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Flowers in full bloom in this, green grass of early summer, we have ushered

in a grand festival of Children - June 1 International Childrens Day, I am very

honored to share with the children together in this beautiful holiday. On that

occasion, I would like to let me to all children, young pioneers holiday to

extend my sincere regards to the hard work, dedicated gardener to cultivate the

flowers of the motherland who pay tribute! Soon to be here today in recognition

of the advanced collectives and advanced individuals express warm


Pioneers, the children, we are now in a hopeful new era of challenges, you

are lucky enough to live in a state of concern about the survival of students,

teachers and students in the pursuit of maximum growth to meet the needs of

schools; so one "give students the best childhood, most give a solid start in

life "as the core concept of school, portrait of creating" education "brand

School; an" education and scientific research as the guide to the experimental

school in English at the core characteristics Yucai School to serve the

community for the meaning of new schools "; so ones own ideas and practice,

practice, together with the parents," Our children, our schools, our joint

efforts, "the slogan of the school co-operation of schools, the school

environment of your grace, your skilled teachers , School of your high-quality

education and teaching has been very successful, you just give your School

School Award is fully endorsed.

Pioneers, the children, you are lucky generation, the generation is

shouldering the burden. There is an old statement: journey of a thousand miles

begins with a single step. Youth are the beginning of a better life, clarity of

vision, bred here, noble sentiments here at initiation, the habits of good form

here, life here at the foundation of the glory and prosperity at the bright

future of our calls. We must strive to improve their own quality of life in the

new starting point, the momentum to become the new century, the need for

construction of the homeland of the wood-Dong Liang. At the same time, teachers

also hope that our附小his utmost to achieve a greater honor.







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Everybody has a daily schedule. We do the same things almost every day. My

day is probaly like yours.


Heres my daily routine. I get up at 6:30 every morning. I take my time

waking up,but then I wash up quickly. I brush my teeth,comb my hair and put on

school uniform. I pack my bag for school and I leave. I never miss breakfast,so

I either eat at home or eat on the way to school. But I always eat hurry. After

school,I go to a cram school like all my friends. I study and finish my homework

for the day. Finally,I go home and I take a break. I have dinner with my

family,watch a little TV. I am usually in bed by 9:30.


This is my routine from Monnday to Friday. However,the weekends are

different. I can wake up late. Then. I can do whatever I like. I believe my

routine is typical. It is probably a lot like yours.




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导语:As the tree,so the fruit. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。下面是yuwenmi小编为还在备考的同学整理的优秀英语素材,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢!

1.Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。

2.God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者。

3.Easier said than done. 说起来容易做起来难。

4.Where there is a will,there is a way. 有志者事竟成。

5.One false step will make a great difference. 失之毫厘,谬之千里。

6.Slow and steady wins the race. 稳扎稳打无往而不胜。

7.A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。

8.Experience is the mother of wisdom. 实践出真知。

9.All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. 只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。

10.Beauty without virtue is a rose without fragrance.无德之美犹如没有香味的玫瑰,徒有其表。

11.More hasty,less speed. 欲速则不达。

12.Its never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。

13.All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的未必都是金子。

14.A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.千里之行始于足下。

15.Look before you leap. 三思而后行。

16.Rome was not built in a day. 伟业非一日之功。

17.Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同。

18.well begun,half done. 好的开始等于成功的一半。

19.It is hard to please all. 众口难调。

20.Out of sight,out of mind. 眼不见,心不念。

21.Facts speak plainer than words. 事实胜于雄辩。

22.Call back white and white back. 颠倒黑白。

23.First things first. 凡事有轻重缓急。

24.Ill news travels fast. 坏事传千里。

25.A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。

26.live not to eat,but eat to live. 活着不是为了吃饭,吃饭为了活着。

27.Action speaks louder than words. 行动胜过语言。

28.East or west,home is the best. 金窝银窝不如自家草窝。

29.Its not the gay coat that makes the gentleman. 君子在德不在衣。

30.Beauty will buy no beef. 漂亮不能当饭吃。

31.Like and like make good friends. 趣味相投。

32.The older, the wiser. 姜是老的辣。

33.Do as Romans do in Rome. 入乡随俗。

34.An idle youth,a needy age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

35.As the tree,so the fruit. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。

36.To live is to learn,to learnistobetterlive.活着为了学习,学习为了更好的活着。



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1. 简要介绍造成现在学生学习压力大的原因。

2. 你认为来自于English Online调查结果的放松方式是否有效,为什么?


Dear fellows,

Not only adults but also we students often feel stressed because we have too much homework to do, and we are very busy studying every day, we don’t have our own time to do what we are interested in. We are very tired and sleepy all day, so we should learn to deal with it. What should we do to relax?

From the result of the survey, I think doing sports with classmates is a good way to relax. Because it’s good for our health and it can make us relaxed.

I also have three ways to relax ourselues. First, we can listen to music. Second, we can go to the movies with our parents on weekends. Don’t study at home all the weekend. Third, when we feel tired, we can think about something interesting.

I hope my suggestions can help you.Thanks!




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Water is very important for living things. Without water there can be no life on earth. All animals and plants need water. Man also needs water.

Water is found atmosteverywhere. Even in the driest part of the world there is some water in the air.

As we all have found out, water may be a solid, or a liquid or a gas.When it isa solid, it may be as hard as brick, When itis a liquid, you can pour it out of a container. When it is a gas, you cannot see or feel it.

Although about 70 percent of the earths surface is covered with water,there are many places in the world still running out of water. So we should make good use of water on earth.






[高考英语满分作文: Water



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My Father

There is always a brilliant image living in my heart. That is my dear father. Seen through the eyes of many other people, father seems to be a very ordinary person. But he is quite extraordinary in my eyes, I have never lost my wonder at his good-personalities such as diligence, devotion, care, optimism ever since my childhood.Being a farmer, father works very hard in the fields all the year round. He works from dawn till dusk every day and even till midnight when it is the harvest season. He seldom enjoys leisure with other farmers even if the farm work is not much. He chooses to live a busy life with reluctance to stop for a while.

Father devotes all himself to our family. As we are poor, he always tries his best to support our family and afford the tuitions for my brother and me. For the whole family, for brother and me, he never stops working laboriously in the fields throughout the year. Now he has got a wrinkled face and white hair because of excessive hard work, looking much older and weaker than any other person of his age. In spite of all this, father never complains to us. It is his full devotion that were living a better life now. It is his full devotion that both my brother and I are able to study at college.Father shows much care to us children and my mother as well. Whenever there is any delicious food on the table, he just leaves it to us while he takes the simple one himself. If my brother and I fall ill, he will not hesitate a moment to get some medicine for us or take us to see the doctor. My mother suffers a bad disease. Father looks after her very carefully. He never lets mother do any heavy work both at home and in the field. Mother appreciates him m much that she often praises him as a model husband before others.

Father is a person full of optimism. He never complains about our poor life. He is never frustrated by trouble. He often tells us that everything will be all right if we have enough confidence in life. Due to his optimism, we are all confident to face our life and work.

We all think that father is not in the least an ordinary man. He plays an extraordinary role in my family. We cant have anything without him. Now Im pursuing further studies at college far away from father. I miss him very much. And I often see him in my dreams. His great image is deeply carved in my mind.






评语: 本文作者以朴实的语言充满感情地刻画了父亲的不平凡的形象,分别从四个不同的角度描述了父亲的勤劳、奉献、关爱和乐观。内容真实感人,行文简洁流畅,结构清晰,组织有条有理,首尾呼应,给读者以强烈的感染力。 作者用词简洁精确,并能很好地尝试一些新学的词汇及表达,使简洁的行。文更为生动。作者没有运用太多复杂的句式,但能适当运用介词短语、分词结构、强调及重复的手法,恰到好处 地突出了行文句式的变化,使文章更耐读。



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The campus is like the flowers, the fragrance of the intoxicating, the smell of love. The schoolyard is like rain dew, nourish us, cultivate us; The campus is like a dream, that kind of beautiful, that kind of sweet. I love this garden campus.

"Beautify campus, green campus". Our campus has become green and beautiful. Flowers, small trees, patches of grass, flowerbeds, our campus is full of life and fresh.

"The air is fresh, clean and tidy environment, buildings, surrounded by green trees", who dont want to in such a clean, sanitary, healthy growth of the beautiful campus learning? But for various reasons, our campus environment is being undermined by the bad behavior of some students. Nowadays, in our beautiful campus, there are some uncivilized phenomena, some students randomly throw in the peel of paper, plastic bottles, melon seed shells and so on. Whenever naughty wind these waste, running here and there, tinkling like a child, helpless, we can only watch them on campus "dance", and even some classmates in the scribble on the white wall and the desk carved, and disorderly spit phlegm, and so on. All this, cannot match with our beautiful campus. See these phenomena, how would you feel? Does studying here make everyone happy?

In order to let us have the beautiful campus of green trees, clean environment and grass, please act quickly! Use your own hands to protect the beauty of the campus environment. Through radio, blackboard, speech competition, knowledge competition, the development theme class meeting, publicity of the importance of protecting our campus environment, the necessity, form "real small is my home, beautiful depends on everybody" good atmosphere; Start everyone from yourself and start with the little things around you. As the saying goes, "do not be small but do not be evil." Get into the habit of not littering, spitting, not scribbling, trampling on the lawn, moving, bending, and so on. Dear students, Let us join hands and work together to create a beautiful and tidy learning environment for ourselves. Isnt that bad?

I am convinced that the campus is beautiful, friendly, is a place where we learn to grow, we love the campus, love every inch of the campus, lets work together to protect the environment of the campus!



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it was mother’s day. sun zheng thought he should do something for his mother. he decided to help his mother do some housework. after school he went to a shop to buy some food on his way home. when he got home, he did his best to cook some nice food,though he couldn’t do the cooking well. thenhe cleaned the room. he felt very tired, but he was very happy. when his father and his mother came back and saw the clean rooms and dishes which weren’t so nice, they were very happy.they had their supper together. his mother said, "thank you,my child!"

今天母亲节。孙峥觉得应该为妈妈做点事,他决定帮妈妈做些家务。放学回家的路上,他去商店买了食品。到家后,他尽全力做些好吃的,尽管他并不擅长烹任。做完饭,他又打扫了房间。他感觉有些累,但仍然很高兴。 当父母回来后,看见干净的房间和并不太荚味的菜,他们依然很高兴。他们一起吃了晚饭。妈妈说:“谢谢你,孩子。”

today is mother’s day. i know some of my classmates are going to help their mothers with the housework, others .are going to buy some flowers for their mothers. i want to say to her that i love her very much. but as a boy, it is a bit difficult for me to show my heart. i think only girls can do that. my mother is very kind. she takes care of me day and night. she spends little money, but buys anything for me that i need. this time i must show my love. i am going to give her a card and write like this, "i love you, mother!" i am going to put it under her pillow.

今天是母亲节。我知道一些同学打算帮妈妈做些家务,还有一些同学打算给妈妈买些花。我只是想对妈妈说一声,我非常爱她。但是对我来说这样表达我的情感有点儿难,因为我是个男孩。我觉得只有女生才这样做。 我妈妈是个非常善良的人。她对我照顾得无微不至。她自己很少花钱,但能给我买我需要的任何东西。 这次我一定要表示我对她的爱。我打算送她一张写有“我爱你,妈妈”的卡片,我还打算把它放在她的枕头下面。




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On New Years Eve,our class had a party. The atmosphere was good. It was out of the ordinary from the very begining. The boy student from one bedroom gave an unusual performance. We saw a boy named Li Xinmin turn off all the lights in a sudden snap. Then with three resounding(响亮的) crow of a cock echoing in the hall,the hall was again brightly lit in a snap.

Then,the representative of the bedroom Zhu Guozhang asked us to guess a line of a poem related to the above situation. He added that Li Xinmin alone was born in the year of the dog and the other three were all born in the year of the chicken. They left us all in confusion. And it was our monitor who was quickwitted(机智的). He shouted our, "The day breaks as the cock crows three times at dawn." The hall After that,they had another item. This time Li Xinmin was placed in the middle of the circle. While he was standing there,the other three stood around him,each bowing down to him at an angle of 120 degrees. It was an idiom. This time I got it right:"The dog stands out among a group of chickens."






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Habits, whether good or bad, are gradually formed. When a person doesa certain thing again and again, he'll be obliged to do it in the same way by some unseen force. Thus habit is formed. Once a habit is formed, it is difficult and sometimes almost impossible to get rid of it. It is.therefore very important that we should take care in the formation of habits.

Good habits have many advantages. Going to bed early and getting up early makes us healthy. Diligence helps to succeed. Honesty helps:: win the respeet and trust of others.

If we form bad habits, such as rudeness, laziness, lying and stealing, we might be mined by them.

We ought to keep away from bad habits and try to acquire habits good for ourselves and others. ( 133 words)









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safety has been closely watched, because our everyday life simply can not do

without food. Everyone knows this, but always some people again, lets worry

about it, whether our food safety and health.


of malachite green, Sudan red, and so on have been "destroyed" and are these

hearts duck eggs, and havent been solved completely. But even if they now have

to solve, but we also have to worry about "they" will not back not just in the

future? Thought of here, I cant help but think constantly behind the scenes

"make" the food of a few to endanger the safety of life. So I just sent a such

doubts are these people for the sake of what? I want to or for a word - money,

money is the devils bait. Because of the money, how many times this happened in

the world of murder, robbery and theft? Who would have thought such a sum of

money, is want to jail and the court criminal "supplier"?


because the money has arisen: artificial sweetener, saccharin sodium, cyclamate

and preservatives (sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate), etc. The use of food

additives. Therefore, I very want to some people dont understand, how many

people did their "product" harm? There are a lot of people after eating these

so-called "health and safe food" and diarrhea and vomiting, and even lost his



I think, in addition to criticise those who only know to make money and people

who do not care about their health and safety, we also need to improve their



as: apple too shiny instructions may be played in a wax. White spot on the

grapes too much may be excessive pesticide use.


instructions, defense artificially added chemicals in food, some harmful

substance is but with the naked eye or simple method of inspection.


should pay attention to food safety, want to for the sake of our health and make

great efforts, to strive for the sake of our civilization.










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Dear Amy,


Long time no see. How is everything going? I am writing to tell you a good

new about me. I received my high school admission this morning. It is No.1 high

school in my hometown. You know that it is my dream school. I am so excited to

share this good news with you. You will be happy for me, right? Now, it is your

turn. How about you? Have you receive you admission yet? Have you come back from

your Guangzhou trip? I am eager to know your life recently. Look forward to your





Best wishes,

Li Hui




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My hometown is in guangzhou,there will also be like as foreign Christmas.On the day before Christmas will go to neighbours to candy,trick or treat.On Christmas night will eat a lot of delicious food,such as turkey,cake.Before you go to sleep in bed will hang a stocking,tomorrow morning there will be a gift.What a great day!





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Serious Floods

The Yangzte River is the longest river in China. And its important and helpful to us Chinese. But these days the Yangtze River is bringing us serious floods.

Many villages were destroyed by floods. The floods made hundreds of millions of people lose their homes, relatives and friends. Many children cant go to school as usual .Now the foods have drawn the attention of the whole world. People from abroad have offered their help too. In China, millions of soldiers are busy fighting against the floods. They are working very hard. Many of them have lost their lives in their attempt to save the villagers.

Though we cant help them to fight against floods, we should help them to rebuild their homeland. We can present them our pocketmoney and clothes. I believe most of the people will return to their homeland in the near future.







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Nowadays Intemet is very popular all over the world, especially in some big cities. Do you know when the Intemet was first established? Built in 1960s, the Internet was a crude network of a few computers which shared information. If one of the computers broke down, the whole networks would be unable to work, causing continual problems. At first, just the government had access to the Internet, using it for communications among different branches. However, by 1970s the Internet had been used in universities, banks, and hospitals. At the beginning of 1990s computers became affordable for common people and this affordability increased the use of the Internet by people,

It is said that each day tens of millions of people log off, making it the most important part of peoples life.

Internet was first established in 1960s. At that time, the computer was both large and expensive and the networks were unable to work well. If one of the computers broke down, the whole networks would be unable to work.

At first, the Intemet was just used by the government. By 1970s, it had been used in universities, banks and hospitals. At the beginning of 1990s,computers became both cheaper and easier to operate. Now it is very convenient to log on the Intemet.

It is said that each day tens of millions of people log on the Internet. Sending e-mails is becoming more and more popular.

The Intemet has become the most important part of peoples life.










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An Accident

One sunny afternoon, when I was merrily riding home, I heard "Help! Help!". I rode to the riverside and found a boy of about five in the river struggling. I jumped into the water, swam to the boy and dragged him to the river bank. the boy said he was trying to catch a fish near the river bank and carelessly fell into the water. I asked him where his home was and sent him home. "Thank you very much!" the boys parents said, when I left his home. Though I got home late that afternoon, I was very happy.

《初中英语作文:初一英语作文 An Accident》由出国留学编辑精心为您学习英语准备我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 英语专业学生如何选择出国留学小学六年级英语教学计划“双录取”是英语薄弱的中国学生 申请海外名校的县中学英语教研组教学工作计划冀教版八年级英语教学计划小学英语教研组工作计划国内英语专业学生如何申请新西兰留学英语作文必背经典对译(七)英语作文必背经典对译(六)英语作文必背经典对译(五)



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After the rain, a difficult spider to the wall has been fragmented network, due to damp walls, it must climb the height, it will fall, which one to climb, repeatedly falling and… No. a person to see, and he sighed to himself: "my life as this spider is not it? busy and no income." Thus, he increasingly depressed. See the second person, he said: this spider really stupid, why do not dry place from the next to climb up to look around? Ill be as stupid as it can not. Thus, he becomes wise up. See the third person, he immediately spiders keep the spirit of war touched. So he has become strong.








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Today is Christmas Eve once a year. We have three at home. We burn delicious hot pot in the kitchen for mom, dad and I are in the sitting room decorate the Christmas tree together.

First of all, my father and I put the branches stretching, then put the tree is installed on a tripod.

Finally, my father and I put the small bells, Musical Instruments, gifts, fawn, Santa Claus, bowknot, five-pointed star and snowflake decorations hanging in the branches. Also has a long string of colorful lights around the branch.

A: wow! A beautiful Christmas tree appeared in front of our eyes, just like that. The mother of hot pot also burn well. The three of us to sit down and eating hot pot, hot side sing Christmas songs, was quite happy!






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I caught a cold today

In this morning,I felt very uncomfortable when i wake up,after i got up,i

sneezed continuously,so i realized that i had caught a cold.Then i went to the

clinic nearby my home to see the doctor, the doctor prescribed some cold

medicine for me and told me to drink lots of hot water. After taking the pills i

had a good sleep,now i feel better,I hope i will be better soon.



