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I have a beautiful school.

In the spring,the weather become warmer and warmer.And the trees become

green.Some birds are singing on the trees.The flowers are open.Some butterflies

are fly over the flowers.In the fall,the weather is windy.The leaves of trees

like butterflies are in the sky.

What a beautiful school is!I like my school.




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Grandma’s hand in hand to work every day, the heart rough coarse hair。 Every time I go to touch her hand, as in touch a old bark。 I thought: today I’m going to help grandma do some housework, take this as a holiday gift to send grandma。




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Today, I went out with my best friend. When we arrived at the park, it

rained. We had to run in the rain because we couldnt find a place to hide. But

we still feel happy because we could comfort each other. The rain stopped later

and I accompanied her go home. We played in her home for a while and she invited

me for dinner. I refused because I feel it will bring trouble to his family. I

am happy today because the new term is coming. I really want to see my

classmates again




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February 21st Sunday fine.

This Saturday, I learned to ride a bike, and I thought to myself, "will I fall down?" Thinking, thinking, feeling anxious.

I started learning to ride, and I rode carefully, and in less than 10 minutes I was going to ride, and I said to myself, "Im great!" Now my heart is more solid.

My good friend came, and I said, "can I ride with you?" My good friend agreed, I will ride slowly, or so carefully, afraid to fall, I held on the car, I can finally take my friends, my heart was very happy! We had a great time!

Thats how I fell in love with cycling!



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It is so fantastic that I have so many desires in the Spring Festival of Y2007. It is expectable that I should finish some thing I can do for a significative spring festival.

First of all, I must to finish the winter holiday homework. It is necessary I have to do for improve and consolidate what I have leart last year.

Next,I want to attend a english training for oral english ability. It is ready for studying abroad after graduate from high school or college. Fundamentally, I have chosen a good traning shool. I dont have to wait untill I accumulate the training fee throught the money gifts. joozone.com

Then, I will pick up a foreign pen pal who is from the US, and she is going to china to be my guest this year. This is a good chance for my to practise english communication ability. I wish I could get a rapid progress in this way.

Finally,I need to prepare for the Olympic math contest next year. I cant let someone down who always care me.

However I have me plans to get the lunur new year through. I hope all of you guys have your own plans for the new year. may you succeed.



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The typhoonHaitang is coming. It comes with the heavily wind and rains. This is my first time to see the wind so strong. I got sleeplessness on Sunday night. The windows were making noises by the great wind. Even I could hear the voice of the iron sheet down on the street. We could not go out while the typhoon coming. It was very dangers because we might be hit by the trees, ad signboards or others things. Anyway, stayed at home was the best choice for the foul weather.

This afternoon, we play a game called ‘Family Tree’. This game is very interesting. I’m very interested in it. Our teacher’s family is very large. She has many brothers and sisters. But I am unlucky, I has only a sister and I without brothers. But I think I have the best parents in the world. They are very friendly to me. I live in a good family. My grand parents loves me, too. When they buy meat, they will give the best parts of the meat to me.

When I was a child, I can’t undertand them. I want to have bread. My grand father took a bike to Qu Tang. Because in our village there is no ‘bread house’. Qu Tang is far from our village. Now I grow up. I understand them when I think of this things. I will cry I can’t use words to say I love them.

I love my family!



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Today we saw a movie at noon and in the afternoon. It’s name suggested that it was a horrific one, but it wasn’t horrific at all. We finished watching at 5:30pm, and walked to our dormitories when we got there, it was 6:00. we had our dinner as quickly as we could and then rushed to the classroom. I’ve never been in such a hurry! In the afternoon we acted. We watched to a short play for three times and the teacher asked us to act. It was a little difficult, because we couldn’t remember all the sentences by watching the play for three times. We tried to remember something. Though the play had been changed a little, it was still very good we all acted very well. The teacher also gave some group prizes. Though my group hadn’t hot once, I didn’t mind.

There is one thing that made me very happy. One of my classmates said “happy birthday ” to me by sending a message. Though it was late, I still felt happy.



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xx-9-20 微凉 晴










我角的这本教材的特点是单词量大。所以在教课的过程中,我遇到的个困难是如何让孩子们对枯燥的英语单词产生兴趣。关于这点,我在培训时准备的游戏帮了我不少忙。我发现学生最喜欢的游戏要数Simon says 和Snowman.因为这两个游戏学生可以全班参与,有赏有罚,十分热闹。这也是学校里其他老师使用得最多的游戏。

不过,为了使我的课堂有自己的特色,我也想出了几个其它调动学习单词的兴趣提高学习效率的方法。其中最有效的是领读单词这招。每个人都有上进心,都不想被别人比下去,这一点在孩子们身上体现得最明显。我正是利用了这点,在教单词时,给孩子们充足的时间自己练习读熟它们,并让以不同的形式他们轮流领读,读得标准的同学还可以获得当小老师的机会去较其他人,实力相对弱的同学不仅要接受惩罚,还要成为“别人”的学生,这样学生为了可以当小老师,为了得到大家的掌声,一节课下来,几乎每个同学都可以把单词读熟读好。 一个问题解决了,第二个问题马上出现了。经过几次考试,孩子们贪玩的本性实在令我头痛。全班十二名学生,回家能认认真真背单词的人不超过五个,怎么办?在得到几位老师的意见后,结合我班的情况,我终于想出了几个办法!




近一个月的实践经历告诉我,要想把课讲好,在课前必须做好充分的准备。熟记每个知识点,熟悉每篇课文,校准每个单词的发音,精心安排课堂的每个环节...... 不过,要想使学生从心底里喜欢上你的课,喜欢上你这个老师,我们要做的就不只这些啦。所以我一有时间就和他们聊天,做游戏,了解他们的性格喜好在学校的学习成绩甚至是家庭状况,和他们建立宝贵的友谊。看到我的学生真的把我当成了自己的朋友,有什么好吃的会拿来和我分享,有好玩的游戏会叫上我一起玩儿,甚至会把喜欢的玩具送给我,我觉得自己成了世界上最幸福的人! 教师是个力气活,劳力,劳脑,又劳心。教师也是良心活,教得好坏多少,得用心中的那杆秤来衡量。当教师还得讲策略,要想教好学生,要想学生信服自己,必须和他们交友,不断琢磨学生的心理,才能做到。

有过同样经历的几位同学曾告诉我,她们当了十几天的教师就开始厌倦这份工作了。可是,我觉得我的教师瘾还没过够呢!虽然在这个过程中我累过烦过也抱怨过,甚至有几次我做梦梦到的都是那帮让人省不了心的孩子。可我觉得为他们付出值! 每当站在讲台上,被一双双纯净的眼睛聚精会神地望着时,作为一名教师的价值感和成就感就油然而生了。









知道为什么雄鹰能飞那么高吗?因为在它们破壳而出的时候,展现在它们面前的是一片最广阔的天空。没有谁规定它们应该怎么飞,没有谁规定它们不能去搏击闪电乌云…… 九十后,他们的潜力是巨大的。举个例子,特别是九十后中的男孩子,他们基本上都是游戏高手,而这正是几乎为所有家长跟大多数老师鄙视的。在小小的一个方寸大小的游戏机上,几乎在一两秒内,要同时操控几个按键,画面的切换飞快,眼睛要关注对手的反应,还要做出反击,这些都是在同时进行的。试问,这样的反应速度和判断力,没有很高的智商,能做到吗?家长老师所鄙夷的,是他们没有从另一个角度去看待问题。为什么九十后的潜力会被


九十后这个群体,需要我们更多的正确关注,需要我们走进他们的世界,理解他们。英语教师实习周记 这一周,从学生转型到老师,我感触极深,获益匪浅。面对第一次上台授课,既期待也有少许紧张。为了上好第一堂课,紧紧一个版面的内容,却奋身备课到凌晨一点!第一堂英语课,大获好评。第二堂信息技术课,班主任石老师微笑的对我竖起大拇指。



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Next week I would like to go to Kaifeng and parents. Kaifeng has many great snacks, such as steamed buns, sesame seed Gaul. Kaifeng also on the famous Qingming River Park, I think it has to be very beautiful. My parents will be opened to see my uncle and live in his house one night.



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Thanksgiving began with the first European settlers in America. They

gathered their crops, celebrated and gave thanks for the food.

Tradition says Pilgrim settlers from England celebrated the first

thanksgiving in sixteen twenty-one. There is evidence that settlers in other

parts of America held earlier thanksgiving celebrations. But the Pilgrims

thanksgiving story is the most popular.

The Pilgrims were religious dissidents who fled oppression in England. They

went first to the Netherlands. Then they left that country to establish a colony

in North America. The Pilgrims landed in sixteen twenty in what later became

known as Plymouth, Massachusetts.

Their voyage across the Atlantic Ocean was difficult. Their first months in

America were difficult, too. About one hundred Pilgrims landed just as autumn

was turning to winter. During the cold months that followed, about half of them




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it was raining outside when i got up early in the morning. it‘s too bad, i had to go to school by bus. i said to myself. it was almost seven o‘clock before i left home. i put on my raincoat and ran to the bus stop in a hurry, for i thought a lot of people might be waiting there. hardly had i got there when a bus was coming. i got on the bus immediately, hoping it was possible for me to take a seat. i saw an empty seat and took it. but i found an old lady standing behind me. i stood up at once and was about to ask her to take the seat when a young girl in a modern skirt made a dive for it. i could hardly believe it.

i glared at her, thinking“what bad manners! she cares for nobody but herself. won‘t she grow old in the future?”



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Chritmas is the day that Jesus Christ was born. People in the world

celebrate and worship this day in his honor. The santa claus will come out and

send presents for children. Christmas cards and decorated trees are all over the

place. The carolling of Christmas songs echo through the air. I am not a

Chirstian, but I also enjoy the atmosphere of Chrismas. I wish everybody have a

merry Chirismas.



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今天我做完作业,坐在沙发上看电视,看见奶奶又拿起扫把要扫地,我对奶奶说:”奶奶我帮您扫吧!您坐会看会电视吧!“奶奶看着我说:”你行吗?“我说:”不要小看我。“我接过奶奶手里的 扫把。我想:扫把这么轻应该不会很累。

我先去奶奶的房里扫,我到角落里扫了一遍,然后去妈妈的房里扫,妈妈的房里也很脏就又照刚才扫了一遍,突然发现有一块地方扫不掉,我去找来湿毛巾擦了又擦,终于擦掉了,最后,我扫自己 的房里,我看看自己的房里最脏,我在角落里扫了又扫,在中间也扫了又扫,终于扫完了,腰酸背痛累死我了,想想奶奶真是辛苦每天都要干那么多活,以后每天我都会帮奶奶做一件事。



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No sooner had the witer vacation begun than I returned to my native town。 Of course I must make good use of it;。In the morning I reviewed my lessons and read newspapers or magazines。 In the afternoon I played ball games with my friends or went fishing in the river。 At night I watched television with my family。 hardly had the clock on the wall struck ten when I went to bed。

假期刚一开始,我就回故乡了。自然我须好好利用它。 早晨我复习功课并阅读报纸或杂志。下午我和朋友打球,又去河中钓鱼。夜晚我就和家人看看电视。墙上的钟刚敲十下,我就去睡觉了。



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January 28 2010 it was the third day of our winter holiday. today, there are many business in my mother‘s company. so my mother told me to help my uncle who is the manager of my mother’s company. i sat in my mother‘s office and help her answer the telephone. while i was free, i was writing my homework. although i also have a lot of time to do my homework, i still do it. because in my mother’s office, i had nothing to do. if i did nothing, i was wasting my time and my life. i can‘t do the foolish thing. we should take good use of our time.



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It was sunny and very hot today. I got up early and helped my parents cook

breakfast. Then I washed the dishes and cleaned the room. After a short rest I

did my homework in the morning. In the afternoon I went swimming in the nearest

swimming pool with my friends. It was really cool to swim in such a hot day. I

surfed the internet and read a storybook in the evening. I really had a busy and

interesting day.







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Today I found time was a cruel thing. Whatever man is, time always goes on.

It won’t stay to wait for somebody. You can’t use anything to exchange time.

Time is also a fair thing. Although you have a lot of money or you enjoy high

reputation, time won’t leave them more. Today I found I hadn’t enough time.

Although I have more than a-month holiday, but I found I had a lot of things to

do. I had a lot of homework to do and I am essential to complete the homework as

soon as I have time.




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January 27 2010

Today, I still went to my mother’s office。 My mother was very busy, so was my father。 They always live in Beijing。 They must get up early。 Because they will manage the factory。 So I know they are very laborious。 So I should save my money。 Also I should help them。 Although I can’t do something useful, but I think I should share the work with them。 I am one of my family member。 In the future, I will take a job and work。 It’ time for me to begin to learn how to work。

January 28 2010

I have rested for a week。 I began to feel bored。 So I went out with my friends。 They are my best friends in the middle school。 We didn’t go to someplace special。 We just saw the other。 We had lunch together。 While we were having lunch, we were still talking about the new school and new friends。 Yes! A year later, we have grown riper。 And we learned much more things and got new life。 We haven’t enough time to play, to waste and to lose the way。 We only have two years。 Two years to go, we will get the real life which belongs to us。



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passage 2love is difficultit is good to love, but love is difficult.

for one human being to love another human being is perhaps the most difficult task that has been entrusted to us — the ultimate task, the final test and proof, the work for which all other work is merely preparation. that is why young people, who are beginners in everything, are not yet capable of love: it is something they must learn. with their whole being, with all the
