关于腊八节的传说推荐6篇 作文英语(精品20篇)







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The Spring Festival every year eat dumplings, we have to have a bottle LaBa vinegar and the mother LaBa garlic. That is luxuriantly green color, steady vinegar and sour garlic, would give the Spring Festival add thick Beijing flavour of the dumplings. One day, my mother brought out already prepared garlic, let me together with her LaBa garlic bubble.

Well put garlic break into small disc, then the same small skin open. The skin of the true not the same small strip, the strength of the small strip does not open, the strength that big will pick the same. We stripped off for a long time, and slowly I more skilled, not only peeled off the skin, will also thin lining also strip off neatly. Mother to get a jar let me off with the good garlic in, and mother put vinegar into bottle, pushing the bottle of garlic after all didnt,

[LaBa garlic腊八节英语作文




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When neutrons is the turn of midnight, New Year bell sounded, the entire land of China over firecrackers Beidao Tianyu. In this "age, a month, when Yuan," "3" times and in some places still yard barrier "Wanghuo" Airbus to show brisk gas, booming levels. Wanghuo burning in flames around, the children set off fire crackers, joyous to jump and when that happens, the house is brightly lit, the lights. Pretrial is brilliant sparks house is the noisy sounds, the eve of the Chinese Lunar New Year festive atmosphere to a climactic.



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腊八粥在古时是用红小豆、糯米煮成,后来材料逐渐增多。南宋人周密著《武林旧事》说:“用胡桃、松子、乳蕈、柿蕈、柿栗 之类做粥,谓之‘腊八粥’”。至今我国江南、东北、西北广大 地区人民仍保留着吃腊八粥的习俗,广东地区已不多见。所用材料各有不同,多用糯米、红豆、枣子、栗子、花生、白果、莲子 、百合等煮成甜粥。也有加入桂圆、龙眼肉、蜜饯等同煮的。冬季吃一碗热气腾腾的腊八粥,既可口有营养,确实能增福增寿。 腊八粥各地食俗


相传,在古印度 北部,即今天的尼泊尔南部,迦毗罗卫国有个净饭王,他有个儿子叫乔达摩·悉达多,年轻时就痛感人世生、老、病、死的各种苦恼,发觉社会生活徒劳无益,并对婆罗门教的神权极为不满,于是,在他29岁那年,合弃王族的豪华生活,出家修道,学练瑜珈,苦行6年,大约在公元前525年,一天,他在佛陀伽耶一株菩提树下,彻悟成道,并创立了佛教。史传,这一天正是中国的农历十二月初八日,由于他是释迦族人,后来佛教徒们尊称他是释迦牟尼,也即是释迦族圣人的意思。佛教传入我国后,各地兴建寺院,煮粥敬佛的活动也随之盛行起来,尤其是到了腊月初八,祭祀释迦牟尼修行成道之日,各寺院都要举行诵经,并效仿牧女在佛成道前献一种“乳糜”之物的传说程式,煮粥敬佛。这便是腊八粥的来历。

宋朝 吴自牧撰《梦梁录》卷六载:“八日,寺院谓之‘腊八’。大刹寺等俱设五味粥,名曰‘腊八粥’。”此时,腊八煮粥已成民间食俗,不过,当时帝王还以此来笼络众臣。元人孙国敕作《燕都游览志》云:“十二月八日,赐百官粥,以米果杂成之。品多者为胜,此盖循宋时故事。”《永乐大典》记述“是月八日,禅家谓之腊八日,煮经糟粥以供佛饭僧”。到了清代,雍正三年(公元1725年)世宗将北京安定门内国子监以东的府邸改为雍和宫,每逢腊八日,在宫内万福阁等处,用锅煮腊八粥并请来喇嘛僧人诵经,然后将粥分给各王宫大臣,品尝食用以度节日。《光绪顺天府志》又云:“每岁腊月八日,雍和官熬粥,定制,派大臣监视,盖供上膳焉。”腊八粥又叫“七宝粥”,“五味粥”。最早的腊八粥是红小豆来煮,后经演变,加之地方特色,逐渐丰富多彩起来。南宋文人周密撰《武林旧事》说:“用胡桃、松子、乳覃、柿、栗之类作粥,谓之腊八粥。”清人富察敦崇在《燕京岁时记》里则称“腊八粥者,用黄米、白米、江米、小米、菱角米、栗子、去皮枣泥等,和水煮熟,外用染红桃仁、杏仁、瓜子、花生、榛穰、松子及白糖、红糖、琐琐葡萄以作点染”,颇有京城特色。



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Laba festival, December eighth day of the lunar calendar, on that day, people will eat laba porridge and other traditional food to celebrate, the custom in I have been a very long history, people will to a famous temple worship, to evil spirits, and his family a year of peace.

Since the pre-qin, the laba festival is used to worship our ancestors and gods, pray for a harvest and good luck. The laba festival in addition to the activities of ancestor worship god, people also have to disease. The activities in the ancient nuo. Prehistoric times one of the medical treatment method of the spirits to cure disease. As witchcraft activities month, drum drive disease of common, there are still retained today in hunan xinhua and other regions. , it is said that the founder of Buddhism sakyamuni into way also in December 8, the day of so laba is buddhist festival, also known as "Buddha into the festival".

The laba festival is also called LaRi offerings and laba offerings, princes wax or Buddha into the day, the original ancient harvest celebration, thanks to the ancestors and gods fete ceremony, in addition to the activities of ancestor worship god, people also have to disease. The activities in the ancient nuo. Prehistoric times one of the medical treatment method of the spirits to cure disease. As witchcraft activities month, drum drive disease of common, there are still retained today in hunan xinhua and other regions. Later evolved into memory of the Buddha, Buddhism ng muny into a religious holiday. Dynasty called LaRi jia ping, shang dynasty to the qing si ", the zhou dynasty as the "big wax"; Because the held in December said the month for the twelfth month, called the Greek festival this day LaRi. LaRi of pre-qin period after the winter solstice of the third day of the start of the northern and southern dynasties was fixed in the day.

Spring-heralding "" la, the pursuit of epidemic diseases, and the tradition of" Buddha into a festival, is also a "tao", actually is the origin of December eighth day for LaRi, so to speak. Allegedly, founder of Buddhism sakyamuni practice mountain, sit for six years, hungry gaunt, had to abandon the bitter, and when a shepherdess, chyle sent him, he eat cross-legged sitting under a bodhi tree, attained enlightenment on the day of December 8, shixing in honor of the "Buddha into the festival". From religious believers in China, hence with "LaRi", is "the laba festival", and also held a grand yili activities.

Silence is like flowing water, life festival, let us a ripple on tight life, live every holiday that are rich in meaning!


从先秦起,腊八节都是用来祭祀祖先和神灵,祈求丰收和吉祥。腊八节除祭祖敬神的活动外,人们还要逐疫。这项活动于古代的傩。史前时代的医疗方法之一即驱鬼治疾。作为巫术活动的腊月击鼓驱疫之俗,今在湖南新化等地区仍有留存。 据说,佛教创始人释迦牟尼的成道之日也在十二月初八,因此腊八也是佛教徒的节日,又称“佛成道节”。

腊八节又称腊日祭、腊八祭、王侯腊或佛成道日,原来古代欢庆丰收、感谢祖先和神灵的祭祀仪式,除祭祖敬神的活动外,人们还要逐疫。这项活动于古代的傩。史前时代的医疗方法之一即驱鬼治疾。作为巫术活动的腊月击鼓驱疫之俗,今在湖南新化等地区仍有留存。 后演化成纪念佛祖释伽牟尼成道的宗教节日。夏代称腊日为“嘉平”,商代为“清祀”,周代为“大蜡”;因在十二月举行,故称该月为腊月,称腊祭这一天为腊日。先秦的腊日在冬至后的第三个戌日,南北朝开始才固定在腊月初八。





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Laba rice porridge contains glutinous rice , red beans, millet, Chinese sorghum, peas, dried lotus seeds, red beans and some other ingredients, such as dried dates, chestnut meat, walnut meat, almond, peanut, etc. Actually eight ingredients are used, cooked with sugar to make the porridge tasty.

Northerners prefer to use glutinous rice, red beans, dates, lotus seeds, dried pulp, walnuts , pine nuts and other dried fruits in their porridge; southerners like a salty porridge prepared with rice, soybeans, peanuts, broad beans, taro, water chestnuts, walnuts, vegetables and diced meat. In the north, it is a dessert with sugar added; in the south, salt is put in. Some people like to add cinnamon and other condiments to add flavor.

Controlling the heat is of great importance in making Laba porridge. At the start, the flame must be high, but the fire is then turned down to let the porridge simmer until it begins to emit a very delicious smell. The process is time-consuming but not complicated.

Laba porridge is not only easy to prepare, but also a nutritious winter food because it contains amino acids, protein, vitamins and other nutrition people need. Cooked nuts and dried fruit are good for soothing nerves, nourishing one‘s heart and vitality, and strengthening the spleen. Perhaps that is why it is also called babao (Eight Treasure) porridge.



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Laba porridge is also called qibao mixed porridge, drink laba rice porridge in China history, there have been more than one thousand years. The first started in the song dynasty. Every laba this day, every family to make laba rice porridge. In the qing dynasty, drink the customs is more prevalent laba rice porridge. In the palace, the emperor to XiangWenWu minister laba rice porridge. Among the people, families also should make laba porridge, ancestor worship; Have a family reunion at the same time, eat together, gift friends and relatives.

"Laba" is the grand festival of Buddhism. Before around the temple for Buddha, cooked porridge for the Buddha. Legend had later can get the Buddha bless, can also increase the life-extension. So people call it the "Buddha congee." Southern song dynasty lu you did: "the present Buddha congee is more feedback, the festival new jiang village."

Varied from different regions of China, laba rice porridge, among them with Beijings most exquisite, porridge in red jujube, lotus seeds... A total of more than 20 kinds. The seventh evening, began to busy, washing rice, fruit, in began to cook in the middle of the night, and stew until the second day of early morning, laba rice porridge is ok. Can you think, such a complex is bad to drink? Pay attention to the family, but also the fruit first carved into all kinds of things, and in the pot boil. Laba rice porridge boil, ancestor worship to worship god. After to give friends and family, must be sent out before noon. The last is the whole family to eat.

A bowl of porridge with so much knowledge, China is really not the kui is a civilized country! Im so proud of themselves as Chinese!







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"The legend of hercules" tells the story of the king of the gods Zeuss son hercules was born strong, causing the jealousy of the goddess Hera, committed horrible crimes against him.

For sin, he must be in 12 years for the king eurystheus complete 12 pieces. The first task is to ink the, will be a hungry lion kill, and bring back its body to eurystheus. The second task is to ear that lake, will be a monster with nine heads (hydra) to kill. The third task is to find the goddess Artemis golden deer, and bring it back. The fourth task is to catch a big wild boar in the mountains, and bring it back alive. The fifth task is to visit the king, the leather, and within a day to clean up the bullpen. 6 the task was to house the method, the lake, will be to kill cows giant birds to kill. The seventh task is to Crete, the king of the Minoan white bull caught. Task is to put the 8 female xi-bo wang lu te belt to get it. Task is 9 three-headed monster leather weng red bull back. Task is to put the king ten diomedes horse back in the palace. The eleventh task, to the end of the world, find the goddess Heras garden and back to three golden apples. 12 the task is to the underworld, a dog back.

These tasks, he did, for the forgiveness of the gods.






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Laba Festival there are two legendary origin. Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha said that a move mountain cultivation. December eighth day that day because of hunger and fatigue Zaidao street, was a shepherdess found with large gruel saved so that he Dachedawu. Enlightenment and Buddha. One said that the Ming emperor Zhu Yuan-hour cattle to the rich because the rich bracket was broken off in a room, three days did not give anything to eat, he was unbearable hunger. Searched everywhere. Finally found a rat hole, dig out the beans, grain and other food, Zhu Chengyu consumption, find it very sweet.

Later, the emperor made the emperor, thinking a child eat porridge and that the taste of Dayton, he ordered his eunuchs to use a variety of food cooked up a pot of sugar porridge, feast courtiers, after North Korea Wenwubaiguan emulated and passed civil society, Sui Cheng A holiday customs. By Zhu Yuan sugar porridge eighth day of the days of the twelfth lunar month, so this porridge is also called laba porridge of.


Buddhism was well accepted in the areas inhabited by the Han Chinese, who believed that Sakyamuni the first Buddha and founder of the religion, attained enlightenment on the eighth day of the twelfth month. Sutras were chanted in the temples and rice porridge with beans, nuts and dried fruit was prepared for the Buddha. With the passing of time the custom extended, especially in rural areas where peasants would pray for a plentiful harvest in this way.

There is, however, another touching story: When Sakyamuni was on his way into the high mountains in his quest for understanding and enlightenment, he grew tired and hungry. Exhausted from days of walking, he fainted away by a river in India. A shepherdess found him there and fed him her lunch -- porridge made with beans and rice. Sakyamuni was thus able to continue his journey.



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About the gift money, there is a widely circulated story. In ancient times, a demon called "evil spirit", the thirty night of sleeping with his hand to touch the childs head, children are often scared to cry, then headache fever, become a fool. Therefore, every family to sit on this day liangzhaodeng not sleep, called "keep away evil spirits".The couple have a son in old age, as a baby.

In thirty years the night, they were afraid of the "evil spirit" to harm children, took eight coins to play with the kids. Children play tired to fall asleep, they put eight coins wrapped in red paper on the childs pillow below, the couple not sleep a wink. In the middle of the night the ghostly wind blowing open the door, blew out the lights," evil spirit" has just reached out to touch the childs head, the pillow will burst with flash, scared" evil spirit" and ran away. The very next day, the couple put eight coins wrapped in red paper scare, "evil spirit" and told everyone, after we learn to do, the children the world is at peace.The original eight coins is 0.08 change, the secret to protect the child. Because the "evil spirit" and "old" homophonic, then gradually evolved into" gift money".



原来八枚铜钱是八仙变的,暗中来保护孩子的。因为“祟” 与“岁”谐音,之后逐渐演变为“压岁钱”。



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Today is the lunar December eighth day - the laba festival. The laba festival in China has a long tradition and history, on this day drink the laba laba rice porridge, do is the most traditional people all over the country, is also the most pay attention to the customs.

At night, dad with red jujube, lotus seeds, beans, peanuts, black beans, wheat berry, lily, eight kinds of material such as rice stayed up the whole pot of delicious rice porridge.

Mom put porridge is good, in the table. I use the spoon gently drew a few times in a bowl, good let it cool faster. Then, scoop a spoonful of their mouth. Porridge boil rotten rotten, quickly melted in your mouth. I said to my father: "dad, you can endure to laba rice porridge is really nice." The father said, "you drink a bowl of laba porridge, you will happy auspicious." Listen to father said these words, I feel very warm and happiness.



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I used to be fond of skating.but now things have changed because of a horrible experience.

one winter,the weather was so cold that water turned into ice.one day on my way home,when seeing a frozen lake,i thought that the ice must be thick enough to support me.being so interested in skating,i couldnt help going down and sliding on the ice.suddenly,i heard a sound of crack.looking down,i saw the crack on the ice surface.i was frightened out of my life and didnt dare to move.but nobody could help me.i had to move toward the bank carefully.

as soon as i got onto the bank,the ice broke.how horrible it was!even ifit has been a long time since then,i can still feel the fear.and i no longer like skating since then.



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一说,腊八粥传自印度。佛教的创始者释迦牟尼本是古印度北部迦毗罗卫国(今尼泊尔境内)净饭王的儿子,他见众生受生老病死等痛苦折磨,又不满当时婆罗门的神权统治,舍弃王位,出家修道。初无收获,后经六年苦行,于腊月八日,在菩提树下悟道成佛。在这六年苦行中,每日仅食一麻一米。后人不忘他所受的苦难,于每年腊月初八吃粥以做纪念。“腊八”就成了“佛祖成道纪念日”。“腊八”是佛教的盛大节日。解放以前各地佛寺作浴佛会,举行诵经,并效仿释迦牟尼成道前,牧女献乳糜的传说故事,用香谷、 果实等煮粥供佛,称“腊八粥”。并将腊八粥赠送给门徒及善男信女们,以后便在民间相沿成俗。据说有的寺院于腊月初八以前由僧人手持钵盂,沿街化缘,将收集来的米、栗、枣、果仁等材 料煮成腊八粥散发给穷人。传说吃了以后可以得到佛祖的保佑, 所以穷人把它叫做“佛粥”。南宋陆游诗云:“今朝佛粥更相馈, 反觉江村节物新。”据说杭州名刹天宁寺内有储藏剩饭的“栈饭楼”平时寺僧每日把剩饭晒干,积一年的余粮,到腊月初八煮成腊八粥分赠信徒,称为“福寿粥”“福寿粥”意思是说吃了以后可以增福增寿。可见当时各寺僧爱惜粮食之美德。

一说,腊八节来自“赤豆打鬼”的风俗。传说上古五帝之一的颛顼氏,三个儿子死后变成恶鬼,专门出来惊吓孩子。古代人们普遍相信迷信,害怕鬼神,认为大人小孩中风得病、身体不好都是 腊八节由于疫鬼作祟。这些恶鬼天不怕地不怕,单怕赤(红)豆,故有“赤豆打鬼”的说法。所以,在腊月初八这一天以红小豆、赤小豆熬粥,以祛疫迎祥。



一说,腊八节出于人们对忠臣岳飞的怀念。当年,岳飞率部抗金于朱仙镇,正 腊八粥值数九严冬,岳家军衣食不济、挨饿受冻,众百姓相继送粥,岳家军饱餐了一顿百姓送的“千家粥”,结果大胜而归。这天正是十二月初八。岳飞死后,人民为了纪念他,每到腊月初八,便以杂粮豆果煮粥,终于成俗。




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LaBa morning, get up early, and their brother and sister, and mother in the red laba rice porridge, run to the courtyard

scrambled to feed on every last night at the door of the people on both sides of the ice, with red beans to give him how small mouth, like laughing at the ice of man, the in the mind dont mention how beautiful.



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Laba rice porridge contains glutinous rice (糯米), red beans, millet, Chinese sorghum, peas, dried lotus seeds, red beans and some other ingredients, such as dried dates, chestnut meat, walnut meat, almond, peanut, etc. Actually eight ingredients(配料、成分) are used, cooked with sugar to make the porridge tasty.

Northerners prefer to use glutinous rice, red beans, dates, lotus seeds, dried pulp(果肉), walnuts (胡桃), pine nuts and other dried fruits in their porridge; southerners like a salty porridge prepared with rice, soybeans(大豆), peanuts, broad beans, taro, water chestnuts, walnuts, vegetables and diced meat. In the north, it is a dessert with sugar added; in the south, salt is put in. Some people like to add cinnamon and other condiments to add flavor.

Controlling the heat is of great importance in making Laba porridge. At the start, the flame must be high, but the fire is then turned down to let the porridge simmer until it begins to emit a very delicious smell. The process is time-consuming but not complicated.

Laba porridge is not only easy to prepare, but also a nutritious winter food because it contains amino acids, protein, vitamins and other nutrition people need. Cooked nuts and dried fruit are good for soothing nerves, nourishing ones heart and vitality, and strengthening the spleen. Perhaps that is why it is also called babao (Eight Treasure) porridge.







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Laba rice porridge was first introduced to China in the Song Dynasty about 900 years ago.

Buddhism was well accepted in the areas inhabited by the Han Chinese, who believed that Sakyamuni the first Buddha and founder of the religion, attained enlightenment on the eighth day of the twelfth month. Sutras were chanted in the temples and rice porridge with beans, nuts and dried fruit was prepared for the Buddha. With the passing of time the custom extended, especially in rural areas where peasants would pray for a plentiful harvest in this way.

There is, however, another touching story: When Sakyamuni was on his way into the high mountains in his quest for understanding and enlightenment, he grew tired and hungry. Exhausted from days of walking, he fainted away by a river in India. A shepherdess found him there and fed him her lunch -- porridge made with beans and rice. Sakyamuni was thus able to continue his journey.




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The Warring States Chu chin hegemony, the poet Qu Yuan ranks right doctor, highly popular with the king of chu. Later, Qu Yuans idea Shangguan doctor Jin Shang led the conservative opposition, they constantly in front of chuhuaiwang vilify Qu Yuan chuhuaiwang alienated the Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan has lofty aspirations more distressed, he with difficulty suppressed anger depression, write the "Li Sao", "days" and other immortal poems.


No public 229 years ago, the state of Qin conquered the eight cities, and then sent envoys please go to the representative qin. Qu Yuan saw through the plot, risked his life to enter the palace of King Huai statements of interest, not only did not listen, but Qu Yuan will be expelled from the capital. The king of Chu scheduled to attend the meeting, to the state of Qin was imprisoned, King Huai mixed feelings of remorse and shame, depression disease, three years after the death of Yu Qinguo. King Xiang of Chu are ascended the throne soon, he also sent troops to attack Chu king Qingxiang, desperate to evacuate the capital, Qin Bing capture. Qu Yuan in exile, has heard the king of Chu die off and break the bad news, All thoughts are blasted., sigh a, invested rolling rapids of the river. Jiang on the fishermen and people on shore heard the doctor Qu Yuan drowned himself in a river, have come to the river to salvage the bodies of Qu Yuan, at the same time brought Tzu, eggs into the river. Some healers also hsiunghuang wine poured into the river, so that drug faint water dragon beast doctor so that the body of Qu Yuan from harm.


Since then, every year in early five Qu Yuan Jiang martyrs day to vote, Chu people rowing on the river, throwing dumplings to commemorate the



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laba rice porridge contains glutinous rice (糯米), red beans, millet, chinese sorghum, peas, dried lotus seeds, red beans and some other ingredients, such as dried dates, chestnut meat, walnut meat, almond, peanut, etc. actually eight ingredients(配料、成分) are used, cooked with sugar to make the porridge tasty.

northerners prefer to use glutinous rice, red beans, dates, lotus seeds, dried pulp(果肉), walnuts (胡桃), pine nuts and other dried fruits in their porridge; southerners like a salty porridge prepared with rice, soybeans(大豆), peanuts, broad beans, taro, water chestnuts, walnuts, vegetables and diced meat. in the north, it is a dessert with sugar added; in the south, salt is put in. some people like to add cinnamon and other condiments to add flavor.

controlling the heat is of great importance in making laba porridge. at the start, the flame must be high, but the fire is then turned down to let the porridge simmer until it begins to emit a very delicious smell. the process is time-consuming but not complicated.

laba porridge is not only easy to prepare, but also a nutritious winter food because it contains amino acids, protein, vitamins and other nutrition people need. cooked nuts and dried fruit are good for soothing nerves, nourishing one




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腊八这一天有吃腊八粥的习俗,腊八粥也叫七宝五味粥。我国喝腊八粥的历史,已有一千多年。最早开始于宋代。每逢腊八这一天,不论是朝廷、官府、寺院还是黎民百姓家都要做腊八粥。到了清朝,喝腊八粥的风俗更是盛行。在宫廷,皇帝、皇后、皇子等都要向文武大臣、侍从宫女赐腊八粥,并向各个寺院发放米、果等供僧侣食用。在民间,家家户户也要做腊八粥,祭祀祖先;同时,合家团聚在一起食用,馈赠亲朋好友。中国各地腊八粥的花样,争奇竞巧,品种繁多。其中以北平的最为讲究,搀在白米中的物品较多,如红枣、莲子、核桃、栗子、杏仁、松仁、桂圆、榛子、葡萄、白果、菱角、青丝、玫瑰、红豆、花生……总计不下二十种。人们在腊月初七的晚上,就开始忙碌起来,洗米、泡果、拨皮、去核、精拣然后在半夜时分开始煮,再用微火炖,一直炖到第二天的清晨,腊八粥才算熬好了。 更为讲究的人家,还要先将果子雕刻成人形、动物、花样,再放在锅中煮。比较有特色的就是在腊八粥中放上果狮。果狮是用几种果子做成的狮形物,用剔去枣核烤干的脆枣作为狮身,半个核桃仁作为狮头,桃仁作为狮脚,甜杏仁用来作狮子尾巴。然后用糖粘在一起,放在粥碗里,活像头小狮子。如果碗较大,可以摆上双狮或是四头小狮子。更讲究的,就是用枣泥、豆沙、山药、山楂糕等具备各种颜色的食物,捏成八仙人、老寿星、罗汉像。这种装饰的腊八粥,只有在以前的大寺庙的供桌上才可以见到。腊八粥熬好之后,要先敬神祭祖。之后要赠送亲友,一定要在中午之前送出去。最后才是全家人食用。吃剩的腊八粥,保存着吃了几天还有剩下来的,却是好兆头,取其年年有余的意义。如果把粥送给穷苦的人吃,那更是为自己积德。腊八粥在民间还有巫术的作用。假如院子里种着花卉和果树,也要在枝干上涂抹一些腊八粥,相信来年多结果实。腊八这一天,除了祭祖敬神外,还有悼念亡国、寄托哀思。


腊月初八,我国人民有吃腊八粥习俗。 据说腊八粥传自印度。佛教的创始者释迦牟尼本是古印度北部迦毗罗卫国(今尼泊尔境内)净饭王的儿子,他见众生受生老病死等痛苦折磨,又不满当时婆罗门的神权统治,舍弃王位,出家修道。初无收获,后经六年苦行,于腊月八日,在菩提树下悟道成佛。在这六年苦行中,每日仅食一麻一米。后人不忘他所受的苦难,于每年腊月初八吃粥以做纪念。“腊八”就成了“佛祖成道纪念日”。

“腊八”是佛教的盛大节日。解放以前各地佛寺作浴佛会,举行诵经,并效仿释迦牟尼成道前,牧女献乳糜的传说故事,用香谷、 果实等煮粥供佛,称“腊八粥”。并将腊八粥赠送给门徒及善男信女们,以后便在民间相沿成俗。据说有的寺院于腊月初八以前由僧人手持钵盂,沿街化缘,将收集来的米、栗、枣、果仁等材 料煮成腊八粥散发给穷人。传说吃了以后可以得到佛祖的保佑, 所以穷人把它叫做“佛粥”。南宋陆游诗云:“今朝佛粥更相馈, 反觉江村节物新。”据说杭州名刹天宁寺内有储藏剩饭的“栈饭楼”平时寺僧每日把剩饭晒干,积一年的余粮,到腊月初八煮成腊八粥分赠信徒,称为“福寿粥”“福德粥”意思是说吃了以后可以增福增寿。可见当时各寺僧爱惜粮食之美德。

腊八粥在古时是用红小豆、糯米煮成,后来材料逐渐增多。南宋人周密著《武林旧事》说:“用胡桃、松子、乳蕈、柿蕈、柿栗 之类做粥,谓之‘腊八粥’”。至今我国江南、东北、西北广大 地区人民仍保留着吃腊八粥的习俗,广东地区已不多见。所用材料各有不同,多用糯米、红豆、枣子、栗子、花生、白果、莲子 、百合等煮成甜粥。也有加入桂圆、龙眼肉、蜜饯等同煮的。冬季吃一碗热气腾腾的腊八粥,既可口有营养,确实能增福增寿。



相传,在古印度 北部,即今天的尼泊尔南部,迦毗罗卫国有个净饭王,他有个儿子叫乔答摩·悉达多,年轻时就痛感人世生、老、病、死的各种苦恼,发觉社会生活徒劳无益,并对婆罗门教的神权极为不满,于是,在他29岁那年,合弃王族的豪华生活,出家修道,学练瑜珈,苦行6年,大约在公元前525年,一天,他在佛陀伽耶一株菩提树下,彻悟成道,并创立了佛教。史传,这一天正是中国的农历十二月初八日,由于他是释迦族人,后来佛教徒们尊称他是释迦牟尼,也即是释迦族圣人的意思。佛教传入我国后,各地兴建寺院,煮粥敬佛的活动也随之盛行起来,尤其是到了腊月初八,祭祀释迦牟尼修行成道之日,各寺院都要举行诵经,并效仿牧女在佛成道前献一种“乳糜”之物的传说程式,煮粥敬佛。这便是腊八粥的来历。

宋朝 吴自牧撰《梦梁录》卷六载:“八日,寺院谓之‘腊八’。大刹寺等俱设五味粥,名曰‘腊八粥’。”此时,腊八煮粥已成民间食俗,不过,当时帝王还以此来笼络众臣。元人孙国敕作《燕都游览志》云:“十二月八日,赐百官粥,以米果杂成之。品多者为胜,此盖循宋时故事。”《永乐大典》记述“是月八日,禅家谓之腊八日,煮经糟粥以供佛饭僧”。到了清代,雍正三年(公元1725年)世宗将北京安定门内国子监以东的府邸改为雍和宫,每逢腊八日,在宫内万福阁等处,用锅煮腊八粥并请来喇嘛僧人诵经,然后将粥分给各王宫大臣,品尝食用以度节日。《光绪顺天府志》又云:“每岁腊月八日,雍和官熬粥,定制,派大臣监视,盖供上膳焉。”腊八粥又叫“七宝粥”,“五味粥”。最早的腊八粥是红小豆来煮,后经演变,加之地方特色,逐渐丰富多彩起来。南宋文人周密撰《武林旧事》说:“用胡桃、松子、乳覃、柿、栗之类作粥,谓之腊八粥。”清人富察敦崇在《燕京岁时记》里则称“腊八粥者,用黄米、白米、江米、小米、菱角米、栗子、去皮枣泥等,和水煮熟,外用染红桃仁、杏仁、瓜子、花生、榛穰、松子及白糖、红糖、琐琐葡萄以作点染”,颇有京城特色。

天津人 煮腊八粥,同北京近似,讲究些的还要加莲子、百合、珍珠米、意仁米、大麦仁、粘秫米、粘黄米、云豆、绿豆、桂圆肉、龙眼肉、白果、红枣及糖水桂花等,色、香、味俱佳。近年还有加入黑米的。这种腊八粥可供食疗,有健脾、开胃、补气、安神、清心、养血等功效。

山西 的腊八粥,别称八宝粥,以小米为主,附加以豇豆、小豆、绿豆、小枣,还有粘黄米、大米、江米等煮之。晋东南地区,腊月初五即用小豆、红豆、豇豆、红薯、花生、江米、柿饼,合水煮粥,又叫甜饭,亦是食俗之一。

陕北高原 在腊八之日,熬粥除了用多种米、豆之外,还得加入各种干果、豆腐和肉混合煮成。通常是早晨就煮,或甜或咸,依人口味自选酌定。倘是午间吃,还要在粥内煮上些面条,全家人团聚共餐。吃完以后,还要将粥抹在门上、灶台上及门外树上,以驱邪避灾,迎接来年的农业大丰收。民间相传,腊八这天忌吃菜,说吃了莱庄稼地里杂草多。陕南人腊八要吃杂合粥,分“五味”和“八味”两种。前者用大米、糯米、花生、白果、豆子煮成。后者用上述五种原料外加大肉丁、豆腐、萝卜,另外还要加调味品。腊八这天人们除了吃腊八粥,还得用粥供奉祖先和粮仓。

甘肃人 传统煮腊八粥用五谷、蔬菜,煮熟后除家人吃,还分送给邻里,还要用来喂家畜。在兰州、白银城市地区,腊八粥煮得很讲究,用大米、豆、红枣、白果、莲子、葡萄干、杏干、瓜干、核桃仁、青红丝、白糖、肉丁等煮成。煮熟后先用来敬门神、灶神、土神、财神,祈求来年风调雨顺,五谷丰登;再分给亲邻,最后一家人享用。甘肃武威地区讲究过“素腊八”,吃大米稠饭、扁豆饭或是稠饭,煮熟后配炸散子、麻花同吃,民俗叫它“扁豆粥泡散”。

宁夏人 做腊八饭一般用扁豆、黄豆、红豆、蚕豆、黑豆、大米、土豆煮粥,再加上用麦面或荞麦面切成菱形柳叶片的“麦穗子”,或者是做成小圆蛋的“雀儿头”,出锅之前再入葱花油。这天全家人只吃腊八饭,不吃菜。

青海 的西宁人,虽是汉族人居多,可是腊八不吃粥,而是吃麦仁饭。将新碾的麦仁,与牛羊肉同煮,加上青盐、姜皮、花椒、草果、苗香等佐料,经一夜文火煮熬,肉、麦交融成乳糜状,清晨揭锅,异香扑鼻,食之可口。

在山东 “孔府食制”中,规定“腊八粥”分两种,一种是用意米仁、桂圆、莲子、百合、栗子、红枣、粳米等熬成的,盛入碗里还要加些“粥果”,主要是雕刻成各种形状的水果,是为点缀。这种粥专供孔府主人及十二府主人食用。另一种是用大米、肉片、白菜、豆腐等煮成的,是给孔府里当差们喝的。

河南人 吃腊八饭,是小米、绿豆、豇豆、麦仁、花生、红枣、玉米特等八种原料配合煮成,熟后加些红糖、核桃仁,粥稠味香,喻意来年五谷丰登。

江苏地区 吃腊八粥分甜咸两种,煮法一样。只是咸粥是加青菜和油。苏州人煮腊八粥要放入茨菇、荸荠、胡桃仁、松子仁、芡实、红枣、栗子、木耳、青菜、金针菇等。清代苏州文人李福曾有诗云:“腊月八日粥,传自梵王国,七宝美调和,五味香掺入。”

浙江人 煮腊八粥一般都用胡桃仁、松子仁、芡实、莲子、红枣、桂圆肉、荔枝肉等,香甜味美,食之祈求长命百岁。据说,这种煮粥方法是从南京流传过来的,其中内含若干传说。













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疫。这项活动于古代的傩(古代驱鬼避疫的仪式)。史前时代的医疗方法之一即驱鬼治疾。作为巫术活动的腊月击鼓驱疫之俗,今在湖南新化等地区仍有留存。 据说,佛教创始人释迦牟尼的成道之日也在十二月初八,因此腊八也是佛教徒的节日,又称“佛成道节”。 腊八节,民间大都流行喝腊八粥。关于喝腊八粥的由来,民间还流传着许多故事。 一说,腊八粥传自印度。佛教的创始者释迦牟尼本是古印度北部迦毗罗卫国(今尼泊尔境内)净饭王的儿子,他见众生受生老病死等痛苦折磨,又不满当时婆罗门的神权统治,舍弃王位,出家修道。初无收获,后经六年苦行,于腊月八日,在菩提树下悟道成佛。在这六年苦行中,每日仅食一麻一米。后人不忘他所受的苦难,于每年腊月初八吃粥以做纪念。“腊八”就成了“佛祖成道纪念日”。“腊八”是佛教的盛大节日。解放以前各地佛寺作浴佛会,举行诵经,并效仿释迦牟尼成道前,牧女献乳糜的传说故事,用香谷、 果实等煮粥供佛,称“腊八粥”。并将腊八粥赠送给门徒及善男信女们,以后便在民间相沿成俗。据说有的寺院于腊月初八以前由僧人手持钵盂,沿街化缘,将收集来的米、栗、枣、果仁等材 料煮成腊八粥散发给穷人。传说吃了以后可以得到佛祖的保佑, 所以穷人把它叫做“佛粥”。南宋陆游诗云:“今朝佛粥更相馈, 反觉江村节物新。”据说杭州名刹天宁寺内有储藏剩饭的“栈饭楼”平时寺僧每日把剩饭晒干,积一年的余粮,到腊月初八煮成腊八粥分赠信徒,称为“福寿粥”“福寿粥”意思是说吃了以后可以增福增寿。可见当时各寺僧爱惜粮食之美德。 一说,腊八节来自“赤豆打鬼”的风俗。传说上古五帝之一的颛顼氏,三个儿子死后变成恶鬼,专门出来惊吓孩子。古代人们普遍相信迷信,害怕鬼神,认为大人小孩中风得病、身体不好都是腊八节

由于疫鬼作祟。这些恶鬼天不怕地不怕,单怕赤(红)豆,故有“赤豆打鬼”的说法。所以,在腊月初八这一天以红小豆、赤小豆熬粥,以祛疫迎祥。 一说,秦始皇修建长城,天下民工奉命而来,长年不能回家,吃粮靠家里人送。有些民工,家隔千山万水,粮食送不到,致使不少民工饿死于长城工地。有一年腊月初八,无粮吃的民工们合伙积了几把五谷杂粮,放在锅里熬成稀粥,每人喝了一碗,最后还是饿死在长城下。为了悼念饿死在长城工地的民工,人们每年腊月初八吃“腊八粥”,以资纪念。 一说,西晋时有个极懒的,平素游手好闲,坐吃山空,他的新婚娘子屡劝无效,然而到了年末的十二月初八,家里断炊了,那小伙子饥肠难熬,遍搜米缸、面袋和家里的坛坛罐罐,将剩粒遗粉连同可食的残碎物,过洗入锅,煮了一碗糊状粥喝下,从此,苦思悔恨,狠下决心痛改前非。当地人们便借此教育子女,每逢腊八都煮粥喝,既表示腊祭日不忘祖先勤俭之美德,又盼神灵带来丰衣足食的好年景。 一说,腊八节出于人们对忠臣岳飞的怀念。当年,岳飞率部抗金于朱仙镇,正腊八粥

值数九严冬,岳家军衣食不济、挨饿受冻,众百姓相继送粥,岳家军饱餐了一顿百姓送的“千家粥”,结果大胜而归。这天正是十二月初八。岳飞死后,人民为了纪念他,每到腊月初八,便以杂粮豆果煮粥,终于成俗。 还有一说,腊八节起源于元末明初,据说当年朱元璋落难在牢监里受苦时,当时正值寒天,又冷又饿的朱元璋竟然从监牢的老鼠洞刨找出一些红豆、大米、红枣等七八种五谷杂粮。朱元璋便把这些东西熬成了粥,因那天正是腊月初八,朱元璋便美名其曰这锅杂粮粥为腊八粥。美美的享受了一顿。后来朱元璋平定天下,坐北朝南做了皇帝,为了纪念在监牢中那个特殊的日子,他于是把这一天定为腊八节,把自己那天吃的杂粮粥正式命名为腊八粥。 另有一说是教育后辈要勤俭持家[1],早先有户农家,就老俩口守着一个儿子。老头是个勤快人,整天泡在地里,早出晚归,精耕细作,调理的几亩农田年年五谷丰登。老婆是个勤俭人,院子里修整的瓜棚遮天,园菜铺地,一日三餐,精打细算,家境虽不富裕,但一年四季吃穿不愁。老俩口不但勤劳节俭,还心地善良,碰上谁家揭不开锅,常常拿些米粮接济人家,度过难关。 光阴似箭,日月如梭。转眼间,他们的儿子已经十七八了。虽说大小伙子长的五大三粗,身强力壮,可是跟他爹娘不一样,懒得出奇。这也是从小饭来张口衣来伸手娇惯坏了。长大了还是胡吃闷睡,游游逛逛,什么活也不干。 一天,老汉摸摸花白胡子,感到自己老了,对儿子说:“爹娘只能养你小,不能养你老。要吃饭,得流汗。你往后学学种庄稼过日子吧。”儿子哼哼两声,这耳朵进,那耳朵出,照旧溜溜达达胡吃闷睡。 不久,老俩口给儿子娶了媳妇。原想儿子成了家,小俩口该合计怎么干活过日子了。哪知这个媳妇跟儿子一样,也是好吃懒做,横草不拿,日头不落睡,日出三竿起,不动针线,不进灶灶房,倒了油瓶也不扶。 一天,老汉梳着满头白发,自知土已埋到了脖子,就把满心的话说给媳妇:“勤是摇钱树,俭是聚宝盆。要想日子过得好,勤俭是个宝。”儿媳妇把这话当成耳边风,一句也不往心里放。 过了几年,老俩口身患重病,卧床不起,把小俩口叫到床前,嘱咐再三:“要想日子过的富,鸡叫三遍离床铺。男当勤耕作,女应多织布...”话没说完,老俩口一起去世了。 小俩口托乡亲埋葬了两位老人,看看囤里粮缸米、柜里棉花箱里衣。男人说:“有吃有喝不用愁,何必下地晒日头。”女人说:“夏有单衣冬有棉,何必纺织到日偏。”小俩口一唱一和,早把两位老人的遗嘱忘到脑后了。 一年又一年过去了,几亩田地成了荒草园。家里柴米油盐、衣被鞋袜,一天少似一天。小俩口还不着急。只要有口吃的,就懒的动手。又是花开花落,秋去冬来。地里颗粒无腊八粥材料展示

收,家里吃穿已尽。小俩口断顿了,邻居们看在去世的老人面上,东家给块馍,西家端碗汤。小俩口还在想:“讨饭也能度时光。” 进了腊月,天越来越冷。到了初八这天,天寒地冻,滴水成冰。俗话说:“腊七腊八,冻死‘叫花’。”小俩口屋里没火,身上衣单,肚里没食,蜷缩在凉炕席上“筛糠”。可四只眼睛还满屋搜寻着。突然发现炕缝里有几粒米豆子,就用手一粒粒扣出来;又发现地缝里还有米粒,也都挖出来。这可是救命稻草啊,他俩东捡西凑的弄了一把,放进锅里。把炕上的铺草塞进灶膛,就这样熬了一锅杂七烩八的粥。有小米、玉米、黄豆、小豆、高粱、干菜叶...凡能充饥的都放了进去。煮熟后一人一碗,悲悲切切地吃起来了。这时两人想起二位老人的教诲,后悔没有早听进去,现在已经晚了。 正在小俩口悲切之时,一阵大风刮来,由于这房子年久失修,早已破烂不堪,被风一吹,“呼啦”一声,房倒屋塌,小俩口被压在底下。等邻居赶来挖出来时,都已经死了,身边还放着半碗杂豆粥。从此以后,乡亲们每到腊月初八这天,家家熬一锅杂米粥让孩子们吃,并给孩子讲这杂米粥的故事,来教育他们。就这样,一传十,十传百,越传越远;父传子,子传孙,代代相传。一直传到现代。形成了腊月初八吃“杂米粥”的习俗。因这粥是腊月初八吃,所以就叫“腊八粥”。



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It is said that there was a goodness man went broke his domain. He lived a hard life and he has three daughters. The three daughters were being married but he didnt have money to buy dower for his daughters. On the happy Chrismas Eve three girls went to bed early. They didnt know that their father was so worried. At last the Chrismas father decided to help them . He besprinkled gold through the stack and the gold fell into the socks of the mans daughters. They lived a happy life from then on... Chrismas socks was origined by this.
