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The impression that Christmas is always so comfortable and pleasant. Impression of December completely without a harsh northern winter, there is only the warmth of spring. Open primary last bunch of plum blossoms, plum blossoms open in the festival should be open Christmas.

It comes every day, no matter who you are, always in disorder with plenty of cards on the table, filled with blessings of the statement. Distance is color crayon painting, accompanied by thick falling snow, gave Christmas pure and innocent. After school, the students all working in the stalls to buy ribbons, buy balloons, braved the snow goose feather decorated classrooms and walked every road sections.The loss of the dignity of the school past, replaced by gas rich Christmas.





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Some people say yes. The intemet helps students make many friends. Chatting on line, students can express their feelings and opinions more freely, and even get help with their foreign language studies.Others, however, think students should not make friends on line.They say it is a waste of time. besides, some students get cheated on line.

It is my opinion that students should place their study, health and safety before other things. As for friendship, we can readily find it in our classmates and other people around us.





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Christmas is very important for a foreigner, it is equally important for Chinese people, today is Christmas Eve, is the first day of Christmas.

On Christmas Eve, Santa Claus is ready to gift this year, in the day but to send oh! I was just about to send mom a big apple, after school, I quickly came to a store, "boss, have a Christmas fruit?" I loudly of say, the boss looked at me and shook his head, ah! Not so soon, alas! I had to go home crestfallen, mother see me frown, said: "whats wrong?" I like sewed the mouth not to tell the truth, I turned her eyes a brainwave, then find ways to make Christmas fruit, see I like listen to the who command to lay down their bags, hide in the room not to come out, first of all, I first took a red and big apple for the main body, with my favorite ribbons to decorate the tree, suddenly a princess appeared in front of me gorgeous dresses, translucent jade bracelet, blue glass slipper, ah! How beautiful, use my card made into the shape of a Christmas tree, the above also write a words: "mom, I love you, you are the most beautiful in the world of the mother, mother Christmas to you soon!" Succeeded, I quickly ran to mom, mom was shocked, she shed a drop of tears, the tears are sweet.

The second day of Christmas morning, I received a gift, I know this is from the mother, but I still like a child, when I came to school, my drawer is filled with CARDS, mother and I am very touched, the card is the card are He Yu, only written on a card, I was very angry, because he and I played a joke on.

Christmas, someone make fun of others makes me very moved, anyhow I wish you all a merry Christmas!







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My name is Zheng, 9 years old this year, is a small girl, almost 1.4 meters tall, is a medium height, some yellow skin, is a native of Chinese. I was fat, on the big, round face, with two big eyes like grapes, the nose collapsed, and the mouth was small.

My personality is: considerate caring, generous, gentle personality perfectionism, rich imagination, sometimes very lively, with strong tolerance, sensitive love fantasy, not too confident, but dont be sentimental, reject, thought of two minds, very complex. But these are the students comments on me. I think my biggest problem is the love of two minds, take the last math exam for example: I had the score 100 points, because I be negligent, so a path of two minds, wrong, I will deduct 1 points, only 99 points, but I was careless, I think: anyway, I not like the 2 grade exam Eighty-nine points, on the line, I also got 10 points!

This is me. Do you think Im cute?






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My classroom is nice and big . There are fort desks and chairs in the classroom. There are two black boards on the walls. And there are two pictures, too. My classroom has eleven lights and twelve fans. What colour are the fans ? They are blue. At the coner, there is a shelf , many books are in the shelf. I like the books very much.

This is my classroom , it is very nice. I like m classroom very much . Do you have a nice classroom, too ?






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These days, almost every day in the news broadcast across the country to say serious air pollution in cities, and points out that the continuous effects of air pollution on the human body, should also tell people how to prevent these effects caused by a harm to human body.

However, this isnt harmful we cause ourselves? Is human in the face of their own "masterpiece", so powerless, helpless?

Due to human deforestation without restraint, a large number of discharge sewage, waste gas, rapidly deteriorating global environment. The original blue sky became dark, clear river water becomes turbid, lively forest also become cold and cheerless. Large amounts of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, and the global greenhouse effect, causing global warming, sea level rise, and has brought serious disaster to some countries.

Although the environment continues to deteriorate, but the countries around the world are actively respond to. This shows that human has been realized that we human beings finally realized the importance of protecting the environment. Now, the international on June 5 to 16, 1972 United Nations conference on the human environment held in Stockholm, Sweden, and the world earth day, world oceans day, world environment day is also bring some relief to the earth. After all, human beings "sensible".

Of course, the protection of environment, without the joint efforts of every one of us. At ordinary times less air conditioning, work, school choice to ride a bike or walk, reduce the use of disposable chopsticks and disposable shopping bags, remind others to protect the environment, etc., are all support for the cause of environmental protection, love of nature.

Let us a little more action, a little less empty talk, the cause of environmental protection to make their due contribution! Protect the environment, starts from me!









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Push open the door, you will feel the room is full of tong qu. On the wall all round, plastered with various and colorful stickers, with winnie the pooh and tigger, there are flowers and butterflies. At the sight of them, my mood immediately become happy. In the middle of the room, is my little bed, bed respectively with three my beloved toy: bear, "black" bear "doudou" and the elephant "beep". No matter spring, summer, autumn and winter, only to hold them tasting, ability falls asleep. Put a row of ambry, the wall is in the middle of the TV cabinet, both sides is my snack cabinets, all kinds of snacks.

In the side, is my mother and I will come in the morning of the dresser, there is a mirror on the wall, desk full of beautiful things in eyes with all kinds of cosmetics, every day, my mother and I to enjoy dressing up. Put on the window is my desk. Lying on the desk in the winter can join the bedplate of glass, glass down with my photos. Desk a few belong to use large box. Door on the left side of the wall, put on my chest, one season clothes have to be packed in a wooden cabinet, sometimes. This is my room, do you like it?





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1、Genius only means hard-working all ones life.Mendeleyev,- Russian chemist

天才只意味着终身不懈地努力。-俄国化学家 门捷列耶夫

2、Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no secure direction; without direction ,there is no life.


-Leo Tolstory(俄国作家托尔斯泰)

3、Dont part with your illusions, When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live.

不要放弃你的幻想。当幻想没有了以后,你还可以生存,但是你虽生犹死。-Mark Twain(马克?吐温)

4、Do not, for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect.

不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想要达到的目的。-Willian Shakespeare(莎士比亚)

5、Perhaps happiness does not arrange the position, but succeeds must arrange the position.


6、The study certainly is not the life complete. But, since continually life part of - studies also are unable to conquer, what but also can make?


7、Only has compared to the others early, diligently, can feel the successful taste.


8、Nobody can casually succeed, it comes from the thorough self-control and the will.


9、The time is passing.


10、The investment future person will be, will be loyal to the reality person.


11、practical wisdom is only to be learned in the school of experience. (samuel smiles, british writer)

实用的知识只有通过亲身体验才能学到。(英国作家 斯迈尔斯 . s .)

12、proverbs are short sentences drawn from long experience. (miguel de cervantes, spanish writer)

谚语是从长期经验中获得的短句。(班牙作家 塞万提斯.m.)

13、to most men , experience is like the stern light of a ship which il-luminates only the track it has passed. (samuel tylor coleridge, british poet)

对于大多数人,经验像是一艘船上的尾灯,只照亮船驶过的航道。(英国诗人 柯勒津治. s .t .)

14、too much experience is a dangerous thing. (oscar wilde, british dramatist)

经验过多反而危险。(英国剧作家 王尔德 . o.)

15、one thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning. (james russell lowell, british poet and critic)

一次痛苦的经验抵得上千百次的告诫。(英国诗人、批评家 洛威尔 .j. r .)



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There are many happy things in the Spring Festival, but the happiest thing is to eat my mothers fragrant annual dinner.


Look, there is hen soup on the table, there are &ldquo, three thousand feet &rdquo, and braised pork legs, spicy chicken legs, red crabs and shrimps, and attractive fruit salad … &hellip.


My cousins family came to our family to have a new years dinner. Some adults play “ Dou landlord ” some chat. I eat an attractive fruit salad, and my cousin is staring at the table with a puppy eye. All of a sudden, my cousin saw me eating an attractive fruit salad. I could not bear the mouth water, “ a small dirty hand, ” to the fruit salad. I “ snap ” hold down his little hand. This time I took a little weight, although he did not cry, but took out his special skills — — cry. I do not eat this set, thought: little cousin, why are you so stupid? You dont have a drop of tears, I cant see it. As I sat and waited for him to cry, my cousin saw me ignore him and immediately did not cry.


At this time both of us smelled the roast chicken and extended their hands to the legs of the chicken. I grabbed the right thigh, and the cousin grabbed the left leg. When the little cousin saw that he was holding a little chicken leg, he immediately shouted, "“ I want to eat big!" I ask: ” “ with what? ” “ Im a guest. ” “ I am the master. ” I dont let it go. I dont see cousin concede loud fool: “ I am younger than you, and I want a long body. ” my face is turned to iron blue: “ you have a long body, Im not long? Besides, the little ones should listen to the big words. ” “ cousin immediately broke out, I have to learn Chinese Pinyin, eat big memory! ” “ I stamp with rage I work more than you, I eat is to fill the body. ” finally, mother roasted a plate of chicken legs to eliminate the war between my cousin and me.


Its a lot of fun to have a years dinner.



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Recently I have seen such a story, the story on the way to save a giant snake women in banda aceh in Indonesias aceh province provincial capital, a woman under the guidance of a serpent, arrived in safety. 26-year-old woman riza said, on December 26, 2004, she lives in a village was flooded with waves, panic in the people running for their lives.

At this time, a female neighbor because of badly wounded, riza, please take your a pair of twins, she then back up the twins. To fight with in the jet stream, she saw a big snake down the flood from the left to swim, she is just like the serpent has been to swim, the results arrived in a safe place. After the event, riza said: "very strange when meet the serpent, I do not feel panic." Moreover, the serpent did not bite them.

Yes, as long as we treat animals, animals will be kind to you, but if you hurt the animals, which hurt just dont know is you a person but a human. In recent years my human destruction of the food chain, all the time and so many animals die because we humans, spirited, extinction. Some even have some rare animals fur to make clothes for money! Some people regard animals as the experiment, according to statistics, there are 2.5 million animals die each year from drug test, in this world, animals are used in shampoo, cosmetics, cancer drug test, although it is not the same with animals, but people and animals have the same right to life, they also have a desire to survive, so human cant go to such a large number of experimenting on animals. Now so many animals came to attack us, because we damage to them, so want to animals will also be kind to you, you will be kind to animals.






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Hello! My name is Mingming. I am a pupil. I like speaking English very

much. I go to school five days every week. Every day I go to school on foot.

Because my school is not near my home. I like my school. There are about 3500

students and 54 teachers in my school. And I study in Grade 4. There are 45

students in my class. My English teacher is tall and handsome . I love him very

much. Welcome to my school. You must be very happy.




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The four seasons is beautiful in nature. Abundant sprout in the spring, summer, autumn harvest, in the winter, we in this world because there are four seasons and colorful.

Spring is a painter. "Xiao red wet place, flower jin guan city." When I recite the poem, the beauty of the spring like on a piece of paper, a brush in the outline of the outline of the spring: peach the gorgeous flowers, plant a new rice farmers, the grass to drill a dark land, willow spit out new shoots. Spring is the start of the year, "spring", everywhere the vibrant, sow the seeds of hope in the field.

Summer is an artist. "Said harvest rice fragrant flowers, listen to the pre-pubescent." Red sun hanging on the sky, especially bright, hot guys are afraid to leave their homes, but busy busy, cicada, every moment in the troll. Night, suppress in the home the day people came out to cool. People came to the square, dancing and singing. In rural, mountain, nature of any a corner, the animals are also unwilling to lag behind, they get together, hold the forest symphony, frogs, cicada has become the leading role.

Autumn is a natural scientist. "Recovery and a grain of millet, the autumn harvest than a child." Autumn is the season of harvest, the peasants are harvesting rice, the scene of a busy in the field. The autumn wind howling, the rice harvest, the leaves red as fire, such as sea blue sky, the beauty of the autumn is not the natural scientist.

Winter is a photographer. "Window containing serdang qiangiu snow, MenBo dongwu wanli ship." Snow, snow mountains, the earth as if covered with a white coat, she quietly taken next winter white and boundless, her eternal memories left in winter.

The nature of the four seasons is charming, the four seasons from nature, nature is affected by the four seasons and colorful. Nature is amazing, there are so many beautiful scenery, phenomenon, waiting for us to discover and explore.









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Environmental Pollution

Write a passage with the words and phrases given:

the problem of pollution, cause, artificial substances, release, waste products, industrial production, consumption of goods, bring it under control, agriculture, chemical substancea.

Environmental Pollution

I read a piece of news recently. It says that in Japan marly businessmen ave selling fresh air to customers.and now it is becoming more and more popular. Why? --Fresh air is getting less and less in Japan, and so is it in the U. S. A.

In fact, environmental pollution is a very serious problem the whole world is facing.

it is mainly caused by the waste products released from artificial substances, industrial

production and increased consumption of goods. Bedsides, the use of chemical substances

in agriculture also causes environmental pollution. Look at the sky, you can see that dense smoke is being released from the high and big chimneys; those dirty and poisonous substances are flowing into the rivers that we use for drinking water and millions of tons of waste products are heaping around us.

How to change this condition? More and more countries are trying to work out some effective means to bring it under control, but no great success has been made.


最近我读了一则消息说在日本,许多商人向顾客出售新鲜空气,现在这种情况越演越烈,Environmental Pollution-环境污染,四六级写作《Environmental Pollution-环境污染》。为什么呢? 因为在日本新鲜空气越来越少,在美国也是如此。






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Dear Mr Fu,

This is my first letter to you. Its a thank-you letter!

Thank you for what? Thank you for teaching me and helping me.

When I am in trouble, is your warm hand to help me, not when I want to give

up when you use your words to support me, I sincerely thank you! Thank you very


In the coming Christmas, I would like to express my deep thanks to you


I wish you good health and good luck in everything!

Your students










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I have a best friend, we know each other when we are five years old, now we talk about everything. But sometimes we will have the argument, none of us want to give in first. We make a deal that the next day we will meet in a place every time, so we become good again. I cherish our friendship so much.




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There are all kinds of occupation。 Everyone has the hearts of the most want to do occupation planning。 So everyone will firm belief in the ideals and efforts。 I also like this。 My ideal occupation actually said not particularly special。 I want to be a psychologist。 Want to ask me why, because now a news to tell me this job is very important。


Now the students especially middle school students of teenagers have some extreme idea that they make extreme behavior more serious injury of his own life。 Maybe they just need a proper guidance that will not happen。 If before they make this thing has a pull them rather than pushed them they can certainly live very happy。 Personality is to nurture, the heart is also acquired established。 As long as the day after tomorrow to mental health and personality can change。 They just one can understand their feelings, the patience to help them solve problems people。 They dont need to laugh and discrimination and everyone dont need。


I hope I can do my part to guide them and help them in the future。



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Spring Festival is one of the traditional festivals in China. On the 30th day of the year, children should pay a New Years greetings to their elders. People want to be reunited with their loved ones and have a New Years eve dinner. To stay at home, watch "Spring Festival gala", while keeping watch; At 12 am, outside the home, the window, downstairs, firecrackers sound deafening, people set off firecrackers, completely intoxicated in the Spring Festival this festive season.

I spent the Spring Festival at my mother-in-laws house. In the evening, I watched the "Spring Festival gala" as usual, and when it was getting closer to 12, the host was counting down "10,9,8... 3,2,1. As the Numbers approached, the sound grew more and more slowly, and continued until 12 o clock. When the countdown is over, our house is busy! "Happy New Year! Chinese New Year! Youre one year older." Then our family went downstairs and set off fireworks. The other day, my uncle bought a lot of firecrackers. There is a gyro, a little bee, a pearl, a world, and a lot of names. The appearance of firecrackers also has many. Flower face, butterfly... Some of heaven and earth ring 20 hair, some of the world sounds 50, and there is another 100. Of all the firecrackers, the most striking is the sound of heaven and earth. Its about the same size as a small table. I can feed four or five people. It is also heavy and requires two or three adults to move. After a long wait, the other firecrackers were finally finished. Thats the beginning! "Knock! Pa! Bam! Pa! Bam! Pa! ...... "The voice was so loud that it was like a loud thunderclap of thunder.

Although I covered my ears, when the sound was too loud, I could hear it. In the last few rounds, "bam! Bam! Bam! Pa! Wow! The explosion of firework, like a flame, scattered all around. It was a magnificent sight! When I got home, my heart was still very long. Who will clean it up? Of course its my aunt and uncle. In order to make nanjing more beautiful, they would sacrifice the time of the New Year, to be honest, meticulous, meticulous and selfless. And are now on duty of the polices uncle aunts, they in order to make the safety of the citizens have a year, in every corner of the city of nanjing, dedicated to patrol the, thought of here, I entered the beautiful dreams...






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My best friend is Mary. She lives in a tall building. She lives on the fifth floor. Everyday she takes the lift up and down. She is twelve years old. She is tall and thin. She has short black hair,two big eyes and a small mouth. She is very cute. I like playing with her. We are in the same class. I like to read books but she likes playing games. She likes to eat popcorn and ice creams. I like them, too. Her favourite food is fish, so she is clever. She loves her cat. She often plays with her. The cat likes Mary,too. They are cute.




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Good morning/afternoon/evening, my name isXXX . It is really a great honor to have this opportunity/chance to introduce myself. I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good performance today.

I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China. Withtremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am writing to apply for acceptance into your Ph.D. graduate program.

In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science & Technology (NUST) -- widely considered one of the China’s best engineering schools. During the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. I was granted First Class Prize every semester,In 1999, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test.

At the period of my graduate study, my overall GPA(3.77/4.0) ranked top 5% in the department. In the second semester, I became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only. This year, I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university. Presently, I am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of Excellent Graduation Thesis.

Research experience and academic activity

When a sophomore, I joined the Association of AI Enthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for my future research. With the tool of OpenGL and Matlab, I designed a simulationprogram for transportation scheduling system. It is now widely used by different research groups in NUST. I assumed and fulfilled a sewage analysis & dispose project for Nanjing sewagetreatment plant. This was my first practice to convert a laboratory idea to a commercial product.

In retrospect, I find myself standing on a solid basis in both theory and experience, which has prepared me for the Ph.D. program. My future research interests include: Network Scheduling Problem, Heuristic Algorithm research (especially in GA and Neural network), Supply chain network research, Hybrid system performance analysis with Petri nets and Data Mining.












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to introduce myself(介绍我自己)

hello,every one!(大家好)

my name is **** . (我叫****)

im a 15 years old boy. (我是一个15岁的男孩)(具体情况自己改)

i live in the beautiful city of rizhao.(我住在美丽的rizhao城)(你可以把rizhao改成自己家乡的城市的名称的拼音)

im an active ,lovely and clever boy.(我是一个活跃的可爱的聪明的男孩) in the school , my favourite subject is maths . (在学校,我最喜欢数学) perhaps someone thinks its difficult to study well .(也许有些人认为这很难学) but i like it.(但我喜欢他)

i belive that if you try your best, everything can be done well.(我相信每件事付出努力就会有害结果)

i also like sports very much.(我也很喜欢运动)

such as,running,volleyball and so on. (像跑步、排球等等)

im kind-hearted.(我很热心)

i hope we can be good friends!(我希望我们能成为好朋友)

ok.this is me .a sunny boy.(好了,这就是我,一个阳光男孩)
