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晚上,我向妈妈提出抗议,不要再将我丢在家里。可是,严肃的妈妈,把脸一沉,坚定的说:“不行!‘宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。’若想成材,必须先学会独立!” 妈妈的话斩钉截铁,没有半点商量余地。








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寒假里我读了《鲁滨孙漂流记》这本书,让我受益匪浅。 鲁滨孙从小就向往航海。十九岁那年,他第一次搭船航海遭遇了可怕的风暴;第二次出海经商时被海盗掳去,做了几年奴隶。后来他逃到巴西,经营种植园。由于缺乏劳动力他与一些同伴去非洲贩卖黑奴。途中,他们的船被风暴打沉,鲁滨孙独自一人侥幸逃生,流落到一个荒岛。在岛上,依靠劳动改善自己的处境在岛上安居下来。他想造独木舟离开荒岛,却没成功。他在岛上救下一个土人,叫“星期五”。在荒岛的第二十八年,一伙叛乱的水手押着船长来到岛上。鲁滨孙设法救出船长,制服了水手,并搭船回到祖国。 鲁滨孙的独立自主,不畏艰险,正视现实、乐观向上、顽强生存的精神品质让我感到无比的敬佩!鲁滨孙虽然是出生在豪门贵族,但他能在荒岛上生活二十八年是十分的不容易。他的独立自主简直跟我是天壤之别!这让我想起一件事。有一次,妈妈叫我自己洗衣服,我想:洗个衣服应该不是很难,不会要了你的命!于是我就答应了。我拿上衣服,哼着歌,满心欢喜地走进阳台,开始洗衣服。我先把水龙头打开,把衣服浸湿,再稍稍拧干,然后再打上肥,就开始搓了。我使劲地搓呀搓,衣服还不是很干净,于是我又弄了点肥皂。我有用手搓了搓,可还是不干净,我恼了,一转头看见一把刷子,我把刷子拿过来抹上上了点肥皂在衣服上刷。我以为已经刷得非常干净,一尘不染时,我一看,怎么就像泥娃娃洗澡一样越洗越脏了呢?我一想,原来我把洗鞋子的刷子来洗衣服了!我现在回想起来真是又羞愧又好笑!学会独立,学会自主,才是生存之道。这句话我会永远不忘,它将激励我成长,把我以前的坏毛病改正,向鲁宾孙学习!



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Nowadays in china,many students are the only child in their family.They are the apple of their parentseyes or even their granparents,so they are free of any house work or menial labor.and moral education is no more than some bookish thing.Studentsare largely dependent on their parents and teachers.

To educate them to be independent,the most effective way is to let them experience on their own.Therefore,they are better to be given the opportunity to get some train at school-to clean the washing room,which can be regarded as part of the moral education.




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二三岁时,爸妈因要到很远的地方谋生,我被带到爷爷家祝但没过几年,。爷爷又让我有个好环境,劳累过度及旧病复发去世了。剩下我与奶奶相依为命,学习只得靠自己 ,靠字典。靠勤奋。

从我懂事以来。成绩总比其他同学低。连与别人“比武”也不敢,怕给人笑。每到深夜,我经常特意往阳台走去 ,在那里哭泣着 ,幻想着;孤独寂沉,带着几许寒意。在一次不孝事中,我被奶奶批评了一顿,夜深时刻,我面对着爷爷的灵牌,跪了下来,情不自禁发誓:“我要努力!我要努力!将来我一定要考上大学,给您,给所有的人看!志气也不由自主地升腾起来。从此,我默默地在努力着、坚持着。日子一天一天过去,各种成绩都起了变化。英语由六七十分上升到八十几分;语文从不稳定的八字头,拿到九字头就像一切都变成为了学习,坚持不懈地登攀着。无论何时我都一定保持这坚定的信念。常常要自己记住“世上无难事。只怕有心人”“如你不努力,就会一事无成。”

正所为“书上有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。”读书可得写一写、做一做、 勤学苦练。上课时,听到语文老师说出了重点词或句子。就得拿起那红笔,把江老师的一言一行都记下来,关于考试的重点。都把它们记清楚。以防备考试。记得三年级时我不努力,该记的不记,该读的不会读。使英语一句不懂。想尽千方百计。也只得跟着装模作样“盲读”。我为英语成绩低落而害怕,只好乖乖地努力去重学,扎扎实实、老老实实地把不懂的单词在早读中— —拿龋为了帮助记忆,我还在每个单词后做出汉音的笔记来。倘若不是拼命地坚持做笔记,等到五年级才学英语音标,那将使我一事无成,快马加鞭也难追赶成绩会一败涂地。我此生也会碌碌无为待到白了少年头空悲切。






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Helping strangers used to be considered as a virtue. But nowadays people tend to be very cautious of strangers. They are afraid that helping others can sometimes bring them trouble. Whats your opinionWrite a composition of about 150 words on the following topic:Should We Help Strangers




范文:Helping strangers has always been considered as a treasured virtue of mankind. We need help from others throughout our life, whenever we travel to other places or stay at home. On the other hand, helping others can make us happy. We feel great joy when we are trusted, needed and able to give a hand.

However, some people are cautious when it comes to helping strangers. They say that helping others involves risks of getting hurt or cheated. Lending a hand to a stranger often puts us in a vulnerable position for it means trusting someone we do not even know. Moreover, there are times when we have physical limitations. For instance, we can’t swim but a girl is drowning, what should we doIf we are blind to that limitation, giving a hand would conversely take our life.

In my opinion, we should still offer what we can do to help those needed strangers. Meanwhile, we should beware of getting cheated and use our common sense to tell whether the strangers are real needed people or just professional cheats. Detecting anything unusual, we should defend ourselves or turn to the police.



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Whatever we are, we should do our best!

When I was a little girl ,I dreamed to grow up. Because I think a child doesn‘t has freedom,and can‘t do anything himself.

But now I have grown up, to my surprise, I feel more tired and have more suffering.Though I can do something myself, I don‘t feel happy at all.

I believe you also have the same thoughs with me. when we was a child , we wanted to grow up, but when we became a older man,we don‘t have such nice life as wish. So whatever we are children or adults, we should try to make our life better, and make ourselves more happy. we should try our best to study hard, then we can let parents have good life, too! Let‘s do our best to do ourself ! Believe yourself ! You are the best!




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As manipulation of the policy of Family Plan in the 1980s, today, there are

so many children are the families’ only child, they are being the emperor and

the princess. Because the family spoils them so much, they can get what they

want, parents do everything for them, so the children become dependent. There is

a big problem in the education from parents, they should not spoil their

children, let them to be independent. First, parents should not do all the

things, they should ask the kids to finish on their own, parents can lead the

kids to finish. Second, parents try to create some chances to exercise the kid.

They can ask the kids to clean the house, parents can give small money.



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Nowadays, most children, who are the only child in the family, are given

too much love by their parents. It is because that they are protected from

hardship and difficulties, they become less independent. However, a spoiled

child will have a hard job to live in this competitive society. We should know

the fact that no parents can keep a good company with their children for the

whole life. Thus, parents should encourage their children to do whatever they

can, so as to develop their abilities of independence.



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In life, we may have long been used to the opinions of "experts", "masters" and "academic authority". It is true that the words of the expert master are correct in many cases. But they are, after all, mortals, not gods, and they cant be right and wrong in anything. It is even more difficult to say that the masters of the experts make mistakes more difficult to correct than the mistakes made by the ordinary people. Because of the shroud of the halo, few people have the courage to question their opinions.

So, what do we do? The method is simple: learn to think independently. A few hundred years ago, thinker Kant once said, "dare to use his own sense." Only if we have the consciousness of self - discrimination, we will not be blinded by the rings on the head of the masters and fall into the blind.

If a person loses his ability of independent thinking, he will fall into a blind obedience. If a society loses its ability of independent thinking, it will get into darkness and stagnation. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties Chinese is so, Ming and Qing Dynasties, not born Zhongni days, such as the eternal night." A kind of ridiculous lie prevailed in the world, it will be the traditional Confucian doctrine in heaven if the law of God, even to think about and discuss it is blasphemy, treason and heresy at the time the eyes of the people, not to mention the question, denying and innovation. So in this worship, Chinese in stagnation deeper into the mire, until the Opium War like lightning pierced the silence of the earth and the sky above. China has gradually stepped out of superstition and set foot on the way forward. Thus, independent thinking is an indispensable factor for progress and success. Blindly superstition is unavoidable to fail.

On the contrary, if a person is able to integrate his independent thinking into his own blood, he will gain strong vitality and drive ahead. He will constantly correct mistakes, correct his direction and finally arrive at the destination successfully. It is precisely because there is no blind obedience to authority, Yuan Longping was able to get rid of over half a century of the world plant "rice fallacy" effect, thus creating a new era of hybrid rice breeding, let the human see get rid of hunger, hope to achieve have ample food and clothing. So it can be seen that independent thinking is the only way to success.

It takes courage to think independently. If a person is not brave enough, he will not be able to lift his head under the pressure of authority and directly look at the sky of truth with his own eyes. Independent thinking requires wisdom, if a person is not wise enough, he will not be able to see through the appearance of the essence, so he wouldnt see the real truth, but the distorted picture of lustrous and dazzling. The two types of people, the former are cowards and lambs, only encourage the wrong tendency. The latter is a madman, is broke into a jewelry store barbarians, only know and destruction, and I do not know how to put a correct idea. These two types of people do not understand real independent thinking. The so-called "true independent thinking" is to refer to the correct opinions of authority, and to put forward new opinions through their own thinking. It is in essence dialectical negation, therefore, independent thinking is the road to development, the road to truth, and the only way to success.

The new era needs a new voice. Let us learn to think independently, to make our own little effort for the progress of the times. The new era needs new ideas, let us learn to think independently and build a road to success for ourselves.



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Should Text Books Be Recycled?

When the school begins, students need to start their new semester, the first thing they do is to buy the text books, most students will buy the new books, while it has become popular that students choose to buy the second-hand text books. It is good that text books are recycled, it can save the resource and reduce the waste, thus leaving more resources to the next generation. What’s more, it also saves students a lot of money. Students can buy the second-hand book at a very low price, students use the book only for a semester, it will become useless after they reading it, so there is no need for them to spend so much money on the contemporary book.


当开学的时候,学生需要开始他们的新学期,他们做的第一件事情就是买课本,大部分学生会买新的课本,然而一些学生选择买二手书,这变得越来越流行。课本循 环使用,这是好的,这能节省资源和减少废物,给后代留下更多的资源。而且,这也省下学生很多钱。学生可以低价买下二手书,他们的书本只用一个学期,看完后 就会变得无用了,所以对他们来说没必要花那么多的钱在暂时性的书本。



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围绕:学校让学生打扫厕所和学校不让学生打扫厕所两种情况.写一不少于80个词的主题为”孩子独立教育英语作文.给出词:only child, moral education

nowadays in china, many students are the only child in their family. they are the apple of their parents‘ eyes or even their granparents‘, so they are free of any house work or menial labor. and moral education is no more than some bookish thing. studentsare largely dependent on their parents and teachers.

to educate them to be independent, the most effective way is to let them experience on their own. therefore,they are better to be given the opportunity to get some train at school-to clean the washing room,which can be regarded as part of the moral education.




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When we talk about being independent, we often think about leaving our parents and living alone. The mental independence is always ignored by people, mental independence means the person can measure the things and make the right decision. As for the children, even they move out and stay far away from their parents, but sometimes they just can’t control themselves, they will get the bad behavior, like smoking and drinking, their life is losing control. The young people need to cultivate their independent spirit, they should think by themselves, learn to take care of the other people, thus they can be the real independent. When a person grows up, they can be strong enough to support their lives and at the same time, they can be mature enough to make their own decision. They can tell what is wrong and what is right.




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When I was very small, I was so envious about the adults, because they could do whatever they wanted and did not have to depend on their parents. For me, I did not have money and my parents limited my pocket money, so I couldn’t spend the money to buy whatever I wanted. It seems to me that being an adult is my only wish. Some day, I learned from the movie that being an adult was not that as perfect as I thought.

In the movie, the man struggled to earn money to pay his bills, what’s more, he had to stay away from his family.

Loneliness was always around him. To be independent means we can live our own way and make our own decision. We have more freedom. But at the same time, it also means more annoyance. So why just we enjoy this moment.





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Parents love their children by nature, where Chinese mothers and fathers are no exceptions. Chinese parents tend to dote on their children because each family is allowed to have only one kid due to birth control. They place too much hope on the treasured child that if he wants the star, they might even climb to pick it. For self-centered, the spoiled children depend on their parents for everything. As a result, once confronted with harsh reality, they are more likely to yield to hardships and difficulties in life.



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