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Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, and finally to the new years day, I am happy! That kind of feeling, strange, like eating honey, is simply indescribable in language.

Early morning, my mother called me up, I rubbed my eyes: "what are you doing? So call me so early? " Mother said, "today is your grandfathers birthday, we have to go faster." I reluctantly dressed, washed and finished, and my mother pulled me around. I felt like I was running so fast for the first time in my life. My mother was still running, saying, "hurry up, hurry up, the car is leaving." Walking on the street, the streets are gray. Because the streets are deserted in the morning and no shop opens, they cant see that today is new years day. There is no doubt about the atmosphere of new years day.

In the country, a lot of fog, everywhere there is the sound of firecrackers, the way people are gathered together, talk about their home in the new years Day is to kill a few pigs, slaughter a few sheep, and buy what new things, everyone put on new clothes, filled with a smile. In the face, giving a feeling of children bursting with happiness, have also come out, with new toys, their families run around here and there, in the run between, to the club to candy, to Hezekiah to drink, no one to blame them, because this is after all new years Day!

However, I am not interested in this, because I still miss me >warm quilt!

On the morning of new years day, I opened my eyes with the sound of a firecracker. Open the calendar, open a new year, open a wonderful story. I l



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今天是虎年的大年初二,是个天气晴朗的日子。我和爸爸、妈妈带着春节的喜悦和礼物,回到老家去拜年。 我们先去了二爸家。还没进门,一幅红底金字的大幅春联,首先映入了我的眼帘。上联是“华堂盈瑞气”,下联是“猴年如意春”,横批是“万事胜意”。这可是我今年春节送给二爸家的第一份新年礼物,是春节的前几天托大表哥带给二爸家的。 当我和爸爸、妈妈正在欣赏我的“杰作”时,二爸、二妈和小堂弟就满面春风的迎了

就满面春风的迎了出来。小堂弟说:“祝大伯、大妈和李斌哥哥新年好!”爸爸、妈妈非常高兴,直夸小堂弟长大啦!懂事啦!接着就给他发了一张100元的压岁钱。我也向二爸、二妈祝贺新年,二爸也给我发了压岁钱。 看到我们来了,小堂弟非常高兴。当大人们正在说话的时候,他就一把把我拉进了他的电脑室。他高兴地向我介绍他的电脑游戏,并和我一起玩起了他的《玩具兵大战》。这个游戏非常激烈,一下子就把我吸引住了。我们两个一会儿你打打,一会儿我打打,玩了一局又一局,过了一关又一关,直到二

妈叫我们吃饭时才停下。 饭菜端上来了。二爸家的年饭可真是丰盛,有鱼有虾,有鸡有肉……大盘小盘的摆了满满的一大桌。二爸高兴地拿出他的茅台酒要和爸爸对饮,我和妈妈、二妈、堂弟喝的是酸奶和饮料。饭桌上,我和堂弟向爸爸、妈妈、二爸、二妈都敬了酒,祝他们身体健康、万事如意;我们不停地和大人们碰杯,个个肚子都喝得鼓鼓的。 吃完饭,我和堂弟又到楼下去放炮。这里放炮的人可多了,有几个孩子围在一起放的,还有大人带着小孩放的。放的有“二脚踢”、“大雷子”,还有100多响的小鞭炮。鞭炮声噼里啪啦,震得小孩们个个双手捂着耳朵,远远的躲在单元的门洞里。我和堂弟手里拿着“雷子”和鞭炮,堂弟胆小,不敢放,让我去放。我壮着胆子,点燃了一串鞭炮,刚刚点燃,我就飞速的向远处跑去,一看堂弟,他已经远远的躲进了单元的门洞里。放完鞭炮,堂弟说:“哥哥,我来放雷子!”我说:“放雷子危险,你敢吗?” 他说:“敢!”没办法,我只好把一个小雷子夹在砖缝里,把引火棒烧好,让他去放。他小心翼翼的走到“雷子”跟前,还没点燃,他就把引火棒一扔,撒腿就跑。炮没点着,他倒是先摔了一跤。这次,他是再说也不敢再去放炮了,这时,二爸下楼来了,就领着我们一起回家了。 今天在二爸家拜年,我们玩得确实是太开心了!



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The Lunar New Year is a great occasion to the Chinese people。 It lasts about  the first four days of the year, during which people do not work except for the  workers on duty。 Students do not go to school, and shops are dosed。

Several days before the new year, people begin to prepare。 Farmers kitt pigs,  sheep, cocks and hens。 City dwellers buy meat fish and vegetables。 Houses are  cleaned couplets are posted on the doors。 Colourful lanterns are hung at the  gate。

On the eve of the new year, each family has its members gatherd together and  eats a family reunion dinner。 After the meal they watch TV until the clock  strickes twelve。 Then every family sets off long strings of small firecrackers  and other fire works to welcome the new year。 On the first day of the new year,  almost everyone is dressed in his or her best。 When people meet on the way, they  say to each other "Happy New Year"。 Friends and relatives pay new year calls and  gives presents to each other。 Children indulge themselves in games。



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Some people ask me what my new years wish is? I think my new years wish is "a more storey" than last year.

What is the wish of the new year? Its wise. I want to be wiser than last year, before, because I didnt have time to read books, and I wouldnt be able to arrange it for the rest of the time. Now, I want to read books in holidays, during the break time, so that I can acquire knowledge, so that I can make progress in my mind.

What is the wish for the new year? Its joy. I want to be happier than last year. I dont have time to play games, go out and relax. I hope to relax more in the new year. Although our learning tasks are very heavy, we should also learn to relax ourselves in a proper way so that our life will be more joyful and more exciting.

What is the wish for the new year? Its hard work. I want to study harder than I did last year, and do something else... In peacetime, I do not learn how, so I want to work harder than last year, I have to study well, when I grow up to return to the motherland. I want to think that I will graduate in half a year, so I have to study hard. I want to enter my ideal middle school with excellent results, and strive for my ideal, so that I can achieve my goal in life.



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I had a good time during Spring Festival.

This morning,I got up at six oclock.Then I brushed my teeth and washed my face.After that,I had breakfast with my parents.At noon,I went to my grandparents house and visited my aunts,uncles and cousins.In the afternoon,we made dumplings together.In the evening,we had dumplings,sweet and sour pork,and lots of nice dishes for dinner.After dinner,my parents and I went home.We set off fireworks and went to bed then.

We were all very happy.That was a nice Spring Festival.



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The New Year is coming and I have good wishes for the coming year.Firstly, I hope my families will be happy and in good health. I want my father has more free time to company my mother and I. I don’t want him work so hard all the time.Secondly, I wish myself can have a good year and do well in my study.Study is my priority now and I hope I can work hard and make progress.

Finally, I want a new computer for my study and enjoyment.As I learn more in school, a computer is necessary.When I am free, I want to play computer games or search the Internet.I think my father would buy it for me.What are your wishes for next year?



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My New Year’s resolutions are diffcult to finish. First, I am going to study hard because I want to get good grades. Math is not very good, so I will practice it three times a week.

Then, I am going to exercise more. I will go swimming, run and so on. Next, I will eat more vegetables and fruits to keep fit. I also want to learn a new language because I want to be a translator when I grow up. French is my favorite.



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1) 新春新年好!我的祝福到!在此真诚地祝愿你:位高权重责任轻,事少钱多离家近,每天睡到自然醒,别人加班你加薪,领钱数得手抽筋,靓女爱你发神经。新春吉祥!

2) 新年快到了,我怕我的祝福没有悍马的力度,奔驰的速度,宝马的气度,奥迪的风度,林肯的大度,挤不上短信的高速公路,所以让祝福提前上路,提前祝你新年快乐!

3) 恭喜发财,大吉大利,祝你全家平安,工作顺利!今年发财了吧,别忘了请客!给你特别的祝福,愿春节带给你无边的幸福如意,祝春节快乐,新年充满幸福和成功。

4) 元旦到了,新年要有新气象,为了更多人享受生活的快乐,你可以把你的钱捐给我,红十字协会感谢您对慈善事业的支持。特送上短信一条,祝你节日快乐,以资鼓励。

5) 让平安搭上冬天的快车道,让快乐与你轻轻拥抱,让困难与你刮目相看,让烦恼低头悄悄走掉,让吉祥对你格外关照,让幸福对你永远微笑!祝新年快乐!

6) 送你一件外套,前面是平安,后面是幸福,吉祥是领子,如意是袖子,快乐是扣子,口袋里满是温暖,穿上吧,让它相伴你的每一天!新年快乐!我想用阳光温暖你,用星光装点你,用美酒陶醉你,用美食满足你,用烟花灿烂你,用幸福淹没你,可我不做上帝很久了,只能用短信祝福你,祝新年快乐!

7) 等一列地铁,五分钟;看一场电影,三小时;看月缺月圆,一月;春去春来,一年;想念一个人,一生!可是一句关心的话,只需几秒钟。祝你快乐!

8) 事业无须惊天地,有成就行。友谊无须说谜语,想着就行。金钱无须取不尽,够用就行。生命无须过百岁,健康就行。朋友无须有多少,有你就行。好朋友祝你新年快乐!

9) 一丝真诚,胜过千两黄金;一丝温暖,能抵万里寒霜,一声问候,送来温馨甜蜜;一条短信,捎去我万般心意!愿中国人民新年万事如意!

10) 让平安搭上冬天的快车道,让快乐与你轻轻拥抱,让困难与你刮目相看,让烦恼低头悄悄走掉,让吉祥对你格外关照,让幸福对你永远微笑!祝新年快乐!

11) 我想用阳光温暖你,用星光装点你,用美酒陶醉你,用美食满足你,用烟花灿烂你,用幸福淹没你,可我不做上帝很久了,只能用短信祝福你,祝新年快乐!

12) 送你一件外套,前面是平安,后面是幸福,吉祥是领子,如意是袖子,快乐是扣子,口袋里满是温暖,穿上吧,让它相伴你的每一天!新年快乐!

13) 昨天的灿烂如日挂中天,辉煌耀眼;今天的团结一心像十指握成拳,众志成城;望明天的宏图如鲲鹏展翅,一飞冲天。祝愿公司齐心协力再创造新的成功。

14) 祝愿贵公司蓬勃发展,日胜一日!

15) 祝您在新的一年中,吉祥如意笑口常开;也预祝我们在新的一年中,合作愉快,万事如意。

16) 祝您在新的一年,事业飞黄腾达。家庭和-谐美满。辞旧迎新,带去我真诚的祝福。

17) 祝你一帆风顺,二龙腾飞,三羊开泰,四季平安,五福临门,六六大顺,七星高照,八方来财,九九同心,十全十美。

18) 祝福短信到了,愿您的公司,通过实施多元化国际化的发展战略,越来越挣钱,越来越红火,相信,您的公司一定会迎来更加辉煌的明天

19) 祝福到,短信到,愿收到我短信的朋友,您的公司,兴隆活马,在马年里,如马添翼,大发马威啊。

20) 紧急通知:此短信含新年病毒,看完此信息你会全身中毒,刚中毒时你会圣诞快乐元旦快乐春节快乐情人节快乐等症状,随后天天快乐缠身,此毒无药可解,特此告知。


22) 鸡年到鸡年到有成绩别骄傲失败过别死掉齐努力开大炮好运气天上掉同分享大家乐。天天好运道,日日福星照!

23) 金鸡到!大圣我受托贺新喜,有啥心愿请明示,力所能及包您满意。刚赴王母蟠桃宴,顺便捎带点心意:香蕉桃子一箩筐,多点果蔬益身体,营养卫生要注意!

24) 羊辞旧岁山佩玉,鸡接新年日流金。

25) 本宫有点自命清高,一般人是不会理睬的。本宫发现你并非凡夫俗子,所以春节之际发短信犒劳你人生从来不如意,咱又何必太在意,发条短信祝福你,春节过后是春意,一年四季花出奇,幸福美满无人下,祝福你在新的一年春风得意,财源滚滚!还不接旨谢恩?

26) 祝您:鸡年大吉,一如既往,二人同心,三口之家,四季欢唱,五福临门,六六顺意,七喜来财,八方鸿运,九九吉祥,十分美满!祝鸡年快乐!

27) 祝你鸡年:好事都成双,出门最风光,天下你为王,赛过秦始皇;人人都捧你的场,自己吃肉人喝汤,钞票直往口袋装。



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The celebration actually starts on New Years Eve with the family reunion dinner. By New Years Eve, you should have done the following

Clean the entire home to get rid of all the things that are associated with the old year.

Put away all brooms and brushes.

Pay all your debts.

Resolve differences with family members, friends, neighbors and business associates.

Buy the following

Red money envelopes,

Oranges and/or tangerines,

Fill a “Cheun hup(a circular red tray separated in eight compartments) with melon seedslotuschocolate coinsnuts etc.

Flowers (especially plum blossoms, peach blossoms, water lilies),

A new set of clothes and shoes for children, preferably something red or orange.

Get new dollar bills from the bank. Insert the new dollar bills into the red envelopes. Now the red envelope is called a lai see or lucky money envelope.

On New Years Eve

Get together with close family members (not including married daughters and their families) for the “reunion ” dinner.

Pay respect to ancestors and household gods. Acknowledge the presence of ancestors because they are responsible for the fortunes of future generations.

Open every door and window in your home at midnight to let go of the old year.

On New Years Day

Decorate your home with symbols of good fortune. Here are some suggestions

Colors: Bright red (happiness); gold/orange (wealth & happiness)。

Fruits: Oranges and tangerines (good health & long life); tangerines with leaves intact (long lasting relationships; being fruitful and multiply); persimmons (happiness and wealth

“Chuen Hup” circular candy tray (candy for sweet and circular for togetherness and continuity)。

Flowers: If flowers bloom on New Years Day, it will be a prosperous year.

Red banners or couplets with New Year.



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Chinese New year is a chinese traditional festival. We also call it the spring festival. It is on lunar january 1st.

On New year’s eve, all the people sit around the desk and have a big family dinner. There are some vegetables, some fish, some meat, some fruits and some drink like juice, coke, pepsi and some nice wine. Overall, this is a good and delicious dinner. After dinner, we always watch tv New year progammes. We have a wonderful evening on New year’s eve.

On the first day of the spring festival, most of people get up early and say “happy New year” to each other. for breakfast, people often eat dumplings and baozi. After breakfast, people often make many delicious foods, and children often play cards, computer games and fireworks. On the second and third day, we visit friends and relatives.

Everyone is busy on chinese New year, and everyone is happy, too.



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Dear teachers

hello everyone!

"Spring comes early again", the Spring Festival of the year of the dragon

is quietly coming to us. On the occasion of the Spring Festival, president Xu of

pinggudian Town Central School, together with the leading class of the central

school, extended new years blessing and festival greetings to all the teaching

staff and retired teachers who have been working hard in the teaching line. I

would like to express my high respect and sincere thanks to the families of the

staff who have been caring and supporting the work of the school for a long


The past year has been an extraordinary year. It has been a year in which

we have worked hand in hand, overcome difficulties, forge ahead in unity, and

work hard to start a business. It has also been a year of great achievements and

good news. Under the correct leadership of the County Bureau of education and

sports, all the cadres and staff of pinggutian central school are in the same

boat, united in spirit, striving hard and enterprising, overcoming difficulties,

striving for first-class achievements, and making remarkable achievements in

education and teaching under the correct leadership of the county education and

Sports Bureau It is presented. The schools school running conditions have been

significantly improved, the school running taste has been gradually improved,

the classroom teaching reform has been continuously deepened, the quality of

education and teaching has achieved leapfrog development, the preschool

education has made breakthrough progress, the achievements of art education have

been fruitful, and the provincial education supervision and evaluation has

passed the high standard All these are full of the painstaking efforts and sweat

of our front-line teachers. 2012 is the "year of quality improvement". Our

education and teaching management needs to be further standardized, classroom

teaching reform needs to be further deepened, and the quality of education and

teaching needs to be further improved. The new years bell has sounded, the east

wind is surging, and the clarion calls for expeditions. We are about to embark

on a new journey full of hope, opportunities and challenges. Let us use the

sonorous and powerful oath, the indomitable spirit of struggle, and unremitting

efforts to compose a new chapter in the education of pinggutian central


Dear teachers, winter vacation is a holiday full of happiness; Spring

Festival is an auspicious and happy festival. In order to let you have a

civilized and full Festival, the Central School suggests to you:

1. Give yourself more reminders

We should always pay attention to the safety of fire, electricity and gas

during the holidays. When visiting relatives and friends, we must pay attention

to guard against theft, close the doors and windows, lock the door, and do not

drive after drinking to ensure the safety of yourself and your family. We should

consciously avoid gambling, drinking, feudal superstitious activities and

indulging in the Internet. We should do more physical exercise every day and

take part in healthy and beneficial cultural and recreational activities. Pay

attention to scientific diet, dont overeat and take good care of your body.

2. Give more time to study

Winter vacation has a relatively concentrated, discretionary time, it is

recommended that we should arrange a little time for self charging. On the one

hand, we should sum up the experience and lessons in the work of this semester

and formulate the work plan for the next semester. On the other hand, we can

calm down and seriously familiarize ourselves with the curriculum standards of

teaching subjects. We should read the textbooks of next semester in advance,

read one or two good books, and study some educational and teaching theories. We

should constantly enrich, enrich and improve ourselves, let our thinking and

practice go hand in hand, so that we can better adapt to the class It is

necessary for the reform of classroom teaching.

3. Give your family more care

Enjoy the family, our life journey is not lonely, spread the family, can

win the respect of others. During the Spring Festival, lets be filial to our

elders, take care of our younger ones, and keep in touch with our friends. In

particular, we should take care of our bodies, experience the beauty of human

nature and feel a better life in dedication and care.

Finally, once again, I wish you all a safe, happy, peaceful and meaningful

festival. I wish all the staff a happy Spring Festival, all the best of luck,

good health and happiness for the whole family!

Pinggudian Town Central School



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The winter vacation is coming to an end, and finish the homework. I heard a story, so that the origin of the Spring Festival: long long ago, there was a call in strange monsters, the annual New Years day will come, years of strange people afraid of fire and cannon dozen years blame, he put in strange beat, and this is the Chinese New Year. Have a year of Spring Festival, I and other children put ChongTianBao, the Spring Festival party began, dad and mom told me to come home to see the Spring Festival evening party, dont want to leave home, watching the Spring Festival evening party. My father, mother, grandpa and grandma watching the Spring Festival evening ate fruit, I be very happy!

I am very happy, very happy, hope every day was Chinese New Year!Today is New Years Day, every day, every family is very lively, a Chinese New Year every family to eat a very fatty foods, each meal should be placed before the whip, burn incense to the God of Wealth and hopes to make a fortune, a children are up early to wear new clothes to go to the elders to pay, hoping to get older, the red envelope, Chinese New Year, and full of gaiety, today I am feeling very good.

The Spring Festival diary  Start looking, and, well, Spring Festival is arrived, on New Years day, I was at my  grandmothers house. There NianWei of very heavy, every family in the lunar New Years eve put red lanterns hanging out, write the couplets, stick it out. And put the door, and pack dumpling, I was at my grandmothers house also help up busy, help adults get this made with that, own also lost in this New Years day busy atmosphere, on New Years day to getting up early, to follow the parents to other peoples home New Year, worship the years later, in the afternoon, the family got together, talking and laughing eat a big dinner, everyones faces lit a smile, after lunch, my brother and sister and the racing to rob to let grandpas grandmother to New Years money, finally we got,also are delighted, finish to grandma and grandpas New Years money, go with aunt uncle to, so a a will, this just on New Years day, I will be up to 600 yuan, and before you know it was this time for bed, looking back on this day, really is in the thick NianWeiEr spent, really looking forward to every day was Chinese New Year.



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The new year is a traditional program in the Spring Festival, and my family is no exception. The first day of the year of the tiger, I got up early, put on new clothes up, with mom and dad to pay New Years call aunt Lee home.

When the car was at the door of Aunt Lis house, I saw a red red spring couplet on her broad gate, brand new and new. On both sides of the door is still hanging high big red lanterns. Before I entered the house, I felt the strong festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival. Mother knew I was a "not sweet" child. Before knocking on the door, I made a special urge to tell me, "baby, you have to take the initiative to see my uncle and aunt!" "Good!" I readily agreed. As my mother pressed the bell, I was secretly prepared for new years new years blessings. I didnt think that when Aunt Li opened the door, my heart was like a cat scratched. It shrinks back to the mouth. When it comes to the mouth, it is scared away. At this time, her mother anxious to touch my hand, as if to remind me to say: "hurry up, hurry up!" The more anxious my mother was, the more I could not speak, the worst thing was that I was so nervous that I forgot the ready blessings. Whats good to say? I am as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and this should let my mother be disappointed. Suddenly a word in my mind blurted out, "congratulations on a fortune, a red bag!" The adult present was first Leng, and then laughed. In the wrong way, I sly looked at my mother and found her face red. Aunt Lee looked at busy smiled and said "it is really lovely children, Xiao zheng!"

Think of it, my heart will have a sense of shame, will think what time you can be generous. It will be an unforgettable star in my growing up.







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Dear teachers

Hello! Here, on behalf of the kindergarten, I would like to extend new

years greetings and high respect to all the hardworking staff!

Although I didnt go through every day of the year with you, my eyes and my

heart have always been paying attention to the good times along the way. With my

eyes, I will take you to review the fragments in the deep memory. Lets comb the

pictures that shake our hearts and find the footprints of our colleagues growing


Spring is the spring of sowing hope. Just experienced the re evaluation

work of provincial kindergarten, every colleague has experienced a

transformation like "Phoenix Nirvana", and the power brought by this is like a

hibernating and waking small animal, stretching endless power.

"Standardized and colorful kindergarten life" enables children to fully

feel the real happiness of preschool life; "happy body intelligence" activity

makes childrens body stronger, and makes a seed of love of sports quietly take

root in the hearts of every teacher and child; We are committed to building a

home co education system, inviting parents into the classroom activities,

attracting parents to our side and becoming our indispensable educational

partners; the humorous foreign English teachers bring us different thinking and

different feelings, and also expand our international career infinitely. "Green

poplar smoke outside the light, red apricot branches spring."

In this beautiful spring, we sow love and hope!



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On the Friday afternoon,the long-awaited New Year‘s party ofour class officially started!

Class did not use the color bars and other decorative bells and whistles too, but posted in each window of the bars and I think these little decorated than the other classes Rounds. The reschedul-ing of the class seats are also a bit in the middle leaving a lot of neutral gear, give the students performances. Because I came relatively late, sitting in the last.

New Year‘s Day party started, and Ning-Ling and Zhou Zhengyang come for a very boring speech. Finally, the first on the program began. Programs are more, I can not describe each of the following I will highlight a number of given me a deep impression on the program bar.

Zhou Zhengyang walked classroom center, said with a smile: Here, there are requests I Zhengrong, Hu Yi-dong, Wang BenBen, DONG Bing-sing for our speech that we are very familiar pop songs - Pungent . Thunderous applause, students They are excited, and some even knock on the table when the drum. They are four you push me, I pull you will come up. Four lined type, a man sang a has begun. Days, they are too timid, and even dare to sing Jay Chou‘s song, not to mention classes and Wang Jia Lao teachers are at the scene, how they dare to sing? ! Hu Yi-dong made a start gun, he did not sing loud noise, but the first one to eat crab people need courage; the second is king Ben Ben, he changed the past of the fierce, turned into a very m applauded. Because they have the head, back, and Zan Wu Ching-hui brazenly sang on Jolin Tsai‘s Thirty-Six Stratagems of love.

There is also a program is performing sketches Gong contingent. She speaks of the vivid, very funny, and she mimics the voice of an old township 8, really, as it is the opposite! Her performance won the rounds of applause and laughter, I really worthy of a female comedy king!

Time off really fast, turned away for New Year‘s Day party is over. I‘m sorry, but Im glad to primary and secondary school age the last New Year‘s Day party is the most significant.




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talking of all those who experienced —— by fu bao liang

XX was gone. regardless men and women being old and little, are all those who experienced opposite

in XX ago each engrave at that time. likewise, we are all those who experienced opposite in XX ago

the affairs occurred that everybody self-moved with proceeded.

we are all those who experienced on this meaning. we are all those who experienced in the old society

experienced successvily the distress children the ages of; we are all those who experienced in the

student-campaign to struggle for freedom and liberation under reactionary rule; we are all those who

experienced pass through to endure the “trained” with agriculture labour in the fanatic ages;we are all

those who experienced through postgraduate exam smoothly and obtained academic degree one by one; we are all those who experienced with often failure to get job; we are all those who experienced to get cictory in trading-battle by grasped business opportunity; we are all those who experienced in fierce battle to resist u.s aggression and aid korea; we are all those who experienced hastening industry modernization high-speed to fight courageously in that area; we are all those who experienced to ascend in front of the world on researching and developing science and technology ; we are all those who experienced to drive out the sick-satan by weared white clothes; we are all those who experienced to concern every working and all happening; we are all those who experienced to have lived a long or a few life.

there probable were all sorts of heroes and modles among us all who were accomplished by state of affairs.they have made offers for the advantage of nation and people.they gained brilliant achievement hastened nation properity and strength because of their hard. there probable were energetic worker not t known to public among us all. they devoted theirselves to the work and got not despised achievement,who became national indispensable cadre.there probable were some luky persons among us all of the favourable time.they became certain rich by excellent managed.there probable were not too bright ordinary people among us all.they engaged the whole day for livelihood of family but living afflicted them whole year. there probable were various unfortunate among us all who have ever been in miserable condition

moreover have been afflicted with disaster.they have to confront the fact but verydifficult. there probable were……among us all……

the livelong history sent us various all those who experienced and it will continue to do that.the moved

time record multifarious on the different track.various condition take place with all those who experienced. that’s experience or lesson opposite to the person concerned.the multitude may discuss to have no objection to take out the “past” if allowing exchange.

there seem to be different analysis and different argument about samething. no problem , “let a hundred flowers blossom,let a hundred schools of thought contend”is known to everyone.nowadays,here are about some healty question that i want to exchange.

to speak of age,i’m more than 70 , forward 80 years the old-decayed but seeming old no decay.i’ve no disease,full of energy,never feel tired,action swift and the memory is great.the younger and stronger can do something which i do it,too.




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今天夜间到明天白天,你的手机将出现鹅毛般的祝福,你的心情将以晴为主,受气氛影响,笑声将席卷你周围,预计未来52周将不断刮顺风! 神说:幸福是有一颗感恩的心,健康的身体,称心的工作,一位深爱你的人,一帮信赖的朋友你会拥有这一切!祝新年快乐!









