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Step 9,2011 Sunday Today my classmates and I went to the Old The nursing home on foot at 3 oclock in the afternoon. As soon as we got there, we began to clean the rooms and wash clothes for the old people. Some of us talked with them. After that we gave them some performances. The old people enjoyed themselves very much. We stayed there for two hours. At about 5 oclock we walked home. I felt very happy (for what I had done) although I was tired. I think everyone should look after and respect old people.





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lwcool]the name christmas is short for "christ‘s mass". a mass is a kind of church service. christmas is a religious festival. it is the day we celebrate as the birthday of jesus. there are special christmas services in christian churches all over the world. but many of the festivities of christmas do not have anything to do with religion. exchanging gifts and sending christmas cards are the modern ways of celebrating the christmas in the world.

the birth of jesus had a story: in nazareth, a city of galilee. the virgin‘s name was mary was betrothed to joseph. before they came together, she was found with child of the holy spirit. joseph her husband was minded to put her away secretly. while he thought about these things, gabriel, an angel of the lord appeared to him in a dream and told him did not be afraid to take mary as wife. and mary will bring forth a son, and he shall call his name, jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.

before jesus births, joseph and mary came to quirnius was governing syria. so all went to be registered, everyone to his own city. joseph also went up out of galilee, out of the city of nazareth, into judea, to the city of david, which is called bethlehem, because he was of the house and of the lineage of david, to be registered with mary, his betrothed wife, who was with child. so it was that while they were there, the days were completed for her to bedelivered. and she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling cloths, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

and that, christmas is the feast of the nativity of jesus, is on 25th, december every year. but nobody know the actual birthday of jesus. and the christmaas has become popular when christmas cards appeared in 1846 and the concept of a jolly santa claus was first made popular in nineteenth century.


圣诞节是基督教世界最大的节日。4世纪初,1月6日是罗马帝国东部各教会纪念那稣降生和受洗的双重节日、称为“主显节”epiphany,亦称“显现节”即上帝通过那稣向世人显示自己。当时只有那路拉冷的教会例外,那里只纪念耶稣的诞生而不纪念那稣的受洗。后来历史学家们在罗马基督徒习用的日历中发现公元 354年12月25日页内记录着:“基督降生在犹大的伯利恒。”经过研究,一般认为12月25日伴为圣诞节可能开始于公元336年的罗马教会)约在公元375年传到小亚细亚的安提阿,公元 430年传到埃及的亚历山大里亚,那路撒冷的教会接受得最晚,而亚美尼亚的教会则仍然坚持1月6日主显节是那稣的诞辰。12月25日原来是波斯太阳神(即光明之神)密特拉(mithra)的诞辰,是一个异教徒节日,同时太阳神也是罗马国教众神之一。这一天又是罗马历书的冬至节,崇拜太阳神的异教徒都把这一天当作春天的希望,万物复苏的开始。可能由于这个原因,罗马教会才选择这一天作为圣诞节。这是教会初期力

图把异教徒的风俗习惯基督教化的措施之一。后来,虽然大多数教会都接受12月25日为圣诞节,但又固各地教会使用的历书不同,具体日期不能统一,于是就把12月24日到第二年的1月6日定为圣诞节节期(christmas tide),各地教会可以根据当地具体情况在这段节期之内庆祝圣诞节。自从12月25日被大多数教会公认为圣诞节后,原来1月6日的主显节就只纪念耶稣受洗了,但天主教会又把1月6日定为“三王来朝节”,以纪念耶稣生时东方三王(即三位博士)来朝拜的故事。随着基督教的广泛传播,圣诞节已成为各教派基督徒,甚至广大非基督徒群众的一个重要节日。在欧美许多国家里,人们非常重视这个节日,把它和新年连在一起,而庆祝活动之热闹与隆重大大超过了新年,成为一个全民的节日。12月25日的主要纪念活动都与那稣降生的传说有关。







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Music is a kind of beautiful enjoyment, it makes me happy, makes me feel better. The music brought joy to people!

The grass to listen to music, grow more and more flourishing, more and more green. Several long more and more high wood to listen to the concert. People listen to the music is good, can relieve pain, fatigue, also can turn a bad mood into a good mood, still can make people happy, let people follow the music dance dance to.

If the world without music, the grass will not listen to music, will wither. The trees will not thrive without the music, also wont grow taller. People wont listen to the music, will feel very lonely, lonely, will feel very depressed.

He said mom and dad!!!! They go to work, a days hard work, come back in the evening to listen to music, relax the mood, relieve the body of a long day, also can relieve fatigue.

Grandma is very lonely one day, I went to school in the morning, mom and dad go to work, my grandfather has also gone out to the park. Grandma leg is not good, is more walk leg ache, so grandma had to stay at home. Grandma do not work, just listen to music at home, so she didnt feel lonely, also have things to do.

People alive, be without music, without music, the world will be very pale, our life is monotonous, boring, so the music is very important to us.









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万圣节(All Saints Day, All Hallows Day或Hallowmas) 是每年11月1日的欧美大节日。以下是小编带来的关于万圣节的英语资料大全,希望对你有帮助。

Halloween (or Halloween) is an annual holiday observed on October 31, which commonly includes activities such as trick-or-treating, attending costume parties, carving jack-o-lanterns, bonfires, apple bobbing, visiting haunted attractions, playing pranks, telling scary stories, and watching horror films arevery happy.

Halloween (or Halloween) is an annual holiday observed on October 31, which commonly includes activities such as trick-or-treating, attending costume parties, carving jack-o-lanterns, bonfires, apple bobbing, visiting haunted attractions, playing pranks, telling scary stories, and watching horror films.


Historian Nicholas Rogers, exploring the origins of Halloween, notes that while "some folklorists have detected its origins in the Roman feast of Pomona, the goddess of fruits and seeds, or in the festival of the dead called Parentalia, it is more typically linked to the Celtic festival of Samhain, whose original spelling was Samuin (pronounced sow-an or sow-in)".The name is derived from Old Irish and means roughly "summers end".Snap-Apple Night (1832) by Daniel Maclise.Depicts apple bobbing and divination games at a Halloween party in Blarney, Ireland.The name Halloween and many of its present-day traditions derive from the Old English era.

The word Halloween is first attested in the 16th century and represents a Scottish variant of the fuller All-Hallows-Even ("evening"), that is, the night before All Hallows Day.[4] Although the phrase All Hallows is found in Old English (ealra hālgena mæssedæg, mass-day of all saints), All-Hallows-Even is itself not attested until 1556.

11月1日 -- 万圣节 All Saints Day

11月2日 -- 墨西哥的鬼节 Day of Death

万圣节(All Saints Day, All Hallows Day或Hallowmas) 是每年11月1日的欧美大节日。

Halloween 是 All Hallows Eve 的缩写,万圣节前夜的意思,指10月31日的晚上。

For thousands of years people have been celebrating different holidays and festivals at the end of October. The Celts celebrated it as Samhain (pronounced “sow-in”, with “sow” rhyming with cow)。 The Irish English dictionary published by the Irish Texts Society defines the word as follows:

“Samhain, All Hallowtide, the feast of the dead in Pagan and Christian times, signalizing the close of harvest and the initiation of the winter season, lasting till May, during which troops (esp. the Fiann) were quartered. Faeries were imagined as particularly active at this season. From it the half year is reckoned. also called Feile Moingfinne (Snow Goddess)。(1) The Scottish Gaelis Dictionary defines it as ”Hallowtide. The Feast of All Soula. Sam + Fuin = end of summer.“(2) Contrary to the information published by many organizations, there is no archaeological or literary evidence to indicate that Samhain was a deity. The Celtic Gods of the dead were Gwynn ap Nudd for the British, and Arawn for the Welsh. The Irish did not have a ”lord of death“ as such.

The Celts believed that every year on the last day of October, the souls of the dead visited the earth.www.

When the Romans conquered the Celts in the first century A.D., they added parts of their festivals, Feralia and Pomona to the tradition. Feralia was a festival to honor the dead and Pomona was a harvest festival named after the goddess of fruit (apples) and trees.

Around the eigth century, the Christian church made November 1 All Saints Day to honor all of the saints that didnt have a special day of their own. Over the years these festivals combined, the mass held on All Saints Day was called Allhallowmas (the mass of all Hallows - saintly people)。 The night before was known as All Hallows Eve. Eventually this name became Halloween.

In the 1800s, as a lot of people emigrated to the U.S., the holidays and traditions of different cultures merged. Halloween was not always a happy time. October 31, or the night before took on other names. Some called it Devils or Hell night, to others it was mischief night. Here in Vermont, the night before is called cabbage night. To some people this became a time to play tricks on others. Some of these tricks were not fun at all. Luckily, community groups and individuals took action and started to change Halloween into a family event. Dressing up in costumes and going ”trick or treating“, costume parades, community parties and Fall festivals are some of the ways that Halloween is celebrated today.

Other countries have different Fall festivals to honor the deceased.

The Festival of the Dead is one of the most important happenings in both Palermo and the rest of Sicily. The second of November is a festival day for the children of Palermo as, according to tradition,they were made to believe that their dead relatives would return the night before and leave them traditional sweets and cakes on the table (Martorana fruit, which is almond paste made into the shape of different fruit)。 They would also receive puppets of boiled sugar and toys. Its one way of keeping the memory of their dead relatives and loved ones alive.

一年中最”闹鬼“的这天夜里,各种妖魔鬼怪、 海盗、 外星来客和巫婆们纷纷出动。在基督纪元以前,凯尔特人在夏未举行仪式感激上苍和太阳的恩惠。


在中世纪,人们穿上动物造型的服饰、 戴上可怕的面具是想在万圣节前夜驱赶黑夜中的鬼怪。尽管後来基督教代替了凯尔特和罗马的宗教活动,早期的习俗还是保留下来了。现在,孩子们带着开玩笑的心理穿戴上各种服饰和面具参加万圣节舞会,这些舞会四周的墙上往往悬挂着用纸糊的巫婆、 黑猫、 鬼怪和尸骨,窗前和门口则吊着龇牙裂嘴或是面目可憎的南瓜灯笼。孩子们还常常试图咬住悬挂着的苹果。

美国和加拿大的孩子们在这天穿戴上古怪的服饰去按邻居家的门铃,并按传统发出”是款待我还是要我耍花招“的威胁。邻居们不管是否被吓着,总是准备了一些糖果、 苹果等点心,孩子们则一一收入自己的袋内。




附带一提,11月2日是墨西哥的鬼节(Los Dias de los Muertos, Day of the Dead)。当天家家户户都烘烤动物造型的面包和煮鸡肉等食物,并在供桌上面放置玩具,以期待早逝的孩童们回到家中玩耍。也可以陈列鲜花、 水果、 照片和彩绘的骷髅头,接待仙逝长辈。





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I was bored. So I wanted to travel to Hong Kang. I told my father my

decision. To my surprise, my father agreed. My father thought I always at home

was bad. He thought I should go out to see our country clearly. How beautiful

our country is! My father drove me a travel service. I filled out an application

form. After that, the agency would finish every things. At last the agency told

me it would take a week time to transact procedures.




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Footballis connected with the people throughout the world.

It has become a part of peoples life..Every day, man), football matches are going on here and there around the world.

Pick up a newspaper and you can learn the the results of the football matches. We enjoy playing football, watching football games after work. During the football matches of the World Cup,millions of people watch the matches on TV.

When their favorite teams win, they will give them three cheers. When they fail,they feel sad. We all hope our national team will be the strongest one in the world.




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Today, I went out with my best friend. When we arrived at the park, it

rained. We had to run in the rain because we couldnt find a place to hide. But

we still feel happy because we could comfort each other. The rain stopped later

and I accompanied her go home. We played in her home for a while and she invited

me for dinner. I refused because I feel it will bring trouble to his family. I

am happy today because the new term is coming. I really want to see my

classmates again




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My Father

There is always a brilliant image living in my heart. That is my dear father. Seen through the eyes of many other people, father seems to be a very ordinary person. But he is quite extraordinary in my eyes, I have never lost my wonder at his good-personalities such as diligence, devotion, care, optimism ever since my childhood.Being a farmer, father works very hard in the fields all the year round. He works from dawn till dusk every day and even till midnight when it is the harvest season. He seldom enjoys leisure with other farmers even if the farm work is not much. He chooses to live a busy life with reluctance to stop for a while.

Father devotes all himself to our family. As we are poor, he always tries his best to support our family and afford the tuitions for my brother and me. For the whole family, for brother and me, he never stops working laboriously in the fields throughout the year. Now he has got a wrinkled face and white hair because of excessive hard work, looking much older and weaker than any other person of his age. In spite of all this, father never complains to us. It is his full devotion that were living a better life now. It is his full devotion that both my brother and I are able to study at college.Father shows much care to us children and my mother as well. Whenever there is any delicious food on the table, he just leaves it to us while he takes the simple one himself. If my brother and I fall ill, he will not hesitate a moment to get some medicine for us or take us to see the doctor. My mother suffers a bad disease. Father looks after her very carefully. He never lets mother do any heavy work both at home and in the field. Mother appreciates him m much that she often praises him as a model husband before others.

Father is a person full of optimism. He never complains about our poor life. He is never frustrated by trouble. He often tells us that everything will be all right if we have enough confidence in life. Due to his optimism, we are all confident to face our life and work.

We all think that father is not in the least an ordinary man. He plays an extraordinary role in my family. We cant have anything without him. Now Im pursuing further studies at college far away from father. I miss him very much. And I often see him in my dreams. His great image is deeply carved in my mind.






评语: 本文作者以朴实的语言充满感情地刻画了父亲的不平凡的形象,分别从四个不同的角度描述了父亲的勤劳、奉献、关爱和乐观。内容真实感人,行文简洁流畅,结构清晰,组织有条有理,首尾呼应,给读者以强烈的感染力。 作者用词简洁精确,并能很好地尝试一些新学的词汇及表达,使简洁的行。文更为生动。作者没有运用太多复杂的句式,但能适当运用介词短语、分词结构、强调及重复的手法,恰到好处 地突出了行文句式的变化,使文章更耐读。



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My name is WangLei . My birthday is on August 11. We have a good

birthday party. My mother makes a birthday cake for me. It’s big and tasty. My

father give me a football. Because I like playing football. Many friends come to

my home .We are very happy. They give me a lot of presents and some birthday

cards. We sing and dance. We eat food and fruit. We play games together. We have

a good






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Nowadays, there is a increasing number for people to join in the activities

of volunteering. It’s well-known that volunteering job is making contribution to

the society with nothing in return. It’s like the Leifeng spirit. However,

knowing this, there are still many people would like to devote themseves in this

trend. For instance, the 20__ Beijing Olympic Games has so many volunteers. They

made lots of contribution to the success of opening the Olympics. Moreover, we

can often see that there many students go to gerocomium to visit the old to

bring warm to the lonely people. Even there are some people’s career is

volunteer. They are ready to help others. Although the volunteers are much more

common, we still need to thanks them to admire them devoting themseves to the




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Nowadays, with the improvement of the people’s living standard, some people form a habit of raising small or domestic animals as pets. Some raise small dogs or cats as their pets while others raise various birds or fishes as their pets. There are still even some people raising snakes and other unusual animals as their pets.

Does anyone have the same opinion of raising animals as pets? No, some people object to the idea of raising animals as pets. To them, animals have their own right to live a natural life like human beings. On the other hand, the way people raise animals as pets have a negative influence on the surroundings such as dogs’ barking at midnight, dogs’ chasing people on the street and so on. What’s more, some animals will transmit some diseases.

In my opinion, I do not like the idea to raise animals at pets. Animals have their own right to lead a life as they like. We should not deprive them of their natural right. In this way, we will live in a peaceful world in harmony with the other living creatures.







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In my eye, my father is so adorable, because he can give me advices and help me to make the best decision. My father experienced a lot. When he graduated from college, his first job was to work in the office, then he found life was boring to sit in the office all the day, so he decided to quit and then started his trip to many places. My father had been traveled to many places, he opened his vision and then went back home to find another job he liked. When he met my mother, he thought it was time to settle down. I was so interested in his life experience, I couldn’t help thinking what if I go with him. I must will meet many new persons and then see the beautiful scenery. I want to live as my father, when the time comes, I will travel too.

在我眼里,我的父亲是如此的可敬,因为他能给我建议和帮助我做出最好的决定。我父亲经历了很多。当他从大学毕业时,他的第一份工作是在办公室里工作,然后他发现生活是多么的无聊,整天坐在办公室里,所以他决定辞职,然后开始他去很多地方。我父亲已经去过很多地方,他开阔了视野,然后回到家找到另一个他喜欢的工作。当他遇见了我母亲,他认为是时候安定下来。我对他的生活经验很感兴趣, 忍不住想如果我和他一起去会怎么样。我一定会遇到很多不认识的人,然后看到美丽的风景。我想像我父亲那样活着,当时机成熟的时候,我也会去旅游。



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People tell us that we should to be a brave girl, so that we can get over the difficulties. But to be a brave girl is not easy for me, I always tell myself I must face the difficulty, but I give up in the last minute. So from today, I must learn to be a brave girl, I am not saying to be brave right now, I should take it step by step. First, I must tell myself not to fear the difficulty. When I meet the trouble, I should learn to solve it by myself instead of depending on others, so I will learn something gradually. Then I should open my mind, trying to know more things.





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Our motherland has a long history, many traditional festivals, and some unique folk customs. But my favorite traditional festival is the Spring Festival. Chinese New Years eve, the Spring Festival also arrived, the New Year began.

On New Years eve, it was very lively, and every family was making New Years dishes, and the smell of the wine was everywhere. Men and women, old and young, were wearing new clothes, and a red and red couplet was affixed to the door. On New Years eve, the lights are on all night. People who do things outside will have to come home for a reunion dinner unless they have to. This night, apart from very small children, no one is going to sleep at the same time. The scene of the Spring Festival was different from that of New Years eve: the shops were boarded, and the last nights firecrackers were piled up in front of the door, and the whole city was resting. The men went to visit their relatives and friends before noon. The women received guests at home. Outside the city, many temples hold temple fairs. Vendors sell tea, food and toys outside the temple. Children especially love to go to the temple fair, so that they can have a chance to go outside the city to see the wild scenery, can ride a donkey, and also can buy New Years unique toys. The temple fair has horse racing and camel racing. These contests are not for the first who is second, but for the good posture and skill of the horse, camel and rider in front of the audience. The sky is full of colors. Will put every year before the fireworks began, every family put their most beautiful fireworks in the sky, fireworks bursting in the black night sky, a than a bright, the sky seems to be holding a beauty contest.

How beautiful! All the people stopped at that moment, only to hear the exclamations of the fireworks, the adults faces showed the innocence of the smile, and began to recall their happy childhood. At the same time, we all quietly made a wish: I hope this year I can be admitted to a high school with a good result! New Year, new beginning. I hope that all the students in the sixth grade will work together to create their own future with a good grade.






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In fifteen-day Chinese,we have the biggest festival yue - the Spring Festival,allison hang red lantern,beaming,affix red couplets,busy...

The first day of the first month,is a happy yue son.

The street not the kui is a street,play of eat everything taste.See the most is that some children,I looked,count spicy noodles in business is the best.

Today is really play too happy!Be seen two full the luck to eat STH delicious three full hand blessed.Most luckily those vendor,today but business is thriving?

Sincerely hope today the children in the New Year,happy,no annoyance.










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On the side of the mountain some cannot calculate measuring the height of the building.

It is a mountain, the mountain of overgrown with weeds and jungle, covered with white paper and the piles of the tomb.

Dreamed of in a flash difference to pull open. The depth of the lingering thoughts like write lyrics. Dead, whats the point? Alive, what is the value?

Busy all day not intentional. Spare time thought of love, career, family love, friendship. Is that there is no thought that green filled with trees and grass, colorful flowers and BaoLei, the calm mind suddenly enlightened rainbow after the rain, the head of the blue sky. White clouds, and birds. And suddenly touching the water in the mountain.

How much time back home, watching the sunset in the mountains down, listen to the well flying birds twitter called, feeling from underground water cools the ding-dong, see the distant mountains and Jeremy goldkorn, as well as in the jungle, which is totally neatly long picnic, sleep in the evening on the grass in the open to hear of the worm light at night...

Unable to describe the good and noble sentiment. A mountain, located in the hometown of the soil at home and left me through overlapping ignorance of stone and NiBa Road for several times, when ignorance of boring let me miss. Once upon a time... Originally I only belong to natural, not to return to earth. Dont want to grow up, and time just tested the fragile life.

Really want to make a pot of wine, drunk in my country.










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Today I went to grandmas house to play。 I have five years did not go。 I was under the impression that it is a small village。 No four wheel vehicle nor spacious asphalt road。 But also a few households do not have a computer and television。 I broke away from science and technology is always boring there。 But this time, the small village let me be startled at。 Here built villas and almost every family has a TV or computer。 I was very surprised。 My grandmother smiled and said, it is because of this a few years the rapid development of technology, more and more rich Chinese relationship。 I looked at the happy smile。




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Today is new years thirty home, bustling, the whole family is bursting with happiness, while busy looking forward to a side of the dinner on New Years Eve.

Morning, Grandpa and I went to the market to buy special purchases for the Spring Festival. I asked, &ldquo, Grandpa, what are we going to buy? ” grandpa said: “ ready to buy some fish. ” go to the fish market, fishmonger to us: “ yellow croaker, carp, Taihu fish, Spring Festival preferential sell. ” my grandfather picked up a Taihu fish, weighing pay, fishmonger agile cleaning the fish. My grandfather and I went to the vegetable market and bought a lot of vegetables. People are busy with the final purchase at the end of the year, ready to meet new years Eve and new years arrival.

On the street, alley occasionally bursts of firecrackers, add a festive holiday. I played outside with my children all afternoon, and I protested to eat a years dinner, when I thought about going home right away. At the door, my father and I put up a couplet, put a hang of firecrackers, the big rice will start! Mom for a sumptuous dinner, I just want to pick up the chopsticks a clip, grandma said: “ so, we guess, see who can say the name in four words. ” I preempted the answer: “ this is called the annual surplus (FISH), that is diligent (Qin) fast, red hot, plain sailing, … … ” once said a few idioms, Granny satisfied with the praise of me. The clink of blessing, we began to enjoy a delicious.

All the dishes in the Spring Festival have an auspicious idiom, which symbolizes the harvest, blessing and expectation of the year. It is very interesting. I cant help exclamation the rich and diverse traditional culture of our country.







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In the last winter vacation, a primary school in addition to travel, I almost spend all day swim in the sea of books. Even so, but I still feel very full and meaningful.

Winter vacation, I saw all kinds of books. From the fairy tale to the popular science books, from the novel to the classics -- -- -- -- -- -. Which brings me the deepest impression is to introduce the authors childhood life of "childhood", about a black American slaves in the inhumanity of slavery die hard life under the oppression of the story of "uncle Toms cabin", it is with the old man and the shark fight is weak in the education we cannot do anything to the old man and the sea, etc., and a spill, chapter exciting, let a person fondle admiringly, benefited a lot. Accompanying them, of course not lonely.

Reading tired, I will also go out to play. Time does not allow me to visit scenic spots and historical sites of the motherland, but be able to play the wild mountains, mountain stream path, let me increase knowledge, widen horizons, to learn from the reading of the day, the leisure, relax, wouldnt that make sense?

Easy, of course not forget to learn. In addition to complete the teacher assigned homework, I will write a composition, practice calligraphy, calculate aoshu, fully exercise their brainpower. Dont say you doing your homework is a headache thing, in fact, as long as can invest in it, you will find out that finish the homework is not trouble, and even some fun!

This is what I spend the winter vacation, a full, interesting and meaningful happy holiday!








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Twinkling of an eye, I have been looking forward to the winter holiday is coming, but I want to customize for myself a little plan, now let me introduce for everybody!

In this winter vacation, Im going to learn some extra-curricular knowledge, enrich their own imagination. I need to finish the winter vacation homework, finish the teacher assigned tasks. I have to help mom necessities and ready to prepare for the holiday. I also want to help with cleaning, so, the guests come to our new home, the will see a white as the mirror, a new family. I also prepared in this summer holiday, to save money for himself, to help the children in the disaster areas.

This is my plan.



