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1. 关爱动物,保护森林,让茂密的森林成为野生动物的栖息护庇护场所。

2. 保护植物,花草树木,让小动物在这个环境舒适的小天地尽情玩耍。

3. 人人行动起来,积极劝说阻止,举报各类破坏森林,伤害野生动物的行为,做保护生态环境的模范。




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Green, is the true nature of life, is the intentional and unintentional destruction of the day by day to reduce the disappearance, and take it that is pollution, is rubbish. Our mother - the earth! She was originally fenghuangmao, but she was old, sick, wounded: human beings, wake up! Let us protect our mother, let her return to the young bar!

How can we protect the environment? First of all, we must establish a sense of protection, to establish peoples civilized fashion, to eliminate the phenomenon of littering, which is followed by one, then the second is what? Is rubbish. Speaking of garbage, then we pay attention to the more of the. 1, we set the attention of garbage health. Garbage, we have to use a garbage bag to wrap up and keep the sanitation environment. 2, garbage to be classified. In the classification process, we should put the waste paper. plastic. Waste bottles cans and other renewable resources can be recycled, can not be recycled into the garbage poke, but never allowed to throw the old battery, you must put the battery into the recycling station, so that the recycling staff to deal with the third With or without plastic bags, disposable lunch boxes of these white pollution, these aspects are introduced how to protect the environment, the following let me introduce how to save resources! 1, saving water, in the use of faucet in the process, we To keep the faucet away from any drop of water. Some people will think, is not a drop of water? What can be worth a fuss? But you have not thought that Chinas fresh water this year, a sharp reduction, do not cherish, the last drop may be your tears! So please be sure to cherish this drop of water! 2, cherish every grain of rice. I think we all hear who knows the plate of Chinese food, grain are hard this sentence it! A grain of rice, a drop of sweat, some children can also develop a snack, do not eat bad habits, so not only a waste of food, Also harmful to the body, is not it tasteless? So, you should correct this bad problem as soon as possible.

In addition, we have to carry out and participate in the city, the town of some environmental activities, consciously to the masses to promote some knowledge of the ring, but also the use of some waste to produce a variety of small production. In addition, you can also in March 12 to carry out tree planting activities, continue to add green to their homes.

People only ah! Only let the green to restore the original beauty, can we let our mothers on behalf of the reproduction, enduring. Let us work together to create a happy and happy world!



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Pandas are my favourite animals. In fact, all the people like pands as well. Pandasliving in the wild can live for 20 years while the pandas that live in the zoos can have a life of more thqn 30 years. Pandas are really lovely. They can not only climb trees but also swim. However, the number of pandas is decreasing sharply. It is said that there are only 1000 pandas remaining in the world at present. It is sad news for all of us. Therefore, we are supposed to take measures to protect pandas in order to prevent them from dying out.



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Last week, I visited the geological museum with my best friend, Liu Bing.

It was my first time to go there. The moment we arrived there, we found that the

building was grand. When we walked into it, there was a big hall in front of us.

And then there were several rooms to show different kinds objects. There was a

room for collecting scripts and paintings. There was another room to store

clothes and shoes in the old times. The next room was for collecting the daily

necessities in the old days. In a word, all the things in it had a long history.

I learnt some knowledge from it.



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Hello,my name is jhon.My favorite animals are cat. Because they very cute. They can paly with me. They are my friden and they can gave me very happy. They are yellow , write and black. Many people all live them. I thing they are healhy. Can you tell me about your favorite animals?



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THE EARTH,our dearest mother--BUT,my friends,do any of you have considered how serious the problem will be when the earth is polluted,the air is not fresh,the forest is not flourishing?The environment pollution exist everywhere,the earth will lose its luster noon.my friends,shold we still keep insensible?our earth mother is not smiling anymore,doesn‘t it do something to us?Let‘s moving,my dear classmates,carry out environmental protection with a trifle to make the earth a pure land,and,let it hold a charming smile!

地球 ,我们最亲爱的母亲。但是 ,当大地被污染 ,当空气不再新鲜,当森林不再茂密.亲爱的朋友 ,您想过吗? 这是一个多么严重的问题!污染环境的问题随处可见,地球母亲即将失去往日的光彩。朋友,请问我们还能够无动于衷吗?朋友们.对于污染环境的问题 随处可见 ,母亲不在微笑。难道我们不心痛吗? 亲爱的同学们,让我们行动起来,从小事做起.展开环保活动,还母亲一片净土.让我们的母亲从新拥有一个迷人的微笑。


There are still many problems of enviromental protection in recent years. One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air,water and soil. The polluted air does great harm to peoples health. The polluted water causes diseases and death. Whats more, vegetation has been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities.

To protect the environment,governments of many countries have done a lot. Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution. Therefore, government are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today.

In my opinion , to protect environment, the goernment must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education.Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people mean more pollution.Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionalli should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.






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We need to protect small animals, especially chickens this kind of small animals, because chickens can call in the morning we wake up, can have another round of eggs, chicken can also provide for us.

On one occasion, my mother and I serving market, hear an old woman Shouting: "chicken, chicken fat and tender today!" Mother said: "today, we buy a chicken home, stew to drink." I said: "ok." But wanted to think: if we ate chicken, then you cant eat eggs, he said to mother: "no, eat the chicken, there is no egg." "The silly child, you fuck what blind heart!" Mother threw themselves to pull me to the other side of the chicken. Granny is kill chicken chicken, she plucked chickens neck hair, the knife in chicken neck hard a few strokes. Chicken blood spray to the surrounding, struggled for a few times and he died. "So cruel, I dont want to eat chicken!" My mother to protest loudly. "Well, dont buy, we will go to buy some vegetables." Maybe my mother also feel cruel, agreed.

If our life does not have the animal, the world will become very lonely. , we need to protect animals from oneself: eat less meat, less wear leather sweater; See someone humiliate animal, to bravely to come forward to persuade them.

To protect animals, everyone duty!







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My favourite animal is fish. Because they are very interesting. There are many kinds of fish. They are liveing in water very free. They are very colorful, some fish are red, some fish are white, and some fish are gold... So I like them very much !!!!

我最喜欢的动物是鱼。因为他们是非常有趣的。鱼的种类非常多。他们是在水中自由自在的生活。他们是五颜六色的,一些鱼是红色的,一些鱼是白色的,一些鱼是黄金色的……我非常喜欢它们! ! ! !



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生命的长度,也许是由几百年,也许是由短短的几天,也有可能连出生都没有,就已经一命呜呼了,生命又是谁能够决定的呢?是谁能决定不让意外、生病… …等危害生命的事情发生呢?种种原因,谁能不面临死亡?现在只能珍惜生命,以及避免发生不好的事。


狗就是人的朋友,怎么对待好朋友,就该怎么对待它们,而不是当作驱赶坏人的好工具,或是一只很可爱的会动娃娃。狗虽然不会讲人话,但它会中心不二的在你身边,想到弃养它们的人,是不是很可恶?你在养之前,确定等待他长大之后,还是会继续养,不看外表?你确定有能力吗?还是只是为了看门而已?养它们之前,请三思!养了之后,它也许和它的家人分开了,就只有你唯一一个家人,所以必须也把它当家人,如果你变成狗, 就一定明白,这多么无助,多希望有人爱。

当你弃养狗,接下来的事情,我相信每个人都无法接受,它又失去家人了!它将被送至收养中心,没人喜欢的话,就要安乐死,如果你失去家人,没多久又莫名被关起来坐牢,几天之后,没人想接你回家,你就要面临死亡,发生这种事情,你又不能决定,死的很奇怪吧!对,这是弃养狗的人,做的事情,换做是你,你会无法形 容这种感觉,别人说不公平,其实我们都很幸福,爸妈不会不要我们,它们才觉得不公平吧?为什么是别人选自己,而不是自己选别人,为什么说不养就可能死?狗对人们就是不平等。




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the only mother of human beings, is now facing a great threat-environmental pollution. Therefore, it is important for all of us to protect the earth, for she is only home to all peoples living on it. Throughout the world, environmental pollution is becoming more and more serious as a result of various reasons .First of all, the rapid economic and social development is producing a large amount of pollution in form of gas, waster and waste;. Besides, Peoples poor awareness of environmental protection is also another important factor contributing to environmental problems. For example, a large number of people have developed the habit of using plastic bags and white lunch boxes which do great harm to environment. What’s worse, many people are cutting ting down increasing number of trees, causing soil erosion. In addition, the management of the government also contributes to serious pollution. Therefore, we must take measures to prevent the earth from being polluted. Living on this beautiful planet, we must actively contribute to beautifying the environment. Its important to improve the environmental awareness of human beings. The factories should reduce the discharge of sewage and gas. People should learn to use clean energy such as Solar, Nuclear and Hydrogen energy. The government should make some laws to ban different harmful pollution. Let’s change words into action! The earth is our only home. From now on, everybody should protect the environment and make our home a better world.



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As we all know,animals are our friends.I like every animal.But I like dogs best.Dogs are not only very lovely,but also very helpful.Thats why we all feed dogs at home.I often share happiness and shorrow with it, which belongs to me three years ago,called"Betty".In other words,we should treat them as our real friends.Do you agree with me?




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Protect the environment, is to protect human survival environment, make the earth from pollution. Environmental protection consciousness, starts from me, starts from dribs and drabs, start with a small paper scraps.

The classmates you know? "Environmental protection" this two word write very easy, but it is very difficult to do. If we dont do "environmental protection", then maybe in five years later, maybe after ten years, maybe in the future one day, and what will happen to our world? May be a grey day, you can see garbage everywhere, every some time will come a sandstorm, would come so many people unable to imagine...

I really did not dare to imagine again, write down again, this really is terrible. But now how many people are really in the environmental protection? You see, every trash can next to have full of rubbish. Although the rubbish is only one step away from the trash, but around and no one will put the rubbish into the trashcan, you both do turn a blind eye to it; How many trees have been cut down, sent to the factory, to make a one-off chopsticks, for those who covet convenient use, make it match, make paper towel... And then to the market to sell. I think if these items will talk, they would have said such a sentence: "wake up! Dont damage the environment again, dont destroy our home again, you will regret later. Dont you dont want to be a family? Dont want the earth? If you want these things, then began to protect us, and begin to protect your dribs and drabs around!"

Now you may have a little regret! Maybe thinking about a variety of ways to save the world, to save our home! Actually very simple, we just have to start from around things. See waste paper fell to the ground just bend over to pick it up; See saplings fall down, just a few friends together, righting it together, together to help it grow; Protect wildlife, covet them delicious meat, that no longer will they brutally skinned meat; To open a small speech, called on people to protect the environment, protect the people and objects around. Every little bit, starts from the minor matter, starts from the side, hard for the earth.

Let us act, protect the environment, do a good job in environmental protection. Dont let the noise of the earths environment is damaged again!








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It is one of the most precious animals. Their bodies are very long, about one zhang(丈). Dolphins live in the sea. They live on fish, shrimps and so on.

Dolphins are very friendly and peaceful. They never attack people. Instead, they have saved many people in danger in the past years. How helpful the dolphins are!

Dolphins are very clever. People often train them so that they can give a dolphin show which brings people a lot of happiness and joy.

Unluckily, the number of dolphins is getting smaller and smaller. Because of water pollution, there is less and less space for dolphins. Many people make money by hunting dolphins. If we don’t protect them, maybe we’ll lose our good friends one day. As a student, I hope more and more people should take actions to protect dolphins.



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I have always enjoyed the puppy, the puppy to grandmas house is particularly like, remember once I back to grandmas house, the dog seemed to think I am the bad guy, keep the eye, or grandma picked the dog away. The dog is a kind of lovely animals, very likable. Its limbs flexible, agile, cute little face on a pair of cute little eyes, white and brown hair, looks very cute. It furry body, black nose, swaying in the small tail, is charming. The dog is very cute when eating, if meat it down, if you drink milk, just lick milk is all about, I help grandma dog a name, called -- -- -- -- -- lele, grew up because I want it to be happy, not happy things outside the cloud nine. Lele like the sunshine, if the sun special good, it will immediately run to come over, how do you make it, it all ignore you. Lele slept in their own doghouse, like to put the dog kennel in bed. It was quiet and convenient. Lele love clean, every few days will be washing a bath, I like to give it a bath, xian play with it, let me feel a lot of fun. So I like dog.

我一向很喜欢小狗,对姥姥家的那只小狗是格外喜欢,记得有一次我回姥姥家,小狗好像把我当成了坏人,不停的汪汪的叫着,还是姥姥把狗抱开了. 小狗是一种可爱的小动物,很讨人喜欢.它四肢灵活,行动敏捷,可爱的小面孔上长着一对可爱的小眼睛,身上白色和咖啡色的毛,显得格外可爱. 它那毛茸茸的身体,漆黑的鼻子,摇来摇去的小尾巴,很讨人喜欢. 小狗吃东西的时候非常可爱,要是肉它就狼吞虎咽,要是喝牛奶,就把牛奶舔得一干二净,我帮姥姥的小狗起了一个名字,叫-----乐乐,因为我希望它快快乐乐的长大,把不高兴的事抛到九霄云外. 乐乐喜欢晒太阳,要是太阳特别好,它就会立马跑过来,你怎么逗它,它都不理你. 乐乐睡在自已的狗窝里,喜欢把狗窝放在床底下.这样既安静又方便. 乐乐爱干净,每隔几天就要冼一次澡,我喜欢给它冼澡,逗它玩,让我感到了许多的乐趣. 所以我很喜欢小狗.



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One day Sun Wukong together with his master and brothers was walking across a river. Suddenly his master fell off the horse by the bad smell of river water. They found the water so dirty that they could hardly breathe.

A lot of factories along the river always poured their waste water and rubbish straight into the river which made the river water polluted. In this way most of the fish in the river were killed. If the river water all over the country is polluted like this, no living things will exist in the water. Now more and more people have come to realize how serious this problem is. Our government is doing her best to take measures to fight against pollution. We expect that the water in every river will be made cleaner and cleaner before long.


There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years. One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil. the polluted air does great harm to people’s health. The polluted water causes diseases and death. What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities.

To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot. Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution. Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today.

In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.


Dear editor,

Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. _________________________________________________________

Yours truly

Li Hua

Dear editor,

Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world.

With the development of industry and agriculture, cars make great noises and give off poisonous gas. Because of population expansion and overdevelopment, resources has become less and less. Trees on the hills have been cut down, and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers. The whole ecological balance of the earth is changing. Massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man’s existence.

We must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental problems. We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a healthful environment.

Yours truly

Li Hua



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白色污染White Pollution

With the remarkable improvement of people’s living standard, people tend to buy more goods. As a result, a plenty of plastic bags are threw around and caused white pollution. Not only does it do harm to the environment, but also give people the impression that the city is dirty. As we all known, plastic bags are non-biodegradable material and it will stay in the soil for a long time. What’s worse, the poison released from the plastic bags is harmful.


Being current generation of young people, we should take measures to control the use of plastic bags .We can substitute them with cloth bags or reuse them. And the government can make rules to avoid using them. If we do our best, the use of plastic bags can be reduced, thus the white pollution can be controlled.

