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Iraq is a part of the Middle East next to Iran & Kuwait. It is very

important to the rest of the world because of its underground petroleum


It is said that oil is industrial blood and for this reason perhaps the war


On September 11,2001,the Twin Towers in New York as well as parts of the

Pentagon were destroyed by an airplane planned by terrorists, which made George

Bush declared to fight the country’s enemies.It was said that Iraq still

possessed many weapons of mass destruction and weapon inspectors were sent to

the country by the UN to find the clues.Though no evidence was found, America

still wanted to go to war with Iraq and the main target is Sadam Hussein. The

war was just like the quiet battle between France and China in 1800s.It was said

that a relation of Sadam betrayed him.

I think war is not just a matter of two persons or two-family fight. It is

related to so many victims’ inrerests . As a leader, one must always think for


the people, so will his country be prosperous for always.




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From the sixteenth of January to the seventh of February is our Winter Holiday. I think everybody did a lot of things in the Winter Holiday. But I didnt. Let you to listen to my story of Winter Holiday.

I spend a lot of time on the homework… Every day in my Winter Holiday,I always got up late. Then I listened to the tape,it was nine oclock. Then I ate breakfast and then I did my homework during the daytime!I‘m not very slow but the homework was too heavy!

Im unlucky on the playing too. I played firecracker but I hurt my finger with the fire. Im careless to kindle the firecracker,so Im very unlucky.

I still unlucky on my friends party. In the morning,I wanted to get up early but I woke up at 10:50. After ten minutes,the party would start! So I only eat a piece of bread then I go to my friend‘s

home!And I stay at his home for a long time when I came home. My mother and father were very angry and they scolded me!

Im worried and feel unlucky on my weigh. Last term,I was 48 kilogram but now I am 51 kilogram!I must to do banting!

But most important,I have gone to Shanghai Ocean Aquarium,I want to go there very much because I want to see the horse,the monkey…in the sea. Now Ive done it . It is a bright dot in my Winter Holiday.










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“阿姨,请买支花吧!叔叔,请买支花吧!”那银铃般的叫卖声在人群中萦绕。我定睛一看,原来是位小姑娘,正抱着一把玫瑰花向行人叫卖。这个小姑娘比我矮一 头,削瘦的脸上忽闪着一双泉水般清澈的大眼睛,身上穿着一件早已褪色并点缀着补丁的衣服,虽是春天,但她仍然不断地打着寒颤。我按捺不住好奇地问道,“小 妹妹,你在帮助爸爸妈妈卖花吗?”“不,我爸爸妈妈很早就死了,家里很穷,爷爷奶奶没钱供我上学,我只能靠卖花生活。”她痛苦地低下了头。

啊?她不能上学了!这么小小的年纪,要靠卖花来养活爷爷奶奶了!望着比我矮一头的她,怜悯之心从我的心底油然而生。我把手伸进了衣兜,毫不犹豫地掏出本来 要买书的五十元钱,往她手中一塞:“这些钱给你。”“姐姐,我不要!”她赶紧收回了手。“要不我用五十块钱买你的花,这总可以了吧!”我急中生智想出了这 个权宜之计。“姐姐,你真好!”她满怀感激地把花全部塞在了我的手里,然后转身朝前走去。


下一个周日到了,天灰蒙蒙,大风怒号着,我想那位小姑娘穿上今天给她的衣服就不会冷了。我拉着妈妈,拎上备好的衣袋,出了家门。我徘徊在她卖花的街道上, 左瞧瞧,右看看,望穿双眼也没见到她。小妹妹,你在哪儿呀?我的心都急到了嗓子眼。“天气不好,上街的人少,小妹妹可能到别外卖花了,咱们回家吧!”妈妈 劝慰道。“再等一会儿,再等一会儿!”我向妈妈央求。就这样,我们足足等了两个小时,始终未见到她的身影,无奈之下,只好提着衣服回家。





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围绕:学校让学生打扫厕所和学校不让学生打扫厕所两种情况.写一不少于80个词的主题为”孩子独立教育英语作文.给出词:only child, moral education

nowadays in china, many students are the only child in their family。 they are the apple of their parents eyes or even their granparents, so they are free of any house work or menial labor。 and moral education is no more than some bookish thing。 studentsare largely dependent on their parents and teachers。

to educate them to be independent, the most effective way is to let them experience on their own。 therefore,they are better to be given the opportunity to get some train at school-to clean the washing room,which can be regarded as part of the moral education。




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Almost all of us heard the story “ Here Comes the Wolf “ when we were

little kids. What we can learn from the story is that we must be honest.

However, there’re lots of phenomena of dishonesty nowadays.

Being dishonest does great harm not only to other people but also to

yourself. Take the case of fake milk powder for example. After drinking this

kind of milk, the babies had big heads while their legs and arms were still

thin, which badly affected their health. To our great relief, the producers got

accused and punishedfor all the serious consequences in the end.

Having the reputation of being honest and reliable will make other people

trust you, which will provide you many benefits and give you opportunities that

others may not get. Being honest, you will find it easier to cooperate with

others and people will be friendly to you and support you. In a sense, if life

is a long journey, honesty will be the backpack that should be taken along all

the way.

Let’s pick up our “ backpack “ —honesty, and start the wonderful




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Long long ago, many families had three or four children. They couldnt look after everyone well, so the children must do everything by themselves. They were too poor to go to school. Some of them liked learning, but they had to go to find jobs to make money. Since they were children, they could do lots of difficult things like their parents. Sometimes they even did better than them!

But now, many families have only one child and they regard their child as a pearl. They did everything for the children. Every day, when the child gets up, their parents help him to make the room clean. They also get breakfast ready for their child. When the child is free, they can sleep or do other things, but they neednt do any housework. So many children cant cook; wash their clothes, some dont even know how to clean the floor. That’s too bad.

In the future, many families will have computers. We can work on the computer instead of going out to do everything. The children also can learn on the computers, so they dont need to move! After a long time, well become fatter and fatter. We wont be able to do anything by ourselves!

So, which way is good for us? We must think more.







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That was the first time that I celebated Christmas Day。 My friend aksed me to take part in Christmas party. At the party we danced and celebrated with carols. I knew some new friends. We exchanged gifts and said best wishes to each other. I had a pleasant time.



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There are various kinds of jobs in the world, such as writing, nursing, teaching and engineering. But different people choose different jobs as their ideal careers. This is because everyone has his own interest.

As for me, I have made up my mind to be a teacher. I choose to do so mainly for three reasons. First, I want to teach because I like the pace of academic calendar. Two long vacations offer me an opportunity for reflection, research and writing. Secondly, I want to teach because I like the freedom to make my own mistakes, to learn my own lesson, to stimulate myself and my students. And I can have the opportunity to keep on learning. Finally, I want to teach because, being around the students who are beginning to grow and change in front of me, I will grow and change with them too.

But teaching is no easy job at all. I must study cleverly to obtain more knowledge. And, at the same time, I will make every effort to purify my soul so that I can become an architect of mans soul.




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In many countries in the world, women are looked down upon. It is more

difficult for them to get some work than men. In order to get a job, they

sometimes have to tell a lie. Thats unfair. In fact, women can work no worse

than men. Theres nothing that women cant do.

Perhaps, they are better at their work than men. For example, in making

telephones and computers, many companies would rather employ women, for men

cant pick up the small pieces with their fingers. Like , they can also become

excellent engineers, doctors and teachers. So I am sure the day will come soon

when women can really get equal rights.



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The Advantages of Doing Physical Exercises

As the proverb goes, “no one knows the value of health until he loses it.”

From this, we know

that health is very important to everybody. But how to keep fit? Many

people believe that sports can offer people health and pleasure. As far as I

concern, I think doing physical exercises have lots of advantages.



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This afternoon, my parents and I went to Huad Shan with their friends.Recently, they have developed a new feature such as Gu Keng coffee, yard coffee shop, and B&B.This time, we went to a place that has natural trees, flowers around us. On the side of the stone road, had a long river and we could hear the water voice. It was very comfortable. The most I like it because there were not many people so that we could have a quiet condition.In addition, adults took noodles, fruits, and teas to get more interest. People in there were so friendly; they could lend us the desk, the chair, and everything we need.Now, Huad Shan is not only a place for hiking but also a tourism scenic spot. We can go there with our family or friends on holiday. It is certainly can relax ourselves.There are full of busy and nervous feeling in our usual life. So we took advantage of free time to go for relax. It is really a big enjoyment

[a trip to Huad Shann高二年级英语日记



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The first day for me to go to high school, I felt so excited, because I

came into the new stage of my life. The school asked the students to live in the

dormitory, so I had to move out and left my parents. This was such a big

challenge for me, because I never left home before. I needed to learn to be

independent, what’s more, I also learned to get along with others. High school

was like a little society for me and I handed the problems well. The other

challenge was from study. I had to learn so many subjects and fought for my

future college. I met difficulties and felt frustrated, but I told myself not to

give up and I got over the difficulties. High school life is not easy, but we

grow up quickly.



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我们来到了舞狮团旁边。我瞧了瞧舞狮 团,才二十几个人。他们有的在敲锣打鼓,有的在看着,有的在指引着。他们的衣服都是黄色,有两只狮子,一只红色一只黄色,红的是公,黄的是母,就像一对夫妻。它们在路中央戏耍,你挨着我,我挨着你。渐渐地,人变得多起来。在人的海洋里,我也情不自禁地欢笑起来。那两只美丽的狮子在人群玩耍,表演得真逼真啊!那两只狮子就像真正的狮子一样,活蹦乱跳着。

到了晚上,我和爸爸到江滨堤园放烟花,放鞭炮。我们来到一片空地上,爸爸首先拿出“五彩游春”点燃它的引线,过了一会儿,只听见“嗖”的一声,五只彩色的蝴蝶立刻飞上了辽阔的天空,去寻找奇妙的大自然了。接着,爸爸又点燃“小鸟”烟花,“扑”的一声,小鸟冲破了笼子,飞了出去。刚放完烟花,就放大礼花了,它真美啊! 有的像弯弯的垂柳,有的像无数颗流星,有的像五光十色的花朵,还有的像天上的七仙女下凡来到人间似的,撒下朵朵神花,整个四会笼罩在欢乐之中。我正沉醉在放大礼花的情景中,另一边又开始放烟花,把大地照得如同白昼一样。多美呀!令我目不暇接。






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Everyone has their own habits, have a good habit, also have bad habits, we learn to complement each other.

But in our life, there are a lot of people have the bad habit of smoking, though they know the dangers of smoking to human body, but they are going to do, or really confusing.

In my side, though in many places with big slogan: no smoking, but there are still many people smoking unashamed. Although the cigarette case, all printed with the words, "smoking is harmful to health" but people turn a blind eye, to continue to their "hobby".

"Merchants if we know that smoking is harmful to health, why production cigarette?" I feel puzzled. Dont know who replied: "of course, because there are many people smoking, producing cigarette making money." I thought: if the country increased taxes, let the merchants cant make money, but at a loss, can reduce cigarette body is native to enjoy? The answer is yes. When the state is treated as "humen" cigarettes, smokers will be like those opium, become less and less, when it comes to cigarette harm people will be less and less.

The dangers of smoking, so I advise those smokers: only harm smoking, smoking just can satisfy what are a kind of desire, so youd better give up smoking as soon as possible.








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The air we breathe is so freely available that we take it for granted. Yet without it we could not survive more than a few minutes. For the most part, the same air is available to everyone, and everyone needs it. Some people use the air to sustain them while they sit around and feel sorry for themselves. Others breathe in the air and use the energy it provides to make a magnificent life for themselves.

Opportunity is the same way. It is everywhere. Opportunity is so freely available that we take it for granted. Yet opportunity alone is not enough to create success. Opportunity must be seized and acted upon in order to have value. So many people are so anxious to "get in" on a "ground floor opportunity", as if the opportunity will do all the work. Thats impossible.

Just as you need air to breathe, you need opportunity to succeed. It takes more than just breathing in the fresh air of opportunity, however. You must make use of that opportunity. Thats not up to the opportunity. Thats up to you. It doesnt matter what "floor" the opportunity is on. What matters is what you do with it.



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The Mid-Autumn Festival is a very important Chinese festival. It’s on lunar

fifth of August.

In the evening, we have a big dinner. Look, there is a lot of delicious

food on the table. We can drink a glass of juice. We stand beside the table and

we say, “Cheers, cheers, happy Mid-Autumn Festival!” We make a wish to each

other. At night, the moon is usually round and bright. It looks like a ball. We

can enjoy the moon. Moon cakes are the special food for this festival. We can

eat moon cakes, too. In the Mid-Autumn Festival, my parents and I are all very

happy and excited.



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I like sports, because doing sports is really a good thing. Firstly, it

helps me keep healthy. Exercise is one of the most active and effective means to

enhance the physical health. Secondly, doing sports is a good way to relax. When

you are upset, sport may pull you out from depression. Finally, it’s easier to

make friends while take part in sport activities, because you have the same

interest. It’s important for making friends. All in all, I get a lot from




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I remember the first day when I move to the new home, there is girl who

lives next to my house. She is very nice and willing to help me solve my

problems. Thanks to her, I get used to the new environment soon. I have made

many friends, but in my heart, this girl is my best friend. I hope our

friendship can last forever.



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As we all konw, trees have many uses.With the rapid growth of economy,the

trees has become increasingly important in our daily life.While on the one

hand,trees not only can clean the atmosphere and offer

building,desk,table,papers wood,but also making oxygen.On the other hand,trees

can prevent soil be washed away by heavy rains.In hot summer it give us shade

and make our enviroment more beautiful.So we must plant more trees and protect

forests and prevent people cut down the trees.



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Haze is mist floating a lot of smoke, dust and other particles and

formation of the turbidity phenomenon. January 29, according to the ministry of

remote sensing satellite monitoring: China has 130 square kilometers of regional

haze shrouded, serious pollution of air quality.

The fog haze weather how? Many families have a car, we have to travel more

convenient, but the car exhaust pollution of the air; Power plant, oil

refineries, chemical plants in our city "game", but the clock keep emit soot and

dust; The colorful fireworks let a person too many things to see, but air

ZhongYan WuTengTeng, become very cloudy, air quality has fallen sharply, PM2. 5,

PM10 index has soared, these are the main cause of fog, they bring us quick and

convenient and enjoyable at the same time, also quietly gave us the unintended


Haze weather, our breathing is cloudy gas. The haze in the air can cause

diseases such as pneumonia, sore throat, bronchitis, heart, decline. In 1952,

the fog in London, England is like invisible killer, seized 4000 people in just

five days of life, after two months has killed 8000 people in the life, the

power of the fog, and this is a wake-up call for us.

We need the fresh air, is a healthy body. Please do not at the expense of

the health, and for the so-called good life. Driving less, green travel, a

variety of trees, protect forests. Haze, starts from me.
