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This summer vacation in the past month,this month i and my parents went to Vancouver to visit my friends.

We lodged at a friendss house.

Arrived in Vancouver on the first day,is already in the afternoon, so good friends mother decided to let our two people together to do a dinner .His mother cook the pizza. Hanburger, my mother and i do . In addition, the father is responsible for to buy drinks.

My brother and sister are in charge of eating.

After dinner, i and my friends and his younger brother ang sister to the courtyard behind the big swimming pool, especially fun.

Well, Im waiting for my second days diary.



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Today,Im planning to do some exercises on my summer vacation in order to make me stronger.If you ask what the summer vacation in my dream is ,Ill tell you traveling around the world is the only one dream I have.Im interested in traveling,because I can meet lots of different people and can do some sightseeing in the places of interest all over the world.How interesting it is!I hope I can have two summer vacations in a year.



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Impressions of the holiday is always filled with unforgettable memories, happiness is always filled with memorable impression in the holiday to enrich feelings, impressions of the holiday is always filled with more satisfying, dribs and drabs, carefree, happy! Every time as long as the holiday comes, Ill put all the troubles, depressed mood, all rushed to the toilet, the heart of the crazy fun, completely to charge a big heart, enjoy the vacation short happy time!

Which makes me to hainan island is the most memorable in the year summer vacation, "play" jellyfish in just five days, let our whole family to play joy, these! Hainan island of jellyfish are avirulent without electricity; Can for people to touch, they are like little jelly and attractive appearance, really makes me remember, never forget!

Work more and more in recent years, the family, the holiday life into countless zi tasteless, miserable life, can only at home, enjoying them that years of dribs and drabs, originally happy vacation, becomes monotonous and boring of waiting, imagine, after all, in the heart still went up in smoke.

"Vacation" is a kind of mind, can let me enjoy the vacation life of that kind of happiness, meet the happy feeling.







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During the winter vacation, nothing is different for my life. I wake up 11 o’clock Am everyday, after a washing, I have a good lunch with my parents. Next I play computer games till the time to have supper. After have dinner. I go on playing till 2 o’clock Am, and then go to sleep with tired. This is one dull day of my winter vacation.


But I haven’t bored all the time. Sometimes I read the books, sometime I listen to the music or the radio in the bed,because it was very cold outside and snowy all the day. And I also meat some of my good friends during the vacation ,we have a very long talk about the life of each other in the past year and play table tennis tegether .And I watched the spring festival party of the CCTV in the last seconds of the 2004 year! I think this is the thing most people of china doing at that time.


That’s all, all my dull, coldly and snowy winter vacation.




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If Yunnan is a colorful ad painting, Guilin is a painting with profound artistic conception, and Xinjiang is a thick oil painting with a thick and heavy liao... Then, the ends of the earth, Hainan, is a fresh and natural water color painting.

The weather in Hainan is very quiet. It doesnt exaggerate a dark blue, it makes people feel breathless, nor is it muddy and vague by the cruel modern civilization. It is a very light blue and white is very misty, like a layer of thin, dreamy cage at the end of the other day. The fluffy white clouds floated on the edge of the sky, like a small boat without anchor in the sea, swaying a soft dream.

Hainan sea, it is so colorful, purple, blue, blue, dark belt between different waters, more to the horizon to the deeper the color in the sun shine. Sky and sea boundaries are so blurred, as if there is no you and me, is the day of the sea, the sea is a day; white Ying bright waves also like the clouds.

Estimation of coconut trees, Hainan is the most famous tree. The coconut is very thin, but very tall, such as palm leaf fan general one pillar to prop up the sky, the tree leaves in the end magnificent iron cast, the whole looks as a guard, the imperial guard the beauty of the remotest corners of the globe.

Hainan has a lot of flowers and lots of fun. There is a kind of Phoenix flower, similar to the flowers of Acacia tree, but much warmer than it, and the whole is pure fire red, such as a small fire. As long as the tree opened a phoenix flower, in just three days, the crown will be red flowers overflowing, like a burning flame.

This is the Hainan that let me forget to return!



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有一天早上,婶婶对我们说:“今天我们去挖红薯吧!”我一听,兴奋地一蹦三尺高,大声嚷着:“太好了,太好了!”我们开始出发了。这时,太阳刚出来,给远处地里的庄稼抹上了一层金子般的颜色,金光闪闪,美丽极了,小学二年级作文《作文 -难忘的假期》。我正陶醉在这美丽的景色里。大姐走过来说:“快走吧,不然你就掉队了!”我只好跟着她们走了。走了大概半个小时,就到了红薯地。红薯地里除了一些稀稀疏疏的枯藤外,其它什么也没见着。婶婶开始挖红薯了,她挖到的红薯一个比一个大,我拿在手里真是爱不释手。一会儿的功夫,婶婶就挖出了很多红薯。我迷惑不解地问婶婶:“您是怎么挖到这么多红薯的呢?”婶婶指着一根枯黄的红薯藤,说?“这里有红薯,你挖挖看吧!”我挖开了这根红薯藤,里面果然躺着一个大大的红薯,我高兴极了,连忙捧着自己的劳动成果,手舞足蹈起来,逗得大家哈哈大笑。过了一会儿,婶婶在下面割猪草,我们就在上面挖红薯。挖着挖着,我脚下一滑,从上面滚了下来,正好滚进婶婶的背篓里,婶婶急忙从背篓把我拉了出来。姐姐们看见了,笑得前俯后仰,说:“你还真是属蛇的,身子都这么滑。”我气呼呼的说:“你们有点仁慈心好不好,我摔倒了,你们不但不安慰我,反而幸灾乐祸。”大姐说:“不是我们没有仁慈心,而是你摔倒的动作太滑稽了。”到了下午,我们背着自己亲手挖的红薯,高高兴兴地回家了。




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Directions:For this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Which Mode of Travel Do You like? You should write noless than 150 words and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:

1. 有的人喜欢参加旅行社旅游(package tours)

2. 有的人喜欢自己独立行动(travelling on one’s own)

3. 比较这两种旅游方式,我喜欢的是……


With the general standard of living improvingand the working week becoming shorter,more andmore people are able to make a holiday trip toplaces of interest. While many like to joinpackage tours fro convenience,I prefer to traveln my own.

I like travelling on may own not only because it costs much less but because it gives a great degree of independence and freedom. Travelling on my own,I’m my own boss;and can decide when to start on my way,where to linger a little longer and which spot can be skipped over to save energy or time for another spot. I can always adjust my plan. On the contrary,in a package tour you’re deprived of as much freedom as in a military base. At the sound of the whistle,you have to jump up from a sound sleep and,with heavy-lidded eyes,hurry to the gathering place where you are collected and counted to board a coach. At the sight of the little flag waving,you must immediately take yourself away from the scenes you are marveling at and follow the guide whose sole interest is to cover all spots according to him strict schedule,regardless of the weather or your health condition.

True,you may encounter inconveniences if you travel individually,for instance,getting accommodations for the night and finding a place for meals. But nothing can be compared with the freedom which is vital to a person who takes a holiday trip mainly to escape from constraints of his routine life.




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During the winter vacation I did a lot of things. But I think this is the most meaningful thing. Do you want to know what it is? Let me tell you.

One day I was taking a bus to the park. There were so many people on the bus that some people had to stand. Suddenly an old man got on the bus. The driver said to the passengers,"Please give the old man a seat." But nobody gave his seat to him. I was angry at this. In our society respecting the old and cherishing the young is a traditional virtue. Id like to say "Please offer your love to others!"

From this thing I recognize that its important for us to help the people in difficulties.



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Happy winter vacation life winter holiday will be over, back to the more than 30 days of life, there is a lot of memorable and pleasant things.

"Chinese New Year! New Years day good!" A few lucky words the first drifting into my ears. This is my winter holiday life these days the most profound impression: lively! On the first day, I climbed out from the hot bed, it didnt feel any cold. Look, full village a piece of red - let firecrackers paper, every high hung with red lanterns and wearing red tang suit with everyone walking folks, festive atmosphere is subsequently. I wear good clothes, hot breakfast with family. Ordinary gruel, pickles, and last night, the rest of the dumplings, the whole family together to eat, also especially sweet. Just after the meal, someone come and happy New Year. They face is permeated with a smile, his hands together, happy New Year to everybody, "said the auspicious words. Go before also plug lucky money to children. Children are stare big eyes, looked at the adults pushing the location of the red envelopes, after finally received a red envelope, also dare not do STH without authorization, all the parents passed that way.

Biggest difference, winter and summer vacation is in the winter holiday will have a New Year, family reunion, enjoy family happiness. This year New Years day, I in the nonlocal aunt, brother, brother, all came to our house. Our houses popularity increased at a draught, and after a busy year of the rabbit. Big cousin came back with excellent academic performance; Second cousin came back with a suitable job; The younger brother also brought back the eloquence class learning outcomes. You were each made for a, communicate with each other, so well. Perhaps this is the special atmosphere when Chinese New Year.

I had a happy, ordinary, but there are substantial winter vacation. I enjoy it.







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This is the second time for mr. brown to visit jinan. during his stay in

shandong, he will visit several schools. net week mr. brown will visit some

places. first, he will take a train to taian to climb mount tai. then he will go

to qufu by bus to visit the temple of confucius. after that, he will return to

jinan by bus. then he will fly to qingdao for a visit. there he will stay for

some days and give a talk on american english. at last he will take a plane to

go back to america from qingdao.

mr. brown comes to shandong for a visit to several schools. he is in jinan

now. this is the second time for him to come here. net week he will visit some

places. first, he wants to go to taian by train to climb mount tai. then he will

visit the temple of confucius in qufu. after he returns to jinan by bus, he will

fly to qingdao to stay there for some days. there he will give a talk on

american english. after the talk, he will fly back to america and end his visit

to china.



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On September 30, to anger at the door, sits on intercept taxi mistake is a red car, will arrive at the destination, I pass the driver in the moment, the driver money: younger sister, you will not see me, I will take what car 300,000 car rental? I stay, I sent the wrong, hurriedly apology, that car is perfect, he is a good man, what do I go home, I sent directly is really happy...

With the National Day holiday mood began plan:Nation Day is coming,during the Nation Day I plan to the Hainan island for a vacation.I want to leave for on29th,the later the better,we can have more time to play. We want to go there by plane because it takes less time.

We can stay there about 5 days.We can go to the beach,and we can go fising there.We can go shopping,because there must be many funny things.We aslo can go to the sightseeing,it must be very beatiful.

I think we can have a good time then . I hope it is coming soon




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The New Year opened the door for us, and the winter holidays crept to our side. Like last year, I made a "winter vacation plan" early. I dont want to waste this good time.

The first thing is to combine. During this time, I kept reading and writing more. Now I have read six good books and wrote more than ten compositions. I also borrowed the book of the fifth grade from my relatives, and when I had time, I would turn over to look at it, learn the skills, and memorize the formulas.

When youre tired, take a break, watch TV, play computer games, or play games with your neighbors. Of course, you cant spend more time playing than studying! Otherwise its not good. In our stage, the most important thing is to learn, so, can not be too fond of play.

The second point is to help my parents to work. Our parents come back from work and have to do housework. They are very tired when they are busy. When we are sons and daughters, we should help them to do what we can to help them relieve some of the burden. In this way, not only can we exercise our practical ability, strengthen our constitution, and be able to be praised by our parents, not an arrow three?

Third, last point. I want to get into the habit of going to bed early and get up early. In this way, you can kill two birds with one stone, which can enhance the health and fuel economy. Wouldnt that be great?

In winter vacation, I must strictly follow the plan book, happily in the big year, over winter vacation!



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On the first day of winter vacation, I will look over the final exam papers review once, and then do some exercises.

In the second day to the fifth day of the winter vacation, I will finish the all homework assigned by the teacher is good, take a look at some reference books and information.

Review to the same, I will go to buy some books and materials book1&book 2 in the sixth grade to preview, understand and recite every passage and words, math is to buy some exercises to do. In the New Year to come, tidy up all the information about learning well, back to their hometown to play with my friends. My winter vacation plan is like this, what about you?

I Lin Wei wish you success in the New Year!







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Today is our holiday on the fourth day, my mother let me thoroughly play for four days, I feel great. After thorough played, starting today I should study hard. Today my mother and I sat on the sofa to discuss for my summer vacation plan, plan is as follows:

At nine o clock every morning to start learning, learning contents are: read gradethree of the thirty minutes of the day to recite, learn ten English words, write an hour.than play games practice copybook (a), study primary school grade threeaoshu 15 minutes, watching English cartoon episode.

At four o clock in the afternoon began to learn, learning content: in the Cambridgechildrens English learning with my mother half an hour, half an hour reading classics, a diary, summer vacation homework Chinese, maths every two pages (after the summer vacation homework about on August 1, preview new lesson threegrade).

Back to the square to play, in the evening, my mother read a story, I repeat thestory.

Other free time to arrange, can draw, playing electronic organ, doing scientific experiments, play computer, watch TV, play with children, and so on.

I will consciously execution plan, such as not according to plan, all the free time of the summer vacation will be mother voluntary deprived.



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After a happy winter vacation, the new year began again. We all gathered together and talked happily about the interesting news in the winter vacation.

All of us have fun and laugh. We cant forget the good time of the new year. New years Eve, as usual, fireworks day, we also say that all sorts of gossip to play their own fireworks, a long pole fireworks blooming like chrysanthemum, such as bright pearl of a large fireworks, little and dainty broken beads...... Jiang Zehong is talking about, he has never seen everyone "Fu" big fireworks, called "big fortune". The "Pi" with a bang, a fireball into the sky, "Mao Ba Ba" fried into a big red shining "Fu". After a while, the word "happiness" has become a meteor, dancing posture, he slipped to the door, just like a large fortune, the dog wangwang! Lets listen to the itch in our heart, and we want to have a look.

On the eve of the new years Eve, for the year, there must be little money. Wang Yi people engage in innovation, the red gifts are hidden. Wang Yi had to turn the house down to the sky and search one by one, not a small corner. Pays off, Wang Yi people find their red envelopes gift in the kitchen, balcony, room finally. Li Yans mother-in-law is the most fond of Li Yan, the stuff in the plate, and the most money for her. Li Yan is also very love her mother-in-law, not only sensible and well behaved, and flattering, before leaving, dont forget to wish small mother-in-law: "good luck, longevity, happiness as immense as the Eastern Sea, everything is well, the dog wangwang!"

The breath of the country is thicker than the city. When Zou Jianing burned incense in a country temple, he was lucky to see a lion and a dragon. I saw the lion majestic-looking, yaotouhuangnao, vivid, it stared at the headlight gun like eyes, went to the east to the West in the jump, is pleased to run wild. I do not know what time from the lions sprang out of a dragon, it was glittering, restless dragon flying up and down, the two. With the sound of drums, dragon and lion gradually walked away. But its fresh enough for the children we grew up in the city.

There are many interesting things during the winter vacation, Li Tian heap a snowman full of personality. Huang Yuanhao put a big kite of one meter long. Zhu Zhendong fished the fish patiently. Yao Qing made a new house at his uncles house. Jiang Danwen wanted to dig the shepherds purse, dug a basket of wild herbs...... The happy winter vacation is over. It is sure that this summer vacation will have more interesting things to happen.








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"51" section in the morning, I got up early on, my father and mother I very happy, because mom and dad will take me to play in the phoenix mountain. We set out against the warm spring breeze happily.

A into the phoenix mountain, I was attracted by the beautiful scenery, surrounded by trees and the grass from the ground test out, the scent of flowers refreshing, is really beautiful.

I immediately called mother bought tickets for the "surging ahead", disposable ponchos, went to play. Play, slowly on the rockery "ship", after a "tunnel" "run" rockery is quickly. Mother scared to shout, but I dont ring, because I have been huddled scared. To the ground, I think no splash, unexpectedly, a "shot" out "water", my face was splashing water. My mother and I laughed.

Over the surging ahead, I go to play pirate ship. Just a boat, I heard the ships kid shouted: "come to 360 degrees, a 360 - degree!" Staff very readily agreed. To play, I tried to seize the railings, lest they fall. Get out, I feel a little dizzy. My head Mother shook my head, is good. We also play bumper car, free fall... Busy to play.

Phoenix mountain let me happy, let me linger.



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The summer vacation, in order to spend a happy and meaningful summer vacation, I worked out the following plan:


One, mainly studies the arrangement


Carefully planned to complete the "homework", every day to write six pages a month to finish; write 20 papers, among them, remember, remember, the scenery description 10, book 10, for in the online publication of 5 ~ 8. Practice brush calligraphy, exercises three lessons per week.


Careful review of grade three or four to learn English words, English preview grade five to grade five, the word back down.


Two, amateur learning arrangements


Plays the piano every day for 1.5 hours, the seven level of Guzheng "fighting the typhoon" and "Qin sangqu" play skillfully, ready for grading, grading, seriously in the summer training classes for learning guzheng, a song.


Hulusi music review the past, "to celebrate the torch festival of Yi learning" "blue" and "horse race" Shambhala Hulusi music, learn the Bau 2 ~ 3 song. Go to the teachers home for 3 ~ 5 times, recorded the song in 3 ~ 5.


Three, other


The use of multimedia learning: Cool 6 network education Jia teacher composition, 6 primary and middle school English curriculum. I want to take part in community activities photos and diaries, timely upload updated blog content, for visits to more than 1200 people. Strengthen physical exercise, such as: playing badminton, playing basketball, skateboarding, every 0.5 to 1 hours, to Caution. Help my mother do some housework, such as cleaning the table and wash the dishes......


I will set strict demands on themselves, according to the plan, so that I can spend a colorful summer vacation.



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i enjoy summer vacation very much.

because summer vacation is the longest vacation of the year. we have more than fifty days to rest. though it is very hot, we can either go to swim or stay in the air-conditioned room . in the evening, i like to go shopping with my friends.

we can eat many things in summer, such as ice creams, watermelons, grapes, so on.in summer, i always go on a trip with my parents. its a good chance for us to visit some nice interesting places.



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Do you know about holidays? We like holidays. Parents and children enjoy holidays. Children receive many gifts from their parents. Parents also receive gifts from their good children.

Holidays are about happiness! Holidays are about a lot of food and drinks! Holidays are about families! Holidays are about beautiful clothes! Holidays are about music and dance! Holidays are about fireworks! Holidays are fun!

People look very happy. They go to restaurants and eat good meals. We see beautiful lights on the streets. We hear holiday music everywhere. We like holidays very much!
