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1) 十五的圆月高高挂,团员的祝福传天下。盘中的月饼圆又甜,轻声的问候万语千言。中秋佳节,一圆月,一月饼,一祝福:中秋十一合家欢乐幸福美满到永远!

2) 十五的月光,流淌着团圆的温馨与甜蜜;飘落的枫叶,飞舞着中秋的思念与祝愿。佳节来临,我用诚心企盼,愿您的生活家庭美满,事业发达,收获连连。

3) 十五的月亮挂在天上,淡淡清辉点亮了心房,浓浓的思念伴着桂花香,一份真情在痴痴守望,把这份祝福写上中秋的月亮,温暖你的心房,中秋节国庆节快乐!

4) 十五的月亮圆,口中的月饼甜,短信的祝福缠绵绵。中秋佳节,愿所有的祝福与问候伴着你一年又一年。

5) 十五的月亮圆又圆,抱着月饼回家去团圆,月饼虽小意更浓,全家聚集像过年,吃着月饼看月圆。此时恰是月圆时,祝你有个好团圆!中秋国庆快乐!

6) 十五的月亮圆又圆,十五的月饼甜又甜。望月思故里,千里赠思念。想你在心田,爱你心相连。中秋手相牵,祝福满心甜,明月年年圆,幸福人人羡。

7) 十五繁星满天,中秋明月耀眼。你我携手漫步,畅游花丛溪旁。十指紧紧相扣,互诉别后衷肠。花香袭满衣衫,幸福充盈心旁。

8) 十五又来贺中秋,月饼呈上咬一口,烦恼忧愁全不见,吃上两口香又甜,喜事连连挡不住,嫦娥邀你来赏月,神舟飞船载你去,祝中秋十一快乐!

9) 十五圆月高高挂,短信送来祝福话。祝福声中千万语,伴你春秋和冬夏。中秋佳节到来之际,愿你吃的月饼一个比一个圆,合家欢乐月年年。

10) 十五月饼圆又圆,咬在嘴里香又甜。若能与你齐分享,铁定吃着比蜜甜!祝你中秋十一国庆佳节幸福又团圆!

11) 十五月儿圆,中秋桂花香,离家的游子在思乡;嫦娥悔奔月,玉兔捣药忙,念家的思绪似春江;问候的话儿短,祝福的声儿长,愿离家的人儿心安乐身健康!

12) 十五月亮十六圆,阴晴圆缺不等闲,中秋过后重阳到,短信为你送关怀。登高望远拳拳意,道声祝福乐团圆,重阳不过是一日,牵挂永远在心间。中秋国亲节日快乐!

13) 您的手机从今日起已具备买月饼功能,预订请拔,送货请拔,如有疑问请与本中心联系,网址:三达不溜点不坑你坑谁点坑么!中秋快乐!

14) 小时候过中秋节,嫦娥的故事总听不进去,心里老想着月饼;现在年纪大了,一过中秋,月饼吃不进去了,心里总惦记着嫦娥…哈哈,祝中秋快乐!

15) 中秋将至,奉上一个月饼,配料:五克快乐枣,一把关心米,三钱友情水,用幽默扎捆,用手机送达;保质期:农历八月十五前;保存方法:请按保存键。

16) 关掉你的手机,慢慢地闭上眼睛,想想我,想想月饼,你会发现我和月饼一样可爱!中秋节快乐!

17) 明月千里难以触摸,对你的思念无处寄托,举杯邀明月,说:福多!钱多!快乐多!

18) 金秋圆月挂天边,浪子心中思念添;寂寞嫦娥空际舞,八戒被贬为那般;我予汝心天可表,千里也能共婵娟。

19) 天气变得好快,凉风悄悄袭来,晚上毯子要盖,别把脚丫冻坏,没事叨根骨头,那样可以补钙,不要再骂我坏,祝你中秋愉快。

20) 夜晚的星星,是我守望你的眼睛;树上的鸟儿,是我等候你的心灵;飘落的雨滴,是我对你浓浓的情意。轻声问一句,国庆过怎么过呀?有没有想过和我一起啊?

21) 红旗飘,精神好,十一假期安排好,休息好,吃喝好,身体健康最是好,欢聚好,沟通好,朋友交情联络好,一条短信一份心意,收到就好,祝你十一快乐。

22) 我负责美丽妖艳,你负责努力挣钱。你可以和别人相恋,但不要让我发现。若是让我发现,哼,耗子药给你煮面!哈哈,国庆节快乐!

23) 问我爱你有多深,大海会告诉你;问我爱你有多真,月亮会告诉你;问我有多想你,我的短信会告诉你。还不信?那就打个电话听我亲口祝福你:国庆快乐!

24) 由明天开始,市政府决定清除所有长相丑陋,有损市容的弱智青年!你快快收拾东西躲起来,国庆节千万别乱跑!不要说是我通知你的!国庆快乐!

25) 特大喜讯,您的手机号码在我公司举办的国庆节特别抽奖活动中获得大奖,奖品是一份价值千万,举世无双,神情厚意的祝福:国庆节快乐。

26) 可记得那年红旗飘扬,我们豪情万状,共为祖国发下宏愿,为此不惜自己的一切。如今往事如烟逝,曾记否故人我。

27) 任时光匆匆,岁月流逝。永不腿色的是祝福;永不改变的是友情。我深深的祝福你开心快乐每一天。愿这短短的话语给你带来国庆的快乐!

28) 如果有一天,你走得太倦,只要一转身,我就在你身边!不管离多远,不管多少年,愿我的祝福化为繁星点点,闪在你生命的每一天!国庆快乐!

29) 在这特殊的日子里,送一份最真诚的祝福给你,愿轻松相伴左右,愿快乐如影随形,愿全家幸福安康,愿日子幸福美满,愿国庆快乐。

30) 幸福像点点繁星越多越叫人陶醉;真情像淡淡花香越久越叫人沉醉;累积点点幸福,珍藏滴滴真情,在这个举国欢庆的日子里,让我们一同心醉!

31) 金秋圆月挂天边,浪子心中思念添;寂寞嫦娥空际舞,八戒被贬为那般;我予汝心天可表,千里也能共婵娟。

32) 天气变得好快,凉风悄悄袭来,晚上毯子要盖,别把脚丫冻坏,没事叨根骨头,那样可以补钙,不要再骂我坏,祝你中秋愉快。

33) 今秋又是月圆时,清风只影度中秋,思念佳人千里外,明月传情表我心。祝你中秋节快乐,人月两圆!




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Today is the laba festival, carried away by happy winter vacation I forget the little holiday before.

"Have a meal!" His father shouted hastily. Indeed some hungry, can eat immediately think of to my mother cooked delicious braise in soy sauce meat and specialty of sweet and sour fish, I go to wash their hands.

"What? Drink porridge today?" I looked at the front of each of a bowl of porridge, cried in a discontent. Hate looks up at the usual drink of porridge, dad wants to find Allies, "resistance" together, I didnt think my father is exhaled with relish to eating. Look at mother, grandpa, they also eat very cheerful. This is whats the matter? See my grandpa in become speechless, then put down the bowl, a meaningful intones: "the present Buddha congee is more feedback, the festival new jiang village. Tingting, porridge is treasure, do not waste!" I havent bring myself, mom just openings: "dint (fall) (date), early harvest next year. Tingting, this porridge has nutrition, eat! Eat laba jujube, back schoolbag ran home. Tingting, quick holiday? Dont stay, quick to eat!"

"Oh..." It seems that the porridge still have what meaning! I just took the bowl, dad a voracious, a bowl of porridge has been finished. He put down the bowl and shouted: "laba, not afraid!" Watching strange adults, I also learn to them, "eat". Its strange, after a fierce to drink, the original cold hands become warm rise.

Ate and listen to their talking, I slowly understood: today is December 8, original legend into practice before the Buddha sakyamuni Buddha, December eighth day that day because of hunger fatigue zaidao street, was a shepherdess found, revive with rice porridge, then big end, to enlightenment. Laba day has the tradition of eating laba rice porridge, mixing in the rice grain a total of more than 20 kinds, ate later can increase elongating life, so it is also called "live".

It turns out that this seemingly ordinary a bowl of porridge with so profound meaning, so I hurry please mother taught to do a "live porridge" method. Mother told me, ready to use the material: the first essential is porridge rice, beans, jujube, three by other according to the ratio of taste, such as walnut, chestnut, corn, etc. Corn to bubble is 3-4 hours ahead of time, other materials can be mixed wash, and then put together all the material in a pan, add enough water to boil small fire boil into porridge. Like sweet just put some sugar boil, together with a cooker, three hours can have porridge...

In our here, laba rice porridge boil after, to worship god worshipping, gift friends and relatives again, be sure to sent out before noon, the last is the whole family to eat. Eating leftover laba rice porridge, save for a few days and left, is a good one million head, take its the meaning of "more than" year after year.

It was fun to drink the laba festival laba rice porridge. This symbolizes the laba rice porridge of live long and prosper, you dont forget December eighth day to drink a big bowl!











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Far and away the most important holiday in China is Spring Festival, also

known as the Chinese New Year.

To the Chinese people it is as important as Christmas to people in the


The dates for this annual celebration are determined by the lunar calendar

rather than the Gregorian calendar, so the timing of the holiday varies from

late January to early February.

To the ordinary Chinese, the festival actually begins on the eve of the

lunar New Year‘s Day and ends on the fifth day of the first month of the lunar

calendar. But the 15th of the first month, which normally is called the Lantern

Festival, means the official end of the Spring Festival in many parts of the


Spring Festival is the most importantand popular festival in China.Before

Spring Festival ,the people usually clean and decorate their houses.And they go

to the Flower Fairs to buy some flowers.

During Spring Festival ,the adults usually give lucky money to

children.People often get together and have a big meal.Some people eat dumpling

for dinner.

I love Spring Festival .



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每一个佳节都充满欢乐;每一个承诺都充满期待;每一个季节都充满魅力;每一个中秋都充满团圆的热泪! Each section is full of joy; every promise is full of expectations; every season is full of charm; every Mid -Autumn Festival is full of tears of reunion!









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Today is the annual national holiday, is a happy day.

I and my father and mother go to the zoo to play. We entered the park, we saw where the sea of people, like a long queue, more like a happy ocean.

Animal in the zoo is so much! There are cute little bunny, there are bulky gorillas, and that beautiful peacock. There are mandarin ducks in the water play, I throw food to them, they immediately ran over to snatch, really too cute. The most interesting is the monkeys of the iron gate, where they jump and jump, there is a group of macaques in the grab bottle! As long as some people take the bottle to tease them to play, they are very flexible to come to grab. Some naughty little children handed them Coke, they are not polite, took a big mouth to drink up. This is really a group of naughty and smart monkeys!

Go all the way, from time to time the birds flew over my head, twitter, as if to welcome us to come. The river fish in the free to swim, so comfortable, how I hope that they can become a fish, and they can play with them. Today is a good day, I really want to sing, the motherland I love you!







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mid autumn festival is a traditional festival of china. it used to be as important as spring festival .it is usually celebrated in september or october. this festival is to celebrate the harvest and to enjoy the beautiful moon light. to some extent, it is like thanks giving day in western countries.

on this day, people usually get together with their families and have a nice meal. after that, people always eat delicious moon cakes, and watch the moon. the moon is always very round on that day, and makes people think of their relatives and friends. it is a day of pleasure and happiness. hope you have a wonderful mid autumn festival!




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中秋节,是中国的一个古老节日,是人月两团圆的好日子,这天云雾稀少,月亮格外得圆,人们欢聚一堂,喜滋滋地吃着团圆饭。 The Mid -Autumn Festival is an ancient holiday in China, a good day for people and the moon, the clouds are rare, the moon is extraordinarily round, people gather together, and they are nourishingly.Eat a reunion meal.









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One of the oldest Halloween traditions comes from the ancient Celts, who lived in western and central Europe long ago. The Celts celebrated a holiday called Samhain on October 31. After sunset that day, people believed that spirits of the dead would rise and walk the earth. The Celts made offerings of food and drink to keep the spirits away.

Beginning about 2,000 years ago, the Roman Empire conquered many Celtic peoples. But Celtic traditions, including Samhain, remained strong in areas such as Ireland and Scotland, even after the Roman conquest.

The Roman Catholic Church tried to replace Samhain in 835 with All Saints Day, a day to honor saints of the Church. The eve of All Saints Day is October 31. It is called Allhallows or Hallowmas by the Church.






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晚上,我们吃着月饼,看着月亮。突然,一个奇怪的问题浮现在我的脑海里:月亮有多大?我皱起的眉头,放下了月饼,小嘴巴也停了下来。妈妈看见了,便问我怎么回事。“月亮有多大?” “你觉得呢?”我用手盘成一个圆形,对着头顶那圆圆的月亮,比划比划,然后给妈妈看:“那么大。”“对!”妈妈一边偷笑着,一边回答。

“妈妈给你讲中秋节的故事,好么?”妈妈吃着吃着,突然冒出这样一句话来。“好啊!好啊!我最喜欢听故事了。”我跳了起来,“那你告诉我,中秋的月亮为什么那么圆!” “因为今天农历的八月十五啊!” “噢。”“你知道吗?在古代啊,有一个关与月亮的传说。相传,远古时候有一年,天上出现了十个太阳,直烤得大地冒烟,海水枯干,老百姓眼看无法再生活去。惊动了一个名叫后羿的英雄知道了这件事,他登上昆仑山顶,运足神力,拉开神弓,一气射下九个多余的太阳……从此,中秋节拜月的风俗在民间传开了。”这时,我的心里充满疑惑: 为什么后羿不能也上天去?如果后羿再向西王母要一颗仙丹,他不也能上月亮了么?然后,说不定他们会生很多娃娃,就像我这样!于是,我便在自己的小世界里幻想起来,不停的幻想……




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When the festival comes, I will be very excited, because it is a good time

for my families to get together and we share our happiness. My favorite holiday

is Mid-autumn festival. I can have moon-cake. It is so delicious for me. The

moon looks so bright and big, and we can appreciate it while playing the cards

in the balcony.



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The Laba Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday celebrated on the eighth day of the twelfth month of the lunar Chinese calendar. "La" is the name given to the 12th lunar month and 8 is pronounced as "ba" in Chinese, which translated is "Laba." There are several legends about the origin of this festivity and we could not tell which one is true. But what we know today is that this festival started as a sacrificial offering to ancestors. It was also a time for the ancient Chinese to pray to heaven and earth that there would be a bountiful harvest. Many people hoped for good luck as well for the coming year.


Traditionally, the Laba rice porridge is the most important element of the festival. Generally, the porridge contains eight ingredients which can include glutinous rice, red beans, millet, Chinese sorghum, peas, dried lotus seeds and some other ingredients, such as dried dates, chestnut meat, walnut meat, almond, peanut, etc. The porridge must be boiled for many hours and then offered as a sacrifice to the ancestors. This must be done before noontime. Also, it is tradition that family members eat the porridge together. Then they leave some as a symbol of hope for a good harvest the coming year.


Another custom is the soaking of Laba garlic. Garlic is soaked in vinegar for more than twenty days starting from Laba festival. Then when the Chinese New Year comes, the garlic and vinegar is used alongside jiaozi on the table.




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As important as Spring Festival .It is usually celebrated in September or

October. This festival is to celebrate the harvest and to enjoy the beautiful

moon light. To some extent, it is like Thanks Giving day in western countries.

On this day, people usually get together with their families and have a nice


After that, people always eat delicious moon cakes, and watch the moon. The

moon is always very round on that day, and makes people think of their relatives

and friends. It is a day of pleasure and happiness. Hope you have a wonderful

Mid Autumn festival!



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My favorite festival is Spring festival,It is inportant holiday in every year .

First, it is a good chance to rest after a year s hard work . It is a great pleasure to prepare for the festval ,by shopping and cleaning up.And Spring Festival can bring many friend people. And we can stay at together, watching TV , playing the cards and singing.

Secondly, the celebration of the Spring Festival highlights traditional Chinese culture. People write in gold on red paper expressing good wishes around the doorframe and set off firecrackers.

Finally ,Spring Festival is stand for a begin in next year ,we should have a good wises ,and believe these can bring good fortune .

In a word,I l like the Spring Festival!








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Dont Waste Water

A man is washing his clothes, regardless of the notice above "Save the Water Please."

As we see ,water is the source of life. But there is a very limited available water resource in our world. So we shouldnt waste it. Of course, we have to use it to drink, cook, wash, clean and etc. But we must remember not to use it extravagantly. If we didnt stop such wasteful habits, we would cut off the development of the world and the human life.



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It is known to all that China has the history of more than 5,000 years and

the culture influences generations. No matter where people live, they keep the

traditional festivals. Such as the people who live in Chinatown. Though some of

them have been immigrants, they still celebrate the traditional festivals. So in

every corner of Chinatown, the Chinese traditional features can be seen

everywhere. The preservation of the traditional culture is the key to help the

country live so long. After the long period of time, the essence of the culture

part have been inherited while the negative part has been removed. Many culture

even influences the foreign country, such as Confucius Institution, where

foreigners learn Chinese culture and mandarin. Though we are facing the impact

of Hollywood culture, the traditional festivals provides an important way to

save local culture.



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Chinese traditional festivals in various forms, rich in content, are our long history of the Chinese nation as an integral part of culture.

Holiday of the origin and development is a gradual formation, exerts a subtle sound, and slowly infiltrated into the proceof social life. It and social development, as are the development of human society to a certain stage of the product of our country these ancient holiday, most of them and astronomy, calendar, mathematics, and later carved out of the weather-related, at least on this from the literature can be traced back to "Summer is small" , "Book of History" to the Warring States period, the year the division of 24 solar terms, has been basically in place, then the traditional holiday, all closely related to these Terms.

Terms for the selection of holiday, subject to the conditions provided, the majority of holiday at the pre-Qin period, had been the horizon, but one of the custom content-rich and popular, but also has required a long proceof development. Activity are the earliest and original customs of worship, superstition, taboo-related; myth legend to add a few holiday romantic; have on the religious holiday of the impact and effects; some historical figures have been given the timeleholiday Memory infiltration, all of which are integration of the content of cohesion holiday, the holiday so that the Chinese have a deep sense of history.

To the Han Dynasty, Chinas major traditional festivals have been stereotyped, it is often said these holiday originated in the Han Dynasty, the Han are Chinas reunification after the first major period of development, political and economic stability, science and culture has developed greatly, and this holiday The final form provides a good social conditions.

Holiday developed to the Tang Dynasty, from the original worship, taboos mysterious atmosphere of liberation, to entertainment etiquette type, become really good time of the festive season. Since then, the holiday has become a lively celebration, colorful, many sports, pleasure-seeking activities of the contents of the scene and quickly became a popular fashion, these customs has continued the development of enduring.

It is worth mentioning that, in the long course of history, the ancient literati, poets of letters for a holiday to write a lot of famous through the ages, the poetry of well-known and was widely famous, so that our countrys traditional holiday of deep infiltration culture, wonderful romance, big vulgar shows of Taiga, tastes.

Chinese holiday there is a strong cohesion and a wide range of inclusive, one to the holidays, of national jubilation, which is a long history of our nations long history of same, is a valuable spiritual heritage.

The formation of traditional festivals, are a nation or countrys history and culture of long-term accumulation of condensation process, the following list of those festivals, all are coming from the ancient development, so far from these popular holiday custom, but also can clearly see the the people of ancient social life and wonderful pictures.











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Today is Mid-autumn Day. I have a big meal at home with my parents and

relatives. This is an important festival, so my mother was busy with preparing

the dinner from morning. She bought a lot of foods for the dinner. We ate the

dinner at 5:30 p.m.. The dinner was very delicious. I was so full. After dinner,

we went to theHongTingParkto enjoy the glorious full moon. There were many

people in the park. We talked to each other and strangers. Of course, the moon

cake was essential. We had a great night there.



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一、New years Eve

The Chinese New Year! I have been looking forward to the new years Eve has finally been looking forward to the. I got up early this morning, and I was ready to eat breakfast when I saw my father buy a lot of firecrackers. Mom and grandma are busy doing delicious food, we have a few children run east, West jump in the adults next to join the fun.

How time flies! All of a sudden in the evening. Dinner! The food on the table can be rich, there are rice cakes, fish, shrimp, crab, duck tongue, etc., are my favorite. After dinner, my brother can not wait to come up with my father to buy the firecrackers set up. With the sound of firecrackers, the sound of loud, my brother and I covered his ears jumped with joy. Set off firecrackers, I will wait for my grandfather, my father and relatives to send me a new years money. I got a lot of lucky money, and I put it under my pillow. Then we started a side while watching the Spring Festival Gala staying-up late on new years eve. The Spring Festival evening party is really wonderful. But I saw half asleep, in the dream, I dream of next years new years Eve as happy and happy as this year!





二、Celebrate the Spring Festival

February 7th, Sunday, sunny, today is a big day thirty, I went to my grandmothers home with mom and dad New Years day, in the grandmothers house, I saw a lot of relatives and friends. We ate dinner together, and then the adults have to grab a red envelope, and our children are together to see the Spring Festival Gala, I feel happy new year. To 12 in the evening, my brother went out with his father put the fireworks, very beautiful. So the new year began, I hope in this new year I want to study hard every day!






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Mid-autumn Festival is a popular and important lunar harvest festival

celebrated by Chinese people. The festival is held on the 15thday of the eighth

month in the Chinese calendar. There are some traditions in this holiday. For

example, people would have a big dinner with their families. After dinner, they

often enjoy the full moon which is round and bright. The other tradition of

mid-autumn festival is eating moon cake. Moon cake is the essential of that day,

which means reunion. As time goes by, there are various kinds of moon cakes, but

they are much more expensive than before. I like mid-autumn festival because my

families will get together and have a big dinner on that day.



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We China has many traditional festival, Tomb Sweeping Day is one of them.


The solar calendar year April 5th is tomb sweeping day. Tomb Sweeping Day is our memory and hold a memorial ceremony for the festival. Ching Ming Festival this year my family and I have to hold a memorial ceremony for the ancestors. The day of the festival early, I and my father, mother, Grandpa, grandmother and sister - up to the tombs of their ancestors before them from food, wine, candles. Then we gave our ancestors burned paper money, put the gun. Then, mom and Dad took the paper standard, mom told me to use the paper to put or put pressure on top of stone, said the family had been. Finally, we stand in a row in the ancestor grave to pray silently. After that, we would be reluctant to part from.


This is the Ching Ming Festival in our hometown.
