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作文第一步是仔细审题,考生要仔细阅读试题要求及相关信息,如图表,图画,数字等,准确把握出题者意图。考研作文忌信手掂来,提笔就写,根本不审题,想到哪儿就写到哪儿,或完全凭自己想象编故事,置考试要求于不顾, “下笔千言,离题万里”。比如1998是一幅卡通画,老母鸡申明外加一首打油诗,讽刺一些企业把该尽职之事作为推销产品的承诺。如果考生说老母鸡很可爱,但爱自夸,然后说自己某个同学也爱自夸,这就偏离主题。2000年的作文“A Brief Histiry of World Commercial Fishing ”.它给出了两张图,从1900年的渔船和鱼量之比到1995年的渔船和鱼量之比的变化谈如何保护渔业资源,应从商业性滥捕鱼这一主题展开话题,有的考生却大谈环境污染。这就偏离了主题,因为题中自始自终都没有谈到环境污染问题。





一篇文章往往由四部分组成,标题(title),首段(opening paragraph),主体(body paragraph),结尾段( concluding paragraph)。标题要新颖,能引起读者兴趣,首段的内容根据文章的体裁而变化,比如议论文可以从一种现象,一种观点出发引出作者的观点。记叙文往往交代人物和故事背景。主体是文章的主要部分,通过合适的语篇模式表达一定的观点,考生要围绕中心按一定顺序分层次有重点的展开叙述,描写,议论。结尾段是对全文的总结,论点上要与前面的叙述一致和统一。写作时要注意以下几点。

















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spend one’sweekend in many different ways过周末的方式各不相同

enjoy doing things by oneself喜欢独立做事

go swimming去游泳

go for an outing/have an outing at (the seashore)去海边玩

see the sights of Beijing游览北京风光

play the piano弹钢琴

play chess下棋

have dances on weekends参加周末舞会

have a picnic over the weekend周末野餐

go to the cinema去看电影

have a party聚会

hold a sports meeting举行运动会

do some reading看书

help sb. do sth.帮某人做某事

enjoy a family trip家人共同出游

get everything ready for...为……做准备

ride one’sbike with sb. to the park骑自行车载某人去公园

She would like to bring...to the picnic.她要带……去野餐。

It was a very relaxing Sunday.这个周日过得很轻松。

There are good programs on TV on weekends.周末有好看的电视节目。

take a message for sb.给某人留口信

send a message to sb.给某人发信息

Every day is not Sunday.好景不常在,好花不常开。

hear from sb.收到某人的来信

talk about/of sth.提到某事

tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人做某事

get information about...得到……的消息

express one’sidea/feelings in English用英语表达某人的思想(感情)

Write sb. a letter saying...给某人写信说……

apologize to sb. for...因……向某人道歉

thank you for...感谢你……

make a speech at the meeting在会上讲话



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1.As far as ...is concerned 就……而言

2.It goes without saying that... 不言而喻,...

3.It can be said with certainty that... 可以肯定地说......

4.As the proverb says, 正如谚语所说的,

5.It has to be noticed that... 它必须注意到,...

6.Its generally recognized that... 它普遍认为...

7.Its likely that ... 这可能是因为...

8.Its hardly that... 这是很难的......

9.Its hardly too much to say that... 它几乎没有太多的说…

10.What calls for special attention is that...需要特别注意的是

11.Theres no denying the fact that...毫无疑问,无可否认

12.Nothing is more important than the fact that... 没有什么比这更重要的是…

13.whats far more important is that... 更重要的是…



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It is quite usual that one meets failures, for ones life can never be

plain sailing. However, different people hold different attitudes towards

failure. Some people think it a heavy blow to fail in achieving something and

they can not endure failure. When they meet failure, they will be seriously

dejected and can never pluck up their courage to try again.


However, others think it natural to meet failures in ones career.

Therefore, they are psychologically prepared. When they meet failures, they will

not be frustrated. Instead, they will continue to meet new challenges. As to me,

Im in favor of the latter view. Failure is really a terrible thing but it is

also the mother of success. If one draws lessons from failures, in most cases he

will get success in the future. Furthermore, ones life can never be smooth

sailing; it must be full of difficulies and setbacks. If one is daunted by

difficulies and frustrations, he will always be a failure. However, if one holds

a positive attitude toward failure, he will overcome difficulties and

frustrations to win victory.




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专业作家的秘密之一就是:阅读,阅读,再阅读。阅读其他人的文章,并不是为了如法炮制,但我们可以把从其他作品中学到的东西融化到自己的文体和技巧中 去。当我们发现一段文章比自己能写出的任何东西好得多的时候,坐下来,对它进行反复研究琢磨。就同一题目,这位作者做了哪些我们不能做到的事情?模仿别人 技术上的长处,对写作来说极有益处。但仅靠阅读是不行的,因为它可以被用作不动笔的借口,还会成为一种医学专用剂。因此要记住:阅读是为了写作。






常言道:Practice makes perfect.俗话亦说:文章读十篇,不如写一篇。大凡知名作家并不是一开始就写出了惊人之作。他们的作品都是在艰苦的写作实践中得到提高的。我们在学 习英语写作时也应多练,可采取写英文日记,周记,课文摘要等形式加以训练,也可找个writ—ing partner(写作伙伴)相互督促,相互学习,相互提高。



大学英语四六级短文写作题规定时间是30分钟,所以应首先保证写作时间。虽然写作题是考试的最后一题,但一定要确保写作题的时间不被其它题目挤占。然而 在多次四六级考试监考中,我们发现很多同学在前面部分花费太多时间,以致于只有十几分钟甚至几分钟来写作文,写的效果和得分情况可想而知。其实我们可以自 己拟订一个方案:首先,7分钟左右审题,构思,拟订提纲;其次,20分钟写作;最后,3分钟左右检查修改。


审题是写作成功与否的重要因素之一。一定要留出约3分钟左右的时间审题,构思,打腹稿,“凡事预则立,不预则废。”然而不少考生由于没掌握好时间,一拿 到作文题,便匆匆下笔,没有构思,结果想到哪写到哪,往往离题千里,事倍功半。所以一定要在动笔之前花几分钟,认真审题,仔细寻找题目提供的信息(包括英 文,中文,图画,数字等),然后对这些信息加以认真分析,弄清题意,确定中心思想。




在正式作文时,应按所列的提纲来进行。写作还应注意以下几点:首先,一定要下工夫写好每一段的主题句,尤其是第一段的主题句。A good beginning makes a good ending.主题句能否写好关系着阅卷人对你的作文的第一印象。高考作文是分档给分,即阅卷人根据总体印象给出某一档的分数,然后再在这一档上下进行微 调。其次,要尽量保持卷面整洁。因为作文是人工评卷,卷面干净整洁会给阅卷人很好的印象,对提高分数档次很有好处。然而很多考生不注意标点,语法及单词大 小写,经常写了又划,划了又写,从而使卷面很糟糕而影响得分。因此一定不要轻视卷面整洁这一点。第三,一定要写够字数。字数不够扣分是很严格的。但是也应 注意行文简明扼要,层次分明,切忌写一些与主题无关的话来凑字数。有的考生写得杂乱无章,篇幅过长,使阅卷人看得心烦,这也不可取。第四,一定要沉着应 战,保持平静的心理状态。不要因为作文是最后一题,离交卷时间近就不停看表,造成不必要的紧张。考试时良好的心理状态是正常发挥的必要保证。




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In today's society, more and more adults return to the university, sit in the classroom, open the textbook again in order to further their education.What they study involves a lot of subjectsnot only English and computer used in all trades as tools,but also more professional ones such as MBA courses. Different from thecollegestudentswho may know little aboutwhat they'll major in the college before they are engaged in it, the adults make their choices for some simple and definite reasons,which can be roughly classified into three groups, the requirement of the job market, the desire for higher salary and the need for entertainment and relaxation.

In the era characterized of rapid development of technology,it is not so easy to find or to secure a job for the intense competition. As a result, adults feel what they studied in school is far from enough to deal with the work in hand. Thus, "to charge the battery" is listed into schedule by more and more people. For example, Mr. Wang, an accountant in a big company, suddenly realized it was too hard for him to understand technical terms coming from his young colleagues. And worst of all, they ap

peared in the program of their new business. So, firmly, he entered for a weekend course on accountancy for a further degree.

But in some cases, people prefer reeducation just for money,which partly results from the professional job title system in China. Although virtually unrelated to people's own jobs, a few certificates are fervently pursued by some middle aged men and women just because they are the criteria for a higher title, which means some one hundred Yuan or so will be added to their salary. So it's the eagerness to grasp money rather than to study render them to return to the class.

It is true that severe pressure of making a living stirs some people to pursue further education.However,this is not the case as far as another group of people are concerned. These people, with domestic and occupational stability, feel a lack of interest in their life. So, they turn to some courses such as music and arts and literature, which may be their childhood dream. Education of this type can relax their nerves, make them more graceful and their life more colorful.

Mainly for the three reasons mentioned above, an increasingly large number of adults in modern society came back to classroom after they stepped out of the campus.Whatever reasons lead to their reeducation, our society benefits a lot from the endeavor of these adults.To name just a few, the workers' quality improves, and the income of education industry increascs... And more people are continuing to join the team of adult learners.By the way,if youpay a little attention to your parents, you'll probably find a brand new College English Course which you have just finished is on his or her desk now.




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Ancient Chinese New Years day, is not a general "Gregorian calendar" -- the Gregorian calendar on January 1. From Yin dynasty set as the beginning, at the beginning of the lunar December in first lunar month as the beginning, to the han dynasty have been repeated many times of change. To the republic of China, sun yat-sen in nanjing in early January 1912 as the temporary President for "farming", "statistics", set the first lunar month as the Spring Festival, change to the Gregorian calendar on January 1, known as the "New Year", at but it is still called "New Years day". Until the liberation of the central peoples government promulgated uniform "whole nation year section and the memorial day holiday", the Gregorian calendar January 1 as New Years day, and decided the national in this stanza day off. At the same time as the difference between two New Year the lunar calendar and the Gregorian calendar, and in view of the lunar 24 solar terms of "spring", just before and after the lunar New Year, so the change of the first lunar month is called "Spring Festival".

"New Years day", "yuan" refers to the beginning, is the first point, the beginning of every number is called "yuan"; "Dan", pictographs, the above ", "on behalf of the sun, the" a "represents the horizon below. "Denier" as the sun rises from the horizon, symbolizes the beginning of a day. People put the "yuan" and "denier" two words together, is extended to the first day of the New Year began. New Years day is also called the "three yuan", namely, the yuan, the yuan, at the time of yuan. On New Years earliest begins with three sovereigns, tang fang xuanling and others write the Book of Jin upload: "xu emperor for Meng Chun in yuan, at that time is: New Years day in the spring." That call on the yuan, the first for the denier. Southern liang people LanZiYun dielectric jas poem or cloud: "the new New Years day, four gas Wan Shouchu today."





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高考英语满分作文 Note 便条

Dear Alice.

I wonder if you eould lend me your Chinese-English dictionary. I will return it three days later. Now I am translating an important Chinese article into English. However, I often meet some Chinese words which I dont know how to say in English. So I have to turn to the Chinese-English dietionary for help from time to time. But mine is lost. I will take good care of your dictionary. I will definitely not damage it. Thank you very much!






May 15th

Dear Alice,

Would you please lend me your Chinese-English dictionary? I will give it back three days later. Now I am translating an important Chinese article into English. In the article I often find Chinese words which I cannot translate into English, so I often need a Chinese-English dictionary But I

myself have no one. I will cherish your dictionary very much and promise not to damage it. Thanks a lot!




公共演讲的好处 Benefits of Public Speaking

Public speaking is bothinteresting and challenging. It is interesting because it asks you to come to abetter understanding of human nature and human communication. It is challengingbecause it asks you to take a risk, to put yourself in a situation where youcan succeed or fail in your effort to make a difference. As you go further,however, you will find more benefits of public speaking go beyond learning howto express yourself orally. The process of your speaking improves suchpractical skills as the following:


1. Organizational Skills


The ability to organize ideas isa skill you will employ before you ever write a speech. As you practice, youwill also discover that the organizational skills are so essential in composingspeeches because it requires your skills of outlining, planning, organizing andpresenting your ideas logically.


2. Writing Skills


Many of the skills you use tocompose good speeches are the same as those you need to write well. Thepractice you gain preparing speeches will improve your ability to express yourideas on paper. You will learn how to get your audience’s attention, how toorganize your ideas clearly, and how to find more evidences to support your ideas.These skills will be beneficial to your writing.


3. Critical Thinking


As we know, it’s important to guidestudents to think and to analyze. Public speaking skills and related listeningskills provide valuable tools for the critical analysis of ideas. By studyingthe use of supportive materials and persuasive strategies, you’ll learn how tofind an argument’s weak points and learn to ask questions, which needs greatcritical thinking.


4. Research Skills


Often, when students are asked toprepare a report, they go to the library or search the Internet to look for thereference books or articles they need. You will get into contact with a varietyof research materials and select something most valuable to you.


5. Listening Skills


Speaking and listening go hand inhand. Whenever someone gives a speech, there is an audience to listen to it. Bylearning good speaking techniques, you’ll prepare speeches within audience’sunderstanding. You will also learn how to listen to other speakers in order tohear all the key points.


6. Strain Capacity


Giving a speech to a group ofpeople involves a great deal of risk. However, it is true that by learning howto give a speech in front of a group, your self-confidence will grow, which helpsyou to confident enough to communicate with others and adapt to differentsituations. To a large extent, success in life depends on your ability to adaptto your environment and feel good about yourself.


高考英语满分作文 :对人们大量捕杀动物的看法 A large number of people to kill animals

As is often read in the newspaper reports, wild life especially the rare species is threatened with extinction. Human beings are making attempts to hunt wild animals for a big profit., which, of course, results in a sharp decrease in the number of animals. So it is high time for us to take quick action to protect them. First of all, it’s quite necessary for every citizen to realize the importance of animal protection. Only by knowing its importance can people develop a sense of responsibility. People will surely take it for granted to have the duty to prevent any killing of wild animals. So a national publicity campaign should be launched, thus giving animals a good living environment. In addition, the government should pass some laws to forbid any hunting of rare animals. We don’t expect anything harmful to wild life to happen again.


If everyone is involved in the protection of wild life, we’re sure man will be a good friend of animals rather than their enemy.


高考英语作文的范文:时间的价值The Value Of Time

I always think there is not enough time. For example, I have just taken a three-day holiday. But when I look back, I just feel that it’s only one day. There goes a proverb, “Time is money”. Now I want to say, time is more precious than money, because when money is spent, we can earn some more again. However, when time is gone or lost, never will it return.

Time goes without being noticed. The time for our study and work is usually limited. So I think we must make full use of our time. But it’s a pity that I am always not aware of the importance of time until it’s too late.

So I think, I should get into the good habit of saving time because wasting time is equal to wasting one’s life. Do not put off what can be done today till tomorrow!




奥运英语作文北京奥运第一枚金牌属于谁呢?Who is the first gold medal in Beijing Olympic Games?


The suspense over who will win the first Olympic medal and in which event is really a interesting thing. Chinese officials are determined to make sure China, as the host country, wins the first gold of the Games. The womens 10m air rifle - which includes two Chinese medal favorites - has its final scheduled at 10:30 am on Aug 9 and should end about 20 minutes later.


If all goes as planned, either reigning gold medalist shooter Du Li or world champion Zhao Yinghui will raise 2008s first gold at the Beijing Shooting Range.


But if Du and Zhao are too far behind in points going into the final, the rumor says, organizers will delay the last ten shots of the final while the weightlifting final goes on as planned so China can secure the gold.


I think the first gold medal must belong to we Chinese, let wait this moment together.


爱心俱乐部 Love club

Dear Chairperson, I am a girl student from Class 3, Grade 2. Id like to be a member of the Helping Hands Club. I’m 15 years old. I’m strong and healthy. I work hard at my lessons. My favourite subjects are geography and science. I like helping others. I’m generous. I’m willing to share things with my friends. I love sports. I’m interested in playing volleyball. Last year, I often gave my seat to someone in need on the bus. I often helped my classmates solve problems. I donated my pocket money to Project Hope. I want to join the club to help more people. And I also want to make more friends. Ill be pleased if Im accepted. Im looking forward to your answer. Yours Wang Fang




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改写: 通常情况下,改写类的写作命题可要求考生将一篇对话、留言、信件、电话记录或其他类型的语言材料改写成一篇短文。也有的试题要求考生能够根据所给的提示(汉语或英语)写一篇对话。这类试题大多要求考生将试题所提供的语言材料的主要内容,以记叙文的形式表达出来。试题可以规定考生以第几人称的形式来叙述这件事情,并且规定了一定的词数。

缩写: 这类命题通常要求学生将一篇较长的文章,缩写成一篇短文。这类命题通常要求学生把握原文中的主要内容,并且用自己的语言将其叙述出来。这类试题一般都会规定词数的范围。

续写: 这类试题通常给出了一件事情或一个故事的开头,要求考生根据自己的想象,将这件事情或故事写完整,使其结构完整,情节的发展自然合理。

扩写: 扩写实际上是改写的一个方面。这类命题要求考生能够依据所给定的较为简短的语言材料,扩写成为一篇符合字数要求的文章。这类试题一般来讲也对文章的字数或其它的方面作出了要求。

回信: 这类试题所提供的材料通常是英语信件的形式,要求考生能够根据所给信件的内容及回信中必须包含的要点写一封回信。

二、 写作 技巧

1. 认真审题,把握要求。 在审题的过程中,应注意把握试题所提供的条件、要求(通常以文字的形式出现)、体裁、词数、人称形式等。

2. 细读材料,把握中心。 一般说来,所给出的试题材料都是围绕一个中心展开的。它讲述的通常是一个小故事或小事件。这个小故事或小事件就是这我们所要表述的中心。

3. 初步构思,考虑用词。 在把所握文章的中心后,形成一个基本的框架,再考虑使用恰当的词语,包括恰当的短语和句型,以充分地表达文章的内容。在用词方面,应尽可能地充分利用所学的短语或句型,还应注意适当使用高级词汇、复杂的结构等,这在近年的高考阅卷过程中反复强调了这一点。

4. 联词成句,组段成文。 运用适当的单词或短语正确表达文章中各个要点。然后使用正确的过渡词将单个的句子来连接起来。连接时,要注意使用适当的连接词语或过渡性语句,以使语句间的联系更为紧密,过渡更加自然。



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explain... to sb.向某人解释……

look upon sb. as...把某人看作……

think sb. to be...认为某人是……

take sb.’sside站在某人的立场上

would like to do...愿意做……

allow sb. to do...允许某人做……

keep/prevent sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事

be afraid to do/be afraid of...害怕……

feel like doing sth.喜欢做某事

insist on doing sth.坚持做某事

drive sb. off赶走某人

think highly of sb./speak highly of sb.高度评价某人

speak ill of sb.对某人评价很差

force sb. to do...逼迫某人做……

offer to do...主动做……

refuse to do...拒绝做……

agree to do...同意做……

regret doing...后悔做了……

prefer to do A rather than do B愿意做……而不愿做……

had better do...最好做……

would rather (not) do(不)愿做……

have the habit of doing...有做……的习惯

have trouble in doing...做……有困难

make up one’smind to do...下决心做……

prepare sth. for...准备好做……

give up doing...放弃……

do sth. as usual像往常一样做某事

do what he wants us to do做他要求我们做的事

set about doing...开始做……

try one’sbest to do...=go all out to do...全力以赴做……

get into trouble遇到困难

help sb. out帮某人的忙

wait for sb. to do...等某人做……

find a way to do...发现做……的方法

make friends with sb.与某人交朋友

show(tell) sb. how to do...告诉某人怎么做……

take(send) sb. to...带(派)某人去……

I’m trying to find...我尽力找到……

It is dogged (that) does it.天下无难事,只怕有心人。

I’m afraid we are out of...恐怕……用完了

feel a little excited about doing...因做……感到兴奋



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on the whole总的来说

On the whole the outlook appeared bright .


in conclusion总之

In conclusion , education will spread more and more online .


in a word一句话

In a word , practice is far more important than book knowledge .


to sum up总而言之

To sum up, success results from hard work .


in brief简言之

In brief , the study claims that they improve mental sharpness .


in summary总之

In summary , when leaving a position, keep your good-ayes short and sweet .


to conclude最后

To conclude , city A is my preference for living , as it provides the comparably nicer surroundings and better safety .


to summarize概括来说

To summarize my point: Not eating enough calories results inmuscle loss, dehydration, slower fat burning, and your bodywill always adapt to a lower calorie intake.


in short 总之

In short , just because people have more choice does not mean they will opt for more obscure entertainments .





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假设你是李华,在互联网上看到英国高中生David登的一则启事 :希望结识一位中国朋友,以便学习中国的语言、文化。请你以李华的名义用英文给David发一封电子邮件,主要内容包括:






Dear David,

Ive learned__________________________________________________________


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua




Dear David,

Ive learned it from the Internet that you want to make a Chinese friend so as to learn the Chinese language and culture. Im glad that you show such great interest in China and I would like to be your friend.

I will try my best to write to you as often as possible to introduce you the Chinese culture. When you have an opportunity to come to China, Ill teach you how to speak Chinese and show you around some famous historical places of interest. Anyway, I am going to help you as much as I can. How do you think?

Im looking forward to your reply .



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As is shown in the picture, two men had a big dinner in a restaurant, but much of the food was left and some was even untouched at all. When the waitress asked them to pack the remaining food, they felt very surprised, thinking that it was unbelievable for them to do things like that with too much money in their pocket.

It is a pity that many people act like the two men in the picture. In my view, we should pack the leftovers when we have meals outside. As we all know, saving is a fine tradition for our Chinese people and therefore we shouldn’t waste a bit food. Also, there is not enough food in the world and there are many people starving. In addition, we students should form the habit of saving food and give away some to the people in need. Finally, we have the responsibility to help people around us realize the importance of saving.

Only in this way can we build up an economized society and live a happy and healthy life.







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1.网上交友 2.俗语写作 3.记叙文4.面对失败的态度 5.漫画写作6.留言条、邀请函 7.魔术 8. 食品安全9.环境保护(地震、核泄漏)10. 中东非洲动荡






Dear David,

Ive learned it from the Inter net that you want to make a Chinese friend s o as to learn the Chinese language and culture. Im glad that you show such great interest in China and I world like to be your friend.

I will try my best to write to you as often as possible to introduce you the Chinese culture. When you have an opportunity to come to China, Ill teach you how to speak Chinese and show you around some famous historical places of interest. Anyway, I am going to help you as much as I can. How do you think?

Im looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua





The early bird will catch worms

An old saying "The early bird will catch worms" reminds us that if people want to be successful and outstanding, they must plan ahead of time and make their efforts to overcome all the possible difficulties.

For example, the Chinese athletes excellent performance in 2010 Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver is definitely the result of their early planning and hard training. If they don t set the aim and word work, even though they have the best talents, they cant compete with others and get more medals.

Another case in point is my learning experience. I was good at English, but I couldnt pass the exam, for I wasnt prepared well before the examination. I had many things to solve at that time. As I met the complex things, I was at a loss. The reason was that I had no plan and involved in many things and didnt study more hard, so I failed.

In short, the saying shows us the important of planning, working hard and constantly trying.








(2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文 连贯。

Dear Li Ming,


Li Hua




Dear Li Ming,

This Sunday well go to the nursing home and do some voluntary labor. You were out, when I dropped in on you. Therefore, I had to leave a message to you. According to what monitor said, well meet at the gate of our school at 9:30 tomorrow morning and start out together by bike. So you should take your bike and dont forget to take some washing powder, barber tools and weeding tools so that we can help them with washing clothes, cutting their hair and get rid of some weed in the garden. At last, you should remember to take some food for lunch because well stay the re for chatting with them at noon. If you come back, youll phone me at once.

Li Hua



(1)对获得的帮助表示感谢;(2)消除与 同学之间的误会;(3)努力学习,实现人生梦想;(4)对学弟、学妹的建议。

注意:(1)可适当加入细节,以使行文连贯;(2)词数:100左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数) 。

High school is regarded as the best time in a persons life. As a senior 3 student, it wont take lon g before I graduate._____________________________________________________________________




High school is regarded as the best time in a persons life. As a senior three student, it wont take long before I graduate. Now, I have much to share with my fellow students.

Firstly, I would like to show my appreciation to those standing by me all the way, teachers, pare nts and friends included. Without their help and advice, my life would be different. Secondly, its high time to say sorry to classmates whom I hurt or misunderstood. Communication and smiles act as bridges to friendship. Above all, Ive made up my mind to make every effort to study, for I believe hard work is the key to success. Just as the old saying goes, "no pains, no gains."

Finally I hope that all the younger fellows can make full use of time, because time and tide wait for no men.



(1)祝贺 她顺利通过考试,她的学习进步很大,为她骄傲;



(4)地点:阳关俱乐部(The Sun Club)302房间;





(3)参考词汇:欢送会 farewell party

Dear Jane,

Congratulations on your passing all the exams.____________________________________________________________________________________


Yours faithfully,

Li Hua


【构思点拨】写邀请函时一方面需要说明邀请理由,另 一方面要把活动的时间、地点、乘车路线等细节问题一定要交代清楚。


Dear Jane,

Congratulations on your passing all the exams. I am delighted you have really made great progress in your two years of studying in China. All you have gained is the result of your hard work. We are proud of you and we all appreciate your help with our English Well always remember the wonderful time we spent together.

Its pity that you have to go back soon! So a farewell party for you will be held i n Room 302 in the Sun Club this Saturday evening. Could you come by 6:00 p.m.? Well have dinner together. By the way,you may take Bus N o. 332 in front of your hotel and i t will take you directly to the club.

I wish you success and fulfillment in the years ahead!

Yours faithfully,

Li Hua


A组的意见 B组的意见

1. 应发展核电站。 1. 应该限制核电站的发展。

2. 给人们带来更多电能,缓解用电压力。 2. 会造成包括空气污染在内的各种污染。.

3. 创造就业机会. 3. 应该发展例如太阳能等类型的环保电站。

注意: 1. 100字左右; 2.不得逐字翻译。 核电站nuclear power station 太阳能solar energy

Last week, we had a debate about whether we should develop nuclear power stations. Opinions are divided.

During the debate, Some students said we should develop nuclear power stations, since it would bring much electricity to people, and reduce the pressure of using electricity in the world. Meanwhile, it can create more jobs.

However, the others thought the government should limit the number of nuclear power stations, since they will cause all kinds of pollution, air pollution included. They thought solar energy power stations, which are environmentally friendly, should be developed.

In my opinion, we should ……



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一、 从词汇入手,强化短语写作










在完成阅读教学,学生基本掌握文章内容的基础上,笔者进一步指导学生改写文章。改写要求学生注意人称、时态、直接引语、间接引语、遣词造句和谋篇布局等方面的变化,充分理解课文内容,认真思考,写出语言得体、内容完整的文章。例如:《牛津高中英语》模块6 Unit 2What Is Happiness to You?的Reading部分是一篇以对话采访形式出现的课文,在采访过程中,嘉宾Dr.Brain以体操运动员桑兰的经历为例,谈到他对幸福的理解。在完成阅读教学后,笔者要求学生用第三人称写一篇介绍桑兰的作文,并鼓励学生引用课文中描述桑兰的经典词汇和例句。如:hard?鄄working, energet?鄄ic, stay optimistic/positive, in good spir?鄄its; She was happy to devote herself to gym?鄄nastics等。通过这些训练,学生既加深了对课文的理解,又运用了所学重点词汇,同时学生的写作技能得到了实际的锻炼。


写的过程实际上是模拟读者阅读的过程;而阅读也是模拟写作的行为(戴军熔,2002)。教师可给学生一篇与书面表达体裁和题材相同的范文,让学生通过阅读完成类似话题的写作任务。例如:《牛津高中英语》模块1 Unit 3 Looking Good,Feeling Good的写作话题是保持健康。笔者从英文报刊上选择一篇有关如何科学合理地减肥、健身的报道,先让学生在课堂上进行限时阅读,然后提问学生:Which do you think is more important,looking good or feeling good? How would you keep fit?Why?等。学生通过模仿阅读材料的结构进行写作。通过阅读带动写作,由知识的输入到知识的输出,提高了学生表达的条理性和连贯性,为学生提供了写作策略和技能。








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by the time children enter school, they’ll have spent up to one-third of their waking hours in front of tv. the enormous influence of television is just beginning to be realized. while many parents take television as an electronic baby-sitter, they neglect the fact that television may be more harmful than it is beneficial to children.

those who encourage small children to watch television claim that many programs for children on tv are helpful to develop children’s interest and enrich their knowledge. they also argue that preoccupied with tv programs, children are prevented from doing mischief. although at a first glance these arguments sound true, the behavior of some children doesn’t seem to prove them.

in the first place, programs for children are not always beneficial to them. one science fiction serial keeps telling about some supernatural beings who can fly and always fight against evildoers. after watching several episodes, a small child was so enchanted that he imitated the heroes and “flew” from his room on the second floor. there are also reports of children running away from home to the mountains to practice martial art. these incidents are naturally credited with tv programs for children.

further, being preoccupied with tv programs is not a good way for avoiding mischief. in the days before tv, parents used to gather together with their children, telling stories or reading poems to them. the communication between parents and children was thus better, so it was easier for children to understand what was good conduct.those who approve of children’s watching tv neglect television’s bad effects on children. firstly, children are surrounded and bombarded by commercials for toys and foods. they are tempted into becoming consumers. they earnestly ask their parents to buy things which they do not really need. as a result, the parents are in a financial dilemma, and the children themselves always become victims of bad products because of false advertising.

another bad effect of television is that children are over-exposed to violence. they watch hours of murders, fights, and crimes every week, with no adult around to tell them that life is not like that most of the time. the effect of the heavy dose of violence is to suggest to children that violence is an ordinary way of life, and that shooting and cheating are ways to success.most serious of all, children who often watch tv are becoming passive. they just sit back and let things happen to them. children are inventive; they have the ability to imagine a whole world of their own. but what happens when their imagination is not needed, when tv does all the imagination for them? obviously, these children are not going to grow up as inventive and imaginative as their parents, for they have been robbed of creative impulses by television.

to sum up, children’s indulgence in television is harmful. the problem, nevertheless, is not one of prohibition. parents should supervise and guide their children’s watching tv instead of parking them in front of the tube, hoping it will act as a baby-sitter.



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The Spring Festival, the most important festival to Chinese. Is China the biggest, the most lively, one of the most important ancient traditional festivals, is also unique to Chinese festival.

Festival, is the beginning of the lunar calendar, another name is called New Years day, Spring Festival is the biggest, the most lively, China one of the most important ancient traditional festivals, is also unique to Chinese festival. Is the most concentrated expression of Chinese civilization. Since the western han dynasty, the custom of Spring Festival continues today. The Spring Festival, generally refers to New Years eve and the first day. But in private, in the traditional sense of the Spring Festival is from the Greek festival of the day or month, 23 or 24 people, until the fifteenth, among them with New Years eve and the first day of the first lunar month. How to celebrate this holiday, in one thousand years of history development, formed some relatively fixed customs and habits, there are a lot of handed down also. During the traditional festival, the Spring Festival of the han nationality in our country and most of ethnic minorities have to hold various celebration activities, these activities are to worship deities, worshiping ancestors, blow away the cobwebs, meet jubilee blessing, pray for good harvest as the main content. Form rich and colorful, activities with strong ethnic characteristics. On May 20, 2006, "Spring Festival" folk have been approved by the state council listed in the first batch of state-level non-material cultural heritage list.

The origin of the Spring Festival has a legend, the Chinese ancient times have a kind of call "year" monster, head long feelers, fierce abnormalities. "Year" the elder deep in the bottom of the sea, every New Years eve just climbed out, swallowed cattle damage lives. Therefore, every New Years eve that day, the people of CunCunZhaiZhai could flee to the mountains, to escape the "year" animal damage. One NianChuXi, from the village outside a begging the old man. Folks a hurried panic scene, only the east village, an old woman gave the old man some food, and urged him quickly up the hill avoid "year" beast, the old man stroked his beard say with smile: "mother-in-law if let me stay overnight in the home, I must have" years "beast." Old woman continue to persuasion, begging the old man smiling without a word. At midnight, "nian" beast into the village. It found the village atmosphere unlike previous years, village east wifes husbands family, the door stick red paper, candle lit the room. "Year" beast was a shake, long a sound. Nearly the door, hospital suddenly spread "banging spluttered" Fried sound, "nian" shuddered, again dare not go up. Originally, "year" the most afraid of red, fire and exploding. At this time, her mother-in-laws door open and saw hospital a red-robed man laughed. "Year" frightened to disgrace, mess up. The next day is the first day, the people of refuge back very surprised to see the village safe. At this point, the old woman was suddenly enlighted, quickly spoke to the fellow villagers begging the old mans promise. This matter quickly spread around the village, people know driven "years" beast approach. (the legend of hakka) from then on, every year New Years eve, families paste red couplets, firecrackers; Household candle lit, keeping stay by age. Beginning in the early morning, still walk close bunch of congratulate friends say hello. This custom spread more widely, Chinese the most solemn of the folk traditional festival.



春节的来历有一种传说,中国古时候有一种叫“年”的怪兽,头长触角,凶猛异常。“年”长年深居海底,每到除夕才爬上岸,吞食牲畜伤害人命。因此,每到除夕这天,村村寨寨的人们扶老携幼逃往深山,以躲避“年”兽的伤害。有一年除夕,从村外来了个乞讨的老人。乡亲们一片匆忙恐慌景象,只有村东头一位老婆婆给了老人些食物,并劝他快上山躲避“年”兽,那老人捋髯笑道:“婆婆若让我在家呆一夜,我一定把‘年’兽撵走。”老婆婆仍然继续劝说,乞讨老人笑而不语。 半夜时分,“年”兽闯进村。它发现村里气氛与往年不同:村东头老婆婆家,门贴大红纸,屋内烛火通明。“年”兽浑身一抖,怪叫了一声。将近门口时,院内突然传来“砰砰啪啪”的炸响声,“年”浑身战栗,再不敢往前凑了。原来,“年”最怕红色、火光和炸响。这时,婆婆的家门大开,只见院内一位身披红袍的老人在哈哈大笑。“年”大惊失色,狼狈逃蹿了。第二天是正月初一,避难回来的人们见村里安然无恙十分惊奇。这时,老婆婆才恍然大悟,赶忙向乡亲们述说了乞讨老人的许诺。这件事很快在周围村里传开了,人们都知道了驱赶“年”兽的办法。(客家人的传说)从此每年除夕,家家贴红对联、燃放爆竹;户户烛火通明、守更待岁。初一一大早,还要走亲串友道喜问好。这风俗越传越广,成了中国民间最隆重的传统节日。



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The world is colorized, every color has its special meaning。 Red stands for

passion, green symbolizes peace, blue indicates calmness, white signifies

purity。 The painters can use their colors to outline the while world, the

cameraman can shoot the mixed world by their camera。 The rainbow is made up of 7

colors。 The white contents 7 colors。 The tricolor, posed by red, yellow, and

blue, can produce every color in the world。 In the variety of colors, I like

white most, not only it is a simply color, but also it is a symbol of neatness。

The white is the most popular color in wedding, because it stands for the pure

love。 The snow is white, it symbolizes the beautiful angel drop to our world。

Another reason, I like white most, is that it indicates blank。 You can image all

on it。



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Without friends, life is not worth living. But what kind of person can be accepted as friend? Lots of people are classmates and arent friends. Lots of people are lovers but arent friends. You can appreciate or admire someone, but that doesnt make them a friend. If their attitude is "for better or worse," if they stick with you through thick and thin, thats when you can tell its friendship. 注意:1、120字数左右。



The term, friend, covers a wide range of meanings. It can be a nodding acquaintance, a comrade, a partner, a playmate, a brother, etc. As life is full of obstacles and conflicts, we need friends to give us supports to get through tough times, we also need friends to give us warnings to go against danger. True friends share not only joy but, more often than not, they share sorrow and difficulties.

With friendship, life is happy and harmonious. Without friendship, life is hostile and unfortunate. I have friends in the rank and file. Some are rich and in power. Some are low and common. Some are like myself, working as an ordinary teacher, reading and writing and content with the simple life. To many of my friends, I know what to treasure, what to tolerate and what to share, I will never forget my old friends and keep making new friends. I will not be cold and indifferent to the poor friends and will show concern for them, even if it is only a comforting word.



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I often imagine what my life will be like in the future.I think my life will be very different in ten years.I will be twenty-eight years old by then.I will have my own family,probably with a lovely child.I hope I’ll work in a computer company as a program designer.I’ll enjoy my work and get along well with my colleagues.I’ll do a good job in whatever I do.In my free time,I’ll continue to take regular exercise,such as swimming,running and various ball games.On my holidays,I’ll travel around the world.In a word,my life will be much richer and more colorful.



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Fast food business has developed tremendously in the past 50 years.Nowadays people will see all kinds of fast food restaurants here and there.which clearly shows how closely it is related to our daily life.Most people believe that fast food business has become part of our life and its developement is good for both society and people.

Firstly,the best thing about fast food is being fast. Now everyone lives a busy life so time is the most valuable thing to us all.Fast food offers a most efficient way to eat.You will waste no time in waiting or choosing.Secondly,fast food restaurants provide us with a good environment for entertainment and study.Friends come here,chatting or playing cards;students come here,reading books or doing homework,and meanwhile you can enjoy a bag of chips and a bottle of cola which will bring more pleasure.Thirdly, youngsters can even find good opportunities of working practice in some fast food restaurants.Working experience help them understand the society better and improve their communicating skills.

In many ways,we benefit a lot from the fast food business.Therefore,I think it helpful and important to our life.
