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羊脂球》是莫泊桑众多短篇 同车的人群一开始听闻被扣留的真相时,义愤填膺。“当时只听见一片谴责这个无耻兵的呼声,一片暴怒的怨声;全体团结起来抵御敌人了,仿佛敌人要羊脂球做出牺牲的这件事情里他们每个人也都有一份……”然而,这正是莫泊桑精心设下的一个铺垫,高潮也相应的在此展开。莫泊桑牢牢地把握读者,导引着读者在他对各人的态度、言行的转变的阐述中跟随着他思考,思考人性在环境转变中转变——人群起初的义愤到被扣留后“大家对羊脂球好像有点冷冰冰了”,再到“他们现在几乎有点儿怨恨这个女人了”,大家都只是为自己的处境担心,建议把羊脂球一个人留下,让他们离开,被普鲁士军官拒绝后,他们只有改变方法对羊脂球软硬兼施,既是威胁,又是说服和劝告……到最后,羊脂球为了大家的利益,忍受着屈辱,顺从了普鲁士军官而换来了放行,却遭到无耻的同车人的冷待…… 莫泊桑的这篇作品注重真实,他冷静、理智没有掺杂他私人情感的在他的小说里,把生活的准确形象描述给我们,他的小说丝毫没有把他的思想或是感悟的意图硬塞给读者,而更多的是用真实来引导你去思考和挖掘他阐述的事件后隐藏的事实真相和蕴含的意义。 在这个小说里,无时无处没有用到对比手法,它几乎贯穿了全文:初上车时三位阔佬及他们的夫人高高在上地对其它人的蔑视与最后在听到高尼岱演奏的《马赛曲》中的狼狈不堪、恼怒的心情之间的对比;他们一开始对羊脂球的冷嘲热讽,到后来羊脂球与他们共享食物,他们对羊脂球假惺惺的友好,再到最后,对羊脂球的冷淡与蔑视,这三者之间的对比;还有人物之间的对比:卑劣下作的鸟先生、道貌岸然的伯爵、表面得体但内心下贱的几位贵妇,与之对立的却是身为妓女却深明大义、热爱祖国的羊脂球。 读完这篇文章,了解的是一种历史背景环境中人们的另外一种面貌,学到的是一种常见而又不容易写好的写作手法,收获的是让我更深一层的了解复杂的现实社会。 自私是每个人的本性,大家都渴望自己通过一定的努力后有钱有权有势、出人头地,这是很正常的。但不正常的是,有些人自私贪婪的本性只允许他们用金钱去衡量一切。当一个人有利用价值的时候,那些人会把你伺候得像皇帝;但当你没有利用价值时,则把你当作垃圾,去践踏,去蹂躏。书本的学识未能给那些人带来善,因为现实中赤裸裸的金钱交易、残酷的争名夺利已经冲刷了一切真、善与美,不留一丝痕迹了……




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Dear Professor _____________

We are so pleased that you will be visiting Stanford to speak at our

_______ Research Workshop on [date]。 To show our appreciation for your

willingness to share your research, we would like to offer you a modest $_______

honoraria, assuming your visa and tax status allow you to accept this。 Please be

aware that honoraria payments may be subject to up to 37% withholding。 In order

to process this, we will need you to plete some paperwork; we will be in touch

shortly about this。 If you would like our assistance securing a visa to enter

the United States, or an ITIN (tax identification number required to receive

honoraria payments), please let us know—we will be glad to help with this。 We

are also prepared to cover the costs (up to $______) for your travel to and

acmodations in the Stanford area。 We can make and pay directly for travel

arrangements for you, or, if you prefer, we can reimburse your for reasonable

expenses (i。e。 coach-class airfare for flights under eight hours in length, no


tainment or alcohol-related expenditures, tips 15% or less)。 If you choose

the latter option, we will provide you with the forms and information necessary

to be reimbursed by Stanford。

Sponsored by a grant form the Mellon Foundation, the Research Workshops at

Stanford are unique spaces where scholars from a variety of disciplines and

professional cohorts meet to discuss work in progress in their fields of

interest。 I think you will enjoy a lively exchange of ideas with a diverse

audience of faculty and graduate students in your workshop。 We will most

certainly enjoy the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with you in this

informal, collegial atmosphere。

If there are specific scholars at Stanford you would like to invite to your

talk, please feel free to do so。 We will be back in touch soon to coordinate the

logistics of your visit。 In the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel

free to contact myself or __________, our workshop’s Graduate Student

Coordinator (insert contact info here)。 The Stanford Humanities Center, the

research center on campus that manages the Mellon Workshop Program, may also

contact you。

Best wishes,

Faculty Coordinator

Name of Workshop

Stanford University



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School to open a new chapter, and the holidays happy to be postponed; excellent books new face homework entire school year; diligent open bow and arrow, and create success without limit; health most first time rest good sleep. New semester came, sincere blessing in front of a beautiful mind day and night in the spread; each wishes to achieve happiness hidden in the words and between the lines; continued good luck again and again, at the same table friends every day meet, I wish you the new semester li laugh every day!


Say goodbye to summer laid-back lifestyle, return to campus ocean of knowledge, learn in the teachings of the teacher, the help of students every day, ideal nautical Fluxus in the book, the mountains in the book in order to future work hard. School, and high morale bracing, you are the hope of the motherland, you are the pillars of society!


Bloom youthful smile left fond memories of holidays wings open hope to greet the first day of school in September, the aspiring juvenile Raising ideal sailing, and strive upward swim in the ocean of knowledge, the familiar classroom blowing head a new breath, dear students the spirit of full show the vitality of the sun, and worked hard to greet the glorious power, Happy first day of school, the new semester to get good grades.


Hesitation at junctions, helpless tears in their eyes, you do not know the way forward where; hovering in the sea, the roar of howling, you do not know where drifting in; hesitated in the sky, craving attention, you do not know to stay where. First day of school to calm down a good mood, the back of the the ideal bag loading belief compass, tomorrow in front of the future in front!



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Halloween means Hallows Evening. It is the evening before All Hallows Day (now called All SaintsDay), a Christian holiday, celebrated on the November 1st.


History traces Halloween back to the ancient religion of the Celtics. The Celts were the ancestors of the present-day Irish, Welsh and Scottish people. In the 5th century BC, in Celtic Ireland, summer officially ended on October 31st. On the November 1st, Celtic peoples celebrated the festival of Samhain,which marked the beginning of winter and the Celtic New Year. Celts thought the division between the natural world and the supernatural world became very thin and all time and space was abruptly suspended on October 31st, and then the spirits of the died would come back and move freely looking for living bodies to possess.




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Dear Sir or Madam:

We are very pleased to invite Mr。 _ e to our factory for visiting and

business negotiation。 The business trip will start from 18th April 2005 。 And

because the long business co-operation in future between _对方公司名 and us, they

will e to China for many times。

Please note, however, that we dont assume any legal or financial

responsibility whatever regarding the presence of ______ in China。 All expenses

of _____Sjourney to/from China, their stay in China as well as health insurance

will be borne by their employers。

We send you our kindest regards and best wishes for a pleasant trip。

Yours sincerely,

General Manager signatur



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Little Prince

This is a fairytale whose distribution volume is only second to The Bible. It’s been translated to versions of many other languages. And I gather there must be something special, something really great about it. It’s this conviction that drove me to read it at the first beginning. Well, with due respect to the author, I failed to see how this fairytale be worthy of our attention, despite the fact that many readers claimed this book to be designed for adults.

Anyway, as a well-acknowledged book, it must possess unique feature to maintain it’s position. And it’s reputation and popularity will by no means be destroyed by what an unknown man says. I will talk about the main contents of the book, and the inspiration it renders as usual.

This book mainly tells us the experience of a prince from a tiny planet, who traveled to many other planets and finally came to the earth and met the pilot in a desert. The prince and the pilot became good friends, and the pilot gradually got to know the feeling and experience of his friend. Before he came to the earth, little prince had been  to other 6 little planets where he made acquaintance with some strange people. The first man he met was a king on a little planet, yet he claimed to be the king of the space and ridiculously justified his unshakable governance over all. The second person was a man of vanity, who enjoyed compliments of any form without considering whether it’s sincere or not. The third person was an alcoholic who tried to forget the fact that he’s addicted to acohol by drinking like a fish. The fourth person was an abosolute money-oriented businessman, who cared nothing but his fortune. Next came the lamp-lighter who performed his duty blindly. The last one was a geographer who knew too much about geography to solve a real problem related to it. These six people each represented one kind of person like us. The author satirized people’s conceit, emptiness, fakeness, innocence and blindness through the tone of a child.

I see eye to eye with the author in that the cause of people’s loneliness can be concluded to the negligence of the bonds that connects them. People are supposed to care about each other, cherish what’s really important for them, and be grateful for the happiness that they’ve gained. We all believe knowledge and experience enable us to see clearly and make right judgements all the time. But we may sometimes lose the right to  speak straighforwardly, think creatively or love courageously resulting from what we’ve experienced. That why in our middle school textbooks, it’s the little kid that breaks the illusion of the emperor by saying ”but mum, he ain’t were anything”.

When I was a child, I was definitely a good boy who went home on time after school and did his homework and never tried anything without mom’s permission. And now I am a grown-up, and still I am a good man, at least, that’s what I heard. Sometimes when I was lonely and I began to think about my childhood, then all the happiness and care-free

life came back to me as it were yesterday. Kids that once accompanied me during my childhood now become fathers and mothers of their kids and I myself am a child no more.  Thinking about all these things have made me moody. There’re changes happening in our lives whether we are happy about it or not.

People told me life is a journey which will never stop once it’s started. What’s left behind are happiness and sorrow, pride and shame, success and regret. There’s good old time to reminisce and there’s sad hours that reminds us of the pain. Your feeling makes them real, and you know you lived.

I want to conclude by saying some positive words that each yestersday used to be today, and each today is the future of yesterday, so making the most of today is the best way to cherish your lives. Our mortal beings are doomed to die. It’s not sad, instead, death it’s just a process of our lives. After all, we’ve lived our lives and it’s what we do and how we think that determine who we are.

(when you look at the above passages, don’t regard it as a composition or an article, because if you do, you will be puzzled at the structure. It’s just a few words that come to my mind at the moment and I type them.)

Have a nice day!



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Today, we learned the article "the destruction of the old Summer Palace", it makes me feel at the time of the qing government incompetent, soldiers and civilians cowardly, worse is that the shameless British and French troops!

The old Summer Palace was once a resplendent and magnificent imperial garden, is the treasure of Chinese garden art, the essence of architecture, the old Summer Palace is not only beautiful, but also with our great Chinese nation five thousand years of precious historical relics, the largest museum, museum of art is world-famous.

However on October 6, 1860, British and French troops invaded Beijing, went to the Summer Palace, the garden is wanton burn, kill, steal, grazing, everyone bulging wallet at the time of the garden, even set fire to the yuanmingyuan was destroyed with an infinite value.

Learned this lesson, I feel infinite regret about the destruction of the old Summer Palace, and the incompetence of the qing government, should yield to the evil foreigners upset, down the nonresistance command, the foreigner do backer, want to rely on the gun to wipe out the domestic revolutionary forces. I denounce the darkness of the qing government.

But the worst thing is the evil of the foreigner, they not only optional invaded China, also the destroyed or damaged the places of interest in China, they also let us to sign the unequal treaties of the country, to make our country neither received a great deal of regret.

Why do British and French troops to invade us? Reason is that we are too backward, if at that time, we are strong, they can dare? So have to be beaten. I will study hard, grow up to serve the motherland, let the motherland forever first of great powers.









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The novel to connect. Mr. Hale, is a peasant family but Renaissance youth. The outstanding young ambitious, and never willing to earth, boiling life to aspire to napoleon era, keen to join the army to spurs, rise. But in restoration period, under extreme anti-democratic aristocratic bourgeois rule of France, to even see the road had to go, only through the church he didnt have a way hope among the high society. Novel title the red, red is symbol of the army, black or symbol of the church. Even at the beginning in d set yel mayor DE? Tutors, the palace, in retaliation for the noble bourgeoisie contempt for him, find a shortcut to quickly climbed up, make he soon won the mayors wifes heart, be her lover, so access to the monastery to study, attempt to achieve the goal of the developed. He finally arriving in Paris, and lucky enough to be DE? Pull? Wood, marquiss private secretary, hooked up at the same time the marquis article from secretarial resources network female smart son. Is preparing to marry her son, achieve the dream of the apprentice, mayors wife, out of jealousy in her confessor clerics behest, to marquis wrote a long letter accusing him of scandal, made in ambitions and dreams dashed. In his desperate, nu DE shooting? That lady, suffered a severe trial, finally were guillotined, ending his short life.

Wish with all my heart to get rid of disadvantaged position in even revenge society contempt, is painstakingly, by hook or by crook. He openly worship napoleon, but want to lambaste napoleon in public, he clearly did not believe the gods, but to read the bible lessons, can recite it completely. A young good hypocrisy!!!!! I dont know at that time, the background of life, only know that should come in even in order to make his fame and fortune to cheat themselves, with a mask to entertain the people of all, if I were him, I will be very tired. His time like a movie to play the role of a world and their inner strange, but also to let oneself no matter when and where all dont play, immersed in the character it is almost impossible. As the saying goes: "the leopard cannot change, the temperament is difficult to move. I feel so sorry for the way of teachers professional development.

Justice always prevail over evil, in the final fate is sad, so to be more sincere best less hypocrisy.






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Facing the Sea with Spring Blossoms

By Hai Zi

From tomorrow on

I will be a happy man

Grooming, chopping

and traveling all over the world

From tomorrow on

I will care foodstuff and vegetable

I have a house towards the sea

with spring blossoming

From tomorrow on

write to each of my dear ones

Telling them of my happiness

What the lightening of happiness has told me

I will spread it to each of them

Give a warm name for every river and every mountain

Strangers, I will also give you my well-wishing

May you have a brilliant future

May your lovers eventually become spouse

May you enjoy happiness in this earthly world

I only wish to face the sea, with spring flowers blossoming



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Dear Tom,

Thanks for your letter which finally caught up with me in London. I suppose

youre keen to hear how the trip has been so far. So heres a short description

of whats happened.

Well, you remember we left Sydney on Monday and arrived in London 24 hours

later. After such a long and exhausting flight the first thing we did was to

have a good, long sleep. And after that?a good meal to make up for all that

horrible airline stuff!

The first real day of our holiday was spent just walking around London to

get a feel of the place. After that, however, we were more particular and

planned each day carefully.

First, we looked at all the historical sights, such as the Tower of London,

the Houses of Parliament, the British Museum and the National Gallery. Then we

visited some other famous places, such as Kew Gardens and Hampstead Heath.

Finally, we took a one-day trip to Oxford, which is really the most marvelous

town. You should make sure to go there when you visit England.

After we had seen a lot of London, we flew to Paris. A t first, we didnt

like the place-I suppose because it was so different from London. Later, though,

we began to really love it and started to appreciate its differentness.

The final stage of our trip is a visit to Rome, after which we will be

staying in Singapore for two days before returning to Australia.

Hope everyone is well. See you soon.



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Happy birthday to a wonderful person!


Birthday gifts are not to write sentences to give you blessings, too, if you gift enough, then I am up Minato. Happy birthday to you!


Happy birthday to him who has made life so meaningful for me!


ou show the warmth of your friendship in so many different ways,That’s why I hope your birthday is the happiest of days.


Wishing you a wonderful day and a year filled with happiness!


Permit me to congratulate you on reaching another of these anniversary landmarks today. May each day be as happy as your birthday. Have a wonderful birthday!


Happy birthday. I hope today treats you well.


Each birthday is a milestone we touch along lifes way. May your birthday be happy in more ways than one.


May every special happiness fill this day for you and may the year bring all the best things you are looking forward to.


Congratulations and warmest wishes for your birthday and every day.


Wishing you a happy birthday! May the best and loving things be some of the joy your birthday brings.



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Snow, white, and red wine, mellow; candlelight, hazy; Christmas tree, green; neon light, shining; short message, warm, blessings, romantic. May the strong smell of Christmas be around you and wish you a merry Christmas!


Snow Susu, listening auspicious footsteps; the sparkling stars with your eyes staring at the bright future; blazing fire, attentively waiting for the happiness of life; bell sound, bloom warm and happy smile. Peace night, waiting for happiness, watch peace, let happiness with life!


My blessing, not the first best, but the most sincere; I wish that for the most beautiful, but for the most spirit. No matter how many regards you have received, I still offer the most sincere blessing: I wish you a merry christmas! Happy every day!


House prices fall, but my blessing to you is rising. This blessing, definitely not a bubble, will not burst, there is no turning point, will not fall, the future has been rising, will never collapse. Merry christmas!


Havent heard your voice, long time no one to listen to my talk, in the snow flying days, really miss you, I wish your Christmas happiness!


Fireworks lit up the night sky, auspicious continuously toward you; snowflakes dancing in the earth, the piece happiness floated to you; the bells tolled galaxy, joy bursts transmitted to you; fire house full of warmth, happy warm around to you. Christmas Eve, send you a message to turn into an apple, is willing to keep you safe every day.


I was a wizard, I invented a magical text messages, read this information you will systemic poisoning, just poisoning you will a merry Christmas and a happy new year, happy new year, Valentines day happy symptoms, then every day happy ridden, the poison no medicine can solution we are pleased to inform you that!


In such a wonderful time, prolonged New Years bell, endless longing in my heart, feel you my soul resonance.


Special appointment: in view of the fact that youre doing serious look, appoint you create happiness eggs, filled with boundless joy, it is seen to smile, taste sweet heart, please carefully produced. Wish you a "life" egg is happy yo!


Like you are a very long time, really want to be in this Christmas night and you are a total of waltz, Fu in your side gently said, I like you.


When a person is not lonely, when I want you to feel lonely. This Christmas I will be the most lonely.


In the foreigner Festival, and you really want to together, enjoy the magnificent atmosphere, but you and I separated the two, I had in this quietly to you said "dear, Merry Christmas!


Christmas reunion, new years Day reunion, make a wish round and round. Merry Christmas, happy New Years day, send a blessing and joy. I wish you life is full, round and round, round and full of work!


Christmas came, Li still cold winter, may you protect thin die, cover good Rhone ears, wear socks Ketedi, bring not le uncomfortable driver to repatriate Santa sent straw well pad a nest: eggs must be happy Oh!


And you meet I lost you languishing eyes I cant avoid the I tried to run away but you tightly quest I cried "whose dog nobody tube!


One received, cheerful mood; read, happy honey; save a deposit, good luck; a turn wealth in a steady stream. A message he is safe, romantic night in front of us. Wish you peace, happiness and good health in advance.


Christmas, there is Santa Claus, you also have me, in this day, I want to say to you, the world you most beautiful, in this life I love you most! Merry christmas!


Christmas is coming and gift for you: no chimney is okay, not prepared socks dont worry, as long as you open the phone, you will receive send me your gift. Although the word short love is not shallow, after receiving, the corners of the mouth curved, happy!


Say peace, peace, peace, peace night wish peace, happy Christmas, happy new year. Blessings like a sky star, you can be satisfied with the heart, can not run out of health, can not stop the good luck!


Ma said that as long as the English you can communicate with foreigners, I angrily said: "Mommy, dont talk to strangers." I wish you peace and happiness!


How do you get up ah, open your eyes, I climbed up your bed last night, under your pillow to hide a very special gift oh!


Christmas day comes, snow flying to send good luck. Santa whispered, white bearded face laugh hu. Full of gifts socks, the little boy full of joy. Red apple sugar sweet enjoy, happiness in the eyes. Christmas joy!


Christmas Eve lit a lamp candle, illuminate our future; a furnace combustion, warmth to our life; hang up a sock filled with our dreams; Leiqi a chimney, let freedom and happiness rise. Merry christmas!


Fluttering snowflakes decorate beautiful Huan of pure world, I give you the most beautiful scenery; leisurely Bell Ornament night quiet, is my affectionate blessing to you, Christmas is approaching, SMS will send my heart, wish you happy!


The blue sky always have the edge, only endless friendship. With true love, give you blessings. Merry christmas!


Text message early a little late, received a good; gift is big and small, sincere good; friends do not care about how much, I will be good; peace night boring, I would like to find! Wish you happy Christmas!


Reindeer jumping, bring you happiness; jingle bells, bring you good wishes to you; bell rings. Peace night, wish you a good life and peace, everything can do so, a bright smile every day!


I fold my blessing to a carrier pigeon, fly to your window, wont fly away; I put happiness into a crescent moon, shining in your window, never leave; Ill happy folded into a ray of sunshine, surround you, permanent dont go, I wish a happy Christmas.


Celebrate Christmas, to greet the new years day, everyone will work together to "pull" egg: let trouble fuck off, let sorrow finished, let lucky to hit the golden egg, let the cause of the hatchery coho eggs, anyone who is not happy, is definitely a big idiot! Happy new year!


Saying every year for Christmas, I want to say, but suffer from no chance. Now I can not really suppress it, please take you in my bed socks away.


To inform you, in all haste to find you, I heard that you owe him something, the man let it be, said to be searched, quickly lie bed strip! Oh, do not be afraid, is Santa Claus to your socks gift yo!


Although I do not believe in the foreign population in Jesus Christ, but foreigners Christmas we can still took the opportunity to Carnival, white snow fluttering, Lu Ling knock, sweet Christmas Eve has come, happy Christmas beautiful!


Ill tell you a good news. Ill bring Santa to your home this Christmas. You need to be ready for the big basket to install a gift, remember not to socks, Santa Claus will be your smelly socks smoked to run, remember Oh!


Im holding a wisp of snowflakes, top two stars, the eye with the trichromatic eye, mouth with nine roses, pedal ten Swiss auspicious clouds, with lightning speed rushed to front of you: Merry Christmas! Would you like to share the Christmas with me?


Santa Claus laugh, the annual gift. From door to door does not fall, good luck and happiness to the home. Ups and downs are not afraid of the whole, today will be at the foot of. Happy people praise, happy life magnificently. Merry christmas!


People still, still, and a year; think worth mentioning, read worth mentioning are all the truth; the son is good, better, sincerely wish, affection is true. Wish you a merry christmas.


Hi! Why are you still here... Do you know your importance? Without you, who took the Santa Claus to give you a gift ah! Oh, merry christmas.


I sent you a single hexagonal snowflakes, a corner with happiness and a corner with happy, happy a corner with, a corner with romantic, a corner with sweet, a corner with blessing, I wish you Christmas Eve in Ankang, Merry Christmas!


Care like a kite line, always Xinshouxianglian; greetings like the winter warm, ripples warmth of heart; SMS loaded with my wishes towards you happiness on the other side. On Christmas, I wish you a happy holiday, everything will!


Christmas day of cold, Santa Claus and cold; soaring prices, funds also nervous; had to choose health, career developed, everything is satisfactory, received and forwarded messages, send a Christmas present, and wish you a merry Christmas!


In the jingle bells, in snow sleigh, Santa Claus is love Christmas delivery. Haha, hurry up, I wish you a wish: early find their own fate and love. Single men and women: Merry christmas!


Winter street is not in the cold, and your company a warm pit of the stomach; people are hurrying to and fro in the joy, waiting for the midnight; Christmas is coming, I want to share with you, happiness and good luck belongs to you, the wealth Fu Yun follow you. Best wishes for christmas!


"Dont give up the pursuit of your dreams." "Rest assured, as long as I can continue to sleep, I will not easily get up" Christmas day.


Christmas is here, give you something good? After much deliberation, or give you a skull the most appropriate作文网http://wwW.zuoWen8.Com/, every night you can practice, holding it to sleep, so your courage is more and more big! Oh, I wish "L" happy yo!


Send you a peace bell, may you ring the life of peace; send you a Christmas tree, wish you a lifetime of health; send you a message, may you open a lifetime of happiness. Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas!


Dear, I have you prepared a romantic snow, I have been to you the blessings filled sleigh, I have stored all our beautiful memory, legend in the end did not come, it seems that you have to accompany me until the end of the, baby, Merry Christmas.


Although Christmas, but I really didnt have any money, only to Santa Claus, lend me five hundred to send you, give you a Pepsi Cola, Pepsi is satisfactory, and no risk at all, ever victorious, I wish you a happy Christmas Eve, Christmas!


Havent you received the gift? Then go to sleep! Your burp sound scare Santa.


Christmas Eve the bell rings, Carol melody Yang joy; Apple sang Christmas song, happy spell into your heart; a greeting good luck, a blessed thing to ones liking. Christmas Eve, I wish you a happy life, healthy life, happy life, peace life,!


Santa says he wants to put the gift in two of our socks this year, so you have to stay with me on Christmas Eve.



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Thanksgiving is an important American holiday. The fourth Thursday of November each year, the American family are going to have a great Thanksgiving feast. The most common type of traditional foods have Turkey, pumpkin pie and Indian pudding cornmeal.

Thanksgiving originated from an early settler in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Known as the pilgrims when these immigrants in the UK, because of their religious reform of the church of England is not completely, and the king and the church of England repression of their political and religious persecution, so the pilgrims from the church of England, go to the Netherlands, then decided to move to the other side of the Atlantic that desolate land, hope to be able to freely according to their wishes religious life. First governor William brad therefore suggested to set up a holiday blessing, celebrate the harvest, thank you for the gift of god.

At the same time, also want to borrow the Thanksgiving strengthening concord between whites and indians. In late Thursday in November 1621, the pilgrims and massa soder 90 indians gathered, celebrated the first Thanksgiving Day in American history. Male pilgrims go out hunting, capture the Turkey, women in the home made from corn, pumpkin, sweet potatoes and fruit such as delicacies. In this way, whites and indians around the bonfire, chating at, also singing and dancing, the whole celebration lasted three days. Moved to the United States in the north American continent europeans largely followed a in the form of the first Thanksgiving celebrations.

In 1789, the first American President Washington, November 26, for the first unified national Thanksgiving celebration. However, for a long time, every state holiday date stipulate according to their own situation. In 1941, congress passed a bill with the approval of President Roosevelt and proclaimed the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day throughout the country.







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Dear Mum and Dad,


I’m writing to you in Beijing.


I’m very happy to visit Beijing again. To my surprise, great changes have taken place here recently.


Today I went to Wangfujing Street. Now the streets are cleaner and nicer than before. There are many flowers everywhere and there is a fine smell of the flowers in the air. There are more new buildings, modern shops and large markets in it. People in Beijing are happy. Everyone has a smile on the face.


I know they are working hard for the 2008 Olympics. I hope they will have a good luck.







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I am going back to my hometown this summer.I will take a good rest when I get home after a years hard work. I will eat all the nice foods I have been missing for so many years. I will find a good badminton coach to help me improve my skills.And I will try to see all my childhood friends and pay a visit to my high school teacher, who has played an important role in my life.In August, I will have this Yangzi river cruise with my parents. Right now, I keep thinking all the fun things that I would like to do in summer: chatting on line, dancing, going to the beach, clothes shopping, reading one or two nice books, seeing some nice movies,more and more....Summer vacation is the best time of the year. I can plan lots of fun things and I can carry them out. It is like I can do whatever I want.Oh, I just cant wait for it!



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Seasons greetings to you all straight from our hearts.


From all of us to all of you at Thanksgiving.


I wish you could be here on Thanksgiving.


Thanksgiving just wont be the same without you.


This will be our first Thanksgiving apart.


Though we are not with you but we miss you all on this Thanksgiving Day


Love you all this Thanksgiving Day


Thanksgiving wishes for you and your family


May your life be blessed with joy, love and miracles


Thanksgiving just wont be the same without you


God bless you and your family at Thanksgiving and always!


I wish you could be here on Thanksgiving


A card can say more than a thousand words Happy Thanks giving day!


It will be sad not to see you during the holiday when families get together


Have a FULL Thanksgiving day!


Thanksgiving is a great time to tell you that we love you kids


Joy and fun, wish fulfillment and blessing, come to your home this Thanksgiving!


I wouldnt want to spend Thanks-giving with anyone else


Have a MID-FULL Thanksgiving!


What a wonderful time to be together


Wish you a very special Thanksgiving Day for you and your family


I love to eat, so I love Thanksgiving


This will be our first Thanksgiving apart


Just dig into the roast turkey Wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Thanksgiving is the best holiday of the year


I am so grateful that I have you all with me on this Thanksgiving Day


It will be sad not to see you during the holiday when families get together.


Our first Thanksgiving should be our best.


I wouldnt want to spend Thanks-giving with anyone else.


Thanksgiving is a time when I tell you that I love you.


Thanksgiving is the best holiday of the year.


I love to eat, so I love Thanksgiving.


I hope you are feeling thankful after your supper.


I will be home for Thanksgiving, so save a little turkey for me.


From all of us to all of you at Thanksgiving.


Thanksgiving wishes for you and your family.




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dear xiao wang,

i am delighted to know that you will be able to visit me for a week during the national day holiday. i am looking forward to your visit and to the opportunity to catch up. welcome to my home in nanjing!

as you know, nanjing has many places of interest to see, to discover, and to enjoy. among its historical sites are stone city wall, the confucius temple with its magnificent night view, and dr. sun yetsens mausoleum. with all its universities, nanjing is a cultural center, offering an abundance of artistic and musical performances. its also a city of beautiful gardens and parks, such as the xuanwu lake park. with all these features, we will have a fun-filled week, especially that in early-october, there are many sunny and mild days for outdoor activities. so, i would suggest visiting these places first, and deciding on the others as our week develops.

finally, since at this time of the year the weather gets a little chilly in the evening, i would suggest that you bring some warm clothing with you. also, as there will be crowds of people at the stations and on the trains, you need to be very careful with your belongings!

best wishes for a pleasant journey!


zhang ying
