描述911事件的英语作文通用四篇 作文(汇集20篇)

大学生活是指读大学期间的生活,大学是知识的海洋。这里有浩瀚的图书资料和先进的仪器设备,能使大学生接触广博的知识,培养必要的专业技能。下面是小编给大家分享的描述911事件的英语作文通用四篇 作文作文,让我们一起来看看吧!






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The Spring Festival is our Chinese nation an important festival to couplets, firecrackers, etc. staying-up late on new years Eve, pay New Years call. Different nationalities have different customs.

In the year thirty, our family changed new clothes and attached new Spring Festival couplets to welcome the arrival of the new year. In the evening, our family eats dumplings. The dumplings have a moral meaning: the money is rolling. Because dumplings are like a treasure, in ancient times Yuan Bao was money. Not certain staying-up late on new years Eve "spring", not "spring", there is no meaning staying-up late on new years eve. We were sitting on the sofa, laughing and laughing, watching the Spring Festival evening, and it was happy.

On the first day of the year, my father and I were sitting in their own car, walking on the new road. Although the cold wind was sharp, it was still very happy. When I arrived at Grandmas house, I got a big red bag with my grandmother for a year and thought: "Im rich this year!" And then the neighbours of grandmas neighborhood had a year of worship. Then came to the great uncles house, came to the great uncles house, and went to the paradise of the book, with the story, the science, the art... After dinner at the great uncles house, I received a red bag and some books, and I had to digest the books a little bit. Its a pleasure to come to the great uncles house.

Im really happy this year. Its a happy Spring Festival!



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In fact, we have always cry from the earthquake that moment, we have always cry from the first to see the bodies of dead children the moment; In fact, we all cry together, to see tens of thousands of PLA personal danger and rushed to the disaster areas moment, but we have not cry, because there are too many disaster areas we need to rescue our compatriots, we need to help, we simply did not have time to cry, so we QianGREnleishui, comfort each other, we Another road, toward the disaster areas, where there is a need our help the brothers and sisters, we have to strong, we loudly told myself, now, we can not cry.

But today, three minutes, we cried, we cried the whole land of mountains and rivers touching it, over the entire Chinese nation and uniting the strength of the grief and indignation, we no longer need to suppress the sentiments in mind, no longer need to control in the past few days in Yanquan Dazhuan tears, street car on a collective whistle, sounding the alarm over the city, a city of Wu Yan, it is also crying, cry on Kuba, we have too many needs to suppress the release, cry on Kuba, We have too many depressing need venting, 3 minutes, we do not want to do what, we just cry, as we are brothers and sisters toward heaven, for those who are strong to survive the hand-foot-compatriots.

On this day, we all Chinese people, is a lifelong hard to forget the day, because today is the "national crisis," Sadness Wenchuan, the country Zhiai, we use such a way, to commemorate those in earthquake In the passing away of relatives, we used this as a way for them came in on the road toward heaven, I hope they can all the way走好, Yao Wang homeland when they look back at the earth, will see tens of thousands of their compatriots hand-foot - , Look up to the sky pray for them, so they will not be alone, not lonely,

The deceased have to, toward the heaven, where there will be no more disasters, there will be no more tears, but for those who survived the disaster in the compatriots, alive to become a challenge, let them in an instant disaster Separated from the experience of life and death, the mother and son have Qingshen, once the husband and wife Enai, the twinkling of an eye they are yin and yang, the two separated, disaster, not only their physical destruction, destruction of their soul, flesh wounds over time slowly healing, Can be the soul of grief, but not so far recovered pieces, post-quake reconstruction of their homes can, we can even build their homes more beautiful, but for us, more important is how to build their own spiritual home, how to ask The soul-deep scars.

Broken heart, tend to become very fragile, post-disaster reconstruction, the firm has become particularly important, three minutes after we wiped away tears, we can not Zaiku, to bravely live, because their relatives in heaven We watched, Tongbuyusheng, sad to tactic is not their wish to see, good to live in, they are to our expectations, think about this, it has the ruins to life for the life of the mother, "Dear Baby, if Can you live, to keep in mind that mother love you "; think that in order to save the expense of four children and teachers, we go to these family members, in their own lives to give us an opportunity to a live, To them, we have to live better.

Just as Premier Wen said the sentence, as you live, to live well, not only Premier Wens expectations, even tens of thousands of brothers and sisters of our expectations, think about all those days and nights in Disaster areas the army for help, from the ruins of their hand to you to save 1.1 points out of the broken hand, the bloodshed, they moved the hands of tile brick shift has not stopped, they run the risk of aftershocks at any time to And the death race, is to allow more people to live, so that the good live, not only for ourselves, but also to all the people we love, good living, is our responsibility as well as your Obligations.

May 12, 2008, let us all Chinese people always remember this day for it, our "national calamity," the history of the Chinese nation, engraved too many disasters, but never the candidate of our national glories , One of the disaster, and again before loading the line, then let us bury the grief of all good, clean up all the ruins, was once their homes on the land, rebuild our homes, to live boldly, to live On a good living.



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通过这些外媒的报道,我们也得到了一个通过新闻学习英语的良好机会,如果我们在积极关注地震灾难以及随后的可歌可泣抗争救灾行动的时候也注意通过英语媒体了解情况,我们就可以掌握一些地道的英语表达,丰富我们的语言应用能力。如美联社5月16日的一篇报道中有以下一段文字:China has mobilized 130,000 army and paramilitary troops to the disaster area, but the quake buckled roads and triggered mountain landslides, meaning that relief supplies and rescuers have struggled to reach the worst-hit areas.

Mobilize是一个平时不太常用的单词,但是此次四川地震灾难发生之后,全世界对于中国政府mobilize抗震救灾力量的效率给予了好评,我们也可以对mobilize有一个全新的认识与了解。中国政府此次动员的抗震救灾力量主要来自军警,上述文字中的paramilitary troops就是“准军事部队”的意思,也就是警察,包括武警。Paramilitary是西方国家通常用来表达警察和武警部队的英语词汇,在我国的汉英词典中,“武警”的译文通常是armed police,但这个表达远不如paramilitary在英语国家中用的普遍。中国政府此次出动的抗震救灾力量中除了军人之外还有大量武警、森林警察、消防警察和普通公安干警,这些警力在英语中可以统称为paramilitary troops。Buckled roads就是“阻挡道路”的意思,其中buckle这个单词在这里使用得十分生动形象,因为“阻挡道路”我们一般是表达为block road的,而buckle的意思是“使扭曲”,“使弯曲”,“使变形”,对于在汶川地震中毁坏的公路来说,buckle这个词显然是再形象不过的了,因为那里遭到毁坏的公路确实扭曲断裂变形了,这一点我们从电视上都看到了。triggered mountain landslides就是“引发山体滑坡”的意思,其中的mountain landslide就是“山体滑坡”的意思,slide属于美国英语用法,指的是(土、石、雪等的)崩落,崩塌。常见派生用法有landslide(山崩,滑坡,塌方),mud slide就是“泥石流”。Trigger这个词用在这里也十分形象,因为它通常表示由于外来力量的作用而造成的某种后果。在美联社的另外一篇报道中,“引发”的英语对应词汇用的spark,其释义与trigger相似,如A strong aftershock sparked landslides near the epicenter of this weeks powerful earthquake Friday, burying vehicles and again cutting off ravaged areas of central China. 我们抗震救灾中所急需的各类“救灾物资”就是relief supplies。说到与“救”相关的词汇,我们的广大英语学习者往往会条件反射想到save这个英语单词,其实不然,在各种灾难救援行动中,rescue是一个更常用的词汇,下文的rescuers就是“救援人员”的意思,而“救援行动”本身在英语中就是relief。“救援人员”还可以表达为relief workers,如美联社的这篇报道中就提到了以下一句话:Relief workers said food, water and tents were urgently needed. 上文中的worst-hit areas指的就是此次地震灾害中受灾最严重的地区,比如说汶川,北川和青川等地。

此次汶川地震造成的严重后果之一就是大量人员、尤其是正在学校上学的孩子们被掩埋在建筑物坍塌之后的废墟之中,在表示“废墟”的时候,英语中通常使用debris和rubble这两个单词。如美联社的这篇报道提到:Rescuers saved a child from the debris of a school in the town of Beichuan 80 hours after the quake struck. They said they could hear weak calls for help from amid the rubble, Xinhua said.其中,debris所涵盖的范围比rubble更广泛,它可以泛指一切物体解体之后形成的碎片或者残骸,比如说飞机发生空难之后的残骸the debris of a plane,又如,The beach was littered with debris(海滩上到处都是残骸)。必须指出的是,debris是不可数名词。相对而言,rubble用在此次地震灾难的报道中就更加具有针对性,因为它表示(被毁的建筑物或墙壁)的碎石,碎砖,瓦砾,而汶川地震之后大量人员就是被掩埋在rubble之中的。Rubble同样也是不可数名词。此外,表示“倒塌的建筑物”时候,英语还经常使用ruin,它是可数名词,因此更经常使用ruins这个复数形式,其搭配介词是in。如美联社的这一报道说:Two girls held handsin the ruins of their school and swore to each other they would not give up hope, Xinhua said.又如,Elsewhere, rescuers were still finding survivors after being buried in rubble for 96 hours… 在词语搭配方面,除了ruin之外,rubble和debris的搭配介词也都是in,如buried in the rubble/debris就是“被掩埋在废墟/瓦砾之中”的意思。如果表达“被困”在废墟之中,那么,这时候的相应单词就是trap,其完整的词组表达就是英语被动式be trapped in the debris。如美联社的报道说: A Chinese state news agency says rescuers have pulled a student to safety afterbeing trapped for 80 hours in the debris of a school following this weeks massive earthquake.地震中的遇险人员在遭到掩埋之后必定会呼救,这时候的对应英语表达除了上文提到的call for help之外还可以是yell for help,如美联社报道说:Xinhua News Agency said Friday that rescuers could still hear weak yells for help from the collapsed building in Beichuan in the northern part of Sichuan and hope to rescue more students.

汶川大地震造成的灾难性后果之一就是许多学校的教学楼坍塌了,此次我国媒体报道的时候使用的词语叫做“垮塌”,在英语中,无论是坍塌还是垮塌,其实都是一个词,即collapse,既是名词,也是动词,还是美联社的同一篇报道中提到:In the town of Dujiangyan, a school collapse buried 900 students. In Wufu, nearly every building in the village withstood the quake but for a primary school, whose collapse killed some 300 students. 又如,美联社新闻说,Experts said hope was quickly fading for anyone still caught in the wreckage of homes, schools, offices and factories that collapsed in the magnitude-7.9 quake, the most powerful in three decades in quake-prone China.房屋collapse的后果就是被夷为平地,而英语中表示“夷为平地”的对应说法是flatten,如美联社报道说The magnitude 7.9 quake flattened houses, schools and offices the southwestern province of Sichuan. In Hanwang, the towns mostly older buildings were flattened or severely damaged by the quake.

此次地震造成大量人员不幸遇难,让我们无不为之揪心,但这又是无法回避的事实。为此,党中央和国务院紧急强调,在抗震救灾进入第二阶段之后,随着死亡人数的增加和气温的升高,震区防疫就成为工作重点。为严防灾区传染病流行,卫生部防疫队5月15日进驻灾区。这里提到的“防疫”就是epidemic prevention,其中的epidemic是“流行病”,“传染病”的意思,在这里指的是“疫情”。如美联社的这一报道说:There were concerns about epidemics if the dead were not soon buried or cremated. 这个句子中的cremate是人死亡之后进行火化处理的意思。为了更好地应对震区可能出现的疫情,卫生部下发了通知,美联社的报道说:The Ministry of Health issued a notice ordering bodies to be cleaned where they were found and buried as soon as possible, far from water sources and downwind from populated areas.

此次惨烈的大地震造成了数以万计的居民遇难,而且死亡人数还在不断攀升。天灾人祸中的死亡总数,英语中叫做death toll,如美联社报道说The emergency headquarters of the State Council, Chinas Cabinet, said the confirmed death toll had reached 19,509 — up more than 4,500 from the day before. The council said deaths could rise to 50,000, state media reported.上文的意思是,国家抗震救灾总指挥部宣布,截止5月15日,确认的死亡人数已达到19509人,但最终遇难人数可能上升到5万人。

地震造成的直接后果是无数人死伤和无数房屋建筑被毁,但是,地震还可能造成伴随而来的“次生灾害”,对此党中央和国务院十分重视,及时做出应对部署,以避免次生灾害对人民生命财产的再次损害。美联社报道说:Even though aftershocks had mostly abated, the risk of secondary damage remained. Chinas Ministry of Land and Resources warned heavy rains — forecast for the next few days — would likely set off new landslides in the mountainous disaster zone, where many workers were busy extracting victims and recovering bodies.上文中的secondary damage就是“次生灾害”,而aftershocks had mostly abated指的是余震已经减弱。 5月20日下午,中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理、国务院抗震救灾总指挥部总指挥温家宝主持召开总指挥部第11次会议时就强调切实做好受灾群众安置工作,防范次生灾害。

与地震相关的其他词语还包括地震的“震级”,“震中”,“地震强度”、“余震”等等,如美联社报道说,A major earthquake measuring 7.8 Richter Scale jolted Wenchuan County of Southwest Chinas Sichuan province at 2:28 p.m. on Monday.其中的measuring 7.8 Richter Scale就是“里氏7?8级”的意思,其中的measure还可以表达为register。A major earthquake of 7.8-magnitude shook Chinas Sichuan province on Monday, the US Geological Survey said. 其中的magnitude就是表示地震的强度。Roads to the epicenter were closed due to damage caused by the 7.8-magnitude quake, and the situation was making rescue efforts difficult even 48 hours after the deadly quake.这里的epicenter指的就是地震的“震中”,此次川西北大地震的震中就位于汶川县的映秀镇。又如,A strong aftershock sparked landslides near the epicenter of this weeks powerful earthquake Friday, burying vehicles and again cutting off ravaged areas of central China. Aftershock就是“余震”,上文已提及。而“地震”除了表达为earthquake及其缩略形式quake之外还可以说temblor,这是美国英语中用来表示“地震”的单词。此外,由于此次地震造成的伤亡后果十分惨重,因此在修饰性词汇方面,英语中用了多个不同单词,如massive/powerful/devastating/deadly/killer earthquake。




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我的邻居,有一个女儿。我们是同龄,但我们不要 T研究在同一所学校。晚上我们总是一起做功课。她擅长数学,我很擅长英语。因此,我们经常互相帮助。

Good Neighbours

We all have neighbours. A good neighbour is better than a distant relative. It is common that we may meet with difficulties.When we have igood neighbours, they will always come to help

you. Neighbours should get on well with each other.

My neighbour has a daughter. We are of the same age but we don~t study in the same school. In the evening we always do homework together. She is good at maths and I am good at English. So we often help each other.



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①From the picture (graph, chart, table , pie, bar), we know that ________(图表内容总概括). ②On the one hand, the left/first picture tells us that ________(情况一,图一/表一的内容). ③On the other hand, (the right/second)picture informs us that ________( 情况二,图二/表二的内容).④It can easily be seen that ________(揭示图画/表寓意).


①As is vividly shown/described/depicted in the cartoon/picture, ________(图表内容总概括).②In the first picture, ________(描述图/表一内容,如果是一个表,则可左或上半部分).③As is shown in the second drawing/picture, ________(描述图/表二内容,如果是一个表,则右或下半部分).④It is safe to draw the conclusion that ________(提示寓意,或主题句,回应主题但不是主题句的重复).



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Yesterday, I go to the bathroom in the morning up and have a look at when I asked: "mom I got up early," mother said: "not you got up early, but the day was held up by the fog," I think of today will not again see the puzzled.

Then I rush took a box of biscuits to composition class to go to school, I have just the elevator, havent had time to wear the masks I smelled a smell of a pungent, I put on the horse mask, go out on see, the dark days, even the leaves above all grey, turn our community garden, I just know its been pollution, firecrackers, smoke smoke from pollution, dust pollution, car pollution, then I will ride the bicycle, quickly rushed to the school composition, I found that very few pedestrians on the road, along the way are driving, handlebar of smoke into the back of the car in front of the glass, the glass cant wiped directly, we cant write todays composition, but we can meet, we called their parents let them pick me up to go home, only I alone riding a bike to go home.





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Spring, summer, autumn and winter the four seasons, four gorgeous picture. Spring, the draw is colorful flowers; The outline of the summer, is about to drip is fresh green leaves; Draw the autumn, is endless rice fields; Winter, is yellow, the angel of snow in winter.

Snowflakes gently float down from the endless sky, swirl, fluttering spread... Yellow, pieces of glittering and translucent jade, whiteness, like a fairy in the sky of the jade leaf, honeysuckle, and like a heaven sent white angel, is so beautiful and selfless dressed as a fairy tale of the white of the kingdom of the earth.

White day, white, white snowflakes rustling spread. In the face of such a white world, my heart is not to rise somewhat, hence then reward through the snow in winter in the state of mind, into the white world.

"Snow" season, when the "winter" is happening. See snow dappled, seems to have, slowly, gently waving to fall, I thought of those words to describe snow, what ", glittering and translucent, soft, bright and clean, white and flawless, simple but elegant ", thought of the "snow in succession is like?" "If to catkin because of the wind", "flower of the grass more than five, unique snowflake six out of the" more "like night of spring breeze comes suddenly, apparently in critics, pear flower open", such as poems. Think of the proverb "snow according to harvest"; In even think of Shelleys ode to the west wind "the notes" oh, the wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind?"

Silent snow, is spread, but many fall in my heart, aroused my love, the angel of snow in winter. Snowflakes, not just a cold, it is sincerely warm heart. It selflessly melting in the sun, turned into water supplies the earth and everything in the world.








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Liang liang is no longer the boy he used to be – he has changed greatly. Only a year ago, he was overweight and a little lazy. He got tired easily and did not like sport. His favorite meal was fried chicken and chips. One day, he realized that he couldnt continue like this. So, he decided to change. He started to exercise. He ran in the school playground every day. He also began eating a healthier diet of more fruits and vegetable, and less meat. These changes helped him lose a lot of weight. He is now a very happy boy in very good shape, and he is always so active. What can we learn from Liang liang to feel better and look better? We should all be careful about what we eat and make sure that we get enough exercise.



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Once a year the Spring Festival is coming, everybody busy couplets, everybody is bursting with happiness atmosphere, very happy, our family is no exception, on the twenty-nine, I just got up, my mother called to my sister and couplets, we posted a big character in the central door, on both sides of the door posted couplets on the "Fu born Xi annual music" the second line is "rich suisui Tim Choi Huan" streamer is "Happy New Year" soon we posted a good, I look at my work very happy.

On New Years Eve, we put on new clothes and set off firecrackers with our sister. A "crackling" sound from our ears through, like thousands of households to send blessings, we are very happy. On the eve of new years Eve, we had dinner, and I watched the Spring Festival Gala with my father, mother and sister. That wonderful performance made my mood open, there was a cross talk, there was a sketch and a song and dance... Very pretty. But I like Xiao Shenyang? Ya egg? Zhao Benshan and the old finished "no money" is so fun.

Lunar New Years day I just woke up and found a gift money pillow, sister, we laugh, and we ate dumplings, went to grandmas home after worship, pay New Years call, grandparents, give us the gift money, but also to eat out, we eat, we are very happy.

I like the new year. Its good for the new year.



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Now, everyone is advocated to save, in addition to material things, there is time, also need to save.

In fact, one minute can do a lot of things, in a book, I see you can write more than 20 words a minute, can walk one hundred steps, we can see 1-2 pages. After watching, I couldnt help wonder: if do it for an hour, you can write more than one thousand words, walk thousands of step road, like dozens of pages, original, as long as make full use of their time, still can do a lot of things in a day!

Back when I was a child, every time I write a summer and winter vacation homework is in the last days of summer and winter vacation last half a month. Why is that? Because I had too much homework? Or because of me what is causing the delay time? Neither. Is because I was not good to save time, dont have to arrange their own time, I always play in the first place, only a little homework every day, until the final assault began. Because of this, my second grade every summer and winter vacation had bad, is a holiday with regret.

You can think about it, how many people regret for wasted time, and how many people because there is no cherish their own time, and missed a lot of things. "If then arrange their own time!" , "if could save time" at that time some people will say so. But, time is not flow back, and so sorry, as now, starts from me, to save time!







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Home to a strong earthquake, the people working outside Xinjirufen. Their first thought is that their loved ones are safe ? How home-like ? Rush to return home as soon as possible, to participate in the rescue and rebuild their homes. But natural disasters which blocked the railway, the train decommissioning, long-distance truck capacity shortage, more than 10,000 from around the convergence of Sichuan Province to Xian transit workers in disaster areas anxiously awaiting the return home!

Qualcomm situation in the heart, blood is thicker than water. Migrant workers in the disaster areas to return home affect the way the hearts of the people of Xian. Provincial Party Secretary Zhao Leji, governor Yuan Chunqing the first time made important instructions, Xian municipal government immediately made arrangements to mobilize all the forces can be mobilized quickly organized the citys capacity to the fastest speed Sending migrant workers to go home.

To the secretary, to the mayor, to the commander and political commissar of the past, public security, traffic, traffic police and health departments to the person in charge. Migrant workers came to the middle, Wenhanwennuan, a certain commitment to send them home as soon as possible, so that migrant workers have been anxious the warm comfort. Metro, the mobilization of Yanta, who conscientiously fulfill their duties; Bureau of Transportation, bus companies to mobilize, they transferred the bus in good condition; Xian tourism groups to mobilize, they prepared the way migrant workers The necessary food and drink; policemen mobilized, they clear their task is to maintain order and cleared the way by police escort; oil companies to mobilize, they ensure that the fuel is sufficient; mobilization of the health system, ambulances and medical staff Accompanied all the way to the Bao Kang; our troops mobilized, they built the road vehicles and all the necessary supplies. A few hours, Xian on the mobilization of the 268 long-distance bus, eager to return home to the migrant workers send home the road.

No Valentines love in the earthquake. Party committees at all levels of Xian, the love, the urgency of radical workers, migrant workers would like to think, to handle the affairs of migrant workers in the hearts. Xian love in all walks of life, their real actions, another interpretation of "a difficult one, P Plus assistance," the traditional Chinese virtues.







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I like to do all kinds of sports, in the morning, I will do some jogging

and in the evening, sometime I will go to the gym with my friends. My favorite

sport is playing tennis, tennis brings my life so much happiness, I can watch

the match while talking to my friends happily. To do the sport will improve my

health and make me catch up with the time.

When I was small, one day, when I went home after school, I felt bored and

opened the TV, then I saw the tennis match. Two beautiful girls were playing

intensively, the game was so excellent, I couldn’t move my eye away from the

match. From then on, I started to fall in love with tennis, I watched many

matches and got to know more about the game.

Tennis sport is the combination of power and asthetics. The tennis players

dress the beautiful clothes and their power make the ball fly quickly. The other

tennis players will return the tennis ball with their rightly power. The game is

so wonderful, if we watch the match alive.

There is no doubt that I am a big fan of the tennis sport. I find so much

fun from it, it enriches my life.



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Everyone needs friendship. No one can sail the ocean of life single handed. We need help from, and also give help to, others. In the modern age, people attach more importance to relations and connections. A man of charisma has many friends. His power lies in his ability to give.

My best friend is my college classmate who is a humorous boy. He is also my deskmate .I did not notice he is a boy who is friendly and easy to get along with until he became my deskmate .OK,I must admit that I judge a book by its cover!

Although he isn’t handsome,he is a good man . I am a bad-tempered girl,but he is very gentleman ,and that is the reason why we never argued with each other .

Now we live in different cities and different universities.But that’s not the problem ,we still keep in touch .Of course ,distance can’t make our friendship weak! We often talk with each other about some interesting stories and our troubles by telephone or QQ. I am very happy to have such a friend like him!!

However ,not all people have good temper like him,and he is the only one among my friends that I meet.For example,my college roommates are a group of special girls.My administrator of the dormitory is a very goodness girl. She is also my first friend since I

entered university. When I feel lonely ,she always stays with me,which makes me so move.As life is full of strike and conflict, we need friends to support and help as out of difficulties. Our friends give us warnings against danger. True friends share not only joy but, more often than not, they share sorrow. There is a girl who is very enthusiastic to help others in my dormitory ,if you have troubles,she will try her best to help you whenever and wherever .there are also some girls ,they are a little introverted,so you never know how they think ,sometimes, when you say some words which you believe is normal,but they will really care about that,such things make me feel embarrassed. But there are more laughter when we are together in free time.

So it’s very important for everyone to handle with the friendship ,everyone has his own personality ,sometimes quarrel is normal,we should learn to forgive others,which is also a goodness. After all, friendship makes our life happy and harmonious.To many of my friends, I know what to treasure, what to tolerate and what to share, I will never forget my old friends and keep making new friends. The more friends you have, the more happiness you will possess.



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Recently,the incident of Sanlu milk powder has become the focus of peoples attention. According to the investigation of related departments,the powder was found to contain a chemical called C3N6H6 which can cause great damage to infants health. So far,four children have died and approximately 54,000 have developed illness after drinking the milk.

From this incident,we can see that there are still more things to be done. Firstly,the government needs everything possible to ensure the quality of products,particularly the safety of food as this concerns everyones life. Secondly,as for the producers,it is very important for them to be morally honest. They should never try to pursue profit or economic growth at the expense of health and life of people. Thirdly,we consumers must attach importance to the things we eat and develop an awareness of how to protect our legal rights if cheated. Only in this way will we be able to build a more secure and harmonious society.





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This morning, I got up, ate breakfast, go to typically exposes.

Downstairs to open the door a look, and outside is all the mist, and fog is very thick. Into the mist, a cool moist air. I sit on the car, ready to learn. In the fog to stay for a long time, some naughty little drops of water on my clothes. I looked at all directions, immediately come up with a strange idea: it seems I went into the characters in the novel pilgrimage to the jade pool? The mist like entered the myth in general! The fog scene is beautiful! The road, grandpa asked me: "is this a fog or haze?" I say this is fog, grandpa said: "no, is fog and haze has."

But the fog haze harmful to the body. Haze weather affects not only citizens to travel, also had some effect on the health of the citizens. Haze weather air liquidity is poor, poor air quality, the harmful material haze could trigger some diseases, there might be slight healthy organ damage, still cough, phlegm,...

Haze weather, therefore, less out of the door, go out to wear a face mask, light diet drink more water, less fog weather window...

Haze pollution have relationship with us, so we should cherish the nature.








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I have a good friend.His name is Tony Brown.His 14 years old.He is an English boy.His birthday is Maech 27th.Ans his telephone number is 256-4561.Hes study in NO.1 Middle School.Hes good at playing violin.He can also play drums and dance very well.His hobby is singsing,too.His favorite song is Justing biebers One time.His favorite subject is music,because its very relaxing.And he likes blue best.Do you like him?



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However mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it and call it

hard names. It is not as bad as you are.

It looks poorest when you are richest. The fault-finder will find faults in

paradise. Love your life, poor as it is.

You may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hours, even in a

poor-house. The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as

brightly as from the rich mans abode; the snow melts before its door as early

in the spring. I do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there, and

have as cheering thoughts, as in a palace.



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Hello,everyone!Today,Id like to talk to you about myself.Im a outgoing girl,For example, Im always happy no matter what happens.Im generous and am ready to help others.Such people are welcomes wherever they go,because they may bring pleasure to others.

We all live under the same sky and in the same sun,we all hope there are more friendships and more smiles among us. So let‘s improve our characters,thus our life will become more cheerful.



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When we were celebrating our mid autumn festival, across the ocean, the relatives of the victims of the 9. 11 tragedy were holding each other, crying, blessing for their love and all the survivors. Its not only a tragedy for American people, but also for the global community.

The event of September 11th, 2001 continues to change the world in ways we have to experience or comprehend. Every disaster can awaken some spirit, and this time it aroused the deepest echo from peoples hearts. The calling can be heard from the ruin for the millions who bear witness to their memory.

Never can be another time that heroes are so demanded.Seeing the collapse of the WTC, many people just stood in shock, crying in fears. The black smoke rising against the blue sky covered the sun over the people, and tore up the faith down in their hearts as well. Man is supported by the courage to carry on. It is obvious that the heroes in the calamity, dying just doing what they do, rebuild the dignity on the severely wounded ones.Everyone remembers the firemen dashing up the stairs while there are loads of people running down the stairs in the WTC.Also on Flight 93, 40 people, not even knowing one anothers name, came together to help protect the country.

The whole nation memorizes all those sacrificed; regard them as the heroes,no matter what they have contributed. As their tiny deeds to gether let the nation see signs to recover, to go through the very hard time. Now everyones life is surrounded by the heroes and new heroes are being born out of the tragedy...

One of the most touching story in the devastating time was that one husband sent a sms, just saying "I love you", to his dear one on the crashing plane. It echoed in everyones emotion senses. Love is the greatest gift that God gave us. It can really help to heal mans wound. Couples, friends, all went out, wandering together in the dawn, seeing the sun set for the first time in their ages.

Without their jobs, they came to realize the meaning of peaceful life and learn what they need most was the love from the people around them. We learn to appreciate others love and sending ours in return. Thank God we have some ones to love. Thank God the disaster calls us up for the meaning of love.

Another word most frequently used after that September day is "united". Regardless of races, all were collecting, standing in lines to give their blood, holding hands when making prayers. Strangers no longer were cold. They began to talk and might become friends. The distance between people seems to be shortened. If you call it magic, it does happen! The circle of our life cannot still be fixed in the certain area any more. The community is made up of every person living in it;no one alone should stand for the collectivity. Its high time to be united to rebuild their homeland.

Facing the ruin of the WTC, I hear the calling telling me what really matters. Looking up to heaven, I seem to get some kind of answers.



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Going to high school is my first time to leave home. I have to live in

school from Monday to Friday. I like to stay away from my parents for some time,

because I can make my own choice and be free to go anywhere. My friends and I

like to spend the weekend in the countryside that near the city we live. It is

the short travel that I can not only appreciate the beautiful scenery, but also

learn to be independent. The things that nature teaches me are a lot. I can see

from the color of the cloud to predict the weather and the sound of of animals

have different meanings. All of these are hard to know from the books. I have my

own thinking from these trips, and the way to take care of myself helps me to

grow up.
