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In my bookcase, there are many books that I treasure, one of which I like very much, that is "the wisdom of children". Speaking of this wisdom child, it has been with me for many years.

I remember when I was in grade two, one afternoon, I was alone at home doing my homework. Suddenly, the door opened, and I ran out to see that it was Mom coming back. Mom looked at me and asked, "have you finished your homework yet?"" "Grace."." I said, staring at the white bag that my mother was carrying, "Hey! Its like the bag of Xinhua bookstore" "Well, this is a new book. Its just been published. Lets see." When mom finished, she put the book on the table and went to lunch. I rushed to the table with a sudden thunderbolt, lifted the bag, ran into the room, and got a book out of the bag. Wow, what a beautiful book! The blue cover painted with seven lovely little girl, the little girl in the middle, around like four of the art word "wisdom of children".

In "child" there are three red print: Chinese and foreign articles. I cant wait to open the book and turn it into the catalog. Wow! A lot of stories. A "Sima Guang" "Cao Chong" hit the tank known as the "hidden in the book" kidnapping "Napoleon" win "Qiao buy" ah "and" wow "...... What surprised me most was the kidnapping in the book. Why was the kidnapping hidden in books? With this series of questions, I found the story and looked at it seriously. Oh, I see, this is the story of little Robin loves reading, he went to the library to borrow a book called "across the Atlantic" of the book, the book several words have been dug out, he wrote these words to the administrator, came home and put them together to make a sentence: if you want to keep your childs life, for $one hundred thousand. Dont call the police and contact again. As soon as Robin looked, he quickly went to the police station and reported to the police. After the efforts of the police, he finally cracked the kidnapping case. It is so wonderful, I feel more and more ecstatic, not half, a book I was eating out.

I carefully treasure it up, every day from time to time to take out a look, double, lest it is dirty, where wrinkled, treat it as a rare treasure look like, love it, baby! Now, when I opened the "wisdom of children", read Chinese and foreign children the essence of wisdom, watching with my age children good and evil deeds, his heart will gush a excited, a feeling: yes! It is this book that taught me how to behave and how to overcome difficulties with my own wisdom.

在我的书柜里,收藏着许多我珍爱的书籍,其中有一本书令我无比喜欢,那就是《智慧儿童》。 说起这本《智慧儿童》,它已经伴随我多年了。

记得我二年级的时候,有一天中午,我独自一人在家里写作业。突然,门“咔”的一声打开了,我跑出去一看,原来是妈妈回来了。妈妈瞧了瞧我,问:“敏敏,作业写完了吗?”“恩。”我说着,眼睛直盯着妈妈拎着的白袋子看,“咦!这好像是新华书店的袋子耶?”“恩,这是一本新书,刚出版的,拿去看吧。”妈妈说完,便把书放在桌子上,身去做午饭了。 我以迅雷不及掩耳之势,冲到桌前,提起袋子,跑进房间,从袋子里拿出书。哇多漂亮的书啊!湛蓝的封面上画着七个可爱的小女孩,在小女孩的中间,众星拱月般地围着四的艺术字“智慧儿童”。


我小心翼翼地把它珍藏起来,每天时不时地把它拿出来看一看,翻一翻,生怕它哪儿脏了,哪儿皱了,把它当稀世珍宝一样看待,对它爱不释手,宝贝地不得了! 现在,当我再翻开《智慧儿童》,翻阅着中外儿童的智慧精华,看着跟我同龄的孩子们惩恶扬善的事迹时,心中就会涌出一种激动,一种感慨:是啊!正是这本书,教会了我怎样做人,怎样用自己的智慧去战胜困难。



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Sport is the way to make people happy, can let a person have a lot of energy, spirit, full marks! Sport is not only a good friend of mine, it is my saviour, because of it, I can grow very healthy, very lively, very active!

Still there are many kinds of, have to play basketball, badminton, table tennis,,,,, etc., are sports that are good for the health of body and mind, among them, my favorite sport is: swimming, swimming can not only cure asthma, also can reduce weight, its every two. Swimming has a lot of ways, such as: freestyle, breaststroke, Yang type, such as jellyfish drift,,,,,, is very interesting! However, swimming is also to pay attention to, such as dont to do warm-up exercise, the first into the water, or you cant avoid cramps; Make sure the depth of the water when the water is not deep, shallow not shallow, the depth of the water is not good, because when you dive, likely water is too deep, cause drowning; When the water is too shallow diving injuries, prone to danger; And dont in wet ground to chase. We will be happy to play, to go home in peace.

Swimming is a good sport, even the usually dont have the spirit of younger brother to go swimming after come back, the spirit. Visible swimming really great! We can also try to look at a lot!


运 动有很多种,有打篮球、羽毛球、桌球、、、等,都是有益身心健康的运动,其中,我最喜爱的运动是:”游泳”,游泳不但可以治好气喘,还可以减肥,真是一举 两得。游泳有很多方式,像是:自由式、蛙式、仰式、水母漂、、、等,都很有趣喔!但是,游泳也是要注意一下,像是不要没有做暖身操,就先下水,不然就不能 避免抽筋;下水时先确认水深不深,浅不浅,水深不好,因为你跳水时,有可能水太深,造成溺水;水太浅跳水时,就会受伤,容易发生危险;还有不要在湿滑的地 方追逐嬉戏。我们要快快乐乐的玩,平平安安的回家。




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My favorite cartoon characters are Tom and Jerry.

I like these cartoon characters because they are very funny. This cartoon is about a mouse-Jerry and a cat-Tom.

The mouse is very clever. but the cat is very clumsy. The cat’s owner wants it to catch the mouse but the mouse is very smart. The cat always can’t catch the mouse and the cat always break its owner’s things, like vase,table or other things. The cat’s owner was very angry. She always hits the cat.

I like it because the cat is funny! What about you?



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My home have a clever dog flow li, it has a beautiful name - the ball ball.

Ball ball body white as snow, two big eyes, nose and smooth detour, tail short, chopped far look like a small ball.

It particularly fond of sleep. One time, I take a shower, its in the sitting room east and west, then walk to a bedside table, really boring lives had a good stretch, belly up, carefree lying on the ground. Surface tilted his head to left, two small claw tightly embrace together, very intoxicated with close my eyes and fell asleep. When I take a shower, when he was looking for it to play, see it was fast asleep.

It is not only love to sleep, also very greedy. Remember once, we eat the delicious ribs, the ball ball saw this, he swallowed the mouth water, see it, I really dont have the heart to, had to throw a bone to the ground, the dog jumped up, quickly, he grabbed the bones, climbed to the bed, the Wolf to eat it, eat with relish.

This is my familys good sleep and greedy ball ball, do you like it?








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With the remarkable improvement of peoples living standard, people tend to buy more goods. As a result, a plenty of plastic bags are threw around and caused white pollution. Not only does it do harm to the environment, but also give people the impression that the city is dirty. As we all known, plastic bags are non-biodegradable material and it will stay in the soil for a long time. What’s worse, the poison released from the plastic bags is harmful.


Being current generation of young people, we should take measures to control the use of plastic bags .We can substitute them with cloth bags or reuse them. And the government can make rules to avoid using them. If we do our best, the use of plastic bags can be reduced, thus the white pollution can be controlled.




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In the animal world, I most like the cheetah.

The cheetahs really brave. Its flat and smooth, short ears. Two eyes like two, twinkle. There are two prominent muscle in on either side of the face, white, with small black spots, bead point of steel needle of a root beard. There is a a black spots. In addition to the belly is white, the remaining parts of the hair is golden. Its streamline, the whole body presents for sprinting. Its limbs is very rich, full of flexibility. Cheetahs paw is straight, can firmly in the ground, change the running direction. And it is the long tail, can have the effect of acceleration while on the run.

The running speed of cheetah is very surprising, speed is about 130 kilometers per hour, with fast on the highway running car.

But, its endurance is poor, high speed running is limited to a few seconds, so has been hailed as a sprint champion.

Cheetahs hunting is also very interesting. When it found that the deer would be around to look at the first, and see what the intruder. If not, it is with lightning speed to recover to the prey. Easily catch later, it will pull the prey to the grass, enjoy the meal. If the prey in a tree, it jump into the tree to catch the prey, big eat a meal.

The cheetah is really a lovable animals! But, now is trying to catch some criminals for their own interests cheetah, continue like this, will destroy the cheetah. Please act to protect it together.









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Spring is the first season of a year.There are there months in spring :Morch ,April and May ,The weather is warm and windy.It rains a lot.The trees turn green and all the flowers are coming ont.In spring,I can wear my shirts .I often plant trees and go hiking .So I like spring very much .Of course ,I like the Spring Festival ,too.





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All the year round, I likeAutumnbest. Because autumn is a harvest season, is a colorful season.

Standing at the edge of the field, look, there is harvest scenes. The sorghum red; Rice laugh bending the waist; All kinds of delicious fruit is ripe, waiting for farmer uncle to gather. The human face is permeated with the joy of harvest.

Autumn wind is gentle, blow on the face has a cool, comfortable and sweet feeling. Deliver it blow away the heat in the summer, cool autumn, blew the leaves on the trees, blowing open the beautiful flowers, ripe harvest of fruit.

The autumn rain is gentle, thin. It also has a box of colorful paint! Ginkgo biloba is it dyed yellow, maple leaf is it dyed red, the field is it dyed a golden color. Most it the most loved chrysanthemums, gave chrysanthemum color, with purple, yellow, white, golden, they are for the doo-yan!

Autumn sunshine is warm, quiet, brilliant. Stand in the sun, everything is so bright.

The autumn air is blue, the tall, I finally know what call "the fall".

Autumn is beautiful, I like autumn. Because autumn brings us a better and hope!










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White pollution persists

WEVE been hearing and talking about it for a fairly long time: curbing what has become known as “white" pollution. But still we are using the white polystyrene (PS) foam food containers and other disposable plastic products, which largely make up this form of littering.

Miandianwang, a well-known local fast-food chain, is still handing out takeout food in these PS foam containers, even though they should been phased out before December 31, 2000, under a Central Government decree. One of the waiters said in its outlet on Hongli Road on Monday that they are going to switch to environmentally friendly containers “some time in the future".

However, the Miandianwang outlet in Sams Club, which is affiliated with Wal-Mart, is offering take-out food in light brown containers which are biodegradable. Liang, a clerk with Sams Club, told Shenzhen Daily yesterday that the club required the Miandianwang outlet to do so in its contract.

According to Liang, all the departments in the club switched to biodegradable containers during the Spring Festival holiday.

Zhao Hua, with the energy division of the Shenzhen Municipal Economic Development Bureau, one of the five municipal government departments involved in the curbing of white pollution in the city, said on Monday that large companies and retailers like Wal-Mart and Vanguard have responded to the decree by switching to biodegradable containers. But she admitted that is just the tip of the iceberg in the seemingly endless war on white pollution in the city.

Zhaos bureau has met with four other relevant departments on several occasions. What they produced is not a feasible solution but an echo or rewording of the Central Government decree, according to Luo Wei from Shenzhen Municipal Legal Affairs Bureau, who is responsible for reviewing this “echo". The ”echo" has now been passed on to the municipal government which is expected to announce it formally in the near future. But Luo said shes not sure if this rewording can play a significant role in eliminating white pollution in the city. “We dont lack laws, regulations or decrees. The real concern is the effective enforcement of these laws or regulations," said Luo.

Zhao Hua admitted that cities like Shanghai and other coastal cities which are sensitive about their image as tourist destinations are doing a better job in this regard. “Shanghai is said to have produced a very detailed handbook on how to carry out the curbing work and Hainan has even banned disposable foam slippers in hotels," Zhao said.

Liu Guanqing, president of Shenzhen Xunbao Investment Development Co Ltd, a local manufacturer of biodegradable food containers was very eager to hear the municipal governments decision on the matter. “Since early this year, Ive seen orders fly in. Ill expand production once the government announces its stance on the issue."




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I like animals very much, such as horses,monkeys, cats, tigers and so on。 But I like dogs best。 Why? Because they are very cute and nice。

I have a white dog。 Its name is Bobo。 She is a female dog。She comes from Beijing,China。She wears white clothes and she has two big eyes and a small month。She often walks round and round at home。It has nothing to do。She likes eating ice—cream so much。So do I。When I eat ice—cream,she will look at the ice—cream carefully,So I will give her some to eat。

I think Bobo is the cutest dog in the world。



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Brother a small domesticated dog, because the dog is very strong, so the elder brother to the little dog named "meat".


I was very pretty, cute. It was a long black coat, that raised a small tail, always keep the to and fro, pair of crystal like eyes, always full of curiosity, constantly looking around.


One day, I went to my brothers house. One to the door, I stand at the door to greet me, I made a face to touch it, I immediately scared away. At night, my brother and I play games on the bed, I walked over, put his head on the edge of the bed, my brother will help it massage, also comb his hair. The meat is the human nature, rocking the small tail, as if to say: "thank you, master, for the master.".


Because meat meat, I like his brother play.



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Some people like the hot sun hot summer, some people like the fruitful autumn, some people like snow in the winter, but I like the flowers of spring.

Connect stepping light footsteps coming towards nature, she is like a magician, with a magic wand, waving everywhere. With a wave of his hand, her on the grass, the grass from the earth drill out; She told jasmine, jasmine tree was full of flowers; She of wild flowers, colorful wildflowers smiled from the grass. Voice like a painting teacher, add on to trees and flowers are colourful color, she gave the red on the draw, azaleas, edition makes them look gorgeous; She gave the grass on the draw, willow green, let them become more vibrant. A breeze blowing, the trees and flowers are blowing in the wind, they laughed cheerfully. The earth is full of vitality.

Connect stepping light footsteps came to a small river, awaken the frozen river and swam in the bottom of the fish out of water, breathing the fresh air; Hibernate frog also woke up, singing cheerful tune; The swallow flew back from the south, enjoying the beautiful scenery here.

Connect with the cheerful step came to our side, she help us to take off the thick sweater, put on the light. People are out of the house, some play in the park, some in the suburbs for an outing, and fly a kite on the grass. People grin.

"Spring" spring is a good time, we dont miss her. I like spring.

有人喜欢烈日炎炎的夏天,有人喜欢果实累累 的秋天,有人喜欢雪花纷飞的冬天,但我最喜欢鸟语花香的春天


春姑娘踏着轻快的脚步来到了小河边,唤醒了冻结的小河,潜游在水底 的鱼儿露出了水面,呼吸着新鲜的空气;冬眠的青蛙也苏醒了,唱着欢快的曲子;燕子从南方飞回来了,欣赏着这里的美景。





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My favorite animal is the dog, they not only cute, and very clever, very gentle. Very attractive. My little dog - "full". It is a squirrel dogs, brown body like a cha oil, neck hair round bloom, like a flower. Watery eyes like two glass beads. A thin tail kept shaking, really liked.

"With more than" a see me, have to jump down immediately. I walked over to it, it came to rush, have a smell of my body, its tail happily swaying, I use said touched its little head, it begin to add me by the hand, feel warm. Sometimes when I was eating, it also want to eat, but I didnt give it, it will make some strange sound to attract my attention.

It every time after the shower, I take a towel to embrace it, it seems to be a baby, lay quietly in my hands.






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The spring breeze blows away the winter cold and silent, spring brings the beautiful and lively, it will rain here. The spring rain, rustling, the flowers, the grass, the fish strips, flowers and trees under awake, awake animals down under, the children come out to play.


Look, there are children in catch grasshoppers. A grasshopper jumped in. There is a boy saw a large grasshopper, slowly close, a catch, the grasshopper caught.


Look, that is a group of birds birds on wire poles, on the staff, and joined in the chorus, as in sing a song of praise songs of spring, as if nature is smiling to listen.


Look, there is a large flowers, there are orchids, rose, jasmine, peach, pear, apricot and...... They be riotous with colour, very beautiful in the sun. In the world is not how many flowers, to make the world look so beautiful.


I love you, spring.



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my pet is a toy bear. his name is small white. he is white. he has blue eyes and blue ears. his hands and feet are blue too.he is naughty.

he likes to make fun of me. he likes reading.

when i am unhappy, he accompanies me.

he is my good friend.



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Who is your favourite person? I like Zhang Yining best. She is a famous ping-pong player. Now I will tell you something about her.

Zhang Yining was born on October 5, 1982 in Beijing. When she was 6, she began to play ping-pong. In 1991, she joined the provincial table-tennis team. In 1993, she entered the national team. She always worked hard, and she never gave up. So at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, she won the gold medal of Womens Singles. It was the hundredth gold medal that China got at the Olympic Games. Before this, she and Wang Nan won a gold medal together. She was the third player who obtained two gold medals at the same Olympics in ping-pong. Before her, only Deng Yaping and Wang Nan could do that.

So I think she is very great. We are all proud of her. We should learn from her. Dont you think so?



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My father likes to tell me a story before I sleep,so I like to read story book.My parents buy me a lot of books,I read them everyday,I always finish reading a book in a week.I like adventure story very much,I imagine I am the guy who is so great.Books gives me happiness,I like reading.


I like reading very much. When I was a small girl,I was interested in reading picture books on science and history. At the age of seven,I entered a primary school and began to read more books.

Now I am a middle school student. I have many subjects to learn. Every day I must finish a lot of homework. I am very busy. But when I have spare time I still want to read some story books. One day my young sister brought me a book XI YOU JI.I read the book with great interest.much.

I like Monkey King very much.




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I like reading,so I love many different kinds of books very much,because they not only broaden my horizons(视野)but also give me inspiration(灵感).

Up to now I have read a lot of books, for example,magazines,novels and storybooks and so on.But one of the books that I like best is My Life Story.It was created(创作)by an American writer—Helen Keller(海伦·凯勒)in 1902.She was a blind(盲的),deaf(聋的)and dumb(哑的)person.In the book,she wrote that she had not been able to see,hear or speak since the age of one year and seven months.This unusual thing made her very sad.When she was seven years old,she knew Miss Sullivan(沙利文),her good teacher.Helen was getting happier every day.Then,Miss Sullivan helped her learn how to write English words.At first,Miss Sullivan wrote some words on Helens hands with her own fingers again and again.Helen was a very diligent girl.Because of this,she tried as much as possible to remember words.After that,she wrote and published(出版)many famous works.My Life Story is one of them.

My Life Story described her hard struggle to become an outstanding(著名的)writer and educationist(教育家)of the world.

It shows us a universal(普遍的)truth:“Nothing is difficult if you put your heart intoit!”This is why I like it best.What about you?




