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I am going to Hawaii for vacation .I am going in December ,and I am staying for three weeks.Hawaii is comprised of a chain of 132 islands.We usually think of the eight main islands when we think of Hawaii.This is not surprising as the other 124 islands only total about 3 square miles in land area.

Hawaii is home of the worlds most active volcano,the crater of Kilauea on Mauna Loa.Sandy beaches,towering volcanoes,and lush valleys lure thousands of tourists each year to this tropical paradise.

Hawaii is the most ethnically and racially diverse state of any state in the union,a mix that includes Caucasians,Americans of Japanese descent,and Polynesians,among others.Native Hawaiians have held on to many of their customs and traditions despite the influx of non-natives over the years.Hawaii is the only state that has an official native language.Statehood had been proposed many times throughout Hawaiis history,but it was not until 1959 that Hawaii became the 50th state of the United States.



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Travel is a very good means of broadening a person’s perspective. It makes you come into contact with different cultures meet people of different colors and go through peculiar rites and ceremonies. Travelling much you will not only enrich your knowledge and experiences but also be aware of the vastneof nature. Travel may also relieve person of boredom and gloom. Travel brings you enjoyment and attraction. It gives you a pleasant experience which will disperse your boredom and make you forget whatever annoys you. Travel broadens your mind and leaves you good memories. Later you may go over these memories and enjoy your past experiences thus keeping a fresh and sunny mind. The field’s his study nature was his book. Travelers can choose different modes of transportation which have advantages and disadvantages. Airplanes are the fastest but also the most expensive. Buses and trains are leexpensive but they soon make you feel cramped and uncomfortable. Ships provide you with comfort unleyou get seasick. Most people can afford traveling by bicycle which although slow can limber up your muscles and get you closer to nature.



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顺着一条芬芳的小径,不知不觉中,我们来到了一群大学生中间。看,两个女大学生静静的坐在石头上,认认真真的读书呢,陈嘉庚老爷爷正笑眯眯的望着她们,仿佛在深情的说:“孩子们,努力学习吧!中国的富强和建设需要你们那!” 奇怪,陈嘉庚老爷爷怎么也会在这里??噢,原来这是一群惟妙惟肖的雕像呀!

离开厦门大学的时候,已是黄昏时分。回望沐浴在晚霞中的美丽校园,我深深被它的无法言喻的魅力所吸引。我想, 7年以后,当我拎着行囊走向这余晖中的美丽校园,应该成为我学生时代努力的目标和前进的方向。




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Los Angeles,known as LA,locates on the west coast of the states,which is the second largest city in America.West coast is known for the incredible weather year round.Days are longer here in August,and its pretty warm in the evening,so summer is the best time to visit LA.There are a lot of stuff to see here in LA,for example,Hollywood,Disneyland and China Town as well as Korean town,etc.Basically,LA is one of the few international cities around the world,where you can taste authentic cuisines from many other countries.Southern California is a very relaxing place,people go to beach,museums and games just to escape from a week of hard working.You should definitely come here for your summer vacation.I will be your tour guide for sure.




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Last winter holiday, I went to shanghai with my mother.

It's very cold in winter. There is snow and ice everywhere and you are always in a white world. You must wear warm clothes. The most exciting thing is playing with snow. Skating is also very interesting there.

I will' always remember shanghai, for the snow, the ice and all the beautiful things. I love shanghai.

With the general standard of living improving and the working week becoming shorter, more and more people are able to make a holiday trip to places of interest. While many like to join package tours fro convenience, I prefer to travel on my own.

I like travelling on may own not only because it costs much less but because it gives a great degree of independence and freedom. Travelling on my own, I’m my own boss; and can decide when to start on my way, where to linger a little longer and which spot can be skipped over to save energy or time for another spot. I can always adjust my plan. On the contrary, in a package tour you‘re deprived of as much freedom as in a military base. At the sound of the whistle, you have to jump up from a sound sleep and, with heavy-lidded eyes, hurry to the gathering place where you are collected and counted to board a coach. At the sight of the little flag waving, you must immediately take yourself away from the scenes you are marveling at and follow the guide whose sole interest is to cover all spots according to him strict schedule, regardless of the weather or your health condition.

True,you may encounter inconveniences if you travel inpidually,for instance, getting accommodations for the night and finding a place for meals. But nothing can be compared with the freedom which is vital to a person who takes a holiday trip mainly to escape from constraints of his routine life.







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到了渡口,我们买了票进去了。坐上船,我坐了一个观海好的旁边座位。上船三分钟后便开船了。开船时,我趴在 船窗上看。只见船开过的地方都有一条条白色的波浪,激起一朵朵雪白的浪花,宛如一条用天鹅羽毛做成的带子,十分美丽。还远眺到了台湾宝岛。我心想:台湾快点与祖国统一吧!我还看到了郑成功的塑像。大浪翻起白浪,可好看了!真是让人看了心旷神怡。







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上课流程:常考话题;话题词汇;活动示范; 思路,句型; 改进,实践,作业



A. 喜欢去风景区旅游

I prefer natural sceneries. Mountain and lake is my favorite. they are very beautiful and very nice, and everything is quiet. I enjoy it.

If we have unhappy thing ,I will go there, because it is quieter .I can concentrate on thinking for working out these difficult problem.

B. 喜欢去名胜古迹旅游

We like to go historical sites. China has a history of 5000 years. There are many historical sites in my country. I can visit them. Visiting them can help me to learn china history. 第二环节:如果该题出现在第二环节, 以下交际话题可以从旅游角度谈 十一黄金周、城市生活的弊端、城市和乡村的差异、向往的旅游地、自驾游 然后让学生做一个对话练习点评,讲解对话技巧——参考活页


旅游地的不文明现象、乱刻乱画、到此一游等、随地吐痰, 黄金周出行带来的拥堵。




问题:Are you interested in travelingWhy

Where have you been

What was your first impression of …

Can you say something about the place you travelled




1.先描述图片:旅行途中,一成年人在柱子上用笔写下“到此一游”,一儿童模仿大人 2. 表达观点:旅行中的不文明现象 3.危害:损坏文物等;父母或成年人对子女或青少年言传身教的影响;4. 原因:缺乏公德心;损人不利己;5. 措施 当事人:父母应以身作则 相关部门:制定法律法规保护文物、景点设施我们:提高自身修养,从我做起



According to the pictures we can see/conclude that...

The picture shows/tells/reveals us that...

As is shown/can be seen in the picture/chate...

The picture/table is (gives information) about...

It can be seen from the pictures that...


1) Introducing Your First Point 阐述你的第一个观点

To start with,Id like to consider... 我想先考虑/我想先谈谈 First of all,Id like to look at... 首先,我要谈谈

2) Finishing a Point 结束一个观点

Those are the main points on... 这些是有关的主要看法。

Thats all I h

ave to say about... 这就是在方面我所要的说的。

So that,then,is... 仅此,接着是

Now weve looked at/dealt with... 到此我们已考虑/讨论了

3) Starting a New Point 接着阐述另一个观点:

turn to... 转向现在让Now lets move on... 我们 接着考虑/谈谈

Id like now to 接着,我想examine... 仔细考查

Next we come to... 下面我们来看看

Turning now to... 接着转向

Lets move on now to.. 让我们接下去考虑

The next point id like to make is... 我想阐述的下一个观点

4) Referring to What You Have Said 提及你已说过的

As I said at the beginning.. 正如起初我所说的。

I told you a few moments age that... 刚才,我已告诉你

In the first part of my talk,I said... 在我讲话的第一部分,我曾说过 As Ive already said,... 就像我已说过的

As I mentioned earlier,... 正如先初已提及的

5) Referring to What You Will Say 提述你将要说的

Ill come to that later.过会儿我将提及这点。

Ill return to this point in a few minutes.我将回头谈及这一点。

... and Ill talk about this in the next part of my presentation.并且我将在讲话的下一部分涉及这一点。

...Ill comment on this in my conclusion.我将在结论中对此加以评述。

6) Summarising 综述

So now Id just like to summarise the main Points.那么,现在我仅对要点作一概括。

In brief,we have looked at... 简言之,我们已考虑了/已谈到了

7) Concluding 结论

Thats all I have to say for now.这就是现在我所要说的。

(I think)that cover most of the points.(我想)这已概述了多数要点。


1、It have been discussed for a long time that how to deal with the uncivilized behaviors during the travel, such as write on the place of historic interests, or claim to old trees. This kind of things happened in China more often than any other countries. What can we do to prevent those actionsThough we have advocate education of the tourists for years, the situation was not better than be imagined. In my opinion, we still have to encourage the education of our tourists, but with some change. For example, we should not only disseminate “Don’t Do Sth.”, but also with the reason and an explanation that it is not cool to sign names or words everywhere, in the contrary, we have to ashamed of that. Make a comparison between foreigners and us can also increase our consciousness.

consider... 考虑

2、7天长假好吗 (旅游途中人满为患的拥堵等)?

Some people can use the seven days reading books or studying, and you know when they are working, they dont have time to do it.

Since most people dont have other vacation time, everybody is travelling during the week-long holidays, so at the beginning and the end of the holidays, place such like airports, train station, long-distance bus station are often over-crowd, for example, in last labor day holiday i went to beach. I want to enjoy the beauty of the seashores and was planning to swim, but when I reached the long-distance bus station, I found that people were everywhere. I swore I would never go travelling in a week-long holiday again.


With peoples living standard raised more and more in the recent years, they tend to choose travelling in their spare time. Some people like to choose package tour, while others prefer independent tour.

Actually, both package tour and independent tour have their own advantages and disadvantages, which is largely dependent on peoples time, money, and the number of people who plan to be on a tour.

As for me, I am in favor of package tour, because the travel agency will help me arrange for anything about the tour, including the tickets for the train or airplane, for hotels, and for sightseeing. And what I should do is just enjoy the whole journey without worrying about the details.


背诵词汇,背熟一篇 文章


peak/busy/low season for tourism 旺季/淡季

rural excursion/ city tour 乡村/城市观光

a place rich in historic relics 历史古迹

a sacred place for pilgrims 圣地

tourist attraction/sightseeing spots 景点 famous spots and historic sites

feast one’s eye/ feed one’s eyes

independent tour/group tour/individual travel 自助游/组团游

return to naturea must for visitors必到之处a paradise for sb./sth. shopping tour/ souvenir 购物游

take a scenic drive/ travel afoot 驾车游览/徒步旅行

aquarium水族馆pavilion 亭子,楼阁 amusement park

botanical garden植物园 tomb garden

famous mountains and great rivers 名山大川


densely-wooded hill/rolling hills

a pool of water/ a torrent of water/flow of water

lash against the bank/water vapor/wander eastward

reflect in the calm water

skip stone on the water

fascinating sight/fantastic sight奇景

an atmosphere of peace and seclusion

an island of calm amidst the hustle and bustle of the city

garden architecture

get a bird’s eye view of


sheer cliffs and steep mountains

snow-capped/ a vast plain

villa-type holiday village/ folk custom village

广袤无垠的中华大地 the boundless expanse of the Chinese territory 绚丽多姿的自然景观gorgeous and varied natural scenery 如诗如画poetic and picturesque

名胜古迹places of historic interest and scenic beauty

兵马俑 terra-cotta soldiers and horses

故宫the Imperial Palace

五岳之首 the most famous of Chinas 5 great mountains



the Imperial Palace


the Forbidden City


Terra Cotta Warriors/soldiers and horses


the Great Wall


Juyongguan Pass


He who doesnt reach the Great Wall is not a true man.



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i took a trip to shanghai with my mother during the seven-day holiday. it took us more than two hours to drive to shanghai from my home in haimen. we stayed in a large hotel on the eighth floor.

on the first day, i just stayed in the hotel and rested. on the second day, my brother and i went to nanjing road. it’s the busiest street in shanghai. when we got there, there were lots of people.

we walked from one shop to another. i bought two t-shirts and two pairs of trousers for the coming summer. the t-shirts and trousers i bought are all white because white is my favourite colour.

my brother also bought some clothes. on the third day, my mother took me to jinjiang entertainment centre. it was full of people. i played many kinds of games there. i had a good time.

the other days, i went to some other interesting places, such as the oriental bright pearl tv tower, the huangpu river and shanghai international conference centre.

i didn’t forget to do my homework in the evening. i had a full and happy holiday.




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Inrecent years, tourism has been popular and played an important role in ournation’s economic growth. However, I am afraid that if tourism develops over,it will bring harm to the environment and give rise to many problems.


Thereare a few reasons accounting for my views and I would like to list three ofthem. One of the examples is that a large number of woods and other plants werereplaced by all kinds of accommodation facilities or scenic spots. Thatdefinitely breaks the ecological balance of these areas and destroys thenatural beauty of the scenic spots. Worse still, more pressure has been placedenvironment protection in that many tourists left their garbage in the scenicspots. In addition, over-developed tourism will occupy large numbers offarmland and lead to the shortage of the land.


Ina word, tourism will be harmful to our environment if it is over development.Thus, I do not advocate that we development tourism without considering theenvironment. And we should keep the balance between tourism development andenvironment protection so that we can achieve the sustainable developmentbetween our nation’s economy and the environment.





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In recent years, tourism has developed rapidly in China. Many people believe that tourism produce positive effects on economic growth and we should try our best to promote tourism. But what these people fail to see is that tourism may bring about a disastrous impact on our environment. As for me, Im firmly convinced that too much tourists bring harm to the environment.

The bad impact of tourism on the environment has mainly expressed itself in various ways. One way is the proceof exploiting a new scenic spot. In order to attract tourists, a lot of artificial facilities have been built, which have certain unfavorable effects on the environment. This proceusually breaks the ecological balance of the area. In some mountainous places, trees are being cut down to build hotels for others to see and explore the beauty of the mountains. Then land slides and mud-rock flows come up. Another way the development of tourism has damaged the environment occurs when tourists go to scenic spots. Some tourists dont have the awareneto protect the environment, and ignorantly throw their garbage here and there. Some people even kill the local wildlife to eat, which badly damages the balance of the natural environment.

It is wrong to sacrifice the environment for the growth of tourism. We must keep in mind that too much tourists bring harm to the environment. We need to find a balance between satisfying the needs of tourists and reducing to a minimum the pollution they cause.

Will Tourism Bring Harm to the Environment? Tourism has developed by leaps and bounds in the past de

Will Tourism Bring Harm to the Environment? Tourism has developed by leaps and bounds in the past decades in the whole world. Therefore, the issue of whether the tourism will bring harm to the environment is becoming a matter of concern. As for me, I hold that the tourism does more harm than good to the world. In the first place, the more places we travel to , the more pressure will be added to the environment. Take Dunhuang as an example, the greatest scourge these days comes from the tourists who swarm here by the busload , bring destructive amounts of carbon dioxide and moisture into the caves along with their eagernefor a glimpse of ages past . Secondly, It has become fashionable for travelers to drive a private car to the place they want to . In this case ,a large number of cars are mushroomed in the road and it cause twice as much as air pollution .At this speed ,we may live in a world which is full of dirty air instead of fresh air. In sum , although tourism is playing an indispensable we`d better try to limit role in the society , I still believe that its speed according to the harm that brings to the environment.

The world we live in is becoming more and more intolerable because of environmental destruction. Bird flu and Sars are two typical examples that environmental destruction may threaten our life. Besides, forest destruction , water and air pollution result in decrease of planting land and unpleasant weather.

Serious as the problem seems, we can come up with some measures to deal with it. First of all, the authorities should adopt the policy of "sustainable development", and laws concerning environmental protection should be put into effect and enforced strictly just as our government has been doing.

What s more, every citizen should realize the seriousneof the problem and make concerted efforts to protect our environment. In addition, planting trees helps improve and beautify the environment.




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There has been a long time since I came back from Hainan―wowhainan is such a wonderful place that I will never forget it .It‘s really a good place where gave me a rather good impression. I feel so wonderful during the journey as I have experienced a lot of things for the first time.

In January 7th ---the first day of my journey the fluttering snowflakes diffused over Changzhou. I first took the train to shanghai then took the plane to Hainan in Pudong airport. Although it’s my second time to take plane I felt even more excited than the first time. When flying I found that I was flying over the cloud of different types and colors. The sky is also brighter and clearer than that I had ever seen. Soon we arrived in Meilan airport in Haikou the climate is totally different from that in Changzhou It was warm there and we could see coconut trees everywhere.

After 3 days competition I went to BoAo where is famous for its forum. It was my first time to experience the sea and the beach in the sunshine. When sitting on the cruise I could clearly see the ocean waves pushing the windows of the cruise. It seemed that I was surrounded by the waves and the crystal water. I felt as if a fish which had been living in the sea happily. Then we land on the beach. The sand on the beach was so soft that it was cosy to lie on the beach. I tried searching for the shells on the beach but failed. The beach was totally different from what I heard before as there was nothing except footsteps on the beach. In the afternoon I played football on beach and scored a goal with my new friends from all around China. It was really interesting and challenging.

The next day I went to Haikou. I first visited the tomb of Hairui an officer in Qing dynasty who was famous for rectitude. I think he should be the role model of every person. In the afternoon I went to the geological park of volcano. A lot of stones of different shapes came into views. When arriving the top of the park it seemed that the while city was under my view. Also I had seen plenty of interesting and rare types of the plants. I also got into a small hole in the park it is said that the hold was exactly the original hole where maqma came from. But the volcano had stopped from erupting for thousands of years.

I can’t forget this trip not only does it give me a lot of joy knowledge and good memory but also it give me a chance to make friends with people from different fart in China. By enjoying the excellent scenery I think I have fallen in love with this beautiful city. I will cherish this experience.



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r vacationmy family and I went to Qingdao by train.There was always sunshine and fresh airwhich made us so comfortable.We went to the seasidethe sea was as blue as the skyand bathing in the sunshine on the beach was really an enjoyable thing.I also picked up a lot of colorful shells with my little sister.There we bought many interesting souvenirsI was planing to send them to my friends.We ate many tings theresuch as fishprawnand so on.They are very delicious.Then we lived in a clean and tidy hoteland the price was not so expensive.I like Qingdao very muchand if I got a chanceI hope to come here againit is such a beautiful and interesting place.




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Los Angeles,city in southern California,the most populous city in the state and the second most populous city and metropolitan region in the United States,after New York City.Located on the Pacific Ocean near the U.S.border with Mexico,the metropolis is noted for its pleasant climate and scenic setting.It is situated on a hilly coastal plain surrounded by beaches in the west and mountains and deserts in other directions.Referred to casually as “LA,” Los Angeles is one of the major industrial,commercial,and financial centers of the United States.It is known especially for its motion-picture,aeronautics,and aerospace industries.This international,multicultural city is also home to the largest Mexican,Korean,Salvadoran,and Guatemalan populations outside of those countries.Los Angeles has grown at a phenomenal rate since the late 19th century.Since the 1920s it has been the leading city of California as well as the most important metropolis west of the Mississippi River.
