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A funny thing happened during the summer vacation.

On the morning of July 13th, the weather was clear and the sun was bright. My mother took me to the village of Li Jia to visit her grandmother. The two aunts and two cousins were also in grandmas house. I was very happy. On this day, I was playing with two cousins, and two of us got me to make you a little bit of fun. Then, I went to the river with two cousins to pick up the pebbles, and we picked up a lot of strange stones, some like the pentagram, some like cars, some like peoples hearts, and... We picked up some stones and went to a temple nearby. There was a golden Maitreya Buddha in the temple. When we were playing at the temple for a while, we returned to my grandmothers house. In the evening, when my sister and I were chasing the noise, my sister suddenly stepped on a stone and fell down. My foot was broken. I laughed and said, "you big fool." She said angrily, "you bad man, I will not kill you!" And then I ran after me... On the morning of the second day, we will go home. Our sister will also go with us. We have a great time playing games on the road.

Friends, is your summer vacation interesting? Tell us about it!



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As we all known,food safety problems are more and more popular in our

country,because more cases about food safety problem have appeared.

Firstly,As the old saying goes,the food is what matters to the people。 Food

plays an important role in peoples life。So food safety influences peoples

health and life。Secondly,some producers only think about earning money without

thinking about ensuring food safty。they produce unqualified food.Thirdly, some

food supervisory departpents dont perform their duty pletely。This behavior make

some producer ignore the safety of production.

If we want to solve problems that is illustrated former,we must call on the

supervisory department to manage the food market.And the producers must paly

their roles。 Lastly, we hope that there is law that punish illegal acts.



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My hometown is suizhou, there is very beautiful in a city park and the south of baiyun shennong park, is recreation visit places. Winding road, and thick vegetation and Xuan mesh to deprive a person bonsai, let a person with nature.

To realize fall, lake feeling, the hushan is right choice. The hushan LiuAn supple, boasts beautiful scenery, jade stroll, relaxed.

In the evening, jiefang road, LongTai pedestrian street lights, shopping shopping two not mistake; Pearl plaza, railway station plaza, leisure, sports and tide of stream of people, boisterous, might as well go see suizhou of mass cultural life.






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一 、试卷基本情况:

.这套试卷是一套综合型试卷,考核了学生考之前所应达到的英语运用综合能力,考核的难度系数中上,词汇方面考核了学生生容易掌握的词汇。总的来说,试卷涉及的知识面广,模拟中招试题形式,但缺少考查听力能力的(听力题)。卷面结构为:选择填空25分,完形填空10分,阅读理解30分, 情景对话10分,词汇20分,书面表达25分。总分120分


⑴、⑵两个班最高分:114分, 最低分:10分,⑴班平均分:83分,⑵班平均分:65分;100分以上有11人,90--99分有25人, 80—89 分16人,72—79分有9人,⑴班及格率90%,⑵班及格率:41%,优秀率20%, 60分以下有28人


1 、单项填空:单项选择题分两部分,A部分为单词辨音,主要考查字母u 、i,字母组合ea、ear 、ow 在单词中的读音,学生失分主要在第1、3题。B部分为单项选择,考查的知识点多,覆盖面广,有一定的难度。但老师课堂都有讲到,可从学生做题情况来看,此题失分较多,从中可以看出学生对基础题掌握不够扎实,知识掌握还不到位。失分最多的主要集中在第 14(考查kind of 和 a kind of的区别)15、(考查spend,pay和take的区别),16(考查 It is +adj. + do…的句型),17、(考查have fun doing sth.结构),20题( 考查多个修饰词的顺序结构)



4、 情景交际主要考查学生综合运用语言的能力。所选材料贴近学生的生活实际,考查题目基本都可以通过上下文语境完成,相对比较容易,得分较高。



写作分AB篇;A篇小作文的要求是介绍人物的,浅显易懂,学生有话可说。写自己印象最深刻的人,这题材学生练过的,也是都是学生在日常生活中经常用到的,说到的语言,学生组织起来不难。所用的句型、单词都是学生学过的,且都是重点内容。在日常教学中,是老师反复强调的内容。因此,本题得分率还可以;而B篇 书面表达。 从试卷得分情况看,学生对于写作部分的词汇用法掌握不到位。对于动词的第三人称单数的概念不清,时态运用正确,大部分学生基础知识掌握得不好,张冠李戴的现象比较突出,个别学生不注意审题。⑵班好些学生空白不写。有些学生甚至抄阅读理解的短文内容。








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Should belong to me, my weekend is my time to rest over the weekend, the weekend is my time of entertainment, but, my mother told me the assignment of the weekend very desolate, let my weekend was not happy.

Have a weekend, because mom going to my grandmas on Saturday, didnt come back to the evening, I will take mom is not in time, to play, after about one hour, Im tired will go to the teacher assigned homework, after 50 minutes, Ill finish the homework by the teacher, I have a look at the time, is going to eat lunch, but I havent written mother for my homework, I think, was watching TV, look for an hour, I will go for lunch, I ate two bowls of rice, will go to take a nap, wake up all three 29 minutes, I write the mother to my homework quickly, just finished, mother just came back, I show my mother a job quickly, mother looked, said good, I this finally passed.

Sometimes my weekend is happy, sometimes sad, I hope all the students have their own weekend, rather than managed by others.






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When I got home, it was very dark. Why? There is no electric. Every year in Beijing, there is lack of electric to supply. Because there are a lot of factories.

And it is very cold in winter. So the government decided: supply electric to resident and the factories must stop working. My house is in the manufacturing district. I was unlucky. It was very cold. So my father use the electric making machine to make electric. Oh! What a unlucky winter!



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My mother high stature, not fat or thin, a few silk shallow wrinkles on the forehead, often hang a smile on his face.

Mother is kind, she taught me at an early age to be honest, treat people to be generous, since the childhood to cultivate my good character.

Remember there is one thing I always forget. It was a hot afternoon, the sun like a ball of fire to bake the earth. I do in the room, fan fan, but sweat kept rolling down. I said to mother: "mom! The weather was too hot, hot as hell! I want to eat Popsicle." Mother said: "go, Ill take you to buy some ice stick." Then picked up a wallet.

Where to buy, I chose a Popsicle, mother from the purse and took out a piece of 50 yuan to buy the ticket of uncle, uncle to find the money, my mother and I went hurried home.

At home, mother put back counted, soliloquize ground to say: "yi? Well, there are 7 yuan, how do I find 45 yuan?" Once I listen to and happily say: "good! People buy really confused, looking for more 3 yuan. Mom, the 2 yuan to me?" Mother stared my one eye, said angrily: "find the 2 yuan more, we should give the money back, do not want the covet petty gain! Besides, somebody else sell Popsicle more not easy!" Say that finish, mother take fire up the sun, give somebody else sent 3 yuan.

When you go to sleep at night, I lay in bed cant sleep, thinking of things during the day, suddenly understood, to start from little things, not because of a little advantage, make some excuse me one thing. Its great education to me, I love my mother, I admire her in heart.









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Today, I according to the requirements of the teacher to investigate around the situation of environmental protection.

I first came to the park, they saw there is rubbish everywhere. My eyes have an aunt, she sat on the bench, eating melon seeds, also threw the sunflower seeds are all over the floor. I have seen very angry, I go to aunt ZuQuan. But she has a pair of claptrap, on high. I saw a cleaner in cleaning, but the speed of people around the rubbish much faster than they clean.

And I went to the park on the east side of the river, see plastic bags floating on the water, biscuits, bags... There are a few small fishs body even, sending out the thick disgusting smell.

I went to the vegetable market, see the ground is covered with rotten vegetables leaf, fruit, and poultry feathers and viscera, so dirty ground let my feet wouldnt hurt a fly. Oh dear! Too bad! I stepped on a banana skin and wrestling, pants are wet! I quickly get up, hurriedly escape.

The surrounding environment is terrible, if he did not pay attention to protect, we human beings will not survive. Lets act together, protect the environment, start from the "I".








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Once man did not have to think about the protection of his environment。

There were few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be


Today things are different。 The world has bee too crowded。 We are using up

our natural resources,and polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals。 If

we continue to do this, human life on earth will not survive。

We realize that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be

none left。 Yet,with modern fishing methods, more and more fish are caught。We

know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will disappear。 Yet, we

continue to use powerful machines to cut down more and more trees。 We see that

if rivers are polluted with waste products, we will die。 Yet, waste products


still put into rivers。

We know that if the population continues to rise at the present rate, in a

few years, there wont be enough food。What can we do to solve these


If we eat more vegetables and less meat, there will be more food available。

Land for crops feeds five times more people than land where animals are


Our natural resources will last longer if we learn to recycie them。

The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods

of birth control。

Finally, if we educate people to think about the problems we shall have a

better and cleaner planet in the future。



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In many countries in the world, women are looked down upon. It is more

difficult for them to get some work than men. In order to get a job, they

sometimes have to tell a lie. Thats unfair. In fact, women can work no worse

than men. Theres nothing that women cant do.

Perhaps, they are better at their work than men. For example, in making

telephones and computers, many companies would rather employ women, for men

cant pick up the small pieces with their fingers. Like , they can also become

excellent engineers, doctors and teachers. So I am sure the day will come soon

when women can really get equal rights.



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Today, as the development of the medical, people can slow down their aging. As for the celebrities, they use the developed technology to keep young, seeing their unchangeable faces in the screen for so many years, the audience also want to imitate the celebrity, they believe that by using the developed technology, they can keep young all the time. While in my opinion, the way to keep young is to hold a young heart, some people look young outside, but in their hearts, they are old enough and refuse to keep pace with the time. While for another group, even they have wrinkles, they are curious about all the things and are willing to change. My grandpa is old, but he knows all the fashionable things, sometimes I have to ask him for the new things. The young heart is the way to keep young forever.





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Different countries have different customs and different ways to celebrate


In our China, we have a variety of festivals, of which celebrating way

is different. For example, we will eat mooncake in Mid-autumn Festival and have

dragon boat races in the Dragon Boat Festival and eat zongzi.

But in some

extend, we celebrate all the festivals in the same way. Every family will have a

big meal with their family. It is a time for family gathering. No matter what

kind of celebrating way for a festival, it is the time to enjoy life.



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It was cooler than yesterday. One of my father’s friends invited me to eat red bayberries. You must know it is unusual. Because we will climb the hill to eat red bayberries. There is no chance to eat red bayberries in the hill for the people who don’t live in Beijing.

On the hill, you can breathe the fresh air, you can listen birds singing and you can eat red bayberries. It was enjoyable. It is said there are wild pigs in the hill. What a beautiful natural.



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Oh, do you think this boy is really ill-looking? He is my classmate in school. His name is Dai Shunxin. Do you think his face just likes a piece of square and white paper? He looks very poor. His hair is matted and brown. He has a crew cut. His eyes aren’t watery at all, and they’re fishlike. His nose is also ill-looking, and it’s a hooked nose. He has jagged teeth and his teeth aren’t very clean. He is bended, so he looks very short. He is ugly but he usually has a sunny smile. Though he is really ill-looking and everybody usually laughs at him, he studies very hard!




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Novak Djokovic is one of the top tennis players in the world. He has won

many grand slams, which is the greatest honor for a player, but there is only

one grand slam he hadn’t achieved—the French Open. In the last three years, he

was so close to the champion, but was defeated by the final winner. In order to

fulfill career Grand Slam, he practised so hard and never felt depressed. This

year, he came to the final match again, everybody wanted him to win the match,

for they knew how important the champion was to him. At the first game, he felt

a little nervous and lost, but in the second and third game, he found his pace

and controlled the match. At last, he beat his rival and finally fulfilled his

career Grand Slam. The dream was not easy to realized but insistance helps him




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crazy about those basketball stars ever since I was little.

Basketball requires speed, height and skills. I run, jump, switch, and try to hit! All parts of my body are exercised in this sport. I feel that I’m like wind flying in the playground for my goal, which makes me feel so GREat!

Basketball needs quick reaction and decision. When chance comes, it may disappear in the next second. I should keep an eye watching as an eagle, decide and judge quickly as a leopard, and run for it as a wolf.

Further more, basketball is a sports more than just exercising, It needs team work. No one can play himself. A team should work together. So I learn to cooperate with others in this game. I should understand what my teammate doing and what he needs me to do for him. On the other side, I should learn to show my teammate what I need. At the same time, I need to keep an eye on the whole game, knowing how is the situation of our team and how is the other team. It involved more cooperation and strategy.

I played basketball more for about 5 years now. I make many good friends throught this sports. It is proud to win honor for my team and my school. Also I enjoy all games with my friends. Basketball will be my best friends in the future and my best memory about school life









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there are 3 members in our family,my father,my mother and i.we love each other deeply.my father likes reading.we share a big bookshelf,and he take large proportion o f it.everyday he reading newspaper, magazines and all kinds of paper which have letters on it.my mum love to play computer games since i teach her how to do it.she likes to see the movies and play majiang on it.whats more, i like to do some games in our garden with my dog.we are very happiness for we can do whatever we like.we never quarel, if we have some promblems we will sit together and take suggestions from each other.My family is very harmonious,i love my family.




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The air we breathe is so freely available that we take it for granted. Yet without it we could not survive more than a few minutes. For the most part, the same air is available to everyone, and everyone needs it. Some people use the air to sustain them while they sit around and feel sorry for themselves. Others breathe in the air and use the energy it provides to make a magnificent life for themselves.

Opportunity is the same way. It is everywhere. Opportunity is so freely available that we take it for granted. Yet opportunity alone is not enough to create success. Opportunity must be seized and acted upon in order to have value. So many people are so anxious to "get in" on a "ground floor opportunity", as if the opportunity will do all the work. Thats impossible.

Just as you need air to breathe, you need opportunity to succeed. It takes more than just breathing in the fresh air of opportunity, however. You must make use of that opportunity. Thats not up to the opportunity. Thats up to you. It doesnt matter what "floor" the opportunity is on. What matters is what you do with it.



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There are too many things that I can’t forget. When I came to the high school I faced too much new faces at first day. I feel very excited.

My classmate was the first one talking with me in the high school. I never forget his face. He is friendly and funny. He is very black. He asked me where I came from. I answered him quickly and asked him the same question. Then we talked with other interesting things. Say you. Say me. We spoken all night. So we became the best friend in our class.

I can’t forget the first centens he spoken to me. I can’t forget my best friend-my classmate



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Dear Jean,

I am sorry to argue with you several days ago。 We haven t talked with each

other these days。 You are my best friend, aren t you?

Few days ago when I heard you lost my lovely book, I was really mad, so I

argued with you, and said that I could not be your friend from then on。 Later, I

didn t sleep well those days。 I always remembered a lot of fun we had。 So I

decided to write a letter to say sorry to you。 I also think you should be

careful and take good care of your things。 Let s be best friends again, OK?

Yours ever,

