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Xiamen is Chinas first four special economic zones,it is

Taiwanese,southern Jiangxi,southern Hunan to the east to the sea,the Pacific Rim

will be developed into an international harbor.

"City at sea,the sea in the city," Xiamen is a graceful charm of the "Sea

Garden." Island,reef,rock,temple,flowers,wood backed each other,the hometown of

overseas Chinese customs,practices Fujian and Taiwan,coastal cuisine,exotic

blend of construction,year-round spring weather is more of the charm of the sea

icing on the cake.Beautiful scenery and pleasant weather,it can be said here is

the best environment for cities.Surrounded by sea water,broad sandy beaches,warm

sunshine,as a good ecological environment,Xiamens clean air,a habitat for

hundreds of thousands of egrets,Xiamen has formed a unique natural

landscape,since ancient times,Xiamen Egret is one of the major habitats,so

Xiamen Also known as "Lu Dao"; in addition to the beautiful natural

scenery,Xiamens urban environment is also very clean,is well-known tourist





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The new term is coming and i will be wiser and wiser because i will learn

more knowlege.I will do more meaningful things that i think.First,i will get

back to my everyday activities, such as:Ping pong,football and basket

ball.Sports are really interesting,arent they?Second,i will read more

books,just as the saying goes:the more , the better.Its true that I will know

more about the world and understand why people say that the world is very

big.Third,i will study maths,physics and English better.I will solve more

difficult maths problems and be interested in them.I will think about more

physics problems.English is important and I will spend more time on it.Im

really looking forward to the coming future.I will get ready to face the




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1.A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops. (H.B.Adams, American historian)

教师的影响是永恒的;无法估计他的影响会有多深远。(美国历史学家 亚当斯 H B)

2.And gladly would learn, and gladly teach. (Chaucer, British poet)

勤于学习的人才能乐意施教。(英国诗人 乔叟)

3.Better be unboun than untaught, for ignorance is the root of misfortune. (Plato, Ancient Greek phiosopher)

与其不受教育,不知不生,因为无知是不幸的根源。(古希腊哲学家 柏拉图)

4.Dancing in all its forms cannot be excluded from the curriculum of all noble education: dancing with the feet, with ideas, with works, and ,need I add that one must also be able to dance with the pen? (Friedrich W.Nietzsche, German philosopher)

所有高尚教育的课程表里都不能没有各种形式的跳舞:用脚跳舞,用思想跳舞,用言语跳舞,不用说,还需用笔跳舞。(德国哲学家 尼采 F W)

5.Education commences at the mothers knee, and every word spoken within the hearsay of children tends towards the formation of character. (Hosea Ballou British cducator)

教育始于母亲膝下,孩童耳听一言一语,均影响其性格的形成。(英国教育家 巴卢 H)

6.Educaton does not mean teaching people to kow what they do not know ; it means teachng them to behave as they do not behave. (John Ruskin, British art critic)

教育不在于使人知其所未知,而在于按其所未行而行。(英国艺术评论家 园斯金 J)

7.Education is a progressive discovery of our ignorance. (Durant, American historian)

教育是一个逐步发现自己无知的过程。(美国历史学家 杜兰特)

8.Education is a admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing worth knowing can be taught. (Oscar Wilde, British dramatist)

教育是令人羡慕的东西,但是要不时地记住:凡是值得知道的,没有一个是能够教会的。(英国剧作家 王尔得 O)

9.Education has for its object the formation of character. (Herbert Spencer, British philosopher)

教育是以造就人的品质为其目标。(英国哲学家 斯宾塞 H)

10.Education has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading. (George Macaulay Trevelyan British historian)

教育造就了一大批人,他们会读书,但是不会区别什么书值得读。(英国历史学家 特里维廉 G M)

11.Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire. (William Butler Yeats, lrish poet)

教育不是注满一桶水,而且点燃一把火。(爱尔兰诗人 叶芝 B W)

12.Education is the chief defence of nations. (Edmund Bruke, British statesman)

教育是国家的主要防御力量。(英国政治家 伯克)

13.Education is the transmission of civilization. (Will Drant, American historian and essayist)


14.Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive ; easy to govern but imposible to slave. (Brougham, British statesman)

教育使一个民族容易领导,但是难于驱使;容易管理,却不可能奴役。(英国政治家 布罗马汉姆)

15.Every person has two education, one which he receives from others, and one , more important, which he gives himself. (Edward Gibbon, British historian)

每个人都受两种教育,一种来自别人,另一种更重要的是来自自己。(英国历史学家 吉朋 E)

16.Example is always more efficacious than precept. (Samuel Johnson, British writer and critic)

身教胜于言教。(英国作家、批评家 约翰逊 S)

17.For a cultivated man to be ignorant of foreign languages is a great inconveniece. (Anton P.Chekhrv, Russian dramatist)

一个受过教育的人,不懂外语是极不方便的。(俄国剧作家 契克夫 A P)

18.Genius without educaton is like silver in the mine. (Benjamin Franklin, American president)

未受教育的天才,犹如矿中之银。(美国总统 富兰克林 B)

19.How much more profitable for the independent mind, after the mere rudiments of education , to range through a library at random, taking down books as the mother wit suggests! (John Henry, British Cardinal Newman)

受到初步的基础教育之后,对于愿意独立思考的人来说,在图书馆里信手取下一本书来,根据个人的天赋随意涉猎,这该是多大的好处啊!(英国纽曼红衣主教 享利 J)

20.I have long since abandoned the notion that higher education is essential to either success or happiness. Hot houses of learning do not always grow anything edible. (Robert Moses, American state govenment officer)

我早已抛弃了这种观念:高等教育是通往成功或者幸福的必由之路。知识的“温室”并不总能生长可供食物用的粮食。(美国州政府官员 摩西 R)

21.Let early education be a sort of a musement; you will then be bette able to find out the natural bent. (Plato, ancient Greek Philosophe)

初期教育应是一种娱乐,这样才更容易发现一个人天生的爱好。(古希腊哲学家 柏拉图)

22.Men of privilege without power are waste material, Men of enlighten-ment without influence are the poorest kind of rubbish. (H.V.Dyke , American writer and ducator)

享有特权而权力的人是废物。受过教育而没有影响的人是一文不值的垃圾。(美国作家、教育家 戴克 H V)

23.Only a nation of educated people could remain free. (Thomas Jefferson, American president)


24.Only the educated are free. (Epictetus, Ancient Greek philosopher)

只有受过教育的人才是自由的。(古希腊哲学家 爱比克泰德)

25.Plato is dear to me , but dearer still is truth. (Aristotle, Ancient Greek philosopher)

吾爱吾师,吾更爱真理。(古希腊哲学家 亚里士多德)

26.The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one. (Malcolm Forbes, American educator)

教育的目的是用能工巧匠接受新思想的头脑去取代一个空虚的灵魂。(美国教育家 福布斯 M)

27.The education of a man never completed until he dies. (Robert Edwad Lee, American educator)

对一个人的教育,至死方止。(美国教育家,李 R E)

28.The primary purpose of education is not to teach you to earn your bread, but to make every mouthful sweeter. (J.Agell, Amercian psychologist)

教育最主要的目的,不是教你挣得面包,而是使每一口面包都香甜。(美国心理学家 安吉尔 J)

29.The object of educator is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives. (R.Hutchins, American educator)

教育的目的在于能让青年人毕生进行自我教育。(美国教育家 哈钦斯 R)

30.The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. (Aristtle, Ancient Greek Philosopher)

教育的根是苦的,但其果实是甜的。(古希腊哲学家 亚里士多德)

31.The university imparts information, but it imparts it imaginatively. (Alfred North Whitehead, British philosopher and mathematician)

大学提供信息,但它是富于想象力地提供信息。(英国哲学家、数学家 怀特海 A N)

32.We should put aside and postpone all other reforms; that we have but one task-----the istruction of the people, the diffusion of education, the ecourgement of science----on that day a great step will have then been taken in our rgenerion. (Leon Gambetta, French educator)

我 们应该把一切改革先放下。我们只有 一项任务,就是教育人民,普及知识、倡导科学。这一天到来之时,便是我们振国兴邦之日。(法国教育 爱甘必大 L)

33.What is in a name ?That which we call a rose by any other name would smell and sweet. (William Shakespeare, British dramatist)

名字有什么关系?把玫瑰花叫做别的名称,它还是照样芳香。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚 W)

34.What sculpture is to a block of marble , education is to the soul. (Joseph Adison, British writer)

教育之于心灵,犹如雕刻之于大理石。(英国作家 阿狄生 J)

35.You can lead a man up to the university, but you cant make him think. (Finley Peter Dunne, America humorous wrter)

你可以把一个人领进大学,但你却无法使他思考。(美国幽默作家 邓恩 F P)



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With the development of economy, there are more and more vehicles on the

streets. Governments at all levels have to do something to solve the problem of

heavy traffic in the city.

I would like to share with you some ideas about this problem: firstly, the

government should build more roads. This action can decrease the degree of

street congestion and make it possible for cars to run faster than ever before.

But each coin has two sides. If a city builds too many roads, the streets will

occupy much land. We will have little space used for other purposes. So

secondly, more special bus lines for public transportation should be added. Thus

people can go conveniently everywhere they like; they will not ride bikes or

drive cars. In this way, the number of cars and bikes on the road will be

greatly cut down.

As far as I am concerned, if we want to solve this problem, we should set

up an idea of public transportation first and give a priority to this idea in

our traffic work.



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Last Qingming Festival,i return home to worship my grandfather.Qingming

Festival is a folk Festival.In the past,the Qingming Festival was called "Arbor

Day". But Today, Chinese visit their family graves to tend to any underbrush

that has grown. Weeds are pulled, and dirt swept away, and the family will set

out offerings of food and spirit money. Unlike the sacrifices at a familys home

altar, the offerings at the tomb usually consist of dry, bland food. One theory

is that since any number of ghosts rome around a grave area, the less appealing

food will be consumed by the ancestors, and not be plundered by strangers.

With the passing of time, this celebration of life became a day to the

honor past ancestors. Following folk religion, the Chinese believed that the

spirits of deceased ancestors looked after the family. Sacrifices of food and

spirit money could keep them happy, and the family would prosper through good

harvests and more children.



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When I got settled, the total use of the microwave to do their own things

to eat. One day, my father saw me, I am afraid to say that I grew up as a cook.

I immediately shaken like a rattle-drum head, you said : "That is not my ideal.

When I grow up I want to IT (information technology) industries. "Yes, I bought

a computer five years ago after his father, I am familiar with it day by day.

Until last year, and I have formed a deep bond with it. From then on, I want

success in the information technology industry to make contributions to the

cause of national computer. But my father said I could only do in the field

"testing the game," is what the new game, and always let me play with, the

report there will be any games. I think what he said is not their fault, I

always play games recently, those who do not have a veteran like Flash. In

recent days, I sprouted out of a bad idea : I will be playing the game that the

network server to the black. My account will revise the highest level. However,

I Xiangliaoyouxiang, this is wrong, but was caught by the police network is not

good. When hackers but also need high computer skills. As a member of the IT

industry is my ideal, I would like to advance this goal, to improve their

computer skills








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Boundless sea to look forward to, give people the beauty, give a person

warm motherly love.

The sea is like a poem; it jumps; like a picture, rich in meaning; and like

a symphony, vast and mighty...... It is like a mirror; sometimes calm, sometimes

filled with rage, overwhelming, to sail the boat overturned. In my mind, the sea

is blue world, is also the cradle of life. Pregnant with many free and small

life. The sea is so mysterious, so charming!

Now the sea has changed. The sea is no longer clear, it becomes muddy and

dirty. Washed up on the beach, left is no longer alive and kicking the fish

shrimp, instead of the piles of rubbish, but also mixed with a lot of dead fish

shrimp, stinking. Why is that? Its all because of us. When people admire the

beauty of the seaside, they throw the foul rubbish into the sea. There are also

people living on the beach, the toilet drain pipe to the bottom of the sea.

Whats worse is that the factory waste water flows into the sea in large stocks,

and the sea is dyed in a strange color. Led to the birth of a lot of lack of

brains, low IQ infants, our next generation - bright eyes [voice tender], the

face of the next generation of red, will never see the beautiful blue sea.

Someone once did an experiment. He compared a basin of water to the ocean,

and dropped a drop of ink into the sea. Immediately, the ink slowly spread out,

became shallow and disappeared. The sea water was almost as clean as ever. If

the ink kept dropping, the color of the sea would be deeper and darker, and

eventually it would become a basin of black water. 6 billion people on the earth

produce large quantities of living waste water and industrial pollution every

day. Like ink, it has been injected into the clear sea water. It has become a

polluted lake.

To the health of our human beings, to see the beautiful blue sea for our

children and grandchildren. Let us act now, love the ocean as much as we love

life, and love the common blue home of mankind.



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Another deep impression of my university is her creativity and profundity.

As is known to all, she has a wide range and comprehensive style. No wonder I

can enjoy the multi-ceolored life here. Every school year a diversity of

competitions and aetivities are held and a large number of students take active

part in them. I do appreciate such a style, and in my minds eye, she resembles

a tall tree silhouetting with all shapes of branches while stretching far into

the blue sky.

Undoubtedly there is a world of difference between university and high

school. University students are supposed to enjoy more freedom to develop

themselves. However, Fudan seems more concerned about the efficient cooperation

and teamwork among students as to prepare them for the competitive society. I

believe upon graduation I will be equipped with abundant skills to face more

unknown challenges.

After all, in my opinion, university is for more cultivated character,

richer knowledge and greater abilities. Thats why I chose Fudan. She provides

me with what Ive dreamed of.

Now all kinds of successes are in sight every day, and all I have to do is

endeavor for a more beautiful future...



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1995 I went into taizhou junior middle school.Totally we had 7 classes,I

was in class 4.The head-teacher of the class was a middle age woman.she was so

strict with us.for example, i was catched when i ate a big rabbit sugar during

class time,she asked me to buy that bland sugar one peice for everyone.in my

opinion ,she hated everyting except study,everyweekend ,she asked us to study in

school,sunday afternoon was just the free time for us.when she saw we played

football,she must get the ball back to her office.someone who was to be in love

was found by her,he would be punished just like a shit.luckyly,i was not found

by her.i liked the girl who was my Elementary school schoolmate during my junior

middle school.i didnt know she konwed or not.it ended when we graduated.but i

liked to talk with others during class time,everytime i was found by her,she

asked me to write 3000 words to explain why and how to do in future. nowadyas

every time i remeber what happened in my junior middle school,i deeply appreciat

her kindness.she is real a good teacher.

My junior middle school time has pasted ,but it will influece till the end

of my life.



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Since I was a little child, I had a dream that I wanted to be a doctor.

When I was little, I watched many TV series and movies about doctors. I thought

they were so great. Therefore, I made up my mind to be a doctor. In my opinion,

doctor is the people who can help patience get out of sickness and pain.I want

to be the person who can help others. However, being a doctor needs so much

professional knowledge and there is a long way to go. So I have to try my best

on my study and go to a good college.



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Recently, the news reported that one special kind of rhino from Africa just

passed away, which meant the disappearance of this lovely creature. What a great

pity. The tragedy is caused by the damaged environment, while human being must

be blamed for it, because we have done so many bad things to pollute the

environment and make the nature lose its balance. In order to make up our faults

and save our offspring, it is in need of protecting the environment. As the

ordinary people, we can do the small things, such as do not throw away the

rubbish and join some activities to bring the world green, like planting trees.

Every small act can make a difference. Some day, when we live with the

environment friendly, what we do is worth.



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This year, the Dragon Boat Festival is on the fifth day of the fifth lunar


Everyone knows that Dragon Boat Festival can dragon boat and eat seeds. But

this year, Im not the same.

In the morning I opened my eyes and caught my brother in a noisy voice.

Come out, theyre eating the seeds! I couldnt wait to brush my teeth and grab a

seed to eat. At noon, my brother and I took a "healthy bath". Soon I and my

brother were in the water.

Even though I didnt have the grass. But I had an interesting Dragon Boat




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In recent years, college studentsfind it increasingly difficult toget a

job. It sounds strange since young college students are usually intelligent,

well-educated phenomenon, aspirant and eager to bring their talent into full

play. Then what underlies the strange phenomenon?

There are several reasons for this.To begin with, nowadays college students

aim too high. All they want are “good” jobs which could offer good salary,

comfortable working conditions, high social status among others. Consequently,

most college students are unwilling to accept vacant jobs they consider

not“good” enough. Another reason is thatthere is a big gap between the majors

some students study in school and the demands of vacant jobs. So companies think

some students are not fit for the jobs.

Solution to the problem requiresefforts on both the society and the

students. The companies should value the students, talent and knowledge while

the latter should not merely aim at material gains. They should be down-to–earth

in building up their career. Furthermore, they should face their weak points so

as to improve themselves and be more competent.



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Hometown is the place where a person belongs. Chinese people have special

feelings about their hometown. No matter where they go, they won’t abandon it

and always make some time to visit. My hometown brings me so many happy memories

and I wish it could keep its original face forever.

Two years ago, I lived in my hometown. It is a small village, so people

there get familiar with each other. When we walked on the country road, everyone

smiled when we saw each other. There was no distance for us. In the daytime, I

liked to go boating in the small river with my friends, or sometimes I could

catch fish. The green trees around me and I could hear the birds singing all the

time. It was a paradise for me.

However, even the small paradise can’t avoid being polluted seriously. The

environment is no more clean, the river becomes smaller and the water is so

dirty. When I see this, I feel so pity. If we lose the clean land, how can we

survive for long. Protecting the environment is in need.



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Today is September 10. It is TeachersDay.(英语作文) Xiao Hua has been ill in bed for more than a week. Her teacher comes to her home to give her lessons after school every day. In order to show their respect, Xiao Hua and her mother decide to give the teacher a present.They make a big red flower.

When the teacher arrives, Xiao Hua presents the flower to the teacher. She fastens it to the breast of her teacher s jacket, and says "Happy Teachers Day" to her. The teacher expresses her thanks and sets down to give her lessons. Xiao Huas mother pours a glass of water for the teacher and puts a lamp on the table.



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We want to hold a green Olympic Games ,so everyone should do something

useful to protect the environment ,whether it is big or small.

We should do something to stop people from doing bad things to the

environment .We should put rubbish into dustbins instead of throwing it about.

Everyone must care for flowers ,grass and tress in public .We shound collect

things like paper ,plastic bags our neighborhood as well ,it’s necessary to

plant more trees every year .

It is everyone’s duty to make our neighborhood much better with our hands

minds .Let’s make a contribution to protecting the environment and the Plympic

Games successfully.



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People always believe that when there is pressure, there is motivation, it

seems that pressure equals motivation. We need pressure, it makes us keep move

on, with pressure, we know what to do and how to fulfill our targets. Without

pressure, we are just like a child, never grow up, having no idea of

responsibility. It is pressure that makes us become mature, we should have

pressure, it indeed equals motivation at the certain level. While having too

much pressure is bad for our mind, it is just like a burden that presses our

mind, making people hard to take a breath. Nowadays the case of people commit

suicide is increasing, the reason is that people can’t take a breath from much

pressure, they feel there is no hope in life, no matter what they do, life just

frustrates them. We should have the right attitude towards pressure.



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October 1st is the national day of our country, which is a public holiday for the whole country. It’s an important day that marks the beginning of PRC. On that day, there are plenty of celebrations holding throughout the country, from the central government to the general people. And public places, including big squares, parks are decorated in festive theme. In recent years, the national holiday means the golden week as well, which is a short holiday that all people expect to. With the improvement of living standards, people have more money and desire to travel and the golden week is a good chance for them. Besides, for those people who would not go out, it’s a good time to have a good rest as well. Therefore, the national day means a lot to the Chinese.




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It goes without saying that english plays an important role in our modern

society. english is an international language. wherever you go, you can hear

english spoken by many people.

From this point of view, it is true that english is important to our daily

life. learning english is like learning to swim or learning to play ball. our

primary trouble is that we have tackled the study of language from the wrong

end. we are like theman who thinks he can learn to swim only by reading books

about swimming. in actuality, we learn by doing. the grammatical rules are

valuable as we plunge into the language and need some assistance. in the same

way, advanced instructions about swimming are helpful as we learn something from

actual experience in the water. but reading books never makes a swimmer and

learning rules never makes a practical linguist. the regular procedure in

learning english involves listening first, to be followed by speaking. then

comes reading, and finally the writing of the language. the way you learn

english is much the same as the way you learned your own language.

First of all you must listen and then repeat and repeat until you can use

the language easily. in other words, you have to build up language habits in

english just as you build up english habits in your own language. to sum up, we

must bear in mind that nobody can learn to swim for you. nobody can learn to

play ball for you. nobody can learn english for you. its up to you. you must

learn for yourself and you will learn if you really want to and are willing to




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In the National Day holiday, the happiest thing is that my mother took me to the zoo to play.

Zoo animals can be more, there will be sprayed elephants, lively naughty monkeys, there are noble and beautiful giraffe ... ... the most ferocious lions, tigers and big bears are captive in the hills, and my mother is sitting Watching the cable car, sitting in the cable car down to see, I just saw a big yellow lion is hanging that blood pool big mouth roar, the sound is like a thunder, my heart is very nervous, could not help but clenched my mothers hand.

In the bird park, I saw a lot of birds, but most of the I do not know. We watched the bird show, watched the parrot to speak, pigeon literacy and other programs. The most interesting to the number of crow pull the car. A black crow pulled a snowy white pigeon, to the destination, the pigeons did not pay, the crows to the car overturned to the ground, amused the audience laughed.

There are so nice to play more friends, that can not finish, really let people forget!



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Study has been the necessary part of humans life. Many students take it as

their duty and they dont realize the meaning of study. Most people believe that

the purpose of study is to master some skills and make money. This is the basic

function of education. I believe that the further meaning is to teach people the

way of thinking. If there are two jobs, one is to sell pastry for 12 hours, and

the other one is to work in the office for 8 hours, but the former can earn

double income. The young people will surely take the second job, because they

need more private time to do their own things. They have more things to chase

besides making the ends meet.
