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美利坚民族是个年轻、天真、自信、富有生气的民族。像个血气方刚的青年人,美国人生性好动,不甘寂寞。像个精力充沛的年轻人,美国人不停地干这忙那,似乎有永远也使不完的精力。城市里的人似乎永远赶着去什么地方;乡村里的人总是在农田、养鸡场、谷仓、奶牛场之间奔跑不停;办公室里的人有着堆成山似的文字工作(paper work)要做;公司里的秘书手脚不停地接电话、送文件。你在街上走逛,后面的人会大步流星地超赶到你的前面;你去餐馆就餐,难得寻觅到能与你说笑寒喧的伴侣。生活的节奏像一根上足了的发条一样,有条不紊地不停运转,构成了一幅繁忙、近乎于疯狂的现代人生活画面。



在不少国家,人们互相交谈时,喜欢拣对方高兴听的知说,而不愿指出事实真相,以免伤了和气。这多半是出于客气(courtesy)和礼貌(politeness)。但在美国人的眼光里,这种心地善良的客气和礼貌不及真话重要。美国人的伦理价值观中有一条箴言:“诚实为上策” (Honesty is the best policy)。换句话说,在比较诚实、客气、礼貌、家族声誉孰轻孰重时,美国人把诚实放在首位。因此,在美国如果要说某人的坏话,最厉害的一句是“你不能相信他”(You cannot trust him)。

试举例说明。一个美国人驾车赶路,途中,他问一路人:“这里距离下一个市镇还有多远?”在一些把客气礼貌放在高于真实位置的国家里,路边这位先生也许马上想到赶路者已疲倦不堪,急欲抵达目的地,于是便客客气气地说,“顺着这条路走就到了”(Just down the road)。他以为这样回答能使赶路者心里宽慰从而更振足精神。然而,当这美国人开了好半天的车才到达要去的市镇时他会心情不畅,甚至气愤,觉得自己受骗了(feeling tricked)。在他看来,那位路边人明知路程很远,却存心欺骗他。同样的问题,美国人会怎样回答呢?美国人认为,假如他知道下一个市镇还有24英里的路程,回答说“Just down the road”是不诚实的表现。因此,尽管对那疲倦的寻路人极富同情,但他还是实话相告:“有好一段路呢,至少24英里”。(You have a long way to go ;at least 24miles more)。问路者听了也许会失望,但他明白了自己的处境,所以也不会产生误解。


在美国这样一个地域流动(geographical mobility)和社会流动(social mobility)都很的国家里,交友自有它的特色。由于人们时常从一个地方迁徙到另一个地方,他们在交友时所建立的友谊可能一时密切而牢靠。但一旦彼此迁移他处时,他们的友谊可能不久即告消失,双方各自再找合适的新朋友。美国人不会因这种友谊的处理方式而感到“薄情”,更不会觉得自己受了对方的轻视,或者侮辱。大多数情况下,“劳燕分飞”的朋友可能保持通信、或者电话联系一两年,然后逐渐中断联系。有趣的是,一旦有机会再见面,不管间隔多久,昔日的朋友会“和好如初”,重温友情,甚至继续密切往来一段时间。



美利坚民族性格中,爱搞实验是她的一个重要特点。从大的范围讲,美国本身就是一个最大的实验场。自哥伦布“发现”北美新大陆后,一批又一批移民涌入美国,根据他们各自理想蓝图,在美国进行不同类型的实验。清教徒要在那里建立一个“天府之国”,共和主义者想在那里建立一个“大同世界”,注重经济发展的人要把那块广阔富饶的土地变成“强盛之邦”。从小的范围看,一代又一代来自世界各地的开拓者,不断地利用一切机会进行各种各样的尝试。有的试图在政治上发迹,有的设法在经济上发财,也有的为了自己的理想之梦而孜孜以求。不管是大范围着眼,还是小范围角度,美国都被看作是“机遇之地”(land of opportunity),因而可以在那里展开实验。











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American culture is unique because it is nurtured, formed and developed under certain conditions, which are characteristically(特性)American. The major factors contributing to the making of this new nation and the forming of a new culture are the hard environment, ethnic diversity(多民族) and plural religion, which is quite different from other nations in the world. What is more, these elements are still influencing the American culture.

1. Rough Environment

The early immigrants who were English Puritans settled down in northeast part of American. The environment there was very rough but they believed the poor land could purify their mind so they chose the place along the coast. From 1607 to 1892, frontiers were pushed further west. The American frontier consisted of the relatively unsettled regions of the United States, usually found in the western part of the country. The frontiersmen looked for a land of rich resources and a land of promise, opportunity and freedom. Actually they looked for a better life. So individualism, self-reliance, and equality of opportunity have perhaps been the values most closely associated with the frontier heritage(遗产) of American.

2. Ethnic Diversity

The population of the United States includes a large variety of ethnic groups coming from many races, nationalities, and religions. People refer to the United States as "melting pot "and the dominant people are British. American is made up of WASP MM, that is, White, Anglo Saxon, Protestants plus Middle Class and Male. In history, people from different countries in the world rushed to American three times. They brought their own culture to American and later on different cultures were mixed together. Thus the unique American culture is formed, a common cultural life with commonly shared values.

3. Plural religion

The fundamental American belief in individual freedom and the right of individuals to practice their own religion is at the center of religious experience in the United States. The great diversity of ethnic backgrounds has produced religious pluralism; almost all of the religions of the world are now practiced in the United States. Christianity(基督教) is the dominant religion in American and Protestant (新教)is predominate(主导)。 Any individuals are equal before God and they believe they can communicate directly to God so they can share the same idea. Under the protestant, many new ones are formed and different explanations produce different sect of religion. Churches are independent and American religion is no longer religion seculars. The institution permits the practice of religion and the political power is separate form religion. So there are more religions in American than in other countries.

4. Current influence:

Nowadays, we can see the continual influence of the three elements in the current American society. American family is typically parents and their unmarried children. Middle-aged and elderly people generally do not live with their married children. Many Americans live in mobile homes whose homes are built with wheels. They can be moved. The people in American have a very strong desire to start a new life in a new place. Quite a number of people change residences(住所) every year. The average American moves fourteen times in his lifetime. The courage to try something new has been an American characteristic. American democracy means majority rule, but it also means protection of minority rights. There are certain freedom which the United States promises to all its citizens and members of minority group cannot be denied these rights by a vote of the majority. Americans also like to be involved in many challenge activities and sports to show their adventurous spirits. All of these are affected by the heritage of the American history.

From the facts above, we can see American culture is unique which was cultivated, formed and developed by the main three factors, rough environment, ethnic diversity and plural religion and still is affected and determined by them now.


From its humble beginnings and unlikely origins, the chicken wing has become one of Americas best-loved snack foods.

The chicken wing first evolved from soup stock staple to American delicacy in 1964. John E. Harmon, in his Atlas of Popular Culture of the Northeastern United States, points to the Anchor Bar in Buffalo, N.Y. as the birthplace of wings. In 40- plus years, chicken wings have become a truly all-American food, showing up on dinner tables, at neighborhood bars, and in chain restaurants, pizza joints and even restaurants where the wings themselves are the focus.

Pace Foods has improved on the original formula for chicken wings with a recipe that combines the spice of Pace Picante Sauce, the sweetness of honey and the zest of fresh ginger to create Hot `nHoneyed Chicken Wings.

"Pace Picante Sauce isnt just for dipping,"said Chris Foley with Pace Foods. "A recipe like Hot `nHoneyed Chicken Wings, which combines sweet and spicy flavors of the Old Southwest and the Far East, shows how versatile, and yet how easy, it can be in cooking."

With this recipe, Pace Foods had taken the delicacy created in snowy Buffalo and made it the perfect summer food.

鸡翅越来越成为美国人最喜欢的小食品。1964年的时候它首先是在汤里出现的。John E. Harmon在他的美国东北部通俗文化地图集里指出鸡翅已经成为全美真正的食物,它在晚餐桌上,在邻居酒吧里,在连锁餐饮店里,在比萨店里,甚至在一些餐馆里它是主打菜。


Try our delicious European truffles. Our Swiss trained chocolatier starts by importing the finest raw chocolate from Switzerland. Our cocoa beans are roasted by artisans who use centuries-old, closely guarded techniques. We then use the freshest creams, fruit purees, pure cocoa butter and nuts to create the most flavorful of fillings.

This gift box of premium Chocolates contains 36 pieces (1 lb) of assorted chocolate truffles with delicious fillings such as mint, peanut butter, raspberry puree, orange, caramel and hazelnut to name a few. Beautifully packaged, these premium chocolates are packed fresh and delivered directly from Cherry Moon Farms with your personal message.


美国 Alagnak Wild River(奔河)

Alagnak Wild River is located in the beautiful Aleutian Range. The river provides unparalleled opportunities to experience the wilderness of the Alaska Peninsula.

The Alagnak Wild River, designated as a wild river by Title VI, Section 601(25) and 603(44) of ANILCA, preserves the upper 56 miles of the river in a free-flowing condition, and protects the river and its immediate environments for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations. The river is managed free of impoundments and diversion, inaccessible by road, its shorelines primitive and its water unpolluted. The Alagnak is the most popular fly-in fishery in southwest Alaska, and has experienced a significant increase in use over the last several years. The Alagnak Wild River protects populations of all five species of pacific salmon, was well as significant rainbow trout, arctic char, arctic grayling, and northern pike populations. The increasing sport fishery on the river is a topic of concern to many subsistence users and other local residents.


Its summertime, and the livinis easy. For many Americans, this is the season to travel. Why? Because school is out. Because the weather is great. And most of all, because we all deserve a break. When Americans take a break, they often head for their favorite vacation spot.

Throughout their history, Americans have been people on the move. The early immigrants had to travel to get to the New World. Once they arrived, they settled along the East Coast. But they werent content to stay there. Explorers and traders journeyed to the unknown western territories. Later, settlers moved west to develop these new areas. As a result of this westward migration, Americans eventually occupied the whole continent-from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Even today, Americans seem unable to stay put. Research says that the average American moves every five years.

Besides their habit of changing addresses, Americans are used to traveling. Some people make long-distance commutes to work daily. Their jobs may even require them to take frequent business trips. Most companies provide an annual vacation for their employees, and people often use that time to travel. Some people just visit friends or relatives in distant states. Others go on low-budget weekend excursions and stay in economy motels. Those with more expensive tastes choose luxurious resorts and hotels. Camping out in the great outdoors appeals to adventurous types. Some travel in recreational vehicles (RVs) to camp out in comfort, while others "rough it"by sleeping in tents.

Most Americans prefer to travel within their nations borders. Why? For one thing, its cheaper than traveling abroad, and theres no language problem. But besides that, the vast American territory offers numerous tourist attractions. Nature lovers can enjoy beaches, mountains, canyons, lakes and a wealth of natural wonders. Major cities offer visitors a multitude of urban delights. The convenience of modern freeways, railways and airplanes makes travel in America as easy as pie.

Many American vacations are as unique as the people who take them. Families often plan their trips with the kids in mind. More and more "family friendly"vacation resorts offer special programs for children. History buffs seek out famous historical sites and museums. Environmentalists prefer "green vacations."These trips allow them to observe flora and fauna up-close without disturbing the sensitive balance of nature. Some people find sea cruises relaxing and refreshing. Others hit the water to go fishing, skiing or white-water rafting. Daring souls get the thrill of a lifetime on trekking expeditions and safaris in remote places from Africa to Asia.

Americans arent the only people in the world who travel. International business, mass communication and jet airplanes have created a world of globetrotters. People all over the world enjoy going abroad to travel. And no matter where they live, people enjoy visiting scenic spots in their own country. But being on the go makes Americans what they are: people on the move. In America, almost every-body is a tourist sometime.








"You are what you eat."Nutrition experts often use this saying to promote better eating habits. What we put in our mouths does become a part of us. But we can look at this statement another way. What we eat reflects who we are——as people and as a culture. Do you want to understand another culture? Then you ought to find out about its food. Learning about American food can give us a real taste of American culture.

What is "American food"? At first you might think the answer is easy as pie. To many people, American food means hamburgers, hot dogs, fried chicken and pizza. If you have a "sweet tooth,"you might even think of apple pie or chocolate chip cookies. Its true that Americans do eat those things. But are those the only kind of vittles you can find in America?

Except for Thanksgiving turkey, its hard to find a typically "American"food. The United States is a land of immigrants. So Americans eat food from many different countries. When people move to America, they bring their cooking styles with them. Thats why you can find almost every kind of ethnic food in America. In some cases, Americans have adopted foods from other countries as favorites. Americans love Italian pizza, Mexican tacos and Chinese egg rolls. But the American version doesnt taste quite like the original!

As with any large country, the U.S.A has several distinct regions. Each region boasts its own special style of food. Visit the South and enjoy country-style cooking. Journey through Louisiana for some spicy Cajun cuisine. Take a trip to New England and sample savory seafood dishes. Travel through the Midwest, "the breadbasket of the nation,"for delicious baked goods. Cruise over to the Southwest and try some tasty Tex-Mex treats. Finish your food tour in the Pacific Northwest with some gourmet coffee.

Americans living at a fast pace often just "grab a quick bite."Fast food restaurants offer people on the run everything from fried chicken to fried rice. Microwave dinners and instant foods make cooking at home a snap. Of course, one of the most common quick American meals is a sandwich. If it can fit between two slices of bread, Americans probably make a sandwich out of it. Peanut butter and jelly is an all-time American favorite.

Americans on the go also tend to eat a lot of "junk food."Potato chips, candy bars, soft drinks and other goodies are popular treats. Many people eat too many of these unhealthy snacks. But others opt for more healthy eating habits. Some even go "all natural."They refuse to eat any food prepared with chemicals or additives.

American culture is a good illustration of the saying "you are what you eat."Americans represent a wide range of backgrounds and ways of thinking. The variety of foods enjoyed in the U.S. reflects the diversity of personal tastes. The food may be international or regional. Sometimes its fast, and sometimes its not so fast. It might be junk food, or maybe its natural food. In any case, the style is all-American.











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Different social attitudes: The british are, in some ways, less conservative than Americans - the drinking age is 18, not 21, homosexual civil unions are legal, and abortion hasnt been a serious political issue in years. Mixing religion and politics is extremely rare in the UK. On the other hand, there are stricter controls on some things - its much harder to get a driving licence, and the age requirement is higher than in most states, there are speed cameras everwhere, CCTV cameras in many public places (although they may or may not be working), and carrying weapons or other objects for "self defence" is illegal (in particular, note that pepper spray is illegal).

Getting into a debate about the right to bear arms will be very time consuming, and may also lead people to think that youre a gun-nut before theyve got to know you properly.

Smoking in enclosed public places is illegal - that includes pubs, the underground, train stations... more or less any non-residential building actually... (similar to New York, so not so much of a cultural difference there).



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Halloween is an autumn holiday that Americans celebrate every year。 It means "holy evening," and it comes every October 31, the evening before All Saints Day。 However, it is not really a church holiday, it is a holiday for children mainly。

Every autumn, when the vegetables are ready to eat, children pick large orange pumpkins。 Then they cut faces in the pumpkins and put a burning candle inside。 It looks as if there were a person looking out of the pumpkin! These lights are called jack—o—lanterns, which means "Jack of the lantern"。

The children also put on strange masks and frightening costumes every Halloween。 Some children paint their faces to look like monsters。 Then they carry boxes or bags from house to house。 Every time they come to a new house, they say,"Trick or treat! Money or eat!" The grown—ups put treat—money or candy in their bags。

Not only children, but most grown—ups also love Halloween and Halloween parties because on this day,they can disguise themselves as personages or ghost as their imaginations will lead them。 This bring them the satisfaction of being young。



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The lunar August 15 is Chinas traditional holiday -- the Mid-Autumn festival. The Mid-Autumn festival and the Spring Festival ching Ming festival Dragon Boat Festival is known as the Chinese han nationalitys four big traditional holiday. The word "Mid-Autumn festival" first seen in "rites". According to history records the ancient imperial sacrifices feast in the month as the lunar August 15 at the time of sowing and ploughing and a half so the name "Mid-Autumn festival"; And because this festival in August in the autumn so it is also called "autumn festival" "the mid autumn festival" "August" "Mid-Autumn festival"; And pray for the reunion belief and related customs activities therefore also called "the mid autumn festival" "sections".

For the main activity of the Mid-Autumn festival is around the "month" so they are commonly known as "moon festival" "the moon and the" "chasing day" "play on day" "worship festival"; In the tang dynasty the Mid-Autumn festival is also known as "correct". The prevalence of Mid-Autumn festival began in song dynasty to Ming and qing dynasties along with New Years day to become one of the major festivals in China. About the origin of the Mid-Autumn festival generally there are three: originated from the ancient worship of the month the custom of song and dance to meet under the moon autumn in ancient relic of the land.

The Mid-Autumn festival from 20 xx year for the national legal holiday. Country attaches great importance to the protection of intangible cultural heritage May 20 20 xx years the festival have been approved by the state council listed in the first batch of state-level non-material cultural heritage list.



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As Confucius Institute worldwide,Confucian culture appears more and more important.The more important is the Confucian culture of filial piety.

Confucian culture and pay attention to for the first filial." If you dont stop for." Profound revelation of me.Filial piety,the world will eventually.For thousands of years passed down the core of Confucian culture.Confucius said," one trip more than filial piety." Confucius humanity,Kome Takeis parents is as unalterable principles.Today,many phenomena in society to let people reflection.

Confucian filial piety,reflected in every aspect of society at all levels.For thousands of years,Chinese whether rich or poor and,by this kind of culture is deeply Taozhe smoked.It is the most important cultural asset." Is old I old as well as old person." Confucian filial piety,lead us to the important content of harmonious society.




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Life has many, "the first" is always unforgettable. Today, Im excited to tell you about my first trip to britain.

Last summer, my father and mother decided to take me to England for a trip. On that day, we were on the plane in Hongkong, and my father told me we had to fly to Holland first and then transfer there. On the plane, stewardess stewardess is very polite. She will bring us food and drink for us. We passengers are like God and enjoy the thoughtful and meticulous service. On the plane, I was eating, drinking and sleeping. I was very excited in my brain. Im looking forward to my destination soon.

After more than ten hours of flight, the plane finally arrived at Holland Amsterdam international airport. After we got off the plane, we went to England by a lovely little plane. Dont look at the plane. Its very small and inside. I feel very luxurious and comfortable. During the flight, our plane was unsteady in the air because of the resistance of the airflow. But Im still happy. Because Ill soon see my fathers friend, uncle Mike and his family. After a period of flight, our small plane finally landed at Liverpool John Lennon Airport in england. My mom and dad couldnt speak English when I was out of customs, and I was the only one to act as their interpreter. Its very troublesome to go through customs. To verify our passports, we need to cover chapter after chapter, and also to pick up our luggage. After all the customs formalities, we were tired out.

We dragged the trunk out of the airport and dads friend, uncle Mike, had been waiting for us outside. Suddenly, dad asked Uncle Mike, "what time is it for you in England?""

Uncle Mike immediately said, "its seven in the morning."! You have worked hard all the way!"

After greeting each other for a while, a coach with 7 people could drive us straight to uncle Mike. Uncle Mikes wife is Grace, a native of Hongkong, very friendly and friendly to people. I hasten to call her aunt. At this point, a child ran down the stairs from the two floor. He turned out to be uncle Mikes son, Kevinmike. The little man looked as big as I was. After seeing us, he took me by the hand and, like a little guide, showed me around every room of his house. Finally, he led me to a room and said, "my friend, this is your room."! You live here!" The look of his face was like a little master. On the morning of the second day, after breakfast, my father drove Mike uncles car, took me and my mother in Liverpool City, took a big circle, and visited the whole city. Here is what is foreign, city streets are clean, tidy, little and dainty buildings are also very beautiful. The small yard of every family is full of bright flowers. The whole city is quiet, free of noise and fresh air. The British people are very polite to people, and everyone sees us with a smile and regards to us. It made us feel very happy. The third day, we drove to the suburbs. There we saw large fields and saw ranches. On the farm, there were green grass, strong cows, white sheep, and strong horses. We also saw flocks of chickens, ducks, geese and cute puppies. Our day is on a farm to eat lunch, we eat the delicious French fries and fish, there are many unnamed foreign food, really let my appetite!

On the fourth day, we went to a cathedral in the city for worship. Before I went, I asked my mother to buy me a New Jersey, so it made me more lively and energetic.

On the fifth day, our main task is to go shopping in the big shopping mall in the city. I bought two beautiful cups and decided to return to my cousin and cousin. My mother bought a new captain armband for me. On the sixth day, my family went to the zoo in the city and we spent a whole day in it. Here, I saw the giraffe for the first time, saw the big rhino, saw the elephant, saw the boa constrictor...... I think the zoo here is very different from the zoo in our country, mainly in the style of the building. Really let me eyes!

The seventh day, I did not go out, but stay at Uncle Mikes home, and his son playing trampoline and game consoles. All two of us are boys, and our personalities are similar. We have nothing to say, talk about each other, and enjoy ourselves! From time to time the room burst into our happy laughter.

On the eighth day, we finally finished our trip to England and left the beautiful England for Hongkong. The two of us are reluctant to part. Especially uncle Mike and my son Kevinmike left E - mail address, so that we can keep in touch after day. Mom and dad have also invited uncle Mikes family to come and visit us in Hongkong.



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In 1869, the draft of the statue of Liberty was completed, and Bartholdy began to throw himself into the work of sculpture. He has traveled to the United States to win American support for the statue scheme, but Americans have been slow to realize the value of the gift. Until 1876, Bartholdy held in Philadelphia to celebrate the 100th anniversary independent exposition, in order to attract public attention of , the statue of liberty he held the torch hand on display at the fair, just a sensation. Placed in front of people in this hand only index finger on the length of 2.44 meters, more than 1 meters in diameter, nail thickness of 25 cm, 12 people can stand on the edge of the torch. So this a few days ago also little-known sculpture suddenly worth a hundred times, become the everyone to appreciate art treasures.

We boarded the cruise ship and went up to the two floor. The river wind is very cool, put the hair on my forehead to the back, behind the hair along the wind, blown into the "fluttering" hairstyle.

I saw a wide river, suffused with blue waves, along the river, or building embedded in the trees between the hills, or tall, a flourishing; the distance, Shuitianyise blue, the river formed the sparkling, white water, and the sky seemed to have no boundaries, white clouds and the sky is abnormal white. I saw in the front of the right a statue standing there, that should be the Statue of Liberty, I think.

Not far away, just 100 meters ahead, Statue of Liberty holds aloft the torch, gentle and kind, calm and steady. Under the blue sky and white clouds, the Statue of Liberty is like a pale blue jade carving. At this moment, a small sailing boat passed by, and added a beautiful landscape to this beautiful picture.



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American citizens emphasize on achievements and respect heroes.They have great sense in their hearts to praise success and heroes.Personal achievements are one of those with the highest value in Americans mind.Americans have very strong senses of success.Success is the pursuit of most Americans,it is their attractive future and the incentives for moving forward.They believe that ones personal value is equivalent to his achievements in his career.Some high achievers in their career such as entrepreneurs,scientists,artists and all kinds of super starts became modern heroes.The process and result of how they strived have become the frame of reference of social culture value and the real life text book for parents to educate their children.



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Recently, the movie American Captain is very hot, the third episode has been brought into the screen.

Since I see the first episode, this great hero catches my attention all the time.

he is so handsome and brave, what’s more, he fights for the justice, which makes him a charming person.

I will support this movie, American Captain is my hero.







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James Fenimore Cooper, an early American writer, once said, "The Americans are almost ignorant of the art of music." If that was once true, you would never know it today. Most Americans——even those without a musical bone in their bodies——have a favorite style of music. Many people enjoy classical and folk music from around the world. But other popular music styles in America were "made in the U.S.A."

一位美国早期的作家柯柏(James Fenimore Cooper)曾说:「美国人对音乐艺术几乎可以说是相当的无知。」如果这话曾经是事实,今日你绝不会这么认为了。大部份的美国人,甚至包括那些没有音乐细胞的人,都有自己喜爱的音乐型态。许多人喜欢世界各国的古典音乐和民俗音乐,然而美国其它的流行音乐则是「在美国制造」的。

Country and western music lies close to the heart of many Americans. This style originated among country folks in the southern and western United States. Country music tells down-to-earth stories about love and lifes hardships. Guitars, banjos and violins——also known as fiddles——give country music its characteristic sound. The home of country music is Nashville, Tennessee——Music City U.S.A. Country music even has its own theme park called "Opryland" where you can enjoy music shows and fun rides. "The Grand Ole Opry," the oldest radio show in the United States, broadcasts country music live from Opryland every weekend.

乡村和西部音乐深得很多美国人的人心,这种型态的音乐起源于美国南部和西部的乡村小民们。乡村音乐传述着真实不加渲染的爱情故事和生活中的艰难。吉他、五弦琴和小提琴(violin又名fiddle)可弹奏出乡村音乐的特殊音色。乡村音乐的发源地是田纳西州的纳许维尔市——美国的音乐城市。而乡村音乐甚至还有它自己的主题乐园——Opryland呢!在那儿你可以享受音乐表演以及好玩的游乐设施。美国最老牌的广播节目「The Grand Ole Opry」每个周末都实况播放Opryland的音乐。

Jazz music, developed by African-Americans in the late 1800s, allows performers to freely express their emotions and musical skill. Instead of just playing the melody, jazz musicians improvise different tunes using the same chords. The peak of jazz music came in the 1920s, known as "The Jazz Era." This period produced musicians like Louis Armstrong, Benny Goodman and Duke Ellington. These musicians later created the "big band" sounds of the 1930s. Different styles of jazz developed in different cities, such as New Orleans, Chicago, New York and Kansas City. Composer George Gershwin brought jazz into the world of classical music with pieces like "Rhapsody in Blue."

爵士乐是十九世纪末期由非裔的美国人发展出来的。它让表演者自由地表现他们的情感和音乐技巧。不仅演奏旋律,爵士音乐大师用同样的和弦即兴演奏出不同的曲调。爵士乐的高峰期出现于二○年代,该时期被称为「爵士年代」。这个时期创造出来的乐手有阿姆斯特朗(Louise Armstrong),古德曼(Benny goodman)和埃林顿(Duke Ellington)。这些乐手稍后都创造了三○年代的「大乐团」之音。在不同的城市也孕育出不同的爵士风格,像是纽奥尔良、芝加哥、纽约和坎萨斯市。作曲家盖希文(George Gershwin)更以像「蓝色狂想曲」这样的作品,将爵士乐带入古典音乐的世界里。

James Fenimore Cooper, an early American writer, once said, "The Americans are almost ignorant of the art of music." If that was once true, you would never know it today. Most Americans——even those without a musical bone in their bodies——have a favorite style of music. Many people enjoy classical and folk music from around the world. But other popular music styles in America were "made in the U.S.A."

一位美国早期的作家柯柏(James Fenimore Cooper)曾说:「美国人对音乐艺术几乎可以说是相当的无知。」如果这话曾经是事实,今日你绝不会这么认为了。大部份的美国人,甚至包括那些没有音乐细胞的人,都有自己喜爱的音乐型态。许多人喜欢世界各国的古典音乐和民俗音乐,然而美国其它的流行音乐则是「在美国制造」的。

Country and western music lies close to the heart of many Americans. This style originated among country folks in the southern and western United States. Country music tells down-to-earth stories about love and lifes hardships. Guitars, banjos and violins——also known as fiddles——give country music its characteristic sound. The home of country music is Nashville, Tennessee——Music City U.S.A. Country music even has its own theme park called "Opryland" where you can enjoy music shows and fun rides. "The Grand Ole Opry," the oldest radio show in the United States, broadcasts country music live from Opryland every weekend.

乡村和西部音乐深得很多美国人的人心,这种型态的音乐起源于美国南部和西部的乡村小民们。乡村音乐传述着真实不加渲染的爱情故事和生活中的艰难。吉他、五弦琴和小提琴(violin又名fiddle)可弹奏出乡村音乐的特殊音色。乡村音乐的发源地是田纳西州的纳许维尔市——美国的音乐城市。而乡村音乐甚至还有它自己的主题乐园——Opryland呢!在那儿你可以享受音乐表演以及好玩的游乐设施。美国最老牌的广播节目「The Grand Ole Opry」每个周末都实况播放Opryland的音乐。

Jazz music, developed by African-Americans in the late 1800s, allows performers to freely express their emotions and musical skill. Instead of just playing the melody, jazz musicians improvise different tunes using the same chords. The peak of jazz music came in the 1920s, known as "The Jazz Era." This period produced musicians like Louis Armstrong, Benny Goodman and Duke Ellington. These musicians later created the "big band" sounds of the 1930s. Different styles of jazz developed in different cities, such as New Orleans, Chicago, New York and Kansas City. Composer George Gershwin brought jazz into the world of classical music with pieces like "Rhapsody in Blue."

爵士乐是十九世纪末期由非裔的美国人发展出来的。它让表演者自由地表现他们的情感和音乐技巧。不仅演奏旋律,爵士音乐大师用同样的和弦即兴演奏出不同的曲调。爵士乐的高峰期出现于二○年代,该时期被称为「爵士年代」。这个时期创造出来的乐手有阿姆斯特朗(Louise Armstrong),古德曼(Benny goodman)和埃林顿(Duke Ellington)。这些乐手稍后都创造了三○年代的「大乐团」之音。在不同的城市也孕育出不同的爵士风格,像是纽奥尔良、芝加哥、纽约和坎萨斯市。作曲家盖希文(George Gershwin)更以像「蓝色狂想曲」这样的作品,将爵士乐带入古典音乐的世界里。




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Since the big country has been found at October 1st of 1949, the People’s Republic of China has gone through a history of 62 years. Looking back at the 62 years, especially in recent 30 years, we have made many great achievements in different fields. And China has been the second largest economy in the world in 2010. And as a Chinese, I am so proud of our mother country.

However, on the other hand, we also have been losing many other good things such as beautiful environment and traditional culture when the GDP has increased quickly. And we also know that the traditional culture is the soul of an ancient nation. It is the most important thing. But we Chinese seem to ignore this. And that many things happened in this year like to remind us to be awake of this phenomenon. The accident of our high speed trains had taken many people’s lives away in July. And that the 2-years-old girl had been hurt to die while 18 passers should to save her.

And in my opinion, the culture and civilization are so important that we can’t lose them. However the economy and technology have been developed, we will have nothing when we lost the important things. As a student, I have no idea that what should I do. And I just want to say, we must develop our traditional culture but not to abandon them.


Hello, everyone, my topic today is “we are losing our traditional culture”.

After seeing the movie Kung Fu Panda, I was impressed deeply by its advanced cartoon technology and its abundant characters, but what impressed me most was the series of Chinese elements in the film, such as buildings of Chinese style, calligraphy, Tang suits and so on. I had to admit that the film makers, those Americans, seemed to know our Chinese traditional culture even more than most of us Chinese, which should made us ashamed. To be honest, the movie Kung Fu Panda made many contributions to spreading our traditional culture, but we should not be pleased at all, we Chinese should play the most important role in spreading our own traditional culture. Kung Fu is ours, panda is ours, but Kung Fu Panda is not ours, how terrible it is!

That all, thank you for your listening and it’s time for your questions now.


On the Losing of Tyaditional Culture

It is widely noted that lots of traditional culture is dis^ppeBriitg alotig with the development of technology* Many aucient architectures and traditional ways of living have been deserted. It seems that the traditional culture and craftmanship will be replaced in this modem era.

The following reasons can account for the above phenomenon. Firstly, traditional technologies are always considered ineffective while the new sciences are always highly efficient. Secondly, it is costly to protect the traditional culture.

the fund used to protect the ancient culture was instead delivered to the poor, it will be helpful to the improvement of their living standard. Thirdly,modeni science and technology facilitate both our daiJy and academic life a tot. For instance, college students always collect their thesis materials by surfing the Internet instead of borrowing books from the library.

In my opinion, although traditional culture is an ancient heritage, it couldnt keep pace with the development of society. It is the tide of history that the traditional culture and technology will no doubt be eliminated in the end.




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The benefits of immigrating to the United States, whether you believe it or not, is an interesting phenomenon in the United States and naturalization, which is that the number of people applying for citizenship has soared in the era of immigration regulation. Last year was the most intense year for border security and illegal immigration in the United States, and the number of americans applying for citizenship last year was the highest since 1999. A similar situation occurred a decade ago. Dan, a spokesman for the U.S. citizenship and immigration services (USCIS). every time theres an immigration debate, theres always a surge in naturalization applications, says Dan Kane. Some experts believe that rising immigration, naturalization and other service costs in recent years may have pushed immigrants to apply for naturalization prior to the increase. In addition, foreigners will be keen to join us citizenship and, of course, the top ten benefits of naturalization.

Top 10 benefits of joining us citizenship:

1. The citizenship of the United States can be applied to many relatives as permanent residents in the United States according to the immigration law. There is no limit on the number of people and the time for waiting for the green card is much shorter. Along with a unique, that is, if you are a citizen of the United States, you can in your immediate family (including spouse, parents and unmarried minor child (children) in the United States during the visit (s) to apply for immigrants to him, and he (they) dont have to leave the country to do procedure, as long as with immigration give receipt can legally to stay in American waiting for the final approval of immigration, and not of little chance, its just a matter of waiting for the length of time.

2. Many countries have visa-free access to American citizens. It is more convenient for American citizens to enter customs than those who do not automatically enter the customs.

Most people dont want to commit a crime, but maybe in the wrong time, in the wrong place, we are victims of some kind of situation, but as American citizens, we will not be expelled from the country. American citizens do not have to worry about losing a green card or staying abroad for a long time.

4. Retired U.S. citizens can enjoy all social security benefits, and green card holders can only enjoy half the benefits.

5. U.S. citizens have the right to elect federal, state and local government officials. Some countries, including Ireland, the United Kingdom and Canada, recognize dual citizenship, allowing americans to retain their original nationality and passport. U.S. green card holders are not elected and elected before they enter the country.

6. American citizens can have more public benefits, including additional Security Income (SSI) and food stamps, as well as certain scholarships and financial aid.

American citizens can have more jobs and jobs. Only citizens can be elected to elected municipal, state and federal government posts. Many federal, state and municipal jobs recruit only U.S. citizens.

An adopted or biological child under the age of 18 can automatically become an American citizen. If a child is born outside the United States and is unmarried and under the age of 18, the child may be naturalized when his or her parents are naturalized.

American citizens have more financial and tax incentives, are often easier to get loans and get better lending rates because lenders think they are less likely to run for debt.

When you become an American citizen, you dont have to worry about a green card every 10 years.




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"We wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas"Have you heard that song? Yup! Its Christmas time! This Christmas, I stayed with my "host family"1. It was an amazing experience to see how a typical American family would celebrate the biggest western festival of the year.

Christmas, like our Spring Festival, has a meaning in itself. Christmas Day, which is on December 25, is the birthday of Jesus Christ--the son of God. Thats why it is called Christmas. On that day, Christians would get together with their families to celebrate the birthday of Jesus. But nowadays, the religious meaning of Christmas has become less emphasized. To many families, it is just a time of family reunion and the ever-exciting present-giving.

Our school had been on winter vacation since December 11. I stayed at my friend, Stephen Stapczynskis house--his family was my "host family". Although Christmas was still more than ten days ahead, the festive spirit had already been teeming everywhere. The Christmas tree had already been set up, and on every windowsill, there were Christmas lights. On the first day I arrived at their house, Stephen and I helped Mrs. Stapczynski put decorations on the Christmas tree. The tree looked so nice with all the lights on and the beautiful ornaments dangling from its branches.

As Christmas came closer, the whole neighborhood had made preparations too. Some people would hold parties at their houses, inviting all their neighbors to come. So every night, if you went out, you would see a long line of cars parked in front of some house--a partys on!

Whats more, the Christmas decorations that some people put on their windows and in gardens were just amazing. On one night, we went out in our car for a "tour of lights". There was one street that was so famous for its lights that it got its way into the local paper. We had a hard time finding the well-hidden street, but it turned out to be worth the effort. Lights shone brightly in front of nearly every house, on trees, bushes, doors, windowseverywhere, taking different shapes, making it seem almost like daytime. Huge inflatable figures in the front gardens were waving to us: there were Santa Clauses2, of course, chuckling merrily away; and there were also other Christmas figures, like Rudolph3--the red-nosed reindeer--with his red nose gleaming ever so brightly; even Bart Simpson--a character in the famous comedy The Simpsons--had joined the jolly party, wearing a Santas hat. The street set off a lot of "ooh"s and "aah"s inside the car.4 When we left, there was a line of cars in the street, all there to see the lights.

Christmas is the time for exchanging presents. Stephen and Niko had been thinking about their Christmas lists (a list of things they wish "Santa"to give them for Christmas) for a long time. I didnt want to ask for anything, but the Stapczynskis were so kind to "force"me make one list as well (Mr. Stapczynski told me if I didnt make one he would chop off my legs). So I wrote down a couple of things that I would like to have, and gave the list to them--sorry, my mistake--to Santa.

Finally, Christmas Eve came. There was a special Christmas service at the church at 6 p.m. It was certainly a very interesting experience for me. The priest started the service reading and sang out extractions from a holy book--The Divine Liturgy. For several times, we would stand up and pray.

Sometimes, the church choir would start singing. The atmosphere was very quiet and holy. Then there was a ceremony called "The Receiving Communion". People waited in line to "receive"a spoonful of food from the priest. It was a very special Christmas tradition. The food was made from bread and wine. The bread represents the body of Jesus, and the wine represents his blood. After this ceremony, the priest had a speech. He reminded us not to forget the true meaning of Christmas, and let Jesus really live inside us--that is, to love the people around us wholeheartedly. I think that no matter if you are a Christian or not, this principle should be part of our lives. After the priest finished his speech, the part that I enjoyed most came: Christmas carols5. Christmas carols are songs that people sing at Christmas, such as "Jingle Bells", "We Wish You a Merry Christmas", "Silent Night"and so on. Some were very merry, others sounded quite holy, but all of them were beautiful. I closed my eyes, and let all the peacefulness and happiness that were in the songs flow through me. What a feeling it was!

We went to sleep earlier that day for we had to get up early on Christmas Day to open our presents. Sure enough, when I was still half-way during a sweet dream, Stephen burst into my room and told me to get up and open presents. There were a huge pile of presents under the Christmas tree, and there was such a mysterious mist shrouding them that made me eager to see what they all were. So one by one, we went through all the presents. Mr. and Mrs. Stapczynski had bought me everything I had written on my Christmas list--and a lot more! I got music CDs, film DVDs, clothes, books I was very happy, and I didnt know how to express my appreciation for what they had done for me.

Stephen and Niko had gotten a lot of presents too, and they had already been trying out their new games!

In the afternoon, we went to Mrs. Stapczynskis brother, Uncle Stans house. They had prepared a marvelous meal for us. A lot of their friends and relatives also came. I saw Stephen and Nikos grandparents, Yiayia and Papou (words of grandma and grandpa in Greek--Mrs. Stapczynskis parents came from Greece, so they like the boys using Greek words to call them). They were very kind to me, and treated me just like one of their family members. We had a very luxurious meal, consisting of turkey, beef, pork, and all sorts of other food.

After the meal, when all the stomachs were full and everyone was feeling drowsy6 from all the food, we just sat around the table and chatted, just like what we Chinese people do at the Spring Festival. After all, Christmas, like the Spring Festival, is a time for us to get away from our busy lives, a time for family gathering, and a time to have some fun.



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An American studying in China had an appointment at noon. As he was getting on his bicycle a Chinese friend passed by. "吃了吗?”The young Chinese asked. This, of course, is a common Chinese greeting around meal time and the American merely nodded with a smile, waved goodbye and went off. He realized that his friend’s remark was nothing more than a Chinese way of saying hello or Hi. If the greeting had been put literally into English "Have you eaten yet?" Or “Have you had your lunch? " It would have sounded rather unusual. To Americans, this greeting might mean this: "I havent either. Come on, let’s go together and get something to eat." or "If you haven’t, I was just going to invite you to my place." In other words, it could indicate an invitation to a meal.

Actually , another foreign student who had not been long in China once complained in broken Chinese 你们为什么老问我吃了饭没有?我有钱。To his way of thinking, people were concerned that he was not getting his meals properly because of lack of money. Clearly, he was offended. There is a similar Chinese greeting, such as "上哪儿去啊?""到哪儿去啦?" Which if translated literally, would be "Where are yon going?" Or "Where have you been?" The natural reaction of most English-speaking people to this greeting would most likely be "It’s none of your business!"

Fortunately, not all greetings sound strange or arouse displeasure. Many are similar, some are merely different. While greetings in many languages often indicate the time of day, there may be inconsistencies within a language. English has Good morning, Good afternoon and Good evening but not Good noon. And Good night is not a greeting at all, but an expression of farewell.

greeting 打招呼


他知道,中国朋友的话等于英语中的Hello或Hi,但如果照字面译成Have you eaten yet?或Have you had your lunch?外国人听起来就很怪。美国人会以为,这种打招呼似乎是说:“我也没有吃。走吧,我们一起去吃点东西吧。”或者说:“如果没有吃的话,我正要请你到我家去呢。”;总之,这样打招呼有时意味着邀请对方去吃饭 。


再如,汉语中的“上哪儿去啊?”和“到哪儿去啦?”这样打招呼的话直译成英语就是Where are you going?和Where have you been?用这两句英语来打招呼,大部分讲英语的人听了会不高兴,他们的反应很可能是:It s none of your business! 你管得着吗!


在许多语言里,打招呼的话往往与时间有关,但即使在一种语言中也有不一致的地方。英语中有Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening 都相当于汉语中的“您好”,只是说的时间不同而已,但不说Good noon。而 Good night (晚安;明天见;再会)根本不是打招呼的话,这只是告别时说的话。



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Nowadays, if you search the Internet, you may find the weird situation that people say they are rich not because they own a lot of money, but tea eggs. This is the hot topic in the latest days; the topic originated from a Taiwan TV talk show, a scholar said Mainland was so poor that people there couldn’t buy a tea egg to eat. Then people in the Mainland laughed at what the scholar said, they showed off a lot of tea eggs in the Internet, leaving the words that they were lucky to have tea eggs. Though Taiwan is part of China, because of the history issues, people don’t real get to know each other, so culture misunderstanding always happen. Some people in Taiwan think the Mainland is very poor, so they say we couldn’t afford a tea egg. People need to get more communication between Taiwan and Mainland, we are a family, we should know each other, such misunderstand should be eliminated.

现在,如果你上网,你可以发现一个很奇怪的现象,人们讲自己很富裕,并不是因为有很多钱,而是因为他们有茶叶蛋。这是最近很火的一个话题,这个话题是由台湾的一个访谈节目引起的,节目中的一位学者说大陆很贫穷,人们吃不起茶叶蛋。然后大陆的人们取笑这位学者所讲的,纷纷在网上晒茶叶蛋,并留言他们很幸运拥有茶叶蛋。虽然台湾是中国的一部分,但是由于历史问题的原因,人们彼此之间并不了解,所以文化误读经常发生。一些在台湾的民众觉得大陆很贫穷,因此才会将我们买不起茶叶蛋。台湾和大陆之间应该多交流,我们是一家人,我 们应该了解彼此,这样的误会应该要消除。



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There is also a huge difference between Chinese and Western people. Chinese people use chopsticks and western people use fork and knife. Usually people who use fork and knife will use fork to hold the meat and cut it by knife and use fork to help to get that piece of meat into mouse. Chinese just use chopstick to pick things and pass it into your mouse.

Chinese people only have three meals during a day. But western people will have more, they have afternoon tea. Usually they would have fruits, homemade cake, tea (black tea) or biscuit with cheese. If you are a housewife and have a lot of time, you may have morning tea as well.



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In china if you invite people for meal, the person who invited other people would pay for the meal but it’s not the way in Western country. In western country people will think you only invited me but it’s not your responsibility to pay for me.

I can afford it. They won’t be happy if you pay for them. People in China would always put dishes into customer’s plate to show their hospitality, but they will think it’s not healthy because your chopsticks have been used by you. In western country like America not England, people will always give tips to waiter after they finished meal in a restaurant.

If you don’t they will not be happy because tips are one of their major income. In china this only happen in some top restaurants and hotels in large international cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Western people will also think you are rude if you make sound during the meal. Western people do not hold their bowl up even when they have a bowl of soup.



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How to overcome culture shock

Some good ways to successfully minimize and overcome culture shock are to read about the place where you will be staying and the things you will be doing, also, if possible, speak with someone already living in the new environment.

Once you are there, keep in mind that people and customs may be very different from what you are used to. Having realistic expectations and realizing that difficulties and misunderstandings may occur will help you keep a cool head when they do, and keeping an open mind will allow you to find solutions to those problems that may arise.

When possible interact with the local population. Dont succumb to the temptation to isolate yourself, even if it is within a group of compatriots. Locals will generally be pleased to introduce you to their culture and willing to answer questions. Dont be afraid of making mistakes. When you are eager to learn people are usually more than willing to meet you half-way and learn from you in turn.

Find ways to keep in touch with family and friends at home. Sometimes you just need to talk with someone who fully understands who you are and feels that your way of being is not strange, or rude. Keeping in touch also makes the homecoming process much easier.



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If the most beautiful season of the year is spring, for me, the most

interesting festival of the year is the new years Eve! On that day, we should

not only eat family reunion dinner, but also staying-up late on new years


Remember that the day to eat reunion dinner, people began to play cards,

chat, play mahjong, our children, began playing the fun of firecrackers, there

are all kinds of varieties, "this" and "Scud", "delta ray" and so on, we played


I also went to the house to see from time to time and funny TV comic sketch

"Spring Festival Gala" performance, I and my buddy will laugh and laugh, see

magic in those big magician performing magic show, we were amazed.

Time flies, blink of an eye to 11:45, suddenly rang out a loud bursts of

firecrackers, we are e--cited to join them, just open the door, I saw the

fireworks are riotous with colour dark sky dancers.

At 11:50, we cant wait to just wrapped dumplings into the boiling water,

mom and dad put a cover on the pot, cook for a while, 12 oclock, finally boil

the dumplings, grandma and grandpa a sung, I smell from afar dumplings

fragrance, went straight to the kitchen, when the taste delicious dumplings,

happy in the heart.

One year spent similar, each year is different, when the new years Eve, it

means spring is coming, the new year has begun!
