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Today is the first day of this new term. After a long summer vacation , we all waitting for this day. I bring my new packbag and going school happily.

When I walk into our new classroom,I meet my best friend,he is taller than he used to be. Then I see our teacher,he(she)is as strict as before. I look around ,all the classmeets are very excited,and so am I.

I wish I will do better this terms, and I will try my best!



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How quickly time has flown by! My summer holiday is over.

Our school is much more beautiful than before. The grass in front of the office building is so green. The river beside it is so clean and the trees around it are so tall. Our classroom building has changed a lot. It has become higher and more new than last term.

I come into our classroom. The windows are very new and clean. My classmates and I are interested in the new things in the classroom.

We have come into the third year. We are a little nervous. Were very busy today. We have three new teachers. We all like them. Today just as usual, we have been busy doing everything, but I like life like this. Busy days can make me happy and excited.

This is my first day of school. It is busy but interesting. I like my classroom, my school and I like my first day.



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新学期,新征程,新面貌,此时此刻,相信我们每一位同学的心中都充满着奋进的激情,因为我们每个人的脸上都洋溢着青春的活力。让我们把握住 xxxx这个美好的春天,把理想化为宏图,把计划付诸行动,荡起理想的双桨,与学校同舟共济,破浪前行,展现学子的风采,奉献青春的智慧。

一个漫长的暑假已过去,迎来的是一个美好的秋天。时间飞逝 停泊在港湾的小船已经出航,驶出了平静的港湾 驶进了中学的海面。迎着早晨的第一缕阳光,我们来到了素未谋面美丽的校园,开始了新一学期的征途。


也许你的目标是考上自己理想的大学,也许你的目标是成绩名列前茅,不同的目标驱动着我们相同的梦想。目标是我们通往成功的地图,只有付出了行动,迈出我们坚实的步伐,才能让我们到达成功的彼岸。确定我们的目标,就要为了他努力拼搏,我们要立长志 不要常立志。

弗兰克林说过:“有非常之胆识 始可做非常之事业”对于我们中学生来说 写一篇好的作文 画一幅美丽的图画 唱一支动人的歌曲打一场漂亮的球赛 都是我们高中征途中的一次次成功。成功中是我们的喜悦,成功背后是我们辛勤的汗水,没有耕耘就哪有收获 没有付出哪有所得。

来到中学是我感到自豪 也感到隐隐不安 老师无微不至的关怀 是我感到母亲般的温暖 期望与关怀 责任与爱护是老师博大胸怀的体现 我要以优异的成绩 模范的行为 来回报老师 无需推衍 因为事实胜于雄辩

同学们 让我们扬起理想的风帆 在绚丽多彩的中学航行中 也许会有坎坷 艰险 但我我坚信 在我们敬爱的老师舵手的指挥和操纵下 我们一定会战胜一切困难 避过所有的浅滩 到达成功的彼岸!!!



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In a blink of an eye, the winter vacation was over. Usually in the classroom every day, but if in the winter vacation, live like seconds, "one brush" is the past. Oh, the question remains a mystery to me.

In the winter vacation, I was just like a bridle "Mustang", running in the grasslands of Xinjiang, may eventually have to be tied back to the "horse"......

Its almost time for school, and Im happy and worried. Happily, I can see my classmates again. Dont mention how happy I am. What worries me is that I have to go back to the day, have a teacher, and have a mothers life in the evening.

This winter vacation has made me very memorable. Its time for school. Although Ive already come to school, my heart is still outside. But I believe that as long as I really start school, and in the classroom more than two classes, my heart will be like a rope "son" firmly tied back to school.

In the previous study life, I still have a lot of things done well enough, let the teacher and mother hold a lot of heart. I will make up my mind to study and progress in the new term, and strive for the title of "excellent progress student".

Now, Im looking forward to my school year!



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In a few days is the spring festival, the family are preparing necessities, cleaning the health, to meet the arrival of the holiday.

Walking in the street, everyone s face is permeated with a festive smile, carrying bags, needless to say, must be new year s clothes. Shopping malls are full of people: there are children holding their parents hands to buy clothes, there are couples sweet to buy clothes, and children holding elders talking and laughing to buy clothes, in short, everyone is beaming.

Came to the countryside, kill pig slaughter sheep ... with their own customs to celebrate the spring festival, in some places also started the market, he cried out to buy drinks, he cried out to buy clothes, this way to reduce prices, there shouting to buy two to send one, everything should be everything, is really full of beautiful things, very lively.

In the spring festival year 30 nights, the spring festival party began, play sketch, crosstalk, singing any program, a show after the audience applause, until the middle of the night people are sleepy, the program is finished. The show is over, but people are still enthusiastic, because haven t pressure money, fireworks! After all this, almost twelve o clock, the children are holding the money to go to bed adults to chat for a while to go to bed.

The next day, people get up early in the morning, with a good gift to go relatives, relatives to go for several days, less also need to go more than a day.

Spring festival is really good, can let people busy life to relax, also can add some fun for everyone boring things.

I love spring festival!

再过几天就是春节了,家家都在准备着年货,打扫着卫生,迎接着这个节日 的到来。









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Six years of time such as water, has gone; six years of students such as memories, have been frozen in time; six years of happiness such as tea, has been slowly cool. Today, we say goodbye to the life in primary school, primary school, has become a history firmly in our hearts, now we have to meet the new life, new learning, new teachers, new students … … all the new things all for me, not only are curious and nervous.

Carrying a kind of disturbed, came here, the campus was a hubbub. I feel fresh and curious at every place. After registration, the parents left the campus, alone in the school wandering around, the first to come to stay for two days, in mind.

Everything is so strange, strange teaching buildings, strange stairs, strange desks, strange beds. Everything has just begun, I did not feel warm and happy, everything is cold and lonely. The hot night, my heart is cold, in a strange environment, I have not adapted to it, as if even the smell of air has changed, a stir in the heart.

I feel homesick every night when I have no sleep.

Miss home, this is the mood of every student, even if did not say, did not show, but this is also affirmative. Came to school, suddenly found that the house is so warm, comfortable every day




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Start a dream, a blink of an eye, a relaxed and happy winter life has ended, the new semester has come.

Today is the first day of school, the weather is particularly clear, long time the students like a group of lively and lovely birds, happily flew into the beautiful campus. In the bright and spacious classroom, the teacher gave us a new textbook. I stroked the new textbooks, looking at the shiny cover, smell the fragrance of ink, and my heart can not tell the joy and emotion. Hey, the old man, you can not go slowly? We have not enough! After school, we are facing a tense study, no longer like a big black bear to sleep as 9,10 oclock, and 6 oclock 50 minutes of the alarm clock, you have to get up immediately, no longer as easy as the winter vacation. Because you just a little lazy little, learning is possible to regress, "the first group" of the team may not find your position. I will never forget every semester at the end of the sacred podium, to receive "Miyoshi students", "excellent class dry" and other awards, the hard training of my growing teachers face that affectionate, happy smile ... ...

"Learning is a pleasant thing, we like a sponge, trying to learn from the book of knowledge of water, grasp now, will have a better future." Besides, after a few months of intense study, colorful holiday life will come again. Students, let us in the new semester, more hard to learn, for greater progress it



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The new semester begins I believe you are very excited because after all is not met for two months.

After school must be nervous and busy. I intend to continue with my classmates in good relationship. And students chat say their interesting meet in winter vacation. Of course I also met a lot of interesting things. Last semester the teacher in the school reports required me to study more carefully then neat handwriting. School begins with the teachers request to correct our shortcomings.

School is a great pleasure in my life so that no longer stay at home a person watching TV and students can together on physical education playing table tennis Chinese class listen to the story. Make a lot of fun. I still wish I was the class composition champion after school and wrote many essays to.

I have many friends in my class. I have the closest relationship with the king. I have a common hobby with him playing basketball. Dont look at him hes a little thin but I can play basketball. I have the best in Meng Runchi is a quiet girl. Her English is better than me I have no understanding of the place to ask her she patiently answer until I understand is my little teacher.

I have a new goal in the new semester I will be more progressive than last term!


放学后一定是紧张和忙碌的。我打算继续和我的同学们保持良好的关系。和学生聊天,说他们有趣的相遇在寒假。当然,我也遇到了很多有趣的事情。上学期的老师在学校的报告要求我要学习更仔细,然后整洁的书法。学校开始与老师的要求改正我们的缺点。 学校是我生活中的一大乐趣,所以不再呆在家里,一个人看电视,和同学们一起上体育课,打乒乓球,语文课,听故事。做很多乐趣。






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Another new term comes again,so i should have a study plan to promot myself.

firstly ,i descide to finish my homework more carefully than before.And pay more attention to the knowledge which i didn t know it clearly.

secondly,i will do a lot of read to widen the range of my knowledge.and try to combine thoery to practice.

Finally,i will learn to adjust, to be more positive and more helpful.

That s what i plant to do in a new term.

[初中英语作文:the plan for the new term 新学期打算



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The new semester, my intention and friends to share。 A little good-natured, paying attention in a point, and I feel happier, the goal of the new semester: "careful and attentive no longer careless, joy and happiness that is no longer sad! Concentrate concentrate longer distracted"! I wish: "final exam 100 points。

Well, lets start from scratch, starting today, to let the spirit of the athletes who won the championship of this learning to concentrate on learning the same up! I cry out: "The goal has been set, push harder!



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After the college entrance examination, some students would like to have a trip, because they think the blue sky and the charming scenery can make them relax. Some others prefer to stay at home to enjoy the matches of the 2012 Olympic Games, which they have been longing for. And also there are some students who intend to observe and learn from real life. They consider that they will really step into society after passing the college entrance examination. As for me, I plan to learn a skill such as driving, which I think will be useful in the future.



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1. 每天早上6:30起床,用10分钟将头天要背的课文温习1—2遍,听30分钟英语,训练自己的听力,7:10从家出发。

2. 上课认真听讲,积极发言,做好笔记。

3. 认真仔细写作业,不对答案,认真对待每一门课。

4. 写完作业后,复习当天的内容并预习第二天上课的内容。

5. 对于副课每学完一课后,要用心去作自己买的课外习题书,作的时候要做到不抄答案,不看书,凭借自己所学的去做。如果遇到不会的题,也不能马上看答案或看书,要等到全部做完后,再去找答案,并及时背过。

6. 对于主课及数学、语文、英语和科学,每学完一单元或一课时,要对老是所讲的重要部分进行进一步的加深理解和巩固,并要做练习题,写时仍不能抄答案,写完后可交老师批改或对照答案,找出错误及时纠正。

7. 遇到不懂得要及时问老师或问同学,弄明白。

8. 每天晚上看30分钟的课外书。




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My name is Liu * * *. Because of the name, I used to call myself "the queen of stars" on the internet". Do not think that I am too arrogant, because the stars themselves are ordinary and shining, so I like them. Of course, I wish I could be one of many stars. If one day you meet a girl called star dance on the Internet, it must be me -- 11 years old, monkey, virgo......

Of course, I have with the stars very ordinary appearance: big eyes, but very bright; neither tall nor short nose; not too big or too small mouth; white skin, a not too long or too short tail pigtail, high up in the back of my head, flash flash, very naughty...... (but my mother cut my hair short now)

I have a wide range of hobbies, such as music, microcomputer, Mathematical Olympiad, english...... Well, theres one more thing you cant think of! Let me tell you, its cosmic exploration - Stonehenge, crop circles, aliens, for example...... In a word, I like everything that is unknown.

I particularly like music, since I was 6 years old, I began play the piano, less than nine years old, I was out of the piano six. When I played Mendelsohns "Venice Barcarolle", I feel like being in a ripple on the surface of the boat, the silence, the moonlight shines down, like scattered on the surface of mercury, flash, beautiful......

I also played the love guitar. I took two lessons and I started to play chords. I have learned many beautiful songs such as "years ago", "walking", "Red River Valley", "childhood" and so on......

You ask me why I love music so much, but I dont know. But when I was in the music melody, I felt great enjoyment.

I also like the Olympic math because it can develop my intelligence and keep my head spinning. A difficult problem is like a castle, although it is difficult to overcome, but as long as I use my head, you can feel the joy of success.

Of course, the United States must have shortcomings, my shortcomings is very sloppy, looking for something at home every day, today wearing a watch, tomorrow will not find it, what things are everywhere. Oh! My family cant help me. Dont look at me. Im careless in life. But I dont do it carelessly. I can check every question carefully. However, when occasionally careless, like what I do, because not carefully, the paper clearly requires simplification, but I made for the ratio! Miserable, dizzy, faint! Because of this, the teacher gave me 4 points. After several lessons, I must correct this bad habit in the future. The ox is not blowing! Trust me!

What exactly does it look like to me? In the future there will be three years to verify. I really really want to be the North Star - the brightest star in the sky, of course, and it takes a lot of effort. I hope that in the next three years, I can get along well with my teachers and classmates and break through the difficulties with my teachers and classmates!
