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1. 指出对方帮助自己的事情,表示感谢;

2. 展开叙述这件事;

3. 再次感谢,并可表示希望回报对方。

Suppose your were recommended by Professor Sun to get further education in Yale University last June and now you have been admitted by that university. Write a letter to Professor Sun to express your gratitude in about 100 words. Do not sign your own name, using “Li Ming” instead.Dear Professor Sun,

I am writing to extend my gratitude to you—without your help I would not have been a postgraduate student of Applied Mechanics Department of Yale University.

Last June, you helped me with no reservation when I applied for Yale University. You wrote a recommendation letter for me to Professor W, the dean of the department. You gave me instructions on how to fill the application forms and write the application letters. Whats more, you also taught me how to take care of myself and get along with others, which I believe are lifes great lessons.

Your help enabled me to fulfill my dream to pursue my studies in a great university. In the following days I will remember what you have told me and work and study hard to be a capable, conscientious and responsible person.

Yours truly,

Li Ming



Suppose you were taken good care of by Aunt Sun when you pursued your studies in Los Angels where Sun lived. Write a letter in about 100 words to extend your appreciation. Do not

sign your own name, using “Li Ming” instead.Dear Aunt Sun,

It is a great pleasure to extend my sincere gratitude to you for your hospitality and consideration while I pursue my bachelors degree at University of California.

As soon as I arrived in Los Angeles, you found me an apartment near my university. When I met with difficulties you often sent your daughter to help me and when I felt homesick you often talked to me patiently. You told me how to improve my efficiency in both work and study and how to get on well with teachers and schoolmates. Furthermore, you invited me to dinner on nearly every weekend.

Without your help, I would not have graduated with honors and found a satisfactory job back here in China. I know I can never repay you for everything you have done for me in the past four years, but you can be sure that I

Best regards.

Yours faithfully,

Li Ming ll never forget it.




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1. 年、月、日都写时,通常以月、日、年为顺序,月份可以缩写,日和年用逗号隔开,例如:december 18, xx或者dec. 18, xx。

2. 如果要写星期,星期要紧挨日期,它既可以放在日期前面,也可以放在日期后面,星期也可以省略不写。星期和日期之间不用标点,但要空一格,星期也可缩写,例如:thursday dec. 18, xx或dec.18,xx thursday

3. 天气情况必不可少,天气一般用一个形容词如:sunny, fine, rainy, snowy等表示。天气通常位于日记的右上角。



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Yesterday was my birthday, so some of my classmates sent me presents。

Mother prepared a tea party for me。 I invited all of them to e and take part in

it。The tea party began at half past six。 There were cold drinks and

refreshments。 We ate, talked and laughed。 We felt that we were the happest men

in the world。




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In the east of China,there is a small city---Haimen.I was born

there.Today,I am telling you about my hometown.

Haimen is not far from Shanghai.Its at the mouth of the Changjiang

River.Haimen is a modern city.There are lots of high buildings in it.Most of us

live in flats.We like to live in flats because we can be close to our friends.In

the center of Haimen,there are many shops.You can buy some nice things

here.Things in most shops arent expensive.You can pay a little money and they

are yours.

My hometown is a beautiful city.On each of the roads,there are some big

trees and nice flowers.The roads are also very clean.They make people happy and

comfortable.The seasons here are very nice.I like autumn best.Its neither hot

nor cold.A poem says “Flyer of summer come to my window to sing,then fly

away.And yellow leaves of autumn,which have no songs,just fall there with a

sign.” Its very cool.

I love Haimen.Its a nice place to live.Welcome to my hometown.



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第一,引导学生生活中的琐碎小事选材。生活本身就是由琐碎小事构成的,像一家人坐在一起吃饭,上学时受到老师批评,路上看见一件奇怪的事情,和同学发生一点儿矛盾……这些都是琐事,其实 ,像盖房,结婚,考上大学等等发生在我们身上的大事、正事本来就是有限的。我们在引导学生写作时,应该着重引导他们注意从生活琐碎里边选材,把这样的小事写活,写细,达到以小见大突出主题的目的,文章自然就生动有趣了。我们在写作“自己身边的亲情故事”时,我注重引导孩子们从身边发现和挖掘素材,写出了不少令人满意的作文。 陈志豪同学写的《藏在鸡蛋里的爱》,叙述了和爸爸一起吃饭时把碗里的荷包蛋“撬”到爸爸碗里,又被爸爸“撬”回来的小事,体现了父子之间的深深的爱,语言简洁生动,读起来却真实感人。

第二,引导学生抓住镜头描写,动静结合, 让人物活起来。


作为一种描写方式——动静结合,就是把人物静态时的外貌特点和行动时的动作特点,有机地结合起来写,从而逼真地反映人物的性格特点 ,让人物真切、立体地“活”在读者面前。描写人物静态,应从人物的身材、体型、衣着、容貌、姿势或某个局部的特写等方面,选择最能反映人物个性特点的地方来描写。中小学生作文描写人物静态的最多见的弊病是“千人一面”,不管男女老幼,写眼睛就是“大大的炯炯有神”,写眉毛就是“弯弯的像个月牙”,写面部就是“一笑两个小酒窝”。因此“抓个性”是静态描写的最重要的一环。 描写人物动态,要在平时观察的基础上,找出最能反映人物性格特点的动作来描写。写出人物动作时的个性化,写出人物动态时的神情、姿态和气质。我们作文时,容易偏重于人物的对话而忽略人物的动态描写。其实,动态也是最能反映人物性格特点的。所以动态描写一般要关注人物的举手投足、神情变化等。采用动静结合法描写人物,要做到静态特点和动态特点的自然统一、水乳交融,从而把人物写生动、写真实,从而使文章产生感人的力量。作文中写人物的机会很多,掌握了动静结合法,你笔下的人物很容易“活”起来。


文章不是无情物。一篇让人喜爱的好文章,往往渗透着作者真挚浓厚的感情。很多人写作,主要是心灵受某种情感的冲击,这种情感自然就会流动于笔端。 我们常说:拥有真情,才能拥有感动,只有渗透着泪与笑的文章才会获得真正的生命,才具有震撼读者心灵的力量。

第四,提高批改时的档次 ,用表扬激励参与的积极性。无论是大人还是孩子,都喜欢正面的评价和表扬。尽管我们都知道:“忠言逆耳利于行”的古训 ,可总还是抑制不住喜欢赞美之词。虽然在批改作文时需要我们找出学生存在的问题 ,但是,老师应该尽量戴上放大镜去寻找文章中的优点,大到文章的构思,小到遣词造句,只要有长处,老师就要毫不吝啬的指出来。孩子们最愿意看到的不是你的挑三拣四,而是你对他的赞赏。所以我在批改作文时总是有意提高打分的档次,极大地鼓励了孩子们的写作热情。




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就“说明对象”而言,英语说明文可分为对“客观具体事物”的说明和对“主观抽象观念”的说明两大类,比如:对“LASER(激光)”、“Computer Problem of Year XX(计算机XX年问题)”等等的说明都是对客观或者具体事物的说明,而“The Successful Interview(谈成功的面试)”、“How to Write Good English Composition(如何才能写好英语作文)” 等是对主观抽象观念的说明。对我们中学生朋友来说,在汉语说明文的教学中似乎比较侧重前者,即解释客观具体事物的说明文。但在英语说明文中,阐述和说明 “主观抽象观念”的说明文占了很大的比重,其中有些类似汉语中的议论文。但是无论是对“客观具体事物”的说明还是对“主观抽象观念”的阐述,英语说明文从结构上看大致可分为三个部分:第一部分一般是文章的第一段,提出文章的主题,也就是说,文章想要阐述、说明的主要内容;第二部分是文章的主体,可由若干个段落组成,对文章的主题进行展开说明;第三部分是结尾段,对文章的主题作归纳总结。从英语说明文的结构可以看出,要写好英语说明文的关键在于第二部分如何对文章主题进行展开说明。在英语中,常见的用来展开文章主题的方法有下列几种:


在文章开始时提出需要说明的东西和观点,然后常用first,second,…and finally加以罗列说明。罗列法广泛地使用于各类指导性的说明文之中,下面这篇学生作文就是用罗列法写成的:

Early Rising

Early rising (早起) is helpful in more than one way. First, it helps to keep us fit (健康)。 We all need fresh air. But air is never so fresh as early in the morning. Besides, we can do good to our health from doing morning exercise (做早操)。

Secondly, early rising helps us in our studies. We learn more quickly in the morning, and find it easier to remember what we learn in the morning.

Thirdly, early rising enables (使能够) us to plan the work of the day. We cannot work well without a good plan. Just as the plan for the year should be made in the spring, so the plan for the day should be made in the morning.

Fourthly, early rising gives us enough time to get ready for our work, such as to wash our faces and hands and eat our breakfast properly.

Late risers may find it very difficult to form the habit of early rising. They ought to make special efforts to do so. As the English proverb says,“Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”


There are several good reasons why we should learn a foreign language. First of all, …Secondly, …And finally, …

We should try our best to plant more trees for several good reasons First of all, …Secondly, …And finally,

必须指出的是,有时罗列法并不一定有明确的first, second…等词,但文章还是以罗列论据展开的。


举例法是用具体的例子来说明我们要表达的意思,常用for example, for instance, still another example is…等词语引出。下面这篇学生作文就是用举例法写成的:


It is impossible to keep in good health unless we take enough recreation (娱乐)。 The mind, too, needs change to make it fresh and vigorous (有活力的) There is much truth in the old saying, All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.“

There are many games which boys and girls can play after their school work is done, for instance, football, tennis, and kite-flying. Other examples of recreation are boating, fishing, gardening, cycling, walking, chess-playing, and reading. Persons who sit much at their business should take a kind of recreation that will supply their muscles (肌肉) with exercise. Those who spend most of their time in the open air and do manual work (体力活) should adopt (采纳) reading or some other quiet form of recreation.

Cycling is said to be an important means of recreation, but many persons foolishly tire out themselves by cycling too much. The same may be said in regard to football. Tennis is a pleasant form of recreation. Many persons take great delight in boating. Fishing requires much patience, and there is much danger of taking cold by sitting still on a cold day too long. A good brisk (轻松) walk is one of the finest forms of exercise. For persons engaged in outdoor labor, chess-playing is another excellent form of recreation.


3.比较法(comparison and contrast)


From Paragraph to Essay

Although they are different in length (长度), the paragraph and the essay are quite similar in structure (结构)。 For example, the paragraph starts with either a topic sentence (主题句) or a topic introducer followed by a topic sentence. In the essay, the first paragraph sets up the topic focus (主题所在) Next, the sentences in the body of a paragraph develop the topic sentence. Similarly, the body of an essay consists of a number of paragraphs that discuss and support the ideas given in the introductory (引导的) paragraph. Finally, a concluding sentence (结束句) ——whether a restatement, conclusion, or observation——ends the paragraph. The essay, too, has a concluding paragraph which ends the essay logically and satisfactorily. Although there are some exceptions (例外), most well written expository (说明文的) paragraphs and essays are similar in structure.

可以看出,在比较相同点的时候,常用到similarly,also,too,in the same case,in spite of the difference等这样的词语。

European Football and American Football

Although European football is the parent of American football, the two games show several major differences. European football, sometimes called association football or soccer, is played in 80 countries, making it the most widely played sport in the world. American football, on the other hand, is popular only in North America (the United States and Canada)。 Soccer is played by eleven players with a round ball. Football, also played by eleven players in somewhat different positions (位置) on the field, is played with an elongated (拉长的) round ball. Soccer has little body contact (接触) between players and therefore needs no special protective equipment. Football, in which players make the greatest use of body contact to stop a running ball-carrier and his teammates, needs special protective equipment. In soccer, the ball is advanced toward the goal by kicking it or by butting (顶) it with the head. In American football, on the other hand, the ball is passed from hand to hand or carried in the hands across the opponents (对手) goal. These are just a few of the features which distinguish (区别) association and American football.

这是一篇用比较不同点的手法写的说明文。从文章中可以看出:however,on the other hand,in contrast,but,nevertheless等表示转折的词语常用来引导对不同点的比较。





A bat is a small mouse-like animal that flies at night and feeds on(以……为食品)fruit and insects but is not a bird.

其实,在英—英词典中,对英语单词的英文解释就是定义法的典型例子。比如,看看Longman词典对student和teacher的定义是很有意思的:A student is a person who is studying at a place of education or training. A teacher is a person who gives knowledge or skill to sb. as a profession (专业)。

5.顺序法(sequence of time, space and process)




Coal underwent (经受) many changes before it became the bright, brittle (脆的), black substance which we now use. During ancient times (在上古时代), when the earth enjoyed a very warm and wet climate, the land was covered with large forests and big plants. As time went on, the ground changed and began to sink (下沉) a little. These very large numbers of trees and vegetables received a deposit (沉淀) of sand and clay. This layer of sand and clay pressed upon the layer beneath and prevented it from contact with air. These trees and plants received the pres sure and changed its appearance.

Generations after generations (几世纪后), as the ground kept gradually sinking, another layer of sand and clay was again deposited (积聚) above the layers already formed. A great pressure was thus exerted (作用) and the peat (泥煤) was changed into the black and brittle substance which is known as coal.

Coal is a kind of mineral which is formed by nature as above stated. It is an important industrial material and is chiefly used as fuel. It is very valuable in the industrial world. The place where coal deposit is called a coal mine (煤矿)。 In China, coal mines are largely found in the north-west part of the country. Shanxi is a famous province for producing coal. It has the most coal of China.


分类法是将写作对象进行分类说明的一种写作手法。比如:著名的英国哲学家弗朗西斯·培根(Francis Bacon)在其脍炙人口的《谈读书》(Of Studies)一文中就用到了分类法:

Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested, that is, some books are to be read only in parts, others to be read, but not curiously, and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention. Some books also may be read by deputy, and extracts made of them by others; but that would be only in the less important arguments, and the meaner sort of books…







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2.28 星期二 晴




3.3 星期五 小雨


3.5 星期一


3.9 星期三




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It is a special day today. My mother sent one hundred basket of red

bayberries. I like to eat red bayberries. It tastes nice. When they arrived in

Shanghai, they were still fresh. But most of them would be sent to my mother’s

business friends. I chose the best basket of red bayberries to eat. I put the

rest in my refrigerator. Red bayberry is my hometown’s special product. It is

well-known in china. Many people like to eat it.



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Now the year is coming, as a child, I love Spring Festival very much,

because I can get a lot of lucky money. In China, the children can get the lucky

money from the adults, then the kids say back some good wishes. I want to use my

lucky money to buy toys and firework, I want a toy car, I see it from the

cartoon. I also want to play firework with my friends.



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I was happy this summer holiday! Do you know why? Because I had enjoyed a

good summer holiday! In the morning, sometimes I went to NanHu Park to play

badminton with my families or friends. We always went to McDonalds to have

lunch after we finish the game. My sister and me like swimming, so in the

afternoon, we went to swimming with our father. It was so cool! It feels so

great to swim in such hot summer days.



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写作思路 求职信也是交际的一种形式,它可以反映出一个人的专业水平,从用人单位的角度出发考虑问题是使求职信产生积极效果的重要方法。求职者应该采取换位思考的方法,通过分析用人单位提出的要求,了解他们的需要,然后有针对性地向他们提供自己的背景资料,表现出自己独到的智慧与才干,使他们从你的身上看到希望,并做出对你有利的决定。

写作原则 根据求职的目的来布局谋篇,把重要的内容放在篇首,对相同或相似的内容进行归类组合,段与段之间按逻辑顺序衔接,从阅信人的角度出发组织内容。信件要具个人特色、亲切且能体现出专业水平,意思表达要直接、简洁,书写要清晰、简单明了,内容、语气、用词的选择和对希望的表达要积极,充分显示出你是一个乐观、有责任心和有创造力的人。

求职信的诸多不宜 不宜太长,一封求职信不能多于一页。不宜有文字上的错讹,切忌有错字、别字、病句及文理欠通顺的现象发生。不宜是的翻版,应与履历分开,自成一体。


求职信正确的写法 第一部分写明你要申请的职位和你是如何得知该职位的招聘信息的。第二部分说明你如何满足公司的要求,陈述个人技能和个性特征。第三部分表明你希望迅速得到回音,并标明与你联系的最佳方式。第四部分感谢对方阅读并考虑你的应聘。每封求职信应以针对适合雇主而精心设计,以此表明你明白该公司的需要。求职信还应包括与你所取得的成果及解决的问题的事例,这些事例与你所申请的工作类型相关。

求职信应是寄给有职位的某一特定的人, 使用高档纸书写,仔细校对,避免打字或语法方面的错误,要自存副本档案。



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Today is Wednesday.My mother、my father and I are all at home.Now my mother

is washing clothes.My father is reading newspapers.I am doing my English


Today afternoon we are going to go to my grandparentss home.And I will

play with my little sister.I think I will have a nice day.




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I have stayed in Shanghai alone for a week. It’s time for me to go to my

real home—it is in Beijing. My parents are waiting for me. Although outside is

no matter how beautiful, Beijing is still my home. In fact, there is many fresh

things. Like red bayberries. In the afternoon, I took a bus to Beijing. I was

very unlucky that my mp3 was stolen. I was very sad. I didn’t know why thieves

went to steal other’s things. Why don’t they hunt for a job? I don’t why! I hope

there is no thief in our motherland.



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In the flat opposite, a woman heard the noise outside. When she looked out through the window, she discovered that her neighbor was threatened by someone. She immediately called the police station. In answer to the call, a patrol police car arrived at the scene of the crime quickly. Three policemen went inside the flat at once, and others guarded outside the building to prevent anyone from escaping.,


常用于叙述法中的过渡连接词有:first, an the beginning, to start with, after that, later, then, afterwards, in the end, finally等。


作者运用列举法,是通过列举一系列的论据对topic sentence中摆出的论点进行广泛、全面地陈述或解释,列举的顺序可以按照所列各点内容的相对重要性、时间、空间等进行。,

Yesterday was one of those awful days for me when everything I did went wrong. First, I didnt hear my alarm clock and arrived late for work. Then, I didnt read my diary properly and forgot to get to an important meeting with my boss. During the coffee break, I dropped my coffee cup and spoilt my new skirt. At lunch time, I left my purse on a bus and lost all the money that was in it. After lunch, my boss was angry because I hadnt gone to the meeting. Then I didnt notice a sign on a door that said "Wet Paint" and so I spoilt my jacket too. When I got home I couldnt get into my flat because I had left my key in my office. So I broke a window to get in and cut my hand.

根据本段主题句中的关键词组everything I did went wrong,作者列举了8点内容,分别由first, then, during the coffee break, after lunch time等连接词语引出,使得该文条理清楚、脉络分明、内容连贯。

常用于列举法的过渡连接词有:for one thing , for another, finally, besides, moreover, one another , still another, first, second, also等。



Since that time, which is far enough away from now, I have often thought that few people know what secrecy there is in the young, under terror. I was in mortal terror of the young man who wanted my heart and liver; I was in mortal terror of my interlocutor with the iron leg; I was in mortal terror of myself, from whom an awful promise had been extracted; --

该段中反复应用了I was in mortal terror of …我经常处于恐怖之中。

以上, 我们结合具体文章讨论了展开段落的几种方法。在实际写作中,我们往往不必拘泥于一种写作方法,而是将若干方法穿插在一起,使文章有声有色。



The role of women in todays society is changing. One reason is that women have begun to assert themselves as independent people through the womens movement. Also, women are aware of the alternatives to staying at home. Another reason is that increasing numbers of women who enter new fields and interests serve as role models for other women. Moreover, men are becoming more conscious of the abilities of women and have begun to view their independence positively.

本段中,主题句提出了一种社会现象,推展句则对产生这种现象的原因作出各种解释。 常用于因果分析法的连接词有:because, so, as a result等。



The heart of an electronic computer lies in its vacuum tubes, or transistors. Its electronic circuits work a thousand times faster than the nicer cells in the human brain. A problem that might take a human being a long time to solve can be solved by a computer in one minute.

在这段文字上, 作者为了突出电子计算机运行速度之快,首先将它与人脑进行了比较, "-- a thousand times faster than --" ;而后,又将这一概念具体到了 "a problem"上,通过对比使读者从 "-- a long time -- in one minute"上有更加直观的认识。

常用于对本法或比较法上的过渡连接词有:than, compared with等。



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1、Practice makes perfect.


2、Take care of the pence/pennies,and the pounds will take care of themselves.


3、Swift to hear,slow to speak.


4、Procrastination is the thief of time.


5、Tomorrow is another day.


6、Exploit to the full one’S favorable conditions and avoid unfavorableones.


7、Promise little,but do much.


8、cripples learns to limp.


9、Bend the willow while it is still youn.


10、Knowledge is power.


11、Passion,though a bad regulator,is a powerful sprin.


12、Learn from other’S strong points to offset one’S weaknesses.


13、He than run fast gets the rin.


14、We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.


15、Our greatest glory consists not in never failin9,but in rising every time we fall.


16、Ideals are like stars-we never reach them,but like marlners,we chart our courses by them.


17、Youth’s stuff will not endure.


18、A pet lamb makes a cross ralTl.


19、Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.


20、Do not throw the baby with the bath water.


21、Wisdom is only found in truth.


22、A stitch in time saves nine.


23、An hour in the morning is worth two in the evenin9./The morning hour has gold in its mouth.


24、Where there is a will,there is a way.


25、Broaden one’S scope ofknowledge and widen one’S horizon.


26、He that can have patience can have what he will.


27、Thought is the seed of action.


28、As you give,as you receive./As you sow,you shall mow.


29、Every man is the master ofhis own fogune.


30、Good health is the best treasure a person can procure.


31、Disappointment is the nurse of wisdom.


32、The first step to knowledge is to know that we are ignorant.


33、Home-keeping youth have ever homely wits.


34、People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.


35、Give me where to stand,and l will move the world.




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January 21

It was cooler than yesterday. One of my father’s friends invited me to eat red bayberries. You must know it is unusual. Because we will climb the hill to eat red bayberries. There is no chance to eat red bayberries in the hill for the people who don’t live in Beijing. On the hill, you can breathe the fresh air, you can listen birds singing and you can eat red bayberries. It was enjoyable. It is said there are wild pigs in the hill. What a beautiful natural.

January 22

Today I found time was a cruel thing. Whatever man is, time always goes on. It won’t stay to wait for somebody. You can’t use anything to exchange time. Time is also a fair thing. Although you have a lot of money or you enjoy high reputation, time won’t leave them more. Today I found I hadn’t enough time. Although I have 50-day holiday, but I found I had a lot of things to do. I had a lot of homework to do and I had something necessary to do.

January 23

I have rested for 10 days. In these days, I felt very bored. I didn’t know to do what. Although I had a lot of things to do, I felt uncomfortable. I was ill because of the cold weather. I was tired, sleepy and had no strength. My parents are worried about my health. in fact, it didn’t matter. I was always in the room with air-conditioner and opened it in a low temperature. So when I went out, the high temperature disagreed to me. Finally, I was ill.



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Today was a fine day.My sister and I went to the park.We saw many trees and

flowers near the lake.Some were green ,Some were white ,some were yellow .We

played near the lake .We were sitting under a big tree,and we made some paper

ships.We hade a good time.



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Tomorrow is Christmas day, today is Christmas Eve.

We began to dress up the Christmas tree at night, have a lot of gift

packages, and a snowman, and bells and so on, it’s beautiful. We had a Christmas

party at home. A party with my host, and performances. My sister and me a lot of

toys are blouses sit, waiting for the host performance report shows. Sister and

I together singing, dancing, poems and mother singing performance, dad would

listen, we’re having a good time.



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假若今天是香港回归5 周年纪念日,你观看了中央电视台的专题节目,看到了香港回归所发生的巨大变化。



2。 1997 年 7 月 1 日香港已经回归祖国, 1999 年 12 月 20 日澳门也回到了到了祖国的怀抱。香港和澳门的明天会更加美好。

3。 台湾是中国领土不可分割( integral )的一部分,中国人民,包括生活在台湾的绝大多数人都盼望台湾赶快回归祖国。

注:英语短文的标题已经给出,全文约 100 词。

How I Wish China Would Be United Sooner!

July 1st, 2002 Fine

Hong Kong and Macao are parts of China in history, but they were separated from the motherland for some political reasons。 China has been getting richer and stronger since its opening to the outside world。 On July 1, 1997, Hong Kong finally returned home。 On December 20, 1999, Macao returned home, too。 Great changes have taken place in both Hong Kong and Macao。 It shows the development and great strength of our country。

Taiwan is an intergral part of China。 The Chinese people as well as most of the people from Taiwan are looking forward to the day on which Taiwan will return home。 We are sure that day will come sooner or later。
