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Every year, the income of celebrities will be revealed by the media and the number always surprises the public, because for an ordinary person, they will never earn such income all his life. This year, the new list has come out and the female singer Taylor Swift is on the top. She earned more than 100 million dollar in a year. When we look at the second income, which is much less than Taylor. The world is shocked by this young girl’s great income, they have to admitted that they admire her. Taylor Swift became very popular these years and as she got fame and money, there came the criticism. Some people criticized her for her love affair, they thought she used it to promote her songs. The fact is that Taylor’s songs are favored by fans and they support her all the time.



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俗话说:腊八祭灶,新年来到。我高兴得像刚出笼的小鸟,更让我兴奋的是今年可以放炮了。妈妈不满意地说:“依我看,今年还应该禁放,放炮既污染空气,又会产生噪音污染。再加上有些人不自觉 ,随意燃放,走在街上提心吊胆,感觉就像穿过枪林弹雨一样。”“今年有指定的燃放地点,在规定的时间内才可以燃放。不是想在哪儿放就在哪儿放。”爸爸解释说。我也急忙插嘴:“张老师在学校 已经给我们讲了燃放的规则和注意事项。我们每个同学还签了安全保证书。”一张嘴还是斗不过两张嘴,一会儿妈妈就被我和爸爸说服了。我缠着爸爸给我买炮,爸爸爽快地答应了。我们俩高高兴兴来 到楼下指定卖烟花爆竹的地点,只见炮摊上摆着各种各样的炮,爸爸和卖炮人经过一番讨价还价之后,我们买了擦炮、摔炮、照明弹等。我们大包小包高高兴兴地提着回家了。

转眼间到了大年三十,家家户户张灯结彩,喜气洋洋。吃过饺子,我们全家围坐在电视机前看春节联欢晚会,渐渐的,我困了起来,上眼皮和下眼皮也开始打架,妈妈说:“今天晚上要熬夜,十二点我 们还去放炮呢!”一听放炮,我顿时来了精神,一点睡意也没有了,终于熬到了十二点,我们兴致勃勃来到欧凯龙广场,只见这里早已聚集了许多人,每个人的脸上都洋溢着喜悦与兴奋的笑容,节日的 气氛弥漫了整个广场。人们做好了放炮、放烟花的准备,等待敲响新年的钟声,钟声响了,只听鞭炮声“噼里啪啦”,震耳欲聋,我屏住呼吸,紧紧地捂着自己的耳朵,抬头仰望夜空,深蓝色的天空被 烟花照得绚丽无比,一枚枚五光十色、形态万千的烟花在夜空中竞相绽放,有的像盛开的菊花,有的像灿烂的流星,有的像五彩缤纷的蝴蝶,飘飘悠悠地下落,渐渐地变成点点星光,忽隐忽现,几秒钟 后消失在夜幕之中。人们说着,笑着,祝福新的一年平平安安,万事如意。男女老少都沉浸在新年的欢乐之中。我情不自禁想起王安石的一首诗:爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖如屠苏,千门万户瞳瞳日, 总把新桃换旧符。




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The children, the Spring Festival, what is your custom? Id like to introduce to you!

First of all, was up at 5 am, at that time, Im still in the dream, my mother called me up, I hastily put on new clothes, grandma relatives.it guided me, brother, sister.

We have a lot of relatives, made a lot of lucky money, happy dead.

In the evening, grandma made dumplings with meat stuffing, stuffing, and a lot. Hang lanterns uncle took off firecrackers, dad. The family looked at the party, lay off firecrackers, eat dinner together, how happy ah.

Little friends, what is your custom?








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In China, the woman who is more than 40 year-old is called Da Ma, it has to be admitted that Da Ma is a powerful group, they own certain money at hand, we always hear about the news about them buying house everywhere or flying to the foreign country to buy the brands. The large group now has invaded the square at night, when the night comes, several groups of Da Ma go to the square, playing the music and dance until 9 o’clock. About few years ago, only few women would do this, but now, as the economy develops, people live a better life, so they begin to find entertainment. Da Ma have made the square dance popular, when we go out at night, we may find them dance everywhere. I think square dance is a good way for people to get exercise, they can keep fit.



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With the development of technology, today we live in the world with high technology. People seem to cant live without computer and smart phone, once they dont have smart phone at hand for a while, the seem to be lost and feel something miss in their life. When I talk to my friends at table, I find them always play smart phones or check on the text all the time. Though we sit face to face, the distance between us is so far. The high technology brings isolation between people. Some people dont often visit their parents and friends, for they believe that a call can solve all the things. Communication in face to face is far more important than a call. It is time for some people to put down their smart phones for a while when they are communicating to others.



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will christmas replace the spring festival?

christmas arouses increasing attention year by year in china. christmas cards become popular with students. people hold christmas parties and exchange christmas girts. a lot or tv and radio programs about christmas are on. meanwhile the spring festival is less appealing (有吸引力的)to youngsters. thus some people wonder whether christmas will replace the spring festival.

this worry is fairly unnecessary. why ? one reason lies that christmas only affects christians,college students and joint-venture (合资企业)workers. another reason is that christmas is mostly celebrated in cities. few people in countryside show extreme interest in this exotic(带有异国情调的) festival. by contrast,the spring festival is the most influential traditional festival in every family.



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The Spring Festival in China celebrates the end of winter and the warmth of spring. From the last day of the lunar year, it ends on the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar.


During the Spring Festival, people use red lantern and Spring Festival couplets decorate a house, put on all kinds of colored clothes, often visit friends and relatives or together eat dumplings, fish, meat and other delicious food. The children are looking forward to receiving red envelope money, and together they play each other the fireworks, with happy.


During the Spring Festival, there are carnival activities such as dragon and lion dancing in the street. CCTV will hold a grand Spring Festival gala.




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It’s New Year again. In this holiday, sharing is the hottest activity. People share their lives and discuss hot topic in social lives. Besides, there are many traditions during the Spring Holiday. For example, in the north, people will eat dumplings in the New Year’s Day while in the south people will make Zongzi. Firecrackers and fireworks are essential during the New Year. Now, people live a much better life than before, so people want to have a lively and grand festival. Some are likely to travel while some stay at home and take part in various activities to enrich their holiday.




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The Chinese Spring Festival comes on the first day of the Chinese Lunar Year, which is usually in February. There is a name for each year, such as the dog, the monkey, the tiger or one of the twelve animals, and this year is the year of the horse.

Before the New Year’s Day, the Chinese people usually give their houses a good cleaning and on the last evening of the old year, all the members of a family will get together and have a big meal. On the first or second day of the new year, people usually go to visit their relatives and friends and give some lucky money to children.

I wish you have a good time during the Spring Festival.






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To be successful, students learn many knowledge so as to master as more skills as possible. Some believe that the key to realize our dreams is to work hard and others treat chance in the first place. While today is the information world, the one who masters the all-sided source will have more chances to be successful. In my opinion, the most important skill is the social skill, because we need to make connection with others, we are not doing business with ourselves, so it is in need of having relationship with others. The good social skill can help us attract attention easily and impress the future partner. If we are bad in communicating, how can we let others know our advantages and trust us. So promoting ourselves is the first job, from now on, don’t be shy.



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回到老家,我和妈妈一起去逛年货市场,听姥姥说,每年临近过年的半个月左右,老家就会有一个专供人们购年货的——春节市场 Back to my hometown, I and my mother and I go to the New Year market.New Years Spring Festival Market








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Nowadays, star-worshiping is popular among teenagers, especially many university students.

Why? When it comes to the symptoms of worshiping a star, the main factor Id like to mention is imitation. With a blind love for their idols, teenagers firmly believe that their choices are the best. As a result, the stars clothes, hairstyles and hobbies, as well as their behaviors in public, are closely observed or followed, though, to some extent, they may be considered improper or even ridiculous.

In my opinion, having idols is not a bad thing. However, we should make it clear who are the real “heroes”. As far as I am concerned, the real heroes are those who are making the most contributions to our society, such as teachers, doctors and scientists. As students, we should learn from them. Only in this way can we become useful persons in the future.



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Nowadays, with the development of computer, the function of computer has developed, too. We can use computer to check the instant news, make friend and so on. The reason why so many people addict to computer is that they like to play the computer games, there are all kinds of computer games, everyone can find a game which is suitable to him. Too much involve in the computer games is wasting time, we should control our habit. First, we must set the limit time on it, wed better not to play the game over an hour. We have to tell ourselves that we must stop playing when the time is up, we have another thing to do. Second, we should go out with friends often, so we can communicate with others, it makes our mind not focus on the computer games. I am not saying we should not play computer games, but we should not addict to it.



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The New Year is coming soon, my father and I are going to conduct a thorough cleaning, clean for the coming New Year.

In the afternoon, we began to the tense and busy cleaning. I to study finishing the book, I put the books back on the shelf, then, dad put me sort of clean again. Before long, bookcase, desk is wiped clean. Then, we began to clean the Windows, dad with cleaning the Windows tools brush back and forth on the glass, with old newspapers to wipe it again, the glass is bright. Look at books neatly, bright window, my heart joy bloom.

I guess, my mom came home from work will be a big surprise.






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The Spring Festival, also know as the lunar New Year, is the greatest traditional festival. It is usually a time between late January or early February, which means rest and relaxation between winter and spring after a years toil, and means celebration as well. Before the Spring Festival, people clean their house, put red coupletson their gates, and set off firecrackers, according to fairy tale, for driving a demon, named Nian away.

On the eve of the Spring Festival, a get-together banquet is a must, and the most popular food is Dumpling, which is supposed to bring good fortune. On the first day of the new year, everybody wears new clothes and greets relatives and friends with bows and congratulations wishing each other lucky during the new year.



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Since I was a little child, I was taught that dont give up forever. My mother told me that teaching me how to walk was a tough task. When I just learned how to walked, I fell down frequently, but she or my father never helped me to stand up, because they wanted me to stand up by myself. After fell down again and again, I finally learned walking. My parents were proud of me. Now, whenever I meet with a problem or get into trouble, no matter how hard the situation is, I rarely stop my step, because I have a faith in my mind that the most beautiful view will come in after the highest hill. If you are sure what you do, then you just stick to it. Nothing in the world is easy, so we will always meet challenges in life, but remember one thing that never give up and sunshine comes after the storm.



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新年的钟声即将敲响,人们欣喜若狂,盼啊!盼啊!终于迎来了大年三十,我们正在准备着团子大餐呢!你瞧—— The bell of the New Year is about to sound, people are ecstatic, hope! I hope! Finally, we have ushered in the 30th year, we are preparing for a dinner meal mealWhat about it! Look- ——





