关于腊八节的传说推荐6篇 作文英语【汇总20篇】







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传说二:腊月初八,我国人民有吃腊八粥习俗。 据说腊八粥传自印度。佛教的创始者释迦牟尼本是古印度北部迦毗罗卫国(今尼泊尔境内)净饭王的儿子,他见众生受生老病死等痛苦折磨,又不满当时婆罗门的神权统治,舍弃王位,出家修道。初无收获,后经六年苦行,于腊月八日,在菩提树下悟道成佛。在这六年苦行中,每日仅食一麻一米。后人不忘他所受的苦难,于每年腊月初八吃粥以做纪念。“腊八”就成了“佛祖成道纪念日”。








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LaBa morning, get up early, and their brother and sister, and mother in the red laba rice porridge, run to the courtyard

scrambled to feed on every last night at the door of the people on both sides of the ice, with red beans to give him how small mouth, like laughing at the ice of man, the in the mind dont mention how beautiful.



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腊八节的由来有两个传说。一说佛祖释迦牟尼成佛前进山修行.十二月初八这天因饥饿劳累栽倒路旁, 被一牧羊女发现,用大米粥救活,使他大彻大悟.得道成佛。一说,明朝皇帝朱元璋小时给财主放牛,因牛腿摔断被财主关在一间屋子里,3天没给饭吃, 他饥饿难忍.到处搜寻.终于发现了一个老鼠洞,从中挖掘出豆、谷等各种粮食,煮成粥食用,觉得非常香甜。后来朱元璋做了皇帝,想起小时候吃那顿粥 的味道,就命太监用各种粮食煮了一锅糖粥,欢宴群臣,后朝中文武百官争相效仿并传入民间,遂成了一种节日习俗。因朱元璋吃糖粥的日子是腊月初八, 所以这粥也就叫"腊八粥"了

“腊八”是佛教的盛大节日。解放以前各地佛寺作浴佛会,举行诵经,并效仿释迦牟尼成道前, 牧女献乳糜的传说故事,用香谷、果实等煮粥供佛,称“腊八粥”。并将腊八粥赠送给门徒及善男信女们,以后便在民间相沿成俗。据说有的寺院于腊 月初八以前由僧人手持钵盂,沿街化缘,将收集来的米、栗、枣、果仁等材料煮成腊八粥散发给穷人。传说吃了以后可以得到佛祖的保佑,所以穷人把 它叫做“佛粥”。南宋陆游诗云:“今朝佛粥更相馈,反觉江村节物新。”据说杭州名刹天宁寺内有储藏剩饭的“栈饭楼”平时寺僧每日把剩饭晒干, 积一年的余粮,到腊月初八煮成腊八粥分赠信徒,称为“福寿粥”“福德粥”意思是说吃了以后可以增福增寿。可见当时各寺僧爱惜粮食之美德。



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Laba festival, December eighth day of the lunar calendar, on that day, people will eat laba porridge and other traditional food to celebrate, the custom in I have been a very long history, people will to a famous temple worship, to evil spirits, and his family a year of peace.

Since the pre-qin, the laba festival is used to worship our ancestors and gods, pray for a harvest and good luck. The laba festival in addition to the activities of ancestor worship god, people also have to disease. The activities in the ancient nuo. Prehistoric times one of the medical treatment method of the spirits to cure disease. As witchcraft activities month, drum drive disease of common, there are still retained today in hunan xinhua and other regions. , it is said that the founder of Buddhism sakyamuni into way also in December 8, the day of so laba is buddhist festival, also known as "Buddha into the festival".

The laba festival is also called LaRi offerings and laba offerings, princes wax or Buddha into the day, the original ancient harvest celebration, thanks to the ancestors and gods fete ceremony, in addition to the activities of ancestor worship god, people also have to disease. The activities in the ancient nuo. Prehistoric times one of the medical treatment method of the spirits to cure disease. As witchcraft activities month, drum drive disease of common, there are still retained today in hunan xinhua and other regions. Later evolved into memory of the Buddha, Buddhism ng muny into a religious holiday. Dynasty called LaRi jia ping, shang dynasty to the qing si ", the zhou dynasty as the "big wax"; Because the held in December said the month for the twelfth month, called the Greek festival this day LaRi. LaRi of pre-qin period after the winter solstice of the third day of the start of the northern and southern dynasties was fixed in the day.

Spring-heralding "" la, the pursuit of epidemic diseases, and the tradition of" Buddha into a festival, is also a "tao", actually is the origin of December eighth day for LaRi, so to speak. Allegedly, founder of Buddhism sakyamuni practice mountain, sit for six years, hungry gaunt, had to abandon the bitter, and when a shepherdess, chyle sent him, he eat cross-legged sitting under a bodhi tree, attained enlightenment on the day of December 8, shixing in honor of the "Buddha into the festival". From religious believers in China, hence with "LaRi", is "the laba festival", and also held a grand yili activities.

Silence is like flowing water, life festival, let us a ripple on tight life, live every holiday that are rich in meaning!


从先秦起,腊八节都是用来祭祀祖先和神灵,祈求丰收和吉祥。腊八节除祭祖敬神的活动外,人们还要逐疫。这项活动于古代的傩。史前时代的医疗方法之一即驱鬼治疾。作为巫术活动的腊月击鼓驱疫之俗,今在湖南新化等地区仍有留存。 据说,佛教创始人释迦牟尼的成道之日也在十二月初八,因此腊八也是佛教徒的节日,又称“佛成道节”。

腊八节又称腊日祭、腊八祭、王侯腊或佛成道日,原来古代欢庆丰收、感谢祖先和神灵的祭祀仪式,除祭祖敬神的活动外,人们还要逐疫。这项活动于古代的傩。史前时代的医疗方法之一即驱鬼治疾。作为巫术活动的腊月击鼓驱疫之俗,今在湖南新化等地区仍有留存。 后演化成纪念佛祖释伽牟尼成道的宗教节日。夏代称腊日为“嘉平”,商代为“清祀”,周代为“大蜡”;因在十二月举行,故称该月为腊月,称腊祭这一天为腊日。先秦的腊日在冬至后的第三个戌日,南北朝开始才固定在腊月初八。





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Since I can remember, I remember every year the lunar December eighth day, the mother gave us boiled laba rice porridge.

The laba porridge is made of glutinous rice, brown sugar and 18 kinds of dried fruit mixed together and boil. Dried fruit in the big red dates, longans, walnuts, gingko nuts, almonds, chestnuts, peanuts, raisins, and so on, have all kinds of beans, sesame seeds, taste is very sweet and delicious. Mother is cooking a big pot every year, not only eat the family size, the how also distributed to neighbors and friends.

Mother said: the laba rice porridge was cooked to worship Buddha, buddhist temple, 18 kinds of dried fruit symbolizes the 18 arhats, this custom was later used in folk, because to take this opportunity to clean up the kitchen cabinet, the remaining mixed fruit, cooking for their children to eat, is also a good way to save. Finally, she sigh said: "my mother is laba died that day, I was only fourteen years old. I fell after her tears, hurried to the kitchen to do breakfast to father and brother, also saw the stove on a small pot she cooked porridge yesterday, now I also cook the laba porridge, a year not to worship Buddha, but is in memory of my mother."

My mother was died on January 7, 1930, just also is the lunar laba that day! At that time I have their own home, in memory of my mother, I also cook laba rice porridge on this day each year. Although I didnt 18 kinds of dried fruit, but the children also love to eat. The north-south migration after the war of resistance, sometimes in a foreign country, especially in recent ten years, we almost doesnt even have a "home", also "laba" forget this day.







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传说上古五帝之一的颛顼氏,三个儿子死后变成恶鬼,专门出来惊吓孩子。古代人们普遍相信迷信,害怕鬼神,认为大人小孩中风得病、身体不好都是 腊八节由于疫鬼作祟。这些恶鬼天不怕地不怕,单怕赤(红)豆,故有“赤豆打鬼”的说法。所以,在腊月初八这一天以红小豆、赤小豆熬粥,以祛疫迎祥。











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一说,腊八粥传自印度。佛教的创始者释迦牟尼本是古印度北部迦毗罗卫国(今尼泊尔境内)净饭王的儿子,他见众生受生老病死等痛苦折磨,又不满当时婆罗门的神权统治,舍弃王位,出家修道。初无收获,后经六年苦行,于腊月八日,在菩提树下悟道成佛。在这六年苦行中,每日仅食一麻一米。后人不忘他所受的苦难,于每年腊月初八吃粥以做纪念。“腊八”就成了“佛祖成道纪念日”。“腊八”是佛教的盛大节日。解放以前各地佛寺作浴佛会,举行诵经,并效仿释迦牟尼成道前,牧女献乳糜的传说故事,用香谷、 果实等煮粥供佛,称“腊八粥”。并将腊八粥赠送给门徒及善男信女们,以后便在民间相沿成俗。据说有的寺院于腊月初八以前由僧人手持钵盂,沿街化缘,将收集来的米、栗、枣、果仁等材 料煮成腊八粥散发给穷人。传说吃了以后可以得到佛祖的保佑, 所以穷人把它叫做“佛粥”。南宋陆游诗云:“今朝佛粥更相馈, 反觉江村节物新。”据说杭州名刹天宁寺内有储藏剩饭的“栈饭楼”平时寺僧每日把剩饭晒干,积一年的余粮,到腊月初八煮成腊八粥分赠信徒,称为“福寿粥”“福寿粥”意思是说吃了以后可以增福增寿。可见当时各寺僧爱惜粮食之美德。


















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Because before you go out to play in the morning, mother will buy the ingredients for rice porridge, soaking in the water in advance, mother said that cooking fast. So, got home at noon, you can cook on the drink. The laba festival to eat is rich! And I most like to eat braise in soy sauce meat ~ children generally like to eat meat!!!! Oh, mom and dad dont want to say them, because in the long body, eating well is the key!

Today is the laba festival, ask good friends and rice pudding? Very sweet? Ha ha. Who didnt drink I ask you to drink oh ~ home cooked a big pot of today!

In the morning we went out to play, my father and mother do for a long time of car, a bit does not adapt, (we have a little carsick, ah! Lying in the bed as soon as he got home. In the morning to go out and take some photos, but for some reason, didnt, in a scenery is not very good, anyway have no green in winter.



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About the gift money, there is a widely circulated story. In ancient times, a demon called "evil spirit", the thirty night of sleeping with his hand to touch the childs head, children are often scared to cry, then headache fever, become a fool. Therefore, every family to sit on this day liangzhaodeng not sleep, called "keep away evil spirits".The couple have a son in old age, as a baby.

In thirty years the night, they were afraid of the "evil spirit" to harm children, took eight coins to play with the kids. Children play tired to fall asleep, they put eight coins wrapped in red paper on the childs pillow below, the couple not sleep a wink. In the middle of the night the ghostly wind blowing open the door, blew out the lights," evil spirit" has just reached out to touch the childs head, the pillow will burst with flash, scared" evil spirit" and ran away. The very next day, the couple put eight coins wrapped in red paper scare, "evil spirit" and told everyone, after we learn to do, the children the world is at peace.The original eight coins is 0.08 change, the secret to protect the child. Because the "evil spirit" and "old" homophonic, then gradually evolved into" gift money".



原来八枚铜钱是八仙变的,暗中来保护孩子的。因为“祟” 与“岁”谐音,之后逐渐演变为“压岁钱”。



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Mid-Autumn Festival (also known as the Moon Festival), the third major festival of the Chinese calendar, is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month, as the moon is supposed to be at its maximum brightness for the entire year.

The moon definitely spins countless legends throughout the ages. Of course, the most famous legend is the one surrounding the "lady living in the moon" that dates back to ancient times, to a day when ten suns appeared at once in the sky. The Emperor ordered a famous archer to shoot down the nine extra suns. Once the task was accomplished, Goddess of Western Heaven rewarded the archer with a pill that would make him immortal. However, his wife found the pill, took it, and was banished to the moon as a result. Legend says that her beauty is greatest on the day of the festival.

Another legend depicts a possible role that the festival played in Chinese history. Overrun by the Mongols in the thirteenth century, the Chinese threw off their oppressors in 1368 AD. It is said that mooncakes - which the Mongols did not eat - were the perfect vehicle for hiding and passing along plans for the rebellion. Families were instructed not to eat the mooncakes until the day of the festival, which is when the rebellion took place.

The most lunatic mortal in Chinese history could have been the great poet Li Bai (701-762 AD), who once invited the moon to have a drink with him and his shadow to form a band of three. Li finally drowned in a lake in an effort to catch the moon when he was drunk one night.

The festive night can be one of the most charming and picturesque nights and the full moon is an auspicious symbol of abundance, harmony and luck. For thousands of years, the Chinese people have related the vicissitudes of life to changes of the moon as it waxes and wanes; joy and sorrow, parting and reunion. In Chinese culture, the family represents an important circle of relations that cannot be broken. Because the full moon is roound and symbolizes reunion, the festival is also known as the festival of reunion. All family members try to get together on this special day. It is a happy occasion where people feast on scrumptious mooncakes. Some Chinese families today still stay up late to observe the occasion eating mooncakes, sipping tea and gazing at the beautiful moon. It is regarded the perfect moment if someone catches the moons reflection in the center of his or her teacup. Those who can not return home watch the bright moonlight and feel deep longing for their loved ones.



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"The legend of hercules" tells the story of the king of the gods Zeuss son hercules was born strong, causing the jealousy of the goddess Hera, committed horrible crimes against him.

For sin, he must be in 12 years for the king eurystheus complete 12 pieces. The first task is to ink the, will be a hungry lion kill, and bring back its body to eurystheus. The second task is to ear that lake, will be a monster with nine heads (hydra) to kill. The third task is to find the goddess Artemis golden deer, and bring it back. The fourth task is to catch a big wild boar in the mountains, and bring it back alive. The fifth task is to visit the king, the leather, and within a day to clean up the bullpen. 6 the task was to house the method, the lake, will be to kill cows giant birds to kill. The seventh task is to Crete, the king of the Minoan white bull caught. Task is to put the 8 female xi-bo wang lu te belt to get it. Task is 9 three-headed monster leather weng red bull back. Task is to put the king ten diomedes horse back in the palace. The eleventh task, to the end of the world, find the goddess Heras garden and back to three golden apples. 12 the task is to the underworld, a dog back.

These tasks, he did, for the forgiveness of the gods.






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Laba porridge is also called qibao mixed porridge, drink laba rice porridge in China history, there have been more than one thousand years. The first started in the song dynasty. Every laba this day, every family to make laba rice porridge. In the qing dynasty, drink the customs is more prevalent laba rice porridge. In the palace, the emperor to XiangWenWu minister laba rice porridge. Among the people, families also should make laba porridge, ancestor worship; Have a family reunion at the same time, eat together, gift friends and relatives.

"Laba" is the grand festival of Buddhism. Before around the temple for Buddha, cooked porridge for the Buddha. Legend had later can get the Buddha bless, can also increase the life-extension. So people call it the "Buddha congee." Southern song dynasty lu you did: "the present Buddha congee is more feedback, the festival new jiang village."

Varied from different regions of China, laba rice porridge, among them with Beijings most exquisite, porridge in red jujube, lotus seeds... A total of more than 20 kinds. The seventh evening, began to busy, washing rice, fruit, in began to cook in the middle of the night, and stew until the second day of early morning, laba rice porridge is ok. Can you think, such a complex is bad to drink? Pay attention to the family, but also the fruit first carved into all kinds of things, and in the pot boil. Laba rice porridge boil, ancestor worship to worship god. After to give friends and family, must be sent out before noon. The last is the whole family to eat.

A bowl of porridge with so much knowledge, China is really not the kui is a civilized country! Im so proud of themselves as Chinese!







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腊月最重大的节日,是十二月初八,古代称为“腊日”,俗称“腊八节”。从先秦起,腊八节都是用来祭祀祖先和神灵,祈求丰收和吉祥。腊八节除祭祖敬神的活动外,人们还要逐疫。这项活动来源于古代的傩(古代驱鬼避疫的仪式)。史前时代的医疗方法之一即驱鬼治疾。作为巫术活动的腊月击鼓驱疫之俗,今在湖南新化等地区仍有留存。 据说,佛教创始人释迦牟尼的成道之日也在十二月初八,因此腊八也是佛教徒的节日,又称“佛成道节”。












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The Warring States Chu chin hegemony, the poet Qu Yuan ranks right doctor, highly popular with the king of chu. Later, Qu Yuans idea Shangguan doctor Jin Shang led the conservative opposition, they constantly in front of chuhuaiwang vilify Qu Yuan chuhuaiwang alienated the Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan has lofty aspirations more distressed, he with difficulty suppressed anger depression, write the "Li Sao", "days" and other immortal poems.


No public 229 years ago, the state of Qin conquered the eight cities, and then sent envoys please go to the representative qin. Qu Yuan saw through the plot, risked his life to enter the palace of King Huai statements of interest, not only did not listen, but Qu Yuan will be expelled from the capital. The king of Chu scheduled to attend the meeting, to the state of Qin was imprisoned, King Huai mixed feelings of remorse and shame, depression disease, three years after the death of Yu Qinguo. King Xiang of Chu are ascended the throne soon, he also sent troops to attack Chu king Qingxiang, desperate to evacuate the capital, Qin Bing capture. Qu Yuan in exile, has heard the king of Chu die off and break the bad news, All thoughts are blasted., sigh a, invested rolling rapids of the river. Jiang on the fishermen and people on shore heard the doctor Qu Yuan drowned himself in a river, have come to the river to salvage the bodies of Qu Yuan, at the same time brought Tzu, eggs into the river. Some healers also hsiunghuang wine poured into the river, so that drug faint water dragon beast doctor so that the body of Qu Yuan from harm.


Since then, every year in early five Qu Yuan Jiang martyrs day to vote, Chu people rowing on the river, throwing dumplings to commemorate the



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Today is the lunar December eighth day - the laba festival. The laba festival in China has a long tradition and history, on this day drink the laba laba rice porridge, do is the most traditional people all over the country, is also the most pay attention to the customs.

At night, dad with red jujube, lotus seeds, beans, peanuts, black beans, wheat berry, lily, eight kinds of material such as rice stayed up the whole pot of delicious rice porridge.

Mom put porridge is good, in the table. I use the spoon gently drew a few times in a bowl, good let it cool faster. Then, scoop a spoonful of their mouth. Porridge boil rotten rotten, quickly melted in your mouth. I said to my father: "dad, you can endure to laba rice porridge is really nice." The father said, "you drink a bowl of laba porridge, you will happy auspicious." Listen to father said these words, I feel very warm and happiness.



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Laba rice porridge contains glutinous rice (糯米), red beans, millet, Chinese sorghum, peas, dried lotus seeds, red beans and some other ingredients, such as dried dates, chestnut meat, walnut meat, almond, peanut, etc. Actually eight ingredients(配料、成分) are used, cooked with sugar to make the porridge tasty.

Northerners prefer to use glutinous rice, red beans, dates, lotus seeds, dried pulp(果肉), walnuts (胡桃), pine nuts and other dried fruits in their porridge; southerners like a salty porridge prepared with rice, soybeans(大豆), peanuts, broad beans, taro, water chestnuts, walnuts, vegetables and diced meat. In the north, it is a dessert with sugar added; in the south, salt is put in. Some people like to add cinnamon and other condiments to add flavor.

Controlling the heat is of great importance in making Laba porridge. At the start, the flame must be high, but the fire is then turned down to let the porridge simmer until it begins to emit a very delicious smell. The process is time-consuming but not complicated.

Laba porridge is not only easy to prepare, but also a nutritious winter food because it contains amino acids, protein, vitamins and other nutrition people need. Cooked nuts and dried fruit are good for soothing nerves, nourishing ones heart and vitality, and strengthening the spleen. Perhaps that is why it is also called babao (Eight Treasure) porridge.







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It is said that there was a goodness man went broke his domain. He lived a hard life and he has three daughters. The three daughters were being married but he didnt have money to buy dower for his daughters. On the happy Chrismas Eve three girls went to bed early. They didnt know that their father was so worried. At last the Chrismas father decided to help them . He besprinkled gold through the stack and the gold fell into the socks of the mans daughters. They lived a happy life from then on... Chrismas socks was origined by this.



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The eight-treasure porridge was first introduced to China in the Song Dynasty about 900 years ago.


Buddhism was well accepted in the areas inhabited by the Han Chinese, who believed that Sakyamuni, the first Buddha and founder of the religion, attained enlightenment on the eighth day of the twelfth month. Sutras were chanted in the temples and rice porridge with beans, nuts and dried fruit was prepared for the Buddha. With the passing of time the custom extended, especially in rural areas where peasants would pray for a plentiful harvest in this way.


There is, however, another touching story: When Sakyamuni was on his way into the high mountains in his quest for understanding and enlightenment, he grew tired and hungry. Exhausted from days of walking, he passed into unconsciousness by a river in India. A shepherdess found him there and fed him her lunch -- porridge made with beans and rice. Sakyamuni was thus able to continue his journey. After six years of strict discipline, he finally realized his dream of full enlightenment on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month. Ever since, monks have prepared rice porridge on the eve and held a ceremony the following day, during which they chant sutras and offer porridge to Buddha. Thus, the tradition of eating Laba porridge was based in religion, though with the passing of time the food itself became a popular winter dish especially in cold northern China.


According to written records, large Buddhist temples would offer it to the poor to show their faith to Buddha. In the Ming Dynasty about 500 years ago, it became such a holy food that emperors would offer it to their officials during festivals. As it gained favor in the feudal upper class, it also quickly became popular throughout the country.

