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1、 一轮明月一颗心,二位妙人心连心﹔三邻四舍很交心﹔五合六聚不变心﹔七星伴月很齐心﹔八月十五九(久)开心!短信祝福表我心!中秋愉快!

2、 千里试问平安否?且把思念遥相寄。绵绵爱意与关怀,浓浓情意与祝福,心中怀念月儿圆,仰观月儿心里甜!

3、 默默地思念很深,默默地祝福最真,默默地怀念难舍难分,默默的牵挂永远在心,默默地等待中秋节来临,默默地……祝福你……愉快团圆!欣喜万分!?

4、 一个萝卜两片藕,幸福与你手牵手;三两豆腐四片姜,观物你宜放眼量;五个月饼六块糖,平等沟通团圆有。

5、 把酝酿已久的创意交给秋风,任其去演绎相思的旋律;让翘盼团聚的心跃上太空,在月宫桂树下再叙永恒的主题。

6、 月是中秋分外明,我把相思遥相寄!节日快乐,我的朋友。

7、 相思明月中,祝福花香里:一愿人团圆,千里共婵娟;二愿事业丰,万事皆如意;三愿爱美满,情意永相随。亲爱的客户,中秋快乐!

8、 虽然,老婆饼里没有老婆,乌龙茶里没有龙,麻婆豆腐里没有麻婆,铁观音里没有观音,但是,我为亲爱的客户们,精心准备的月饼里,有“真诚、甜蜜、好运、吉祥”。祝中秋节快乐。

9、 愿圆圆的月亮带上我的思乡之情,把他传递给远在他乡的父母!

10、 别拿月饼不当干粮,咬一口富贵吉祥;别拿月亮不当美景,赏一眼金玉满堂;别拿短信不当回事,读一读情谊绵长;中秋佳节到,祝您合家团圆,幸福万年长!

11、 不要抱怨妈妈没有给你买月饼吃,因为很多人此时正在异乡无法回家团圆;不要抱怨你在异乡无法回家,因为很多人孤孤单单没有家,没有温暖;不要抱怨中秋节没有人给你送祝福,因为还有我。中秋快乐!

12、 爸爸妈妈您们好!八月十五已来到。儿在远方不能归,心中想念老爸妈。中秋月圆两分地,恳求父母能原谅。等到明秋圆月时,再和爹娘聚团圆。祝爸妈中秋节快乐!安好!贵体安康。

13、 八月中秋美,短信写给谁?天上嫦娥追,地上美女随,今天你沉醉,信息别乱回,因为可能是,移动催话费。中秋佳节逗你一笑,愿你快乐开心!

14、 长长的距离连着长长的线,长长的线儿连着长长的思念,长长的思念连着长长的岁月,长长的岁月连着对你的惦念。中秋佳节,花好月圆,祝你开心无限!

15、 八月十五中秋到,月到中秋分外明。嫦娥月宫婆娑舞,笑看人间欢乐情。吴刚捧出桂花酒,天上人间共美酒。丹桂飘香香万里,团圆欢乐乐正浓。祝愿月圆人亦圆,把酒赏月笑开颜!

16、 长得圆的,不仅有桔柑还有你的脸;看着甜的,不仅有月饼还有你的笑;闻着香的,不仅有桂花还有你的发;让人恋的,不仅有月亮还有你的眼。中秋了,祝福送给嫦娥,更想送给你,愿天天开心,时时幸福。

17、 圆月高悬在天边,影影幢幢树梢间。中秋佳节月如斗,抛洒银霜泄人间。敢托嫦娥送我情,敢派吴刚传我言。祝福声声不止步,愿你幸福常香甜。

18、 月儿圆圆人儿欢欢,月饼甜甜口水连连,祝福串串短信传传,愿你好好开心团团,中秋佳节好事不断,祝你幸福永不断线。

19、 让秋风捎去我对你的祝福,让繁星点缀你美好的生活,你问我思念你有几分,月亮代表我的心,中秋夜语寄相思,花好月圆盼团圆。

20、 中秋到了哈,祝福短信收了不少吧,看得眼花了吧,分不清谁发的了吧,为了给你留下深刻印象,那啥,把你收到的祝福都转发给我一遍,这样才能灵验哈!

21、 又是一年落叶黄,一层秋雨一层凉,天凉别忘加衣裳,保重身体多餐忙,珍惜友情常想想。信短情长言未尽,唯愿朋友多安康,中秋快乐,合家团圆!

22、 又到中秋月圆时,让我惦念的,不再是那香气四溢的月饼,不再是那花好月圆的秋色,而是那一缕缕绵绵不断的亲情。无论我们的距离多遥远,都挡不住我对你们深深的思念。

23、 我打八月走过,那等在八月十五的月饼如短信的发送简单而温馨。短信不来,你的月饼不准吃,那悦耳的短信铃声是份亲切的祝福,看完短信吃月饼去吧,中秋节快乐!

24、 又是一年落叶黄,一层秋雨一层凉。整日工作挺辛苦,天凉别忘加衣裳。保重身体多餐饭,珍惜友情常想想。信短情长言未尽,唯愿朋友多安康。中秋快乐,合家团圆!

25、 月亮说,她会在八月十五的晚上安排美丽的月光,将我的祝福送到你的眼里。写在你的心上。

26、 中秋节将至,我将六个愿望﹔做事兢兢业业,事业顺顺利利,好事层层叠叠,心情快快乐乐,身体健健康康,家庭和和美美﹔做成月饼送给你,祝你中秋节快乐!

27、 八月十五月正圆,中秋月饼香又甜。钢筋水泥丛林中,人与月亮已疏远,生活压力快节奏,生活理念变变变,今有心情赏明月,其乐融融情绵绵。祝中秋快乐!合家团圆!

28、 今天一定看月亮,守住团圆,事事都能遂愿;今天一定吃月饼,咬定香甜,生活快乐无边;今天一定发短信,传递思念,中秋幸福翩翩。

29、 圆圆的月饼包含着浓浓的思念,思念牵连着你我;短短的信息包含着重重的祝愿,祝愿保佑着你我。中秋佳节,我祝你花好月圆人团圆,开心幸福到永远!

30、 如钩般的月牙儿,不知道经历了多少的沧桑巨变,在秋夜里成为人们心中的永恒,为纪念它的圆满,人们都会在这一天吃月饼,也是为了能记住那些阴晴与圆缺的日子。今天你吃月饼了吗?祝中秋快乐!

31、 嫦娥:把月光洒在你身上,让你美丽无比;短信:把祝福送到你枕边,让你快乐无限;我:祝你中秋快乐,好事圆圆好梦连连。

32、 中秋来临,送上秘制月饼,快乐做皮,幸福做馅,传说只要吃下去的人将会得到神的眷顾,永远开心和幸福,所以我将它送你,因为我希望你开心、幸福!

33、 月到中秋份外明,你的心思看不清;暂借明月寄衷情,希望你能够心领!

34、 中秋佳节倍思您,发条短信祝福您:家圆人圆多宠您!幸福快乐追着您!福星高照绕着您!财源滚滚奔向您!花好月圆只爱您!祝我亲爱的朋友天涯海角中秋节快乐!

35、 炎炎的夏日慢慢的退去,凉凉的金秋缓缓的来临;慢慢的中秋闹闹的走了,悄悄的秋分静静的来了。愿你在秋分之际,好好放松自己,消除一身的疲倦。

36、 玉宇无尘,银河泻影,月色横空,花荫满径,中秋的夜晚格外温馨,空气弥漫着甜蜜,光华浸透着祝福,中秋佳节,真诚祝愿您合家团圆,前途顺利!

37、 以真诚为圆心,以理解为半径,画出友情的圆。以缘份为圆心,以浪漫为半径,画出爱情的圆。以关怀为圆心,以感动为半径,画出团圆的圆。中秋节快乐!

38、 一日思,一夜盼,思盼中秋月儿圆﹔一百年,一千年,百千年来传统延﹔一句诗,一首词,诗词祝兴云追月﹔一个家,一门户,家家户户贺团圆!祝中秋节快乐!

39、 人活一世,亲情、友情、爱情三者缺一已为遗憾;三者缺二,实属可怜;三者全缺,生不如死。

40、 不管是五一还是十一,身体健康才是唯一。只要你把十一当作六一,把海口当成巴黎,生活就会阳光美丽。祝中秋节快乐!

41、 月亮可以不瞧,月饼可以不吃,放假可以不玩,美景可心不赏,佳肴可以不尝!但中秋祝福是不能不送的!祝中秋合家喜洋洋,好运又吉祥,温馨美满心舒畅!

42、 我特意拜托玉帝制作一弯皎皎明月,委托嫦娥洒下漫天熠熠星辉,请求天神创造中秋团圆佳节,只为与你共赏明月,共浴星辉在此中秋团圆佳节!

43、 迎中秋,接白露,秋节秋气齐来到,颂秋高,看秋远,秋花秋景秋烂漫,看秋月,观秋水,送思寄念你身边,白露时节到,愿你多添衣,多锻炼,保重身体,平平安安。

44、 鲜花开在身边,应该欣赏﹔流星划过头顶,应该许愿﹔歌声响在耳边,应该聆听﹔祝福发到手机,应该珍藏﹔佳节来到眼前,应该欢庆﹔祝你中秋节快乐!

45、 月到中秋分外明,节日喜气伴你行。人逢喜事精神爽,人团家圆事业旺。节日愉快身体硬,心想事成您准赢。

46、 幸福杯中酒,举杯邀明月,月圆人团圆,共享中秋月,盛世好佳节,健康更平安,欢乐无限多,开心财运来,祝你更幸福,中秋节快乐!

47、 我在《月亮之上》,看着那《十五的月亮》,想着那《春江花月夜》,很想对您说一句:《月亮代表我的心》。亲爱的客户,愿您中秋愉快,全家幸福安康,团团圆圆过佳节。

48、 天上有明月,心中有故情,我心寄友人,中秋月儿明。合家团圆时,短信送心声,字符简短,祝福不浅,厚意浓情在里头,祝中秋快乐!

49、 兰杜飘香,幽静雅赏;举头望月,低头思乡;思念至深,送我祈祥;友谊真挚,真情昂昂;中秋佳节,呈上吉祥;心愿最美,愿君常享;幸福甜蜜,万事随想。

50、 圆圆月儿天空挂,圆圆月饼口味鲜,闪闪钻戒真情现,依依情侣言语蜜,弯弯小路情意重。圆圆果儿香飘逸,闪闪双眸示爱浓,依依两心对月誓,弯弯情舟载爱行。祝愿朋友月圆之时定下好姻缘。

51、 圆圆的月儿分外明,远远的思念情更浓,圆圆的月饼倍儿香甜,远远的祝愿到眼前:愿你幸福温馨人团圆,春风得意事业圆,浪漫甜蜜爱情圆,心想事成好梦圆。中秋快乐!

52、 我在友谊的乐土上,开恳一方福田,撒一粒思念种,浇一桶无忧水,产一担如意粮,烙一块开心面,包一块甜蜜馅,中秋月饼火速送上,预祝中秋节快乐!

53、 圆圆月亮挂天边,幸福喜悦挂脸边,月饼放到嘴里边,甜蜜快乐放心边,中秋祝福短信编,愿你幸福乐无边,如意美满绕身边。中秋节愿你合家欢乐,好运连篇。

54、 我拿嫦娥的丝线,刺绣在月亮上面,秀出一对锦鲤,愿你年年有余,秀出一朵牡丹,愿你富贵连连,秀出一条中国龙,愿你今年中秋佳节美梦能圆,好运不断。

55、 夕七彩人间长共中秋八月,杯低吟酒伴同歌盛世高风。

56、 心到*想到*闻到*看到*得到*吃到!福到*运到*财到!中秋节还没到。但愿我的问候是第一个到。祝愿你:中秋愉快!合家欢乐!万事如意!

57、 中秋佳节,圆月皎洁,短信不缺,祝福跳跃,快乐如雪,纷飞不歇,忧愁全解,烦恼逃曳,好运真切,幸福的确,祝:中秋快乐!

58、 月饼圆圆,月亮皎皎,朗朗乾坤,思念普照。圆圆月饼,祝福为勺,圆你心愿,圆你梦想。恭祝阁下:中秋快乐,合家团圆,健康常伴,幸福驾到!

59、 月饼飘香,中秋圆满,生活美好,合家团圆,让我们一起庆祝这美好时刻。祝你中秋节快乐,愿我们接下来的合作更上层楼,共创我们事业的大丰收。

60、 我将你的手机号码告诉了一个陌生人,他叫月老,他会在中秋月圆夜要帮我告诉你﹔我心思你,我心念你,我心祝你中秋快乐!

61、 圆圆的月,就向我的心,为你,而象一块猪肉馅的月饼,任你吞食。

62、 中秋节日到,祝福也送到,祝您:财源四面八方来报到,人才济济不缺料,生意红火金彩多,人脉地脉翻倍多,和您合作愉快不得错过,身体健康中秋快乐!

63、 相逢是首悠扬的歌,相识是杯醇香的酒,相处是那南飞的雁,相知是根古老的藤,心静时总会默默地祝福你!

64、 月儿高高,思念心情给你捎,开口笑笑,好彩好运一起到,心儿跳跳,迎得福气来拥抱,日子好好,幸福生活抱你腰,中秋佳节,祝愿工作事业步步高。

65、 我愿是初秋的夕阳,慢慢落进你远山的怀里;我愿是中秋的月光,轻轻撒在你如水的眼里;我愿是深秋的野菊,朵朵开在你吟秋的梦里。

66、 明月千里难以触摸,对你的思念无处寄托。举杯邀明月,说:福多!钱多!快乐多!

67、 一帆风顺送给你,二话不说祝福你,三言两语话情谊,四面八方齐祝愿,五光十色属你帅。中秋佳节的到来,发表短信祝愿客户的事业蒸蒸日上,家庭和和美美,身体健健康康。

68、 圆圆的月亮,圆圆的思念,圆圆的月饼,圆圆的心愿,圆圆的节日,圆圆的祝愿,中秋十五大团圆,短信幸福快乐圆,祝你合家团圆,美梦得圆,万事皆圆。

69、 对于中秋,我要祝福的很多。用这样的卡片祝福,点点心意,愿你请收下。时间过的真快,再过几天就要迎来中秋节,我只想说,这个九月非比寻常。你知道的!提前祝你中秋愉快!永远幸福!

70、 月神在上,黑土地在下,在这明月相思之夜,猪你和你的嫦娥妹妹相爱如蜜,幸福快乐一辈子。愿月神作证,黑土地见证。呵呵,更要中秋节快乐。




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In everyone’s life, most people have some experience and career which are affected by someone. It is difficult for you to forget them and what they affected you because they have taught you something of importance in your life, also it changed your life. It is difficult for me to forget that my older sister who is 4-year older than me has taught me something which were important in my life.

It is fortunate thing for me that I have two sisters, and they are all my loved ones. When I was child, I was jealous of another children who have older brother. When they got some trouble with other another children who has no older brother, they let their older brother to help them and they always got win even though they were wrong. This thought was ridiculous when I recognized that having an older sister is wonderful thing for me especially when I was youth.

In my memory, my older sister was a pretty and not tall girl when she was in high school, and she had two long braids. She got a job when she just graduated for senior high school because my mother’s health was not in good situation and she though that she should earn some money to reduce my parents afford. I was in junior high school when she got her job. I was clever and excellent student when I was in elementary school. But when I was in junior high school, everything was totally changed, I was also clever but I could not get good grade, I was confused and disappointment. My sister advised me to change my study method. She told me that you should not think that finishing your homework is only one thing you need to do after school. You are in high school now, you need to study your textbook more and think about some question more. In order to help me to do it effectively, she studied with me and explained some question for me after her work.




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Winter is a beautiful season. It’s often snow in many countrys. And the outside is white. We often play with the snow, and make the snowman.

In the winter, the days are shorter. And the nights are longer. It’s often dark very earl.

I like white, so I like winter. What a lovely winter!



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I think Mid—Autumn Day is an old traditional festival in China。 Everybody likes it because its a family get—together。 You see it is calledMid—Autumn Day, so it often comes in September or October。 It is on the 15th of the 8th of the lunar month。 Now, lets say something about this interesting festival。

Firstly, Id like to say something about the moon。 I like it very much because I want to be an astronaut in the future。 That day the moon is round, big, just like a beautiful plate hanging on the blue cloth。 When I see the moon, I will remember the ancient mythsthe godess Chang Er and her little rabbit are playing under the tree which Wu Gang grows。 I will also think about Armstrongs first moonwalk。 I will also miss the friends in Tai—wan island, in Macao and Chinese people who are abroad。 I know they are missing us very much, too。

Secondly, I11 say something about the tradition on Mid—Autumn Day。 Look!Theres a big tree in a garden of a Chinese fami—ly。 All the family members are sitting around a big table under the tree in the open air。 They are eating the mooncakes and admiring the full moon in the sky。 That is a family reunion dinner。 The mooncakes and the moon represent the love from a family。 I think this is one of the most valuable things in the world。

Thirdly,it is a very good opportunity to make three wishes on Mid—Autumn Day。 My wishes are: the first, I, an astronaut in the future, would like to go to the moon one day, and stay with the sky and stars; the second, I hope every person in the world will stay with family, share love from the family forever; the third, I hope everybodys dream will come true。



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Once upon a time there were two lovely kitten, one day, the kitten hungry want to go to catch fish to eat. Them to the pool and saw a few small fish swimming in the water. Chan cats mouth water. So they want to catch a fish. However, he accidentally fell into the water, on the shore. They try very hard to of is called "help", "help!".

At this moment, a big white geese swim, quickly hauled to the cats. From then on, they became good friends.





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In the morning, out of the building, a large expanse of snow covered the ground, shining like a brilliant diamond.

Suddenly, a snowflake fell into my hand, and I closed the door quickly, and the snowflakes disappeared. But outside of the snowflakes in the air wave, the moment, fall in the arms of snow into a pearl like water, like cotton pile on the ground, it is a white world. Just like a white carpet, the ground has just returned to a vast expanse of whiteness, and I intend to paint it down.

Oh, what beautiful snow it is.



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Because the Palace Museum is a place of five thousand years of brilliance and ancient culture, so he has long been a tourist attraction in my heart, and this summer vacation I have finally made a dream come true.

In Beijing I will ride my father and mother went to the tiananmen square, across tiananmen square, the meridian gate of the world-famous greeted the hall of supreme harmony, the hall of supreme harmony majestic, magnificent, colorful glazed tile, such as a long arranged very neat. Curved corner with a monster, four up the eaves of the cock appear grand hall of supreme harmony, to the hall of supreme harmony, seventy-two large andalusite carved dragon painted chicken shows the architecture of the feudal monarchy. The golden roof reflects the majesty and status of the ancient Chinese emperors. The great hall looked solemn and solemn, but the beauty of the appearance was so monotonous and heavy that I was in vain. I dont know why I feel as if a group of puppets are standing respectfully on either side of the house. Incense sticks up in the incense burner, and the emperor sits high in the temple. The Palace Museum, a symbol of the ancient kingship, has been invaded by a brick and a brick. It is far from the palace of Buckingham Palace.

In the afternoon, we in addition to the front door, look back at taihe light standing in tiananmen square, this magnificent buildings, so the layout of the orderly, so solemn, not amazing, hope this trip to the Forbidden City will become my eternal memory.




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Winter is a serious old grandpa. Especially when cold lump-sum, grandpa is very difficult to have a smiling face. If is sunny weather is very cold, snow, then dont mention how cold, but I like snow.

Snow, snow swirl of float down, pieces of snow on the ground into the endless xue, really like me on the plane to see the sea of clouds, whiteness. Our children like snow very much. Have a snowball fight; Some make a snowman; Some built castle... . We have a good time, didnt feel cold.

Snow last winter is really big, and frozen. A heavy snow, I found my backyard and grandma have many crystal tin through ice sculptures: some like pillars, some high mountains, some like a long dragon... Various, as we saw in the huanglong cave landscape. I take the camera took lots of pictures from different angles, others saw I asked so desirable landscape?

Although winter grandpa is very serious, but I still like winter, I like snow in winter.







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Abilities and Good Looks (能力与外貌)

We are often told not to judge people by their appearance, because for a person, abilities are far more important than appearance. Throughout history, there are numerous examples of outstanding people with remarkable achievements who are just plain or not good-looking at all.

However, nowadays some people hold the belief that appearance outweighs abilities, partly because some beautiful people seem to have advantages in competitive situations like job interviews and have been given more opportunities than others.

Nevertheless, I still firmly believe that abilities are more important For one thing, although good looks are easy on the eye, it is always ones abilities that create values that really matter. For another, while peoples good looks were born to them, abilities have to be gained through deliberate self-cultivation and years of hardworking which speak more of peoples true colors. Last but not least, abilities grow over time while good looks only fade. Eventually, it is the abilities that help people succeed, so it is safe to say that abilities will always bring more to life than good looks.



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Nowadays ,more and more people prefer to work abroad rather than work at home According to statistics.since 1980, nearly two-thirds of the 1 million people who study overseas did not return home..Because they hold that there may have more possibilities to find a better job and earn more money overseas .

But others still believed that at home is better than overseas ,because there have many relationships for you ,which may make it easier for you to find a cozy job .

However ,I have another reason for working at home ,I think that it is also convenient for us to look after our family numbers ,because the reason why we want to find a better job is not only making a great living condition for our own but also bring comfort to our family numbers ,and with the rapid development of international trade ,more and more ideal jobs are waiting for us ,so I prefer to work at home.



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Spring, I never had strong feeling to spring before last year. Some people said spring should be a happy season. But I never sensed that. I always liked the autumn because I thought autumn was a romantic season. I liked summer when I was very young for I loved my skirt with lace.Now, I still like autumn and summer,while I like spring and winter. Before I disliked the various colors of the flowers,and I thought they are flighty and superficial. I thought only only the blue ocean is deep, the golden autumn is elegant. However, now I have a different idea that I find spring wonderful. I like the blossom in the field and in the moutain. From them I am spirited with life.

Spring is a wonderful season.Its getting warmer and warmer.People take off their heavy coat.The flowers begin to open .They are very beautiful and lovey.THe trees begin to turn green.The birds begin to sing here and there.Its often windy.So many people with their child to go to th park .THey like to fly kites.Look th grasses are grow up.The butterflies and the bees are flying.They are very happy too.

I like spring very much.Because it is very interesting and fun.What a beautiful spring!



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My mother

My mother’s name is nancy. She has long hair, two big eyes My mother likes sports and shopping. Her favourite sports are football and yoga. And her favourite food is ice cream. She also likes dogs and cats.

My mother is a high school techer, she works very hard and does very well in the school.

My mother also concerns my study. She always helps me study and play the piano. She is very glad when I make progress.

My mother loves me very much. And I love my mother too!



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True friends always come to you when their help is in need.They try their best to help you without thinking what they can get from it. This invariably wins them love and respect from otbers, for they devote themselves to the happiness of others.

Up to the time of my writing this article, Aero has been helping me with my selecting the courses with great effort. He is a friendly and zealous guy. I think he has been liked by others since long ago because of his characteristics. He is always brisk,enthusiastic, energetic and he is smiling no matter when or where you see him. However, I like him for some other reason.It seems that between us there is a special way to communicate and its not the usual way through which we communicate such as words and gestures. He has always been a friend of mine be cause I like the way he acts and lives and the way we communicate.

One morning a week ago, he came to me and asked if he could be of help. Actually I had been worrying about my course of this semester for days since I hadnt got any English courses yet! Still I was totally caught off guard by Aeros offer though he had always been kind. I thought it was my own business and it had never occurred to me that some other individual would offer to help with my selecting the courses. So I declined his kindness.  The very next day, I got a cough and it later turned out to be a four-day high fever. In those days, I was extremely weak and lay in bed all day long and hardly had any strength even to eat. I lost the power to keep an eye on the possible vacancies of the English courses ever since I got a high fever. I began to regret declining Aeros offer. Just at that moment, Aero called,asking about my health and told me to have a good rest, saying that he would shoulder the responsibility of selecting my English courses for me. Now I am writing this article as the homework of this writing course and Id like to re emphasize that it is all due to my friends effort that I have finally made it.

I was really grateful to him when he called and offered to help and it is hard to express my gratitude with words.  All I want to say about it is that at that moment, I realized that he had offered to help not because it made him feel he was important but because he meant business. Hes a man of integrity. I am proud of having such a friend.



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Good morning!everyone,I am XX,fromXXX,i am so happy to have a change to tell all of you my favorite animal—— panda.She comes from China,why did I love her?Because she is very cute,but she was very shy.Her body stout like bears,but the first round tail short,black and white fur and white head and body clear.She staple food of bamboo,but also addicted to love drinking water,most of the giant pandas homes are located near the water in streams,the nearest will be able to drink clear spring.




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