2015高三英语作文范文hold to your dreams实用两篇 作文(精彩20篇)

对于现在的环境问题,大家有什么看法呢?在此,小编为大家准备好了2015高三英语作文范文hold to your dreams实用两篇 作文,一起来看看吧!






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那么,如何把过程-体裁教学法应用到各种不同题型的作文中,比如,看图作文、提纲作文、图表作文、书信等写作内容,对于不同题型的作文,也应采用不同的教学策略,但无论哪种题型的作文,都要做到句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。教师在进行范文分析和师生共同创作之后,可以安排两名学生在黑板上写出某一话题短文供师生分享,看内容是否完整,结构是否合理,找出精彩句型和高级词汇,再由教师引导学生修改错句。为了促进写作教学,我们还可以把词汇和短语按家族进行分类,就是在每次写作之前,教师和同学一起把与写作内容相关的关键词汇和短语集中写到黑板上,供学生写作时参考,例如关于购物的词汇有free locker, supermarket trolley, stationery section, food section, clothes section,daily necessities section, milk, cookie, Barbie等等, 在写作前教师引导学生归纳总结一些相关词汇,会大大减轻学生写作的压力。然后教师运用实物投影仪,把部分学生的短文投影在屏幕上,与学生共享,同样找出精彩句型和高级词汇,再由教师引导学生修改错句。这样运用对比分析法和分析讨论法让学生掌握写作技巧,也提高了课堂教学效率,避免了课后教师一一批改学生作文的复杂工作,教师也可以腾出更多时间备好课、上好课。当然不同题型的作文写作有不同的侧重点,学生也需注意。

看图作文当中,一般会给出四幅按先后顺序发生的情景写作材料,这就要考查学生观察发现信息的能力及运用有限语句概括所有信息的英语写作能力。要求学生根据图画描述内容,按时间顺序及内在逻辑关系运用恰当语言表述出来。必要之处运用适当的关联词语(如not far to seek, on one hand, ...on the other hand, on the contrary, therefore, consequently, to begin with, subsequently, meanwhile, furthermore, as far as it is concerned等)把句子进行组合和上下文的衔接,使句子之间的关系清楚,语义畅通,上下文连贯。


图表作文是采用统计数据表(Table)、坐标曲线图(Graph)或图形饼图(Pie chart)等资料数据来阐述论题的作文。图表作文通常要求学生通过运用图表中的数据来进行说明、解释、对比和对照,阐明某种事实,说明某种道理,反映某种变化等等,重点分析这些数据所反映出的事物发展的原因,根源和可能的发展趋势,也就是找出图表内在的规律性、概括性和趋向性的内容,从而解释图表的含义。由于图表中提供的数据比较多,而数据之间的逻辑关系往往十分复杂,因此首先要弄清楚图表含义,根据主题选择有典型性、代表性的重点加以描述,比如最高点和最低点,切勿面面俱到。一般来说,图表作文可以分三段来写:首段主题要明确,说明该图表所反映的总体情况;第二段对图表中的数据进行扼要的对照比较和分析,归纳出数据的增、减幅度或其他情况;尾段将看完图表后的想法、见解写出。





通常以Dear...开头,不熟悉的男子称Dear sir,对熟悉的男子称Dear Mr...;对不熟悉的女子称Dear Madam,对熟悉的女子则称Dear Miss..., Dear Mrs...;对亲友可在Dear后面直呼其名,或者称呼Dear Mummy, My darling等。4)正文要写的简明扼要。通常包含三部分内容:第一部分用简短语言写明写信的目的或表达问候、谢意;第二部分写信件的内容和细节;第三部分是向对方再一次表达你的诚意和感谢。5)结尾是谦称语。比如,写业务信函用Yours faithfully; 假如你只知道此人姓氏而非好友,用Yours truly,Yours sincerely;写给熟人、朋友用Yours ever,best regards, best wishes; 写给家人用Yours lovingly等。最后签名,以表示尊重。




2. 吴浩然 过程体裁教学法在高中英语写作教学中的应用研究《中小学教学研究》 2011(10)

3. 郑家顺 大学自主招生试题解析与模拟.英语 南京师范大学


篇2:高三年级英语作文:A Snowy Winter Morning

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The wind gently murmured,puffed and sometimes sighed like a summer breeze lifting the leaves along the livelong night.The cat was curling up quiet in her bed.The mouse was sleeping carefree in his gallery.The dog was lying swwet on the sofa.Even the earth itself was sleeping in tranquility,exept that some house door faintly creaked upon its hinge,telling us a remote inward warmth.Nature was at her midnight work with feathery flakes whirling down in the wind,as if she was showering her silvery seeds over the fields.

Finally I woke up.The floor creaked under my feet as I moved towards the window.The snow as warm as cotton was lying calmly upon the window sill and the stillness of the morning was extremely impressive.

The roofs were standing under their snow caps,while the eaves were wearing their glittering ornaments.The trees raised white arms to the sky on every side,and where there was a wall,there were some fantastic forms of snow stretching exhilarated in the dim landscape,as if Nature had carved her fresh desighs by night as models for mans art.

Silently,I opened the door and stepped outside to face the cutting air.The moon had already lost some of its glow and the land was bathed in a dull mist.A lurid light in the east proclaimed the approach of day while the weatern landscape was bleak with some spooky stillness like a wizard kingdom.What you could only hear was the creepy sounds,seemingly out of the hell----the barking of dogs,the hammering of blacksmith,the lowing of cows and the crying of pigs under the butchers knife.

Gradually,the lurid light darkened and spread across the west.Every flower,every tree and

every weed were bathed in the sunshine.Suddenly,it turned out that all the sounds were not for any melancholy they suggested,but for their twilight bustle which was too solemn and mysterious for me.

I moved om,treading briskly along the road,the dry and crisped snow crunching under my feet.



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When I was seven,I started learning English.I played games and sang English songs with other children.Sometimes,I watched English cartoons.Its funny.Then I discovered the beauty of the language,and began my colorful dream in the English world.

I hope I can travel around the world someday.I want to go to America to visit Washington,because my cousin is over there.Of course,I want to go to London too,because England is where English language developed.If I can ride my bike in Cambridge University,I will be very happy.

I hope I can speak English with everyone in the world.Also Ill introduce China to them,such as the Great Wall,and the gardens in Suzhou.I will teaching people of the world about the beautiful language of our country.

I like the English language.To learn English is wonderful.I once wanted to be an English teacher.I also like Chinese literature.When I was really young, I was able to remember lots of poems.I also wanted to be a teacher of Chinese.Now I think that both of my dreams can come true:I will be able to use English to teach foreign friends Chinese and share Chinese culture with them.So that more and more people will be able to get to know the 5000 years history culture,and the prosperity of our great China.

My future is not a dream.I am confident that it will come true.

[高三英语作文:I love English



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What I saw was a great opportunity to provide computing technology in a more efficient way.That was the core idea of what became dell computer Corporation, and that’s one we were stuck over ever since.当时我看到一个大机遇就是以更有效的方式提供电脑技术。那后来成为了戴尔公司的核心理念,自那以后我们便一直坚持不懈。

I started the business with a simple question: how can we make the process of buying a computer better?The answer was :sell the computer directly to the end customers.Eliminate the reseller’s markup and pass the savings on to the customers.我是从一个简单的问题开始创业的:我们如何使购买电脑的过程变得更方便?答案是:直接把电脑卖给终端用户。去除转销商这一层的钱,并把省下的钱还给用户。



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"Qingming Festival have rain, pedestrians deep sorrow". Once a year the festival has come, now I say Qingming sweep the tombs of the thing.


My mother and aunt and uncle, and ate a meal at noon, drove grandpa cemetery hill. Pass by incense shop, bought some paper money and incense. We started to climb the mountain. Beginning of the road was very good, then more and more difficult road to go, I looked down, ah! The mountain is so tall! If once the fall ", will be smashed to pieces.". Its startling step by step! Finally to Grandpas tomb, the tomb can be really big ah! There are many kinds of special behind the grass and flowers, I said: "this Shi Bushi grandpas hair?" Everyone laughed, mother embarrassed to say: "come on, so not sensible!" Then I will bow down to Grandpa, mind reading silently: "wish him well in heaven." Then the father gave him the next door neighbor, a little money, burn. I asked my dad why, my father smiled and said: "of course give neighbors a little money." And then my dad grandpa burn, burn money, we began to eat the Youth League, I finished my youth, and had two strawberry, drank a bottle of Wang Laoji came down to the.


Tomb Sweeping Day sweep the tombs, both happy and sad.



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The Importance of Breakfast

As people are so busy with their work, they go to work directly in the morning without eating breakfast. Some people think not having breakfast does no influence on their body health. Some believe breakfast is important to peoples body health. In my opinion, Im convinced that we should have breakfast because it is good for our body health.

First of all, breakfast offer us the energy we need for the day. Before breakfast, our body has consumed all the energy we get from previous meal. Consequently, we need to eat some food in the morning to get enough energy and nutrient to support our body. If we dont have breakfast, then we have no enough energy to do our work efficiently.

Secondly, people who skip breakfast will get weight easily. If you dont have breakfast, then you will eat more food at noon and in the evening. Generally speaking, we dont have much excise in the evening while we eat too much food. As a result, the surplus calorie will be stored in our body and make us fat.

All in all, people should eat breakfast for the good of our health and for the good of keeping a good body shape.







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You have just spent a weekend staying at the Lilo Hotel in Adelaide. When you get home you find that you have left a bag at the hotel. Write to the manager of the hotel:

1) giving any relevant information about the bag and its contents

2) asking the manager to contact you immediately if the bag is found and

3) telling him/her how the bag can be sent to you.

You should write with no less than 100 words on Answer Sheet 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)

Dear Mr. Simpson,

I stayed in your hotel on 23rd and 24th of October, in Room 603. When I arrived home, I discovered that I had left one of my bags at the hotel. Could you please check to see if my bag has been found?

The bag is a small black leather case. Inside the bag, you will find several business cards, a small address book, and three copies of a business proposal. These things are not very valuable in monetary terms, but they have a lot of personal value.

I would appreciate it if you could contact me as soon as possible, particularly since I need the proposal for a presentation. If you could send the bag to me by courier service, I would be most grateful. I will arrange to pay for the service.

Thank you for your help.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



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Calligraphy is the essence of Chinese culture, which has developed into a special high-level art apart from satisfying the needs of daily writing. It has been flourishing for thousands of years in China. Shops with strong commercial atmosphere will gain some elegance if they are decorated with some quaint cultural calligraphic works. Sitting rooms, studies and bedrooms can be nice-looking with calligraphy works decorated. As a kind of art work, the writing of calligraphy is particular. The Chinese characters are written on Xuan paper which absorbs ink very well and then are mounted to hang on a wall. The calligraphy works are mostly a poem or a motto that the host of the room likes it much; if it is written by the host himself, it will demonstrate more his aspiration and interest as well as his talent.




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From the chart, it is obvious that renting a room near the university is more comfortable to live in. However, If let choose, I will choose the former without hesitation.

For one thing, Im a person who is afraid of loudiness. So I would like to live with other 3 persons rather than myself alone. Moreover, I can learn how to communicate with others and help each other if I live with other people. I also can make more friends in the university.

Secondly, even though there is no single cleaning facility in the dormitory, it can help me adapt myself to the surrounding and learn how to live in harmony with others. Whats more, although Im a person who loves freedom, I hope the dormitory life could make my life more regular and meaningful.

Last but not least, the fees of the dormitory is far cheaper than the renting room. Choosing the former one will make easier to me to afford it by myself.

In a word, it is absolute for me to choose the university dormitory. As the facts I mentioned, I believe it is a wise choice.



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I am not a brave girl, I am afraid of losing face in front of my friends

and parents, so I always let the chance go and refuse to try. Once, I have a

chance to take a performance in the Christmas show, but thinking about if I

performed badly, all my friends would laugh at me, so I gave up the chance. But

now, I am tired of letting so many chances to go, I want to try, after seeing my

friends take all the chances to try, I am not going to be the outsider all the

time, I want to live my own life and make some differences. People say failure

is not terrible, the unforgettable thing are to lose the courage to try and then

making all kinds of excuses. Let’s take out our courage and do what we want to




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Travelis a very good means of broadening a persons perspective. It makes you come into contact with different cultures, meet people of different colors and go through peculiar rites and ceremonies. Travelling much, you will not only enrich your knowledge and experiences, but also be aware of the vastness of nature.

Travel may also relieve person of boredom and gloom. Travel brings you enjoyment and attraction. It gives you a pleasant experience, which will disperse your boredom and make you forget whatever annoys you. Travel broadens your mind and leaves you good memories. Later, you may go over these memories and enjoy your past experiences, thus keeping a fresh and sunny mind.

The fields his study, nature was his book.

Travelers can choose different modes of transportation which have advantages and disadvantages. Airplanes are the fastest but also the most expensive. Buses and trains are less expensive, but they soon make you feel cramped and uncomfortable. Ships provide you with comfort unless you get seasick. Most people can afford traveling by bicycle, which, although slow, can limber up your muscles and get you closer to nature.


篇13:高三年级英语作文:Learning Skating

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There is a big skating ground near our school. In winter, I often go skating there, and I enjoy the sport very much.

At first, I only went there to watch others skating. Some with good skills could skate wonderfully. I admired them from the bottom of my heart. But I couldn’t do it myself. I was only an onlooker. How I longed to skate myself!

I began to make up my mind to learn it. But as soon as I stepped on the ice, I stumbled over myself. At once, some people caught me, and I turned red over their laughter. I became so disappointed that I decided to give up. When I was about to leave, a girl came towards me with a smile and said, "Never mind, try again and you will succeed." I tried again and again, but still fell again and again. I put up with the wounds and pains and stood up and went on trying. At that moment, the girl came up again. She said loudly to me, "Ok, you are doing very well." Then she signed a "V" to me with her fingers. I was very obliged, and with her encouragement, I made great progress. Soon, I could skate quite well.

While doing anything, we often meet many kinds of setbacks, but we shouldn’t lose heart, we should overcome them with confidence instead of getting away from them. Then we will gain one victory after another.



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Mother has a pair of big eyes, flexible my eyes a button nose and a big mouth, and a pair of big ear of a good listener. My mothers height is 1 m 55, weighing 110 pounds. She said nothing at ordinary times, but she got angry, will break into a furious rage.

Remember once, I play computer at home, my mother in the kitchen cooking dinner. I play is excited, mother suddenly call I pot of water to burn. I dont want to go, he said: "mother, Ill burn water, now I am playing computer!"

Mother said: "Chen, hurry up go to boil water!" "No!" I said. Mother heard, then forget it. I thought my mother wont call me again, but I played it didnt take long, heard the mother shouted:

"Chen, you go to a pot of water. Otherwise I will take the computer line to pull out! Hear!"

My hunch is that mother is angry, and also very angry! So, I immediately went to boil water. After burn well water, mother has not angry, also let me play for a while computer again!

Mom is my eyes, little by little brought me big. You said, I see mother?









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Dear Sales Manager,


This letter is a complaint concerning the actions of one of your salespersons. On Tuesday, May 5, 2012, around 2 P.m.., I went to your store to look for a T-shirt. When I asked a salesperson, Ms. Wang for help in finding my size, she informed me that she was busy and I would have to find one myself. I explained that the reason why I came to her was that I couldn’t find one. She then said in a rude tone that if I couldn’t find one, it meant that the store didn’t have it, and that I needed to look somewhere else.


I felt that Ms Wang was rude. I hope that you will look into the matter: I shop frequently at your store and I look forward to a more pleasurable shopping experience next time.




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All of us experience failure and are afraid of it. However, every coin has two sides. __________


All of us experience failure and are afraid of it. However, every coin has two sides. Failure also has its advantages. It provides us with an opportunity to see our strengths and weaknesses clearly, enabling us to find what is the most suitable for us. On the other hand, failure can be a good teacher. It tells us where we need improvements, where we should invest more time and energy, and what strategy to take.

Failure is something unavoidable. Properly handled, though, it can teach us a lot. Firstly, we should face it bravely instead of complaining about the unfairness of life. Secondly, we should analyze the reasons高三英语作文 作为一名高中生,我们该如何看待失败timely to avoid making similar mistakes. Last but not least, we are supposed to make appropriate changes and more efforts. Only in this way are we more likely to succeed.

As for me. I have a positive attitude towards failure, because I believe there is always wisdom to be learned from failure. I will keep in mind that failure is the mother of success.



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Long long ago, many families had three or four children. They couldnt look after everyone well, so the children must do everything by themselves. They were too poor to go to school. Some of them liked learning, but they had to go to find jobs to make money. Since they were children, they could do lots of difficult things like their parents. Sometimes they even did better than them!

But now, many families have only one child and they regard their child as a pearl. They did everything for the children. Every day, when the child gets up, their parents help him to make the room clean. They also get breakfast ready for their child. When the child is free, they can sleep or do other things, but they neednt do any housework. So many children cant cook; wash their clothes, some dont even know how to clean the floor. That’s too bad.

In the future, many families will have computers. We can work on the computer instead of going out to do everything. The children also can learn on the computers, so they dont need to move! After a long time, well become fatter and fatter. We wont be able to do anything by ourselves!

So, which way is good for us? We must think more.







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Sally is my good friend.She is slim with long black hair.She is a pretty

girl with big eyes and small mouth.She is good at English,so she can speak

English very well.She also likes singing and dancing.Well,she likes doing

sports,and she is good at playing badminton.Her favorite hobby is collecting

stamps,so she has many beautiful stamps from all over the world.She is kind and

funny too,all of us like her.



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My hometown is in Yumen, although the scenery there is less wuyi mountain scenery is beautiful, but in my heart, my hometown is the most beautiful. In this seven-day holiday, dad took me to their day and night miss hometown - Yumen. When you get there, the first thing you see is that comes from the green apple, like small red lanterns hung on past green pagoda. Next to the trees and colorful flowers, if you go to my hometown at this moment, you will be intoxicated in the sea of the flowers, let you deep love on her. However, more let I admire is a stream. Because it is afraid of difficulties and obstacles along the way, has been into the rough sea, it is its ultimate goal. I think: we should learn from the brook, meet with difficulties, cant bow to it, and have to overcome the difficulties.

My hometown and the endless wheat fields. In the autumn, the wind blows catcher flapping, like a golden sea.

In winter, the dance of snowflakes swirl of fall from the sky, the earth a piece of white, as if to the world of fairy tales. From a distance, the distance a few snow-capped mountains, the Qilian mountains. There are four seasons mountain of dont snow all the year round. At the foot of the mountain have a vast prairie, and cattle and sheep were grazing in the grasslands, cattle and sheep with ger around, still lived inside the hospitable host!

Ah! My hometown is beautiful! I love my hometown.








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Believe in Yourself,And You Will Win One night in August when I was doing my physics exercises,I met a difficult problem. Forty minutes passed I still couldn’t work it out.. The answer was on the last few pages of the book. How I wanted to see the answer! But our teacher told us to do our homework by ourselves! My sister was in senior Two. Then she wanted to help me. But I refused. I studied the note and read my text book again and again. Finally,from one example my teacher gave us,I worked the problem out! How happy I was! Now friends,remember “Believe in yourself,and you will win.”


