五年级英语作文精选五篇 作文范文(汇总20篇)







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As a middle school student my priority is study which occupies most time and energy in my life.

Therefore my life sometimes seems a little boring. However it’s not that bad. First study brings me knowledge that will be useful to all my life. Learning new knowledge brings me a sense of achievement. In addition I like staying with my friends and classmates. We have much fun in daily life which makes our life in school colorful. We play games or do exercises in spare time. We share our happiness as well as support each other when we are upset.

All in all life is beautiful although we must spend most time in study. And we should hold a positive attitude towards life.






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Weekend is the most happy time, I dont have to go to school not only, but also can go out to play with my mother, so I always look forward to the weekend, but I naturally timid, as long as mom has things, I will be locked in the home, where also dont let go.

Today is the weekend, according to the usual time, today is my mother to take me out to play, but due to the temporary call mothers unit, let mother to work overtime, I only have to give up playing time, had to stay at home, his mother told me when wanting to "jack Bauer, you a person at home reading a book to do homework well, rest appropriately when watching TV for a while, dont go out, so as not to encounter bad people..."

Heavy nodded, I watched the mother figure disappeared, take out the homework seriously do it, time quietly from the side slip through, after two hours, the mother hasnt come back, dont have a phone call. I have a little afraid, just turn on the TV, there is the serial TV painted skin, the skin of terror frighten me fearful, so I turned off the TV at once.

Although now I have six grade, but naturally I courage is very small, also dont know why, it seems that I later to practice my courage, dont be so timid, so, I can do many things, also dont have mother worry about me anymore.







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Now, our side of the car constant more up, the environment also increasingly worse! That the air around us there are many harmful substances. Therefore, we want to Sue around things start to do. For example, we can go to school by bike or walk, it can exercise. If you have time can use less elevator, many climb stairs. We can not only physical exercise, but also to protect our environment.




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Wats you mam like? Do you like my room? …….o my ga!你们猜,这是谁在狂说英语?哈哈!除了我们家还有谁家呢?要说我们家是怎样沾上英语的,那还得从那一年说起。话说公元20**年11月20日,耿学玲家因特别喜欢英语,从而爆发了,变成了英语狂,更可怕的是,他们嘴上总不忘把英语放在嘴边,让别人也变的爱说英语了。


晚上,我们一家在一起吃晚饭,爸爸端着饭碗坐在电视机前面,跟着希望英语狂说,害的我们没法吃饭了。这时,我早已忍不住我的超级狮吼功 了,我的狮吼功 可是我从小练起的,吼起来可不比雄狮顺色。。我用中英文结合,绍兴话普通话结合说:Father!走过来(绍兴话),别说英语了(普通话),我美味的晚餐都吃不下了。 加他纹丝不动,我再次加大马力,又再一次叫了一遍,这一叫可不要紧,可恨的是,竟把楼上楼下的叔叔、阿姨、爷爷、大妈惊动了。我遭了。完了,俺快躲起来,可惜已经太晚了,我只好一个劲的说:Sorry! 人们刚走,就见爸爸嘲笑我奸笑的声音。爸爸竟然学着我的台词说:Iam 太sorry。 气的我火冒三丈。


还有一次,是星期天的早上,吃过早饭,我在听英语,爸妈在吃早饭。我正听的入迷,仿佛沉浸在英语王国当中了时听见嗷嗷 ---嗷嗷 的鬼叫,我还以为鬼来了,拿着尺子准备作战。但没人,我轻轻的走向门外,啊,声音源头在这,我高兴极了,你猜我看到了什么?一只血淋淋的眼球,你别说,还真像,他发出的鬼叫让人毛骨酥然。原来这是弟想吓唬我,故意搞恶作剧,后来,我抓着他的衣襟,非让他给我道歉不可。他竟然用我的台词向我赔礼:I am sorry太sorry。





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My hometown is in Henan, where the trees, fresh air, four seasons have different views.


In spring, the trees grow new leaves, and a new life. The melting of the river water, again happy running, hibernating frogs began to play, sing the happy, the rhythm of the song "Gua Gua......"......


This is the spring recovery of all things.


Summer is a hot season, and my brother and I took a swim ring (that is, waste tire) to the river to swim the rivers water is very clear, clear to see underwater sand, we enjoy the play, until the sun set. Back home, eating ice cream, while watching TV, when a fan, and air conditioning on.


This is the happy summer.


Autumn is a harvest season, hard-working people, began working together. And I, also trying to find something to do, I heard her cries aloud: "dragon, go, we go to the fields!" I am happy to pick up the basket, and grandmother came to the garden. Be riotous with colour and the garden, there are sharp pepper, pumpkin Huang Cancan, as long as she beans... I am happy with a basket, began to receive food.


This is the harvest season.


In winter, the snow, the thick snow to the crops covered with a layer of white quilt, a pile of snow on the ground from the plot, the children began to snowball fights, snowmen, very happy.


This is a world of ice and snow of winter.




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Hello, I am Cao Wanqian. I am a smart girl.I am 12 years old.

I have short and black hair and small eyes.

Purple is my favourite colour. Kangaroo is my favourite animal.

I have a good friend. It’s name’s Zhao Xhuanru, It’s funny. I like she.



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In this world, there is a broad selfless love, everywhere, do you feel? When we babble, when we learn to walk, when we grow up. Who is it? Has been protecting us, teach us to be? - the parents! We should not Thanksgiving our parents?

So, how should we treat our parents? It should return with the heart of Thanksgiving our parents. Actually, this kind of ubiquitous love is life in the small truths, mother, got up very early every day, for we do breakfast, I together to eat hot food, not only that, we go to school, but also of housekeeping at home, we have to point to shuttle from school. Dont we should return our mother? Father works in the outside work, earn money to maintain life, dont go home, dad came home after only a few days, his friend for his drink, he refused. Because he wants to accompany me at home, we should not repay our father?

Actually, we want to return our parents, does not have to do something, as long as small truths in life to help parents do something, obey them. This is the greatest return to their parents, they know: my children to grow up.

All the parents poor heart! In these 11 years, my parents dont know how much sweat for us. But, we know that these? As long as you are with a grateful heart, you will find this invisible love.

Hundred good filial first, lets return for our parents.








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The Dragon Boat Festival, a traditional Chinese festival, every May in Chinese lunar calendar, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, festival, festival on May afternoon, five days Festival, AI Festival, terminal five, afternoon, afternoon, the summer festival, was originally a summer holiday from plague.


According to "historical records" "Qu Jia biography" records, Qu Yuan, is the spring and Autumn period chuhuaiwang ministers. He advocated the virtuous empowerment, enriching, strongly linked Qi Qin, is strongly opposed by the son of noble Abram, Qu Yuan was greedy removal, was driven out of the capital, exiled to the yuan, Xiang river. He was in exile, wrote his "Li Sao", "heaven", "Nine Songs" and other immortal poems, unique style, profound (and thus, Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the poet Festival). In 278 BC, the Qin Chu kyoto. Qu Yuan saw that his country was invaded, heartbroken, but always not abandon their country, in May 5th, was written in words as "Huai Sha", bouldering Miluo River to die, to their own lives and write a magnificent patriotic movement.

朱宣咸中国画《端午佳节》 传说屈原死后,楚国百姓哀痛异常,纷纷涌到汨罗江边去凭吊屈原。渔夫们划起船只,在江上来回打捞他的真身。有位渔夫拿出为屈原准备的饭团、鸡蛋等食物,“扑通、扑通”地丢进江里,说是让鱼龙虾蟹吃饱了,就不会去咬屈大夫的身体了。人们见后纷纷仿效。一位老医师则拿来一坛雄黄酒倒进江里,说是要药晕蛟龙水兽,以免伤害屈大夫。后来为怕饭团为蛟龙所食,人们想出用楝树叶包饭,外缠彩丝,发展成棕子。

Zhu Xuanxian China painting "Dragon Boat Festival" the legend of Qu Yuans death, Chu abnormal grief people, have rushed to Miluo River to pay their respects to Qu Yuan. The fishermen rowed boats, back and forth on the river to salvage his real body. A fisherman out of rice ready for Qu Yuan, eggs and other food, "plop, plop into the river to throw, let the fish and shrimp to eat, not to bite the flexor doctor. People imitate one after another after seeing. An old physician, a jug of wine poured into the river, say to medicine Halo Water Dragon beast, so as not to harm flexor doctor. Later, as if for the Dragon Balls food, people come up with neem leaves board, color outside the winding wire, developed into a brown son.


Later, in the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year in May, have dragon boat races, eating zongzi, drinking realgar wine customs; in order to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan.



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Green water show in the future there is a mountain city, the mountain forests, lush; A stream of water on the bottom; Air pure and fresh and sweet. Industries where there is no smoke, no river floating in a plastic bag, without being cut down trees, only a piece of green.

In the future, humans and animals and plants live in peace, a shotgun into each bird, chainsaw into hits the thick, strong, tall and straight trees, the atomic bomb in the museum, and pulled down the factory chimney, spread a far-reaching blue sky... Then have no the word "cage" in the world, it is full of human and animal for a walk, play games together. To do this, human also built a school to educate minors, animal, building on the twelve golden characters: the "people live in harmony, to build better homes!"

However, the future may also be another scene like: neat rows of factory was built on the hillside, its discharge smoke originally cbsi cbsi pollution became gray sky. The river became smelly, dark, light, cutting down the trees bare stumps, there are many, white plastic bags. Many years later, a sandstorm thoroughly changed all that, that day, dust storm flood came, the whole world of darkness covert, dust storms have been shaved nine days nine nights, all the cities, factories are all turned into desert, everything vanished.

Kid, the above two kinds of the future city which one do you want to let the world become? If you want the first kind, is to protect the environment, come on!







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Today is Saturday, my father is off work, he doesn’t need to work in the

extra hour, so he decides to take me to the park and have a picnic. I play many

games in the park, my father is really happy to play games with me. When the sun

is almost gone, it isTimefor us to go home, I am so happy today, I enjoy the

time spend with my father.


篇13:五年级英语作文:Asking the way400字

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(t is short for tourist, s is short for sally)

t: excuse me, i am a tourist from new delhi(新德里)。 can you tell me the way to sun yat-sen memorial hall?

s: well, the place where you want to go is far from here, youd better catch the no.2 bus, and get off at the third stations; sun yat-sen memorial hall is in front of you. you cant miss it.

t: but where the bus-stops?

s: go down this road, turn left at the first crossing, and then go straight, you’ll find the bus-stops.

t: thank you very much!



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Some people say that the father is a mountain, because he has a strong shoulder; some people say that the father is the sea, because he has a broad mind, some people say that the fathers day, because he has a huge body. Fathers love is always silent, deep love.


Father is selfless, great, scanty returns. For example, father is hard on the outside of the work, we can only eat at home. We dont think of how hard my father.


Father scolded me, it is because he didnt want to let me suffer and wants me to be a useful person.


Father, I love you, love you, love me, love me you care.



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篇16:五年级英语作文:My friend

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I am so happy! I have a new friend. Her name is Angel. What a nice name! She’s 15 years old. She lives in Guangzhou. She’s tall and thin. She has long hair. She likes reading books. She studies hard.

Her father is a business man. He goes to work by car. He has got a big company. He is great! Her mother is an accountant in her father’s company. She goes to work with her father. She gets up at 8:30. Sometimes they go to work early, so Angel must cook breakfast for her grandma. She cooks well.

Angel says she is going to visit me this weekend. I cannot wait!



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Dear dad and mum,youre so selfless that you always keep all good things for me.Youre so diligent that you keep on working all day long in order to make a living.Thank you for giving my life.Thank you for your love.Please believe me.I will try my best,I want to see the smile in your eyes.I love you forever .



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I have a beautiful school.

In the spring,the weather become warmer and warmer.And the trees become green.Some birds are singing on the trees.The flowers are open.Some butterflies are fly over the flowers.In the fall,the weather is windy.The leaves of trees like butterflies are in the sky.

What a beautiful school is!I like my school.



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篇20:五年级英语作文:I like sports300字

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There are many kinds of sports that I enjoy, such as swimming, running, and dancing. However, the sport that I like most is basketball. When I was in junior high, I started to play basketball in school. At that time, I found I had loved deeply this sport. Now, I would like to watch basketball games as much as I can. The basketball games have given me the most wonderful time in my life.
