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Reading is playing an important part in my daily life.Reading can make us enjoy our life.Reading has numerous advantages.Reading helps us to work engeretically.

There are a varity of books for us to choose from,like history books,science books,literary books and so on.I like history books very much.First of all,reading books can widen my knowledge of customs,cultures and life styles of different places and countries.Seondly,I can make friends through reading more books.I can share my opinion with my new friends who like reading history books too.Finally,reading is the best way of pastime.

In a word,we can benefit a lot from reading.It is worth spending the time reading books.




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Book, is a full knowledge of the ocean, is a colorful world of fun.readinghas many benefits, such as: can increase a lot of knowledge; Can make a composition to write more vivid image; Also can grow their own culture...

I am a little bookworm. Remember once, I come home from school, dropping bag is holding up a book with relish look up and have to forget about doing his homework. Mother came back and asked me: "no homework today?" I say: "yes!" The mother ask again: "why dont you do that?" I said: "I come back in reading a book, because the book is too good, we watch them hooked, so he forgot about homework!" Mother said: "ah, you hurry up to do it, and want to stay up late!" I was unwilling to put down the book.

Sometimes, when Im reading a book, forget to eat, forgot to do my homework. Sometimes, when you eat, I go to the toilet when reading a book. When I was watching a book called "cultivate children love classic story books, learned to love; When I was watching a book called the child brave classic story books, learned to be brave; When I look at the forest newspapers book, also more love for nature.

A good book, is a delicious meal, let you taste carefully; A good book, it is your mentor, is the tool that helps you open mind; A good book, or when an optical axis, take you to a world full of happiness... So, we should read more books, read good books, to increase more knowledge.







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There once were two poor woodsmen who made a living by collecting woods in the mountain。 One day, they happened to discover two large bag of cotton in the mountain and felt surprisingly happy。 The cotton was light but valuable, so they carried it on their back and went back home。


When they were walking home, one of the woodsmen spotted a large bundle of cloth beside the road。 So he discussed with his partner whether to discard the cotton and take the cloth instead。 But his partner held a different view that since he had carried the cotton for such a long way, he would not change it with cloth because all his previous effort would turn out to be in vain。 Therefore, the other woodsman abandoned the cotton and carried the cloth on his back。 After walking for a while, the woodsman who carried the cloth spotted several jars of gold disseminated on the ground not far away。 He felt so thrilled that he was going to be a wealthy man。 So he gave up the cloth and used his carrying pole to carry two jars of gold, while his partner was still reluctant to abandon the cotton and wondering whether the gold was real or not。


However, when they just went down to the foot of the mountain, it began to rain all of a sudden。 Both of them were wet from head to toes。 More unfortunately, the woodsman who carried the cotton found that his cotton had absorbed tons of water and became so heavy that he could no longer go on carrying it。 Desperately, he had to abandon the cotton and went back home empty—handed with his partner carrying gold。


This story implies that we should deliberately utilize our wisdom and intelligence to make the right choice in face of every critical point in our life。 Meantime, we should not forget to review all the choices we have carefully and adjust our goal accordingly。 We should learn to view a certain issue from different angles and avoid being stubborn。 By opening your mind to the right choice, you will be guided to a smoother way to success。



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Passage Two

Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.

The worlds environment is surprisingly healthy. Discuss. If that were an examination topic, most students would tear it apart, offering a long list of complaints: from local smog(烟雾)to global climate change, from the felling(砍伐)of forests to the extinction of species. The list would largely be accurate, the concern legitimate. Yet the students who should be given the highest marks would actually be those who agreed with the statement. The surprise is how good things are, not how bad.

After all, the worlds population has more than tripled during this century, and world output has risen hugely, so you would expect the earth itself to have been affected. Indeed, if people lived, consumed and produced things in the same way as they did in 1900 , the world by now would be a pretty disgusting place: smelly, dirty, toxic and dangerous.

But they dont. The reasons why they dont, and why the environment has not been ruined, have to do with prices, technological innovation, social change and government regulation in response to popular pressure. That is why todays environmental problems in the poor countries ought, in principle, to be solvable.

Raw materials have not run out, and show no sign of doing so. Logically, one day they must: the planet is a finite place. Yet it is also very big, and man is very ingenious. What has happened is that every time a material seems to be running short, the price has risen and, in response, people have looked for new sources of supply, tried to find ways to use less of the materials, or looked for a new substitute. For this reason prices for energy and for minerals have fallen in real terms during the century. The same is true for food. Prices fluctuate, in response to harvests, natural disasters and political instability; and when they rise, it takes some time before new sources of supply become available. But they always do, assisted by new farming and crop technology. The long-term trend has been downwards.




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The Moon Festival or Mid -autumn Festival is one of the three major traditional festivals celebrated by Chinese people. Like harvest time in other countries, the Mid-autumn Festival actually began as a

thanksgiving celebration, honoring the Soil God and the Crop God. This is also a time for family reunions. Chinese people enjoy moon cakes during this feast just as they eat rice dumplings for the Dragon Boat Festival. It is quite appropriate to bring moon cakes with you in token of festival greetings when calling on people during this season.

The Mid-Autumn Day

August 15th in Chinese Lunar Calendar is the

Mid-Autumn Day. It is one of the most important traditional festivals in China.

On that day people usually go back home to have family reunion. Each family will have the members get together to have a big dinner. The most popular food is moon cakes. They are round and look like the moon.

The moon is the brightest this night. People ate the delicious food while they were enjoying a beautiful full moon in their yard. At this time, some old people would like to tell many past events and tell the children a story about the rabbit. The children really believed that there was a rabbit on the moon. They wanted to go to the moon and have a look one day.

What a great festival!


农历八月十五日是中秋节,在中国它是最重要的传统节日之一。 在那一天,人们通常回家与家人团聚,一家人聚在一起饱餐一顿。最流行的食品是月饼,它们圆圆的就像月亮。

中秋节晚上的月亮特别地圆。人们都在自家的院子里一边赏月一边吃着可口的月饼。这个时候;一些老人会讲述许多古老的故事,如月亮上的玉兔,孩子们信以为真,他们真想有一天登上月球看个究竟。 中秋是个美好的节日啊 !




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这类题目主要包括事实识别、有关计算、识图、排列顺序等。一般地,这类题目可以直接从短文中找到可用的信息。这些问题一般都涉及到文章的“5W”,即 who(人物),when(时间),where(地点), what(事件),why(原因),how(方式)等。题目设计大多直截了当。只要通读全文,注意文中所述的重要事实或细节,就可以做出正确解答。以图表材料命制的题目更是如此。例如:


He/She should have an interest in making pizza. More importantly, he/she should have work experience in a restaurant.


The ad (广告) tells us that ____________________.

A. the assistant must be a man. B. the assistant must have once worked in a restaurant.

C. Pucci Pizza has branches all over China. D. Pucci Pizza is not in Taichung.

【分析】本小题选项B的意思是“要招聘的这个人必须曾在饭馆过”。即要具有一定的从事餐饮业的经验。这与原文中叙述的事实“More importantly, he/she should have work experience in restaurant.”相比较,形式上虽不大一样,但其内涵却完全相同。如果考生准确解了短文中的这句话,问题即可迎刃而解。


In the past, there were forests all around Lake Ponkapog 初中英语, so the rainwater was clean.


In the past Lake Ponkapog was surrounded by ________. A. fish B. rain C. birds D. forests

【分析】题目所要问的是“Lake Ponkapog四周过去被什么东西所环绕?” 而阅读材料中已用There be句型表达出了这层意思,句式不同,却有异曲同工之妙。



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Changing in the information age, we can from different channels, and get the same message, the transmission of information and get more and more convenient, the ancients said: "a scholar need not leave his home to know whats going on in the world." As a student of I, is a new era of youth, how to enrich oneself is very important.

The ancients said: "read ten books, winning thousands of miles way." Understand this sentence tell the benefits of reading, so I can read extracurricular books, learn other peoples words and sentences, and make him my composition ability of power. In the usual time to form the good habit of reading and more reading can improve understanding, thinking, judgment, can through the knowledge of current affairs, raises concerns social, because enriching themselves not only in terms of their studies, for the ordinary life, or to understand and care.

Time flies, time flies, time passed so hasty, we want to know the value of time, as long as the use of a few minutes of time every day to enrich themselves, accumulate over a long period, many a mickle makes a muckle, and can help you to save every bit of wisdom, piggy bank, so I want to read to be my good habits, and increased my wisdom enrich my life.

在资讯发展日新月异的时代,我们可以从不同的管道,得到相同的讯息,资讯的传递与取得越来越方便,古人说 :“ 秀才不出门,能知天下事。“身为一位学生的我,又是新时代的少年,如何充实自己是很重要的事。

古人说: “ 读十卷书,胜走千里路。”这句话明白的说出读书的好处,所以我可以多阅读课外读物,吸取别人的名言加句,使他成为我作文能力的助力。在平时的时候就要养成多读书的好习惯,多阅读可以提升理解力、思考力、判断力,可以藉由对时事的了解,培养关心社会,因为充实自己不只是在课业方面,对于平常的生活或时是都要了解并关心。

光阴似箭,岁月如梭,时间过得这么匆促,我们要懂得爱惜时光, 只要每天利用几分钟的时间充实自己,日积月累,积少成多,就能帮自己存一点一滴的智慧扑满,所以我要让读书成为我的好习惯,增加我的智慧丰富我的人生。



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Human growth is a process of experimentation, trial, and error ultimately leading to wisdom。 Each time you choose to trust yourself and take action, you can never quite be certaion how the situation will turn out。 Sometimes you are victorious, and sometimes you become disillusioned。

The failed experiments, however, are no less valuable than the experiments that ultimately prove successful; in fact, you usually learn more from your perceived "failures" than you do from your perceived "success"。

If you have made what you perceive to be a mistake or failed to live up to your own expectations, you will most likely put up a barrier between your essence and the part of you that is the alleged wrong—doer。 However, perceiving past actions as mistakes implies guilt and blame, and it is not possible to learn anything meaning while you are engaged in blaming。 Therefore, forgiveness is required when you are harshly judging yourself。

Forgiveness is the act of erasing an emotional debt。 There are four kinds of forgiveness。

The first is beginner forgiveness for yourself。

The second of forgiveness is beginner forgiveness for another。

The third kind of forgiveness is advanced forgiveness of yourself。 This is for serious transgressions, the ones you carry with deep shame when you do soimething that violates your own values and ethics, you create a chasm between your standards and your actual behavior。 In such a case, you need to work very hard at forgiving youeself for these deeds so that yo call close this chasm and realign with the best part of yourself。

This does not mean that you should rush to forgive yourselfor not feel regret or remorse; but wallowing in these feelings for a protracted period of time is not healthy, and punishing yourself excessively will only creats a bigger gap between you and your ethics。

The last and perhaps most difficult one is the advanced forgiveness of another。 At some time of our life, you may have been severely wronged or hurt by another person to such a degree that forgiveness seems impossible。 However, harboring resentment and revenge fantasies only keeps you trapped in victim hood。 Under such a circumstance, you should force yourself to see the bigger picture, by so doing, you will be able to shift the focus away from the anger and resentment。

It is only through forgiveness that you can erase wrongdoing and clean the memory。 when you can finally release the situation, you may come to see it as a necessary part of your growth。



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A good book is the essence of human thought. People need to constantly absorbing nutrition from the book, enrich their minds, enhance their own quality, to adapt to The Times of demand is higher and higher. Therefore, we should according to their own requirements in a wide range of Chinese and foreign classics, select and read them.

Read classics, it is an effective way to improve writing ability. The ancients cloud: "read volumes, such as writing god!" This is the irrefutable truth. Psychological depiction of the characters in the classics, vivid portrayal of the scene, things, and control the power of the word, writers for every reader, is a precious wealth, can enjoy many times. Middle school students age is small, the contact time of literature is so short, with only a dozen years of life experience to have a high level of writing its difficulty cans be imagined. And reading the classics is middle school students to obtain the most direct, the most convenient way of writing skills.

Classics is a microcosm of the society. From which we can from different angles to understand the middle school students are not familiar with the diversification of society. Through reading classics, appreciate classics, we can see that the forms of characters, they already exist in the world, and does not exist in the world, they mean or generosity, or good or ugly, sinister or innocent, beautiful or ugly, or ShaFuJiPin or vicious brutality, or believe in the truth or vulgar depravity, or diligence simple or money, or loyalty patriotism or turn traitor for personal gain, or noble is wise or ridiculous, or... Bigotry, the fickleness of the world, all in the classics.






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Covering Ones Ears While Stealing a Bell


Mr. Wang thinks he is clever, but he always does [en]foolish



One day he sees a beautiful bell at the top of a door. "Oh! How nice! I will take it home." He thinks, "What can I do?" After a while he has a "good" idea. "Aha! I have an idea now. I can plug my ears. Then I will not hear the ring when I take off the bell."


Then he does so. But as soon as he takes off the bell, the owner opens the door. "What are you doing?" the owner says angrily.



At the time when Fan, a nobleman of the state of Jin, became a fugitive, a commoner found a bell and wanted to carry it off on his back.


But the bell was too big for him.


[/en]When he tried to knock it into pieces with a hammer there was a loud clanging sound. [/en]


He was afraid that someone will hear the noise and take the bell from him, so he immediately stopped his own ears.


To worry about other people hearing the noise is understandable, but to worry about himself hearing the noise (as if stopping his own ears would prevent other people from hearing) is absurd.




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我又想起一个小故事:一个人找到一块徒弟,深信只要挖下去就会有水。他不停的挖却见不到一滴水,于是他放弃。可他不知道,只要他再挖下去 1m,等待他的就是清澈的泉水。




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Reading is good I used to think of not be good, but, after this time, I know how much the place.

Thing is this: once, when I sitting at home reading, I read the tasteless, read for a long time I think read book is very interesting, I also learned a lot of knowledge. As I think of a once in a composition of the book in a word, this word make the article more vivid, also let my article received high praise, I am very happy, so I must read more in the future. Let their writing level is higher.

In fact, reading a lot of benefits, like can greatly extend our imagination, still can make our life more colorful, and so on. The benefits of reading have so many, we must read more books!






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Many people read on digital devices like cell phones and e-books. The fast pace of life leaves many people no time to sit and read a whole book, so making use of fragmented time to read is sure to be a trend. Fragmented reading has its advantages. People can get hold of large amounts of information, knowledge, and entertainment in a short time. Digital reading is faster and more interactive than traditional deep reading.

Fragmented reading makes it harder for people to reflect on what they read. People may not bother to remember facts because they know they can always just search for answers online. It is important to read quality books in a deeper way, even if that means forcing yourself to do so. We read not only for knowledge and for practical use, but also for spiritual satisfaction.




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To improve your English reading, you should, first of all, choose something you feel important or interesting to read. Dont try to read everything. You should begin with those written in simple English. Dont read those which prove difficult for you at the very beginning.

While reading, dont read too slowly or look up every new word you meet with. After reading a passage and having its main idea in mind, you may turn back and read it again. This time you read it slowly and look up some new words if necessary.

Keep on reading in this way and youll surely make progress little by little.



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Speaking of reading, many people are excited because reading brings them both knowledge and entertainment. By reading, we can learn lots of information and know our history. But for some people, reading is not their priority. They will choose to watch movies to have fun. However, I think people can benefit a lot by reading.

First of all, reading can let us know what have happened in history. Since history is recorded in books, if we read books, then we can not only know what have happened in history but also we can better understand the great figures of the age.

Secondly, reading can enrich our knowledge. By reading, we can know different kinds of things, how things happen and how to avoid bad things from happening. Books record a wide range of things about life. Through reading, we can know various aspects of life.

All in all, we can find lots of benefits through reading.








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Pick up a book, read the sentence, there are a few words I also full of love, full of nostalgia.

Such as: the direction of the tree, is decided by the wind; The direction of the people, their own decisions. So, I must, in todays I, me yesterday; In tomorrows me, me today!

Yes, fate is in our own hands, only you can go to dominate it.

At the same time, cherish the good one single moment of every day, dont let yourself feel have not full, and dont live without a goal, this is what I feel, also in the moment remind myself.

Read the contents of the jar TXT umd of square and round, so there is a writing: the golden key to success in life is to believe in yourself, brave action, have great enthusiasm to the life and career, if you grasp the three golden key, then the road to success will show in front of you...

This sentence will become one of my motto, while I was reading, but the work is at hand, so Im going to shop for your own life, a road to success.









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If set up a holiday, I want to set up a reading festival.

There is a celebrity once said: books are the ladder of human progress. Can learn directly from the book in predecessors experience, knowledge to make our trips up again on the way forward little, little detours. Reading can broaden our horizons, cultivate our feelings... The benefits of reading.

But now, we learn a lot of pressure, although we also want to read more books, but the heavy academic burden and a variety of extracurricular cram school, the remedial class is our breath, where still have time to read more books? So I can look forward to establish a special reading festival.

In reading festival on this day, we dont have to go to school, dont do your homework, you can enjoy all the extra-curricular, explicitly swim in the sea of knowledge. Can communicate with friends their own reading experience, express their own unique insights. Can also and students to act out the scene in the book! Reading festival can each month once or twice a week.

How I hope to have a reading festival!








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There are celebrities in the world since the ancient times have introduced the benefits of reading, some scholars also once said, reading a good book is like a conversation with noble people.

Reading, can make you gain understanding, and every day to read an article is your knowledge increase many. Reading not only makes you augmented stories, still can increase the extracurricular knowledge. In the textbook knowledge is not enough, want to rely on yourself to read reference books, so read enough to digg.

Reading can help you more, when wonder at you, you can read a book, take a look at the article, can help you TaoYang temperament...

In addition, you can also choose different books to read, for example: adventure of detective novels, deep-rooted love novels, history books about the history... Can read science fiction and fantasy is leading role, to recall within the scene, books have aftertaste. Read some books about travel, like to visit all over the world...

Reading can not only grace to static, digg,, and the way is to increase knowledge, so everyone should take time to read every day.








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"Books are the ladder of human progress." A person how much read elementary school to high school? Dont just decided to the rest of his life.

Once upon a time, there lived a rich old man, he has two sons, one is xiao Ming, another is xiao gang. Xiao Ming finish sixth grade dropout, and Dr Xiao gang read will graduate. One day, the old man called his two sons to him distribution property, he and 1000000 yuan for xiao Ming and xiao gang, to their own start-ups. Xiao Ming to play like a nuclear power, because his understanding of the knowledge of nuclear is less, and where the uranium nucleus and smoking, so nuclear explosions in nuclear power plants, xiao Mings hands and feet are affected by the nuclear caused by gene mutations, hands and feet were deformation. Xiao Ming was lying in hospital, said: "really regret, why not read a book."

Xiao gang is learned because of electronic, and so he created a Microsoft, thriving business, all of a sudden become a billionaire.

Books there is no limit, to is the soul of human beings, is decided by how much a person reading the rest of his life.




