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"Notre Dame de Paris" is the famous 19th century French writer Victor Hugos masterpiece. 15th century novel about the bizarre life of Paris, compared with the way the author depicts a group of distinctive character of a lively, very artistic appeal of the characters to disputes between the complicated contradictions and tragic fate of a rich complex analysis of the human world.

First of all the images is a group of Gypsy girl Esmeralda and Qiaozhong more people Kaxi Mo. 16-year-old Esmeralda beauty, pure good and Nenggeshanwu, but in society at that time, such as a flower of life is extremely conservative in the decadent forces of destruction of the church under a pity to Yunmie. 20-year-old Ka Ximo more appearance Qichou very serious disability so that he came to the world it was the first family, and then the whole community is abandoned. But the ugly appearance, he has a beautiful purity of the soul, and his innocence doped slightest impurity love guarding Esmeralda, trying to make her away from all harm. Can be a powerful social prejudice and the forces of evil before, the power of the individual is insignificant, the intrepid Kaxi Mo, the last and only choice Xunqing outcome of this tragedy. The two entangled with the main character has a tragic background, appearance on the great contrast can not hide their total innocence of the kind-hearted nature, such perfection in their nature to the United States and the shining, the other characters in the novel are exposed despicable Nature.

Notre Dame also Frola Fu Zhujiao in love with the beautiful Esmeralda, but he and Kaxi Mo has a number of poles apart from love, Fu Luoluo the sacred cloak of religious halo, Daomaoanran, because of heart Conflict can not become distorted until the soul, full of evil to destroy the ultimate destruction of the Esmeralda, also destroying their own. Hugos attitude to Beitianminren profound analysis of the figures this dark twisted soul. The other two characteristics figures, only one is a gorgeous appearance, but a pack of rotten heart of the Fu Bisi Rang captain - a rough, shallow, the Playboy, he played extremely bad means of a Chiqing love Ismaila Of the other person is Georgia Lang ancient poet Lapo Wolfowitz, a Gouqietousheng the cracks in the guy, in order to survive can be abandoned love and abandon the dignity and abandon the responsibility of the authors of these two figures about the same despicable and full of sarcasm.

This novel not only from the humanitarian community to expose the dark at the time of the essence, tell us a lot more profound truth of life: First of all, a persons appearance does not decide everything. Heart than appearance before playing a more important role. People can not chase looks over the United States, the soul of our life is pure and sincere need to have. Similarly, a person must also measure the intrinsic quality of his departure, not Yimaoquren. Because of the ugly appearance, it may be hidden in a fiery pure soul; handsome beautiful face, may also buried the Wochuo disgraceful, despicable distortion of peoples minds. This is, in the novel who has been alive to do the example. Their results, but also to our warning. Secondly, people living in the world, there must be a positive life ideals, goals, not yielding to Langdang abandoned, at any time, should have human dignity, to clear its mandate. Can not indulge themselves were the responsibility of the dirty soul. Finally, we learn to cherish the feelings between people: family, friendship, love…… respect for everyone around, and so do not let these wonderful life after the passing away of the bright spots regret. These, in the story who are showing us a thought-provoking negative tragic consequences.

Finally, Hugo on the scene Xiabi qualities momentum, the figures describing the delicate place, sophisticated analogy, the best description of the details of the capture, gave novel grace, and the other people reading and cheered. These practices can also learn from our usual in writing, so that the articles more!



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Les miserables is a was praised as "Shakespeare of Frances famous" great writer Victor Hugos birth. It features from the failure of napoleon at Waterloo until peoples uprising against July dynasty this phase of history and reality, draw a picture of a huge social and political life.

It depicts the hero jean valjean bumpy, miserable life, more highlights the injustice of the society at that time, it is like a colorful picture, the whole nearly half a century history in the process of broad social life picture, show the one: provincial remote town, binhai new industry town, terrible court, dark prison, wretched slums in Paris, dark monastery, the graveyard of terror, the suburbs was mean inn, miserable ring of Waterloo, wars of the barricade, shelter evil people and practices of the sewer... This big long scrolls of every scene, all lifelike, its very true very meticulous detail also writes, the format of the image is so bright, color is so magnificent dense, momentum is so majestic, not in the history of literature model of realism and romanticism combination?

In this one les miserables, let me, I also appreciate the different great: like jean valjeans great personality; Javert treat the greatness of conscience and responsibility; Bishop of rice has great tolerance; Eponine treat love great...






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7、叙述的抽象化: 非戏剧性、潜意识。





1、关于小说作为叙事作品的虚构与真实的问题。 我觉得这是一个很重要的阅读鉴赏理念。作家王安忆说非虚构就是真实地发生的事实。谢有顺认为,好的小说家,往往能够把假的写成真的,所谓虚构,其实是到达一种更高的、想象的真实。而如何才能在小说中建立起一个可信的物质外壳,有时比在小说中建立起一种精神更难。生活中确实在发生着的事情,波澜不惊,但它确实是在进行。可它进行的步骤,几乎很难看到痕迹,引起我们的注意。这就是我们现实的状态,就是非虚构。非虚构的东西是这样一个自然的状态,它发生的时间特别漫长,特别无序,我们也许没有福分看到结局,或者看到结局却看不到过程中的意义,我们只能攫取它的一个片断,我们的一生只在一个周期的一小段上。而什么是虚构,它就是在一个漫长的、无秩序的时间里,要攫取一段,这一段正好是完整的。当然不可能正好是完整的,所以攫取这个词应该换成创造,就是你,一个生活在局部里的人,狂妄到要去创造一个完整的周期。非虚构是告诉我们生活是怎样的,而虚构是告诉我们生活应该是怎样的。非虚构是告诉我们生活是怎样的,而虚构是告诉我们生活应该是怎样的。如鲁迅的小说像《药》《狂人日记》《祝福》都是这样。

2、说听:中国小说最主要特征,也是学生阅读小说的一个心理图式。说与听之前还有一个演,所以中国古典小说经历了演看,说听,再到写这样一个过程。这个传统的形成与中国小说在发育生长期受说书艺术的深刻影响有关:说听。 这主要是宋元明时期的话本小说形成的传统,其创作目的与之前的唐传奇有有很大不同, 话本小说是为了满足听众的文化娱乐需要,引起听众兴趣。题材内容上几乎都是反映现实生活(尤其是作为听众的市民阶级的生活)的.。它是一种中国化的文化形式与传播途径,从道听途说 街谈巷语到瓦舍勾栏的舌粲生花,表达根据是在口语基础上加工精练而成的白话,通俗性是其最鲜明的特色。故事性很强,有头有尾,线索清晰,生动曲折。注意写人物,特别注意展示人物的命运。在结构形式和表现手法上,开头常有入话,中间或结尾常穿插诗词韵语.话本小说的题材内容:爱情婚姻,如《碾玉观音》,《快嘴李翠莲》;公案故事,《错斩崔宁》;英雄好汉的故事《宋四公打闹禁魂张》。






这是一段人物的的心理描写,是整个故事情节的一个方面,一个插曲,是人物内心世界的一个侧影,属人物形象塑造的一种手法。而20世纪伍尔夫等的看似也是写心理,但已经不是插叙,而是情节本身。如意识流小说中人物的思想意识是变幻无端、纷繁复杂的流动体,他们摒弃情节。像《墙上的斑点》,小说让笔触始终追随着人物的意识流动,通过象征暗示、内心独白和自由联想来表现人的内心真实。又如 斯特林堡的《半张纸》,看来也是故事,但这故事已经不是一般小说的情节本身了。文章时间上只取了在寻找东西那两分钟时间上,但是有此却演绎了很长一段时间包括空间的故事或者人生经历。作为文章结尾,给人以提醒或者警醒作用。而留在你心中的悲伤,过多久才会散去呢?而下面海明威《永别了武器》一段看来也与《红与黑》中于连的心理描写像很相似,但要注意的是它则是整个小说的人的心灵轨迹的本身:




西方小说的哲学与宗教背景(反逻辑,反秩序)它是在种种复杂因素影响下,形成的一种反传统、反主流、反现成秩序、反规范的艺术本体观念。在内容上,以对人和人性的探询和追问,作为艺术的本体内容;在形式上,以对文体的实验和话语的制作,作为艺术的本体形式。意志主义、生命哲学和存在主义等非理性主义哲学便随之纷纷登场了。因而, 西方的所谓非理性主义与理性主义并无本质上的分岐, 而是对笛卡尔我思故我在原则的伦理,意义的越来越深刻的挖掘。























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Recently, I read a very interesting book, is the name of the book "Tom Sawyer, I really like the hero inside.

Tom is a clever naughty boy. Tom for feudal life in the family and school in the boring classroom life, felt so tired. To take the risk, so bring your own good friends with all my heart to do the leader of the commander in chief the robber. Because in his eyes, a pirate is hero Robin Hood. He ran away from home, to go to the outside world through a cross, have a look, play time, bold pirate! In this adventure, he met with difficulties, but he didnt lose heart, dont give up, again and again to challenge difficulties bravely, until down with difficulty.

Although Tom naughty, naughty, but he also has a kind heart, he is brave, and also very savvy. Take the second chapter books, for instance. Tom fully display their talents. I paint the walls in order to let the other people to help him, he deliberately performance is very interesting, let he saved a lot of kung fu, also let others willing to give him something, as a reward. In he and huck met that night, two people together witnessed a murder, for the sake of justice, intrepidity Tom stood out, blew the lid off the Injun Joes ugly face, save the potter. This let I think Tom is a brave child.

Tom, Tom rebellious, tired of school life, I think I can understand. I just elementary school, I feel so happy, because there was no pressure, no piles of homework, more relaxed. But suddenly, I was the sixth grade students, homework than in a grade of homework every day. Sometimes, I also want to put down the work to the fullest play, also want to put aside all the classroom life like a bird to fly freely. With this experience, I think, Tom should feel the same way.

After reading this book, I think encounter difficulties do not easily discouraged, and strive to insist on. Tom is full of sunshine in life tells us: as long as there is joy, have a dream, a dream can come true.








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Pride and Prejudice is my favorite novel, which impresses me for a long time. It describes a love story mainly between Elisabeth, who I like the best, and a rich and proud man, Darcy.

The story began with the arrival of a crowd of rich men who rent a house near the Bennet. In a ball, Elisabeth gave such a bad impression on Darcy’s first pride that she refused Darcy’s first proposal. Darcy was so surprised by Elisabeth’s refusal that he loved Elisabeth more deeply. And Elisabeth’s antipathy made Darcy realize his shortcomings. He was not angry about Elisabeth’s censure, but also he changed his previous proud attitude.

During Elisabeth’s travel in Darcy’s manor. Darcy was very nice to her uncle and aunt, different from previous proud attitude. When one of Elisabeth’s sisters ran away with Wickham, Darcy helped Elisabeth find her sister and prevent her sister from the loss of reputation, with nobody knowing that it was he who helped the Bennet. So many changes in Darcy eliminated Elisabeth’s prejudice. At last it end with their marriage.

Taking the daily life as its material, this story reflected the life and love in a conservative你 and blocking England town. It reflected the author’s view about marriage that it is fault to marry for property, money and status and it is also foolish to take these elements into account. In fact Darcy’s pride manifested the gap between their statuses.

Since his pride existed, there is no ideal marriage between Elisabeth and Darcy. From the different attitudes from Darcy’s two proposals, it reflected the feminine pursuit of personality independence and right equality, which is a progressive character from the image of Elisabeth.



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Recently, I read a fairy story book, Little Prince. This book tells the adventurous experiences of little prince from his planet to the earth. Little prince comes from the outer space and he is hurt by a rose. So he leaves there and travels into space. He comes to the earth and be the friend of a fox. The fox tells his secret to little prince and he helps a pilot in the desert. In the end, he dies under the help of a snake and his soul goes back to his planet. This book is very interesting and teaches me a lot. I like little price adventures. He teaches me to be honest and love others. All of us should never loss the pureness of childhood.



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“Pride and prejudice” is the famous British writer Jane Austen masterpiece, the works in daily life for material, the romantic and reality love story.

Works of vivid reflects the late eighteenth to well into the nineteenth century in the conservative and block state of the British town life and ways of the world. Its social graffiti novel at that time if not only attracts the general reader, real to this day, still give the reader a unique art enjoyment.

First of all, from story to see, Elizabeth resourcefulness, have courage, these have vision, have very strong self-respect, and be good at thinking. Just then a an unmarried ladies the lady of speaking, this is valuable. And also it is this quality, just make her in love have independent initiative,and led to her and happy family of darcy. In my opinion, Elizabeth is worthy of praise.

In the way of the pursuit of love, be sure to a firm belief, not for money, fame, wealth, or any other cause carelessly decided to, want to hold to find true love. If the other party to some of the defect is himself cant stand, but also what cant change it, you should give up the resolute choice; Of course should also to cherish each other, not because of some of the others words, they change their decision, happiness to yourself to the business. This is the book want to communicate to the world is very precious words, is also to the heart of the pursuit of love chicken soup.

Reading this book, I be a lifetime earnings, enjoy the spiritual baptism.




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During this term I have read a novel The Red and the Black. The novel was written by the French writer Stendhal in the 19th century. Marie·Henri Beyle better known by his pen name Stendhal was one of the critical realism French writers in the 19th century . The military and theatrical worlds of the First French Empire were a revelation to Beyle. Known for his acute analysis of his characters’ psychology and reflection of society he is considered one of the earliest and foremost practitioners of realism in his two novels Le Rouge et le Noir (The Red and the Black 1830) and La Chartreuse de Parme (The Charterhouse of Parma 1839). Stendhal laid down for himself in a diary entry of May 1804:“regard everything I’ve read to date about man as a prediction; believe only what I have seen for myself. Joy happiness fame all is upon it.” Futurity call it realism creation method. In France Stendhal was the first litterateur to reveal corruption of the bourgeoisie through literature.

The novel marks the beginning of realism. André Gide said that The Red and the Black was a novel ahead of its time that it was a novel for readers in the twentieth century. In Stendhal’s time prose novels included dialogue and omniscient narrator descriptions; his great contribution to literary technique was describing the psychologies (feelings thoughts inner monologues) of the characters resultantly he is considered the creator of the psychological novel.



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Little Women

Before I read this book, I had watched a cartoon movie made by Japan. So I have a strong interest on it.

It all begins in the dead of winter; The Christmas Season. The coldest one of all, were the war has made fuel for heating very scarce. While her husband is off at war, Marmee is left alone to raise their four daughters: Jo, Meg, Beth, and Amy.

On Christmas Eve, Marmee has just arrived home from passing out food to the less fortunate with a letter from her husband, the girls father. The all gather together around the fire to read the letter. Afterwards, the girls are teary eyed. Marmee kisses them and they are off to bed.

Jo is longing to become a writer. So, every night she stays up late writing the script for soap operas. As morning comes she is the last one awake. The table is set, and food prepared for their Christmas feast.

As dusk falls, the girls are all up in the attic acting out Jos play, which she reads from the local (fake) newspaper. As they are performing, their rich, next-door neighbors grandson watches from the window.

The 2 oldest girls: Jo and Meg, get ready to attend the Christmas Ball. While Jo is curling Megs hair, there is a strange smell to the air. Amy screams, Megs hair is being singed. They continue digging through the old clothes bin for a pair of white gloves.

One of the prominent themes in Little Women is the coming of age or maturation of the girls. During the course of the novel we see them grow in many ways -- physically, intellectually, and especially emotionally. One question which readers must ask themselves is whether the views the characters have on the coming of age process are shared by Alcott. If they arent, what are Alcotts views and how do they differ from those of the women in her story?

It is interesting to examine the last half of Chapter 20, "Confidential." Jo addresses the maturation issue as she speaks with Marmee of the situation between Meg and Mr. Brooke. The possible love between these two represents one of the very important aspects in coming of age for a teenage girl. Jo treats this natural process as if it were some sort of disease, however. Jo cannot understand why Meg would want to stop behaving "like a sensible creature" (p.202), and refers to love as "such nonsense."



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Everyone should have a belief in his heart about life, beauty, and noble humanity. This is what Gump told me, who is a true man full of courage ,love, and sincerity in my mind.

Life is a box of chocolate and we can never know what it is inside before we open it. Just as Mrs Forrest put it, everyone has a destiny. As for Gump, he was thought to be a perfect fool since he was young. While, after watching the movie, I can not help but admire this young guy because of his braveness to deal with obstacles, his consistence to love and his devotion to friendship. Stupid he might seem to be, Gump gave a meaningful lesson to us who are what called more intelligent people.

Born as a boy with natural defects, Gump eventually accomplished plenty of achievements which we ordinary people can not approach. With a plain thought and natural optimism, Gump just did what he was good at, running as fast as he could, struggling toughly against destiny with all the facilities he had been given. To our surprise, he eventually graduated from college, got a military medal, became one of the best pingpong players around America and even owned a huge shrimp company. Astonishing and unbelievable as it was, those miracles did happen sometimes. Who says that great success only belongs to those

with super talents? In my opinion, those who endeavor to make their best also deserve applause and respect. Let us run towards the new sun and embrace everyday with hope and we can make a difference.

To tell the truth, I can not help but shed tears several times when I watch the moving scene where Gump rushed into dangerous forest again and again to save his battle companions. What great selfless devotion Gump showed us! Unfortunately, Bubble, one of the best friends of Gump died in the battle field, which left a great grief to Gum. While, after retiring from military service, Gum kept his promise and purchased a big shrimp ship in order to finish Bubble’ dream. Meanwhile, he also provided financial support to Bubble’ family. First Lieutenant Dan, a staunch soldier, who lost his two legs in Viet Nam , abandoned himself in the abyss of despair. Nevertheless, Gump still supported him and finally help him make peace with God. Gump told us that genuine friendship needs nothing but love and sincerity.

Life is like a feather which drifts randomly in the swing of wind and there are quite some things we can not determine. But what we can do is traveling as far as we can with a genuine belief for courage, love and sincerity .If so, when time flied and all things fade away someday, the fragrance of our mellow life will last forever, just like what Gump did.




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Recently, I have read the famous novel “Gone with The Wind” by Margaret Mitchell. Each character in this book gave me a great impression.

At beginning of the book, I think Scarlet was a beautiful, lucky woman. So many young men were in love with her and they always stayed around her. But in fact ,Scarlet was not the lucky woman I thought . She was fell in love with Ashley Wilkes, but the man was not like the other boys around her. when then news came that Ashley would be married with Melanie ,she felt surprised and even couldn’t accept the fact. With the psychology of revenging Ashley, Scarlett married to Melanie’s brother before the day of Ashley’wedding.

Soon after the war broke out , many young man died ,including Scarlett’s husband. Scarlett became a widow. She couldn’t stand the boring life, so when Melanie invited her to the home of Charles’s aunt. Without more consideration ,Scarlett left for Atlanta.

One time hospital hold a party to collect contributions. Then at the party ,she met Rhett buther, the man who loves her at first sight. Although Scarlett didn’t show any good feeling to him, Rhett buther always companied her and made her happy. For several reasons, she married again,but Rhett still loved her. When her second husband died, he asked Scarlett married him. Because he believed that he understoodher and he can bring her happy. After several month ,they got married. Their life became better and happier. Later they had a litte daughter, Bonnie. Rhett loved his lovely daughter just like the way he loved Scarlett. But Scarlett still loved Ashley. Unfortunitily, Bonnie died when she rided the horse. Rhett was hurt so badly that he couldn’t stand living with Scarlett,and he decided to leave. At this time she realised that the man she really loved was Rhett, not Ashley. She tried hard to persuard Rhett not to leave her. He left .I think it was a pity, but it doomed. Although Rhett love her so much ,he could do everything to make her happy, but she never opened her heart to him and tried to understand him.

Although Scarlett’s love was end up with tragedy. But from her attitude for life,we could know that she was a strong woman.she never gave up facing endless difficulties.when the war was terrible, everything was in confusion ,Scarlett had to take Melanie left back to home, the Tara Plantation. Hopefully she wanted her parent’s help. But to her surprise, her mum had died and her father was out of normal. Situation have became more difficult. While Melanie was going to give birth to a baby. Scarlet made her mind on taking on the task. In order to keep living ,Scarlett even went to work on farm ,she planted cotton. Melanie was in poor health, but she still went to help Scarlett to do farm work. She believed Scalett and gave her unselfish love. With Menlanie’s love,Scarlett supported her home,but at this time ,she still didn’t realize how important Melanie for her. In order to solve the problem of the Tara plantation,she married to Frank. In order to make a living she also did business which was unbelievable for women in this time. She struggled with countless difficulties, but she never gave up. She still believed “Tomorrow is a new day”。

Another girl that I loved in this book is Melanie,she was very kind and gentle. She never doubted the relationship between Scarlett and Ashley, she always standed in the side of Scarlett. Although Scarlett hated her and even wanted her to die. She still believed Scalett and treated Scarlett as her best friend. Melanie loved her husband ,when her husband was fighting in the war, she always waited for him. She didn’t have the strength to give birth, but she still wanted to have a baby for Ashley, finally, she died.

These three main characters in the book are all very obvious, but different. They gave me a impression. Scarlett was a plain girl, but what she did was not plain. She didn’t stay silent during the war, she changed her own life by strugling. In fact, many people lost what they have like Scarlett,but they all gave up to strive for the happiness that essentially belonged to them. Scarlett have the braveness to change the situation. But the pity was that she didn’t recognize the real love belong her in time. If she could got deep understanding of Ashley, she may not love him. If she could open her heart to Rhett and understand him, she may realized her love to Rhett. Sometimes I couldn’t help thinking that why the author can write this moved story. Maybe she have the similar experiences.

On the whole, this is a wonderful book, I feel very grateful that I can read it. I could get many benefits from it.



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Saw the Wolf dream king "this book, I cant help with emotion, it is not the same as the previous novels, because the animal novels the most easy to Pierce the shell of human culture and civilization of false appearance, can cover the direct expression of ugliness and beauty into one of the original expression of life.Human culture and social civilization will be continuously updated with the changes of The Times, but competition, tenacious survival in life and the pursuit of glory is the kernel spirit will never change.So, I just prefer animal novels.

The Wolfs Latin name is Canis lupus.Wolves belong to medium-sized beast of prey, although the physical medium, but many big animals saw are heading for the hills, so the Wolf in nature with the upper end of the food chain.

Shim suk hee formerly known as David shen, born in 1952 in Shanghai, originally from zhejiang cixi.His creation is given priority to with animal novels, has published more than five hundred words.

The book said purple haze for round black mulberry as the Wolf kings dream and trying to put the Wolf pups born into the next generation of the Wolf king, lost three children, at the end of the mei mei also betray purple haze, landed a often I want to end up with golden eagles: if the purple haze so not to exercise the black seed of courage, black son would not die;If violet haze so not want blue soul so brave, blue soul would not be dead;If purple haze less love too much black and blue soul, double would not die;If......Of course, this ability hatred purple haze?Cant, this is to blame, her mother long to herself.

In our real life might it not so?A lot of parents for their children can get in key middle school, senior high school, a key university, give the child to how many classes?Is child robot?Is everything?Dont only adult entertainment, children cant?Does the boy was not a bad place?Is adults expected is just report card on the threshold of 5, good, or out?Is in the childs childhood can "learn" the word, not in terms of happiness?Is a gold medal, a certificate?

Adults and children is not easy, why cant respect each other, understand each other?



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