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20XX.X.X 晴

It was a sunny day today,when i got up in the morning,i decided to see my grandparents.so i took the bus got there at noon,they were happy to see me,and i was very happy,too.

In the afternoon,my farther asked me to help him water the plant,and i was happy to see the flowers smiling in the wind.

In a word,today is a unforgetive day.because i saw my relatives helped people.







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Today, I opened my free forum and I was very happy because I could do a lot

of things there. I decided to upgrade my forum and make it interesting. Then I

will make it grow up and at the same time, I can write down what I want to say

there. I will be very happy.




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Saturday, November 18 rain

Strong but not forgotten with the end of military life, sitting in a comfortable chair with immense, not think in the days of military training, military training follow in the footsteps of every step footprints are deeply printed in the hearts of every individual, three days ahead on the calendar left an extraordinary colors. Know how much rain we fought shiver, at the foot of the road that we left a number of sweat.

"1,2,3,4" Password pierced the quiet sounds of the sky, the impact of our young hearts.

Through the training days of joy and laughter hide bitter exertion. It is like the beauty of music, let us intention to be singing and experience.



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Silent night, holy night All is calm, all is bright。

Round yon virgin mother and child Holy infant so tender and mild,Sleep in

heavenly peace。

Radiant beams from thy holy face Sleep in heavenly peace。

With the dawn of redeeming grace Christ, the Savior is bornSilent night,

holy night ,Hooh,Christ, the Savior is born Son of God, loves pure light。



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i spent this summer vacation in quite a different way.

i used to run about every day in previous summer vacations,this summer vacation i simply could not afford to do so.

i would soon be in the last year of my high-school education would after graduation be up against the college entrance examinations.

though those examinations were still a year away, i had to start early to make myself well prepared by reviewing all those things i had learned at school this summer vacation was the ideal time for me to do this.

at first i was rather dismayed at the thought of this,8ttt8.comlater i thought it was better this way because by working hard this summer i could count on endless happy summers to come.

with this in mind i then set to work like anything and occasionally went out for a change or did some physical. i was not at all bored by this kind of life, for i was sustained by a hope.




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xx-9-20 微凉 晴










我角的这本教材的特点是单词量大。所以在教课的过程中,我遇到的个困难是如何让孩子们对枯燥的英语单词产生兴趣。关于这点,我在培训时准备的游戏帮了我不少忙。我发现学生最喜欢的游戏要数Simon says 和Snowman.因为这两个游戏学生可以全班参与,有赏有罚,十分热闹。这也是学校里其他老师使用得最多的游戏。

不过,为了使我的课堂有自己的特色,我也想出了几个其它调动学习单词的兴趣提高学习效率的方法。其中最有效的是领读单词这招。每个人都有上进心,都不想被别人比下去,这一点在孩子们身上体现得最明显。我正是利用了这点,在教单词时,给孩子们充足的时间自己练习读熟它们,并让以不同的形式他们轮流领读,读得标准的同学还可以获得当小老师的机会去较其他人,实力相对弱的同学不仅要接受惩罚,还要成为“别人”的学生,这样学生为了可以当小老师,为了得到大家的掌声,一节课下来,几乎每个同学都可以把单词读熟读好。 一个问题解决了,第二个问题马上出现了。经过几次考试,孩子们贪玩的本性实在令我头痛。全班十二名学生,回家能认认真真背单词的人不超过五个,怎么办?在得到几位老师的意见后,结合我班的情况,我终于想出了几个办法!




近一个月的实践经历告诉我,要想把课讲好,在课前必须做好充分的准备。熟记每个知识点,熟悉每篇课文,校准每个单词的发音,精心安排课堂的每个环节...... 不过,要想使学生从心底里喜欢上你的课,喜欢上你这个老师,我们要做的就不只这些啦。所以我一有时间就和他们聊天,做游戏,了解他们的性格喜好在学校的学习成绩甚至是家庭状况,和他们建立宝贵的友谊。看到我的学生真的把我当成了自己的朋友,有什么好吃的会拿来和我分享,有好玩的游戏会叫上我一起玩儿,甚至会把喜欢的玩具送给我,我觉得自己成了世界上最幸福的人! 教师是个力气活,劳力,劳脑,又劳心。教师也是良心活,教得好坏多少,得用心中的那杆秤来衡量。当教师还得讲策略,要想教好学生,要想学生信服自己,必须和他们交友,不断琢磨学生的心理,才能做到。

有过同样经历的几位同学曾告诉我,她们当了十几天的教师就开始厌倦这份工作了。可是,我觉得我的教师瘾还没过够呢!虽然在这个过程中我累过烦过也抱怨过,甚至有几次我做梦梦到的都是那帮让人省不了心的孩子。可我觉得为他们付出值! 每当站在讲台上,被一双双纯净的眼睛聚精会神地望着时,作为一名教师的价值感和成就感就油然而生了。









知道为什么雄鹰能飞那么高吗?因为在它们破壳而出的时候,展现在它们面前的是一片最广阔的天空。没有谁规定它们应该怎么飞,没有谁规定它们不能去搏击闪电乌云…… 九十后,他们的潜力是巨大的。举个例子,特别是九十后中的男孩子,他们基本上都是游戏高手,而这正是几乎为所有家长跟大多数老师鄙视的。在小小的一个方寸大小的游戏机上,几乎在一两秒内,要同时操控几个按键,画面的切换飞快,眼睛要关注对手的反应,还要做出反击,这些都是在同时进行的。试问,这样的反应速度和判断力,没有很高的智商,能做到吗?家长老师所鄙夷的,是他们没有从另一个角度去看待问题。为什么九十后的潜力会被


九十后这个群体,需要我们更多的正确关注,需要我们走进他们的世界,理解他们。英语教师实习周记 这一周,从学生转型到老师,我感触极深,获益匪浅。面对第一次上台授课,既期待也有少许紧张。为了上好第一堂课,紧紧一个版面的内容,却奋身备课到凌晨一点!第一堂英语课,大获好评。第二堂信息技术课,班主任石老师微笑的对我竖起大拇指。



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Hello ! My name is li zi ming ,Im a boy. I like eat apples bananas and

Oranges. I like play computer games.Im tall but me is very thin.I have a big

eyes,i like smile,because smile can give me confident.My math and english is

very good.and now Im 12 years old.I like read books and make friend.I also ride

my bike go to school every day .

This is me.Do you like me?Do you want to make friends will me ?



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it was the first day of our summer holiday.all of us were very happy. why? because we have two months to do things we love to do.we are free.although we have some homework.but we can finish them in several days.and the rest time we can make good use of.my god! we have been very tired after hard studying.in summer holidays,i want to have full sleep and eat good food in order to replenish myself. last but not the least,i will have a good rest.





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I went to watch the movie Wolf warriors 2 today

I went to watch the movie Wolf warriors 2 today as I heard it was a big hit

in China. I am not the biggest fan of WuJing(the director and leading role of

the movie), but this movie he direct really impressed me. I have watched Wolf

Warrior which I would consider as a good movie, but II is way much better. It is

the first Chinese movie that is built on the context of African country and

actually shot in South Africa, bearing the risk of suffering the disturbance on

the set. The way the plot unfolds and the courage and patriotism is delivered to

its audience makes it more than a simple action movie. Love this movie and will

go for it a second time!






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It is a fine day. I am in the Peoples Park now. Many people are on vacation here. Some are taking photos, some are playing football, others are talking a walk. Everyone is happy. My friend Lucy is reading a book with me. She is from Australla. She is tall and she has long hair. She like koalas and penguins. She likes mutten noodles. Her favouriteTV shows are Englsh Today and Healthy Living.She want to be a reporter



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I heard my mother say Peixing Mathematical Olympiad classes taught well, but this time is not so simple. To the test first, if not the qualified words will not receive stars. Even if you are qualified, but the teacher gives you the time, you can slowly but you slow reaction at the same time to tell the correct answer these errors in the teacher reminded. What the teacher wants is not your correct answer, but what you do not understand!

When I arrived there test, finally know why stars earning so tight! There are a lot of people there! You cant do it when you go up the stairs.

When you go in, the teacher gives you a roll. It looks very simple on the roll. Its always unpleasant when you do it. Made before a few, to the last few questions when I get to the dizzy. The easy answer is in line with the condition, but it does not conform to that condition. I think my head is going to explode! I thought, "I cant spend it all the time!" At that time, I looked at the blackboard to close his eyes and think about the problem. God Kung Fu did not bear the mind and let me write it out! But the rest of the 3 questions I really did not count, and I wrote the answer that I wanted to meet a condition. At that time, I thought I would pass through, the wrong question let the teacher tell me, remember this problem, do not be wrong again!

After the roll out, my heart banged. Fear not! When the teacher read my name, the strained legs were soft, and the past looked at the wrong 4 questions. I was so scared! Mom said three of the questions the teacher will not let you see the papers, do not tell you wrong. Whats more, I was wrong 4 questions! The teacher let me go to the office said let the teacher give me wrong, I didnt react Im close to the edge of the pass. The teacher told me patiently, but I was flurried to think of the problem and say to the teacher, the teacher asked me if you were sure? I said sure, the teacher was patient and I talked a few times, and finally the teacher said, "this is your last chance to answer the right, understand, you will sign up." Do not answer, do not understand even if. I had a quiet mind to think of the answer and tell the teacher once. The teacher took me. I was dumbfounded. I was passing! I passed! I shouted to the downstairs, "Ive passed it!" I was jumping up and down the stairs!

I went down and shouted, "Ive passed it!" Its gone! Its gone! " I now know that what I know in my mind is not as much as I think! I know everything there, and I dont have a lot of it! I want to continue to learn more knowledge and enrich my brain!



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I have stayed in shanghai alone for a week. it’s time for me to go to my

real home—it is in beijing. my parents are waiting for me. although outside is

no matter how beautiful, beijing is still my home. in fact, there is many fresh

things. like red bayberries. in the afternoon, i took a bus to beijing. i was

very unlucky that my mp3 was stolen. i was very sad. i didn’t know why thieves

went to steal other’s things. why don’t they hunt for a job? i don’t why! i hope

there is no thief in our motherland.



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1.书端(Heading) 英语日记的书端,是专门记载日期、星期和天气的,这一点与汉语日记相同,但在排列上有所不同。英语日记的书端在正文上边的左边(顶格),从左向右推进。


(1)先写某日,次写月份,最后写年份。某日用序数词的缩写形式;除May , June和July三个月份外,其余各月份均可缩写;年份均用阿拉伯数字书写,但不能把“1991”缩写成“91”等。例如:

15th August 1989


August 15,1989

August 15th,1989


Saturday,October 22nd,1983

October 22nd ,1983,Saturday


如果书端里还要记载那天的天气,只需用少数的词,如“Fin e”“Cloud y”等形容词表示。天气写在日期之后,须用逗号隔开。如果第一行内写不完,也可以移到第二行去写,但第一行内前边要空格,不可与第二行平头。例如:

Saturday,March 4,1988,Fine but windy in the afternoon 常见的天气用语有:

fine 晴天的 rainy 下雨的 cloudy 阴天的,多云的

hot炎热的 shiny 晴朗的 cold寒冷的

snowy 下雪的 freezing冰冻的foggy 雾的

showery 阵雨的 sunshining 晴的,温暖的

sunny 阳光充足的,阳光明媚的 warm 暖和的

windy 刮风的 stormy暴风的 breezy 微风的

cloudy,then rainy 多云转雨的 rainy,fine later雨转晴的

2.正文(Body) 日记是每日生活的记载。生活的内容广泛,但写作时应有所选择,最好是记下当天有意义,感受最深的东西、不可巨细不分地记流水帐。 记日记的手法灵活,形式多样,它常用叙述的方法,可议论、也可抒情和描写;有话则长,无话则短,甚至于三言两语亦可。


I went to school at seven this morning.When I got to the classroom,the class had begun .

When I got home,my mother was cooking.


All roads lead to Rome.(条条道路通罗马。)

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

She is from Beijing.

The cow eats grass but gives milk.——Lu Xun(牛吃的是草,挤出来的是奶。——鲁迅)



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Today,my parents take me to Qingdao.I see the beautiful blue sea.Some

people are playing games near the seaside,and also many people are swimming in

the water.We stay in the water for about one hour and then come back to the

beach for lunch.I eat many many sea food.What a nice day!





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a diary of my birthday

today is my nine-year-old birthday. i am very happy, because my father buys a big cake for me and my sister just comes to guangzhou . after dinner , my family celebrate my birthday .

i make a wish and blow out the candles . do you want to know my wish ? let me tell you , i wish i can study harder and harder ,then get the no.1 in our class. then i cut the cake and my family share the cake with me . how nice today!!!



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Grandma’s hand in hand to work every day, the heart rough coarse hair。 Every time I go to touch her hand, as in touch a old bark。 I thought: today I’m going to help grandma do some housework, take this as a holiday gift to send grandma。




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I was so busy in the previous winter holiday for I am going to take the

university entrance exam in July this year. Everyday, I buried myself in

studying. I had to review each required subject and do lots of exercises.

Besides, because I did bad in mathematics and physics, I had to do much more

exercises than other courses, which made me discouraged. I spent more than ten

hours a day in studying. When I was tired, I watched TV or listened to music for

a little while. But It was a big pity that I couldnt go to the see cinema. In

addition, I had to refuse all the invitations of friends and relatives. I only

called them or sent messages in the New Year’s Eve. I desperately hoped that

there is no exam but I know it’s impossible. The only thing I can do is to study

hard to get good scores and can be admitted to Tsinghua University.



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i went out to have dinner with father today. i should make toast during the dinner but there was no juice availabe. so i had a bottle of beer. my face turned red but i was not drunk. i dont think beer tastes bad but i wont like have it too much because i am only a student.



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Grandma’s hand in hand to work every day, the heart rough coarse hair。

Every time I go to touch her hand, as in touch a old bark。 I thought: today I’m

going to help grandma do some housework, take this as a holiday gift to send









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I had a joyful summer vacation. During the holidays, I traveled with my

families. We went to Beijing and stayed there for four days. We lived in the

hotel. It is very beautiful. We visited to the Tiananmen Square, the Imperial

Palace, the Summer Palace and the Old Summer Palace. We also went to the Great

Wall. The weather was very hot, but we were exciting. I like Beijing very much.

I hope I can go there

