一封信英文最新6篇 作文带翻译【经典20篇】







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Dear ______,

①You have asked me for my advice with regard to ______ , and I will try to make some conductive suggestions here.

②In my humble opinion, you would be wise to take the following actions: ______(建议的内容).

③I hope you will find these proposals useful, and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further details.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming



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Dear Lily,

How is everything? I do not see you for a long time, and I miss you very much. So I write to you. I was very busy in the last month, because I have much homework to do. The final exam is coming, so I must work hard. Besides, I must learn piano very two days. It takes me some time, but I feel happy. These are my life in recent. And what’s yours? I am looking forward to your letter and tell me about your life.

Sincerely Yours,




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sweat all over














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1.especially; all the more; extraordinarily; exceptionally


◎ 格外 géwài

(1) [especially]∶超出常规常态之外



(2) [all the more]∶比原来更多、更大量或更长时间


(3) [in addition]∶另外;额外


(1).额外;另外。《南史·张绪传》:“ 元徽 初,东宫官罢,选曹拟舍人 王俭 为格外记室。” 宋 岳飞 《奏辞母亡格外赙赠及协办葬事札子》:“奉圣旨 岳飞 母身亡,已降指挥起復於格外,特赐银绢一千匹两,令户部支给。” 沙汀 《闯关》:“就这样吧。也格外找不出办法来了。”

(2).特别,异乎寻常。 宋 侯寘 《风入松》词:“少年心醉 杜韦娘 ,曾格外疎狂。” 元 耶律楚材 《请容公和尚住竹林疏》:“我 容公禪师 一条生铁脊,两片点钢唇,参透 济 下,没把鼻禪説得格外无滋味话呵。” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》二:“自己的车,当然格外小心,可是他看看自己,再看看自己的车,就觉得有些不是味儿。”



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my dearest mother,

the mother‘s day is coming and i would like to say “happy mother’s day” in

this letter. i love you and thank you so much for everything you did for me.

this day,i will stay away and can‘t give you my appreciation at home. i know i

will watch myself,so don’t worry about me. i am doing very well on my study. my

schoolmates and teachers are all very nice. though i can‘t be at home, i hope

you have a wonderful mother’s day.love,

your son



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Dear Bob,

I’m sorry to say that I cannot go to the bookstore with you on Friday

afternoon. I have just found that I have to attend an important class meeting

that afternoon. I hope the change will not cause you too much


Shall we go on Saturday morning? We can set out early so that we’ll

have more time to read and select books. If it’s convenient for you, let’s meet

at 8:30 outside the school gate. If not, let me know what time suits you best. I

should be available any time after school next week.


Li Hua


Dear Shelley,

I’m writing to apologize for not watering your jasmine, which caused

its death, while you were away.Now let me explain what

happened to me and my family.

I was so busy preparing for the coming exam that I had no time for

other things. What’s more, my mother had her ankle

injured while she was walking, so I had to take good care of her, who stayed at

home alone. That was why I failed to water your favorite plant. I would like to

buy a new one as a compensation for your loss. Please forgive me.

I sincerely hope you can accept my apologies.


Li Hua



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20 March 2006

Dear Sir,

I was very interested in your advertisement in todays edition of The Evening Post and I should like to apply to be a member of the Amazon Expedition team.

I am twenty-three years old and have an honors degree in Botany from Bath University. Since leaving university I have been working in a research laboratory but my contract comes to an end in six weeks. I would particularly like to join the expedition for the opportunity it would give me to study the plant life of the area.

I enjoy several outdoor activities including rowing and rock climbing and I consider myself to be both fit and healthy enough to undertake such an expedition.

If you would like me to attend an interview, I would be able to come at any time convenient to you, (J1) my employers have agreed to give me time off for the purpose.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Lily Ma



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20 July 2006

Dear Mr. Wang,

Thank you for taking the time to write your wonderful letter in support of MCEA (Maywood Chinese Education Association). Your letter clearly articulates all the major reasons children in Maywood will benefit from studying the Chinese language as part of their elementary school education. It provides invaluable support that will help making bilingual Chinese education a reality in Maywood public schools.

Although MCEA would like to see Palo Alto public schools implement the first bilingual Chinese kindergarten class in September of 2006, we have learned that the school district must take the time to understand how a new program will affect existing educational offerings, and to validate community interest. Nevertheless, MCEA, with more than 70 members, will continue to actively promote bilingual Chinese education in the Palo Alto public schools and will keep you apprised of the progress we make.

Thanks again for sending a letter in support of MCEA. We will continue to do all we can to realize this program both for families of Chinese descent and those with a general interest in participating in the growing economic power of China.

Yours sincerely,

George Chen

Useful Expressions

Thanks for. . .

It was very nice/good of you to ...

Thank you very much for. . .

I must thank you for. . .

I am extremely grateful for your help. . .

I am most grateful for. . .



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Dear Robert,:

Im glad to receive your letter. Now I will tell you something about my plan for summer vacation after the final exam. Firstly, I will learn to drive. I think driving can be useful. Secondly, I will take some English courses. Thirdly, I will visit some tourist attractions. It must be very exciting. Last, I will do some reading in the vacation. What about you? I hope you can have a pretty vacation.





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Dear Santa Claus:

It is my great pleasure for me to write to you while the Christmas is approaching.Since I love you so deeply and trust you so sincerely ,you are always appearing in my dreams which make me excited and happy all the time.I believe that you are so kind-hearted with geat magics to the young kids and all the people as well.I am writing to you,telling you that the world nowadays are totally a mess!Wars,disputes,pullutions and many natural disasters are torturing the world and the people.It seems that the earth is coming to its end where the human being cannot live any longer.Sincerely wish that you can help us and the earth.




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It is important to know our good and bad points because this knowledge will

help us to improve ourself. We should examine ourselves and learn who we



Above all, we should recognize our strengths and weaknesses. For example, I

am healthy and fit, so I can work hard. Im also optimistic, humble and polite.

These are my strengths. However, I also have weaknesses. For one thing, Im

stubborn and a little impatient. Im sometimes lazy as well and can spent a

whole day just watching TV and eating junk food. Im not ashamed to admit these

bad pints. Knowing what they are lets me focus on improving myself.




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Hello,my name is Thomas.I am nine.I am a boy.I like to run and swim.I

don’t like to sing and dance.I like to eat chicken wing,l can make it.Every

Sunday,I go to park with my father and my mother.I like to fly the kite.Blue sky

is very nice.I like summer and winter.In summer,I can eat ice cream.I can

swim.In winter,I can play with the snow.

Come on,Let’s be







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Everybody has a daily schedule. We do the same things almost every day. My

day is probaly like yours.


Heres my daily routine. I get up at 6:30 every morning. I take my time

waking up,but then I wash up quickly. I brush my teeth,comb my hair and put on

school uniform. I pack my bag for school and I leave. I never miss breakfast,so

I either eat at home or eat on the way to school. But I always eat hurry. After

school,I go to a cram school like all my friends. I study and finish my homework

for the day. Finally,I go home and I take a break. I have dinner with my

family,watch a little TV. I am usually in bed by 9:30.


This is my routine from Monnday to Friday. However,the weekends are

different. I can wake up late. Then. I can do whatever I like. I believe my

routine is typical. It is probably a lot like yours.




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1. Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。

2. No pains, no gains.没有付出就没有收获。

3. Constant dripping wears away a stone.水滴石穿,绳锯木断。

4. Care and diligence bring luck.谨慎和勤奋才能抓住机遇。

5. Genius is nothing but labor anddiligence.天才不过是勤奋而已。

6. Great hopes make great man.伟大的抱负造就伟大的人物。

7. Industry is the parent of success.勤奋是成功之母。

8. No rose without a thorn.没有不带刺的玫瑰。

9. There is no royal road to learning.书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。

10. No way is impossible to courage.勇者无惧。

11. Success belongs to the persevering.坚持就是胜利。

12. The finest diamond must be cut.玉不琢,不成器。

13. Adversity makes a man wise, not rich.逆境出人才。



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Dear Santa Claus:

Howdy!Arrive the Christmas festival soon again, did you want to" go to

work" again?Would you still ride the floret deer trailer to come this time?

Can you arrive at my bed front?Do you put previous lists to line up the dry

skates in the socks, like?I liked it too, putting on it many cool!

Can you arrive at the kid sister younger sisters bed front?Sing a lullaby

for her at the time of she cry, coax her to enter the beautiful dream country

quickly and quickly.

You can stop in the sky, to a peaceful seed?The people of now needed it

too, for the sake of these the innocent peoples, letting them feel the


Santa Claus, you which the gift that come?You are how can anyone know the

children demand what?

Wish you:

Happy every day!Healthy longevity!



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Dear Dave,

Thanks for your letter.Its interesting to learn your story.Now Id like to answer your questions. Those problems that confused you, in fact, is the different culture betwwen different countries. In China, it is a polite manners to ask some questions such as what you have mationed to greet others. In your country, people ofen hear some questions,for example; "Wha a hot day!t","How cold it is" and so on. I believe you will be accustomed to it after a period of time. If you have any problem at any time, you can ask me for help. It is my pleasure to help you. Meanwhile, you can learn Chinese culture more and I can learn the culture about your country more.

Best wishes for you.

Your sincerely,Li Lin



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Dear Sir/Madam:

Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking.

According to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S. degree . My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.

During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question.

I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.

With many thanks,

Wang Lin



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April 13,20xx

P.O. Box 48

Peking University

Peking, China 100013

Dear Sir/Madam:

I was referred to you by Mr. Zhang, a Partner with your Peking office, who informed me that the Shanghai office of your company is actively seeking to hire a Network Maintenance Engineer for your program.

Your position requires top university, Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows 2000 and LINUX System. I feel that I am

competent to meet the requirements. I will be graduating from Graduate School of Peking University this year with a M.S. degree. My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.

During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English. My ability to write and speak English is out of question.

The enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater detail. I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.


Deng Yun




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Dear Tony ,

Chongyang, the traditional Chinese festival for the elderly,即将来临

is coming around.

We are planning to visit the Nursing Home to celebrate the special day,


and we wound like to invite students from your school to join us.

我们计划数个活动We have planned several activities . When we get there , we will

visit the elderly in their rooms in groups, 向他们送花和自制的卡片,为了表达我们的尊敬和热爱。presenting

them with flowers and self--?made cards to show our respect and love. Then we

will do some cleaning and washing for them with the help of the nurses.

As some old people feel lonely .We may chat with them about their old days,

changes of our city, or anything they are interested in


We may also give them some performances, such as singing, dancing and so


我确定我们都会都中国的老人拥有更好的理解。I am sure we will both gain a better understanding of

the elderly inChina. If you have any suggestions, please let us know.

Looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua



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Dear Tom,

How is it going these days? I keep wondering how you feel about your school

life in Beijing. Have you got used to the life in China? Are you enjoying your

life? I hope you are.

Let me tell you a piece of good news: I’m going to take part in an English

speech contest of middle school students in July in the coming summer vacation.

So I’m busy preparing for it. But now I have some difficulty in collecting

useful information and using proper English word to express my thoughts.

Besides, I really want to improve my spoken English, especially the

pronunciation and intonation(语调). Of course, as a native English speaker, you

can give me some suggestions.

In addition, I’m going to visit you after the contest. I’m sure we will

have a wonderful time together in Beijing! I can hardly wait to see you! I am

looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua
