first prize 获一等奖

47. all over the world= around the world =throughout the world 全世界

48. all kinds of 各种各样的

49. neither… nor 既不…也不….

50. not only … but also … 不但…而且

both… and ……和…都

51. the more , the better 越多越好

52. all one’s life 一生

53. as soon as 一…就…

as soon as possible 尽可能早地、尽快

as well = too也

as much as 至多

as little as 至少

regard …as 把…当作…

as if 好像

54. no matter 无论…

55 ever since 从那以后,此后一直

56. so far 到目前为止

or so大约

57. another two hours (=two more hours ) 又(再) 2个小时

58. three times a week 一周三次

59. the number of… 的数量

a (large / good) number of / large numbers of / many 许多

60. less than少于 , less and less 越来越少

61. …is another way of saying… 什么是..的另一说法 Quick is another way of saying fast. Bike is short for bicycle.

62. not…until… 直到…才…

63. be like 像

feel like +n./V-ing 想要

like best 最喜欢 , would like to 想要

64. the 24 hour clock 24 小时制

65. wash away 冲走

run away 逃跑

take away 带走

66. before long 不久

long before / ago 很久以前

for long =for a long time 长期

no longer = not. .any longer 不再

67. more or less = about 或多或少,大约

more than = over 多于,超过

68. every year 每年

every four years 每隔四年

every other day 每隔一天

everyday English / life 日常英语/生活

69. next to 紧挨着

next door 隔壁,邻居

next year 明年

next time 下次

70. receive / get / have a letter from sb. = hear from sb 收到某人的来信

71. on show = on display 展览

72.be filled with / be full of 充满…

73. thank to =because of 由于

74. some day =one day (将来)某一天

all day 终日

day and night 日日夜夜

in a day or two 一两天内

in the old days 从前,旧社会

from day to day (day after day) 日复一日

the day before yesterday 前天

the day after tomorrow 后天

Tree Planting Day 植树节

Women’s Day 妇女节

75. keep / stop / prevent… (from) doing sth. 防止(阻止)…做某事

stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事

stop doing sth. 停止做某事

76. nice and +adj. = very +adj. 很,非常

77. a place (places) of interest 名胜

78. three quarters of the information on the Internet 因特网上四分之三的信息

two thirds of the books 三分之二的书

79. credit card 信用卡

80. the increasing population 增长着的人口

81. a path of travel 旅行路线

82. point at / to 指向

83. by sea = by ship 乘船

by the sea = on the sea 在海边

at sea在海上

84. set one’s mind to do sth. 一心想做某事

85. multiply…by… 乘以…

86. See you! 再见

You see. 你知道,你明白,你瞧

Let me see. 让我想想

see sb. off 给某人送行

see a / the doctor 看病

see sb . do / doing sth. 看见某人做某事

87. some…others 一些(人,物)…其他(人,物)

one…another 一个..另一个(三者或以上 )

one…the other 一个…另一个(总数二个)

88. be worn out 穿旧,磨坏

check out 核实,检查

write out 写出

take sth. out of 从…拿出/取出某物

89. in this way 用这种方法

in a few year’s time 几年以后

in space 在太空

in and out of class 在课内课外

in the last fifteen minutes 在最后十五分钟里

in the second half 在下半场

later in one’s life 在某人后半身

in the air 在空中

in the open air 在户外

90. give sb. an injection给某人打针 , get an injection打针

91. have been to 去过某地

have gone to 到某地去了

92. here + be+ 名词+ for+某人 ( Here is a letter for you. 这儿有你的一封信.)

93. be far behind +某人 (He is far behind others. 他落后于别人)

94. one of + adj. 最高级+复数名词

95. take +某物+with +某人 (You’d better take an umbrella with you. 你最好带上雨伞)

96. prefer to= like…better than 宁愿,更喜欢

prefer + V-ing (to do sth.) ( I prefer doing (to do) it myself .我喜欢自己做那件事).

Would / should 等情态动词 + prefer +不定式. (I would prefer to do it myself.我宁愿自己做那件事)

prefer +名词(v-ing) + to+名词 (v-ing) (I prefer learning English to playing football.我愿意学英语而不愿踢足球)

prefer +不定式(名词)+ rather than + 不带to的不定式, (I prefer to walk there rather than go by bus.我喜欢走着去那里,


prefer + 名词(代词) to do sth. (We prefer her not to come.我们宁愿她不来)

97. 人+ spend +time (money) +(in) doing sth. (I spent over two hours (in) finishing my homework.我花了两个多小时完成家庭


人 + spend + time (money) + on +名词, (He spent 1,000 on the TV set .他花了一千元买电视机)

人 + pay + money +for +sth. ( He paid ten yuan for the book .他花了10元钱买那本书.)

It + takes (will take, / took…) + sb. + time (money) + to do sth. (It’ll take you only ten minutes to get there by


物+ cost + (sb.) + money, (The dictionary cost me 20 yuan .我花20元钱买了那本词典)

98. do with + sb. / sth. (What have you done with the pork ? 那些肉你怎么处理了?)

99. mind + if 从句, (Do you mind if I open the window?我开窗你不反对吧?)

mind + V-ing, (Would you mind turning on the TV?打开电视你不反对吧?)

100. what…for? / why…? (What do you learn English for? = Why do you learn English?)

101. need + 名词 (v-ing), (The students need some help.学生们需要帮助.This pair of shoes needs mending.这双鞋需要修理)

102. “be used for+ 名词(v-ing),”被用来做.. (A writing brush is used for writing.)

“be used as+名词”, 被作为…使用 (English is used as the first language in none of these countries. )

“be used by+动作执行者”, 被…使用,

103. be made of 由…制造(This table is made of wood .这张课桌是木制的)

be made from由…制成 (This kind of paper is made from wood . 这种纸是用木材制成的)

be made in+地点, “某地制造”(These cars are made in Germany) be made by+人, “由谁制造的” (This kite is made by

Kate . )

104. more developed countries发达国家, less developed countries不发达国家, developing countries发展中国家

105. be worth + money (V-ing),值…钱.值得做…This car is worth more than two million yuan in China. This book is well

worth reading.这本书很值得一读.

106. the Summer Palace 颐和园

Tian’anmen Square 天安门广场

the Palace Museum 故宫

the Great Hall of the People 人民大会堂

the Temple of Heaven 天坛

the Great Green Wall 绿色长城

PLA 中国人民解放军

PRC 中华人民共和国

the Party 中国共产党

the League 共青团

Peking Opera 京剧

107. a digital camera 数字照相机

a doctor for animals = an animal doctor 动物医生

108. so + 形/副+that 从句 (The place is so cold that nothing can grow in winter .这地方太冷,冬天什么都不长)

so + many / few+ 复数名词 +that从句 (He has so many books that I don’t know which one to borrow. 他有那么多书,我不


so + much / little+ 不可数名词+that从句 (She has so little money that she can’t buy anything .她钱太少,什么也买不


so+ 形容词 +a / an +单数名词 +that从句 (This is so good a book that all of us like reading it )

such +a / an+ 形容词+单数名词+ that从句 (This is such an interesting story that all of us like it)

such +形容词+复数名词+that从句. such +形容词+不可数名词+that从句 (It is such fine weather today that many children

are playing outside)

109. tell sb about sth.告诉某人关于某事 , tell sb+从句, tell sb. to do sth.让某人做某事

tell a lie说谎 , tell a story讲故事 , thank you for +n ./V-ing 谢谢你… too + adj. / adv. + to + v.太…而不能, too

much(修饰名词)太多,过分 , much too(修饰adj./adv.)太

110. hope / wish+不定式(或从句), wish sb. to do sth. What do you mean by…?= What does… mean?…是什么意思?



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Chinese New Year is coming and my family is very busy. Its because Chinese New Year is very special and important. We must prepare many special things to get ready for this festival.

First, will make a big New Year meal. Second, we will make “Good-luck wishes.” Third, we will set off firecrackers. New Year meal is delicious and we think that eating some will bring us good luck. A long time ago, Chinese people believed red color could bring our good luck too. And we set off firecrackers could frighten ghosts away.

Chinese New Year is very popular between students. Because we can have a long happy holiday.







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I will eat more fruit and green vegetables.Become fatter because somebody says that Im so thin.I want to lighten my backpack.I cant grow taller with that heavy bag.I want to read more books,but I wont become a bookworm.At last,I hope I can keep my resolutions this year.



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An important activity during the Spring Festival is bainian (to pay a New Year call).

People start to pay New Year calls from the lunar New Years Day,that is, the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar. Ever since the Ming Dynasty in the 14th century,ordinary people have begun to exchange greeting cards on this day. On the morning of the lunar New Years Day,people get up very early and call on others. The earlier one does so,the more sincere he is. Moreover,people wear new clothes and a new cap,symbolizing that a new year has begun.

The younger generation should call on their elders first,such as the grandfather,grandmother,father and mother,wishing them "Good health" and "Long life". Then the elders give children some money in a red envelope as a New Year gift. After that,people call on their relatives,friends and neighbors. As "big tangerine" is a homonym for "very lucky" in Chinese,so people often present red big tangerines as a gift while paying a New Year call.

Nowadays,besides greeting cards,people also use telephones and e-mails to pay New Year calls.



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The New Year is coming and I have good wishes for the coming year.Firstly, I hope my families will be happy and in good health. I want my father has more free time to company my mother and I. I don’t want him work so hard all the time.Secondly, I wish myself can have a good year and do well in my study.Study is my priority now and I hope I can work hard and make progress.

Finally, I want a new computer for my study and enjoyment.As I learn more in school, a computer is necessary.When I am free, I want to play computer games or search the Internet.I think my father would buy it for me.What are your wishes for next year?



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Look at the sky the colorful fireworks, I smiled happily. The happiest time of the New Year is of course the twelve o clock fireworks burning fireworks on New Years eve. Many different kinds of firecrackers, DaDeGong, thunder king rai-oh, flash, how mice, DeLaoShu, Mickey Mouse, pistachios, chip Li marble, high-quality goods a piece of red... The types of fireworks split, magic bullet, cruise missile...

When ringing in the New Year, I took father to set off firecrackers fireworks lighted the yard of the village. Firecrackers sound the largest is the thunder king rai-oh, I carefully lit thunder king rai-oh lead, fast run, covering the ear, gently staring thunder king rai-oh, mouth shouted "shooting! Shot!" Listen to 1 of "dong", the power is too big, the sound to the other firecrackers, with, is really a thunder of guns! I like the monkey hit doping, jumped happily.

Then Im ready to put a rocket. Dad said: "rockets to remove the arrow from the front, unassuming, but accidentally shot dead." I reluctantly took the arrow, a lit fuses, after a while, listen to "sou" sound, the rocket flew like light speed. I think, father said to shoot dead, because of the too fast, can do. I jumped up and shouted again "really, really fierce!" , and then, I have put a light ray, magic bullet, foaming at the mouth of mice, DeLaoShu, Mickey Mouse...

After I put firecrackers and fireworks, and did not leave, but watching others put the fireworks, fireworks on the day, "pa, pa" sound, there are a lot of fireworks in the sky in bloom, some a split, some open like a red rose, and some like the stars...







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The date of Chinese New Year, in different dynasties. Xia dynasty in January, at the beginning of shang dynasty at the beginning of December, Zhou Chaoding in November, at the beginning of the qin dynasty was set for October the first. To the beginning of the western han dynasty (104 BC), of the first year of emperor accepted sima qian and others recommend the use of "the beginning calendar", restored a summer is the lunar calendar, for the first month and at put 24 solar terms in a calendar. Later dynasties, though a modification about calendar, but basically still in "the beginning calendar", in a summer Meng Chun for the beginning of the first, the first day for New Years day, the first lunar month ganjitsu, namely, the first day of the New Year.

After xinhai revolution in 1911, the qing rule was overthrown, sun yat-sen set up the government of the republic of China in nanjing. Provinces DouDuFu representatives held a meeting in nanjing, to discuss the calendar. Reached at the meeting "line a summer, so the suitable season; from the western, so statistics" consensus, decided to use the Gregorian calendar, the calendar on January 1, custom-built "New Year", the first lunar month is called "Spring Festival", but has not officially named and promotion. On September 27, 1949, the first plenary session of the Chinese peoples political consultative conference by using "Gregorian calendar dating method", the Gregorian calendar on January 1 as the "New Years day", must be known as the "Spring Festival" at the beginning of the day of the first lunar month and the Spring Festival holiday three days, let people warmly celebrate the lunar New Year.

In the course of two thousand years of history, our country has experienced germination, finalize the design, the New Year custom fission, transformation of the development process.






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Hoping to excite student interest in our reading center, I asked each teacher to write a New Year‘s resolution on a special form and send it to me.

After I posted the resolutions on the bulletin board in the reading center, one young teacher stopped by, looked at them for a few minutes, and then left abruptly. Passing two teachers on their way in, she stormed, "My resolution isn‘t posted - and mine was one of the first ones in!" I couldn‘t help but overhear, and the tone of her voice sent me flying to my desk in search of a misplaced resolution.

Looking rapidly through stacks of papers, I uncovered hers. It read, "I resolve not to let little things upset me. "



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New year, every family is decorated, a pair of couplets express people hope for the coming year.

Today is new years Eve once a year, my grandmother woke up to get together for lunch, mix fragrant dumplings, the whole family together into battle, a row of dumplings like to read the soldiers neatly on the steamer, a dumpling which packs a clean one dime coin, grandma say: "who eat out who is blessed this year."

A busy morning, a sumptuous lunch on the table for lunch, in the laughter and bang bang in the clink of glasses. Suddenly, uncle "ah" sound, took out a coin from his mouth, said: "this blessed, all with my daughter light." Uncle aunt recently happy dragon. There was another laugh on the table.

Happy time always flies blink year is about to ring the bell, people have lit fireworks, the fireworks in the sky a riot of colours decorate exceptionally beautiful, deafening firecrackers resounded through the night sky. I am happy to give the whole family a new year, to Grandpa, grandma, Dad, mother to a red bag!

The new year has begun. Im going to be a new one for a year.



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“ the new year is coming! ” “ new years coming! ”. The new year dolls have come to the world and offer the most heartfelt blessing to people. Let people be happier in the New Year! A year is better than a year!

Look, that blue sky suddenly become fiery red, red was bursting with happiness taste, people look really happy ah! At that time, the asphalt road also turned into a gorgeous carpet. With flowers on both sides of the carpet and walking on it, there really felt a sense of fairyland. The world suddenly became a paradise. People have also hung a big red lantern in front of the door, a row of neat rows, red and red fire, beautiful!

Listen, &ldquo came from far away; new years song ” people listened as if they were intoxicated, instead of being intoxicated in this song, but intoxicated in the fairyland of this world. Red sky, the land of colorful, festive lanterns, a new song “ ”, is a fine scenery!

People put on their new clothes, with a happy smile on their faces. They go from house to house, bless each other, very festive.

But, in this celebration, is everyone so carefree? New years baby to see, many Zaihuan survived in the poor people, and like other people have to eat and drink, as well as new clothes, they are still living in suffer hunger and cold. The new year babys tears fell a drop of truth, the tears drift to the disaster area, poor in an instant, the victims have also lived a wonderfull life, no longer have sorrow and pain on their faces, happiness and comfort instead. The new year dolls show a lovely smile and leave quietly.

New years new year dolls give a precious gift for the new year, not only a good blessing, but also a good life for the victims of the disaster. It has gone, but its blessings remain in the hearts of people forever. “ give, always happier than take. ” as long as everyone gives a little love and extends their loving hands to help those who need help, the world will be filled with laughter, happiness and light everywhere.



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On the Friday afternoon,the long-awaited New Year‘s party ofour class officially started!

Class did not use the color bars and other decorative bells and whistles too, but posted in each window of the bars and I think these little decorated than the other classes Rounds. The reschedul-ing of the class seats are also a bit in the middle leaving a lot of neutral gear, give the students performances. Because I came relatively late, sitting in the last.

New Year‘s Day party started, and Ning-Ling and Zhou Zhengyang come for a very boring speech. Finally, the first on the program began. Programs are more, I can not describe each of the following I will highlight a number of given me a deep impression on the program bar.

Zhou Zhengyang walked classroom center, said with a smile: Here, there are requests I Zhengrong, Hu Yi-dong, Wang BenBen, DONG Bing-sing for our speech that we are very familiar pop songs - Pungent . Thunderous applause, students They are excited, and some even knock on the table when the drum. They are four you push me, I pull you will come up. Four lined type, a man sang a has begun. Days, they are too timid, and even dare to sing Jay Chou‘s song, not to mention classes and Wang Jia Lao teachers are at the scene, how they dare to sing? ! Hu Yi-dong made a start gun, he did not sing loud noise, but the first one to eat crab people need courage; the second is king Ben Ben, he changed the past of the fierce, turned into a very m applauded. Because they have the head, back, and Zan Wu Ching-hui brazenly sang on Jolin Tsai‘s Thirty-Six Stratagems of love.

There is also a program is performing sketches Gong contingent. She speaks of the vivid, very funny, and she mimics the voice of an old township 8, really, as it is the opposite! Her performance won the rounds of applause and laughter, I really worthy of a female comedy king!

Time off really fast, turned away for New Year‘s Day party is over. I‘m sorry, but Im glad to primary and secondary school age the last New Year‘s Day party is the most significant.




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Today is New Year, I wish my wish, very not easy to get this joyful holiday to come. New Years day, is our country folk ceremonious, the most lively a traditional holiday. I like the New Year, because you can get a red envelope, gather the family livelily, how happy things. Although our house is my mother and I and my sister, but Im still happy.

Early in the morning, I was waken up by the "or" firecrackers, began my new plan. I happily to find mom, grinning ground to say: "mom, I wish you a happy New Year, more and more beautiful!" Mother to listen to and then said, "that also wish you academic progress, happy every day!" And then solemnly give red packets to me.

In the afternoon, we went to bought a lot of gun, what the tortoise cannons, parachutes, fireworks anyway. By six o clock, we according to the convention on the balcony of the rope to hang a big bunch of firecrackers, exciting moment arrived, sister gently walked over, picked up in the hands of sweet braved Mars, carefully lit firecrackers, ran quickly. The gunshot deafening, we had to put his hand over his ears, look at the bright sparks, is very colorful. Then we went to dinner.

The food is delicious, have dumplings, braise in soy sauce meat, green vegetables soup, etc., an appetite is big, I forgot drooling, picked up the chopsticks one breath a soup, with a full stomach I watch TV.

New Years party was really wonderful ah, have a nice compendium of materia medica, and eye-catching "ring into egg", and "not bad money" zhao4 ben3 shan, is really an eye-opener to me.The New Year is really makes me unforgettable, like the first the unforgettable tonight!



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Yeah! Finally put the winter vacation, we said goodbye to each other after the graduation exam. Then, prepare cleaning for the coming New Year. This year, as usual, and dad are busy working, so the cleaning of the year to see my mother and I. When we finally after cleaning the Windows and doors have to look brand-new, with only the final step - to stick couplets on the Spring Festival. Mom let I was standing on a ladder, put a new Spring Festival couplets, suddenly filled with the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year!

New Years eve that day, my mother and I would have to start preparing something to worship, looked at the altar all kinds of good material, Im forefinger big move! But mom said to enjoy ancestors, such as wheel got me! Who is eager to ah, really want to hurry to eat so much food. In the evening, is the centerpiece of the New Years eve, family reunion dinner. Surround furnace, and family is my most looking forward to get a red envelope! I want to salute the elders first, and then obediently take a red envelope, and thanks to their elders, said auspicious words.

In the issue, my mother and I together back to outside public happy New Year. Met my cousin and cousin are there, we play together, eat together, so we had a long and happy day. The next day we went to qing farm out hair, to meet the land after the sunrise, we went to see the good shepherd drove the sheep and sheep strip show, looked round sheep suddenly become thin, is so cute!

We meet and grandma, aunt, the next day we went to yangming mountain, but because the weather is too cold, so up and down the hill immediately, what a pity. But finally also insight to the peculiar climate there. New Year, we in the winding mountain road and enjoy the beautiful scenery, I dont know dont think of the past.



到了年初二,我和妈妈一起回外公家拜年。在那里遇到了表哥和表妹们,大家一起玩,一起吃东西,就这样我们度过了漫长又快乐的一天。隔天我们往清境农场出 发,迎接清境的日出美景之后,我们又去看了精彩的牧羊犬赶羊和绵羊脱衣秀,看着圆滚滚的绵羊转眼间变得瘦巴巴的,真是可爱!




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New year new day, new year is coming, and we all preparing for it.


This year I have learnt many things, and I wish next year I will learn more knowledge!


I wish the world will be peaceful forever, human will stay together with nature forever.


Besides, I wish my parents will be yonger forever, they have done many things for me for many years, they are the best ones in the world.


At last, happy new to you all!





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I had a good time during this spring festival.thought the weather was very cold,I still went travelling to beijing with my family.

We got there on feb.13,so we had a big dinner at the hotel on New Years Eve with strangers over all the city.then,we watched the Spring Festival Gala Evening that night.

The next day was the beginning of New Year ,it was cold.but we kept a happy mind all day.because we had a chance to Wangfujing Street.As we know,it is the most famous commercial area in Beijing.

So we went shopping there and bought many presents .what was more,i even ate beijing duck.is was so delicious that we could not forget it·s good taste until we went back home.

I had a good holiday this time.




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1.Were often told that that...But is this really the case?


2.People used to... However,things are quite different today.


3. Some people think that... Others believe that the opposite is true.

There is probaly some truth in both sides. But we must realize that...


4.Recognizing a problem is the first step in finding a solution.


5.It is another new and bitter truth we must learn to face.


6.In short, we must work hard to make the world a better place.


7.Lost time is never found again.


8.Everybody should have a dream.


9. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.


10.Failure is the mother of success.


11.Lets look on the bright side .




intend /plan to do 打算做......

be going to do 打算做......

decide to do决定做......

determine to do决定做......

be determine to do 决定做......

make up ones mind to do 下定决心做......


want to do= would like to do想做......

hope to do希望做......

expect to do期待做......

wish to do 希望做......

consider doing 考虑做......

looking forward to doing盼望做......

dream of doing 梦想做......

cant help doing 情不自禁地做......


like /love doing 喜欢做......

enjoy doing 喜欢做.......

be fond of doing 喜欢做......

be keen on+n/doing 喜欢做......

prefer to do A rather than B 宁愿做A也不愿做B

be interest in n/doing对......感兴趣

show/take interest in n/doing 对......产生兴趣


keep on doing 坚持做......

keep/stop/prevent sb from doing 阻止某人做......

be busy (in) doing= be busy with +名词 忙于做......

spend time/money(in) doing =spend time/money on+名词 花费时间做......

have fun/have a good time/enjoy oneself doing 玩得开心

have trouble/have problem/ have difficulty (in) doing 或with +名词 做...有困难


1.Its adj for sb to do 做...对某人来说是...

2. ...so...that ...如此...以至于...

...too...to do 太...而不能...



4. The reason why+句子 is that +句子...的原因是...

5.That is why+句子 那是...的原因

6. That is because+句子 那是因为...

7.It is said that+句子 据报道...

It is reported that+句子 据报道...

8.There is no doubt that+句子 毫无疑问...

9.It goes without saying that+句子 不言而喻/毫无疑问...

10. There is no need to do 没必要做...

11.There is no point in doing 做某事毫无意义

12. You had better (not) do ...最好(不)做

13.How about /What about doing...怎么样?

14. I think you should do我认为你应该...

15. I suggest that you (should) do 我建议你做...

16. If I were you, I would do...我要是你的话,我会做...



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Some people ask me what my new years wish is? I think my new years wish is "a more storey" than last year.

What is the wish of the new year? Its wise. I want to be wiser than last year, before, because I didnt have time to read books, and I wouldnt be able to arrange it for the rest of the time. Now, I want to read books in holidays, during the break time, so that I can acquire knowledge, so that I can make progress in my mind.

What is the wish for the new year? Its joy. I want to be happier than last year. I dont have time to play games, go out and relax. I hope to relax more in the new year. Although our learning tasks are very heavy, we should also learn to relax ourselves in a proper way so that our life will be more joyful and more exciting.

What is the wish for the new year? Its hard work. I want to study harder than I did last year, and do something else... In peacetime, I do not learn how, so I want to work harder than last year, I have to study well, when I grow up to return to the motherland. I want to think that I will graduate in half a year, so I have to study hard. I want to enter my ideal middle school with excellent results, and strive for my ideal, so that I can achieve my goal in life.



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Spring Festivel is a special Chinese festivel. Everyone like Spring Festivel. Why? Because everyone have a long holiday. People don‘ go to work. Everyone can sleep to nine o‘clock. Every chlidren also like Spring Festival. Why? Because. Every chlidren don‘t go to school. Every chlidren have many money. Every people have many new cloths. Duration in Spring Festivel every people eat dumplings.

We have story for Spring Festivel. Longlong ago. A beast named nian. He is very bed. Every year he always eat many people and animal. At lost many people kill the beast. So we are commemorate this day.




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The New Year began on New Years day, the most happy is can have a holiday for three days. Then, I took to the streets around my father and mother, everywhere is people mountain people sea.

This years New Years day is beautiful. You see the streets near the red lanterns, green trees, as if like a fairyland in general.

On New Years day is happy. A look through the window, in the warm fire men, women and children around the table eating dinner, its so sweet, so familiar.

On New Years day is fun. A child can put the colorful fireworks, adults can also talking and laughing with elders.

On New Years day or color. You will see the park began, some light like a dragon, some light to the small fish, and light like little mouse...

I like New Years day!




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Oh, or the brief said, the Chinese New Year Bar.

Chinese New Year this year, back to her husbands home. Days at home, I get everything handed to a blessing. Hidaka thirty feet a day sleep, get up early after the in-laws are ready to enjoy a little something to do after, we sat watching TV, and her daughter play. Simply could not have been easy. To do that, appreciate the so-called "pig Lang life." For I love the idea of her in-laws gave me a taste. Husbands father is a person who does not love movement, ordinary day sit mostly in front of the TV, but we came back the past few days, they often are fighting over who gets to do my favorite meals. Mother said to me, your father is not an easy way for others, he is really most special to you, think you do that would be on the child,

Every day he gives you the idea of doing what you love to eat, so that the treatment with A Qin (Aqin for my sisters-in-a) had not enjoyed.

In fact, do not mother say, I have been feeling. Mother talking all the time, I quietly moved to tears. What is her in-laws? I practice Buddhism is how past lives have the welfare of today.

A simple Chinese New Year in 2010 had passed, but I seem to have not grown up. Perhaps the bottom of my heart private parts, I will never grow up.
