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Every child is surrounded by the deep mother love. However, we often turn a

blind eye to the love. One day I deeply felt the love.

One day I hurried home for lunch after school, because there would be an exam

in the afternoon and I had expected to go back to school early to prepare for

the exam. But when I got home, the lunch was not ready yet. I felt unhappy. When

the dishes were served, I forund none I like. I ran out of my house angrily and

wanderde on the street for a while,hungry. Then I walked to school.

When I got into the classroom, I saw a lunch box on my desk. One classmate

told me that it was my mother ther that had brought it here.After opening the

box, I found my favorite food inside. My eyes was moist with tears.

Mother gave me her love without asking for return, How deep mother love




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My dog

I have a lovely lttle dog named Dion.He looks pretty with short legs,big ears and short tail.He is my good friend and he is also easy to take care of.I walk him at least twice a day,feed him and spend time with him.He also gives his love to me in return.He is always there to lick me and lie on me.I like playing with him.I think he can tell when I am happy,sad,angry or toubled.Sometimes he can be noisy and run around the room.

In a word,he is not only my dog,but also my friend.



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dear dick,

i am very glad to hear from you. you asked me about the change of school education in china. we are really happy about the changes called on to reduce learning load. before i had to study six days a week and i always went to bed after 11:30. i seldom had free time to do what i like. but now i have more spare time. i can read many interesting books, watch tv or even do some sports. and i never feel tired in the class as before, because i go bed at 10:00. all of my classmates are happy about this new arrangement of things.



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Now we are facing two problems of global warming and a shortage of natural

resources, both of which are getting more and more serious day by day. Thus, it

is important for us to promote a low-carbon lifestyle.

Low-carbon lifestyle covers many aspect of our life like transportation,

traveling, home-heating, and so on. In order to promote a low-carbon life, some

plans must be carried out as follows. Firstly, don’t waste any electricity and

water. Remember to turn off the lights and water taps unless we use them.

Secondly, we had better take the subways or bus to work, so as to reduce the

emissions of carbon dioxide. Thirdly, we should use cloth bags for shopping

instead of plastic bags, and use recyclable bowls and chopsticks instead of

disposable ones, for it can not only save resources, but also reduce pollution.

What’s more, it is of great significance to plant more trees, since trees can

balance the carbon dioxide emissions.

In a word, if we live a low-carbon life from now on, we will have a better

environment and more resources left for our descendants.



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I have a dog.His name is Bob.He is two years old.He is yellow and very fat.He has two big eyes.And he wears a black coat.I always play with him. My mother and my sister look after him every day. When I come back ,he often walk around me.He is very cute and friendly.I love him very much. Do you like him?

翻译: 我有一个。他的名字叫鲍勃。他两岁了。他是黄色的并且非常胖。他有两个大眼睛。他穿着一件黑色的衣服。我经常跟他玩。我妈妈和姐姐每天都照顾的他很好。当我回到家的时候,他经常围着我转。他非常可爱也很友好。我很喜欢他。你喜欢他吗?



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随着中国经济的发展,环境问题也越来越突出。保护环境,成了我们重要的职责。如果我们再让状况如此下去的话,留给我们后代的恐怕就不是一个健康的地球了。这给我们敲响了一个警钟,那就是要尽快实施环境保护的一些措施。最近,很多问题越来越明显的出此刻公众的眼中。食品安全问题、酸雨问题、水资源缺乏问题、气候问题,all of all,归根结底都是环境的问题。社会的发展就应成为环境保护的基石,我们就应用不断产生的新技术来保护环境。同时,环境的保护就应成为社会发展的一个重要的部分。综上所述,我认为环境的保护就应从两个方面来实施。On the one hand, 相应的法律就应被制定by政府。On the other hand, 环保意识就应在公众中间进行广泛的宣传。我相信如果我们始终把环保问题放在发展的第一位,我们的社会将更快更健康的发展。

As the developing of Chinese economy, the problem of protecting environment is being more and more important。 It is a crucial responsibility for us。 If we let this situation go as it is, it would be almost not a health earth for our offspring。 It sounds an alarm to us that we should execute the steps of protecting environment quickly。 Recently, a large number of problems appeared obviously, the security of food, the acid rain, the lack of water, the worse weather, all of all, it is the problem of environment in the final analysis。 The development of society should be the basic of protecting environment, we ought to protect environment by newer technology。 Meanwhile, the protecting environment should play an important role in the development of society。 Accordingly, I argue that we should protect environment in two aspects。 On the one hand, the related laws should be established by government。 On the other hand, the consciousness of protecting environment ought to be publicized in public。 I have an unshakable believe that if we put the problem of protecting environment be the first place, our society would have been developing fast and healthily。



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Everybody dont like lonely, I like you dont like it, so I keep a cute little hamster.

Start small hamster "salsa" came to my house, it is only six months old, small, like a dumpling, narrowing her eyes, salsa is mom colleague sent it, because theres no place to keep mother colleagues home, so he gave us.

Called sasha because its claws friction on the ground will be a "rustling" sound, so they call it the salsa, and sasha would run, I put it in a transparent, breathable in the ball, it immediately run don, once ran to my room once ran to the kitchen, it seems to be the suspected "house arrest" freedom was very glad.

Sasha likes to eat bread, I have a bread or something like that it will run to come over, eat, and eat choke on the water, eat is also very cute.

This is my pet.








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Dear David,

I am afraid that you will think me unpardonably negligent in not having

answered your letter dated 7, December sooner, but when I have told you the

reason, I trust you will be convinced that the neglect was excusable. When your

letter arrived, I was just in Hong Kong. As my family could not forward it to me

during my absence, it has been, therefore, lying on my desk until the moment

when I took it up. Now the first thing I have to hasten to do is to write to you

these few lines to express my deep regret.

I enjoyed many pleasant sights during my trip. I shall be pleased to give

you an account to of them when I see you next.

Sincerely yours,




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I had a puppy, with a black hair, as if she had wiped the oil. Small and exquisite faces with a pair of emerald-like eyes, triangular ears usually low, and sometimes also turn it! Tail long, always upturned into a circle. This is my dog.

Some people say that my dog is a silly dog, in fact, a stranger, it is barking a non-stop, like a warning to the owner.

The most lovely to eat it. It lips the soup with his tongue to the mouth to send; eat hard things, it first with the forepaw hold, and then eating teeth, and sometimes eating down, anxious barking. I took a piece of pig bone to feed it, it was resting, saw, and then came to me to run, bones, quickly ran to the corner, with relish Eat up.

My dog is really cute.



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我家有只小宠物。它是去年姑姑送给我的生日礼物,我非常喜欢它。 小狗长得胖乎乎的,一身黑白相间的皮毛,好像披着一块黑白相间的花纹毛衣。毛茸茸的耳朵高高的翘着,又长又大,走起路来一甩一甩的。绿莹莹的眼睛里镶嵌着两颗像宝石一样的眼珠。一对三角形的鼻子又红有小,它的嗅觉可灵敏了。一只大大的嘴巴长在鼻子下方,我可喜欢它了。

因为它身上黑色的毛居多,所以我给它起名为“小黑”。 “小黑”很贪吃。有一次妈妈买了一些肉,准备烧汤。一回到家,“小黑”好像闻到了气味,在妈妈脚下蹭来蹭去,不时还“汪汪汪汪”地叫喊着。好像在说:“主人,主人,给我一些骨头吃吧,好吗?”妈妈看它可怜巴巴的样子,就挑了一些小肉和骨头扔给它。“小黑”猛地扑向肉和骨头,津津有味地吃着。 “小黑”很贪玩。有一次奶奶到我家来玩。它见奶奶进了我的房间,欢快的叫着,一边叫一边围着我一圈一圈的跑,好像在说:“小主人,小主人,你奶奶来了,你奶奶来了!”奶奶回到客厅,拿出了毛线,想给我织一条围巾。奶奶拿起毛线球,就开始织了,刚织了一会,妈妈又叫奶奶一起去买菜,奶奶就把毛线球放在了沙发上,就跟妈妈买菜去了。“小黑”看见了沙发上的毛线球,觉得好奇,就想去瞧瞧。它刚到沙发,不料毛线球滚了下来,朝它这边滚来,“小黑”见状不停的往后退,边退边叫着,它好像在说:“这是什么怪物啊!”

过了一会儿,毛线球不动了,“小黑”就慢慢地向前移动,然后用爪子碰碰毛线球,觉得没有危险,便开始玩起来了。它抱着毛线球跑来跑去,当它回到房间时,发现自己的脚被毛线球缠住了,就“汪汪”地叫了起来,好像是在向我求救,我只好放下作业给它解开了。它欢喜地用舌头舔我的手。 “小黑”虽然贪吃,贪玩,可它却非常可爱,给我的生活带来了快乐。我爱我的小宠物狗——“小黑”。



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Science and technology have been bringing human beings tremendous benefits.

Thanks to science and technology, we now live comfortably and conveniently in

houses furnished with air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines and

televisions etc. Thanks to science and technology, we can eat fresh vegetables

at the year round. Thanks to science and technology, we can travel long

distances in the fraction of a second on planes, trains and cars. Thanks to

science and technology, we wear clothes with synthetic materials which can not

easily be worn out.

However, science and technology have atso brought us a lot of disasters.

First, because of the many breakthroughs in the field of medicine, people are

now living much longer than they used to. As a result, the population of the

world is increasing, causing lots of problems. Second, because of the

development of industry, lots of the wastes from factories pour into the air and

rivers, causing pollution of all kinds. Third, some terrorists are using science

and technology against mankind. They use biological, chemical and unclear

weapons to threaten world peace...

So its urgent that we find ways to solve these problems. But we should not

stop the development of science and technology because of these disasters they

bring, just as we should not give up eating for fear of choking. In addition, we

should make some rules to regulate our actions. As long as we use science and

technology in a proper way, they may bring us even more benefits.



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Now many students of Grade 9 are under too much pressure. They always feel

too tired to listen to the teachers carefully in class.

It’s important for students to relax. Only in this way can they study well

and be healthy. Here are some different ways to relax themselves. For example,

they can try to have enough sleep,or they can listen to their favourite music

after class. They can also read some books or do some sports. For me, I often

hang out with my friends.

While you are studying, don’t forget to relax. You will study better after

a good rest.



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Nowadays, house husband has become a hot phenomenon in modern society. As

we all know that no matter what country, it’s a tradition that men play a core

role in family who always take the burden to earn money to support their family.

But things are kind of different as society develops, more and more men are

beginning to take over housework while women go out from house. In my point of

view, I think this is not a big deal.

In the first place, house husband may be a shame title for men, but when it

comes to money, there is no room for reputation. As society develops, the life

standard are rising, and everything for living is much expensive than before, if

couples want to guarantee their life quality, then they should let the one who

earn better to work, although the one is female.

In the second place, it’s fine for women to support family as long as they

earn better than men. In the past, women always were treated very badly, and

they got no rights to be educated, to work. In some countries, they can’t even

show their face to others. A traditional female role is to stay at home, taking

care of children and do all of the housework. But now, lots of women have a good

job, so that they totally have the ability to be the economic backbone.

Therefore, in order to take good care of family, men are likely to stay at home

to do housework. I don’t think it’s a shame for men, because no matter what you

do, as long as you do it well, you are successful.

To sum up, people should change their opinion about core role of a family.

It’s acceptable for women to support the family, and there is no shame for men

to do the housework. As long as you remember life quality comes first.



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Remember a Wednesday afternoon, Grandpa brought back a lovely puppy.

This little dog is very naughty, a gray hair, small eyes like black gem as bright, a pair of small ears cleverly erected on the head, the tail is always upturned, it is particularly cute. Because it is very naughty. So I gave it a name called "little skin."

He likes to eat bones. Eat two claws tightly put the bones on the ground. You look at it when eating bones, how delicious it! It is most like playing with other peoples puppies, it is happy, always love to shake its tail. Unhappy when you do not even look at me. When someone came, it would be barking, as if I said "someone came" I play with a small partner, it straight to my side Minato, but also straight behind me.

Later, the small skin missing, I am very sad, like a knife twist in general. I see someone elses dog to think of small skin, I believe that one day a small skin will come back.



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Seasons have colors. What are the four seasons colors like?

Spring is green. When spring comes, trees begin to bud and grass begin to

grow. It is really a green world, and it is also the color of hope.What about

summer? When I look at flowers of almost all kinds in blossom, I know that the

color of summer is red.Compared with summer, autumn is totally different color,

especially in the north of our country. The rice in the fields and fruits on the

branches are the signals of autumn. It is the color filled with ripeness. Gold

is the symbol of harvest.Winter is the world of snow. Therefore, white is the

color of winter.

Seasons have colors and the changing of the four seasons makes the land

colorful and energetic.



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Panda is our country’s treasure, we should protect it. nowadays, we see

from the TV that panda is less than before, it is not only because of the damage

of the environment, but also the weakness of the panda. Everybody loves panda,

it is so lovely, a panda has two black eyes, it is very lazy, it likes sleeping

all the time. When we see its round body shape, we can’t help loving them. In

order to see the lovely animal, we need to protect them. We must protect the

environment, like not to throw the rubbish away, not to cut down the trees. We

condemn such behavior that killing the animals. Protecting the animals is

everybody’s job.



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When I watch the TV series, there always present the rich familys life,

but I dont feel envious about the rich life. It is obvious that though these

people live the better life, the cost is that their parents spend less time to

play with them. The time to stay with our parents is really important, while the

rich parents have much work to do, so they dont have much private hours. I was

born in an ordinary family. My parents will never miss the moment when I need

them. I am so thankful to life, because I have my parents love. Whats more, I

have made many good friends. We share our interest and have a lot in common.



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Dogs are passionate, friendly and the most important of all, faithful. Many people view dogs as their life-time friends or even partner. However, not every people know How to protect them. In this essay, I will introduce to you specifically about how to protect dogs.Sometimes dogs are brave defenders of our livestock, whereas sometimes they are as fragile as we are. Dogs should not be feed with salt, otherwise they will suffer from a hair loss. You need totake your dog out for a walk once in the morning and once in the afternoon to make sure it is having a healthy life. Dogs need to take regular check-ups as well, in case it is infected.There is a popular saying goes, "you may have many pets in your life, but your pets just have you in his life", which has moved many people. Please take good care of your dear pets. Their destinies are completely on your hands.




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