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spring Festival is coming soon! The festivel is considereded the most important one for Chinese people. It is on the first day of lunar year. It is also the day of reunion among family members. During these days, people would say "happy new year! or wish you make fortune! to each other. They would also visit their relatives and friends. Children would be given "red packets". Children would have more to eat and play than usual.Playing firecrackers is also a popular game for children.




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Dear Nate,

I am so excited to hear that you will come to learn Chinese in our school.

Now let me tell you something about our school. Our school is the key school of

our city with the most beautiful campus. It has many trees, flowers and a lot of

grass. We have two very nice and teaching buildings and a dormitory building. In

addition, the school is well-equipped with excellent equipment, such as a new

gym, a computer room and a large library. There are also a lot of electives to

choose from, such as painting, typing and cooking. Above all, there are many

excellent teachers in our school. Classes are interesting, the teachers are

kind, well-educated and knowledgeable and willing to help students in study as

well as in life. I like my school very much. I hope you will like it, too.

Yours sincerely




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文化差异何其大 美国为何难以理解中国

Do the events that led to the outbreak of the first world war carry lessons for the Sino-American relationship? A century ago it was the ascent of Germany under Kaiser Wilhelm I thatunsettled the world; today a rising China is roiling east Asia. Then, as now, domestic politicson both sides played a role; one that is too easily neglected.

导致一战爆发的事件对中美关系有什么启发意义吗?一个世纪以前,德国在威廉一世(Kaiser Wilhelm I)领导下的崛起让世界感到不安;如今,中国的崛起让东亚感到不安。当时和现在一样,对立双方的国内政治都发挥了作用——这是一个太容易被人们忽视的因素。

Why did Britain and Germany – linked by trade, dynastic ties, culture and religion – findthemselves at war in August 1914? In part, as historian Paul Kennedy has argued, it wasbecause London’s liberal ideology contributed to its perception of a growing German threat.

1914年8月,存在贸易、王朝纽带、文化和宗教联系的英国和德国为何开战?从某种程度上来说,正如历史学家保罗肯尼迪(Paul Kennedy)所指出的,那是因为伦敦的自由主义意识形态强化了其关于德国威胁日益加剧的认识。

Filtered through liberalism’s lens, Germany looked militarist, autocratic, mercantilist and statist– and contempt for the country’s political culture added to London’s disquiet. When the warbegan, it quickly came to be seen as a liberal crusade against “Prussianism”.


In this respect, today’s Sino-American rivalry resembles the pre-1914 Anglo-Germanantagonism. The speed of China’s growth worries US policy makers, as do the geopoliticalimplications of its economic transformation.


Across the American political spectrum, China’s success is attributed to its failure to play bythe rules of free trade – for instance, its habit of manipulating the value of its currency andengaging in industrial espionage. Market-oriented liberalism is the dominant ideology in theUS and, as in pre-1914 Britain, it shapes policy makers’ image of their supposed adversary.


American leaders view China as a nation whose undemocratic political system raises doubtsabout both the scope of its foreign policy ambitions and its trustworthiness as a diplomaticpartner. Moreover, China’s combination of political authoritarianism and state-directedcapitalism causes unease because it challenges the supposed universality of the Americanmodel of liberal democracy and free-market capitalism.


Aaron Friedberg, a Princeton University professor, says that for Americans, “the success of amainland [Chinese] regime that blends authoritarian rule with market-driven economics is anaffront.” For members of the US foreign-policy elite, the Chinese threat is not so muchgeopolitical as ideological.

普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)的阿龙弗里德伯格(Aaron Friedberg)教授表示,在美国人看来,“中国大陆政权将威权统治和市场导向的经济学结合在一起所取得的成功是一种侮辱”。对美国上层外交政策制定者来说,中国威胁更多是意识形态层面的,而不是地缘政治上的。

Powerful external and domestic forces are putting the US and China on the road toconfrontation. China aspires to be the regional hegemon in east (and southeast) Asia. The US– the incumbent hegemon, having dominated the region since 1945 – is blocking its path.


Yet America’s predominance in east Asia contributes little to the security of a nation whosegeography and unsurpassed military capabilities would anyway make it close to invulnerable.The US is the most secure great power in history – even more so if you factor in thedeterrent effect of nuclear weapons. The true cause of American insecurity is not animminent encroachment on its territory but the risk that US alliances – especially with Japan –will draw it into a regional conflict.


The US wants to maintain its east Asian dominance to keep the region’s markets open toAmerican goods and its people open to liberal ideas. China threatens this openness, on whichAmerica’s security is wrongly believed to depend.


The liberal assumptions embedded in American foreign policy put the US at odds with China,and also heighten Beijing’s mistrust of Washington’s intentions and ambitions. The spiral ofanimosity that threatens to culminate in a confrontation between the two countries is inlarge part a creation of American policy.


As China’s rises, Washington has a last clear chance to avoid the looming Sino-Americanconflict.


This would entail making real concessions on Taiwan and on China’s territorial claims in the Eastand South China Seas. It would also involve a commitment that Washington would notinterfere in China’s internal affairs.


America’s political culture – based on exceptionalism, liberal ideology, and openness – is a bigobstacle to coming to terms with a resurgent China. So is the fact that the foreign-policy eliteremains wedded to American primacy, and refuses to accept that this will inevitably slip awaybecause of the relative decline of US power.


History is also a problem.


US policy makers are quick to invoke what they take to be the lessons of the 1930s whileoverlooking the causes of the first world war. David Calleo, a professor at Johns Hopkins, hasobserved that what we should learn from the earlier conflict “is not so much the need forvigilance against aggressors, but the ruinous consequences of refusing reasonableaccommodation to upstarts”.

美国政策制定者迅速摆出他们从上世纪30年代事件中归纳的教训,却无视一战的起因。约翰斯-霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)的戴维卡莱奥(David Calleo)教授指出,我们应该从更早那场冲突中学到的主要教训,“不是必须警惕侵略者,而是拒绝合理包容新崛起者将带来破坏性后果”。

If the US wants to avoid a future conflict with China, it cannot allow liberal ideology toobstruct a reconciliation with an ever more powerful China. That is the real lesson of 1914.




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Chinese New Year starts with the new moon on the first day of the new year

and ends on the the full days later. In china,people regard Spring Festival as

the most important thing.People studied and worked throughout the year.No matter

how far and how busy, they must do their best to go back home.Thats a tradition

and now becoming a habit. During this time,transport is extremely busy.Although

the way is difficult,it cant reduce the urgent feeling of going home.I cant

describe this feeling,only the people that experienced it can

understand.Actually,on one hand,people miss their family,and they need to get

comfort in the family.On the other hand,getting together is a symbol of

blessedness and auspiciousness.People in other country dont have this

consciousness that going home is necessary.For example,American could celebrate

the Christmas in everywhere they like or with anybody.This diversity is

occasioned by different culture between two countries.

On Spring festivals eve,the whole family prepare the dinner.Of

course,dumplings is essential.In the

evening,family members always sit at the television and watch Spring

Festival Gala.At 0:00,people set off firecrackers and fireworks,at the same

time,children pay New Year,s call to old people.The old people give money to the

children as a lunar new year gift.Usually,people stay up late or all night.

On lunar New Years Day, the Chinese family eat vegetarian dumplings which

imply they will plain and neat in this year. People change their new

clothes,this stands for a new beginning.Next,people visit relatives with some

gifts.The second day is son-in-laws festival,the husband and married women

visit their side of the family.In a word,Chinese attach great importance to

Spring Festival.



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Li Ying is one of my classmates.We share a bedroom with four others,so we

are also roommates.Today is her birthday and it so happened that it is Sunday at

the weekend.We decide to hold a party to celebrate Li Yings birthday in our own

bedroom.Since she is the youngest in our room,we all feel responsible to take

care of her.We hope that this party can relieve her homesickness.

We bought some fruit and candy,nineteen small candles,and a cake.At seven

in the evening,the party began.We lit the candles and sang "A happy birthday to

you" to Li Ying.And then we each gave her a small present.Li Ying looked excited

and happy.She blew out the candles,and we tasted the fruit and candy while

talking about various funny things we experienced in our childhood at home.At

the end of the party we encouraged each other to study even harder and be top

students in our class.

The party was a success,for Li Ying seemed very pleased and looked more

confident of herself.Tomorrow she will be nineteen years of age.



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People often ask and are asked that what is the most important thing in

life. Some people answer that family is the most important and others say love,

work or money. In my opinion, health is the most important in life. However, how

to keep healthy?

Firstly, being positive. A positive attitude towards life must be good to

health. It also brings you power to overcome disease. Secondly, taking exercise

regularly. Taking exercise regularly or even every day helps you build a strong

body which is the base of health. Exercise can improve the ability of the body

to fight disease. Thirdly, making friends, because friendship is an important

part to influence your health. Many studies show that people with a wide range

of social contacts get sick less than those who dont. I always feel better when

I am with friends than when I am alone. Finally, eating properly, having good

rest and building normal daily routine are aslo important to health.

Health is a problem we should attach importance to. Only build a healthy

body can us live a better life.







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The Spring Festival is our most solemn and most grand festival in China. Each family has been busy with a morning — — a spring festival couplet, a lantern hanging, a house cleaning, the preparation for the night dinner, all busy. My family is no exception.

Father and mother got up early to prepare for the Spring Festival. When I saw the big table, I couldnt help but the water. Chicken, duck, goose, meat, make me hungry all hook up. I hurried to ask my mother when I could eat the dinner. But the mother laughed and said, "“ and the firecrackers!" Look, youre in a hurry! ” I was embarrassed to laugh.

At the time of the dinner, my father and mother were happy to talk about his family. I could not understand it. I can only eat at one side. After dinner, our family went to play in the street together. The number of fireworks in the sky is not too many, even the car can only stop in remote places. Mother said: “ is this the people who see people, people squeeze people? ” I dont think so on the side. I looked at the flying fireworks with great relish.

We went to Lenin park to see the lantern. This is really a sea of people, but there are countless lights. The lantern here is a great variety of things. I picked up a flower lantern, which contained a plastic lotus flower, which contained a lamp. The four sides of the room embroidered dragon and the idiom of dragon, and I bought it at once.

There were more than a dozen minutes for the cannon away, and more and more people in the park. Father jokingly said: “ just go under the attic watch it here squashed. ” I and my mother laughed and said how could it be possible? But the weather, the sky began to fine drizzling rain but it could not withstand, peoples footsteps, many people still see salute.

When its time to put a gun, the park is more crowded. I stayed at the sight of such a beautiful cannon. I kept my eyes on the cannon, and even my father and mother called me, I didnt know. I have been intoxicated by the cannon in the sky at this moment.

The Spring Festival is the grand and grand festival in China, and it is also my favorite festival every year.



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小年,即每年农历腊月23或24,它是庆祝整个春节活动的开始和伏笔,主要活动有两项:扫年和祭灶. 扫年,即扫尘,实际上就是搞家庭环境卫生。北方人以腊月23为小年,称“扫房”;南方人以腊月24为小年,称“掸尘”.这一天每家每户黎明升起,扫房擦窗,清洗衣物,刷洗锅瓢,实行彻底的卫生大扫除.据《拾遗记》记载这个习俗可以追溯到3000多年前,当时先民驱役鬼,祈福安康的宗教仪式.后“尘”与“陈”谐音,故扫尘就是一扫而光陈旧的东西,这既指庭院里的陈年老垢,也指旧岁中碰到的不快。


除夕,是指每年农历腊月的最后一天(今年公历二月六日),它与春节(正月初一)首尾相连。“除夕”中的“除”字是“去;易;交替”的意思,除夕的意思是“旧岁至此而除,新年明晨而始”,故此期间的活动都围绕着除旧部新,禳灾祈福为中心。 除夕的主要活动有三项:吃团圆饭,祭祀,守岁。其中最有特点的还是守岁。






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The Spring Festival is a traditional festival in our country. Every Spring Festival, people always want to paste Fu characters, couplets, firecrackers. You see, every family has a decorated, the scene bursting with happiness.

Our family is no exception. I picked up a pair of spring couplets, stuck the glue on the door and put it neatly. Dad will "blessing" upside down on the door. Her sister was also busy in the room. She picked up a few red lanterns and hung them in the room, and put a bunch of small colored lights on the wall. The small color lights flicker like a small star in the blink of an eye.

"The year" the sound of firecrackers, the new year has passed. I love fireworks and love the Spring Festival more.



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why is goal-setting important? because goals can help you do and experience every meaningful thing you hope for in life. instead of letting life happen to you, goals allow you to make your life happen.

successful people have visions of what their life should be and they set lots of goals, both sbort-term and long-range, to help them realize the visions. by setting goals you are taking control of your life. it is like having a map to show where you want to go. a driver with an aim arrives at the destination without any waste of time or wrong turns.

on the contrary, a driver with no aim drives aimlessly around, never getting anywhere and just using up gas and oil. winners in life set goals and follow through on them. they decide what they want and then get there by making plans and setting goals.

goals ara not difficult to set and they are not difficult to reach. it is up to you to find out what your goals, ideals and visions really are. with a clear direction, and with certain plans, you will straightly get what you want.

without a goal, you have to live a passive life. you do not know where to go, what you want and why you are listless. then your life be comes dull and meaningless just like the dead water in a muddy lake.




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The summer holiday is coming. Our class have had a discussion about what to do during the holiday. Some are in favor of staying at home. They think its both convenient and comfortable. Whats more, they can save money for other purposes. But they will lose the chance of getting to know the outside world.

However, others prefer to go out for traveling since it can increase their knowledge and broaden their horizons. But they will spend more money and meet some difficulties while traveling.

In my opinion, it would be much better to stay at home, for I can do what I like, such as reading books, watching TV, and helping my parents with the housework.



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Chinese New Year is a lovely festival. So I bought some beautiful flowers. Before Chinese New Year, my family went to the shopping mall and bought a lot of things. There will be a big dinner for every family. My family eats the big dinner together. I was very happy in Chinese New Year.



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On the morning of the first day of the year, when the sky was light and the whole family set off firecrackers, the sound was deafening and I got up. As soon as I was out of the house, I saw all the houses in the house. Children in the streets are setting off firecrackers, others are playing, and children are laughing and laughing all over the street. Shops are also open for business.

The most exciting thing is the noon. The streets are crowded with people. People jostling with each other. Some adults with their children in the shopping, some children with their beloved toy gladly running around and other children cried and cried out, want to call to buy a toy. The shops in the streets were bewildering, with toys, barbeques, books and clothes. Some big sisters were talking and laughing, and some businessmen were gushing. The heat is in the air.

The night was coming. As I looked up at the night sky, a lot of fireworks were coming into the sky and the colors of the fireworks were lit up and the sky was decorated with colors. I went up to the roof and had a bird ;s-eye view. As if the whole world were enveloped in light.



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The New Year, new weather. Out of their homes, families are decorated; Street, beaming everywhere, laughter. The breath of spring flowers reflected the joy of thepeople in the face.

New Years eve firecrackers rang a hanging outside and another hung, thunderbolt barak ring; Inside the home, everyone was laughing, lively!

In these days, in the morning, people usually watch TV, play computer, only a few people in the homework. In the afternoon, a lot of people in Chen yi square to play, I also went to, Im going to fly a kite. First of all, I put the kite on the ground, thewind blows I started to run... But, I tried many times without success. Chen yi squareand merry-go-round, small train, plane, pirate ship, and a rolling chair, my brother and I played a lot of, can be fun. In the evening, everyone out fireworks, my sister and I are no exception. Lets play with the color fireworks, its appearance is a red and green cross, when lit, start is red, slowly becomes green, can be fun! We also play a lot of fireworks, among them, there is a call "auspicious colorful rain" fireworks, lit up, there will be many "rain" fly to heaven. On one occasion, I put thetwo "auspicious colorful rain" light stick together, fly higher!

Looking at the sky of fireworks, listening to the scratching of firecrackers everywhere, the Spring Festival, is really busy!



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During the Spring Festival, I will go back to my hometown with my parents. My hometown is chongqing, where the Spring Festival is completely different from the jinan I live in now.

On the morning of the New Years eve, the day just have a light, every household begins to burn incense, and then put a red bean in the side of the door, this is my family go in peace, said after breakfast, children will hang lanterns along with adult help to stick couplets on the Spring Festival, use glue also is very different, not with double-sided adhesive, using the paste, hang lanterns first, and then affix Spring Festival couplets.

Children after I finished my work with adults, adults can buy his children like firecrackers, whether boys or girls, are very like to set off firecrackers, grab a businessman to go to the street, are all can buy goods of the New Year, firecrackers species also has a lot of, in the night of the New Years eve, the children can be put, the store also has a lot of candy, the adults will buy a lot of candy for children, children playing firecrackers while eating sugar, sweet meimei was exceptionally happy.

Is the most busy in the evening, everybody together to eat the delicious food, talk together, but not on the table, the childs attention early, just thinking about to set off firecrackers, the sky dark down slowly, each holding a lighted lantern, with pan and put on the two steamed bread, this all day with food, whether you home several lights, as long as it is lamp is open to all, the whole village are brightly lit, then begin with fireworks, the sky of fireworks, all kinds of. I was very happy to watch the hot and noisy scenes. By 8 PM, everyone would be on time to watch the Spring Festival gala.

At three o clock in the evening have to two, we sometimes get up, I will put the border trade can be as the alarm clock, as long as firecrackers rang, then dont want to go to sleep bottom go to, the noise is very big, the older generation will give children lucky money, of course the children to elders first to kowtow. The whole village of the same clan men to the family ancestral hall often worship the ancestors, in the form of memory, and invited the ancestors of the spiritual blessing of the family to prosper, the next year good luck. At 4 o clock, the room became the most crowded place, because the younger generation had to kowtow to the generation, to show respect and wish the old man a long life. There are many kinds of family reunion dinner, which is indispensable for family reunion dinner. Eating eggs means that students get better grades, beating people to eat eggs means they are round all year round.

Since grade, every family will go to relatives home New Year, chudn MQN zi, by the fifteenth day of the first, the work of people go to work, the school children start school, thus begins a New Year.



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Courage is very important. Everyone needs it. We will meet many difficulties in our life and sometimes we will fail, but we can’t lose courage. If we lose courage, we can’t do anything, because we don’t dare to do anything; we are afraid of failure. This is my Chinese teacher me in the first class. I agree with him. For example, we don’t have the courage to hands up to say our answer, how can we know we are right or wrong. I will remember his word forever,” never lose courage .”





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