关于中秋节月饼的作文八篇 作文英语【优秀20篇】

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Get together gather ……, family reunion

In China, Mid-autumn Day is considered to be a symbol of family reunion. On this day, all the family members gather together at home to celebrate this special occasion. Last year, I could not celebrate the festival with my family because I was in university. However, this special day left a deep impression on me.

I still remember the atmosphere of that evening. All the students who could not go back home assembled in our classroom, having a party to celebrate this traditional festival. We tried our best to show our own enthusiasm. As an ethnic minority, I performed a peacock dance, which received warm applause. After the two-hour party, we went out to the playground and sat together to appreciate the moon because it is a tradition on Mid-autumn Day. We ate moon cakes, played cards, and listened to romantic poems recited by one of our classmates. In that harmonious atmosphere, nobody felt lonely or homesick even though we were far away from our homes

Thanks to our classmates, I experienced such a colorful and interesting Mid-autumn Day at my university. Thus, I learned to value all the festivals I spent during my university life.




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1) 中秋月,人人奔团圆,常回家看看,回家看看!生活不容易就图个团团圆圆,日子总操心就盼个平平安安。祝中秋佳节合家团圆,万事如意!

2) 中秋月,圆如饼,在如水的月色下,举杯邀明月,把饼问青天,是何等的惬意!当你咬下月饼一角,你还会看到千年难遇的天文奇观:天狗食月(饼)!2013中秋节短信

3) 中秋月饼香,祝福要成双。安康福运送,收到就珍藏。顺心如意送,珍藏就吉祥。中秋节快到了,愿你的生活甜甜美美,事业顺顺利利,家人团团圆圆!

4) 中秋月饼圆又圆,短信祝福送心间;中秋月饼香又香,幸福生活没有完;中秋月饼甜又甜,愿你开心每一天!提前预祝中秋节快乐!

5) 中秋月儿圆,亲朋好友大团圆。中秋心儿圆,阖家欢乐人团圆。中秋梦儿圆,愿愿随心心愿圆。中秋事儿圆,心想事成圆圆圆!中秋节,送你祝福的同心圆!

6) 中秋月儿圆圆,故乡远在天边,亲人梦绕魂牵,爱人关爱绵绵,朋友情谊万千,祝愿此情此景,心底温暖无限!祝中秋节快乐!

7) 中秋月明寄遥思,字字句句写真情。中秋祝福斥资千万情感,全新2011耀世升级,中秋节千万级祝福问候倾情奉献,诚邀阁下细心品鉴:中秋快乐。

8) 中秋月圆,相思千里共婵娟;人间团圆,其乐融融真情暖;幸福梦圆,快乐怡人随心愿;祝福相传,醇厚友情一线牵。预祝好友中秋快乐!

9) 一心一意的支持陪伴,接二连三的合作美满,四书五经的学习不断,六出奇计的辉煌呈现,七窍玲珑的谋略高瞻,八拜之交的情谊康健,九九(久久)依偎的相互扶搀,十全十美的真诚不变。亲爱的客户一生的缘,祝中秋节快乐,幸福连连。

10) 又是一年月圆夜,月下为你许三愿:一愿美梦好似月儿圆,二愿日子更比月饼甜,三愿美貌犹如月中仙。

11) 月到中秋分外明,人到中秋望团圆!祝您节日快乐!合家团圆!

12) 月儿透窗洒祥瑞,花香酒醇情韵长;相约桂花嗅余香,意迷情迷人更迷;中秋佳节笑开颜,赏花赏月享团圆;花好月圆福无疆,合家团聚喜洋洋。中秋快乐!

13) 月儿圆圆中秋到,家家户户笑盈盈;张灯结彩真热闹,一家团圆乐融融;邀朋会友同赏月,把酒临风乐逍遥;吃块月饼交好运,福寿无边万年长;送份祝福表心意,情浓谊厚诚无价:愿君中秋节快乐,福寿安康笑开颜!

14) 中秋佳节,客户客户,关系关系,联系联系,紧密紧密,合作合作,愉快愉快,红红火火,发财发财,祝愿祝愿,幸福幸福,团圆团圆,快快乐乐。

15) 一轮明月点亮事业,一枚月饼甜蜜生活,一壶美酒健康长久,一串葡萄快乐逍遥,一个西瓜团圆到家,一份祝福大家转发。哈哈,朋友,祝你中秋快乐哦!

16) 中秋明月十全十美,但只能仰慕。十月十日,“十全十美”的童话成为了现实。祝你这一天心里念着十全十美,口里说着十全十美,手里做出十全十美,十全十美伴你幸福快乐一整天。

17) 中秋明月随风来,秋高气爽乐开怀,喜迎建国六十载,笑看风云阅兵台,金秋华诞桂花开,祖国腾飞畅胸怀,双节友情更添彩,一句俗话来告白:祝你发大财。

18) 中秋明月圆又圆,老老少少人团圆,甜甜美美情有缘,顺顺当当心事圆,和和气气好人缘,源源不断聚财源,温温馨馨幸福圆。祝你人生左右逢源,圆圆满满!

19) 中秋明月圆又圆,照遍九州庆团圆。家家户户笑开颜,团团圆圆坐桌前。吃一口月饼品一口酒,幸福的滋味润心田。只愿人间无离散,不用千里共婵娟。祝中秋快乐无限!

20) 中秋明月照天涯,祝福多彩似云霞。火红枫叶带给你快乐,洁白秋云带给你好运,金黄月饼带给你幸福,绚丽短信带给你祝福:中秋快乐,阖家团圆。

21) 中秋明月照着你,幸运之神陪着你,合家团圆拥抱你,甜蜜爱恋腻着你,事业升腾宠溺你,美好心情抓住你,烦恼琐事远离你,中秋祝福跋山涉水冲破艰难险阻也要送给你!

22) 中秋日,月当时,天涯同庆在此时;桂花香,情意浓,万千思绪化作云;逢佳节,思更切,寄上祝福表相思;愿祝你,生活美,阖家欢乐人团圆。祝中秋节快乐!

23) 中秋是团圆的时光。围坐一张快乐的圆桌,老少逗趣欢笑声声中温馨定格;合家团坐共话往昔中团圆的气息浓厚;品酒赏月举手投足中幸福蔓延。中秋到了,愿你团圆快乐!

24) 中秋温馨提示:别贪杯,让美酒将自己灌得烂醉;别贪吃,让月饼将自己撑得崩溃;别贪钱,舍不得转条祝福跟朋友共品味。提前祝你中秋快乐!

25) 中秋喜庆人团圆,我心思念欲正浓;为业各奔难相逢,千里明月寄相思;真挚祝福遥相送,愿君快乐永安康;生活甜美事业顺,阖家欢乐人团圆。中秋快乐!

26) 中秋喜庆团圆,明月遍洒福缘。嫦娥轻舒广袖,愿你喜上眉头。一杯美酒一杯情,一份月饼一份心。衷心祝福送给你,花前月下人安好,和美幸福无烦恼,愿你吉祥福星高高照。

27) 中秋小长假,月圆人欢笑。良辰花开妙,美景消烦恼。天高任逍遥,海阔心情好。玉兔蹦蹦跳,嫦娥舞姿娇。花好月圆时,朋友祝福到,思念不曾少,情意两心晓。愿君家和美、体康健、

28) 中秋心儿圆,阖家欢乐人团圆。中秋梦儿圆,愿愿随心心愿圆。中秋事儿圆,心想事成圆圆圆!中秋节,送你祝福的同心圆!希望短信收到后,开心十分,感动十分,惦记十分!

29) 中秋要到,月宫要做“吉祥圆满”主题广告,经嫦娥推荐,月老审批,玉兔、吴刚投票,推选你做代言人。请你准备好,中秋节那天快乐报到!

30) 中秋要到了,要善良,要学会待人好,尤其是现在给你发短信的这个人!要经常请他吃饭!特别是中秋节!要把你身上所有罪恶的钱都给他!

31) 中秋夜,月光光,家家户户赏月忙。吃月饼,分蛋黄,一家老少齐团圆。祝中秋佳节,月圆人团圆!

32) 中秋夜我在月宫宴请客,为大家准备了:清蒸浪漫,红烧祝福,水煮团圆,油炸快乐糕,真诚温馨汤,十分开心果,温暖幸福酒。敬请光临。

33) 中秋一月满,秋野万里香。花开快乐翔,好运共分享。月是今夜明,桂华飘芬芳。玉兔送福忙,嫦娥颂歌唱。吴刚捧佳酿,举酒福满堂。思念遥相送,祝福无限长。合家尽安康,幸福绕身旁。愿你中秋快乐!

34) 中秋印象月儿的圆,嫦娥的美,你嚼月饼不停的嘴;玉兔捣药,月桂香飘,你撑得肚圆直不起腰;温馨的夜,团圆美好,你不停往厕所跑。哈哈,中秋快乐!

35) 中秋圆月挂天上,你思我想月饼香。故乡的山故乡的水故乡的人,异乡的思异乡的念异乡的情。故乡的牵挂,异乡的祝福,空中的月饼,请你都收下:中秋快乐!

36) 中秋月,人人奔团圆,常回家看看,回家看看!生活不容易就图个团团圆圆,日子总操心就盼个平平安安。祝中秋佳节合家团圆,万事如意!

37) 中秋月饼圆又圆,吃在嘴里香又甜。朋友情谊浓又浓,牵挂时刻在心间。月饼回味有时尽,朋友珍藏无限长。祝福朋友,中秋快乐!

38) 中秋月儿圆又明,清辉满地是真情,秋风秋意秋盈盈,月华月光月饼饼,幸福幸运伴君行,祝福祝愿从不停,中秋佳节享安宁,时时刻刻好心情。中秋快乐。

39) 中秋月儿圆圆,故乡远在天边,亲人梦绕魂牵,爱人关爱绵绵,朋友友谊万千,祝愿此情此景,心底暖和无限!祝中秋节快乐!

40) 中秋月如芳,又闻桂花香,盈盈风拂霜,淡淡岁月长。嫦娥舒广袖,花好人长久,玉兔携福至,愿你乐无忧。中秋佳节,举杯邀月,对花饮酒,真心祈祷,遥送祝福,愿你快乐绵绵无绝期,合家幸福永团圆。

41) 一帆风顺送给你,二话不说祝福你,三言两语话情谊,四面八方齐祝愿,五光十色属你帅。中秋佳节的到来,发表短信祝愿客户的事业蒸蒸日上,家庭和和美美,身体健健康康。

42) 夜风伴柳天边舞,举杯换盏明月下,不知他乡好儿郎,今夕在何处?一丝牵挂,一缕相思,何时休?月儿圆圆照你我,虽在他乡亦团圆,中秋节到了,愿你永远开心快乐,事业有成。

43) 吴刚嫦娥玉兔,合作伙伴客户;又到八月十五,合作愉快祝福;生意兴隆恭祝,财源滚滚入库。中秋节快乐!

44) 我用心做两个月饼,一个送给你、祝愿你节日快乐、事事如意、青春美丽,一个送给自己,祝福我认识了你。

45) 中秋月儿亮又圆,遥望明月盼团圆,月光闪闪心相连,皎洁月光寄思念,拜托嫦娥捎口信,为国守边荣光显,军人生活苦也甜,祝福家人康又健。中秋佳节之际,祝家人节日快乐,幸福美满!

46) 中秋月儿圆,阖家庆团圆。月饼香又圆,天天笑开颜。西瓜大又圆,事业广无边。苹果红又圆,爱情比蜜甜。葡萄甜又圆,平安又吉祥。祝中秋快乐,平安吉祥!

47) 中秋月儿圆,全国人民大团圆。中秋心儿圆,阖家欢乐人团圆。中秋梦儿圆,愿愿随心心愿圆。中秋事儿圆,心想事成圆圆圆!中秋节,送你祝福的同心圆!

48) 中秋月儿圆,人间庆团圆。月宫住神仙,虔诚拜月娘。香案摆当院,果蔬齐登场。香烛生光焰,元宝银币全。妇女孩童拜,祈福保平安。

49) 中秋月儿圆,团圆乐无边。硕果喜来乐,玉米逐笑颜。高歌全家福,两人慢步舞。举杯邀明月,中秋共此时。美酒注相思,短信寄平安,祝中秋快乐!

50) 中秋月儿圆,愿你梦香甜;中秋月饼甜,健康又团圆;中秋酒飘香,盼君早还乡。愿君佳节传佳音,万事如意事业顺,身体健康返故乡。举家快乐度佳节,其乐融融福满门!

51) 我将你的手机号码告诉了一个陌生人,他叫月老,他会在中秋月圆夜要帮我告诉你;我心思你,我心念你,我心祝你中秋快乐!

52) 偷得王母的玉液琼浆,盗来财神的财源兴旺,拐得寿星老的万寿无疆,劫来菩萨的幸福安康,点缀温馨的祝祈,用真诚烘焙成稀世月饼,送予敬爱的客户朋友,愿中秋节快乐,人财两旺,事业兴旺。

53) 听说在中秋月圆之夜许愿会得到上天的帮助,于是乎我给一个叫“财神”的发了一个短信,他回信说你的客户里谁中秋节转发这条短信会有如下结果:一发大财,二生活美满,三万事如意!不转发前面的也都将实现!哈哈,中秋快乐,亲爱的客户!

54) 中秋月圆之夜,我双手为你送上月饼一个,先让你闻一下月饼的香气,挑起你的食欲,让你流口水,然后我……我就把月饼吃了!哈哈,开个玩笑,中秋快乐!

55) 中秋在眼前,思念碧波潋,好友心相连,祝福提前传:美梦如月圆,事事随心愿;生活似月饼,甜蜜润心田;快乐恰月桂,香飘脑海间。预祝中秋快乐!

56) 中秋之际,我谨代表宇宙共和国、外太空省、银河市、太阳镇、地球村和嫦娥、玉兔、月老等知名人士,向你并通过你向你的家人、朋友致以最诚挚的问候!

57) 中秋之夜,快递员嫦娥会送你一个我亲手做的电子月饼,它饱含思念,裹着真情,低碳环保,不含添加剂。中秋快乐!

58) 中秋之夜我在月宫宴请客人,为大家准备丰盛的晚餐:清蒸浪漫,红烧祝福,水煮团圆,油炸快乐糕,真诚温馨汤,十分开心果,温暖幸福酒。敬请光临。

59) 中秋至,送上祝愿,一送月圆不用花钱,二送人圆没有时限,三送梦圆努力实现,四送佳缘幸福美满,五送我心愿,祝你天天开心无极限。

60) 中秋至百花香,一条信息带六香,一香送你摇钱树,二香送你贵人扶,三香送你,工作好,四香送你没烦恼,五香送你钱满箱,六香送你永安康,中秋节快乐!

61) 中秋祝福赶个早:一祝身体好,二祝困难少;三祝烦恼消,四祝不变老;五祝心情好,六祝忧愁抛;七祝幸福绕,八祝收入高;九祝平安罩,十祝乐逍遥!

62) 中秋祝福各不同,幸福快意藏其中,不与他人去争锋,我的问候提前送:团圆温馨谱美梦,举杯同庆亲情浓,甜蜜美味享月饼,预祝中秋好心情!中秋节彩信

63) 中秋祝福语:心到想到得到,看到闻到吃到,福到运到财到,中秋节还没到,但愿我的短信是第一个到,提前祝你中秋节快乐!



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Mid-autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese day,just like Thanks giving Day in American.Families got to gether to celebrate the festival and they usually have a big dinner .There are all kinds of mooncakes with nuts ,meat or something else.The moon is biger and rounder on this day.Looking at the bright moon in the sky ,all kinds of beautiful things are full of our minds including excellent poems ,intresting stories and happy life.I wish my reletives and friends had happy life and future.


Mooncakes are to Mid-Autumn Festival what mince pies are to Christmas. The seasonal round cakes traditionally have a sweet filling of lotus seed paste or red bean paste and often have one or more salted duck eggs in the center to represent the moon. And the moon is what this celebration is all about. Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the 8th month,it is the time when the moon is said to be at its brightest and fullest.




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August 15 is one of the most important festivals of the Chinese nation -- the Mid-Autumn festival. On that day, people ate moon cakes, the moon, some places and lanterns, very lively.

The reason for the Mid-Autumn festival is that August is the second month of the autumn, the ancient time is called midautumn, because it is in the autumn and the middle of August, the folk are called Mid-Autumn festival.

On the eve of the Mid-Autumn festival, relatives and friends give gifts to each other, because moon cakes symbolize reunion. The styles of mooncakes are also full of beautiful fruit, such as pineapple, red dates, orange, and my favorite ice moon cakes...

On the day of the Mid-Autumn festival, people bought all kinds of things except moon cakes. Most of them were eaten. In the evening, the family ate reunion dinner, looking forward to the dark sky, hoping the moon would come out earlier.

At night, the moon came out, like a large disk. At this time, the family moved the tables and chairs and tea sets to the balcony, and all kinds of mooncakes were taken together. They looked at the moon, and remembered their loved ones who could not go home. Some people raise a cup in the moonlight, the hope is good; Fireworks rise and bloom in the night sky!

The Mid-Autumn festival is a joyous occasion for our family. It is a time for us to miss our loved ones. It is an indelible day.



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This years Mid-Autumn festival, we can be noisy in the home, her aunt with her sister and brother come to my home for Mid-Autumn festival. At noon, grandmother made a table of the abundance of food, everyone happy for a family reunion dinner. In the afternoon, the weather is appropriate, we go fishing to the peoples square, feeding the birds, in my efforts, also a small harvest, caught two small goldfish.

Evening, aunt advice to Columbus restaurant to eat buffet, there are a lot of delicious, we eat may be full. Darkness came slowly, even the moon smiled, we decided to go to enjoy the moon to the north street, the street can be lively, everywhere is full of festive atmosphere, everyone is permeated with a happy smile on their faces. Us and enjoy the moon while walking towards the river, not far away, I see there are a lot of kongmin light in the sky, my sister told me that it was through kongmin light of distant relatives of the missing people, out of curiosity, we also bought a lamp kongmin light, took a small point and kongmin light to drum up slowly, under the drive of wind, rose to the sky. Kongmin light more and more in the sky, the moon at this time, in order to let more people see the light of sky lantern, "go home to eat moon cakes". Although the moon tonight "lazy", but kongmin light like the moon light the every one of us. River put lotus lamp, there are some people in a wide variety of light floating in the water, beautiful!

This is the most unforgettable, the most I have a happy Mid-Autumn festival!






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Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. I go to enjoy the moon with my father and mother.

We went downstairs and didnt see the moon. We walked forward again. When we came to the open area by the road, we looked east. A golden full moon appeared in the dark blue sky. It turned out that the building had covered the full moon just now. Walking along the road and looking east, the trees beside the moonlight cup road were divided into many, many small fragments, like many glittering little stars.

We came to the open field and looked up at the dark blue night. There were several not very bright stars. I asked my father curiously, "Why are there so few stars?" Dad smiled and said, "have you ever heard of bright moon and few stars? The moon is too bright tonight, so some stars cant be seen if the brightness is not strong. " In the grass beside the road, several fireflies were flying around with lanterns. Looking up at the moon, the moon became smaller, whiter and taller, like a big jade plate. At this time, I thought of the ancient poem "hours dont know the moon, call it a white jade plate". Its really like it!

Late at night, we went home, and the moon followed us, as if reluctant to go home with us. I said loudly to the moon, "Ill see you again next Mid Autumn Festival!"



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1. 历史悠久 2. 中国的传统节日

3. 家庭团圆 4. 共进晚餐

5. 吃月饼 6. 赏月



I’m glad to know that you are coming toChina with your parents and will spend the Mid-autumn Day here. It is my honor to introduce this festival to you. First of all, Mid-AutumnFestival is on the 15th, August of the lunar year. Mid-autumn Dayhas a long history. It exists in the ancient time. It is the Chinese traditionalfestival. People celebrate it to express their thanks for harvest and mainlyfor family reunion. Our Chinese will have a big dinner with our families onthat day. people will enjoy the full moon and eat moon cakes on that day. I’m sureyou will enjoy yourselves on Mid-autumn Day.


Best wishes,

Li Hua





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The Mid-Autumn Day

August 15th in Chinese Lunar Calendar is the Mid-Autumn Day. It is one of the most important traditional festivals in China.

On that day people usually go back home to have family reunion . Each family will have the members get together to have a big dinner. The most popular food is moon cakes. They are round and look like the moon.

The moon is the brightest this night. People eat the delicious food while they are enjoying a beautiful full moon in their yard. At this time, some old people would like to tell many past events and tell the children a story about the rabbit on the moon . The children really believe that there is a rabbit on the moon. They hope to go to the moon and have a look one day.

What a great festival!




中秋节晚上的月亮特别地圆。人们都在自家的院子里一边赏月一边吃着可口的月饼。这个时候 ,一些老人会讲述许多古老的故事,如月亮上的玉兔,孩子们信以为真,他们真想有一天登上月球看个究竟。




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August 15th in Chinese Lunar Calendar is the Mid-Autumn Day. It is one of the most important traditional festivals in China.

On that day people usually go back home to have family reunion    . Each family will have the members get together to have a big dinner. The most popular food is moon cakes. They are round and look like the moon.

The moon is the brightest this night. People eat the delicious food while they are enjoying a beautiful full moon in their yard. At this time, some old people would like to tell many past events and tell the children a story about the rabbit on the moon . The children really believe that there is a rabbit on the moon. They hope to go to the moon and have a look one day.

What a great festival!



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I look forward to the stars to the moon, finally look forward to coming Mid-Autumn festival, I am excited mood and daddy moms plan how to live a happy Mid-Autumn festival.

Reunion of autumn, autumn means harvest season. Night of the Mid-Autumn festival, we according to the originally planned project, all the relatives gathered, when high round full moon hung over, we came to open grass, not far from home elder brother elder sister younger brother younger sister and I are going to barbecue material, big furnace life, moving stage desk cushion and other heavy work. Ready to complete, loved ones sitting, the high word, we these children hilarious, while waiting for the oven to the fire. Soon the kung fu, oven red fire started under the sway of the autumn wind, we were busy string corn, chicken, beef, sausage, etc on the oven, well give wings to brush sesame oil, brush MaLaJiang etc for a while to corn, barbecue with what material, we all brush. Adults at our joy the children busy figure, they are happy, happy and clinking.

Moon, such as plate, smell nice, we put the baked corn, chicken, beef, string, sausages nattering distributed to adult hands, all the family members share the Mid-Autumn night rich food, they watched the children eating delicious barbecue meat, cheering face radiates happiness let us more happiness and joy.

The day of reunion in the Mid-Autumn festival, we with good willing to scene, I hope to study hard, create the future life to be more beautiful, the construction of the motherland more prosperous future.







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the mid-autumn festival has all interesting history. long ago in one of the dynasties of china there was a king who was very cruel to the people and did not manage the country well. the people were so angry that some brave ones suggested killing the king. so they wrote notes telling about the meeting place and time and put them into cakes. on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month every person was told to buy the cakes. when they ate them they discovered the notes. so they gathered together to make a sudden attack on the king. from then on the chinese people celebrate on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month and eat "moon cakes" in memory of that important event.

when the mid-autumn festival is near, shop windows are beautifully decorated. many "moon cakes" are displayed for people to buy. people send presents such aswine, fruits and "moon cakes" to their friends and relatives. in the evening of the day, they have a feast. after the feast, they go out to the garden to look at the moon. the children run and laugh on the streets.

it is believed that the moon is at her brightest on this night. many poems have been written about it, and poets are never tired of reading and writing such poems. in chinese literature, the moon of the mid autumn festival has been compared to a looking-glass, a jade rabbit, and so on. it seems that chinese literature takes far more interest in the moon than in the sun.






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The Middle-Autumn Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivalsit is often held in September or October.During the festivalfamily members get united and have mooncakes together.THere are various kind of mooncakessuch as bean pasteegg-yolk or meat.The shape of a mooncake is round as it symbolizes a big moon.Moreoverin the evening of the Middle-Autumn Festivalpeople get together in a vacant placeeating delicious mooncakes while appreciating the beautiful moon hanging in the dark sky.To concludethe Midde-Autumn Festival is a very nice festival for Chinese people.



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Mooncake is a Chinese bakery product traditionally eaten during the Mid-Autumn Festival.People usually eat mooncake with their families and friends.They divide the mooncakes into four or six pieces and share it with others.

A rich thick filling usually made from red beanor lotus seed paste is surrounded by a thin (2–3 mm) crust and may contain yolks from salted duck eggs.

All in all,people can enjoy mooncake once a year.



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the mid-autumn or moon festival is one rich in poetic(诗意的) significance. ancient legends(古代的传说) that became interwoven with this festival‘s celebration further contribute to the warm regard in which it has always been held by the chinese people. according to the lunar calendar(农历), the seventh, eighth, and ninth months constitute the autumn season. mid-autumn festival falls on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, precisely in the middle of this season, when the heat of the summer has given way to cool autumn weather, marked by blue skies and gentle breezes. on this day the moon is at its greatest distance from the earth; at no other time is it so luminous. then, as the chinese say, “the moon is perfectly round.” in the villages the heavy work involved in the summer harvest has already been completed but the autumn harvest has not yet arrived.

the actual origins of the mid-autumn festival are still very unclear. the earliest records are from the time of the great han dynasty emperor wu di (156-87 b.c.), who initiated celebrations lasting three days, including banquets and “viewing the moon” evenings on the toad terrace. we know that people during the jin dynasty (265-420 a.d.) continued the custom of mid-autumn festival celebrations, and similar accounts have come down to us from the time of the tang dynasty. during the ming dynasty (1368-1644) houses and gardens were decorated with numerous lanterns and the sound of gongs and drums filled the air.(qiewo.com)

moon cakes came on sale shortly before festival time. in the past, one could get some cakes shaped like pagodas, others like a horse and rider, fish or animals. still others were decorated with the images of rabbits, flowers, or goddesses. there were a myriad of different fillings available: sugar, melon seeds, almonds, orange peel, sweetened cassia blossom, or bits of ham and preserved beef. the cakes are of the northern and southern styles, but the latter (also called guangdong-style) are the most popular and are available throughout the country.

the round shape of cakes just symbolizes not only the moon but also the unity of the family. therefore the mid-autumn festival is actually a day for family reunion.




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