给山区小朋友的一封信7篇 写给某某的信英语(精品20篇)

我最爱的朋友,是一个喜欢帮助别人的好朋友,是一个对我特别好的朋友。今天小编就来分享给山区小朋友的一封信7篇 写给某某的信英语,请各位读者好好欣赏和借鉴。






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俊明,这些年我们的相处,对方的性格彼此相互了解。我和我对象搬家的头一天晚上(星期六)到了你那儿,星期天你休班让你帮忙,第二天早饭后我们俩开始忙活,到了中午你还没来,打电话你午饭后过来,这时我确实对你发脾气了,(在这我说声对不起)我以为我们是多年的兄弟,用不着那么多的礼节和客套话。 到了晚上我俩都忙完了,你两口子才过来你对象说了一些不痛不痒的话“我们不是搬家公司”。我心里特别不是滋味,是你变了还是你妻子牵制着你呢?我困惑。

你两口子也打算开个打字复印社(从你们两口子的谈话中我能感觉出)但你们从来没有向我明确的说过这件事,你们自己买了一台打印机 只可惜你没有找我(我干的年数多了,多少有点经验你那台打印机至少多花了100多元钱,而且还不包括连供)也就是说你那台打印机装上连供800元钱,而你那台不装连供900多。

俊明,你对象向我了解一些业务价格,我基本上如实的说了,而且我们天天混在一起,我的业务价格表你天天翻看。你对象却说我骗她。她询问的价格和我说的不一样,俊明,价格怎么说呢?名片纸有多种多样,洗照片的相纸也不同 批发商给每一位顾客的价格也不尽相同。即使你这次取货。批发商给你上次报的价格就不一样。你两个一直上班和从事完美直销业根本就不懂得生意上的事,做生意并不是短时间内就能熟悉各种业务,有时顾客需要特殊要求连我自己也不知如何报价与对方。。







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Dear Zhang Wei,

I’m glad to know that you are coming to my city during the summer


However, I’m afraid there’s some bad news. I’m planning to take part in an

international conference to be held in another city during the time of your


All the top scientists in my field will show up at the conference. More

importantly, I’m lucky enough to have been selected to give a speech on behalf

of my research team at the Conference. I really can’t miss it.

I understand that it’ll be your first time to this city and I’m your only

friend here. I’ve asked my roommate to meet you at the airport, and you can stay

in my room.

He is a very nice person and he will show you around the city. Hope you two

will get on well and have a nice holiday!


Li Ming



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During the years of suffering, a super hero called Maze was facing the war

of the Americans. One day he was planning a vacation, that was going to be

amazing; when a big giant octopus attacked the whole city…

He had no choice but to stop his vacation, and to stop the octopus. He was

transforming into a big octopus, and ready to battle Maze. Maze was ready; he

got his sword and shield ready for battle. When he came, everybody cheered for

him; the octopus was not very happy…

He used his legs and arms and kicked Maze right up into the air. Maze said

to the people; “I have a plan, but I’ll need you guys to help me with it;”

everybody agreed to help Maze, and so they all gathered around to listen to

Maze’s plan. He said to the people, “I need a person, to help and pull a string;

that way, when the giant octopus reached me, you guys just pull the string, and

it will trip; then I will need a guy that is good at tying knots, that is when

the giant octopus trips, that guy will tie his up and give it to me; then rest

of the problems I will deal with it…”

Everybody agreed to his magnificent plan, and so they got to work. First

Maze went to get a very long string, and gave it to two people that were very

good at strength to pull it, instead of pulling it let us make it that Maze’s

plan was not at length that good, for the octopus knew all about his plan; and

so could very easily pass the test…

When they failed, Maze thought about this problem; they all knew that the

octopus it always listening to their plans. Now what? Well since Maze could tell

the other people his plan, he had decided to show them his plan. He drew it on a

piece of white paper, and showed it to the people, he made some moves of how it

was done; they all understood, but the giant octopus didn’t. His plan was the

same, but the giant octopus didn’t know it.

He decided to be careful, but he couldn’t, because the string was

invisible; instead of the string part, Maze changed it into plastic paper; that

way the giant octopus couldn’t see what they were up to; this plan was good, but

let us see how it ends.

Then two men were pulling the plastic, the plastic paper broke; and so

maybe Maze didn’t think it all the way through. He changed a magnificent plan:

First of all, some people distract the giant octopus; and then Maze tied his

legs and arms; and threw him into the ocean, where he was gone and 100 percent

drowned with his legs and arms tied behind his back.

And so Maze saved the day once again, and when his mom and dad returned

home; they were very proud of him. But maze was still sad, his mom and dad

asked; “What is the matter Maze?” “Well, I did save the day Hooray! But I still

didn’t get a chance of relaxing like little children, they were like holidays!”

then his mother and father decided to hold him a holiday celebration, and lived

happily ever after.

The octopus did return, and it was all to his mom the scientist. Maze did

defeat him again and again; until the octopus was tired, he knew that he was not

the guy to beat Maze, so he changed his mind and left the city and gave lived to

Maze’s fans in peace.

The end…



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My friend and I

My name is Li BaoLing . I have a good friend . Her name is Chen ZiQing . I am 13 years old . She is as old as me. I am 155cm tall. She is 150cm tall . She is 5cm shorter than me . I am 36kg . She is 37kg . She is heavier than me .She often does homework with me .We always help each other. I am happy to have a good firend .



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I like to read books, because a good book, contains a wealth of knowledge

and good feelings. Reading a good book is across time and space, dialogue with

wisdom and noble people.

Reading makes me rich knowledge, purify the soul. Book is the ocean of

knowledge, it is gradually broadened my horizons, improve my ability. I have

benefited a lot from reading this is self-evident.

Reading is a golden key for me open the door to knowledge, reading is like

the sun light up bright future for me.






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我们虽然素不相识,但常言说:有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎。朋友是人生中必不可少一部分。人与人之间的感情交流离不开朋友。愿这封载着款款厚意的交友能架起你和我之间友谊的桥梁。我愿将一颗真挚的、渴望友情的心献给你。 我先自我介绍吧,我叫蔡文燕。是澄海区华窖华桥小学五年级二班的一名学生,就快要升六年级了。在班级里,我聪明、可爱,事事不甘落后,每次考试都名列前茅。当然啦,也有管不住自己的时候,甚至还会闹出笑话来呢!人送外号“调皮鬼”。相信到这里,你们对我有个大概的了解了吧。 前一阵子,我的学校举行广播操比赛。那是个想起来就让人激动的日子,天气非常的好。天空万里无云,太阳温暖的阳光照在大地上,这也是秋季里最难得的一个晴天。我们迎来了年一度的海门市广播操比赛。 9点30分,广播里准时传来体育老师的声音:“请各班准备,比赛马上开始。”广播中的话音刚落,我们就以迅雷不及掩耳之势,在楼房的走道中排完了队,整装待发。 “五,四,三,二,一。”“发射。”不知是哪个调皮鬼轻声说的,我们觉得很好玩,想笑,可老师的一个瞪眼,让我们把“跑”到嘴边的笑声给“咽”了回去。我们完全进入了比赛时的良好状态。 “跑步,走!”体育委员一喊,我们就排着整齐的队伍,小跑步前进。 “第三套中小学生广播体操,希望风帆现在开始。”我一听到这句话,就打起了百分之一百的精神,把手伸得像钢管一样直,每一个动作都做得钢劲有力。就连平时做得动作像绵花一样有气无力的整理运动都把每个动作做得无可挑剔。 我留心看了一下四周,啊!那场面是多么壮观!全校几千个同学做着整齐的广播体操。连一年级的新生也做得令人赞叹不已。骤雨一样,是急促的掌声:雷声一样,是宏亮的口令:旋风一样,是挥舞的手臂:乱蛙一样,是整齐的脚步:焰火一样,是舞动的红领巾。我们的每一个动作都充满了力量,每一个动作都是那么的整齐,就像只有一个人在做一样。 我一走神,险些把动作做反再看一眼楼上的评委,他的日光直直地射向操场的中心,对我们毫不在意,我在心里松了一口气。虽然评委没发现我的错误,但是我心里一紧张,心情就无法平静下来,后面的动作就做得没有前面那么顺了……。 比赛终于结束了,我把压在心底里的另半口气也吐了出来。接着,我们就在退场音乐中排着队告别了操场。你最近有没有发生一些有意思的事情呢?有,那就回信告诉我吧!远方的朋友,我相信,有那么一天,我们一定会手拉着手,肩并着肩,共同坐在友谊的桥梁上,感受着家乡的温暖,祖国的美好!成为祖国的栋梁!就聊这,下次再聊!再见 祝身体健康、学习进步




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I was one day reading the newspaper when I saw a little kid falling down

from the sky; I was the only one who can save him in time for I was on the first

floor. I rushed out of the building, and ran outside. I knew that this was very,

very extremely dangerous, but if the child falls down he will probably die of

pain. He brought a big blanket, and then a pillow, he calculated the area was a

100 percent sure that the child would not die. The child came falling, and

falling; “Poof!!” He landed on the pillow.

I was curious and glad that the child still had his life, and got a reward

of fifty pounds of gold and one bag of silver. I was very happy. But when it was

night time, I heard an “I’m coming,” noise. I woke up, and saw a big light, then

appeared a little flying cat! That was very, very strange. I rubbed my eyes, and

pinched everywhere to make sure that it wasn’t a dream. But it was true. The cat

said, “Hello, I am Plad, and I am a hero; with me you can transform and save the

day every time.”

I was astonished and said, “Excuse me, but why did you choose me?” the

flying cat replied. “Because that you saved a falling kid, and that was a

challenge to defeat. You are now my rightful owner.”

I put on a ring that the flying cat gave me, and went back to sleep. In the

morning, I decided to test out my transforming, “Plad, claw set!” and then a

strange thing happened, I transformed into “Cat no r !” I tried my powers, and

then I saw a sort of bug that I recognize, “Ladybug!” I was going to find her

when I found out that my ring was flashing, I said, “Claws off!” then I

transformed back. I was very excited to enjoy my first lesson of being cat no r

. I was quite astonished, and happy

At night, I thought I heard another noise, “Not again!” suddenly a round of

ball came to me again and said, “Don’t worry, I am Teeky, and you cat no r is

going to work with ladybug to defeat villains.”

I was astonished again, and then Teeky vanished from sight,

I decided to follow her, but I thought maybe next time, for I didn’t want

to bother the kid or girl or other people from sleeping.

And so I have got a job from Plad to save the world.



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Dear teacher zhang :

first of all, I am gland to have the chance to attend your class in this

term. I got a lot of havest in your class. The most thing that let me have a

feeling is your rigorous teaching attitude. It will be a precious intellectual

treasure to me and my future life.

I believe Professional English is a very necessary and useful subject in

university.since in the factory, a lot of production machine nameplate are

written by English, Professional English Let us better understand some problems

we will face during our work in the future and Let us better familiar with our

future working environment.

In this class, We will learn a lot of professional words and it will be

great help to us. Through the professional English learning, we will not feel

very strange when see some special nouns In the factory or in other jobs, which

makes us looks very professional.

As it is said, No pains, no gains. Every Pay will have harvest. The more

knowledge we learn today , the more harvest we will get tomorrow . So the only

thing we need to do is study hard for our tomorrow.

Best Wishes

your student :



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It is very hot and wet today and is called sauna weather.During my mom did

the cooking in the kitchen, I saw her head was sweaty.I told her I could help

her and she accepted.

After cooking,we were all sweaty .However, mum and I all felt happy. She

said I was growing up and became her good assistant.



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There was once a little turtle that wanted to be the fasted animal in the

jungle, everybody laughed at him and said that he could never be the fasted

animal ever. But the turtle didn’t listen to them, and instead, he decided to

learn and study from the wild hare; he was the fasted animal in the jungle oh

yes. In fact, every animal went to learn from the hare had become the fasted

runners too. When the turtle told the hare that he wanted to be the fasted

runner in the jungle, the hare laughed high over heels aloud; “Oh, oh!” cried

the hare, “Turtle, if you want to be the fasted, then you must get that big

shell of your back, Ha-ha!”

The turtle was not very happy about what he had just heard from the hare,

and he eventually decided to prove to him that it was his duty to be the fasted

runner of the jungle. “How about this, I and you have a race;” said the turtle

suddenly, the hare laughed aloud again, “Oh turtle, turtle; please don’t tell me

that you are not going to give up!” “I am not, I have the heart inside my body,

and I do not believe that I couldn’t be the fasted runner in the jungle!” the

hare then finally agreed to race with him.

When the time arrived, the turtle got ready; when the sound began to blow,

the turtle walked along slowly. While the hare in the other case hopped about

happily. “Does he really think that he could beat me?!” shouted the hare, “That

would be a dream in his brain;” said the hare again. When he was almost at the

finish line, the hare said to him, “I shall take a rest, then when I get up the

turtle still behind my tail; and I cross the finish line, using my rest energy;”

saying that, the hare lay down asleep. The turtle still didn’t give up; he soon

found the hare, and crossed him quietly, when he reached the finish line, he

cried out loud; when the hare woke up, found the turtle still wasn’t in front of


He hopped about happily, and when he reached the line, he found the turtle

already resting on a rock. The hare was so shocked that he lay down on the grass

just like that he fainted. And so the turtle became the champion; nobody ever

laughed at him ever again, and whenever some animals wanted to learn running,

they did not go to ask the hare; since he was not yet the fastest any more,

instead they went to the turtle to get advice from their new jungle running

lesson teacher.



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22 March 2006

Dear Ms. Reinhart,

I am terribly sorry that I failed to arrive at BLCU last Friday. I hope that this did not mess you up completely, although I know that you had already made some special arrangements for my visit with you parents and friends. I am very sorry about all that. I am sure you will be sympathetic, however, when I tell you that my father is dangerously ill in hospital, and that I found it impossible to leave for the visit when he is in this state.

My father was working very hard on his project on protecting the environment. I know the project has come to a very important stage. He and his assistants did not take regular rest for three weeks. Last night, my father had a heart attack and was soon sent to the hospital. The doctor said my father was in a very serious situation, and, he might need an operation.

24 hours have passed. Nothing has changed. I have to stay at the hospital. I will let you know if there is any good news.

I am sorry again and look forward to seeing you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Tom Williams



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dear lucy,

i am so glad to receive your letter and happy to know that you have a pleasant holiday. please send my sincere wishes to your parents. i have a happy holiday just like you do. this holiday, i visited to guangzhou with my parents. guangzhou, also known as the flower city, there are many flowers along the both sides of streets. it’s very beautiful. besides, the environment is clean and the climate is comfortable. there are many skyscrapers in guangzhou, especially in the downtown. we visited to many tourist attractions. they are all worth visiting. i hope you can visit there personally one day. you must like it.

best wishes.

sincerely yours,




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There are four seasons in the year. spring, summer, fall, and winter,but i

like winter best.in winter we can play skiing, play skatting, and bit snow.i and

my friend mary, make snowman.i am very happy.winter is very beautiful. so i like

winter best. i hope people like winter best.



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