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Directions: "For thispart,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Attitude Is Everything by commenting on the proverb, “Every horse thinks its own pack heaviest."You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

Attitude Is Everything

There is a well-known proverb,"Every horse thinks its own pack heaviest," which means whether people feel optimistic or not lies in what attitudes they adopt. It is universally acknowledged that life is by no means perfect and a positive attitude makes life brighter. As the case stands, it is our attitude rather than the situation itself that determines how we feel.

On the one hand, a positive mind brings about an active life, because to be in a good mood or a bad mood is at one’ s own choice. On the other hand, looking at the bright side of the situation and remaining cheerful work out quite well when one is confronted with adversity.

In such a rat-race society, everyone is bound to encounter difficulties. In my opinion, we should keep an optimistic attitude to pull through any hardship, as we can say "attitude is everything".





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Boundless life road,how many flowers bloom and thanks,grass grass yellow,we have to come to terms with.Someone once said:"attitude decides everything." Yes,the attitude of life is critical to the fate.Have a healthy state of mind,can we better face the life,can receive the unexpected gift of life.

As is known to all,cao xueqins Lin daiyu,young and beautiful,whiny talent.However god but a great blow to this woman a.Her family breakdown,star-crossed lovers,young unfortunately made her into the sentimental character.She was pregnant with an extremely pessimistic attitude and to look at life,to look at my life and finally hematemesis and sweet with sorrow away jade loss."Red sweet break away who frets flower falls,two news not." Couldnt help a)!And another of the "dream of the red chamber" a JiNvZi-XueBaoChai,her detachment is worth a performance.Also faces family misfortune,life setbacks,she chose to accept the optimistic.She tolerant life inequality,and accepted his own misfortune.In the end,she was the jiamu recognition,marry her own SunXiFu,in charge of the whole family,will give play to the life to the highest point of the life!

Life is to a higher ruler.In the life of the road,always covered with thorns,filled with violent storms.If you choose the pessimistic attitude,can only make you to destruction.My father,who is a young fails,the university entrance exam disappointed,life blow,had made him once lost,even thought about in the bow before death!However,when he to summon up courage to face up to all of life,he was surprised to find,life still opened its doors to him,waving to him,to his smile.And so,he smiles to the life,to continue their life journey.

This as a poem said:"pessimistic person,listen to the song of the pessimistic,do the pessimistic,pessimistic life dreams; optimistic person,listen to the song of the optimism,do optimistic matter,optimistic life." Believe me,friend:a healthy state of mind,can let you above all!



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It is natural that difficulties hide in every corner of our life,so we have to face them at times.But the problem is that sometimes we can do nothing to the challenging situations as our abilities are limited.In this case,what can we do is to change our attitude towards these difficulties.Just as the saying goes,”You can’t change the weather,but you can change your mood.”

Facing the misfortunes in our lives,some people choose to adopt an optimistic attitude to cope with it,while some prefer to hold a pessimistic attitude to complain about what they have lost.It is clear that the former will treasure what they have to lead a happy and substantial life,and the latter will end up with grief and depression for a long time.Therefore,we can say life is like a mirror which laughs as you laugh and cries as you cry.We should keep in mind that attitude determines everything.

Above all,to be bravely faced with happiness and sadness in the future,we need to have an optimistic and active attitude towards life. Only in this way can we surmount the tough surroundings and gain more power to pursue our dreams.




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快乐是一种态度,它会给人一种力量,一种能改变命运,获得幸福的力量。 Happiness is an attitude. It will give people a force, a power that can change destiny and gain happiness.














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一般来说,现在使用的商务英语书信的格式主要有两种:传统的缩头式(the conventionalindented form) 和现代的齐头式(the modern blocked form) 。

根据英国传统做法,缩头式要在信文每一段缩进五或六个字母的空间,有时可能会缩进更多。现在,齐头式在商务英语书信中使用得非常普遍。它的突出特点就是所有信的内容都从信纸的左边开始,段落与段落之间要比缩头式多空出两到三行,以便于区分。这种格式被称作齐头式(the fullblocked form) 。但是,有时把日期放在信纸的左边会给查找带来不便,所以,人们使用了一种改良的齐头式(the modifiedblocked form) ,即把日期放在右边,而把其他内容放在左边。



(1) 信头(the letter - head)

(2) 案号和日期(the reference and date)

(3) 封内名称和地址(the inside name and address)

(4) 开头称呼语(the salutation)

(5) 信文(the message or the body of the letter)

(6) 结尾敬语(the complimentary close)

(7) 写信人签名或签署(the writer’s signature and designation)

(8) 注意事项(the attention line)

(9) 事由、标题(the subject line)

(10) 经办人代号(the reference notation)

(11) 附件(the enclosure)

(12) 抄送(the carbon copy notation)

(13) 附言(the postscript)


信头所包含的是写信人的基本情况,包括他的姓名、地址、电话号码、电传号码以及传真号码甚至E - mail 地址。信头在信纸的最上方,有的公司把信头直接印在所使用的信纸上。质量优良的信纸以及一个整洁、匀称的信头,可以展示一个公司的风采,增强公司的信誉。

案号是写信时所给的、以便查询的字母或数字。经常以“Our ref”和“Your ref”来区分。它的位置一般是在信头的右边。而日期在信头以下三行或四行,不管是齐头式还是缩头式,一般把日期放在右端,这可起到行尾的作用,使信看上去更整齐。在商务英语书信中,日期一定要写全,不能用数字的形式,因为美国和英国的日期标示法是不同的。英国的日期标示法是“24thMarch. 2002”, 而美国的日期标示法则是“March24 ,2002”。月、日的后面用逗号,年份后面不用标点。



开头称呼语是写信人开始信文的礼貌用语,一般商务英语书信中多用Dear Sir , Dear Sirs 或Gentlemen ,并且独立成行,在封内名称和地址以下三行。在Dear Sir 或Dear Sirs 后面用逗号,而在Gentlemen 后面用冒号。


结尾敬语是信件结束时的一种礼貌用语。它只是一种礼貌用语,在信中没有实际意义,传统使之成为必须,并已成为习惯,所以一直沿用至今。传统的结尾敬语有: Yours faithfully , Yours truly(多用于美国) 等,也有人用倒装的Faithfullyyours , Truly yours 等。结尾敬语必须和信文紧连一起,不能分开,更不能把它单独放到另一页。如遇此种情况,则信件必须重新安排、打印。


注意事项的习惯用语是:For the attention of 或简单的Attention ,下面一般要加上横线。当信件是写给特定的人或主办部门时,则用此用语。它在开头称呼语以上两行。除齐头式外,可放在信文以上中间。



附件在经办人代号以下两行。写信人可标示出一个或多个信中所提到的附件。经常使用的形式有: Enclosure , Enclosures ,Encl. ,Enc. 等。

抄送在附件以下两行。抄送有明、暗两种方式。明示的标记为cc ,后面加上收件人或公司的名字,可打印在原件和复印件上。暗示的标记为bcc ,后加收件人或公司的名字,只打印在复印件上,并且只有写信人和收信人知道。






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生活是一种态度,得失是一种心境。请你就我的生活态度写一篇作文吧。下面小编给大家带来我的生活态度英语优秀作文,供你参阅。 我的生活态度英语作文篇一

My Attitude towards Life

Life is an endless voyage, as theres no destination in our life. Life is also very fickle, since anything may happen in our life. We may be successful or defeated at any time.


Sometimes, I have the feeling that I was successful, but that happiest time has already passed away. Sometimes, I feel as if I went to the end of my life, but after a long tour, I find I have a long way to go. I always miss myself in this endless road and I feel very lonely. But in this loneliness, theres nothing to fear. So I have learned to grow up. I have learned to hold back my tears. I have learned to smile to others.


Im not defeated. However hard the situation is, I will never give up! However hard the situation is, I will never say I cant! However hard the situation is, I will never stop running! Never!

我不会被打败的。不管处境有多么艰难,我都不会放弃!不管处境有多么艰难,我绝不会说我不行!不管处境多么困难,我永远不会停止奔跑!绝对不会! 我的生活态度英语作文篇二

Whatever we have undergone in our life, we shouldnt complain about it. We may get a lot or lose so much in our life journey, but keeping a positive attitude should always be together with us. Nothing can defeat us if we are confident and diligent. Just as saying goes, God is equal to everyone. As he closes the door, he will also open a window for us.


Even though were poor in knowledge, our thinking is infinite. Maybe we will make some great achievements because of our enthusiasm. Whether were experienced or not, it doesnt matter. Enthusiasm will take us further and deeper.


Please remember, everyone is so talented, and no one is born stupid. Since theres an old saying, “Through a sand, we can see a world. In a flower, we can find a heaven."

请记住,每个人都是很有才华的,没有人是天生愚蠢的。因为有句老话,“通过一粒砂,我们可以看到一个世界。通过一朵花,我们可以找到一个天堂。” 我的生活态度英语作文篇三

Different people have different lifestyles. They do the same things from morning to evening every day.

Usually, they write their plans on paper. But sometimes they remember what things they will do in their minds. I also have my own lifestyle. It is wonderful! I get up early on weekdays, and do the school things then. But at the weekend, I never get up early. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. One day, I stayed in bed very late. It was a weekday. The clock rang. It was six thirty. But I didn’t hear it. I stayed in bed until seven o’clock. I looked at the clock and jumped from the bed to the floor. I was afraid, “Oh, my God, I will be late.” I shouted. So I didn’t have breakfast. I put on my shoes and took a taxi to the school. I was in good luck that day. I wasn’t late for school. I was pleased that time.

I think I should get up earlier on weekdays or I will be late. I believe you get up earlier on weekdays. Best wishes for you. 我的生活态度英语作文篇四

Whatever we have undergone in our life, we shouldnt complain about it. We may get a lot or lose so much in our life journey, but keeping a positive attitude should always be together with us. Nothing can defeat us if we are confident and diligent. Just as saying goes, God is equal to everyone. As he closes the door, he will also open a window for us.




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Internet may have been one of the most influential but disputable existences in the world,ever since its first appearance in the late 1960s.Internet has accelerated the world’s development with an incredible speed; nevertheless,it has brought this world many burdens.Nowadays,nobody can imagine what the world will be without this double-edged sword.

In my opinion,the most prominent contribution Internet has made to the world is,to offer every one of us such a convenient access to the vast outside information-based society.With appropriate use of Internet,the distances between people of different nations and countries are shortened.As long as you have a computer with network,you can easily get all kinds of information you need or the latest news from Internet,moreover,you can contact private friends or business companions all at your disposal via Internet.A coin has its two sides,and Internet is no exception to a coin.While bringing the world great convenience,Internet also gives out many negative effects,such as some porn websites,addiction in online games and so on.Especially the young people,with less self-restraint,if misled,will be likely to indulge themselves in the harmful parts of Internet.As a result,many of them lost their interests in study and eventually become,in a manner,uneducated people.Such examples are not rare in reports.

Given the above arguments,I honestly hope we can make good and full use of Internet,this marvelous fruitful creation of mankind.Although it’s a double-edged sword,with correct selection and decision,Internet has contributed a lot to the whole society and it will go on in this way.



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These two cartoons show two contrasting scenes. While the male student spends all his time and money playing Internet games, the female student studies diligently. One could easily argue that a bright future awaits the students who study hard, while those who waste tuition playing games have little to look forward to. The above images encourage students to value their time in school and take advantage of educational opportunities.

While students dream of being accepted into college for years, they often become lost once admitted. Without their parents‘ constant support and advice, or because of limited communication with teachers, many students are unable to focus on their future goals.

Such confusion leads some to forget their studies and resort to playing on the Internet, among other forms of recreation. Students should not only keep their ambitions in mind, but also seriously strive towards them. Without a clear purpose, one might easily waste crucial years neglecting one‘s studies.

Constantly playing on the Internet leads to failure, while continuously studying guarantees success. Students need to appreciate their time in school, and work hard in order to ensure a good future.




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往往只有那些保持乐观态度的人才能嗅到成功的味道,走向成功。因此,我们应该保持乐观的态度。 often only those who maintain an optimistic attitude can smell the taste of success and move towards success.Therefore, we should maintain an optimistic attitude.












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Everyone has difficulties, but everyone has a different attitude when facing difficulties. Some people do not want to overcome, do not want to adhere to; some people hard, persevere. Life on the road without difficulties and obstacles, only persevere to get what we want in life.

The Xuanwu emperor year in Wudang Mountains on practice, had not because of a good grasp of their own, the heart is evil, angrily decided not to practice down. When he arrived at the foot of the mountain, he saw an old woman grinding an iron bar on a stone slab. It was very strange, and he came up and asked, "what are you doing?"" The old woman replied: "I was grinding." Xuanwu asked again, "when can the iron rod be ground into a needle?"" "Days are long, nature can become needles."." The old woman said. Xuanwu suddenly realized that he would return immediately, devote himself to practice and eventually become a great emperor.

Edison invented tens of thousands of things that are indispensable to us today. That year, when he invented the electric light, try out thousands of materials, finally found a suitable material ___ tungsten, brought the light to the people.

The Xuanwu emperor and Edison is because they understand the truth to persevere, concentrated practice and research, finally the achievements in history.

A man can only achieve something by perseverance. On the contrary, if a person is not hard, persevere, only seek comfort and enjoyment, so he wont have what as big, is likely to die.

Once the three friends went ascetic, lived a secluded life in the deep mountains and forests. Suddenly one day, suddenly died of illness, a and B are very sad. A to B said: "we have a hard time here, wearing a frock to eat wild herbs every day, for what? I decided to go back to my hometown and live a rich life in the world." So a B regardless of the discouraged, still take off the frock to go downhill. Go back after a really live a rich life, but also made official career smoothly, be promoted step by step, the harem. Once, a decree chuxun, just passing through his previous religious place, run into B. Two people greet, a see B has marble immortal, regret.

If he had listened to the second, he had been discouraged and devoted himself to practice and did not seek fame and wealth, and he would not be so upset that he could enjoy the immortal life like Otsuichi.

Dream is like a seed, only persevere, dare to struggle, to Potuerchu become a towering tree; the dream is like a stone, only unremittingly, willing to pay, can become a piece of jade; dream like a cocoon, only unremittingly, the courage to struggle to become a butterfly.

Everyone has a dream, everyones dream is good, but because of various reasons, dare not face the difficulties, so as to give up their dreams, think that unreachable. In fact, the difficulty is like a window paper, only if you pierce it, you will find that the outside world is wonderful.

Let us bravely break through the way of life of the layers of "paper", like flying in the sky like an eagle, courage to pursue their dreams!



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没有世界,什么都不必说。但有了世界,却什么都很难说! There is no world, no need to say anything.But with the world, it is difficult to say anything!











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When we watch TV, there are so many beautiful models, wearing beautiful dress with their skinny body, they are sending out such message that if you are skinny, you’ll be looking gorgeous just as them. Affecting by the trend, young people loose weight by no means.


On the one hand, some young people lose weight by taking medicine, even eat no food. The ads are always leading the young people to the wrong thought, they tell people that they can loose weight quickly by taking some pills, which are doubted by the doctors. In order to look as the movie starts, people even reject to take food, they eat fruit and fight against hunger.


On the other hand, some young people keep the clear mind, they make themselves look perfect by doing exercise and keep balanced diet. Their purpose is not looking as good as movie starts, but for keeping fit. They don’t believe in the ads, they believe that lose weight not properly will hurt the body, so they pay special attention to the health.


Loosing weight is hard work, even dangerous thing, if we are so blind to loose weight, we will lose our life. Young people should take care to the healthy way.





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By Francie Baltazar-Schwartz

Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate. He was always in a good mood and always had something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "If I were any better, I would be twins!"

He was a unique manager because he had several waiters who had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed Jerry was because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.

Seeing this really made me curious, so one day I went up to Jerry and asked him, "I don‘t get it! You can‘t be a positive person all of the time. How do you do it?" Jerry replied, "Each morning I wake up and say to myself, Jerry, you have two choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or you can choose to be in a bad mood.‘ I choose to be in a good mood. Each time something bad happens, I can choose to be a victim or I can choose to learn from it. I choose to learn from it. Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life. I choose the positive side of life."

"Yeah, right, it‘s not that easy," I protested.

"Yes it is," Jerry said. "Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every situation is a choice. You choose how you react to situations. You choose how people will affect your mood. You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line: It‘s your choice how you live life."

I reflected on what Jerry said. Soon thereafter, I left the restaurant industry to start my own business. We lost touch, but often thought about him when I made a choice about life instead of reacting to it.

Several years later, I heard that Jerry did something you are never supposed to do in a restaurant business: he left the back door open one morning and was held up at gunpoint by three armed robbers. While trying to open the safe, his hand, shaking from nervousness, slipped off the combination. The robbers panicked and shot him. Luckily, Jerry was found relatively quickly and rushed to the local trauma center. After 18 hours of surgery and weeks of intensive care, Jerry was released from the hospital with fragments of the bullets still in his body.

I saw Jerry about six months after the accident. When I asked him how he was, he replied, "If I were any better, I‘d be twins. Wanna see my scars?"

I declined to see his wounds, but did ask him what had gone through his mind as the robbery took place. "The first thing that went through my mind was that I should have locked the back door," Jerry replied. "Then, as I lay on the floor, I remembered that I had two choices: I could choose to live, or I could choose to die. I chose to live.

"Weren‘t you scared? Did you lose consciousness?" I asked. Jerry continued, "The paramedics were great. They kept telling me I was going to be fine. But when they wheeled me into the emergency room and I saw the expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared. In their eyes, I read, ‘He‘s a dead man. " I knew I needed to take action."

"What did you do?" I asked.

"Well, there was a big, burly nurse shouting questions at me," said Jerry. "She asked if I was allergic to anything. ‘Yes,‘ I replied. The doctors and nurses stopped working as they waited for my reply.. I took a deep breath and yelled, ‘Bullets!‘ Over their laughter, I told them, ‘I am choosing to live. Operate on me as if I am alive, not dead."

Jerry lived thanks to the skill of his doctors, but also because of his amazing attitude. I learned from him that every day we have the choice to live fully. Attitude, after all, is everything.




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记得那一次,我放学回家后,发现桌子上有着一个崭新的剃须机。不用说,这一定是妈妈送给爸爸的生日礼物。我很好奇剃须机的功能,于是便拿着它玩了起来。不一会儿,只听“哈啾——”一声外还伴随着“咔嚓”一声。原来是我打哈欠的时候,不小心把剃须机甩了出去, 剃须机摔倒在地面上,我试了一试,发现它的零件严重受损。那时候,我惊慌失措,前一秒的我还兴高采烈,而后一秒的我却是不知所措。为了掩饰自己的错误,我将损坏的剃须机放回原位。装模作样地写起作业来,心中既忐忑不安,又很后悔。心想:妈妈回来后发现了怎么办?会不会打我?会不会骂我?会不会……我真后悔自己去玩剃须机。






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People always believe that when there is pressure, there is motivation, it seems that pressure equals motivation.

We need pressure, it makes us keep move on, with pressure, we know what to do and how to fulfill our targets. Without pressure, we are just like a child, never grow up, having no idea of responsibility. It is pressure that makes us become mature, we should have pressure, it indeed equals motivation at the certain level. While having too much pressure is bad for our mind, it is just like a burden that presses our mind, making people hard to take a breath.

Nowadays the case of people commit suicide is increasing, the reason is that people can’t take a breath from much pressure, they feel there is no hope in life, no matter what they do, life just frustrates them. We should have the right attitude towards pressure.



